(* From Undecidability Require Import Combinators.Combinators Multi Basic.Mono TMTac. *)
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Code.CodeTM Undecidability.TM.Code.ChangeAlphabet.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Compound.TMTac Undecidability.TM.Compound.MoveToSymbol.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Basic.Mono Undecidability.TM.Compound.Multi.
(* the above imports sidestep the import of ProgrammingTools below to avoid the dependency on Hoare *)
(*From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.*)
From Undecidability Require Import ArithPrelim.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Compound.Shift.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.VectorPrelim.
From Undecidability Require Import EncodeTapes TM.Util.VectorPrelim.
Require Import FunInd.
Local Set Printing Coercions.
(* Avoid using Vector.to_list, because it doesn't cbn good. Use vector_to_list instead. *)
Local Arguments Vector.to_list {A n} (!v).
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Lemma removelast_cons (X : Type) (xs : list X) (x : X) :
xs <> nil ->
removelast (x :: xs) = x :: removelast xs.
destruct xs as [ | x' xs']; cbn.
- congruence.
- intros _. auto.
(* TODO: ~> somewhere else *)
Lemma vector_to_list_inj (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs ys : Vector.t X n) :
vector_to_list xs = vector_to_list ys -> xs = ys.
revert ys. induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_vector. reflexivity.
- destruct_vector. cbn in *. inv H. f_equal. auto.
Section Fin.
Global Coercion fin_to_nat (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) : nat := proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat i).
Global Set Printing Coercions.
Lemma fin_to_nat_lt (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) : fin_to_nat i < n.
Proof. unfold fin_to_nat. destruct (Fin.to_nat i). cbn. auto. Qed.
Lemma fin_to_nat_O (n : nat) :
fin_to_nat (@Fin.F1 n) = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma fin_to_nat_S (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
fin_to_nat (Fin.FS i) = S (fin_to_nat i).
unfold fin_to_nat. destruct i as [ | n i].
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn in *. destruct (Fin.to_nat i) as [k ?]. cbn in *. reflexivity.
Lemma fin_is_0 (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S n)) :
fin_to_nat i = 0 -> i = Fin0.
intros H. pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ->]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in H. lia.
Lemma fin_is_1 (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S (S n))) :
fin_to_nat i = 1 -> i = Fin1.
intros H. pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ->]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in H. inv H. now apply fin_is_0 in H1 as ->.
Lemma fin_is_2 (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S (S (S n)))) :
fin_to_nat i = 1 -> i = Fin1.
intros H. pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ->]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in H. inv H. now apply fin_is_0 in H1 as ->.
Fixpoint finMax (n : nat) {struct n} : n <> 0 -> Fin.t n.
destruct n as [ | n'].
- abstract congruence.
- decide (n' = 0) as [ H | H]. (* destruct makes troubles here *)
+ intros _. apply Fin.F1.
+ intros _. apply Fin.FS. apply (finMax n'). auto.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Definition finMax' (n : nat) : Fin.t (S n).
apply finMax. apply Nat.neq_succ_0.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma finMax_ext (n : nat) (H1 H2 : n <> 0) : finMax H1 = finMax H2.
induction n as [ | n' IH].
- congruence.
- cbn. decide (n' = 0) as [H | H]; f_equal.
Lemma finMax_val (n : nat) (H : n <> 0) : fin_to_nat (finMax H) = n - 1.
unfold fin_to_nat. induction n as [ | n' IH ].
- congruence.
- cbn. decide (n' = 0) as [ -> | H']; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ replace (n' - 0) with n' by lia.
specialize IH with (H := H').
destruct (Fin.to_nat (finMax H')) as [k ?]; cbn in *. lia.
