
System F Types

Framework for working with the types of System F. This corresponds to Sections 3, 4, and 8 of the paper.
Section 3 contains the basic lemmas about traversals and models. Section 4 contains the instantiation lemmas. Section 8 contains simple traversals and models.
Finally, in this file we also repackage all definitions with a consistent naming convention (this is not necessary for types, but becomes more important for the mutually inductive terms and values) and provide additional rewriting rules and an automation tactic.
Ultimately, this file should be automatically generated from a specification which is why most definitions and proofs are fairly uniform and mechanical.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.all_ssreflect.
Require Import Base.axioms Base.fintype Framework.graded.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Local Ltac asimpl := repeat progress (cbn; fsimpl; gsimpl).

Module TyTerms.
  Section Defs.


  Inductive ty (n : nat) :=
  | var (i : fin n) : ty n
  | arr (A B : ty n) : ty n
  | all (A : ty n.+1) : ty n.

Traversals & Evaluation

Definition 3.1
  Structure traversal (V D : nat -> Type) := Traversal
    { tvar : forall n, V n -> D n
    ; tarr : forall n, D n -> D n -> D n
    ; tall : forall m, (fun m' => V m' -> D m') m -> D m
  Arguments tvar {V D} t {n} i.
  Arguments tarr {V D} t {n} A B.
  Arguments tall {V D} t {m} F.

Definition 3.2 is in Framework.graded.
Definition 3.3
  Fixpoint eval {V : graded1} {D : nat -> Type} (t : traversal V D)
           {m n : nat} (rho : fin m -> V n) (A : ty m) : D n :=
    match A with
    | var i => tvar t (rho i)
    | arr A B => tarr t (eval t rho A) (eval t rho B)
    | all A => tall t (fun _ xi v => eval t (v .: rho >> th1 xi) A)


Definition 3.4
  Definition ren_traversal : traversal fin ty :=
    Traversal (@var) (@arr) (fun m F => all (F m.+1 shift bound)).
  Local Notation ty_ren := (eval ren_traversal).
  Local Notation "s ◁ f" := (ty_ren f s) (at level 50).
  Canonical ty_graded1 := Eval hnf in Graded1 ty (@eval _ _ ren_traversal).

  Lemma th1_tyE {m n} (f : iren m n) (A : ty m) : A f = A f.
  Proof. by []. Qed.

  Local Ltac gsimpl' := rewrite ?th1_tyE; gsimpl.

Compatibility with renaming

  Section EvalRen.
    Context {V : graded1} {D : nat -> Type} (t : traversal V D).

Theorem 3.5
    Theorem eval_ren {m n k : nat} (A : ty m) (f : ren m n) (rho : fin n -> V k) :
      eval t rho (A f) = eval t (f >> rho) A.
      elim: A n k f rho => {m}//=[m A ih1 B ih2|m A ih] n k f rho.
        by rewrite ih1 ih2. congr tall; fext=> l g i. rewrite ih. by fsimpl.
  End EvalRen.

Corollary 3.6
  Lemma ren_comp {m n k : nat} (f : ren m n) (g : ren n k) (A : ty m) :
    A f g = A (f >> g).
  Proof. exact: eval_ren. Qed.

Lemma 3.7
  Lemma ren_inj {m n : nat} (f : ren m n) : injective f -> injective (ty_ren f).
    move=> H A B. elim: A B n f H => {m}[m i|m A1 ih1 A2 ih2|m A ih] [j|B1 B2|B] n f H //=[].
    - by move=>/H->.
    - move=>/ih1 e1 /ih2 e2. by rewrite e1 // e2.
    - move=>/ih e. rewrite e //. by hnf=> /= -[i|] [j|] //=[/H->].

Corollary 3.8
  Lemma ren_id {n : nat} (A : ty n) : A id = A.
  Proof. apply: (ren_inj (f := id)) => //. exact: ren_comp. Qed.

  Canonical ty_cgraded1 := Eval hnf in CGraded1 ty (@ren_comp).
  Canonical ty_igraded1 := Eval hnf in IGraded1 ty (@ren_id).
  Canonical ty_pgraded1 := Eval hnf in PGraded1 ty (fun m n f => ren_inj (@iren_inj m n f)).

Lifting traversals

Definition 3.9
  Definition lift {V D : graded1} (t : traversal V D) : traversal D D :=
    Traversal (fun n => id) (@tarr _ _ t)
              (fun m F => tall t (fun n f v => F n f (tvar t v))).

Definition 3.10
  Notation inst_traversal := (lift ren_traversal).
  Notation inst := (eval inst_traversal).
  Notation "A .[ f ]" := (inst f A) : ty_inst_scope.
  Delimit Scope ty_inst_scope with ty.

