We define monads, T-Algebras, the identity monad as well as the free, the singleton, the product and the exponential T-Algebra. We define a logical relation, relating denotations and terms as in the paper of Forster. Using this relation we show the denotational semantics adequate and sound.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms Setoid FinFun Coq.Program.Tactics.
Import List Notations.

Require Export CBPV.LogicalEquivalence CBPV.ProgramContexts.

Denotational Semantics

Monads and Algebras


Structure Monad :=
    T:> Type -> Type;
    mbind {X Y}: T X -> (X -> T Y) -> T Y;
    mreturn {X}: X -> T X;

    monad1 {X Y}: forall (x: X) (f: X -> T Y), mbind (mreturn x) f = f x;
    monad2 {X}: forall (x: T X), x = mbind x mreturn;
    monad3 {X Y Z}: forall (x: T X) (f: X -> T Y) (g: Y -> T Z),
        mbind (mbind x f) g = mbind x (fun x => mbind (f x) g)

Existing Class Monad.

Local Arguments mbind {_ _ _} _ _.
Local Arguments mreturn {_ _} _.

Notation "x >>= f" := (mbind x f) (at level 50).
Notation η m := (mreturn m).

Definition fmap {X Y: Type} {M: Monad} (f: X -> Y): M X -> M Y :=
  fun x => mbind x (f >> mreturn).

Notation "f @ x" := (fmap f x) (at level 50).

Program Definition IdMonad :=
  {| T := fun X => X; mbind := fun _ _ x f => f x; mreturn := fun _ x => x |}.

Parameterized over a monad T
Section TAlgebra.

  Variable (T: Monad).


  Structure TAlgebra :=
    Carrier :> Type;
    algstruct: T Carrier -> Carrier;

    t_algebra1: forall x, algstruct (mreturn x) = x;
    t_algebra2: forall xs, algstruct (fmap algstruct xs) = algstruct (mbind xs id)


  Local Arguments algstruct {_} _.

Free T-Algebra

  Program Definition free_t_algebra (X: Type) :=
  {| Carrier := T X; algstruct := fun x => mbind x id |}.
  Next Obligation. now rewrite monad1. Qed.
  Next Obligation.
    unfold fmap, funcomp; rewrite monad3, monad3; f_equal; fext; intros;
    rewrite monad1; reflexivity.

  Definition mu {T : Monad} {A} (x : T (T A)) :=
    x >>= id.

  Lemma fmap_funct {M : Monad} {A B C} (g : A -> B) (f : B -> C) x :
    f @ (g @ x) = (g >> f) @ x.
    unfold fmap, ">>". rewrite !monad3. f_equal.
    fext; intros. now rewrite monad1.

  Lemma mu_fmap {M : Monad} {A B} (f : A -> M B) xs :
    mu (f @ xs) = xs >>= f.
    unfold mu, fmap, ">>". rewrite monad3. f_equal. fext. intros. now rewrite monad1.

Singleton T-Algebra

  Program Definition singleton_t_algebra (X: Type) (x: X) :=
    {| Carrier := { y | x = y }; algstruct := fun _ => x |}.

Product T-Algebra

  Program Definition product_t_algebra (C1 C2: TAlgebra) :=
    {| Carrier := C1 * C2;
       algstruct := fun cs => (algstruct (fst @ cs), algstruct (snd @ cs)) |}.
  Next Obligation.
    unfold fmap, funcomp; f_equal;
      rewrite monad1; unfold fst, snd; now rewrite t_algebra1.
  Next Obligation.
    - fold (mu xs). rewrite fmap_funct. unfold ">>". cbn.
      fold (fmap (fst (B := C2)) >> @algstruct C1).
      rewrite <- fmap_funct. rewrite t_algebra2.
      fold (mu (fmap fst @ xs)).
      rewrite mu_fmap.
      unfold mu, fmap. now rewrite monad3.
    - fold (mu xs). rewrite fmap_funct. unfold ">>". cbn.
      fold (fmap (snd (A := C1)) >> @algstruct C2).
      rewrite <- fmap_funct. rewrite t_algebra2.
      fold (mu (fmap snd @ xs)).
      rewrite mu_fmap.
      unfold mu, fmap. now rewrite monad3.

