Constructive Analysis of Completeness Theorems

Require Export Gentzen.
Require Export Kripke.
Require Export GenCompleteness.
Require Export Stability.

Exploding and Minimal Models

Section KripkeCompleteness.
  Context {Sigma : Signature}.

  Hint Constructors sprv.

  Instance universal_interp : interp term :=
    {| i_f := Func ; i_F := False ; i_P := fun _ _ => False |}.

  Lemma universal_interp_eval rho t :
    eval rho t = t[rho].
    induction t using strong_term_ind; comp; asimpl; try congruence. f_equal.

  Section Contexts.
    Context {b : bottom}.

    Instance K_ctx : kmodel term :=
        reachable := @incl form ;
        k_interp := universal_interp ;
        k_P := fun A P v => sprv b A None (Pred P v) ;
        k_Bot := fun A => sprv b A None
      1,3,4: abstract (eauto using seq_Weak).
      - abstract (intuition; now apply (incl_tran H)).

    Lemma K_ctx_correct (A : list form) rho phi :
      (rho ⊨(A, K_ctx ) phi -> A S phi[rho]) /\
      ((forall B psi, A <<= B -> B ;; phi[rho] s psi -> B S psi) -> rho ⊨(A, K_ctx) phi).
      revert A rho; enough ((forall A rho, rho ⊨( A, K_ctx) phi -> A S phi[rho]) /\ (forall A rho, (forall B psi, A <<= B -> B;; phi[rho] s psi -> B S psi) -> rho ⊨( A, K_ctx) phi)) by intuition.
      induction phi as [| t1 t2 | phi [IHphi1 IHphi2] psi [IHpsi1 IHpsi2] | phi [IHphi1 IHphi2]]; cbn; asimpl; split; intros A rho.
      - tauto.
      - eauto.
      - now rewrite (vec_ext (fun x => universal_interp_eval rho x)).
      - rewrite (vec_ext (fun x => universal_interp_eval rho x)). eauto.
      - intros Hsat. apply IR, IHpsi1. apply Hsat, IHphi2. 1: intuition. eauto.
      - intros H B HB Hphi % IHphi1. apply IHpsi2. intros C xi HC Hxi. apply H.
        1: now transitivity B. eauto using seq_Weak.
      - intros Hsat. apply AllR. pose (phi' := subst_form (var_term 0 .: (rho >> subst_term (S >> var_term))) phi).
        destruct (find_unused_L (phi' :: A)). eapply seq_nameless_equiv with (n := x) (phi0 := phi').
        + intros xi Hxi. apply u. constructor. intuition.
        + apply u. omega. intuition.
        + asimpl. apply IHphi1. rewrite ksat_ext. 2: reflexivity. now apply Hsat.
      - intros H t. apply IHphi2. intros B psi HB Hpsi. apply H. assumption.
        apply AllL with (t0 := t). now asimpl in *.

    Corollary K_ctx_sprv A rho phi :
      rho ⊨(A, K_ctx) phi -> A S phi[rho].
      now destruct (K_ctx_correct A rho phi).

    Corollary K_ctx_ksat A rho phi :
      (forall B psi, A <<= B -> B ;; phi[rho] s psi -> B S psi) -> rho ⊨(A, K_ctx) phi.
      now destruct (K_ctx_correct A rho phi).
  End Contexts.

  Section ExplodingCompleteness.
    Lemma K_ctx_exploding :
      kexploding (@K_ctx expl).
      intros A rho P v B HB Hbot % K_ctx_sprv. apply K_ctx_ksat.
      intros B' psi HB' Hprv. comp. eauto using seq_Weak.

    Lemma K_exp_completeness A phi :
      A KE phi -> A SE phi.
      intros Hsat. erewrite <-idSubst_form. apply K_ctx_sprv with (rho := ids). 2: reflexivity.
      apply Hsat. 1: apply K_ctx_exploding. intros psi Hpsi. apply K_ctx_ksat. intros B xi HB Hxi.
      asimpl in Hxi. eauto.

    Lemma K_exp_seq_ksoundness A phi :
      A SE phi -> A KE phi.
      intros H % seq_ND. apply @ksoundness with (b := expl). 2: apply H. firstorder.
  End ExplodingCompleteness.

  Section BottomlessCompleteness.
    Lemma K_bottomless_completeness A phi :
      A KBL phi -> A SL phi.
      intros Hsat. erewrite <-idSubst_form. apply K_ctx_sprv with (rho := ids). 2: reflexivity.
      apply Hsat. 1: apply I. intros psi Hpsi. apply K_ctx_ksat. intros B xi HB Hxi.
      asimpl in Hxi. eauto.
  End BottomlessCompleteness.

Standard Models

  Section StandardCompleteness.
    Context {HdF : eq_dec Funcs} {HdP : eq_dec Preds}.
    Context {HeF : enumT Funcs} {HeP : enumT Preds}.

    Variable sprv_stab : forall A psi phi, stable (sprv expl A psi phi).

    Definition cons A := ~ A SE .
    Definition cons_ctx := { A | cons A }.
    Definition ctx_incl (A B : cons_ctx) := incl (proj1_sig A) (proj1_sig B).

    Hint Unfold cons cons_ctx ctx_incl.

