    Andrej Dudenhefner (1)
    Yannick Forster (1)
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.syntax Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.unscoped.
Import UnscopedNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.Util.Facts.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

(* evaluates propositional predicate P on all free variables *)
Fixpoint allfv_poly_type (p: nat -> Prop) (t: poly_type) :=
  match t with
  | poly_var x => p x
  | poly_arr s t => allfv_poly_type p s /\ allfv_poly_type p t
  | poly_abs t => allfv_poly_type (scons True p) t

(* is_simple t holds iff t does not contain quantifications *)
Fixpoint is_simple (t: poly_type) :=
  match t with
  | poly_var _ => True
  | poly_arr s t => is_simple s /\ is_simple t
  | poly_abs _ => False

(* many_poly_arr s1 .. sn t = s1 -> .. sn -> t *)
Definition many_poly_arr (arguments: list poly_type) (target: poly_type) :=
  fold_right poly_arr target arguments.

(* many_poly_abs n t = ∀ .. ∀ t *)
Definition many_poly_abs (n: nat) (t: poly_type) :=
  Nat.iter n poly_abs t.

Fact subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs {σ n target} :
  subst_poly_type σ (many_poly_abs n target) =
  many_poly_abs n (subst_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type σ) target).
  elim: n σ; first done.
  move=> n IH σ /=. congr poly_abs. by rewrite IH iter_last.

Fact ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs {ξ n target} :
  ren_poly_type ξ (many_poly_abs n target) =
  many_poly_abs n (ren_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_ren ξ) target).
  elim: n ξ; first done.
  move=> n IH ξ /=. congr poly_abs. by rewrite IH iter_last.

Fact subst_poly_type_many_poly_arr {σ args target} :
  subst_poly_type σ (many_poly_arr args target) =
  many_poly_arr (map (subst_poly_type σ) args) (subst_poly_type σ target).
  elim: args; first done.
  move=> s args IH /=. congr poly_arr. by apply: IH.

(* last_poly_var (∀..∀ s1 -> .. sn -> x) = Some x if x is free *)
Fixpoint last_poly_var (t: poly_type) : option nat :=
  match t with
  | poly_var x => Some x
  | poly_arr _ t => last_poly_var t
  | poly_abs t => if last_poly_var t is Some (S x) then Some x else None

(* parameters s1 -> .. -> sn -> x = s1; ..; sn *)
Fixpoint parameters_poly_arr (t: poly_type) : list poly_type :=
  match t with
  | poly_var x => []
  | poly_arr s t => s :: parameters_poly_arr t
  | poly_abs t => []

Lemma parameters_many_poly_arr {ss x} : parameters_poly_arr (many_poly_arr ss (poly_var x)) = ss.
Proof. elim: ss; first done. move=> /=. by congruence. Qed.

Lemma fold_right_length_ts {σ: nat -> poly_type} {ts x} :
  fold_right scons σ ts (length ts + x) = σ x.
Proof. elim: ts σ; [done | by move=> t ts + σ; apply]. Qed.

Lemma fold_right_length_ts_lt {σ: nat -> poly_type} {ts x} :
  x < length ts -> fold_right scons σ ts x = nth x ts (poly_var 0).
Proof. elim: ts x σ; [ by move=> /=; lia |].
  move=> t ts IH [|x] σ /= ?; [done | by apply: IH; lia].

Lemma fold_right_length_ts_ge {σ : nat -> poly_type} {ts x} :
  length ts <= x -> fold_right scons σ ts x = σ (x - length ts).
  move=> ?. have {1}->: x = length ts + (x - length ts) by lia. by rewrite fold_right_length_ts.

Lemma fold_right_map_seq {f: nat -> poly_type} {x n} : x < n ->
  fold_right scons poly_var (map f (seq 0 n)) x = f x.
  move=> ?. rewrite fold_right_length_ts_lt; first by rewrite map_length seq_length; lia.
  rewrite (nth_indep _ _ (f 0)); first by rewrite map_length seq_length; lia.
  rewrite map_nth seq_nth; by [|lia].

Fact up_ren_id {x} : up_ren id x = x.
Proof. by case x. Qed.

Fact upRen_poly_type_poly_type_id {t}: upRen_poly_type_poly_type id t = t.
Proof. by case: t. Qed.

Lemma up_poly_type_poly_type_poly_var {x} : up_poly_type_poly_type poly_var x = poly_var x.
Proof. by case: x. Qed.