Exponential T-Algebra

  Program Definition exponential_t_algebra (C: TAlgebra) A :=
    {| Carrier := A -> C;
       algstruct := fun f => fun x => algstruct (fmap (fun f => f x) f) |}.
  Next Obligation.
    fext; intros; unfold fmap, funcomp; rewrite monad1, t_algebra1; reflexivity.
  Next Obligation.
    fext; intros. fold (mu xs).
    rewrite fmap_funct. unfold ">>".
    fold (fmap (fun f => f x) >> @algstruct C).
    rewrite <- fmap_funct. rewrite t_algebra2.
    f_equal. unfold mu, fmap, ">>". rewrite !monad3.
    f_equal. fext. intros. now rewrite monad1.

End TAlgebra.

Import CommaNotation.

Denotational Semantics

Section DenotationalSemantics.

  Variable (T: Monad).

Denotation of Value Types

  Fixpoint denote_valtype (A: valtype) : Type :=
    match A with
    | zero => Empty_set
    | one => unit
    | Sigma A1 A2 => denote_valtype A1 + denote_valtype A2
    | A1 * A2 => denote_valtype A1 * denote_valtype A2
    | U B => Carrier (denote_comptype B)

Denotation of Computation Types

  with denote_comptype (B: comptype) : TAlgebra T :=
    match B with
    | cone => singleton_t_algebra T tt
    | Pi B1 B2 => product_t_algebra (denote_comptype B1) (denote_comptype B2)
    | A B => exponential_t_algebra (denote_comptype B) (denote_valtype A)
    | F A => free_t_algebra T (denote_valtype A)

Denotation of Typing Contexts

  Definition denote_context {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) := forall i, denote_valtype (Gamma i).

  Definition extend {n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A: valtype} (gamma: denote_context Gamma) (a: denote_valtype A):
    denote_context (A .: Gamma) :=
    fun (i: fin (S n)) => match i with None => a | Some i => gamma i end.

Denotation of Values

  Fixpoint denote_valtyping {n: nat} {Gamma : ctx n} {v: value n} {A: valtype}
           (H: Gamma v : A) (gamma: denote_context Gamma) {struct H} : denote_valtype A :=
    match H with
    | typeVar _ i => gamma i
    | typeUnit _ => tt
    | typePair H1 H2 =>( Datatypes.pair (denote_valtyping H1 gamma) (denote_valtyping H2 gamma))
    | @typeSum _ _ A1 A2 b v H =>
      match b return
            (Gamma v : if b then A1 else A2) -> _
      | true => fun H' => inl (denote_valtyping H' gamma)
      | false => fun H' => inr (denote_valtyping H' gamma)
      end H
    | typeThunk H => denote_comptyping H gamma

Denotation of Computations

  with denote_comptyping {n: nat} {Gamma : ctx n} {c: comp n} {B: comptype}
       (H: Gamma c : B) (gamma: denote_context Gamma) {struct H} : denote_comptype B :=

     match H in _ _ : B return denote_comptype B with
     | typeCone _ => exist _ tt eq_refl
     | @typeLambda _ _ c A B H =>
       fun (a: denote_valtype A) =>
         denote_comptyping H (extend gamma a)
     | typeLetin H1 H2 =>
       algstruct _ (mbind (denote_comptyping H1 gamma)
                   (fun a => mreturn (denote_comptyping H2 (extend gamma a))))
     | typeRet H => mreturn (denote_valtyping H gamma)
     | typeApp H1 H2 => (denote_comptyping H1 gamma) (denote_valtyping H2 gamma)
     | typeTuple H1 H2 => Datatypes.pair (denote_comptyping H1 gamma) (denote_comptyping H2 gamma)
     | @typeProj _ _ b c B1 B2 H =>
       match b return denote_comptype (if b then B1 else B2) with
       | true => fst (denote_comptyping H gamma)
       | false => snd (denote_comptyping H gamma)
     | typeForce H => denote_valtyping H gamma
     | typeCaseZ _ H => match denote_valtyping H gamma with end
     | typeCaseS H1 H2 H3 =>
       match denote_valtyping H1 gamma with
       | inl a => denote_comptyping H2 (extend gamma a)
       | inr a => denote_comptyping H3 (extend gamma a)
     | typeCaseP H1 H2 =>
       let (a1, a2) := denote_valtyping H1 gamma in
       denote_comptyping H2 (extend (extend gamma a1) a2)

