(* * Kripke Semantics *)
From Undecidability Require Import FOL.Util.Deduction FOL.Util.Tarski FOL.Util.Syntax.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Notation vec := Vector.t.
Section Kripke.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Section Model.
Variable domain : Type.
Class kmodel :=
nodes : Type ;
reachable : nodes -> nodes -> Prop ;
reach_refl u : reachable u u ;
reach_tran u v w : reachable u v -> reachable v w -> reachable u w ;
k_interp : interp domain ;
k_P : nodes -> forall P : preds, Vector.t domain (ar_preds P) -> Prop ;
(* k_Bot : nodes -> Prop ; *)
mon_P : forall u v, reachable u v -> forall P (t : Vector.t domain (ar_preds P)), k_P u t -> k_P v t;
Variable M : kmodel.
Fixpoint ksat {ff : falsity_flag} u (rho : nat -> domain) (phi : form) : Prop :=
match phi with
| atom P v => k_P u (Vector.map (@eval _ _ _ k_interp rho) v)
| falsity => False
| bin Impl phi psi => forall v, reachable u v -> ksat v rho phi -> ksat v rho psi
| quant All phi => forall j : domain, ksat u (j .: rho) phi
Lemma ksat_mon {ff : falsity_flag} (u : nodes) (rho : nat -> domain) (phi : form) :
forall v (H : reachable u v), ksat u rho phi -> ksat v rho phi.
revert rho.
induction phi; intros rho v' H; cbn; try destruct b0; try destruct q; intuition; eauto using mon_P, reach_tran.
Lemma ksat_iff {ff : falsity_flag} u rho phi :
ksat u rho phi <-> forall v (H : reachable u v), ksat v rho phi.
- intros H1 v H2. eapply ksat_mon; eauto.
- intros H. apply H. eapply reach_refl.
End Model.
Notation "rho '⊩(' u ')' phi" := (ksat _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Notation "rho '⊩(' u , M ')' phi" := (@ksat _ M _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Arguments ksat {_ _ _} _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _.
Hint Resolve reach_refl : core.
Section Substs.
Variable D : Type.
Context {M : kmodel D}.
Lemma ksat_ext {ff : falsity_flag} u rho xi phi :
(forall x, rho x = xi x) -> rho ⊩(u,M) phi <-> xi ⊩(u,M) phi.
induction phi as [ | b P v | | ] in rho, xi, u |-*; intros Hext; comp.
- tauto.
- erewrite Vector.map_ext. reflexivity. intros t. now apply eval_ext.
- destruct b0; split; intros H v Hv Hv'; now apply (IHphi2 v rho xi Hext), (H _ Hv), (IHphi1 v rho xi Hext).
- destruct q; split; intros H d; apply (IHphi _ (d .: rho) (d .: xi)). all: ((intros []; cbn; congruence) + auto).
Lemma ksat_comp {ff : falsity_flag} u rho xi phi :
rho ⊩(u,M) phi[xi] <-> (xi >> eval rho (I := @k_interp _ M)) ⊩(u,M) phi.
induction phi as [ | b P v | | ] in rho, xi, u |-*; comp.
- tauto.
- erewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite Vector.map_ext. 2: apply eval_comp. reflexivity.
- destruct b0. setoid_rewrite IHphi1. now setoid_rewrite IHphi2.
- destruct q. setoid_rewrite IHphi. split; intros H d; eapply ksat_ext. 2, 4: apply (H d).
all: intros []; cbn; trivial; unfold funcomp; now erewrite eval_comp.
End Substs.
Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
Definition kvalid_ctx A phi :=
forall D (M : kmodel D) u rho, (forall psi, psi el A -> ksat u rho psi) -> ksat u rho phi.
Definition kvalid phi :=
forall D (M : kmodel D) u rho, ksat u rho phi.
Definition ksatis phi :=
exists D (M : kmodel D) u rho, ksat u rho phi.
End Kripke.
Notation "rho '⊩(' u ')' phi" := (ksat u rho phi) (at level 20).
Notation "rho '⊩(' u , M ')' phi" := (@ksat _ _ _ M _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Arguments ksat {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ _, {_ _ _} _ {_} _ _ _.
