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The XTAG grammar generator generates XDG grammars from the TAG grammar developed in the XTAG project ( For installing the relevant files from the XTAG grammar, see Installation (optional installation bits, XTAG grammar generator, XTAG additional functionality).

The grammar generator uses the socket functionality of the XDK, which provides the possibility to read in grammars for specific input sentences from a server (over a socket connection).

To make it work, you need to take two steps:

  1. Start a grammar generator server by entering the XTAG directory and then starting the server by typing:
              ./XTAGServer.exe -p 4712

    where the -p option determines the port which is taken by the server (default: 4712).

  2. Start the XDK and open the grammar “file” 4712.ulsocket (given the server runs on port 4712). Now, if the connection of the XDK and the server could be established, you can parse English sentences using the XTAG grammar. For each sentence, a new grammar is generated on-the-fly.

The full set of commandline arguments is the following:

The XDG grammars generated from the XTAG grammar make use of the principles:

And the output output.xTAGDerivation (XTAGDerivation) to display XTAG derivation trees using the tree viewer from the XTAG project lem parser.