a small plugin to derive a list of all constructors of an inductive type

Require Import MetaCoq.Template.All.

Require Import List String.
Import ListNotations MonadNotation Nat.
Require Import MetaCoq.Template.Pretty.

Require Import List String.
Open Scope string.

Unset Strict Unquote Universe Mode.

Definition getCtorsSimpl {A} (ind:A) : TemplateMonad unit :=
  tm <- tmQuote ind;;
  match tm with
  | tInd (mkInd kername idx as induct) _ =>
      mbody <- tmQuoteInductive kername;;
      match nth_error mbody.(ind_bodies) idx with
      | Some ibody =>
          ctors <- monad_map
            (fun '(na,t,count) =>
              tmUnquoteTyped Type (subst10 tm t)
          tmPrint ctors
      | None => tmFail "the mutual inductive index was wrong" (* can't happen *)
  | _ => tmFail "argument has to be an inductive type"

MetaCoq Run (getCtorsSimpl nat).
Fail MetaCoq Run (getCtorsSimpl list).

Definition listCtors : list ({ T : Type & T}).
  apply cons.
  2: apply cons.
  3: apply nil.
  - exists (forall (A:Type), list A).
    exact @nil.
  - exists (forall (A:Type), A -> list A -> list A).
    exact @cons.

(* Set Printing Universes. *)
Print listCtors.
About listCtors.

Definition natCtors : list ({ T : Type & T}).
  apply cons.
  - exists nat.
    exact O.
  - apply cons.
    + exists (nat->nat).
      exact S.
    + apply nil.

Print natCtors.

Definition getCtors {A} (ind:A) : TemplateMonad unit :=
  tm <- tmQuote ind;;
  match tm with
  | tInd (mkInd kername idx as induct) _ =>
      mbody <- tmQuoteInductive kername;;
      match nth_error mbody.(ind_bodies) idx with
      | Some ibody =>
          ctors <- monad_map_i
            (fun i '(na,t,count) =>
              ctorType <- tmUnquoteTyped Type (subst10 tm t);;
              ctor <- tmUnquoteTyped ctorType (tConstruct induct i []);;
              tmEval lazy ((ctorType;ctor): T : Type, T)
          tmDefinition (append ibody.(ind_name) "_ctors") ctors;;
          tmPrint ctors
      | None => tmFail "the mutual inductive index was wrong" (* can't happen *)
  | _ => tmFail "argument has to be an inductive type"

MetaCoq Run (getCtors nat).
Print nat_ctors.

MetaCoq Run (getCtors Acc).
MetaCoq Run (getCtors or).
MetaCoq Run (getCtors sig).
Print or_ctors.
Print sig_ctors.
MetaCoq Run (getCtors option).
MetaCoq Run (getCtors term).
(* MetaCoq Run (getCtorsSimpl list). *)