Denotation of groundtypes inhabited
  Lemma denotation_of_groundtypes_inhabited:
  forall (G: groundtype) (a: denote_valtype G),
        exists v (H: null v : G), a = denote_valtyping H (fun (i: fin 0) => match i with end).
    induction G; intros [].
    - exists u; exists (typeUnit _); reflexivity.
    - destruct (IHG1 d) as [v [H H1] ].
      exists (inj true v). exists (typeSum _ _ true H); cbn; f_equal; assumption.
    - destruct (IHG2 d) as [v [H H1] ].
      exists (inj false v). exists (typeSum _ _ false H); cbn; f_equal; assumption.
    - destruct (IHG1 d) as [v1 [H1 H1'] ]; destruct (IHG2 d0) as [v2 [H2 H2'] ]; exists (pair v1 v2).
      exists (typePair H1 H2); cbn; f_equal; assumption.

End DenotationalSemantics.

Preservation of denotational equality in contexts

[ P ] = [Q][X[P]] = [X[Q]]
Lemma denotation_context (T: Monad):
  forall m t Delta,
    (forall n Gamma (C: vctx t m n) A X (H: Delta [[Gamma]] C : A;X),
    match t return forall (C: vctx t m n) (X: if t then valtype else comptype), Delta [[Gamma]] C : A;X -> Prop with
    | true => fun C X H => forall P Q (H1: Gamma P : X) (H2: Gamma Q : X),
        (forall gamma, denote_valtyping (T := T) H1 gamma = denote_valtyping H2 gamma) ->
            forall delta, denote_valtyping (T := T) (vctx_value_typing_soundness H H1) delta =
          denote_valtyping (T := T) (vctx_value_typing_soundness H H2) delta
    | false => fun C X H => forall P Q (H1: Gamma P : X) (H2: Gamma Q : X),
            (forall gamma, denote_comptyping (T := T) H1 gamma = denote_comptyping H2 gamma) ->
            forall delta, denote_valtyping (T := T) (vctx_comp_typing_soundness H H1) delta =
            denote_valtyping (T := T) (vctx_comp_typing_soundness H H2) delta
    end C X H) /\
    (forall n Gamma (C: cctx t m n) B X (H: Delta [[Gamma]] C : B;X),
    match t return forall (C: cctx t m n) (X: if t then valtype else comptype), Delta [[Gamma]] C : B;X -> Prop with
    | true => fun C X H => forall P Q (H1: Gamma P : X) (H2: Gamma Q : X),
        (forall gamma, denote_valtyping (T := T) H1 gamma = denote_valtyping H2 gamma) ->
          forall delta, denote_comptyping (T := T) (cctx_value_typing_soundness H H1) delta =
        denote_comptyping (T := T) (cctx_value_typing_soundness H H2) delta
    | false => fun C X H => forall P Q (H1: Gamma P : X) (H2: Gamma Q : X),
        (forall gamma, denote_comptyping (T := T) H1 gamma = denote_comptyping H2 gamma) ->
        forall delta, denote_comptyping (T := T) (cctx_comp_typing_soundness H H1) delta =
        denote_comptyping (T := T) (cctx_comp_typing_soundness H H2) delta
    end C X H).
  eapply mutindt_vctx_cctx_typing; intros; destruct t; intros;
    cbn [cctx_comp_typing_soundness
            vctx_value_typing_soundness]; intuition.
  all: try destruct b.
  1 - 10, 13 - 14, 17 - 24, 29 - 32: (now (cbn; f_equal; eauto)).
  1, 2: cbn; fext; intros; eauto.
  1, 2: cbn; erewrite H; eauto.
  1, 2: cbn; do 2 f_equal; eauto.
  1, 2: cbn; do 2 f_equal; fext; intros; f_equal; eauto.
  1: destruct (denote_valtyping (vctx_value_typing_soundness v H1) delta).
  1: destruct (denote_valtyping (vctx_comp_typing_soundness v H1) delta).
  1, 2, 7, 8: cbn; erewrite H; eauto.
  all: cbn; fold (denote_valtyping v0 delta); destruct (denote_valtyping v0 delta); eauto.

