Require Export Undecidability.TM.Code.CodeTM Undecidability.TM.Code.ChangeAlphabet.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Compound.TMTac.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Basic.Mono Undecidability.TM.Compound.Multi.
(* the above imports sidestep the import of ProgrammingTools below to avoid the dependency on Hoare *)
(*From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.*)
From Undecidability Require Import ArithPrelim.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.FinTypeEquiv Undecidability.Shared.FinTypeForallExists.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section fix_Sigma.
Variable n : nat.
Definition encode_sym (s : Fin.t n) : list bool :=
let i := proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat s) in
repeat false i ++ repeat true (n - i).
Lemma length_encode_sym (s : Fin.t n) :
length (encode_sym s) = n.
unfold encode_sym. destruct Fin.to_nat as [i Hi].
cbn. rewrite app_length, !repeat_length. lia.
Fixpoint encode_string (s : list (Fin.t n)) :=
match s with
| [] => []
| i :: l => false :: encode_sym i ++ true :: encode_string l
Lemma encode_string_app s1 s2 :
encode_string (s1 ++ s2) = encode_string s1 ++ encode_string s2.
induction s1; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-app_assoc. cbn. now rewrite IHs1.
Definition encode_tape (t : tape (Fin.t n)) :=
match t with
| niltape => niltape
| midtape ls c_i rs => midtape (rev (encode_string (rev ls))) false (encode_sym c_i ++ true :: encode_string rs)
| leftof c_i rs => leftof false (encode_sym c_i ++ true :: encode_string rs)
| rightof c_i ls => rightof true (rev (encode_sym c_i) ++ false :: rev(encode_string (rev (ls))))
End fix_Sigma.
Fixpoint ReadB (n : nat) : pTM (FinType (EqType bool)) (option (Fin.t n)) 1.
destruct n as [ | n ].
- exact (Return Nop None).
- refine (Switch ReadChar (fun o : option bool =>
match o with None => Return Nop None | Some _ =>
Move Rmove ;; Switch ReadChar (fun o : option bool =>
match o with
| None => Return (Move Lmove) None
| Some true => Return (Move Lmove) (Some Fin.F1)
| Some false => Switch (ReadB n) (fun o => Return (Move Lmove)
(match o with
| None => None
| Some i => Some (Fin.R 1 i)
Defined. (* because definition *)
Definition ReadB_rel' d n : Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> option (Fin.t (d + n)) * Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> Prop :=
fun t '(l, t') =>
forall t_sig : tape (Fin.t n), t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = t /\ forall s, current t_sig = Some s -> l = Some (Fin.R d s).
Smpl Add eassumption : TM_Correct.
Fixpoint ReadB_canonical n :
{Rel | ReadB n ⊨ Rel}.
destruct n; cbn.
- eexists. TM_Correct.
- eexists. eapply Switch_Realise. TM_Correct. cbn in *. intros [ | ].
instantiate (1 := fun o => match o with None => _ | Some _ => _ end).
eapply Seq_Realise. TM_Correct.
eapply Switch_Realise. TM_Correct. cbn in *. intros [[] | ].
instantiate (1 := fun o => match o with None => _ | Some true => _ | Some false => _ end). cbn in *.
TM_Correct. eapply Switch_Realise. eapply (proj2_sig (ReadB_canonical n)).
instantiate (1 := fun o => match o with None => _ | Some _ => _ end).
intros []; TM_Correct. TM_Correct. cbn. TM_Correct.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma ReadB_Realise n :
ReadB n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig : tape (Fin.t n), t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = t /\ l = current t_sig.
eapply Realise_monotone. exact (proj2_sig (ReadB_canonical n)).
pose (Rel := (fun n (t : Vector.t _ 1) '(l, t') =>
match t with
| [| midtape ls _ rs |] => forall rs' (c_i : Fin.t n), rs = encode_sym c_i ++ rs' ->
t' = t /\ l = Some c_i
| _ => t' = t /\ l = None
end) : forall n, Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> option (Fin.t n) * Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> Prop).
transitivity (Rel n).
- induction n.
+ subst Rel. cbn. intros tp (l, t') (-> & [ _ ->]).
eapply Vector.caseS' with (v := tp). clear tp. intros t nl.
eapply Vector.case0 with (v := nl). clear nl. destruct t; eauto.
intros rs' c_i ->. inv c_i.
+ intros t (l, t') (? & tright & (-> & ->) & H).
destruct_tapes. cbn in *. rename h into t'. rename h0 into t.
destruct t; cbn in *.
* destruct H as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
* destruct H as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
* destruct H as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
* intros rs' c_i ->.
destruct H as ([] & tps & ? & ? & tps' & [-> ->] & H0).
destruct_tapes. cbn in *. subst. rename l0 into ls. cbn in *.
revert H0. eapply Fin.caseS' with (p := c_i); clear c_i.
-- cbn. intros (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
-- intros c_i. change (Fin.FS c_i) with (Fin.R 1 c_i) in *.
unfold encode_sym. cbn in *.
pose proof (Fin.R_sanity 1 c_i) as E. cbn in E.
rewrite E. clear E. cbn.
intros (o & tout & ? & ?). eapply IHn in H. cbn in H.
destruct (H _ _ eq_refl) as [-> ->]. cbn in *.
destruct H0 as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
- intros t (l, t'). unfold Rel. intros H.
destruct_tapes. rename h0 into t. rename h into t'. intros t_sig [= ->].
destruct t_sig; cbn in *; eauto.
Definition isTotal {Σ} {L} {n} (M : pTM Σ L n) := exists c, projT1 M ↓ fun t k => c <= k.
Ltac help :=
intros;TMSimp; destruct_tapes; TMSimp; try lia;
try match goal with
[ |- ?L <= ?R ] => tryif (is_evar R) then (eapply le_plus_l) else (ring_simplify; shelve)
| _ => idtac
Lemma ReadB_total n :
isTotal (ReadB n).
induction n.
- cbn. eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros ? ? H. exact H.
- destruct IHn as [c IH].
eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. cbn.
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
intros []. instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then _ else _). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)).
eapply Seq_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
intros []. instantiate (1 := fun f => match f with Some true => _ | Some false => _ | None => _ end). cbn.
destruct b0 as [[] | ].
+ cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f b0; refine _)).
+ instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f b0; refine _)).
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. eapply ReadB_Realise. eassumption.
intros []. cbn. TM_Correct.
instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then _ else _). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
+ cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
+ cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
+ cbn. intros ? ? ?. exists 1. eexists. split.
lia. split. 2:{ intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
destruct (current _).
* exists 1. eexists. split. lia. split. 2:{ intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
exists 1. eexists. split. lia. split. 2:{ intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
destruct current. destruct b0. instantiate (1 := S _). lia. 2:lia.
exists c. eexists. split. lia. split. 2:{ intros. destruct yout. instantiate (1 := S _). lia. lia. }
ring_simplify. shelve. }
ring_simplify. shelve. }
ring_simplify. cbn. shelve.
* shelve. } shelve.
Unshelve. 2:exact 0. 4: exact (S c). all: try lia. 2:{ eapply H. }
Require Import Undecidability.TM.Compound.WriteString.
Fixpoint MoveM {Σ : finType} (D : move) (n : nat) : pTM Σ unit 1 :=
match n with
| 0 => Nop
| S n => MoveM D n ;; Move D
Definition TestLeftof {Σ : finType} : pTM Σ bool 1 :=
Switch ReadChar (fun s1 => match s1 with Some _ => Return Nop false | None => Move Rmove ;; Switch ReadChar (fun s2 => match s2 with None => Return Nop false | Some _ => Return (Move Lmove) true end) end).
Lemma TestLeftof_Realise {Σ : finType} :
@TestLeftof Σ ⊨ fun t '(b, t') => t = t' /\ match t with [| leftof _ _ |] => b = true | _ => b = false end.
eapply Realise_monotone. unfold TestLeftof. TM_Correct.
intros t (b, t') ?. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. rename t_0 into t.
destruct t; cbn in *; TMSimp; eauto.
Definition MoveL_rel {Σ : finType} D (n : nat) : Vector.t (tape Σ) 1 -> unit * Vector.t (tape Σ) 1 -> Prop :=
fun t '(_, t') => t' = (Nat.iter n (fun t => @tape_move Σ t D)) t.
Lemma MoveM_Realise {Σ : finType} D (n : nat) :
@MoveM Σ D n ⊨ MoveL_rel D n.
induction n; unfold MoveL_rel; cbn.
- eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct. intros t ([], t') ->.
destruct_tapes. reflexivity.
- eapply Realise_monotone. eapply Seq_Realise. eassumption. TM_Correct.
intros t ([], t') ?; cbn in *. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. reflexivity.
Definition WriteB (n : nat) (c : option (Fin.t n)) : pTM (FinType (EqType bool)) unit 1 :=
match c with
| None => Nop
| Some c =>
Switch TestLeftof (fun b => if b then WriteString Lmove (rev (false :: encode_sym c ++ [true])) else
WriteString Rmove (false :: encode_sym c ++ [true]) ;; MoveM Lmove (S n))
Lemma Nat_iter_S' {A} (f : A -> A) (a : A) n :
Nat.iter (S n) f a = f (Nat.iter n f a).
Lemma Nat_iter_S {A} (f : A -> A) (a : A) n :
Nat.iter (S n) f a = Nat.iter n f (f a).
induction n in a |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold Nat.iter in IHn. now rewrite <- IHn.
Lemma Nat_iter_id {A} (a : A) n :
Nat.iter n (fun a : A => a) a = a.
induction n in a |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold Nat.iter in IHn. now rewrite <- IHn.
Lemma WriteString_MoveBack {Σ : finType} (x : Σ) l :
(WriteString Rmove (x :: l) ;; MoveM Lmove (|l|)) ⊨ fun t '(_, t') => t' = (fun t => midtape (left t) x (l ++ skipn (|l|) (right t))) t.
eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise, WriteString_Sem. eapply MoveM_Realise.
intros t ([], t') ([] & t1 & ? & ?). TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. f_equal. rename t_0 into t.
induction l in x, t |- *.
- reflexivity.
- cbn [length plus]. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
rewrite WriteString_Fun_eq. setoid_rewrite IHl. clear.
destruct t; cbn.
+ now rewrite skipn_nil.
+ reflexivity.
+ now rewrite skipn_nil.
+ unfold tape_move_left'. unfold tape_move_right'. cbn. destruct l1; cbn.
* now rewrite skipn_nil.
* reflexivity.
Lemma WriteB_Realise (n : nat) (c : option (Fin.t n)) :
WriteB c ⊨ fun t '(_, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = [| encode_tape (wr c t_sig) |].
destruct c as [c | ].
- eapply Realise_monotone. unfold WriteB. eapply Switch_Realise.
eapply TestLeftof_Realise. intros []. instantiate (1 := fun b => if b then _ else _).
cbn. eapply RealiseIn_Realise, WriteString_Sem.
pose proof (@WriteString_MoveBack (finType_CS bool) false (encode_sym c ++ [true])). cbn in H.
replace (|encode_sym c ++ [true]|) with (S n) in H. 2:rewrite app_length, length_encode_sym; cbn; lia. cbn.
eapply H.
intros t ([], t') ? ? ->. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. f_equal.
destruct t_sig eqn:E; cbn - [skipn].
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. now rewrite app_nil_r.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. generalize (encode_sym t ++ true :: encode_string l). clear. intros.
replace (encode_sym c ++ true :: false :: l) with ((encode_sym c ++ [true]) ++ false :: l).
generalize (encode_sym c ++ [true]). generalize false. intros.
generalize b at 1 4. intros.
induction l0 in b0, b, l |- * using rev_ind; cbn.
* reflexivity.
* rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite WriteString_Fun_eq.
destruct l0 as [ | x0 l0 _] using rev_ind.
-- cbn. reflexivity.
-- rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
specialize (IHl0 (b0 :: l) b x). rewrite rev_app_distr in IHl0.
cbn in *. rewrite <- app_assoc in IHl0. cbn in IHl0. eassumption.
* now rewrite <- app_assoc.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn. repeat f_equal. rewrite encode_string_app. cbn.
rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn -[skipn]. repeat f_equal.
replace (encode_sym t ++ true :: encode_string l0) with ((encode_sym t ++ [true]) ++ encode_string l0).
pose proof (length_encode_sym t).
destruct (encode_sym) eqn:E.
* cbn in *. subst. reflexivity.
* cbn in *. inv H. rewrite skipn_app. reflexivity. rewrite app_length. cbn. lia.
* now rewrite <- app_assoc.
- cbn. eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros t ([], t') ->. eauto.
Lemma MoveM_isTotal {Σ : finType} D (n : nat) :
isTotal (@MoveM Σ D n).
induction n; cbn.
- eexists. TM_Correct.
- destruct IHn as [c IH]. eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. intros ? ? ?.
repeat eexists. eapply le_plus_l. cbn. 2: intros; eapply le_plus_l.
eapply H.
Unshelve. all:exact 0.
Lemma WriteB_TerminatesIn (n : nat) (c : option (Fin.t n)) :
isTotal (WriteB c).
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Lmove n) as [MoveM_c H_MoveM].
red. eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
unfold WriteB. destruct c; cbn.
- instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct c; refine _ )). cbn.
TM_Correct. eapply TestLeftof_Realise. unfold TestLeftof.
TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn, WriteString_Sem.
eapply RealiseIn_Realise, WriteString_Sem.
eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn, WriteString_Sem.
eapply MoveM_Realise.
- cbn. TM_Correct.
- cbn. intros ? ? ?. destruct c; cbn.
+ repeat eexists. help. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. cbn.
destruct (current _).
* destruct b; help.
* repeat eexists. help. help. help. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. destruct current.
destruct b; help. lia.
* eapply H.
* intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. rename tout_0 into h. destruct h; help.
-- TMSimp. repeat eexists.
rewrite !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn. eapply le_plus_l. cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct c; refine _ )). cbn in *.
eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. intros. eapply le_plus_l.
-- TMSimp. rewrite !app_length, rev_length, !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn. lia.
-- TMSimp. repeat eexists. rewrite !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn. eapply le_plus_l.
2: eapply le_plus_l. 2:eapply le_plus_l. 2: intros; eapply le_plus_l.
ring_simplify. shelve.
-- TMSimp. repeat eexists. rewrite !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn.
eapply le_plus_l. cbn. shelve. eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. intros. eapply le_plus_l.
+ lia.
Unshelve. all: try exact 0. lia. lia. lia.
Definition MoveB (m : move) n : pTM (finType_CS bool) unit 1 :=
Switch TestLeftof (fun b => match b, m with
| true, Rmove => Move Rmove
| _, _ => MoveM m (2 + n)
Arguments Nat.iter : simpl never.
Opaque Nat.iter.
Lemma midtape_left_midtape {Σ : finType} (l1 l2 : list Σ) m m' r n :
n = S (length l1) ->
Nat.iter n (@tape_move_left Σ) (midtape (rev l1 ++ [m'] ++ l2) m r) = midtape l2 m' (l1 ++ m :: r).
intros ->. induction l1 in m, m', l2 |- *.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite <- app_assoc. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
now rewrite (IHl1 (m' :: l2) m a).
Lemma midtape_right_midtape {Σ : finType} l m r1 c r2 n :
n = S (length r1) ->
Nat.iter n (@tape_move_right Σ) (midtape l m (r1 ++ c :: r2)) = midtape (rev r1 ++ m :: l) c r2.
intros ->. induction r1 in m, c, r2 |- * using rev_ind; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite app_length. cbn. rewrite plus_comm. cbn.
rewrite <- app_assoc, Nat_iter_S'. cbn.
rewrite (IHr1 m x (c :: r2)). cbn. now rewrite rev_app_distr.
Lemma midtape_right_rightof {Σ : finType} l m rs c n :
n = 2 + (length rs) ->
Nat.iter n (@tape_move_right Σ) (midtape l m (rs ++ [c])) = rightof c (rev rs ++ m :: l).
intros ->. cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
rewrite midtape_right_midtape. 2:reflexivity. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma MoveB_Realise (n : nat) m :
MoveB m n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = [| @encode_tape n (mv m t_sig) |].
epose (R := _). eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveB.
eapply Switch_Realise. eapply TestLeftof_Realise.
instantiate (1 := R m). subst R.
instantiate (1 := fun m b => if b then _ else _). cbn.
intros []. cbn. instantiate (1 := match m0 with Rmove => _ | _ => _ end). cbn. destruct m.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. TM_Correct. TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. } subst R.
assert (forall n c rs, Nat.iter n (fun t : tape bool => tape_move_left t) (leftof c rs) = leftof c rs) as Eleft. {
clear. intros. clear. induction n; cbn. reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S', IHn. reflexivity. }
intros t ([], t') ? t_sig ->. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. f_equal.
destruct t_sig.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
assert (Nat.iter n (fun t : tape bool => tape_move t m) niltape = niltape) as ->.