(* Arguments finMax (n) H : clear implicits. *)
(* Compute finMax (ltac:(congruence) : 1 <> 0). *)
(* Compute finMax (ltac:(congruence) : 10 <> 0). *)
(* Compute finMax' 99. *)
Definition finMin (n : nat) : n <> 0 -> Fin.t n.
refine (match n as n' return n' <> 0 -> Fin.t n' with
| 0 => fun H => False_rec _ _
| S n' => fun _ => Fin.F1
end); auto.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma finMin_O (n : nat) (H : S n <> 0) : finMin H = Fin.F1.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma finMin_ext (n : nat) (H1 H2 : n <> 0) : finMin H1 = finMin H2.
destruct n.
- congruence.
- auto.
Lemma finMin_val (n : nat) (H : n <> 0) : fin_to_nat (finMin H) = 0.
unfold fin_to_nat. destruct n as [ | n'].
- congruence.
- cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma finSucc_help (i : Fin.t 1) : i = Fin0.
Proof. now destruct_fin i. Qed.
Lemma finSucc_help' (n : nat) (i1 i2 : Fin.t n) :
Fin.FS i1 <> Fin.FS i2 -> i1 <> i2.
Proof. now intros H1 ->. Qed.
Fixpoint finSucc (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) {struct n} : forall (H : n <> 0), i <> finMax H -> Fin.t n.
destruct n as [ | n'].
- intros. abstract congruence.
- cbn. decide (n' = 0) as [ HDec | HDec]; cbn.
+ intros _ Hi. exfalso. apply Hi. subst. apply finSucc_help.
+ intros _.
revert n' i HDec. refine (@Fin.caseS (fun n' i => forall (HDec : n' <> 0), i <> Fin.FS (finMax HDec) -> Fin.t (S n')) _ _).
* intros. apply Fin.FS. apply finMin. apply HDec.
* intros. apply Fin.FS. eapply finSucc. eapply finSucc_help'. apply H.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Definition finSucc' (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S n)) (H : i <> finMax' n) : Fin.t (S n).
Proof. unshelve eapply finSucc with (i := i). apply Nat.neq_succ_0. apply H. Defined. (* because definition *)
(* Compute @finSucc 5 Fin0 _ _. *)
(* Compute finSucc' (_ : Fin4 <> finMax' 10). *)
Fixpoint finSucc_opt (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) {struct i} : option (Fin.t n).
destruct i.
- destruct n.
+ apply None.
+ apply Some. apply Fin.FS. apply Fin.F1.
- destruct n.
+ destruct_fin i.
+ destruct (finSucc_opt _ i) as [ rec | ].
* apply Some. apply Fin.FS. apply rec.
* apply None.
Defined. (* because definition *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 1 Fin0 = None. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 2 Fin0 = Some Fin1. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 2 Fin1 = None. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 3 Fin1 = Some Fin2. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 3 Fin0 = Some Fin1. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 8 Fin7 = None. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 9 Fin7 = Some Fin8. *)
Lemma finSucc_opt_Some (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
S (fin_to_nat i) < n ->
exists i', finSucc_opt i = Some i'.
induction i; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct n. lia. eauto.
- destruct n; cbn. lia.
rewrite !fin_to_nat_S in *.
spec_assert IHi as (i'&IH) by lia. rewrite IH. eauto.
Lemma finSucc_opt_Some' (n : nat) (i i' : Fin.t n) :
finSucc_opt i = Some i' ->
fin_to_nat i' = S (fin_to_nat i).
revert i'. induction i; cbn; intros.
- destruct n; inv H. cbn. reflexivity.
- destruct n; cbn in *. destruct_fin i.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i'' | ] eqn:E; inv H.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S. rewrite IHi; auto.
now rewrite fin_to_nat_S.
Lemma finSucc_opt_None (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
S (fin_to_nat i) = n ->
finSucc_opt i = None.
induction i; intros; cbn in *.
- inv H. reflexivity.
- rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. inv H. spec_assert IHi by assumption.
destruct n; cbn. lia. rewrite IHi. reflexivity.
Lemma finSucc_opt_None' (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
finSucc_opt i = None ->
S (fin_to_nat i) = n.
induction i; cbn; intros.
- destruct n; now inv H.
