Bachelor Theses, Programming Systems Lab, Prof. Gert Smolka

If you are interested in a topic for a thesis, please contact Prof. Smolka or a researcher of the Lab whose work you find interesting.

As part of your thesis work, you will participate in our Graduate Seminar. You will give two talks in this seminar. In the first talk (10 min), you will explain the problem and how you want to approach it. In the second talk (20 min), you will present your submitted thesis.

When you start your thesis work, your supervisor will provide you with a problem specification (1 page). You will maintain a web page devoted to your thesis work. The problem specification, the thesis and related software and documentation will be made available through this page (see examples below).

Thesis Projects in Progress

Christian Hümbert, 2004,
A Proof Assistant for Higher-order Predicate Logic. (Betreuer: Smolka)

Mark Kaminski, 2004,
Is Higher-order Boolean Logic Complete? (Betreuer: Smolka)

Patrick Pekczynski, 2004,
Implementation and Evaluation of Advanced Propagation Algorithms for Global Constraints (Betreuer: Tack, Kuhlmann)

Simon Georg Pinkel, 2004,
Alice Server Pages (Betreuer: Tack)

Thesis Projects Completed

Matthias Berg, 2004,
Polymorphic Lambda Calculus with Dynamic Types (Betreuer: Smolka, Tack)

Marvan Odeh, 2004,
Modellierung natürlicher Sprachen mit Hilfe von TDG (Topologische Dependenzgrammatik) (Betreuer: Debusmann)

Christian Müller, 2004,
Interpreter für getypte Lambda-Kalküle (Betreuer: Tack, Smolka)

Mathias Möhl, 2004,
Modelling Natural Language with Topological Dependency Grammar (Betreuer: Debusmann)

Robert Grabowski, 2003,
Eine GTK-Schnittstelle für Alice (Betreuer: Brunklaus und Rossberg)

Bernadette Blum und Marvin Schiller, 2003,
Ein Browser für Alice (Betreuer: Brunklaus und Rossberg)

Jens Regenberg, 2003,
Ein Debugger für die Alice VM (Betreuer: Brunklaus und Kornstaedt)

Matthias Horbach und Sven Woop, 2002,
Effiziente Datenstrukturen für Lambda-Bäume (Betreuer: Smolka)

Dainius Ramanauskas, 2002,
Bibliothekssystem der Computerlinguistik (Betreuer: Schulte)

Guido Tack, 2002,
Integrated Oz Search Factory (Betreuer: Schulte)

Jan Schwinghammer, 2002,
Jacke: A Parser-Generator Tool for Standard ML (Betreuer: Kornstaedt und Rossberg)

Marco Kuhlmann, 2001,
Tiny Constraint Modelling Language (Betreuer: Schulte)

Martin Homik, 1999,
JOz: Grafisches Java-Oz Frontend (Betreuer: Schulte)

Gert Smolka ()