{ induction n; cbn. reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S', IHn. now destruct m. }
now destruct m.
- cbn in *. TMSimp. destruct m.
+ TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. now rewrite Eleft.
+ TMSimp. reflexivity.
+ TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. now rewrite Nat_iter_id.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
destruct m.
+ cbn. rewrite <- !Nat_iter_S' with (f := fun t0 => tape_move_left t0).
rewrite Nat_iter_S. cbn.
pose proof (@midtape_left_midtape (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H. erewrite <- H.
2: reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S'. rewrite length_encode_sym. reflexivity.
+ enough (forall c rs, Nat.iter n (fun t : tape bool => tape_move_right t) (rightof c rs) = rightof c rs) as -> by reflexivity.
intros. clear. induction n; cbn. reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S', IHn. reflexivity.
+ now rewrite Nat_iter_id.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. rename l into rs, l0 into ls.
rewrite <- !Nat_iter_S' with (f := fun t0 => tape_move t0 m).
destruct m.
+ cbn. destruct rs.
* cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_S. cbn. now rewrite Eleft.
* cbn. pose proof (@midtape_left_midtape (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H.
rewrite encode_string_app, rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn.
rewrite Nat_iter_S. cbn. rewrite <- app_assoc.
erewrite <- H. 2:reflexivity. rewrite length_encode_sym. reflexivity.
+ cbn. destruct ls.
* cbn.
pose proof (@midtape_right_rightof (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H.
rewrite H. 2:now rewrite length_encode_sym. reflexivity.
* cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
pose proof (@midtape_right_midtape (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H.
rewrite H. cbn. rewrite encode_string_app. cbn. rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn.
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn. reflexivity.
now rewrite length_encode_sym.
+ cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_id. reflexivity.
Lemma TestLeftof_total {Σ} :
isTotal (@TestLeftof Σ).
unfold TestLeftof.
eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
TM_Correct. intros ? ? ?. repeat eexists; help.
destruct current; help.
repeat eexists. help. help. help. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct x; refine _)). cbn. eapply le_plus_l.
help. destruct current. help. help.
Unshelve. all: try destruct x; cbn.
4:{ eapply H. } all:exact 0.
Lemma MoveB_total (n : nat) :
exists c, forall m, projT1 (MoveB m n) ↓ fun t k => c <= k.
destruct (@TestLeftof_total (finType_CS bool)) as [c Hlo].
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Lmove n) as [c1 H1].
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Nmove n) as [c2 H2].
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Rmove n) as [c3 H3].
eexists. intros m. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
unfold MoveB.
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn.
TM_Correct. eapply TestLeftof_Realise. eapply Hlo.
intros f. instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then _ else _). cbn.
destruct f.
- destruct m. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct m, f; refine _)). all: cbn.
eapply Seq_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. TM_Correct.
eapply MoveM_Realise. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. eapply MoveM_Realise.
- instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct f; refine _)); cbn.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. eapply MoveM_Realise.
destruct m. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all: cbn.
- cbn. intros ? ? ?. repeat eexists; help.
TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
rename tout_0 into h. destruct h; TMSimp. repeat eexists; help. destruct m.
instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
destruct m. instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
repeat eexists; help. lia.
repeat eexists; help.
repeat eexists. destruct m. instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
repeat eexists. destruct m. instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
Unshelve. all: try destruct x; cbn in *.
all: try destruct x; cbn in *.
all:try destruct m; cbn in *.
17:{ eapply H. }
instantiate (6 := c1).
instantiate (6 := c3) in H. ring_simplify in H.
replace (c + c1 + c3) with (c + c3 + c1) by lia. eapply H. }
14:{ring_simplify. ring_simplify in H.
instantiate (6 := c3). instantiate (5 := c1).
instantiate (5 := c2) in H.
replace (c + c3 + c2 + c1) with (c + c3 + c1 + c2) by lia. eapply H. }
all:try exact 0. all: try lia. all: exact (fun _ _ => True).
Section FixM.
Variable Σ : finType.
Let n := (projT1 (finite_n Σ)).
Let f := (projT1 (projT2 (finite_n Σ))).
Let g := (proj1_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n Σ)))).
Let Hf := (proj1 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n Σ))))).
Let Hg := (proj2 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n Σ))))).
Instance R : Retract (Fin.t n) Σ.
eapply (@Build_Retract _ _ g (fun x => Some (f x ))).
- intros [= <-]; now rewrite Hg.
- intros ->; now rewrite Hf.
Definition encode_tape' (t : tape Σ) : tape bool := encode_tape (mapTape f t).
Lemma ReadB_Realise' :
ReadB n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig : tape Σ, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> t' = t /\ l = map_opt f (current t_sig).
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply ReadB_Realise.
intros t (?, t') ? t_sig ->. destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
specialize (H (mapTape f t_sig) eq_refl) as [[= ->] ->].
split. eauto. eapply mapTape_current.
Lemma WriteB_Realise' (c : option Σ) :
WriteB (map_opt f c) ⊨ fun t '(_, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> t' = [| encode_tape' (wr c t_sig) |].
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply WriteB_Realise.
intros t (?, t') ? t_sig ->. destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
specialize (H (mapTape f t_sig) eq_refl) as [= ->].
unfold tape_write. destruct c.
- cbn. destruct t_sig; reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
Lemma MoveB_Realise' m :
MoveB m n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> t' = [| encode_tape' (mv m t_sig) |].
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply MoveB_Realise.
intros t (?, t') ? t_sig ->. destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
specialize (H (mapTape f t_sig) eq_refl) as [= ->].
f_equal. destruct t_sig, m; try reflexivity.
cbn. destruct l; cbn; reflexivity.
cbn. destruct l0; cbn; reflexivity.
Variable M : TM Σ 1.
Definition Step (q : state M) : pTM (finType_CS bool) (state M + state M) 1 :=
Switch (ReadB n) (fun c_i => if halt q then Return Nop (inr q)
else let '(q', e) := trans M (q, [| map_opt g c_i |]) in
let '(existT _ (c', m) _) := destruct_vector_cons e in
WriteB (map_opt f c') ;; MoveB m n ;; Return Nop (inl q')).
Smpl Add (eapply ReadB_Realise') : TM_Correct.
Smpl Add (eapply WriteB_Realise') : TM_Correct.
Smpl Add (eapply MoveB_Realise') : TM_Correct.
Lemma Step_Realise q :
Step q ⊨ fun t '(q_, t') =>
forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] ->
if halt q then q_ = inr q /\ t' = t
else let '(q', a) := trans M (q, [| current t_sig |]) in
let '(existT _ (c', m) _) := destruct_vector_cons a in
q_ = inl q' /\ t' = [| encode_tape' (mv m (wr c' t_sig)) |].
eapply Realise_monotone.
unfold Step. eapply Switch_Realise. TM_Correct. cbn.
intros c_i. instantiate (1 := fun c_i => _). cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (halt q); refine _)).
destruct (halt q). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (trans (q, [|map_opt g c_i|])); refine _)). cbn.
destruct (trans (q, [|map_opt g c_i|])).
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (destruct_vector_cons t); refine _)). cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons t). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct x; refine _)). cbn.
destruct x. TM_Correct.
intros t (q_, t') ? t_sig ->. TMSimp.
rename t'_0 into t'.
destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq.
- TMSimp. split. reflexivity. eapply H. reflexivity.
- specialize (H _ eq_refl) as [[= ->] ->]. cbn in *.
assert (Efg : forall o, map_opt g (map_opt f o) = o). { intros [s | ]; cbn; now rewrite ?Hg. }
rewrite Efg in H0. clear Efg.
destruct trans as [q' T] eqn:Eqt.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as [[m c'] [nl ->]].
TMSimp. destruct_vector. split. reflexivity.
now eapply H0, H.
Lemma WriteB_total' :
exists C, forall (c : option (Fin.t n)), projT1 (WriteB c) ↓ fun t k => k >= C.
eapply fintype_forall_exists; cbn.
- intros. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. eassumption.
intros ? ? ?. lia.
- eapply WriteB_TerminatesIn.
Lemma Step_total q :
isTotal (Step q).
destruct (MoveB_total n).
destruct (ReadB_total n).
destruct (WriteB_total').
eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
- unfold Step. eapply Switch_TerminatesIn.
