From Undecidability.FOL.Util Require Import Syntax sig_bin.
From Undecidability.FOL.Util Require Tarski Deduction Kripke.
From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints Require Import H10C H10C_undec.
From Undecidability.FOL.Reductions Require H10UPC_to_FOL_minimal H10UPC_to_FSAT.
From Undecidability.FOL.Reductions Require H10UPC_to_FOL_full_fragment.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions Undecidability ReducibilityFacts.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Validity, provability, satisfiability of dyadic first-order logic

The notation used throughout this file differs from the one presented in "Undecidability of Dyadic First-Order Logic in Coq" by Hostert et al (ITP 2022). The following table translates the most important differences. Individual reductions contain their own tables, if necessary.
formmathbb F
Prrotated double tilde

Dyadic validity, large fragment

Dyadic validity, small fragment without negation

  Lemma minValidityUndec : undecidable (fun k : minimalForm falsity_off => valid k).
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_undec).
    exact validReduction.

Dyadic Kripke validity, small fragment without negation

  Lemma minKripkeValidityUndec : undecidable (fun k : minimalForm falsity_off => kvalid k).
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_undec).
    exact kripkeValidReduction.

  Definition int_provable (phi : minimalForm falsity_off) : Prop := nil M phi.
  Definition class_provable (phi : minimalForm falsity_off) : Prop := nil C phi.

Dyadic int. provability, small fragment without negation

  Lemma minProvabilityUndec : undecidable int_provable.
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_undec).
    exact proveReduction.

Dyadic classical provability, small fragment without negation

  Lemma minClassicalProvabilityUndec (LEM : forall P:Prop, P \/ ~P) : undecidable class_provable.
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_undec).
    apply classicalProveReduction, LEM.

Dyadic satisfiability, small fragment with negation

  Lemma minSatisfiabilityUndec : undecidable (fun k : minimalForm falsity_on => satis k).
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_compl_undec).
    apply satisReduction.

Dyadic Kripke satisfiability, small fragment with negation

  Lemma minKripkeSatisfiabilityUndec : undecidable (fun k : minimalForm falsity_on => ksatis k).
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_compl_undec).
    apply kripkeSatisReduction.

End general.

Section finite.
  Import H10UPC_to_FSAT.
Reduction into fragment syntax. Step 1: define FSAT for fragment syntax
Also define FVAL for fragment syntax
  Definition FVAL_frag (phi : minimalForm falsity_on) :=
  forall D (I : Tarski.interp D) rho, FSAT.listable D /\ decidable (fun v => Tarski.i_atom (P:=tt) v) -> @Tarski.sat _ _ D I _ rho phi.

Also define FVAL for negation-free fragment

Dyadic finite satisfiability, small fragment with negation

  Lemma minFiniteSatisfiabilityUndec : undecidable FSAT_frag.
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_undec).
    eapply reduces_transitive.
    * eexists. apply fsat_reduction.
    * eexists. apply frag_reduction_fsat.

Dyadic finite validity, small fragment with negation

  Lemma minFiniteValidityUndec : undecidable FVAL_frag.
    apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H10UPC_SAT_compl_undec).
    eapply reduces_transitive.
    * eexists. apply fval_reduction.
    * eexists. apply frag_reduction_fval.

This is a conjecture