- destruct n. destruct_fin i.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i' | ]; inv H.
now rewrite fin_to_nat_S, IHi.
Definition finMin_opt (n : nat) : option (Fin.t n).
destruct n.
- apply None.
- apply Some. apply Fin.F1.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma finMin_opt_None (n : nat) :
finMin_opt n = None -> n = 0.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; congruence. Qed.
Lemma finMin_opt_Some (n : nat) i :
finMin_opt n = Some i -> exists n', n = S n'.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; intros H; inv H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma finMin_opt_Some_val (n : nat) i :
finMin_opt n = Some i -> fin_to_nat i = 0.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; intros H; inv H; auto. Qed.
Lemma finSucc_correct (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) (H1 : n <> 0) (H2 : i <> finMax H1) :
fin_to_nat (finSucc H2) = S (fin_to_nat i).
revert i H1 H2. induction n as [ | n' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- decide (n' = 0) as [-> | HDec]; cbn.
+ exfalso. apply H2. apply finSucc_help.
+ pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | -> ]; cbn -[Fin.to_nat]; swap 1 2.
* change (S (proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat Fin0))) with 1.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S. f_equal. rewrite finMin_val. reflexivity.
* rewrite !fin_to_nat_S. f_equal. now rewrite IH.
End Fin.
Fixpoint map_vect_list (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (ls : list X) {struct ls} : list X :=
match ls with
| nil => nil
| x :: ls' =>
match vs with
| [| |] => ls
| y ::: vs' =>
f x y :: map_vect_list f vs' ls'
Lemma map_vect_list_length (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (ls : list X) :
length (map_vect_list f vs ls) = length ls.
revert n vs. induction ls as [ | x ls IH]; cbn; intros.
- reflexivity.
- destruct vs as [ | y n vs]; cbn; f_equal; auto.
Lemma map_vect_list_app (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (ls : list X)
(x : X) (i : Fin.t n) :
fin_to_nat i = length ls ->
map_vect_list f vs (ls ++ [x]) =
map_vect_list f vs ls ++ [f x vs[@i]].
revert n vs i. induction ls as [ | x' ls IH]; cbn; intros.
- destruct vs. destruct_fin i.
enough (i = Fin.F1) as -> by auto.
pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. lia.
- destruct vs as [ | v n vs]; cbn in *.
+ destruct_fin i.
+ f_equal.
pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | -> ]; cbn in *.
* rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. apply IH. lia.
* lia.
Lemma map_vect_list_eq (X Y : Type) (n1 : nat) (f : X -> Y -> X) (vs : Vector.t Y n1) (xs : Vector.t X n1) :
map_vect_list f vs (vector_to_list xs) = vector_to_list (Vector.map2 f xs vs).
revert xs. induction vs as [ | v n1 vs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_vector. cbn. reflexivity.
- pose proof destruct_vector_cons xs as (x'&xs'&->). cbn.
f_equal. auto.
Lemma destruct_tapes1 (sig : Type) (t : tapes sig 1) :
exists t', t = [| t' |].
Proof. destruct_tapes. eauto. Qed.
Section BookKeepingForRead.
Variable sig : Type.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Fixpoint knowsFirstSymbols {n' : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n') (tps : list (tape sig)) {struct readSymbols} : Prop :=
match readSymbols, tps with
| Vector.nil _, nil => True /\ True /\ True
| Vector.nil _, _::_ => True /\ True (* to much tapes *)
| x ::: readSymbols, nil => True (* list of tapes is too big, must not happen *)
| x ::: readSymbols', tp :: tps' =>
current tp = x /\ knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols' tps'
Lemma knowsFirstSymbols_nil {n : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) :
knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols nil.
destruct n.
- destruct_vector. cbn. tauto.
- destruct_vector. cbn. tauto.
Definition insertKnownSymbol {n : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) (s : option sig) : Vector.t (option sig) n :=
Vector.replace readSymbols i s.
