(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

(* ** Object-level encoding of exponential *)

Require Import Arith ZArith List.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac sums rel_iter gcd.

From Undecidability.H10.Matija
  Require Import alpha expo_diophantine.

From Undecidability.H10.Dio
  Require Import dio_logic.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Notation power := (mscal mult 1).
Local Notation expo := (mscal mult 1).

(* Here one can witness how workable is automation of recognition
    of Diophantine shapes.

    Notice that alpha_conditions below could probably be optimized
    from the new Diophantine shapes that include Diophantine
    functions. *)

Local Notation "x ≐ ⌞ n ⌟" := (df_cst x n)
      (at level 49, no associativity, format "x ≐ ⌞ n ⌟").
Local Notation "x ≐ y" := (df_eq x y)
      (at level 49, no associativity, format "x ≐ y").
Local Notation "x ≐ y ⨢ z" := (df_add x y z)
      (at level 49, no associativity, y at next level, format "x ≐ y ⨢ z").
Local Notation "x ≐ y ⨰ z" := (df_mul x y z)
      (at level 49, no associativity, y at next level, format "x ≐ y ⨰ z").

Theorem dio_rel_alpha a b c : 𝔻F a -> 𝔻F b -> 𝔻F c
                           -> 𝔻R (fun ν => 3 < b ν /\ a ν = alpha_nat (b ν) (c ν)).
  dio by lemma (fun v => alpha_diophantine (a v) (b v) (c v)).

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_alpha : dio_rel_db.

Local Fact dio_rel_alpha_example : 𝔻R (fun ν => 3 < ν 1 /\ ν 0 = alpha_nat (ν 1) (ν 2)).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Eval compute in df_size_Z (proj1_sig dio_rel_alpha_example). *)

Fact dio_rel_alpha_size : df_size_Z (proj1_sig dio_rel_alpha_example) = 1445%Z.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

(* This is Matiyasevich theorem stating that q^r is a Diophantine function. 
    Notice that expo_conditions below could also probably be optimized *)

Theorem dio_fun_expo q r : 𝔻F q -> 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F (fun ν => expo (r ν) (q ν)).
  dio by lemma (fun v => expo_diophantine (v 0) (q v) (r v)).

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_fun_expo : dio_fun_db.

Local Fact dio_fun_expo_example : 𝔻F (fun ν => expo (ν 0) (ν 1)).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Eval compute in df_size_Z (proj1_sig dio_fun_expo_example). *)

(* The new Diophantine shapes (w/o build-in polynimoals) 
   build formulas that are a bit bigger ... *)

Local Fact dio_fun_expo_example_size : df_size_Z (proj1_sig dio_fun_expo_example) = 4903%Z.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

(* We use the exponantial to characterize digits *)

(* The is_digit c q i y relation stating that 
       "y is the i-th digit of c is base q" 

Local Fact is_digit_eq c q i y :
            is_digit c q i y
        <-> y < q
         /\ exists a b p, c = (a*q+y)*p+b
                       /\ b < p
                       /\ p = power i q.
  split; intros (H1 & a & b & H2).
  + split; auto; exists a, b, (power i q); repeat split; tauto.
  + destruct H2 as (p & H2 & H3 & H4).
    split; auto; exists a, b; subst; auto.

Lemma dio_rel_is_digit c q i y : 𝔻F c -> 𝔻F q -> 𝔻F i -> 𝔻F y
                              -> 𝔻R (fun ν => is_digit (c ν) (q ν) (i ν) (y ν)).
  dio by lemma (fun ν => is_digit_eq (c ν) (q ν) (i ν) (y ν)).

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_is_digit : dio_rel_db.

Local Fact dio_rel_is_digit_example : 𝔻R (fun ν => is_digit (ν 0) (ν 1) (ν 2) (ν 3)).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check dio_rel_is_digit_example. *)
(* Eval compute in df_size_Z (proj1_sig dio_rel_is_digit_example). *)