(* ** Soundness **)
Section KSoundness.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
Ltac clean_ksoundness :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?x = ?x -> _ |- _ ] => specialize (H eq_refl)
| [ H : (?A -> ?B), H2 : (?A -> ?B) -> _ |- _] => specialize (H2 H)
Lemma ksoundness A (phi : form) :
A ⊢I phi -> kvalid_ctx A phi.
intros Hprv D M. remember intu as s. induction Hprv; subst; cbn; intros u rho HA.
all: repeat (clean_ksoundness + discriminate). all: (eauto || comp; eauto).
- intros v Hr Hpi. eapply IHHprv. intros ? []; subst; eauto using ksat_mon.
- eapply IHHprv1. 3: eapply IHHprv2. all: eauto. apply M.
- intros d. apply IHHprv. intros psi [psi' [<- Hp]] % in_map_iff. cbn. rewrite ksat_comp. apply HA, Hp.
- rewrite ksat_comp. eapply ksat_ext. 2: eapply (IHHprv u rho HA (eval rho t)).
unfold funcomp. now intros [].
- now apply IHHprv in HA.
Lemma ksoundness' (phi : form) :
[] ⊢I phi -> kvalid phi.
intros H % ksoundness. firstorder.
End KSoundness.
(* ** Connection to Tarski Semantics *)
Section ToTarski.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Program Instance interp_kripke {domain} (I : interp domain) : kmodel domain :=
{| nodes := unit ; reachable u v := True |}.
Next Obligation.
- now apply I in X.
Lemma kripke_tarski {ff : falsity_flag} domain (I : interp domain) rho phi :
rho ⊨ phi <-> ksat (interp_kripke I) tt rho phi.
revert rho. induction phi; intros rho.
- tauto.
- tauto.
- destruct b0. cbn. rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2. intuition. destruct v. tauto.
- destruct q. cbn. split; intros H; cbn in *.
+ intros i. apply IHphi, H.
+ intros i. apply IHphi, H.
Lemma kvalid_valid b (phi : form b) :
kvalid phi -> valid phi.
intros H domain I rho. apply kripke_tarski, H.
Lemma ksatis_satis b (phi : form b) :
satis phi -> ksatis phi.
intros (domain & I & rho & ?). eapply kripke_tarski in H.
now exists domain, (interp_kripke I), tt, rho.
End ToTarski.
From Undecidability Require Import FOL.Util.Deduction FOL.Util.Tarski FOL.Util.Syntax.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Notation vec := Vector.t.
Section Kripke.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Section Model.
Variable domain : Type.
Class kmodel :=
nodes : Type ;
reachable : nodes -> nodes -> Prop ;
reach_refl u : reachable u u ;
reach_tran u v w : reachable u v -> reachable v w -> reachable u w ;
k_interp : interp domain ;
k_P : nodes -> forall P : preds, Vector.t domain (ar_preds P) -> Prop ;
(* k_Bot : nodes -> Prop ; *)
mon_P : forall u v, reachable u v -> forall P (t : Vector.t domain (ar_preds P)), k_P u t -> k_P v t;
Variable M : kmodel.
Fixpoint ksat {ff : falsity_flag} u (rho : nat -> domain) (phi : form) : Prop :=
match phi with
| atom P v => k_P u (Vector.map (@eval _ _ _ k_interp rho) v)
| falsity => False
| bin Impl phi psi => forall v, reachable u v -> ksat v rho phi -> ksat v rho psi
| quant All phi => forall j : domain, ksat u (j .: rho) phi
Lemma ksat_mon {ff : falsity_flag} (u : nodes) (rho : nat -> domain) (phi : form) :
forall v (H : reachable u v), ksat u rho phi -> ksat v rho phi.
revert rho.
induction phi; intros rho v' H; cbn; try destruct b0; try destruct q; intuition; eauto using mon_P, reach_tran.
Lemma ksat_iff {ff : falsity_flag} u rho phi :
ksat u rho phi <-> forall v (H : reachable u v), ksat v rho phi.
- intros H1 v H2. eapply ksat_mon; eauto.
- intros H. apply H. eapply reach_refl.
End Model.
Notation "rho '⊩(' u ')' phi" := (ksat _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Notation "rho '⊩(' u , M ')' phi" := (@ksat _ M _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Arguments ksat {_ _ _} _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _.
Hint Resolve reach_refl : core.
Section Substs.
Variable D : Type.
Context {M : kmodel D}.