Fixpoint insertKnownSymbols {n : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) (newSymbols : list (option sig)) :
Vector.t (option sig) n :=
match newSymbols with
| nil => readSymbols
| s :: newSymbols' =>
match finSucc_opt i with
| Some i' => insertKnownSymbols (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i s) i' newSymbols'
| None => insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i s
Lemma insertKnownSymbol_correct (n : nat) (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) tps tp :
length tps = fin_to_nat i ->
knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols tps ->
knowsFirstSymbols (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i (current tp)) (tps ++ [tp]).
revert i tps tp. induction readSymbols as [ | x n readSymbols IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_fin i.
- pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ ( i0 & -> ) | -> ]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. destruct tps; cbn in *; inv H. destruct H0 as [H0 H0']. split; auto.
+ destruct tps; cbn in *; inv H. split; auto. apply knowsFirstSymbols_nil.
Lemma insertKnownSymbols_correct (n : nat) (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) tps1 tps2 :
length tps1 = fin_to_nat i ->
length tps1 + length tps2 = n ->
knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols tps1 ->
knowsFirstSymbols (insertKnownSymbols readSymbols i (map (@current _) tps2)) (tps1 ++ tps2).
revert n i tps1 readSymbols. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2 IH]; cbn; intros.
- now rewrite app_nil_r.
- subst.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i' | ] eqn:E.
+ pose proof finSucc_opt_Some' E as E'.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. apply IH; simpl_list; cbn. lia. lia.
apply insertKnownSymbol_correct; auto.
+ apply finSucc_opt_None' in E.
assert (| tps2 | = 0) by lia.
destruct tps2; cbn in *; inv H0.
apply insertKnownSymbol_correct; auto.
H : knowsFirstSymbols
(insertKnownSymbols (current tp ::: Vector.const None n) Fin0
(map (current (sig:=sig)) (tp :: vector_to_list T))) ( ++ tp :: vector_to_list T)
insertKnownSymbols (current tp ::: Vector.const None n) Fin0 (vector_to_list (current_chars T)) =
current_chars (tp ::: T)
Lemma knowsFirstSymbols_all n (tps : list (tape sig)) (symbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) :
length tps = n ->
knowsFirstSymbols symbols tps ->
vector_to_list symbols = map (@current _) tps.
revert tps. induction symbols; cbn; intros.
- destruct tps; cbn in *; auto.
- destruct tps; cbn in *; inv H. destruct H0 as [ <- ?]. f_equal. auto.
Lemma knowsFirstSymbols_all' n (T : tapes sig n) (symbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) :
knowsFirstSymbols symbols (vector_to_list T) ->
symbols = current_chars T.
induction T as [ | tp n T IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_vector. reflexivity.
- destruct_vector. unfold current_chars. cbn in *. destruct H as [ <- H]. f_equal. auto.
Lemma insertKnownSymbols_correct_cons n (T : tapes sig (S n)) (min minSucc : Fin.t (S n)) :
fin_to_nat min = 0 ->
fin_to_nat minSucc = 1 ->
insertKnownSymbols (insertKnownSymbol (Vector.const None (S n)) min (current (Vector.hd T))) minSucc
(map (@current _) (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T))) =
current_chars T.
intros HMin_val HMinSucc_val.
unshelve epose proof @insertKnownSymbols_correct (S n) (Vector.const None (S n)) min nil (vector_to_list T) _ _ _.
- cbn. auto.
- cbn. apply vector_to_list_length.
- cbn. tauto.
- cbn in *. apply knowsFirstSymbols_all' in H. rewrite <- H.
assert (min = Fin.F1) as -> by now apply fin_is_0. cbn.
destruct n as [ | n'].
+ destruct_fin minSucc; auto. lia.
+ assert (minSucc = Fin.FS Fin.F1) as -> by now apply fin_is_1.
destruct_tapes. cbn. auto.
E_val : fin_to_nat min = 0
E2_val : fin_to_nat minSucc = 1
minSucc : Fin.t (S n')
insertKnownSymbols (insertKnownSymbol (Vector.const None (S n')) min (current (Vector.hd T))) minSucc
(map (current (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T))) =
current_chars T
End BookKeepingForRead.