  Section Embedding.
    Context {V D : graded1} (t : traversal V D).
Definition 3.11
    Hypothesis var_is_natural : forall m n (f : iren m n) (i : V m),
        (tvar t i) f = tvar t (i f).

Theorem 3.12
    Theorem lift_embed' {m n : nat} (rho : fin m -> V n) (A : ty m) :
      eval t rho A = eval (lift t) (rho >> tvar t) A.
      elim: A n rho => {m} //=[m A ihA B ihB|m A ih] n rho.
      - by rewrite ihA ihB.
      - congr tall; fext => k xi v. rewrite ih. congr eval.
        fsimpl=>/=. congr scons. fext=> i /=. symmetry.
        exact: var_is_natural.
  End Embedding.

Type Models

Definition 3.13 (naturality and models)

  Structure is_natural {V D : graded1} (t : traversal V D) := IsNatural
    { nvar : forall m n (f : iren m n) (i : V m),
      (tvar t i) f = tvar t (i f)
    ; narr : forall m n (f : iren m n) (A B : D m),
      (tarr t A B) f = tarr t (A f) (B f)
    ; nall : forall m (F : (fun m' => V m' -> D m') m),
      (forall n k (f : iren m n) (g : iren n k) (i : V n),
         (F n f i) g = F k (f >>> g) (i g)) ->
       forall n (f : iren m n),
        (tall t F) f = tall t (F f)

  Structure model (V D : graded1) := Model
    { base : traversal V D
    ; _ : is_natural base
  Local Coercion base : model >-> traversal.

  Definition model_is_natural {V D : graded1} (t : model V D) : is_natural t :=
    let: Model _ c := t in c.
  Local Coercion model_is_natural : model >-> is_natural.


Lemma 3.14
  Lemma naturality {V : cgraded1} {D : graded1} (t : model V D)
           {m n k : nat} (rho : fin m -> V n) (f : iren n k) (A : ty m) :
    (eval t rho A) f = eval t (rho >> th1 f) A.
    elim: A n k rho f => {m}[m i|m A ihA B ihB|m A ih] n k rho f.
    - exact: (nvar t).
    - cbn. rewrite (narr t). congr tarr. exact: ihA. exact: ihB.
    - cbn. rewrite (nall t).
      + congr tall; fext=> l g v. by asimpl.
      + move=> {k f} k l f g v. rewrite ih. by asimpl.

Compatibility with instantiation

Theorem 3.15
  Theorem eval_inst {V : cgraded1} {D : graded1} (t : model V D)
           {m n k : nat} (sigma : fin m -> ty n) (rho : fin n -> V k) (A : ty m) :
    eval t rho A.[sigma]%ty =
    eval (lift t) (sigma >> eval t rho) A.
    elim: A n k sigma rho => {m}//=[m A ihA B ihB|m A ih] n k sigma rho.
    - by rewrite ihA ihB.
    - congr tall; fext=> l f v. rewrite ih. asimpl. congr eval.
      fext=>/=;case=>//=i. rewrite eval_ren /=. symmetry. exact: naturality.

Miscellaneous Lemmas

Lemma 3.16

  Definition lift_is_natural {V D : graded1} (t : model V D) :
    is_natural (lift t).
    apply: IsNatural => //[m n f A B/=|m F FP n f]. exact: (narr t).
    apply: (nall t) => {n f} n k f g v. by rewrite FP (nvar t).

  Canonical lift_model {V D : graded1} (t : model V D) : model D D :=
    Eval hnf in Model (lift_is_natural t).

Embedding lemma for models

  Lemma lift_embed {V D : graded1} (t : model V D)
      {m n : nat} (rho : fin m -> V n) (A : ty m) :
    eval t rho A = eval (lift t) (rho >> tvar t) A.
  Proof. apply: lift_embed'. exact: (nvar t). Qed.

Case Study: Instantiation on Types (Section 4)

Corollary 4.1
  Definition ty_ren_inst {m n k : nat} (A : ty m) (f : ren m n) (g : fin n -> ty k) :
    (A f).[g]%ty = A.[f >> g]%ty.
  Proof. exact: eval_ren. Qed.

Lemma 4.2
  Lemma ren_is_natural : is_natural ren_traversal.
    apply: IsNatural => //= m F H n f. gsimpl' => /=.
      by rewrite -shift_up -(H m.+1 n.+1 shift (up f) bound).
  Canonical ren_model : model fin_graded1 ty_graded1 :=
    Eval hnf in Model ren_is_natural.

