The example also illustrates the case where a propagator for a redundant constraint improves the performance of a script by decreasing the number of necessary propagation steps, but without significantly changing the search tree.
The script will also create a propagator for the redundant
constraint 2 *
fun pythagoras space = let (* problem variables *) val a = FD.range (space, (1, 1000)) val b = FD.range (space, (1, 1000)) val c = FD.range (space, (1, 1000)) (* squares *) val aa = FD.range (space, (0, maxValue)) val bb = FD.range (space, (0, maxValue)) val cc = FD.range (space, (0, maxValue)) in (* intermediate variables *) FD.mult (space, a, a, aa, FD.BND); FD.mult (space, b, b, bb, FD.BND); FD.mult (space, c, c, cc, FD.BND); (* problem constraints *) FD.linear (space, #[(1, aa), (1, bb), (~1, cc)], FD.EQ, 0, FD.BND); FD.rel (space, a, FD.LQ, b); FD.rel (space, b, FD.LQ, c); (* redundant constraint *) FD.linear (space, #[(2, bb), (~1, cc)], FD.GQ, 0, FD.BND); (* branching *) FD.branch (space, #[a, b, c], FD.B_SIZE_MIN, FD.B_MIN); {a, b, c} end
You can see, that for all squares new variables aa, bb, cc are introduced in Listing 15. This is a very important step in this script. As you already know, it is also possible to use the post - modelling tool. Then you would not need to write:
val aa = FD.range (space, (0, maxValue))You just have to insert the following two new constraints:
val bb = FD.range (space, (0, maxValue))
val cc = FD.range (space, (0, maxValue))
FD.mult (space, a, a, aa, FD.BND);
FD.mult (space, b, b, bb, FD.BND);
FD.mult (space, c, c, cc, FD.BND);
FD.linear (space,#[(1, aa), (1, bb), ( 1, cc)], FD.EQ, 0, FD.BND);
post(space,FD(a) `* FD(a) `+ FD(b) `* FD(b) `= FD(c) `* FD(c),FD.DOM);and replace
FD.linear (space, #[(2, bb), ( 1, cc)], FD.GQ, 0, FD.BND);with
post(space,`2 `* FD(b) `* FD(b) `> FD(b) `* FD(b), FD.DOM);
This would result in a more readable and convenient script, but comparing the search trees of the two versions, the new version is worse. But why?
It is because of the variables aa, bb, cc. In the first version( Listing 15), the redundant constraint propagates stronger, because its variables are connected to the propagator ensuring the squares. In the second version they are independent.
Andreas Rossberg 2006-08-28