Section ToSingleTape.
Variable (sig F : finType).
Variable n : nat.
(* Hypothesis (nNeq0 : n <> 0). (* This really makes no sense for 0 tapes. *) *)
Notation nMax := (finMax' n).
Local Arguments finMax' : simpl never.
Notation sigSim := (FinType(EqType(boundary + sigList (sigTape sig)))).
Implicit Types (T : tapes sig n).
Definition contains_tapes (t : tape sigSim) T :=
t = midtape nil (inl START) (map inr (encode_tapes T) ++ [inl STOP]).
Notation "t ≃ T" := (contains_tapes t T) (at level 70, no associativity).
Hypothesis pM : pTM sig F n.
(* Go to the current symbol of the selected tape *)
Section GoToCurrent.
Definition atStart (t : tape sigSim) (tps : list (tape sig)) : Prop :=
t = midtape nil (inl START) (map inr (encode_list _ tps) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) : Prop :=
t = midtape (map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_cons))
(map inr (map sigList_X (encode_tape tp)) ++ map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atNil (t : tape sigSim) (tps : list (tape sig)) : Prop :=
t = midtape (map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps))) ++ [inl START]) (inr (sigList_nil)) [inl STOP].
Definition atCons_current_niltape (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) : Prop :=
t = midtape
(inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X NilBlank))
(map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current_leftof (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (r : sig) (rs : list sig) :=
t = midtape
(inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank true)))
(inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r)) ::
map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) rs ++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false)) ::
map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current_midtape (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (ls : list sig) (m : sig) (rs : list sig) :=
t = midtape
(map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) ls ++ (* ls is reversed twice *)
inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol m)))
(map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) rs ++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false)) ::
map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current_rightof (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (l :sig) (ls : list sig) :=
t = midtape
(inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol l)) ::
map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) ls ++ (* ls is reversed twice *)
inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true)))
(map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :=
match tp with
| niltape _ => atCons_current_niltape t tps1 tps2
| leftof r rs => atCons_current_leftof t tps1 tps2 r rs
| midtape ls m rs => atCons_current_midtape t tps1 tps2 ls m rs
| rightof l ls => atCons_current_rightof t tps1 tps2 l ls
Definition tape_dir (t : tape sig) : option move :=
match t with
| niltape _ => None
| leftof _ _ => Some Lmove
| midtape _ _ _ => Some Nmove
| rightof _ _ => Some Rmove
Definition isMarked' (s : sigSim) : bool :=
match s with
| inr (sigList_X s) => isMarked s
| _ => false
Definition IsCons_Rel : pRel sigSim bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp,
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
yout = true) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = false).
Definition IsCons : pTM sigSim bool 1 :=
Switch ReadChar
(fun (s : option sigSim) =>
match s with
| Some (inr (sigList_cons)) => Return Nop true
| Some (inr (sigList_nil)) => Return Nop false
| _ => Return Nop default
Definition IsCons_steps := 2.
Lemma IsCons_Sem : IsCons ⊨c(IsCons_steps) IsCons_Rel.
unfold IsCons_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold IsCons. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4-5: reflexivity. all: reflexivity. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. split.
{ (* cons case *) intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons. unfold atCons in *. TMSimp. auto. }
{ (* nil case *) intros tps HNil. unfold atNil in *. TMSimp. auto. }
Definition GoToCurrent_Rel : pRel sigSim (option move) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
yout = tape_dir tp.
Definition GoToCurrent : pTM sigSim (option move) 1 :=
MoveToSymbol isMarked' id;;
Switch ReadChar
(fun (c : option sigSim) =>
match c with
| Some (inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true))) => Return Nop (Some Rmove)
| Some (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank true))) => Return Nop (Some Lmove)
| Some (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol _))) => Return Nop (Some Nmove)
| Some (inr (sigList_X NilBlank)) => Return Nop (None)
| _ => Return Nop None
Lemma GoToCurrent_Realise : GoToCurrent ⊨ GoToCurrent_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold GoToCurrent. TM_Correct. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons. unfold atCons in *. TMSimp.
rename H1 into H.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs]; cbn in *; TMSimp.