(* axiom-free conposition of substitutions/renamings; use: rewrite ?poly_type_norm *)
Definition poly_type_norm := (renComp_poly_type, compComp_poly_type, renRen_poly_type, compRen_poly_type).

Fact subst_poly_type_poly_var {t} : subst_poly_type poly_var t = t.
Proof. by rewrite idSubst_poly_type. Qed.

Fact subst_poly_type_poly_var' {σ t} : (forall x, σ x = poly_var x) -> subst_poly_type σ t = t.
Proof. move=> ?. by apply: idSubst_poly_type. Qed.

Fact map_subst_poly_type_poly_var {Gamma} : map (subst_poly_type poly_var) Gamma = Gamma.
Proof. apply: map_id' => ?. by rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var. Qed.

Fact ren_poly_type_id {t}: ren_poly_type id t = t.
Proof. rewrite -[RHS]subst_poly_type_poly_var. by apply: rinst_inst_poly_type. Qed.

Lemma ren_poly_type_id' {ξ t} : (forall x, ξ x = x) -> ren_poly_type ξ t = t.
Proof. rewrite -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id => ?. by apply: extRen_poly_type. Qed.

Fact ren_as_subst_poly_type {ξ t} : ren_poly_type ξ t = subst_poly_type (ξ >> poly_var) t.
Proof. by apply: rinst_inst_poly_type. Qed.

Lemma iter_scons {X: Type} {x: X} {f: nat -> X} {n m: nat} :
  Nat.iter n (scons x) f (n + m) = f m.
  elim: n m f; first done.
  move=> n IH m f /=. by apply: IH.

Lemma iter_scons_ge {X: Type} {f: nat -> X} {n x m} :
  n <= m -> Nat.iter n (scons x) f m = f (m - n).
  move=> ?. have {1}->: m = n + (m - n) by lia. by rewrite iter_scons.

Lemma iter_scons_lt {X: Type} {x: X} {f: nat -> X} {n m: nat} :
  m < n -> Nat.iter n (scons x) f m = x.
  elim: n m f; first by lia.
  move=> n IH [|m] f /= ?; first done.
  by rewrite /funcomp IH; first by lia.

Lemma iter_up_poly_type_poly_type {n σ x} :
  Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type σ (n + x) = ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) (σ x).
  elim: n x σ; first by move=> ? ?; rewrite ren_poly_type_id.
  move=> n IH x σ /=. by rewrite /funcomp IH poly_type_norm.

Lemma iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_lt {n σ x} :
  x < n -> Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type σ x = poly_var x.
  elim: n x σ; first by lia.
  move=> n IH [|x] σ /= ?; first done.
  by rewrite /funcomp IH; first by lia.

Lemma iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_ge {n σ x} : x >= n ->
  Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type σ x = ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) (σ (x - n)).
Proof. move=> ?. have {1}->: x = n + (x - n) by lia. by rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type. Qed.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_impl {P1 P2: nat -> Prop} {t}:
  (forall x, P1 x -> P2 x) -> allfv_poly_type P1 t -> allfv_poly_type P2 t.
  elim: t P1 P2.
  - move=> >. by apply.
  - by move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /= /copy [/IH1 {}IH1 /IH2 {}IH2] [/IH1 ? /IH2 ?].
  - move=> ? IH > H /=. apply: IH. by case.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_allfv_poly_type_impl {P1 P2: nat -> Prop} {t}:
  allfv_poly_type (fun x => P1 x -> P2 x) t -> allfv_poly_type P1 t -> allfv_poly_type P2 t.
  elim: t P1 P2.
  - done.
  - move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /= [/IH1 {}IH1 /IH2 {}IH2] [/IH1 ? /IH2 ?]. by constructor.
  - move=> ? IH > /= H. apply: IH. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H. by case.

(* extensionality principle on allfv_poly_type *)
Lemma ext_allfv_poly_type {P1 P2 t}: (forall x, P1 x <-> P2 x) -> allfv_poly_type P1 t <-> allfv_poly_type P2 t.
Proof. move=> H. by constructor; apply: allfv_poly_type_impl; move=> ? /H. Qed.