Corollary 4.3
  Corollary ren_is_inst {m n} (A : ty m) (f : ren m n) :
    A f = A.[f >> @var n]%ty.
  Proof. exact: lift_embed. Qed.

Corollary 4.4
  Corollary inst_id {n : nat} (A : ty n) :
    A.[@var n]%ty = A.
    by rewrite -{2}[A]th_id1/= th1_tyE ren_is_inst.

Corollary 4.5
  Definition inst_comp {m n k : nat} (A : ty m) (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : fin n -> ty k) :
    A.[f]%ty.[g]%ty = A.[f >> inst g]%ty.
  Proof. exact: eval_inst. Qed.

  Lemma ty_inst_ren {m n k : nat} (A : ty m) (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : ren n k) :
    A.[f]%ty g = A.[f >> ty_ren g]%ty.
    rewrite lift_embed inst_comp. do 2 f_equal. symmetry. fext. exact: lift_embed.

Simple Traversals and Liftings (Section 8)

Definition 8.1
  Structure smodel (V D : Type) := SModel
    { svar : V -> D
    ; sarr : D -> D -> D
    ; sall : (V -> D) -> D
  Arguments SModel {V D} svar sarr sall.

Definition 8.2
  Definition smodel_to_traversal (V D : Type) (t : smodel V D) :
    traversal (const1 V) (const1 D) :=
    {| tvar := fun _ => svar t
     ; tarr := fun _ => sarr t
     ; tall := fun n F => sall t (fun v => F n idren v)
  Local Coercion smodel_to_traversal : smodel >-> traversal.

Lemma 8.3
  Lemma smodel_is_natural {V D : Type} (t : smodel V D) : is_natural t.
  Proof. apply: IsNatural => //= m F FP n f. congr sall. fext=> v. exact: FP. Qed.

  Canonical smodel_to_model {V D : Type} (t : smodel V D) :
    model (const_graded1 V) (const_graded1 D) :=
    Eval hnf in Model (smodel_is_natural t).

  Definition lift_smodel {V D : Type} (t : smodel V D) : smodel D D :=
    {| svar := id
     ; sarr := sarr t
     ; sall := fun F => sall t (fun x => F (svar t x))

  Definition seval {V D : Type} (t : smodel V D) {n : nat} (rho : fin n -> V) (A : ty n) :=
    @eval _ _ t n 1 rho A.

  (* not needed but nice to know *)
  Corollary seval_irrelevance {V D : Type} (t : smodel V D)
      {m n : nat} (A : ty m) (rho : fin m -> V) :
    eval (n := n) t rho A = seval t rho A.
    case: n.
    - refine (@naturality _ _ (smodel_to_model t) m 0 1 rho _ A).
      exact: IRen (fun (f : fin 0) => match f with end) _.
    - symmetry. apply: (naturality (smodel_to_model t) rho). apply (IRen (fun=> bound)).
      by move=>/=[[]|]//[[]|]//.

  Corollary seval_ren {V D : Type} {t : smodel V D} {m n : nat}
      (A : ty m) (f : ren m n) (rho : fin n -> V) :
    seval t rho (A f) = seval t (f >> rho) A.
  Proof. exact: eval_ren. Qed.

Corollary 8.4
  Corollary seval_inst {V D : Type} {t : smodel V D} {m n : nat}
      (A : ty m) (sigma : fin m -> ty n) (rho : fin n -> V) :
    seval t rho A.[sigma]%ty =
    seval (lift_smodel t) (sigma >> seval t rho) A.
  Proof. exact: eval_inst. Qed.

  End Defs.

  Module Exports.
    Notation ty := ty.
    Canonical ty_graded1.
    Canonical ty_cgraded1.
    Canonical ty_igraded1.
    Canonical ty_pgraded1.

    Canonical ren_model.
    Canonical lift_model.
    Canonical smodel_to_model.

    Coercion base : model >-> traversal.
    Coercion model_is_natural : model >-> is_natural.
    Coercion smodel_to_traversal : smodel >-> traversal.

    Arguments tvar {V D} t {n} i.
    Arguments tarr {V D} t {n} A B.
    Arguments tall {V D} t {m} F.

    Arguments var {n}, n.

    Module Ty.
      (* Types *)
      Notation var := var.
      Notation arr := arr.
      Notation all := all.

      (* Traversal *)
      Notation traversal := traversal.
      Notation Traversal := Traversal.
      Notation tvar := tvar.
      Notation tarr := tarr.
      Notation tall := tall.

      Notation ren_traversal := ren_traversal.
      Notation inst_traversal := (lift ren_traversal).
      Notation lift := lift.

      (* Models *)
      Notation is_natural := is_natural.
      Notation IsNatural := IsNatural.
      Notation nvar := nvar.
      Notation narr := narr.
      Notation nall := nall.