- (* tp = niltape *)
do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation in *; cbn in * ). TMSimp.
split; eauto. hnf. reflexivity.
- (* tp = leftof r rs *)
do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation in *; cbn in * ). TMSimp.
split; auto. hnf. cbn. f_equal. rewrite !List.map_map, !map_app, <- !app_assoc, !List.map_map. cbn. reflexivity.
- (* tp = rightof l ls *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l; RightBlank true])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l])))
++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true)) :: (map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]))
in H by (now simpl_list; cbn; rewrite <- !app_assoc).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape in H; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. split; auto. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite !map_id, !List.map_map. cbv [id].
rewrite !map_app; cbn. rewrite !List.map_map. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive, <- app_assoc. reflexivity.
+ rewrite !map_app, !List.map_map. cbn. intros ? [<- | [(?&<-&?)%in_map_iff | [<- | ?]] % in_app_iff ]; cbn; auto.
- (* tp = midtape ls m rs *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ MarkedSymbol m :: map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++ map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls))))
++ inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol m)) ::
(map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP])) in H.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape in H; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. split; auto. hnf.
rewrite !map_id, !List.map_map. cbv [id].
rewrite !map_app; cbn. rewrite !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc. rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive. f_equal.
+ rewrite !List.map_map. intros ? [ <- | (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff]; cbn; auto.
+ simpl_list. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. f_equal.
Definition GoToCurrent_steps' (tp : tape sig) :=
match tp with
| niltape _ => 8
| leftof r rs => 8
| rightof l ls => 16 + 4 * length ls
| midtape ls m rs => 16 + 4 * length ls
Definition GoToCurrent_steps (tp : tape sig) :=
GoToCurrent_steps' tp + 3.
Definition GoToCurrent_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ GoToCurrent_steps tp <= k.
Lemma GoToCurrent_Terminates : projT1 GoToCurrent ↓ GoToCurrent_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold GoToCurrent. TM_Correct. }
{ intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HCons&Hk). unfold GoToCurrent_steps in Hk.
exists (GoToCurrent_steps' tp), 2. cbn.
repeat split. 2: lia.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp.
- (* tp = niltape *) do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn in * ). reflexivity.
- (* tp = leftof r rs *) do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn in * ). reflexivity.
- (* tp = rightof l ls *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l; RightBlank true])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l])))
++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true)) :: (map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]))
by (now simpl_list; cbn; rewrite <- !app_assoc).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite Nat.mul_succ_r. cbn. lia.
- (* tp = midtape ls m rs *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ MarkedSymbol m :: map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++ map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls))))
++ inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol m)) ::
(map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP])).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ simpl_list. cbn. lia.
+ simpl_list. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. f_equal.
{ intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 0. repeat split. lia. lia. intros ? ? (->&->). destruct *; reflexivity. }
End GoToCurrent.
Section GoToNext.
Definition GoToNext_Rel : pRel sigSim bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
match yout, tps2 with
| true, tp' :: tps2' =>
atCons tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp]) tps2' tp'
| false, nil =>
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp])
| _, _ => False
Definition isNilCons : sigSim -> bool :=
fun s => match s with
| inr sigList_nil => true
| inr sigList_cons => true
| _ => false
Definition GoToNext : pTM sigSim bool 1 :=
MoveToSymbol isNilCons id;; IsCons.
Lemma GoToNext_Realise : GoToNext ⊨ GoToNext_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold GoToNext. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
TMSimp. rename H1 into H.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp; rename H into HNil, H0 into HCons.
{ (* niltape *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [niltape _])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn). hnf.
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal. rewrite encode_list_app. rewrite removelast_app by apply encode_list_neq_nil.
cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. f_equal.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [niltape _]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn).