(* extensionality principle on allfv_poly_type narrowed to free variables*)
Lemma ext_allfv_poly_type_allfv_poly_type {P1 P2 t}:
  allfv_poly_type (fun x => P1 x <-> P2 x) t -> allfv_poly_type P1 t <-> allfv_poly_type P2 t.
Proof. move=> H. by constructor; apply: allfv_poly_type_allfv_poly_type_impl; apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H => ? H /H. Qed.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_many_poly_absI {P n t} :
  allfv_poly_type (Nat.iter n (scons True) P) t -> allfv_poly_type P (many_poly_abs n t).
  elim: n P; first done.
  move=> n IH P. by rewrite -iter_last => /IH.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_many_poly_arrI {P ss x} : Forall (allfv_poly_type P) ss -> P x ->
  allfv_poly_type P (many_poly_arr ss (poly_var x)).
  elim: ss; first done.
  move=> > IH /Forall_consP [? /IH {}IH] /IH ?. by constructor.

Lemma ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type {t σ σ'} : allfv_poly_type (fun x => σ x = σ' x) t ->
  subst_poly_type σ t = subst_poly_type σ' t.
  elim: t σ σ'.
  - by move=> > /= ->.
  - by move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /= [/IH1 -> /IH2 ->].
  - move=> ? IH > /= H. congr poly_abs. apply: IH.
    apply: iffLR H. apply: ext_allfv_poly_type. case; first done.
    move=> x /=. rewrite /funcomp. constructor; first by move=> ->.
    move=> /(congr1 (ren_poly_type Nat.pred)).
    by rewrite ?poly_type_norm ?ren_poly_type_id.

Lemma ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type {t ξ ξ'} : allfv_poly_type (fun x => ξ x = ξ' x) t ->
  ren_poly_type ξ t = ren_poly_type ξ' t.
  move=> H. rewrite ?ren_as_subst_poly_type. apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type.
  apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H => ?. by rewrite /funcomp => ->.

(* reexport substitution extensionality lemma from syntax *)
Definition ext_poly_type := ext_poly_type.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type {P ξ t} : allfv_poly_type P (ren_poly_type ξ t) <-> (allfv_poly_type (ξ >> P) t).
  elim: t ξ P.
  - done.
  - by move=> /= ? + ? + ? ? => -> ->.
  - move=> ? /= IH ? ?. rewrite IH. apply: ext_allfv_poly_type.
    rewrite /scons /funcomp. by case.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_subst_poly_type {P σ t} : allfv_poly_type P (subst_poly_type σ t) <-> (allfv_poly_type (σ >> allfv_poly_type P) t).
  elim: t σ P.
  - done.
  - by move=> /= ? + ? + ? ? => -> ->.
  - move=> ? /= IH ? ?. rewrite IH. apply: ext_allfv_poly_type.
    rewrite /scons /funcomp. case; first done.
    move=> x. rewrite allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type. by apply: ext_allfv_poly_type.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs {P n t} :
  allfv_poly_type P (many_poly_abs n t) = allfv_poly_type (Nat.iter n (scons True) P) t.
Proof. elim: n P; [ done | move=> n IH P; by rewrite -iter_last -IH ]. Qed.

Lemma allfv_poly_type_TrueI {p: nat -> Prop} {t} : (forall x, p x) -> allfv_poly_type p t.
  move=> Hp. elim: t; [done | done |].
  move=> /= ?. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. case; first done.
  move=> *. by apply: Hp.

Lemma ren_poly_type_allfv_id {ξ t} : (allfv_poly_type (fun x => ξ x = x) t) ->
  ren_poly_type ξ t = t.
Proof. rewrite -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id => ?. by apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. Qed.

Lemma ren_poly_type_closed_id {ξ t} : allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) t -> ren_poly_type ξ t = t.
Proof. move=> H. apply: ren_poly_type_allfv_id. by apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H. Qed.

(* rough upper bound on the values of free variables *)
Fixpoint poly_var_bound (t: poly_type) : nat :=
  match t with
  | poly_var x => 1 + x
  | poly_arr s t => 1 + poly_var_bound s + poly_var_bound t
  | poly_abs p => 1 + poly_var_bound p

Lemma poly_var_boundP t : allfv_poly_type (gt (poly_var_bound t)) t.
  elim: t.
  - move=> /=. by lia.
  - move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 /=. by constructor; [move: IH1 | move: IH2]; apply: allfv_poly_type_impl; lia.
  - move=> ? /=. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. case; [done | by move=> /=; lia].

Lemma iter_up_ren {n ξ x} :
  Nat.iter n up_ren ξ (n + x) = n + ξ x.
  elim: n x ξ; first done.
  move=> n IH x ξ /=. rewrite /funcomp IH. by lia.