Logical Relation

Closed CBPV Terms with typing judgements
Definition CCBPVv := CBPVv null.
Definition CCBPVc := CBPVc null.

Section LogicalRelation.
  Variable (T: Monad).

Value Relations

  Fixpoint RV (A: valtype) : denote_valtype T A -> CCBPVv A -> Prop :=
    match A with
    | zero => fun _ _ => False
    | one => fun a H => H (mkCBPVv (typeUnit null))
    | cross A1 A2 => fun a H =>
      let (a1, a2) := a in exists (H1: CCBPVv A1) (H2: CCBPVv A2),
        RV a1 H1 /\ RV a2 H2 /\ H (mkCBPVv (typePair H1 H2))
    | Sigma A1 A2 => fun a H =>
      match a with
      | inl a1 => exists (H': CCBPVv A1), RV a1 H' /\ H (mkCBPVv (typeSum A1 A2 true H'))
      | inr a2 => exists (H': CCBPVv A2), RV a2 H' /\ H (mkCBPVv (typeSum A1 A2 false H'))
    | U B => fun a H => exists (H': CCBPVc B), RC a H' /\ H (mkCBPVv (typeThunk H'))


Computation Relations

  with RC (B: comptype) : denote_comptype T B -> CCBPVc B -> Prop :=
    match B return denote_comptype T B -> CCBPVc B -> Prop with
    | cone => fun f H => H mkCBPVc (typeCone null)
    | F A => fun (f: T (denote_valtype T A)) H =>
              exists a, f = mreturn a /\ exists H', RV a H' /\ H mkCBPVc (typeRet H')
    | Pi B1 B2 => fun (f: denote_comptype T B1 * denote_comptype T B2) H =>
                  let (f1, f2) := f in exists (H1: CCBPVc B1) (H2: CCBPVc B2),
                  RC f1 H1 /\ RC f2 H2 /\ H mkCBPVc (typeTuple H1 H2)
    | A B => fun f H => (forall a H', RV a H' -> RC (f a) (mkCBPVc (typeApp H H')))


Closure under Contextual Equivalence
  Lemma closure_ctx_eqv:
    (forall (A: valtype), forall a (P Q: CCBPVv A), RV a P -> P Q -> RV a Q) /\
    (forall (B: comptype), forall a (P Q: CCBPVc B), RC a P -> P Q -> RC a Q).
    eapply mutind_valtype_comptype; cbn; intros; eauto.
    - rewrite <-H0; eauto.
    - destruct H0 as [H' ?]; exists H'; intuition; rewrite <-H1; eauto.
    - destruct a; destruct H1 as [H' ?]; exists H'; intuition; rewrite <-H2; eauto.
    - destruct a; destruct H1 as [H' [H'' ?] ]; exists H'; exists H''; intuition; rewrite <-H2; eauto.
    - rewrite <-H0; eauto.
    - destruct H0 as [a' [? [H' ?] ] ]; exists a'; intuition; exists H'; intuition; rewrite <-H1; eauto.
    - destruct a; destruct H1 as [H' [H'' ?] ]; exists H'; exists H''; intuition; rewrite <-H2; eauto.
    - eapply H0.
      + apply H1; eauto.
      + eapply comp_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C := (cctxAppL __c H')); cbn; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto; econstructor.

Closure under reduction
  Lemma closure_ctx_red:
    forall (B: comptype), forall a (P Q: CCBPVc B), Q >* P -> RC a P -> RC a Q.
    intros; eapply closure_ctx_eqv; [eassumption |].
    symmetry; eapply obseq_contains_steps; eauto.