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
+ rewrite encode_list_app; cbn. rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. f_equal.
+ rewrite !List.map_map. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc. now rewrite !List.map_map. }
{ (* leftof r rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [leftof r rs])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn in *; auto.
+ rewrite !map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite encode_list_app. cbn.
rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !removelast_app by congruence. rewrite !removelast_cons by congruence.
rewrite removelast_cons.
2: { intros H. symmetry in H. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
rewrite map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
+ intros ? [ <- | [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff ]; cbn; auto.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [leftof r rs]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn in *; auto.
+ rewrite !map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
* simpl_list. cbn. rewrite encode_list_app. cbn.
rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !removelast_app by congruence. rewrite !removelast_cons by congruence.
rewrite removelast_cons.
2: { intros H. symmetry in H. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
rewrite map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
* now simpl_list.
+ intros ? [ <- | [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff ]; cbn; auto.
{ (* rightof l ls *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [rightof l ls])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn).
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite map_app, !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc. cbn.
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn.
rewrite rev_app_distr; cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive. rewrite !List.map_map. reflexivity.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [rightof l ls]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn).
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
+ rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite map_app, !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc. cbn.
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn.
rewrite rev_app_distr; cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive. rewrite !List.map_map. reflexivity.
+ now simpl_list.
{ (* midtape ls m rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [midtape ls m rs])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite !map_app.
rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
repeat first [ progress cbn | rewrite rev_app_distr | rewrite map_app | rewrite <- app_assoc | rewrite rev_involutive | rewrite map_map ].
+ intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [<- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [midtape ls m rs]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite !map_app.
* rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
repeat first [ progress cbn | rewrite rev_app_distr | rewrite map_app | rewrite <- app_assoc | rewrite rev_involutive | rewrite map_map ].
* now simpl_list.
+ intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [<- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
Definition GoToNext_steps' (t : tape sig) :=
match t with
| niltape _ => 8
| leftof r rs => 16 + 4 * length rs
| rightof r rs => 8
| midtape ls m rs => 16 + 4 * length rs
Definition GoToNext_steps (tp : tape sig) :=
GoToNext_steps' tp + 3.
Definition GoToNext_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ GoToNext_steps tp <= k.
Lemma GoToNext_Terminates : projT1 GoToNext ↓ GoToNext_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold GoToNext. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HCons&Hk). hnf in HCons. unfold GoToNext_steps in Hk.
exists (GoToNext_steps' tp), 2. repeat split. 2: lia. 2: intros _ _ _; reflexivity.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp.
{ (* tp = niltape *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
{ (* tp = leftof r rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
{ (* rightof l ls *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
{ (* midtape ls m rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
End GoToNext.
(* Read the current symbols *)
Section ReadCurrentSymbols.
Local Arguments insertKnownSymbol : simpl never.
(* Local Arguments insertKnownSymbols : simpl never. *)
Definition ReadCurrent : pTM sigSim (option sig) 1 :=
Switch ReadChar
(fun (s : option sigSim) =>
match s with
| Some (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s))) => Return Nop (Some s)
| _ => Return Nop None
Definition ReadCurrent_Rel : pRel sigSim (option sig) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
yout = current tp.
Definition ReadCurrent_steps := 2.
Lemma ReadCurrent_Sem : ReadCurrent ⊨c(ReadCurrent_steps) ReadCurrent_Rel.
unfold ReadCurrent_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrent. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4,5: reflexivity. all: reflexivity. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons.
unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp.
all: (split; hnf; auto).
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Rel (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n) :
pRel sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n + Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp ,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat (snd st)) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps1 ->
match tps2 with
| nil =>
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp]) /\
yout = inr (insertKnownSymbol (fst st) (snd st) (current tp))
| tp' :: tps2' =>
atCons tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp]) tps2' tp' /\
match finSucc_opt (snd st) with
| Some i' =>
yout = inl (insertKnownSymbol (fst st) (snd st) (current tp), i')
| None => False
end) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = inr (fst st)).