    Notation "A <<=C B" := (ctx_incl A B) (at level 20).
    Notation "A ⊢SC phi" := (proj1_sig A SE phi) (at level 20).
    Notation "A ;; psi ⊢sC phi" := (proj1_sig A ;; psi sE phi) (at level 20).

    Ltac dest_con_ctx :=
      match goal with
      | [ |- forall u : cons_ctx, _] => let Hu := fresh "H" u in intros [u Hu]
      | [ A : cons_ctx |- _] => let HA := fresh "H" A in destruct A as [A HA]

    Ltac cctx := repeat (progress dest_con_ctx); comp.

    Hint Extern 1 => cctx.

    Instance K_std : kmodel term :=
        reachable := ctx_incl ;
        k_interp := universal_interp ;
        k_P := fun A P v => A SC (Pred P v) ;
        k_Bot := fun A => A SC
      - abstract eauto.
      - abstract (cctx; firstorder).
      - abstract (eauto using seq_Weak).
      - abstract (cctx; firstorder).

    Lemma nsprv_cons A phi :
      (forall H, (exist cons A H) SC phi) -> A SE phi.
      intros Hcon. apply sprv_stab. intros H. apply H. eauto.

    Lemma K_std_correct (A : cons_ctx) rho phi :
      (rho ⊨(A, K_std) phi -> A SC phi[rho]) /\
      ((forall B psi, A <<=C B -> B ;; phi[rho] sC psi -> B SC psi) -> rho ⊨(A, K_std) phi).
      revert A rho; enough ((forall A rho, rho ⊨( A, K_std) phi -> A SC phi[rho]) /\ (forall A rho, (forall B psi, A <<=C B -> B;; phi[rho] sC psi -> B SC psi) -> rho ⊨( A, K_std) phi)) by intuition.
      induction phi as [| t1 t2 | phi [IHphi1 IHphi2] psi [IHpsi1 IHpsi2] | phi [IHphi1 IHphi2]].
      all: cbn; asimpl; split; intros A rho.
      - tauto.
      - intros H. apply H; eauto.
      - now rewrite (vec_ext (fun x => universal_interp_eval rho x)).
      - rewrite (vec_ext (fun x => universal_interp_eval rho x)). intros H. apply H; eauto.
      - intros Hsat. apply IR. apply nsprv_cons. intros Hcon. apply IHpsi1, Hsat, IHphi2; cctx.
        1: intuition. eauto.
      - intros H B HB Hphi % IHphi1. apply IHpsi2. intros C xi HC Hxi. apply H; cctx.
        1: now transitivity B. eauto using seq_Weak.
      - pose (phi' := subst_form (var_term 0 .: (rho >> subst_term (S >> var_term))) phi).
        intros Hsat. apply AllR. cctx. destruct (find_unused_L (phi' :: A)).
        eapply seq_nameless_equiv with (n := x) (phi0 := phi').
        + intros xi Hxi. apply u. constructor. intuition.
        + apply u. omega. intuition.
        + asimpl. apply (IHphi1 (exist cons A HA)). 1: rewrite ksat_ext. 2: reflexivity. now apply Hsat.
      - intros H t. apply IHphi2. intros B psi HB Hpsi. apply H. assumption.
        apply AllL with (t0 := t). now asimpl in *.

    Corollary K_std_sprv A rho phi :
      rho ⊨(A, K_std) phi -> A SC phi[rho].
      now destruct (K_std_correct A rho phi).

    Corollary K_std_ksat A rho phi :
      (forall B psi, A <<=C B -> B ;; phi[rho] sC psi -> B SC psi) -> rho ⊨(A, K_std) phi.
      now destruct (K_std_correct A rho phi).

    Lemma K_std_standard :
      kstandard K_std.
      intros []. apply c.

    Lemma K_std_completeness A phi :
      A KS phi -> A SE phi.
      intros Hsat. erewrite <-idSubst_form. apply nsprv_cons. intros H. apply K_std_sprv with (rho := ids).
      2: reflexivity. apply Hsat. 1: apply K_std_standard. intros psi Hpsi. apply K_std_ksat.
      intros B xi HB Hxi. asimpl in Hxi. eauto.

    Lemma K_std_seq_ksoundness A phi :
      A SE phi -> A KS phi.
      intros H % seq_ND. apply @ksoundness with (b := expl). 2: apply H. firstorder.
  End StandardCompleteness.

  Section MPRequired.
    Variable C : stab_class.
    Hypothesis HC : map_closed C dnt.
    Variable K_completeness : forall T phi, C T -> kvalid_T kstandard T phi -> T SE phi.

    Lemma cend_dn T phi :
      C T -> ~ ~ T CE phi -> T CE phi.
      intros HT Hdn. apply DN_T, dnt_to_TCE. cbn. apply (@seq_ND_T _ _ (tmap dnt T) (¬ dnt phi))).
      apply K_completeness. 1: apply HC, HT. intros D M St u rho HT' v Hv Hn. contradict Hdn. intros Hphi % dnt_to_TIE.
      apply strong_ksoundness with (C0 := kstandard) in Hphi. apply (St v), Hn. 1: reflexivity.
      2: intros; apply kstandard_explodes. 1: apply (Hphi D M St v rho).
      intros psi Hpsi % HT'. apply (ksat_mon Hv Hpsi).
  End MPRequired.
End KripkeCompleteness.