Lemma iter_up_ren_lt {n ξ x} :
  x < n -> Nat.iter n up_ren ξ x = x.
  elim: n x ξ; first by lia.
  move=> n IH [|x] ξ /= ?; first done.
  by rewrite /funcomp IH; first by lia.

Lemma iter_up_ren_ge {n ξ x} :
  n <= x -> Nat.iter n up_ren ξ x = n + ξ (x-n).
  move=> ?. have {1}->: x = n + (x - n) by lia. by rewrite iter_up_ren.

Lemma iter_up_ren_ge' {ξ n n' x}:
  x >= n ->
  Nat.iter (n + n') up_ren ξ x = n + Nat.iter n' up_ren ξ (x - n).
  move=> ?.
  have [?|?] : x < n + n' \/ n + n' <= x by lia.
  - rewrite ?iter_up_ren_lt; by lia.
  - have ? : ξ (x - (n + n')) = ξ (x - n - n') by congr ξ; lia.
    by rewrite ?iter_up_ren_ge; lia.

Lemma iter_up_ren_add {n m x}:
  Nat.iter n up_ren (Nat.add m) x = x + (Nat.iter n (locked up_ren) (Nat.add m) x - x).
  rewrite -lock. have [?|->] : x < n \/ x = n + (x - n) by lia.
  - rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; by lia.
  - rewrite iter_up_ren. by lia.

Lemma iter_up_ren_iter_up_ren {n ξ1 ξ2 x} :
  Nat.iter n up_ren ξ1 (Nat.iter n up_ren ξ2 x) = Nat.iter n up_ren (ξ2 >> ξ1) x.
  have [?|->] : x < n \/ x = n + (x - n) by lia.
  - rewrite [Nat.iter _ _ ξ2 x]iter_up_ren_lt; first done.
    rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; first done. by rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; first done.
  - by rewrite ?iter_up_ren /funcomp.

Lemma ren_poly_type_poly_var_bound {ξ n t} : poly_var_bound t <= n ->
  ren_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_ren ξ) t = t.
  move=> H. apply: ren_poly_type_allfv_id.
  apply: allfv_poly_type_impl (poly_var_boundP t) => ? ?.
  apply: iter_up_ren_lt. by lia.

Lemma subst_poly_type_map_seq {f n t} :
  poly_var_bound t <= n ->
  subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var (map f (seq 0 n))) t = subst_poly_type f t.
  move=> H. apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type.
  apply: allfv_poly_type_impl (poly_var_boundP t) => x ?.
  apply: fold_right_map_seq. by lia.

Lemma map_ren_poly_type_id {Gamma} : map (ren_poly_type id) Gamma = Gamma.
Proof. under map_ext => ? do rewrite ren_poly_type_id. by rewrite map_id. Qed.

Lemma many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs {n m t} : many_poly_abs n (many_poly_abs m t) = many_poly_abs (n + m) t.
Proof. by rewrite /many_poly_abs iter_plus. Qed.

Lemma many_poly_abs_eqE {n s t} : many_poly_abs n s = many_poly_abs n t -> s = t.
Proof. elim: n; [done | by move=> ? + []]. Qed.

Lemma many_poly_abs_eqE' {n1 n2 s t} :
  many_poly_abs n1 s = many_poly_abs n2 t ->
  match s, t with
  | poly_abs _, _ | _, poly_abs _ => True
  | _, _ => n1 = n2 /\ s = t
  elim: n1 n2.
  - case.
    + move=> /= ->. by case: t.
    + by move=> ? /= ->.
  - move=> n IH. case.
    + move=> /= <-. clear. by case: s.
    + move=> ? [/IH]. clear.
      case: s; case t; move=> /=; by firstorder lia.

Definition is_poly_abs (t: poly_type) := if t is poly_abs _ then True else False.

Lemma many_poly_abs_eqE'' {n1 t1 n2 t2} : many_poly_abs n1 t1 = many_poly_abs n2 t2 ->
  not (is_poly_abs t2) -> exists n3, t1 = many_poly_abs n3 t2 /\ n2 = n1 + n3.
  elim: n2 n1.
  - move=> [|?].
    + move=> /= <- _. by exists 0.
    + by move=> /= <- /=.
  - move=> n1 IH [|n2].
    + move=> /= -> _. by exists (1+n1).
    + move=> [/IH H] /H [n3] [-> ->]. by exists n3.