Grountypes Contextual Equivalence

Values of groundtypes, related with the same denotation are observationally equivalent
  Lemma ground_equiv:
    forall (G: groundtype) (a: denote_valtype T G) (V1 V2: CCBPVv G),
      RV a V1 -> RV a V2 -> V1 V2.
    induction G; cbn; intros; eauto.
    - rewrite H, H0; reflexivity.
    - destruct a, H, H0; intuition; rewrite H2, H3;
        eapply val_obseq_vctx_congruence with (C := (vctxInj _ __v)); cbn; eauto;
      do 2 econstructor.
    - destruct a, H, H, H0, H0; intuition; rewrite H4, H5.
      transitivity (mkCBPVv (typePair x1 x0)).
      eapply val_obseq_vctx_congruence with (C := (vctxPairL __v x0)); cbn; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto; econstructor.
      eapply val_obseq_vctx_congruence with (C := (vctxPairR x1 __v)); cbn; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto; econstructor.

Basic Lemma

Extending a context denotation with an additional element
  Definition extend' {n : nat} {Gamma : ctx n} (V : forall i, CCBPVv (Gamma i)) {A: valtype} (a: CCBPVv A) (i: fin (S n)) :=
    match i return (CCBPVv ((A .: Gamma) i)) with
    | Some i0 => V i0
    | None => a

  Lemma refl_steps n (c1 c2: comp n): c1 = c2 -> c1 >* c2. Proof. intros ->; constructor. Qed.

We can substitutute underneath cons
  Lemma cons_ctx_subst m c A C Gamma:
    forall (V: (forall (i : fin m), CCBPVv (Gamma i))),
      A, Gamma c : C ->
                 A, null c[up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)] : C.
    intros; eapply comp_typepres_substitution; eauto.
    intros []; cbn; eauto.
    eapply value_typepres_renaming; eauto.

  Lemma cons_twice_ctx_subst m c A1 A2 C Gamma:
    forall (V: (forall (i : fin m), CCBPVv (Gamma i))),
      A1, A2, Gamma c : C ->
      A1, A2, null c[up_value_value (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i))] : C.
    intros; eapply comp_typepres_substitution; eauto.
    intros [ [] | ]; cbn; eauto.
    eapply value_typepres_renaming with (Gamma := A2, null); eauto.
    eapply value_typepres_renaming; eauto.

  Hint Resolve cons_ctx_subst cons_twice_ctx_subst.