      Notation model := model.
      Notation Model := Model.

      (* Evaluation *)
      Notation eval := eval.

      Notation eval_ren := eval_ren.
      Notation eval_inst := eval_inst.
      Notation naturality := naturality.

      Notation embed := lift_embed.

      (* Renaming *)
      Notation ren := (eval ren_traversal).

      Notation ren_id := ren_id.
      Notation ren_comp := ren_comp.
      Notation ren_inj := ren_inj.

      (* Instantiation *)
      Notation inst := (eval inst_traversal).

      Notation ren_inst := ty_ren_inst.
      Notation inst_ren := ty_inst_ren.

      Notation inst_id := inst_id.
      Notation inst_comp := inst_comp.

      (* Simple models *)
      Notation smodel := smodel.
      Notation SModel := SModel.
      Notation svar := svar.
      Notation sarr := sarr.
      Notation sall := sall.

      Notation seval := seval.
      Notation seval_irrelevance := seval_irrelevance.
      Notation seval_ren := seval_ren.
      Notation seval_inst := seval_inst.
    End Ty.
    Notation "A ◁ f" := ( f A) (at level 50) : ty_inst_scope.
    Notation "A .[ f ]" := (Ty.inst f A) : ty_inst_scope.
    Delimit Scope ty_inst_scope with ty.
  End Exports.
End TyTerms.
Export TyTerms.Exports.

(* Automation *)
Lemma ty_ren_idX {n} : (id : fin n -> fin n) = id.
Proof. fext=> A. exact: Ty.ren_id. Qed.

Lemma ty_ren_compX {m n k} (f : ren m n) (g : ren n k) : f >> g = (f >> g).
Proof. fext=> A /=. exact: Ty.ren_comp. Qed.

Lemma ty_ren_compR {T m n k} (f : ren m n) (g : ren n k) (h : _ -> T) : f >> ( g >> h) = (f >> g) >> h.
Proof. fext=> A /=. by rewrite Ty.ren_comp. Qed.

Lemma ty_ren_instX {m n k} (f : ren m n) (g : fin n -> ty k) : f >> Ty.inst g = Ty.inst (f >> g).
Proof. fext=> A /=. exact: Ty.ren_inst. Qed.

Lemma ty_ren_instR {T m n k} (f : ren m n) (g : fin n -> ty k) (h : _ -> T) : f >> (Ty.inst g >> h) = Ty.inst (f >> g) >> h.
Proof. fext=> A /=. by rewrite Ty.ren_inst. Qed.

Lemma ty_inst_renX {m n k} (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : ren n k) :
  Ty.inst f >> g = Ty.inst (f >> g).
Proof. fext=> A /=. exact: Ty.inst_ren. Qed.

Lemma ty_inst_renR {T m n k} (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : ren n k) (h : _ -> T) :
  Ty.inst f >> ( g >> h) = Ty.inst (f >> g) >> h.
Proof. fext=> A /=. by rewrite Ty.inst_ren. Qed.

Lemma ty_id_instX {m n} (f : fin m -> ty n) : Ty.var >> Ty.inst f = f.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma ty_inst_idX {n} : Ty.inst (@Ty.var n) = id.
Proof. fext=> A. exact: Ty.inst_id. Qed.

Lemma ty_inst_idR {T m n} (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : _ -> T) : Ty.var >> (Ty.inst f >> g) = (f >> g).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma ty_inst_compX {m n k} (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : fin n -> ty k) :
  Ty.inst f >> Ty.inst g = Ty.inst (f >> Ty.inst g).
Proof. fext=> A /=. exact: Ty.inst_comp. Qed.

Lemma ty_inst_compR {T m n k} (f : fin m -> ty n) (g : fin n -> ty k) (h : _ -> T) :
  Ty.inst f >> (Ty.inst g >> h) = Ty.inst (f >> Ty.inst g) >> h.
Proof. fext=> A /=. by rewrite Ty.inst_comp. Qed.

Ltac ty_simpl :=
  rewrite ?ty_ren_idX ?ty_ren_compX ?ty_ren_compR
          ?ty_ren_instX ?ty_ren_instR
          ?ty_inst_renX ?ty_inst_renR
          ?ty_id_instX ?ty_inst_idX ?ty_inst_idR
          ?ty_inst_compX ?ty_inst_compR
          ?Ty.ren_id ?Ty.ren_comp ?Ty.ren_inst ?Ty.inst_ren ?Ty.inst_id ?Ty.inst_comp
          ?Ty.eval_ren ?Ty.eval_inst ?Ty.naturality ?Ty.seval_ren ?Ty.seval_inst