test of the unary parametricity translation

From MetaCoq Require Import Template.All.
Require Import List String.
Import ListNotations MonadNotation.
Require Import MetaCoq.Template.Pretty.

From MetaCoq.Checker Require Import All.
From MetaCoq.Translations Require Import translation_utils.
From MetaCoq.Translations Require Import param_original.

(* Import VectorDef. *)

(* Section Vector. *)
(*   Require Import Vector. *)
(*   MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate nat_TC "t" ;; *)
(*                   tmDefinition "vec_TC" TC ). *)
(*   Print tᵗ. *)
(*   Print natᵗ. *)
(*   Print Oᵗ. *)
(*   Print Sᵗ. *)
(* End Vector. *)

(* MetaCoq Run (Translate emptyTC "list"). *)

MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate emptyTC "list" ;;
                tmDefinition "list_TC" TC ).
Print list_TC.
Print list.
Print list_ind.

Inductive AllI {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) : list A -> Type :=
    All_nil : AllI P []
  | All_cons : forall (x : A) (l : list A), P x -> AllI P l -> AllI P (x :: l).
(* Print All_Forall.All. *)
(* Definition all_ind := @All_Forall.All. *)
(* Print all_ind. *)

MetaCoq Run (tmQuoteInductive "AllI" >>= tmPrint).

Unset Strict Unquote Universe Mode.

(* MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate list_TC "AllI" ;; *)
(*                 tmDefinition "All_TC" TC ). *)

Require Import nested_datatypes.

Inductive roseTreeO3P (X:Type) : Prop :=
  treeO3P (x:X) (xs:list X) (xxs:roseTreeO3P X) (xsxs: list (roseTreeO3P X)).

MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate list_TC "roseTreeO3P" ;;
                tmDefinition "roseTreeO3P_TC" TC ).
Print roseTreeO3P.

(* need Prop for max universe *)
Inductive rtreeProp A : Prop :=
| LeafProp (a:A)
| NodeProp (l:list (rtreeProp A)).

(* Inductive rtreePropᵗ (A : Type) (Aᵗ : A -> Type) : rtreeProp A -> Prop := *)
(*     LeafPropᵗ : forall a : A, Aᵗ a -> rtreePropᵗ A Aᵗ (LeafProp A a) *)
(*   | NodePropᵗ : forall l : list (rtreeProp A), *)
(*       listᵗ (rtreeProp A) (rtreePropᵗ A Aᵗ) l -> rtreePropᵗ A Aᵗ (NodeProp A l). *)
(* Print rtreePropᵗ_ind. *)

MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate list_TC "rtreeProp" ;;
                tmDefinition "rtreeProp_TC" TC ).
Print rtreeProp.
Print rtreeProp_ind.
this weak principle is nearly the wanted induction
listᵗ (rtreeProp A) (rtreePropᵗ A Aᵗ) l
instead of
listᵗ (rtreeProp A) P l
inside the constructor case

Print rtreeProp_ind.

MetaCoq Run (Translate rtreeProp_TC "rtreeProp_ind").
Print rtreeProp_ind.

MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate emptyTC "prod" ;;
                tmDefinition "prod_TC" TC ).
Print prod.

(* Definition vec := VectorDef.t. *)
(* Print VectorDef.t. *)
Inductive vec (A : Type) : nat -> Type :=
    vecnil : vec A 0
  | veccons : A ->
           forall n : nat,
             vec A n -> vec A (S n).
MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate nat_TC "vec" ;;
                tmDefinition "vec_TC" TC ).
Print vec.

Inductive G (f:nat->bool) : nat -> Prop :=
  GI : forall n, (f n = false -> G f (S n)) -> G f n.

(* MetaCoq Run (TC <- TranslateRec emptyTC "G" ;; *)
(*                 tmDefinition "G_TC" TC ). *)

MetaCoq Run (TC <- TranslateRec emptyTC G ;;
                tmDefinition "TC" TC).
Print G.

(* MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate bool_TC "eq" ;; *)
(*                 tmDefinition "eq_TC" TC ). *)
(* (* Print G_TC. *) *)
(* MetaCoq Run (TC <- Translate eq_TC "G" ;; *)
(*                 tmDefinition "G2_TC" TC ). *)
(* Print Gᵗ. *)

Print Acc.
MetaCoq Run (TranslateRec emptyTC Acc).
Print Acc.

MetaCoq Run (TranslateRec bool_TC containerInd4).
Print containerInd4.

Print bool.
Print nat.