Lemma ksat_ext {ff : falsity_flag} u rho xi phi :
(forall x, rho x = xi x) -> rho ⊩(u,M) phi <-> xi ⊩(u,M) phi.
induction phi as [ | b P v | | ] in rho, xi, u |-*; intros Hext; comp.
- tauto.
- erewrite Vector.map_ext. reflexivity. intros t. now apply eval_ext.
- destruct b0; split; intros H v Hv Hv'; now apply (IHphi2 v rho xi Hext), (H _ Hv), (IHphi1 v rho xi Hext).
- destruct q; split; intros H d; apply (IHphi _ (d .: rho) (d .: xi)). all: ((intros []; cbn; congruence) + auto).
Lemma ksat_comp {ff : falsity_flag} u rho xi phi :
rho ⊩(u,M) phi[xi] <-> (xi >> eval rho (I := @k_interp _ M)) ⊩(u,M) phi.
induction phi as [ | b P v | | ] in rho, xi, u |-*; comp.
- tauto.
- erewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite Vector.map_ext. 2: apply eval_comp. reflexivity.
- destruct b0. setoid_rewrite IHphi1. now setoid_rewrite IHphi2.
- destruct q. setoid_rewrite IHphi. split; intros H d; eapply ksat_ext. 2, 4: apply (H d).
all: intros []; cbn; trivial; unfold funcomp; now erewrite eval_comp.
End Substs.
Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
Definition kvalid_ctx A phi :=
forall D (M : kmodel D) u rho, (forall psi, psi el A -> ksat u rho psi) -> ksat u rho phi.
Definition kvalid phi :=
forall D (M : kmodel D) u rho, ksat u rho phi.
Definition ksatis phi :=
exists D (M : kmodel D) u rho, ksat u rho phi.
End Kripke.
Notation "rho '⊩(' u ')' phi" := (ksat u rho phi) (at level 20).
Notation "rho '⊩(' u , M ')' phi" := (@ksat _ _ _ M _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Arguments ksat {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ _, {_ _ _} _ {_} _ _ _.
(* ** Soundness **)
Section KSoundness.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
Ltac clean_ksoundness :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?x = ?x -> _ |- _ ] => specialize (H eq_refl)
| [ H : (?A -> ?B), H2 : (?A -> ?B) -> _ |- _] => specialize (H2 H)
Lemma ksoundness A (phi : form) :
A ⊢I phi -> kvalid_ctx A phi.
intros Hprv D M. remember intu as s. induction Hprv; subst; cbn; intros u rho HA.
all: repeat (clean_ksoundness + discriminate). all: (eauto || comp; eauto).
- intros v Hr Hpi. eapply IHHprv. intros ? []; subst; eauto using ksat_mon.
- eapply IHHprv1. 3: eapply IHHprv2. all: eauto. apply M.
- intros d. apply IHHprv. intros psi [psi' [<- Hp]] % in_map_iff. cbn. rewrite ksat_comp. apply HA, Hp.
- rewrite ksat_comp. eapply ksat_ext. 2: eapply (IHHprv u rho HA (eval rho t)).
unfold funcomp. now intros [].
- now apply IHHprv in HA.
Lemma ksoundness' (phi : form) :
[] ⊢I phi -> kvalid phi.
intros H % ksoundness. firstorder.
End KSoundness.
(* ** Connection to Tarski Semantics *)
Section ToTarski.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Program Instance interp_kripke {domain} (I : interp domain) : kmodel domain :=
{| nodes := unit ; reachable u v := True |}.
Next Obligation.
- now apply I in X.
Lemma kripke_tarski {ff : falsity_flag} domain (I : interp domain) rho phi :
rho ⊨ phi <-> ksat (interp_kripke I) tt rho phi.
revert rho. induction phi; intros rho.
- tauto.
- tauto.
- destruct b0. cbn. rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2. intuition. destruct v. tauto.
- destruct q. cbn. split; intros H; cbn in *.
+ intros i. apply IHphi, H.
+ intros i. apply IHphi, H.
Lemma kvalid_valid b (phi : form b) :
kvalid phi -> valid phi.
intros H domain I rho. apply kripke_tarski, H.
Lemma ksatis_satis b (phi : form b) :
satis phi -> ksatis phi.
intros (domain & I & rho & ?). eapply kripke_tarski in H.
now exists domain, (interp_kripke I), tt, rho.
End ToTarski.