TM_Correct. cbn in *. eapply H0. cbn.
intros c_i. instantiate (1 := ltac:(intros c_i; refine _)); cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (halt q); refine _)); cbn.
destruct halt.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (trans (q, [| map_opt g c_i |])),
(destruct_vector_cons t),
x2 ; refine _)); cbn.
destruct (trans (q, [| map_opt g c_i |])); cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons t); cbn.
destruct x2. TM_Correct. eapply H1. eapply H.
- cbn. intros ? ? ?. repeat eexists; help.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (halt q); refine _)); cbn.
destruct halt. lia. rename yout into c_i.
destruct (trans (q, [| map_opt g c_i |])); cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons t); cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct x2; refine _)).
destruct x2. TM_Correct.
repeat eexists.
eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l.
eapply le_plus_l. intros. eapply le_plus_l.
Unshelve. all:cbn.
all: try destruct x2; cbn in *.
3:{ destruct halt. cbn. eapply H2. eapply H2. }
all:exact 0.
Unshelve. all:exact 0.
Lemma Step_total' :
exists C, forall q, projT1 (Step q) ↓ fun t k => C <= k.
eapply fintype_forall_exists.
- intros. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. eassumption. intros ? ?. lia.
- intros q. eapply Step_total.
Theorem WhileStep_Realise :
StateWhile Step (start M) ⊨
fun t '(q', t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> exists t_sig', eval M (start M) [| t_sig |] q' [| t_sig' |] /\ t' = [| encode_tape' t_sig'|].
generalize (start M). intros q.
eapply Realise_monotone.
TM_Correct. eapply Step_Realise.
intros t (l, t') ? t_sig E.
TMSimp. destruct_tapes. rename t'_0 into t'.
remember ([|encode_tape' t_sig|]) as tin.
remember (l, [|t'|]) as cout.
induction H in t_sig, l, t', Heqtin, Heqcout |- *.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. specialize (H _ eq_refl).
rename l0 into q. destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq.
+ inv Heqcout. destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]].
+ inv Heqcout. destruct trans as [q' T] eqn:Eqt.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as [[m c'] [nl ->]].
destruct_vector. destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]].
specialize (IHStateWhile_Rel _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl) as [t_sig' [H1 [= ->]]].
exists t_sig'. split; try reflexivity.
econstructor. eassumption. eassumption. cbn. eassumption.
- inv Heqcout. specialize (H _ eq_refl).
rename l0 into q. destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq.
+ destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]]. eexists; split; try reflexivity.
now econstructor.
+ destruct trans as [q' T] eqn:Eqt.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as [[m c'] [nl ->]].
destruct_vector. destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]].
Theorem WhileStep_Terminates :
exists C1 C2,
projT1 (StateWhile Step (start M)) ↓ fun t k =>
exists t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] /\
exists k' t_sig' q', loopM (initc M [| t_sig |]) k' = Some (mk_mconfig q' [| t_sig' |] ) /\
k >= C1 * k' + C2.
unfold initc.
generalize (start M). intros q.
destruct (Step_total') as [C HC].
eexists. eexists.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
eapply StateWhile_TerminatesIn. intros. eapply Step_Realise. intros. eapply HC.
revert q. eapply StateWhileCoInduction.
intros q tin k H. TMSimp.
rename ymid0 into steps, ymid into t_sig, ymid1 into t_sig', ymid2 into q'.
remember [|t_sig|] as tin. remember [|t_sig'|] as tout.
rename H0 into H. rename H1 into H0.
induction steps in tin, t_sig, Heqtin, q, H0, H |- *.
- cbn in H. unfold haltConf in H. cbn in *.
destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq; cbn.
+ inv H. eexists. split. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. destruct_tapes. specialize (H _ eq_refl) as [[= ->] [= ->]].
ring_simplify in H0. shelve.
+ inv H.
- cbn in H. unfold haltConf in H. cbn in *.
destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq; cbn.
+ inv H. eexists. split. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. destruct_tapes. specialize (H _ eq_refl) as [[= ->] [= ->]].
ring_simplify in H0. shelve.
+ subst. unfold step in H. cbn in *.
unfold current_chars in *. cbn in *.
destruct trans as (qnxt, A) eqn:Et. cbn in *.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons A) eqn:E2.
destruct x as (c', m) eqn:E3. destruct s as [? ->].
cbn in *. pose proof (Hrem := H).
eapply IHsteps in H. eexists. split.
eapply le_plus_l.
intros. specialize (H1 _ eq_refl).
rewrite Et in H1. rewrite E2 in H1. destruct H1. subst.
repeat eexists. rewrite <- Hrem. repeat f_equal. now destruct t_sig, m, c'.
shelve. shelve. reflexivity. shelve.
exact (1 + C). exact (2 + 2 * C). exact 0.
2: exact 0. 3: exact 0. 3: (exact ((2 + steps) * S C)).
End FixM.
Lemma Sim_Realise {Σ} (L : finType) (M : pTM Σ L 1) R :
M ⊨ R ->
Relabel (StateWhile (@Step Σ (projT1 M)) (start (projT1 M))) (projT2 M) ⊨
fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] ->
exists t_sig', R [| t_sig |] (l, [| t_sig' |]) /\ t' = [| encode_tape' t_sig' |].
intros HM.
eapply Realise_monotone. { eapply Relabel_Realise, WhileStep_Realise. }
intros ? ? ?. TMSimp. specialize (H0 _ eq_refl). TMSimp.
repeat eexists. unfold Realise in HM.
eapply TM_eval_iff in H as [k H].
now eapply HM in H.
Lemma Sim_Terminates {Σ} (L : finType) (M : pTM Σ L 1) T :
projT1 M ↓ T ->
exists C1 C2,
projT1 (Relabel (StateWhile (@Step Σ (projT1 M)) (start (projT1 M))) (projT2 M)) ↓
fun t k => exists t_sig k', t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] /\ T [| t_sig |] k' /\ k >= C1 * k' + C2.
intros HM.
destruct (WhileStep_Terminates (projT1 M)) as (C1 & C2 & HC).
exists C1, C2.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. { eapply Relabel_Terminates, HC. }
intros ? ? ?. TMSimp.
eapply HM in H0. TMSimp.
destruct ymid1. destruct_tapes. repeat eexists; eassumption.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts Undecidability.TM.Util.TM_facts.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Theorem reduction :
HaltTM 1 ⪯ fun '(M,t) => @HaltsTM (finType_CS bool) 1 M t.
unshelve eexists.
- intros [Σ M t]. split. exact (projT1 (StateWhile (@Step Σ M) (start M))).
exact ( (fun t => encode_tape' t) t).
- intros [Σ M t]. cbn. split.
+ intros (q' & t' & [n H] % TM_eval_iff).
edestruct @Sim_Terminates with (M := (existT _ M (fun _ : state M => tt))) (T := fun tin k => tin = t /\ k >= n).
* intros tin k [-> Hk]. cbn. exists (mk_mconfig q' t'). eapply @loop_monotone. exact H. eapply Hk.
* destruct H0 as [k H0]. cbn in H0. edestruct H0 as [[] H1].
-- exists (Vector.hd t), n. split. reflexivity. split. 2: now unfold ge. split. 2:lia. dependent elimination t.
dependent elimination t. reflexivity.
-- exists cstate. eexists ctapes. eapply TM_eval_iff. exists (x * n + k). unfold Relabel, initc in H1. cbn in H1.
repeat dependent elimination t. exact H1.
+ intros (q' & t' & [n H] % TM_eval_iff).
eapply (Sim_Realise (M := (existT _ M (fun _ : state M => tt))) (R := fun tin '(_,tout) => exists q', eval M (start M) tin q' tout)) in H.
* repeat dependent elimination t. rename h into t.
specialize (H t eq_refl) as [t'_sig [[q'_ H1] H2]]. cbn in H1.
cbn in H2. subst. exists q'_, [|t'_sig|]. eassumption.
* intros tin k [q'_ tout] Hter. cbn in *. exists q'_. eapply TM_eval_iff. exists k. exact Hter.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Compound.TMTac.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Basic.Mono Undecidability.TM.Compound.Multi.
(* the above imports sidestep the import of ProgrammingTools below to avoid the dependency on Hoare *)
(*From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.*)
From Undecidability Require Import ArithPrelim.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.FinTypeEquiv Undecidability.Shared.FinTypeForallExists.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section fix_Sigma.
Variable n : nat.
