Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Compound.MoveToSymbol

Require Import TM.Prelim.
Require Import TM.Basic.Mono.
Require Import TM.Combinators.Combinators.
Require Import TM.Compound.TMTac.
Require Import TM.Compound.Multi.

Require Import FunInd.
Require Import Recdef.

Move to a symbol and translate read symbols

Section MoveToSymbol.

  Variable sig : finType.

Halt function
  Variable f : sig -> bool.

Rewrite function
  Variable g : sig -> sig.

   * One Step:
   * Read one symbol. If there was no symbol, return Some tt (break out of the loop).
   * If the symbol s fulfills f, write g s and return Some tt.
   * Else, write g s and move right, return None (continue the loop).

  Definition MoveToSymbol_Step : pTM sig (option unit) 1 :=
    Switch (ReadChar)
          (fun b : option sig =>
             match b with
             | Some x => if f x
                        (* then Return (Nop) (Some tt) (* found the symbol, break *) *)
                        then Return (Write (g x)) (Some tt) (* found the symbol, break *)
                        else Return (WriteMove (g x) R) (None) (* wrong symbol, move right and continue *)
             | _ => Return (Nop) (Some tt) (* there is no such symbol, break *)

  Definition MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun : tape sig -> tape sig :=
    fun t1 =>
      match current t1 with
      | Some s => if (f s)
                 then tape_write t1 (Some (g s))
                 else doAct t1 (Some (g s), R)
      | _ => t1

  Definition MoveToSymbol_Step_Rel : Rel (tapes sig 1) (option unit * tapes sig 1) :=
    Mk_R_p (fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
              tout = MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun tin /\
              yout = match current tin with
                     | Some m =>
                       if f m
                       then Some tt (* break *)
                       else None (* continue *)
                     | _ => (Some tt) (* break *)

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Step_Sem :
    MoveToSymbol_Step c(3) MoveToSymbol_Step_Rel.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
      unfold MoveToSymbol_Step. eapply Switch_RealiseIn. eapply ReadChar_Sem. cbn.
      instantiate (2 := fun o : option sig => match o with Some x => if f x then _ else _ | None => _ end).
      intros [ | ]; cbn.
      - destruct (f e).
        + instantiate (1 := 1). apply Return_RealiseIn. eapply Write_Sem.
        + apply Return_RealiseIn. eapply WriteMove_Sem.
      - apply Return_RealiseIn. eapply Nop_Sem.
      (cbn; omega).
      unfold MoveToSymbol_Step_Rel, MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun. intros tin (yout, tout) H.
      TMCrush idtac; TMSolve 6.

   * The main loop of the machine.
   * Execute MoveToSymbol_Step in a loop until MoveToSymbol_Step returned Some tt

  Definition MoveToSymbol : pTM sig unit 1 := While MoveToSymbol_Step.

  Definition rlength (t : tape sig) := length (tape_local t).

  (* Function of MoveToSymbol *)
  Function MoveToSymbol_Fun (t : tape sig) { measure rlength t } : tape sig :=
    match current t with
    | Some m => if f m
               then tape_write t (Some (g m))
               else MoveToSymbol_Fun (doAct t (Some (g m), R))
    | _ => t
    intros. cbn. unfold rlength. simpl_tape.
    destruct t eqn:E; cbn in *; try now inv teq. omega.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun_M2_None t :
    current t = None ->
    MoveToSymbol_Fun t = MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun t.
    intros H1. destruct t; cbn in *; inv H1; rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; auto.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Step_None t :
    current t = None ->
    MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun t = t.
    intros H1. unfold MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun. destruct t; cbn in *; inv H1; auto.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Step_true t x :
    current t = Some x ->
    f x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun t = tape_write t (Some (g x)).
    intros H1 H2. unfold MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun. destruct t; cbn in *; inv H1. rewrite H2. auto.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Step_false t x :
    current t = Some x ->
    f x = false ->
    MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun t = doAct t (Some (g x), R).
    intros H1 H2. unfold MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun. destruct t; cbn in *; inv H1. rewrite H2. auto.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun_M2_true t x :
    current t = Some x ->
    f x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_Fun t = MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun t.
    intros H1 H2. destruct t; cbn in *; inv H1. rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation, H2. cbn. now rewrite H2.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_skip t s :
    current t = Some s ->
    f s = false ->
    MoveToSymbol_Fun (doAct t (Some (g s), R)) = MoveToSymbol_Fun t.
  Proof. intros H1 H2. cbn. symmetry. rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation. cbn. now rewrite H1, H2. Qed.

  Definition MoveToSymbol_Rel : Rel (tapes sig 1) (unit * tapes sig 1) :=
    Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => tout = MoveToSymbol_Fun tin)).

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Realise :
    MoveToSymbol MoveToSymbol_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
      unfold MoveToSymbol. eapply While_Realise. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. eapply MoveToSymbol_Step_Sem.
      eapply WhileInduction; intros; hnf in *.
      - destruct HLastStep as (H1&H2); TMSimp.
        destruct (current tin[@Fin0]) as [s | ] eqn:E.
        + destruct (f s) eqn:E'; cbn in *; inv H2.
          rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation. rewrite E, E'. cbn. now apply MoveToSymbol_Step_true.
        + rewrite MoveToSymbol_Step_None; auto.
          now rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation, E.
      - destruct HStar as (H1&H2); TMSimp.
        destruct (current tin[@Fin0]) as [s | ] eqn:E; cbn in *.
        + destruct (f s) eqn:E'; cbn in *; inv H2.
          erewrite MoveToSymbol_Step_false; eauto. eapply MoveToSymbol_skip; eauto.
        + inv H2.