Basic Lemma - the denotation of a term is logically related to the closed version of its self if we substitutute all variables by logically related terms.
  Lemma basic_lemma n (Gamma: ctx n):
        forall v A (H: Gamma v : A), forall (gamma: denote_context T Gamma) (V: forall i, CCBPVv (Gamma i)),
            (forall i, RV (gamma i) (V i)) ->
            RV (denote_valtyping H gamma) (mkCBPVv (value_typepres_substitution H (fun i => V i) (fun i => V i)))
      ) /\ (
        forall c B (H: Gamma c : B), forall (gamma: denote_context T Gamma) (V: forall i, CCBPVv (Gamma i)),
            (forall i, RV (gamma i) (V i)) ->
            RC (denote_comptyping H gamma) (mkCBPVc (comp_typepres_substitution H (fun i => V i) (fun i => V i)))
  Proof with cbn; intuition; eauto; intros ? ? ?; reflexivity.
    revert n Gamma; eapply mutindt_value_computation_typing; intros; cbn [RV RC].
    - eapply closure_ctx_eqv...
    - idtac...
    - do 2 eexists...
    - destruct b; eexists...
    - eexists...
    - idtac...
    - intros; specialize (H (extend gamma a)).
      specialize (H (extend' V H')).
      mp H; [ intros []; cbn; eauto |].
      eapply closure_ctx_red; [| eassumption]; cbn; reduce.
      eapply refl_steps; asimpl; unfold extend'; f_equal; fext.
        now intros [].
    - specialize (H gamma V H1); cbn; destruct H as [a [-> H] ].
      rewrite monad1, t_algebra1.
      destruct H as [H' [H ?] ].
      specialize (H0 (extend gamma a) (extend' V H')).
      mp H0; [ intros []; cbn; eauto |].
      eapply closure_ctx_eqv; [eassumption | clear H0]; cbn; symmetry.
      enough (null $ <- ret H'; subst_comp (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)) c2 : B).
      transitivity (mkCBPVc X).
      + eapply comp_obseq_cctx_congruence with
            (C := (cctxLetinL __c (subst_comp (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)) c2)));
        cbn; eauto; cbn; eauto.
      + eapply obseq_contains_pstep; cbn; constructor.
        asimpl. f_equal. fext.
        intros []; cbn; eauto.
      + eauto.
    - eexists; intuition; eexists...
    - intros; specialize (H0 gamma V H1).
      specialize (H gamma V H1). cbn in H. specialize (H _ _ H0).
      eapply closure_ctx_eqv; [ apply H |]...
    - do 2 eexists...
    - specialize (H gamma V H0); cbn; destruct (denote_comptyping c0 gamma).
      destruct H as [H1 [H2 ?] ]; intuition.
      assert (null proj b (tuple H1 H2) : if b then B1 else B2) as X by eauto.
      destruct b; cbn; eapply closure_ctx_eqv; eauto; symmetry; transitivity (mkCBPVc X).
      1: eapply comp_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C := (cctxProj true __c)).
      4: apply H5.
      1 - 4: cbn; eauto.
      1: refine (cctxTypingProj (B2 := B2) true _); econstructor.
      2: eapply comp_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C := (cctxProj false __c)).
      5: apply H5.
      2 - 5: cbn; eauto.
      2: refine (cctxTypingProj (B1 := B1) false _); econstructor.
      1, 2: eapply obseq_contains_pstep; cbn; eauto.
    - specialize (H gamma V H0); destruct H as [H' ?]; intuition.
      eapply closure_ctx_eqv; eauto; cbn; symmetry.
      assert (null <{ H' }> ! : A) as X by eauto.
      transitivity (mkCBPVc X).
      + eapply val_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C := (cctxForce __v )); cbn; eauto; cbn; eauto.
      + eapply obseq_contains_pstep; cbn; eauto.
    - destruct (H gamma V H0).
    - specialize (H gamma V H2); cbn; destruct (denote_valtyping v0 gamma) eqn: H42; cbn in H;
        destruct H as [H' H]; intuition;
          [ specialize (H0 (extend gamma d) (extend' V H')); mp H0 |
            specialize (H1 (extend gamma d) (extend' V H')); mp H1]; try (intros []; cbn; eauto);
      unfold denote_valtyping in H42; rewrite H42; clear H42;
        eapply closure_ctx_eqv; eauto; cbn; symmetry.
      assert (null caseS (inj true H') (subst_comp (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)) c1)
                   (subst_comp (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)) c2) : C) as X by eauto.
      transitivity (mkCBPVc X).
      eapply val_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C0 := cctxCaseSV __v _ _).
      4: apply H4.
      1 - 4: cbn; eauto.
      1: econstructor; eauto; econstructor.
      eapply obseq_contains_pstep; cbn; constructor; asimpl; unfold extend'; f_equal.
      fext; intros []; cbn; reflexivity.
     + assert (null caseS (inj false H') (subst_comp (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)) c1)
                   (subst_comp (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i)) c2) : C) as X by eauto.
      transitivity (mkCBPVc X).
      eapply val_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C0 := cctxCaseSV __v _ _).
      4: apply H4.
      1 - 4: cbn; eauto.
      1: econstructor; eauto; econstructor.
      eapply obseq_contains_pstep; cbn; constructor; asimpl; unfold extend'; f_equal.
      fext; intros []; cbn; reflexivity.
    - specialize (H gamma V H1); destruct (denote_valtyping v0 gamma) eqn: H42; cbn;
      unfold denote_valtyping in H42; rewrite H42; clear H42; cbn in H.
      destruct H as [H2 [H3 ?] ]; intuition.
      specialize (H0 (extend (extend gamma d) d0) (extend' (extend' V H2) H3)).
      mp H0; [intros [ []|]; cbn; eauto|].
      eapply closure_ctx_eqv; eauto; cbn; symmetry.
      assert (null caseP ( H2; H3 )(subst_comp (up_value_value (up_value_value (fun i : fin m => V i))) c) : C)
             as X by eauto.
      transitivity (mkCBPVc X).
      eapply val_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C0 := cctxCasePV __v _); cbn.
      4: apply H6.
      1 - 4: eauto.
      econstructor; eauto; constructor.
      eapply obseq_contains_pstep.
      cbn. constructor. unfold extend'; asimpl;
      f_equal. fext.
      intros [ []|]; cbn; reflexivity.