Definition encode_sym (s : Fin.t n) : list bool :=
let i := proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat s) in
repeat false i ++ repeat true (n - i).
Lemma length_encode_sym (s : Fin.t n) :
length (encode_sym s) = n.
unfold encode_sym. destruct Fin.to_nat as [i Hi].
cbn. rewrite app_length, !repeat_length. lia.
Fixpoint encode_string (s : list (Fin.t n)) :=
match s with
| [] => []
| i :: l => false :: encode_sym i ++ true :: encode_string l
Lemma encode_string_app s1 s2 :
encode_string (s1 ++ s2) = encode_string s1 ++ encode_string s2.
induction s1; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-app_assoc. cbn. now rewrite IHs1.
Definition encode_tape (t : tape (Fin.t n)) :=
match t with
| niltape => niltape
| midtape ls c_i rs => midtape (rev (encode_string (rev ls))) false (encode_sym c_i ++ true :: encode_string rs)
| leftof c_i rs => leftof false (encode_sym c_i ++ true :: encode_string rs)
| rightof c_i ls => rightof true (rev (encode_sym c_i) ++ false :: rev(encode_string (rev (ls))))
End fix_Sigma.
Fixpoint ReadB (n : nat) : pTM (FinType (EqType bool)) (option (Fin.t n)) 1.
destruct n as [ | n ].
- exact (Return Nop None).
- refine (Switch ReadChar (fun o : option bool =>
match o with None => Return Nop None | Some _ =>
Move Rmove ;; Switch ReadChar (fun o : option bool =>
match o with
| None => Return (Move Lmove) None
| Some true => Return (Move Lmove) (Some Fin.F1)
| Some false => Switch (ReadB n) (fun o => Return (Move Lmove)
(match o with
| None => None
| Some i => Some (Fin.R 1 i)
Defined. (* because definition *)
Definition ReadB_rel' d n : Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> option (Fin.t (d + n)) * Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> Prop :=
fun t '(l, t') =>
forall t_sig : tape (Fin.t n), t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = t /\ forall s, current t_sig = Some s -> l = Some (Fin.R d s).
Smpl Add eassumption : TM_Correct.
Fixpoint ReadB_canonical n :
{Rel | ReadB n ⊨ Rel}.
destruct n; cbn.
- eexists. TM_Correct.
- eexists. eapply Switch_Realise. TM_Correct. cbn in *. intros [ | ].
instantiate (1 := fun o => match o with None => _ | Some _ => _ end).
eapply Seq_Realise. TM_Correct.
eapply Switch_Realise. TM_Correct. cbn in *. intros [[] | ].
instantiate (1 := fun o => match o with None => _ | Some true => _ | Some false => _ end). cbn in *.
TM_Correct. eapply Switch_Realise. eapply (proj2_sig (ReadB_canonical n)).
instantiate (1 := fun o => match o with None => _ | Some _ => _ end).
intros []; TM_Correct. TM_Correct. cbn. TM_Correct.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma ReadB_Realise n :
ReadB n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig : tape (Fin.t n), t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = t /\ l = current t_sig.
eapply Realise_monotone. exact (proj2_sig (ReadB_canonical n)).
pose (Rel := (fun n (t : Vector.t _ 1) '(l, t') =>
match t with
| [| midtape ls _ rs |] => forall rs' (c_i : Fin.t n), rs = encode_sym c_i ++ rs' ->
t' = t /\ l = Some c_i
| _ => t' = t /\ l = None
end) : forall n, Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> option (Fin.t n) * Vector.t (tape bool) 1 -> Prop).
transitivity (Rel n).
- induction n.
+ subst Rel. cbn. intros tp (l, t') (-> & [ _ ->]).
eapply Vector.caseS' with (v := tp). clear tp. intros t nl.
eapply Vector.case0 with (v := nl). clear nl. destruct t; eauto.
intros rs' c_i ->. inv c_i.
+ intros t (l, t') (? & tright & (-> & ->) & H).
destruct_tapes. cbn in *. rename h into t'. rename h0 into t.
destruct t; cbn in *.
* destruct H as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
* destruct H as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
* destruct H as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
* intros rs' c_i ->.
destruct H as ([] & tps & ? & ? & tps' & [-> ->] & H0).
destruct_tapes. cbn in *. subst. rename l0 into ls. cbn in *.
revert H0. eapply Fin.caseS' with (p := c_i); clear c_i.
-- cbn. intros (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
-- intros c_i. change (Fin.FS c_i) with (Fin.R 1 c_i) in *.
unfold encode_sym. cbn in *.
pose proof (Fin.R_sanity 1 c_i) as E. cbn in E.
rewrite E. clear E. cbn.
intros (o & tout & ? & ?). eapply IHn in H. cbn in H.
destruct (H _ _ eq_refl) as [-> ->]. cbn in *.
destruct H0 as (-> & [] & ->). eauto.
- intros t (l, t'). unfold Rel. intros H.
destruct_tapes. rename h0 into t. rename h into t'. intros t_sig [= ->].
destruct t_sig; cbn in *; eauto.
Definition isTotal {Σ} {L} {n} (M : pTM Σ L n) := exists c, projT1 M ↓ fun t k => c <= k.
Ltac help :=
intros;TMSimp; destruct_tapes; TMSimp; try lia;
try match goal with
[ |- ?L <= ?R ] => tryif (is_evar R) then (eapply le_plus_l) else (ring_simplify; shelve)
| _ => idtac
Lemma ReadB_total n :
isTotal (ReadB n).
induction n.
- cbn. eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros ? ? H. exact H.
- destruct IHn as [c IH].
eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. cbn.
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
intros []. instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then _ else _). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)).
eapply Seq_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
intros []. instantiate (1 := fun f => match f with Some true => _ | Some false => _ | None => _ end). cbn.
destruct b0 as [[] | ].
+ cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f b0; refine _)).
+ instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f b0; refine _)).
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn. eapply ReadB_Realise. eassumption.
intros []. cbn. TM_Correct.
instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then _ else _). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
+ cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
+ cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(clear f; refine _)). TM_Correct.
+ cbn. intros ? ? ?. exists 1. eexists. split.
lia. split. 2:{ intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
destruct (current _).
* exists 1. eexists. split. lia. split. 2:{ intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
exists 1. eexists. split. lia. split. 2:{ intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
destruct current. destruct b0. instantiate (1 := S _). lia. 2:lia.
exists c. eexists. split. lia. split. 2:{ intros. destruct yout. instantiate (1 := S _). lia. lia. }
ring_simplify. shelve. }
ring_simplify. shelve. }
ring_simplify. cbn. shelve.
* shelve. } shelve.
Unshelve. 2:exact 0. 4: exact (S c). all: try lia. 2:{ eapply H. }
Require Import Undecidability.TM.Compound.WriteString.
Fixpoint MoveM {Σ : finType} (D : move) (n : nat) : pTM Σ unit 1 :=
match n with
| 0 => Nop
| S n => MoveM D n ;; Move D
Definition TestLeftof {Σ : finType} : pTM Σ bool 1 :=
Switch ReadChar (fun s1 => match s1 with Some _ => Return Nop false | None => Move Rmove ;; Switch ReadChar (fun s2 => match s2 with None => Return Nop false | Some _ => Return (Move Lmove) true end) end).
Lemma TestLeftof_Realise {Σ : finType} :
@TestLeftof Σ ⊨ fun t '(b, t') => t = t' /\ match t with [| leftof _ _ |] => b = true | _ => b = false end.
eapply Realise_monotone. unfold TestLeftof. TM_Correct.
intros t (b, t') ?. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. rename t_0 into t.
destruct t; cbn in *; TMSimp; eauto.
Definition MoveL_rel {Σ : finType} D (n : nat) : Vector.t (tape Σ) 1 -> unit * Vector.t (tape Σ) 1 -> Prop :=
fun t '(_, t') => t' = (Nat.iter n (fun t => @tape_move Σ t D)) t.
Lemma MoveM_Realise {Σ : finType} D (n : nat) :
@MoveM Σ D n ⊨ MoveL_rel D n.
induction n; unfold MoveL_rel; cbn.
- eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct. intros t ([], t') ->.
destruct_tapes. reflexivity.
- eapply Realise_monotone. eapply Seq_Realise. eassumption. TM_Correct.
intros t ([], t') ?; cbn in *. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. reflexivity.