Lemma many_poly_absI t : exists n s, t = many_poly_abs n s /\ not (is_poly_abs s).
  elim: t.
  - move=> >. exists 0. eexists. by constructor.
  - move=> >. exists 0. eexists. by constructor.
  - move=> t [n] [s] [-> ?]. exists (1+n). by eexists.

Lemma many_poly_abs_poly_var_eq_subst_poly_typeE {σ n x t}:
  many_poly_abs n (poly_var (n+x)) = subst_poly_type σ t ->
  exists i m y, n = i + m /\ t = many_poly_abs m (poly_var (m+y)).
  have [n' [t' [-> +]]] := many_poly_absI t. case: t'.
  - move=> y _. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
    have [?|->] : y < n' \/ y = n' + (y - n') by lia.
    + rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_lt; first done.
      move=> <-. by exists 0, n, x.
    + move=> /esym /many_poly_abs_eqE'' /(_ ltac:(done)).
      move=> [n''] [? ->]. exists n'', n', (y - n'). constructor; [by lia | done].
  - move=> ? ? _. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
    by move=> /many_poly_abs_eqE' [].
  - by move=> /=.

Lemma many_poly_abs_poly_arr_eq_subst_poly_typeE {σ n x t}:
  many_poly_abs n (poly_arr (poly_var (n+x)) (poly_var (n+x))) = subst_poly_type σ t ->
  (exists m y, t = many_poly_abs m (poly_var (m+y))) \/
  (exists m y1 y2, t = many_poly_abs m (poly_arr (poly_var (m+y1)) (poly_var (m+y2)))).
  have [n' [t' [-> +]]] := many_poly_absI t. case: t'.
  - move=> y _. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
    have [?|->] : y < n' \/ y = n' + (y - n') by lia.
    + rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_lt; first done.
      move=> <-. right. by exists n, x, x.
    + move=> ?. left. by exists n', (y - n').
  - move=> s'' t'' _. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
    move=> /many_poly_abs_eqE' [<-] [].
    case: s''; [ | done | done]. case: t''; [ | done | done].
    move=> y1 y2 /=.
    have [?|->] : y1 < n \/ y1 = n + (y1 - n) by lia.
    + move=> _. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_lt; first done.
      move=> []. by lia.
    + have [?|->] : y2 < n \/ y2 = n + (y2 - n) by lia.
      * move=> + _. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_lt; first done.
        move=> []. by lia.
      * move=> _ _. right. by exists n, (y2-n), (y1-n).
  - by move=> /=.

(* x does not occur in t *)
Definition fresh_in (x: nat) (t: poly_type) := allfv_poly_type (fun y => x <> y) t.

Fixpoint fresh_inb (x: nat) (t: poly_type) :=
  match t with
  | poly_var y => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec x y then false else true
  | poly_arr s t => fresh_inb x s && fresh_inb x t
  | poly_abs t => fresh_inb (1+x) t

Lemma fresh_inP {x t} : reflect (fresh_in x t) (fresh_inb x t).
  elim: t x.
  - move=> n x. rewrite /=. case: (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec _ _).
    + move=> /= ->. by constructor.
    + move=> /= ?. by constructor.
  - move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 x /=. rewrite /fresh_in /= -?/(fresh_in _ _).
    apply /introP; rewrite (rwP (IH1 x)) (rwP (IH2 x)).
    + by case: (fresh_inb _ _); case (fresh_inb _ _).
    + case: (fresh_inb _ _); case (fresh_inb _ _); by move=> ? [? ?].
  - move=> t IH x. rewrite /fresh_in /= -?/(fresh_in _ _). apply /introP.
    + rewrite -(rwP (IH (S x))). apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. case; [done | by move=> /= *; lia].
    + have := (rwP (IH (S x))). case: (fresh_inb (S x) t); first done.
      move=> H _ H'. suff: false by done. apply /H.
      apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H'. case; [done | by move=> /= *; lia].

Lemma fresh_in_many_poly_absI {x n t} : fresh_in (n+x) t -> fresh_in x (many_poly_abs n t).
  move=> H. apply /allfv_poly_type_many_poly_absI.
  apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H => y ?.
  have [?|?] : y < n \/ n <= y by lia.
  - by rewrite iter_scons_lt.
  - rewrite iter_scons_ge; by lia.

Lemma fresh_in_many_poly_arrI {x ss y} : Forall (fresh_in x) ss -> x <> y -> fresh_in x (many_poly_arr ss (poly_var y)).
Proof. move=> *. by apply: allfv_poly_type_many_poly_arrI. Qed.