  Variable (mono_requirement: forall X, Injective (@mreturn T X)).


  Theorem adequacy n (Gamma: ctx n) B (P Q: CBPVc Gamma B):
      (forall (gamma: denote_context T Gamma), denote_comptyping P gamma = denote_comptyping Q gamma) -> P Q.
    intros. intros G C H' v.
      set (gamma := (fun (i: fin 0) => match i with end): denote_context T null).
      set (V := (fun (i: fin 0) => match i with end): (forall (i : fin 0), CCBPVv (null i))).

      destruct (denotation_context T false null) as [_ denc].
      specialize (denc _ _ _ _ _ H' _ _ P Q H).
      destruct (basic_lemma null) as [_ basic].
      specialize (basic _ _ (cctx_comp_typing_soundness H' P) gamma V) as H1.
      mp H1; [intros [] |].
      specialize (basic _ _ (cctx_comp_typing_soundness H' Q) gamma V) as H2.
      mp H2; [intros [] |].
      destruct H1 as (a1 & H1 & V1 & H1' & ?).
      destruct H2 as (a2 & H2 & V2 & H2' & ?).
      rewrite denc in H1. rewrite H1 in H2. apply mono_requirement in H2.
      rewrite H2 in H1'.
      specialize (ground_equiv G _ _ _ H1' H2') as H4'.
      assert (mkCBPVc (typeRet V1) mkCBPVc (typeRet V2)).
      eapply val_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C0 := cctxRet __v); cbn; eauto.
      do 2 constructor.
      rewrite H4 in H0. rewrite <- H0 in H3.
      specialize (H3 _ _ (@cctxTypingHole _ false null _ I) v).
      cbn in H3. revert H3. repeat rewrite idSubst_comp; intros []; tauto.

   Theorem adequacy n (Gamma: ctx n) B (P Q: CBPVv Gamma B):
      (forall (gamma: denote_context T Gamma), denote_valtyping P gamma = denote_valtyping Q gamma) -> P Q.
    intros. intros G C H' v.
      set (gamma := (fun (i: fin 0) => match i with end): denote_context T null).
      set (V := (fun (i: fin 0) => match i with end): (forall (i : fin 0), CCBPVv (null i))).

      destruct (denotation_context T true null) as [_ denc].
      specialize (denc _ _ _ _ _ H' _ _ P Q H).
      destruct (basic_lemma null) as [_ basic].
      specialize (basic _ _ (cctx_value_typing_soundness H' P) gamma V) as H1.
      mp H1; [intros [] |].
      specialize (basic _ _ (cctx_value_typing_soundness H' Q) gamma V) as H2.
      mp H2; [intros [] |].
      destruct H1 as (a1 & H1 & V1 & H1' & ?).
      destruct H2 as (a2 & H2 & V2 & H2' & ?).
      rewrite denc in H1. rewrite H1 in H2. apply mono_requirement in H2.
      rewrite H2 in H1'.
      specialize (ground_equiv G _ _ _ H1' H2') as H4'.
      assert (mkCBPVc (typeRet V1) mkCBPVc (typeRet V2)).
      eapply val_obseq_cctx_congruence with (C0 := cctxRet __v); cbn; eauto.
      do 2 constructor.
      rewrite H4 in H0. rewrite <- H0 in H3.
      specialize (H3 _ _ (@cctxTypingHole _ false null _ I) v).
      cbn in H3. revert H3. repeat rewrite idSubst_comp; intros []; tauto.

End LogicalRelation.


Theorem soundness P (G: groundtype):
    null P : F G -> exists (v: CCBPVv G), P >* ret v.
  intros H.
  pose (gamma := (fun f => match f with end) : denote_context IdMonad null).
  pose (V := (fun f => match f with end) : forall (i : fin 0), CCBPVv (null i)).
  destruct (basic_lemma IdMonad null) as [_ H'].
  specialize (H' _ _ H gamma V). mp H'; [intros [] |].
  destruct H' as (a & H1 & H2 & H3 & H4); exists H2.
  specialize (H4 G __c) ; mp H4; [ constructor |].
  specialize (H4 H2); cbn in H4.
  erewrite idSubst_comp in H4; firstorder.
  destruct x.