Definition WriteB (n : nat) (c : option (Fin.t n)) : pTM (FinType (EqType bool)) unit 1 :=
match c with
| None => Nop
| Some c =>
Switch TestLeftof (fun b => if b then WriteString Lmove (rev (false :: encode_sym c ++ [true])) else
WriteString Rmove (false :: encode_sym c ++ [true]) ;; MoveM Lmove (S n))
Lemma Nat_iter_S' {A} (f : A -> A) (a : A) n :
Nat.iter (S n) f a = f (Nat.iter n f a).
Lemma Nat_iter_S {A} (f : A -> A) (a : A) n :
Nat.iter (S n) f a = Nat.iter n f (f a).
induction n in a |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold Nat.iter in IHn. now rewrite <- IHn.
Lemma Nat_iter_id {A} (a : A) n :
Nat.iter n (fun a : A => a) a = a.
induction n in a |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold Nat.iter in IHn. now rewrite <- IHn.
Lemma WriteString_MoveBack {Σ : finType} (x : Σ) l :
(WriteString Rmove (x :: l) ;; MoveM Lmove (|l|)) ⊨ fun t '(_, t') => t' = (fun t => midtape (left t) x (l ++ skipn (|l|) (right t))) t.
eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise, WriteString_Sem. eapply MoveM_Realise.
intros t ([], t') ([] & t1 & ? & ?). TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. f_equal. rename t_0 into t.
induction l in x, t |- *.
- reflexivity.
- cbn [length plus]. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
rewrite WriteString_Fun_eq. setoid_rewrite IHl. clear.
destruct t; cbn.
+ now rewrite skipn_nil.
+ reflexivity.
+ now rewrite skipn_nil.
+ unfold tape_move_left'. unfold tape_move_right'. cbn. destruct l1; cbn.
* now rewrite skipn_nil.
* reflexivity.
Lemma WriteB_Realise (n : nat) (c : option (Fin.t n)) :
WriteB c ⊨ fun t '(_, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = [| encode_tape (wr c t_sig) |].
destruct c as [c | ].
- eapply Realise_monotone. unfold WriteB. eapply Switch_Realise.
eapply TestLeftof_Realise. intros []. instantiate (1 := fun b => if b then _ else _).
cbn. eapply RealiseIn_Realise, WriteString_Sem.
pose proof (@WriteString_MoveBack (finType_CS bool) false (encode_sym c ++ [true])). cbn in H.
replace (|encode_sym c ++ [true]|) with (S n) in H. 2:rewrite app_length, length_encode_sym; cbn; lia. cbn.
eapply H.
intros t ([], t') ? ? ->. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. f_equal.
destruct t_sig eqn:E; cbn - [skipn].
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. now rewrite app_nil_r.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. generalize (encode_sym t ++ true :: encode_string l). clear. intros.
replace (encode_sym c ++ true :: false :: l) with ((encode_sym c ++ [true]) ++ false :: l).
generalize (encode_sym c ++ [true]). generalize false. intros.
generalize b at 1 4. intros.
induction l0 in b0, b, l |- * using rev_ind; cbn.
* reflexivity.
* rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite WriteString_Fun_eq.
destruct l0 as [ | x0 l0 _] using rev_ind.
-- cbn. reflexivity.
-- rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
specialize (IHl0 (b0 :: l) b x). rewrite rev_app_distr in IHl0.
cbn in *. rewrite <- app_assoc in IHl0. cbn in IHl0. eassumption.
* now rewrite <- app_assoc.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn. repeat f_equal. rewrite encode_string_app. cbn.
rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn -[skipn]. repeat f_equal.
replace (encode_sym t ++ true :: encode_string l0) with ((encode_sym t ++ [true]) ++ encode_string l0).
pose proof (length_encode_sym t).
destruct (encode_sym) eqn:E.
* cbn in *. subst. reflexivity.
* cbn in *. inv H. rewrite skipn_app. reflexivity. rewrite app_length. cbn. lia.
* now rewrite <- app_assoc.
- cbn. eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros t ([], t') ->. eauto.
Lemma MoveM_isTotal {Σ : finType} D (n : nat) :
isTotal (@MoveM Σ D n).
induction n; cbn.
- eexists. TM_Correct.
- destruct IHn as [c IH]. eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. intros ? ? ?.
repeat eexists. eapply le_plus_l. cbn. 2: intros; eapply le_plus_l.
eapply H.
Unshelve. all:exact 0.
Lemma WriteB_TerminatesIn (n : nat) (c : option (Fin.t n)) :
isTotal (WriteB c).
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Lmove n) as [MoveM_c H_MoveM].
red. eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
unfold WriteB. destruct c; cbn.
- instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct c; refine _ )). cbn.
TM_Correct. eapply TestLeftof_Realise. unfold TestLeftof.
TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn, WriteString_Sem.
eapply RealiseIn_Realise, WriteString_Sem.
eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn, WriteString_Sem.
eapply MoveM_Realise.
- cbn. TM_Correct.
- cbn. intros ? ? ?. destruct c; cbn.
+ repeat eexists. help. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. cbn.
destruct (current _).
* destruct b; help.
* repeat eexists. help. help. help. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. destruct current.
destruct b; help. lia.
* eapply H.
* intros. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. rename tout_0 into h. destruct h; help.
-- TMSimp. repeat eexists.
rewrite !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn. eapply le_plus_l. cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct c; refine _ )). cbn in *.
eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. intros. eapply le_plus_l.
-- TMSimp. rewrite !app_length, rev_length, !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn. lia.
-- TMSimp. repeat eexists. rewrite !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn. eapply le_plus_l.
2: eapply le_plus_l. 2:eapply le_plus_l. 2: intros; eapply le_plus_l.
ring_simplify. shelve.
-- TMSimp. repeat eexists. rewrite !app_length, length_encode_sym. cbn.
eapply le_plus_l. cbn. shelve. eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. intros. eapply le_plus_l.
+ lia.
Unshelve. all: try exact 0. lia. lia. lia.
Definition MoveB (m : move) n : pTM (finType_CS bool) unit 1 :=
Switch TestLeftof (fun b => match b, m with
| true, Rmove => Move Rmove
| _, _ => MoveM m (2 + n)
Arguments Nat.iter : simpl never.
Opaque Nat.iter.
Lemma midtape_left_midtape {Σ : finType} (l1 l2 : list Σ) m m' r n :
n = S (length l1) ->
Nat.iter n (@tape_move_left Σ) (midtape (rev l1 ++ [m'] ++ l2) m r) = midtape l2 m' (l1 ++ m :: r).
intros ->. induction l1 in m, m', l2 |- *.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite <- app_assoc. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
now rewrite (IHl1 (m' :: l2) m a).
Lemma midtape_right_midtape {Σ : finType} l m r1 c r2 n :
n = S (length r1) ->
Nat.iter n (@tape_move_right Σ) (midtape l m (r1 ++ c :: r2)) = midtape (rev r1 ++ m :: l) c r2.
intros ->. induction r1 in m, c, r2 |- * using rev_ind; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite app_length. cbn. rewrite plus_comm. cbn.
rewrite <- app_assoc, Nat_iter_S'. cbn.
rewrite (IHr1 m x (c :: r2)). cbn. now rewrite rev_app_distr.
Lemma midtape_right_rightof {Σ : finType} l m rs c n :
n = 2 + (length rs) ->
Nat.iter n (@tape_move_right Σ) (midtape l m (rs ++ [c])) = rightof c (rev rs ++ m :: l).
intros ->. cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
rewrite midtape_right_midtape. 2:reflexivity. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma MoveB_Realise (n : nat) m :
MoveB m n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape t_sig |] -> t' = [| @encode_tape n (mv m t_sig) |].
epose (R := _). eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveB.
eapply Switch_Realise. eapply TestLeftof_Realise.
instantiate (1 := R m). subst R.
instantiate (1 := fun m b => if b then _ else _). cbn.
intros []. cbn. instantiate (1 := match m0 with Rmove => _ | _ => _ end). cbn. destruct m.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. TM_Correct. TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. } subst R.
assert (forall n c rs, Nat.iter n (fun t : tape bool => tape_move_left t) (leftof c rs) = leftof c rs) as Eleft. {
clear. intros. clear. induction n; cbn. reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S', IHn. reflexivity. }
intros t ([], t') ? t_sig ->. TMSimp. destruct_tapes. f_equal.
destruct t_sig.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
assert (Nat.iter n (fun t : tape bool => tape_move t m) niltape = niltape) as ->.
{ induction n; cbn. reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S', IHn. now destruct m. }
now destruct m.
- cbn in *. TMSimp. destruct m.
+ TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. now rewrite Eleft.