  Function MoveToSymbol_steps (t : tape sig) { measure rlength t } : nat :=
    match current t with
    | Some m => if f m then 4 else 4 + (MoveToSymbol_steps (doAct t (Some (g m), R)))
    | _ => 4
    intros t m HEq1 HEq2. cbn. unfold rlength. simpl_tape.
    destruct t; cbn in *; auto. all: try now inv HEq1.

  Local Arguments plus : simpl never. Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_Terminates :
    projT1 MoveToSymbol (fun tin k => MoveToSymbol_steps (tin[@Fin0]) <= k).
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold MoveToSymbol. TM_Correct.
      1-2: eapply Realise_total; eapply MoveToSymbol_Step_Sem.
      apply WhileCoInduction; intros. cbn.
      exists 3. repeat split.
      - reflexivity.
      - intros ymid tmid. intros H. destruct ymid as [()| ]; TMSimp.
        + destruct (current tin[@Fin0]) eqn:E; TMSimp; auto.
          * destruct (f e) eqn:Ef; inv H0. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation in HT. rewrite E, Ef in HT. omega.
          * rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation in HT. rewrite E in HT. omega.
        + destruct (current tin[@Fin0]) eqn:E.
          * destruct (f e) eqn:Ef; inv H0. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation in HT. rewrite E, Ef in HT.
            exists (MoveToSymbol_steps (doAct tin[@Fin0] (Some (g e), R))). cbn.
            -- unfold MoveToSymbol_Step_Fun. rewrite E, Ef. cbn. reflexivity.
            -- rewrite <- HT. cbn. omega.
          * congruence.

Move to left

  Definition MoveToSymbol_L := Mirror MoveToSymbol.

  Definition llength (t : tape sig) := length (tape_local_l t).

  Function MoveToSymbol_L_Fun (t : tape sig) { measure llength t } : tape sig :=
    match current t with
    | Some s =>
      if f s
      then tape_write t (Some (g s))
      else MoveToSymbol_L_Fun (doAct t (Some (g s), L))
    | _ => t
  Proof. intros. unfold llength. cbn. simpl_tape. destruct t; cbn in *; inv teq. omega. Qed.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_mirror t t' :
    MoveToSymbol_Fun (mirror_tape t) = mirror_tape t' -> MoveToSymbol_L_Fun t = t'.
    functional induction MoveToSymbol_L_Fun t; intros H; cbn in *; try reflexivity;
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation in H; cbn; auto.
    - simpl_tape in *. rewrite e, e0 in H. cbn in *. simpl_tape in *. now apply mirror_tape_inv_midtape' in H as ->.
    - simpl_tape in *. rewrite e, e0 in H. cbn in *. simpl_tape in *. auto.
    - simpl_tape in *. destruct (current t); cbn in *; auto. now apply mirror_tape_injective in H.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_mirror' t t' :
    MoveToSymbol_L_Fun (mirror_tape t) = mirror_tape t' -> MoveToSymbol_Fun t = t'.
    functional induction MoveToSymbol_Fun t; intros H; cbn in *; try reflexivity;
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_Fun_equation in H; cbn; auto.
    - simpl_tape in *. rewrite e, e0 in H. cbn in *. simpl_tape in *. now apply mirror_tape_inv_midtape' in H as ->.
    - simpl_tape in *. rewrite e, e0 in H. cbn in *. simpl_tape in *. auto.
    - simpl_tape in *. destruct (current t); cbn in *; auto. now apply mirror_tape_injective in H.

  Definition MoveToSymbol_L_Rel : Rel (tapes sig 1) (unit * tapes sig 1) :=
    Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => tout = MoveToSymbol_L_Fun tin)).

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_L_Realise :
    MoveToSymbol_L MoveToSymbol_L_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    - eapply Mirror_Realise. eapply MoveToSymbol_Realise.
    - intros tin (y&tout) H. hnf in *. destruct_tapes; cbn in *. rewrite mirror_tapes_nth in H. cbn in H.
      symmetry in H. apply MoveToSymbol_mirror in H as ->. TMCrush simpl_tape in *; TMSolve 6.

  Function MoveToSymbol_L_steps (t : tape sig) { measure llength t } : nat :=
    match current t with
    | Some s => if f s then 4 else 4 + (MoveToSymbol_L_steps (doAct t (Some (g s), L)))
    | _ => 4
  Proof. intros. unfold llength. cbn. simpl_tape. destruct t; cbn in *; inv teq. omega. Qed.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_steps_mirror t :
    MoveToSymbol_L_steps t = MoveToSymbol_steps (mirror_tape t).
    functional induction MoveToSymbol_L_steps t; cbn; auto;
      simpl_tape in *; cbn in *; rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation.
    - simpl_tape. now rewrite e, e0.
    - simpl_tape. rewrite e, e0. rewrite IHn. cbn. now simpl_tape.
    - simpl_tape. destruct (current t); cbn in *; auto.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_L_Terminates :
    projT1 MoveToSymbol_L (fun tin k => MoveToSymbol_L_steps (tin[@Fin0]) <= k).
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    - eapply Mirror_Terminates. eapply MoveToSymbol_Terminates.
    - cbn. intros tin k Hk. destruct_tapes; cbn. rewrite <- Hk. unfold mirror_tapes. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_mirror. cbn. auto.

End MoveToSymbol.

Ltac smpl_TM_MoveToSymbol :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- MoveToSymbol _ _ _ ] => eapply MoveToSymbol_Realise
  | [ |- MoveToSymbol_L _ _ _ ] => eapply MoveToSymbol_L_Realise
  | [ |- projT1 (MoveToSymbol _ _) _ ] => eapply MoveToSymbol_Terminates
  | [ |- projT1 (MoveToSymbol_L _ _) _ ] => eapply MoveToSymbol_L_Terminates

Smpl Add smpl_TM_MoveToSymbol : TM_Correct.