Post-processing of unary parametricity translation to remove unneeded arguments

From MetaCoq Require Import Template.All.
Require Import List String.
Import ListNotations MonadNotation.
Require Import MetaCoq.Template.Pretty.

From MetaCoq.Checker Require Import All.
From MetaCoq.Translations Require Import translation_utils.
From MetaCoq.Translations Require Import param_original.

Fixpoint isAugmentable (isMain:bool) (t:term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tSort _ => negb isMain
  | tProd _ t1 t2 =>
      (isAugmentable false t1)
      (isAugmentable isMain t2)
  | _ => false

Print tmQuoteInductive.

Fixpoint nonAugInd (t:term) : TemplateMonad bool :=
  match t with
  | tInd (mkInd kname idx) u =>
    mind <- tmQuoteInductive kname;;
    match nth_error (mind.(ind_bodies)) idx with
      None => tmReturn true
    | Some oind => tmReturn (negb (isAugmentable true oind.(ind_type)))
  | tApp t1 _ => nonAugInd t1
  | tProd _ t1 t2 =>
      b1 <- nonAugInd t1;;
      b2 <- nonAugInd t2;;
      tmReturn (orb b1 b2)
  | _ => tmReturn false

Definition deLift01 := subst [tRel 0] 0.

Fixpoint removeNonAugList (xs:list context_decl) :=
  match xs with
  | t1::t2::xr =>
    b <- nonAugInd t1.(decl_type);;
    tl <- removeNonAugList xr;;
      if b : bool then
  | _ => tmReturn xs

Fixpoint removeNonAugmentable (t:term) (c:nat)
match t with
| tProd na t1 (tProd na2 t2 t3) =>
    rt3p <- removeNonAugmentable t3 (S (S c));;
    let (rt3,xs) := rt3p : term * list nat in
    b <- nonAugInd t1;;
      if b:bool then
        (tProd na t1 (deLift01 rt3), S c::xs) (* lift -1 *)
        (tProd na t1 (tProd na2 t2 rt3), xs)
| _ => tmReturn (t,[])

Fixpoint removeElements (xs:list term) (ys:list nat) (n:nat) :=
  match ys,xs with
  | y::yr,t::tr =>
      if Nat.eqb y n then
        removeElements tr yr (S n)
        t::removeElements tr (y::yr) (S n)
  | _,_ => xs

(* & tRel0 calls in arguments are missing *)
(* is not working properly *)
Fixpoint removeArgList (t:term) (xs:list nat) (rec:nat) :=
  match t with
  | tProd na t1 t2 =>
      tProd na (removeArgList t1 xs rec) (removeArgList t2 xs (S rec))
  | tApp (tRel n) tl =>
      if Nat.eqb n rec then
        mkApps (tRel n) (removeElements tl xs 0)
  | _ => t

Print one_inductive_body.
Check Build_one_inductive_body.

Print monad_map.

Definition cleanOInd (ind:one_inductive_body) :=
  xp <- removeNonAugmentable ind.(ind_type) 0;;
  let (t,xs) := xp : term * list nat in
  (* tmPrint xs;; *)
  ctors <- monad_map
    (fun '(na,t,n) =>
      tp <- removeNonAugmentable t 0;;
      newName <- tmFreshName na;;
let rmt := removeArgList tp.1 xs 0 in
      tmReturn (newName,rmt,n)
    (* tmMsg "A". *)
  oldName <- tmEval all ind.(ind_name);;
  newName <- tmFreshName oldName;;
      (* ind.(ind_ctors) *)

Definition cleanInd (kname:kername) (idx:nat) (u:Instance.t) :=
    mind <- tmQuoteInductive kname;;
    nparam <- (removeNonAugList (rev mind.(ind_params)));;
    noinds <- monad_map cleanOInd mind.(ind_bodies);;
    (* tmMsg "Fin" *)
    tmMkInductive (mind_body_to_entry {|
      ind_finite := mind.(ind_finite);
      ind_npars := #|nparam|;
      ind_params := rev nparam;
      ind_bodies := noinds;
      ind_universes := mind.(ind_universes);
      ind_variance := mind.(ind_variance)
    match nth_error noinds idx with
      None => tmFail "no inductive was constructed"
    | Some oind => tmReturn oind.(ind_name)

Definition cleanIndTop {T} (t:T) :=
  tq <- tmQuote t;;
  match tq with
  | tInd (mkInd kname idx) u =>
      cleanInd kname idx u
  | _ => tmFail "inductive expected"

(* TODO get name/ind somehow *)