+ TMSimp. reflexivity.
+ TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. now rewrite Nat_iter_id.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
destruct m.
+ cbn. rewrite <- !Nat_iter_S' with (f := fun t0 => tape_move_left t0).
rewrite Nat_iter_S. cbn.
pose proof (@midtape_left_midtape (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H. erewrite <- H.
2: reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S'. rewrite length_encode_sym. reflexivity.
+ enough (forall c rs, Nat.iter n (fun t : tape bool => tape_move_right t) (rightof c rs) = rightof c rs) as -> by reflexivity.
intros. clear. induction n; cbn. reflexivity. rewrite Nat_iter_S', IHn. reflexivity.
+ now rewrite Nat_iter_id.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp. rename l into rs, l0 into ls.
rewrite <- !Nat_iter_S' with (f := fun t0 => tape_move t0 m).
destruct m.
+ cbn. destruct rs.
* cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_S. cbn. now rewrite Eleft.
* cbn. pose proof (@midtape_left_midtape (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H.
rewrite encode_string_app, rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn.
rewrite Nat_iter_S. cbn. rewrite <- app_assoc.
erewrite <- H. 2:reflexivity. rewrite length_encode_sym. reflexivity.
+ cbn. destruct ls.
* cbn.
pose proof (@midtape_right_rightof (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H.
rewrite H. 2:now rewrite length_encode_sym. reflexivity.
* cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_S'.
pose proof (@midtape_right_midtape (finType_CS bool)). cbn in H.
rewrite H. cbn. rewrite encode_string_app. cbn. rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn.
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- app_assoc. cbn. reflexivity.
now rewrite length_encode_sym.
+ cbn. rewrite Nat_iter_id. reflexivity.
Lemma TestLeftof_total {Σ} :
isTotal (@TestLeftof Σ).
unfold TestLeftof.
eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
TM_Correct. intros ? ? ?. repeat eexists; help.
destruct current; help.
repeat eexists. help. help. help. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct x; refine _)). cbn. eapply le_plus_l.
help. destruct current. help. help.
Unshelve. all: try destruct x; cbn.
4:{ eapply H. } all:exact 0.
Lemma MoveB_total (n : nat) :
exists c, forall m, projT1 (MoveB m n) ↓ fun t k => c <= k.
destruct (@TestLeftof_total (finType_CS bool)) as [c Hlo].
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Lmove n) as [c1 H1].
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Nmove n) as [c2 H2].
destruct (@MoveM_isTotal (finType_CS bool) Rmove n) as [c3 H3].
eexists. intros m. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
unfold MoveB.
eapply Switch_TerminatesIn.
TM_Correct. eapply TestLeftof_Realise. eapply Hlo.
intros f. instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then _ else _). cbn.
destruct f.
- destruct m. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct m, f; refine _)). all: cbn.
eapply Seq_TerminatesIn. TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. TM_Correct.
eapply MoveM_Realise. TM_Correct. TM_Correct.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. eapply MoveM_Realise.
- instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct f; refine _)); cbn.
TM_Correct. eapply MoveM_Realise. eapply MoveM_Realise.
destruct m. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all: cbn.
- cbn. intros ? ? ?. repeat eexists; help.
TMSimp. destruct_tapes. TMSimp.
rename tout_0 into h. destruct h; TMSimp. repeat eexists; help. destruct m.
instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
destruct m. instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
repeat eexists; help. lia.
repeat eexists; help.
repeat eexists. destruct m. instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
repeat eexists. destruct m. instantiate (1:= ltac:(destruct m; refine _)); cbn. all:cbn.
Unshelve. all: try destruct x; cbn in *.
all: try destruct x; cbn in *.
all:try destruct m; cbn in *.
17:{ eapply H. }
instantiate (6 := c1).
instantiate (6 := c3) in H. ring_simplify in H.
replace (c + c1 + c3) with (c + c3 + c1) by lia. eapply H. }
14:{ring_simplify. ring_simplify in H.
instantiate (6 := c3). instantiate (5 := c1).
instantiate (5 := c2) in H.
replace (c + c3 + c2 + c1) with (c + c3 + c1 + c2) by lia. eapply H. }
all:try exact 0. all: try lia. all: exact (fun _ _ => True).
Section FixM.
Variable Σ : finType.
Let n := (projT1 (finite_n Σ)).
Let f := (projT1 (projT2 (finite_n Σ))).
Let g := (proj1_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n Σ)))).
Let Hf := (proj1 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n Σ))))).
Let Hg := (proj2 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n Σ))))).
Instance R : Retract (Fin.t n) Σ.
eapply (@Build_Retract _ _ g (fun x => Some (f x ))).
- intros [= <-]; now rewrite Hg.
- intros ->; now rewrite Hf.
Definition encode_tape' (t : tape Σ) : tape bool := encode_tape (mapTape f t).
Lemma ReadB_Realise' :
ReadB n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig : tape Σ, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> t' = t /\ l = map_opt f (current t_sig).
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply ReadB_Realise.
intros t (?, t') ? t_sig ->. destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
specialize (H (mapTape f t_sig) eq_refl) as [[= ->] ->].
split. eauto. eapply mapTape_current.
Lemma WriteB_Realise' (c : option Σ) :
WriteB (map_opt f c) ⊨ fun t '(_, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> t' = [| encode_tape' (wr c t_sig) |].
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply WriteB_Realise.
intros t (?, t') ? t_sig ->. destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
specialize (H (mapTape f t_sig) eq_refl) as [= ->].
unfold tape_write. destruct c.
- cbn. destruct t_sig; reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
Lemma MoveB_Realise' m :
MoveB m n ⊨ fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> t' = [| encode_tape' (mv m t_sig) |].
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply MoveB_Realise.
intros t (?, t') ? t_sig ->. destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
specialize (H (mapTape f t_sig) eq_refl) as [= ->].
f_equal. destruct t_sig, m; try reflexivity.
cbn. destruct l; cbn; reflexivity.
cbn. destruct l0; cbn; reflexivity.
Variable M : TM Σ 1.
Definition Step (q : state M) : pTM (finType_CS bool) (state M + state M) 1 :=
Switch (ReadB n) (fun c_i => if halt q then Return Nop (inr q)
else let '(q', e) := trans M (q, [| map_opt g c_i |]) in
let '(existT _ (c', m) _) := destruct_vector_cons e in
WriteB (map_opt f c') ;; MoveB m n ;; Return Nop (inl q')).
Smpl Add (eapply ReadB_Realise') : TM_Correct.
Smpl Add (eapply WriteB_Realise') : TM_Correct.
Smpl Add (eapply MoveB_Realise') : TM_Correct.
Lemma Step_Realise q :
Step q ⊨ fun t '(q_, t') =>
forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] ->
if halt q then q_ = inr q /\ t' = t
else let '(q', a) := trans M (q, [| current t_sig |]) in
let '(existT _ (c', m) _) := destruct_vector_cons a in
q_ = inl q' /\ t' = [| encode_tape' (mv m (wr c' t_sig)) |].
eapply Realise_monotone.
unfold Step. eapply Switch_Realise. TM_Correct. cbn.
intros c_i. instantiate (1 := fun c_i => _). cbn. instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (halt q); refine _)).
destruct (halt q). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (trans (q, [|map_opt g c_i|])); refine _)). cbn.
destruct (trans (q, [|map_opt g c_i|])).
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (destruct_vector_cons t); refine _)). cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons t). cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct x; refine _)). cbn.
destruct x. TM_Correct.
intros t (q_, t') ? t_sig ->. TMSimp.
rename t'_0 into t'.
destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq.
- TMSimp. split. reflexivity. eapply H. reflexivity.
- specialize (H _ eq_refl) as [[= ->] ->]. cbn in *.
assert (Efg : forall o, map_opt g (map_opt f o) = o). { intros [s | ]; cbn; now rewrite ?Hg. }
rewrite Efg in H0. clear Efg.
destruct trans as [q' T] eqn:Eqt.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as [[m c'] [nl ->]].
TMSimp. destruct_vector. split. reflexivity.
now eapply H0, H.
Lemma WriteB_total' :
exists C, forall (c : option (Fin.t n)), projT1 (WriteB c) ↓ fun t k => k >= C.
eapply fintype_forall_exists; cbn.
- intros. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. eassumption.
intros ? ? ?. lia.
- eapply WriteB_TerminatesIn.
Lemma Step_total q :
isTotal (Step q).
destruct (MoveB_total n).
destruct (ReadB_total n).
destruct (WriteB_total').
eexists. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
- unfold Step. eapply Switch_TerminatesIn.
TM_Correct. cbn in *. eapply H0. cbn.
intros c_i. instantiate (1 := ltac:(intros c_i; refine _)); cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (halt q); refine _)); cbn.
destruct halt.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (trans (q, [| map_opt g c_i |])),
(destruct_vector_cons t),
x2 ; refine _)); cbn.
destruct (trans (q, [| map_opt g c_i |])); cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons t); cbn.
destruct x2. TM_Correct. eapply H1. eapply H.
- cbn. intros ? ? ?. repeat eexists; help.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct (halt q); refine _)); cbn.
destruct halt. lia. rename yout into c_i.
destruct (trans (q, [| map_opt g c_i |])); cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons t); cbn.
instantiate (1 := ltac:(destruct x2; refine _)).
destruct x2. TM_Correct.
repeat eexists.
eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l. eapply le_plus_l.
eapply le_plus_l. intros. eapply le_plus_l.
Unshelve. all:cbn.
all: try destruct x2; cbn in *.
3:{ destruct halt. cbn. eapply H2. eapply H2. }
all:exact 0.
Unshelve. all:exact 0.
Lemma Step_total' :
exists C, forall q, projT1 (Step q) ↓ fun t k => C <= k.
eapply fintype_forall_exists.
- intros. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. eassumption. intros ? ?. lia.
- intros q. eapply Step_total.
Theorem WhileStep_Realise :
StateWhile Step (start M) ⊨
fun t '(q', t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] -> exists t_sig', eval M (start M) [| t_sig |] q' [| t_sig' |] /\ t' = [| encode_tape' t_sig'|].
generalize (start M). intros q.
eapply Realise_monotone.
TM_Correct. eapply Step_Realise.
intros t (l, t') ? t_sig E.
TMSimp. destruct_tapes. rename t'_0 into t'.
remember ([|encode_tape' t_sig|]) as tin.
remember (l, [|t'|]) as cout.
induction H in t_sig, l, t', Heqtin, Heqcout |- *.
- TMSimp. destruct_tapes. specialize (H _ eq_refl).
rename l0 into q. destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq.
+ inv Heqcout. destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]].
+ inv Heqcout. destruct trans as [q' T] eqn:Eqt.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as [[m c'] [nl ->]].
destruct_vector. destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]].
specialize (IHStateWhile_Rel _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl) as [t_sig' [H1 [= ->]]].
exists t_sig'. split; try reflexivity.
econstructor. eassumption. eassumption. cbn. eassumption.
- inv Heqcout. specialize (H _ eq_refl).
rename l0 into q. destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq.
+ destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]]. eexists; split; try reflexivity.
now econstructor.
+ destruct trans as [q' T] eqn:Eqt.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as [[m c'] [nl ->]].
destruct_vector. destruct H as [[= ->] [= ->]].
Theorem WhileStep_Terminates :
exists C1 C2,
projT1 (StateWhile Step (start M)) ↓ fun t k =>
exists t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] /\
exists k' t_sig' q', loopM (initc M [| t_sig |]) k' = Some (mk_mconfig q' [| t_sig' |] ) /\
k >= C1 * k' + C2.
unfold initc.
generalize (start M). intros q.
destruct (Step_total') as [C HC].
eexists. eexists.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
eapply StateWhile_TerminatesIn. intros. eapply Step_Realise. intros. eapply HC.
revert q. eapply StateWhileCoInduction.
intros q tin k H. TMSimp.
rename ymid0 into steps, ymid into t_sig, ymid1 into t_sig', ymid2 into q'.
remember [|t_sig|] as tin. remember [|t_sig'|] as tout.
rename H0 into H. rename H1 into H0.
induction steps in tin, t_sig, Heqtin, q, H0, H |- *.
- cbn in H. unfold haltConf in H. cbn in *.
destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq; cbn.
+ inv H. eexists. split. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. destruct_tapes. specialize (H _ eq_refl) as [[= ->] [= ->]].
ring_simplify in H0. shelve.
+ inv H.
- cbn in H. unfold haltConf in H. cbn in *.
destruct (halt q) eqn:Eq; cbn.
+ inv H. eexists. split. eapply le_plus_l.
intros. destruct_tapes. specialize (H _ eq_refl) as [[= ->] [= ->]].
ring_simplify in H0. shelve.
+ subst. unfold step in H. cbn in *.
unfold current_chars in *. cbn in *.
destruct trans as (qnxt, A) eqn:Et. cbn in *.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons A) eqn:E2.
destruct x as (c', m) eqn:E3. destruct s as [? ->].
cbn in *. pose proof (Hrem := H).
eapply IHsteps in H. eexists. split.
eapply le_plus_l.
intros. specialize (H1 _ eq_refl).
rewrite Et in H1. rewrite E2 in H1. destruct H1. subst.
repeat eexists. rewrite <- Hrem. repeat f_equal. now destruct t_sig, m, c'.
shelve. shelve. reflexivity. shelve.
exact (1 + C). exact (2 + 2 * C). exact 0.
2: exact 0. 3: exact 0. 3: (exact ((2 + steps) * S C)).
End FixM.
Lemma Sim_Realise {Σ} (L : finType) (M : pTM Σ L 1) R :
M ⊨ R ->
Relabel (StateWhile (@Step Σ (projT1 M)) (start (projT1 M))) (projT2 M) ⊨
fun t '(l, t') => forall t_sig, t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] ->
exists t_sig', R [| t_sig |] (l, [| t_sig' |]) /\ t' = [| encode_tape' t_sig' |].
intros HM.
eapply Realise_monotone. { eapply Relabel_Realise, WhileStep_Realise. }
intros ? ? ?. TMSimp. specialize (H0 _ eq_refl). TMSimp.
repeat eexists. unfold Realise in HM.
eapply TM_eval_iff in H as [k H].
now eapply HM in H.
Lemma Sim_Terminates {Σ} (L : finType) (M : pTM Σ L 1) T :
projT1 M ↓ T ->
exists C1 C2,
projT1 (Relabel (StateWhile (@Step Σ (projT1 M)) (start (projT1 M))) (projT2 M)) ↓
fun t k => exists t_sig k', t = [| encode_tape' t_sig |] /\ T [| t_sig |] k' /\ k >= C1 * k' + C2.
intros HM.
destruct (WhileStep_Terminates (projT1 M)) as (C1 & C2 & HC).
exists C1, C2.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. { eapply Relabel_Terminates, HC. }
intros ? ? ?. TMSimp.
eapply HM in H0. TMSimp.
destruct ymid1. destruct_tapes. repeat eexists; eassumption.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts Undecidability.TM.Util.TM_facts.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Theorem reduction :
HaltTM 1 ⪯ fun '(M,t) => @HaltsTM (finType_CS bool) 1 M t.
unshelve eexists.
- intros [Σ M t]. split. exact (projT1 (StateWhile (@Step Σ M) (start M))).
exact ( (fun t => encode_tape' t) t).
- intros [Σ M t]. cbn. split.
+ intros (q' & t' & [n H] % TM_eval_iff).
edestruct @Sim_Terminates with (M := (existT _ M (fun _ : state M => tt))) (T := fun tin k => tin = t /\ k >= n).
* intros tin k [-> Hk]. cbn. exists (mk_mconfig q' t'). eapply @loop_monotone. exact H. eapply Hk.
* destruct H0 as [k H0]. cbn in H0. edestruct H0 as [[] H1].
-- exists (Vector.hd t), n. split. reflexivity. split. 2: now unfold ge. split. 2:lia. dependent elimination t.
dependent elimination t. reflexivity.
-- exists cstate. eexists ctapes. eapply TM_eval_iff. exists (x * n + k). unfold Relabel, initc in H1. cbn in H1.
repeat dependent elimination t. exact H1.
+ intros (q' & t' & [n H] % TM_eval_iff).
eapply (Sim_Realise (M := (existT _ M (fun _ : state M => tt))) (R := fun tin '(_,tout) => exists q', eval M (start M) tin q' tout)) in H.
* repeat dependent elimination t. rename h into t.
specialize (H t eq_refl) as [t'_sig [[q'_ H1] H2]]. cbn in H1.
cbn in H2. subst. exists q'_, [|t'_sig|]. eassumption.
* intros tin k [q'_ tout] Hter. cbn in *. exists q'_. eapply TM_eval_iff. exists k. exact Hter.