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step : forall (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n),
pTM sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n + Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun '(readSymbols, i) =>
If IsCons
Switch (ReadCurrent)
(fun (c : option sig) =>
Return (GoToNext)
(match finSucc_opt i with
| None =>
inr (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i c)
| Some i' =>
inl (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i c, i')
(Return Nop (inr readSymbols)).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Realise : forall st, ReadCurrentSymbols_Step st ⊨ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Rel st.
intros (readSymbols,i). eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step. TM_Correct_step; [ | TM_Correct_step | TM_Correct].
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem.
- apply GoToCurrent_Realise.
- apply Switch_Realise.
+ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply ReadCurrent_Sem.
+ intros c. apply Return_Realise. apply GoToNext_Realise. }
intros tin (yout, tout). TMSimp. split.
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons HKnown.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ (* cons case *)
rename H into HIsCons_cons, H0 into HGotoCurrent, H1 into IsCons_nil, H2 into HReadCurrent, H4 into HGoToNext.
specialize HIsCons_cons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons_cons&_).
specialize HGotoCurrent with (1 := HIsCons_cons) as (HGotoCurrent&->).
specialize HReadCurrent with (1 := HGotoCurrent) as (HReadCurrent&->).
specialize HGoToNext with (1 := HReadCurrent).
destruct ymid1, tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; auto.
{ (* tps = tp' :: tps' *) split; auto.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i'| ] eqn:Ei.
- reflexivity.
- exfalso. apply finSucc_opt_None' in Ei. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. cbn in *. lia.
{ (* tps = nil *) split; auto.
enough (finSucc_opt i = None) as -> by reflexivity.
apply finSucc_opt_None.
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. cbn in *. lia.
{ (* wrong nil case *) specialize H with (1 := HCons) as (_&H); congruence. }
{ (* nil case *)
intros tps HNil.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ (* wrong cons case *) specialize H1 with (1 := HNil) as (_&H1); congruence. }
{ now specialize H2 with (1 := HNil) as (H0&_). }
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp :=
3 + IsCons_steps + GoToCurrent_steps tp + ReadCurrent_steps + GoToNext_steps tp.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil := 1 + IsCons_steps.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp, atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Terminates st : projT1 (ReadCurrentSymbols_Step st) ↓ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_T.
destruct st as [readSymbols i]. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step. TM_Correct_step.
{ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ TM_Correct_step. apply GoToCurrent_Realise. apply GoToCurrent_Terminates.
apply Switch_TerminatesIn.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply ReadCurrent_Sem.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply ReadCurrent_Sem.
- intros st. apply Return_Terminates. apply GoToNext_Terminates. }
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin k. intros [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk) ].
{ (* cons case *) unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons in Hk.
exists (IsCons_steps), (2 + GoToCurrent_steps tp + ReadCurrent_steps + GoToNext_steps tp). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (HIsCons_cons&HIsCons_nil). specialize HIsCons_cons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons&->).
exists (GoToCurrent_steps tp), (1 + ReadCurrent_steps + GoToNext_steps tp). repeat split; try lia. hnf; eauto.
intros tmid0 ymid0 HGoToCurrent. cbn in HGoToCurrent. specialize HGoToCurrent with (1 := HIsCons) as (HGoToCurrent&->).
exists (ReadCurrent_steps), (GoToNext_steps tp). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid1 ymid1 HReadCurrent. cbn in HReadCurrent. specialize HReadCurrent with (1 := HGoToCurrent) as (HReadCurrent&->). hnf. eauto.
{ (* nil case *) unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil in Hk.
exists (IsCons_steps), 0. repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (HIsCons_cons&HIsCons_nil). specialize HIsCons_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HIsNil&->). reflexivity.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop := StateWhile ReadCurrentSymbols_Step.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Rel (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n) :
pRel sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tp tps2,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat (snd st)) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps1 ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2) /\
yout = insertKnownSymbols (fst st) (snd st) (current tp :: map (@current _) tps2)) /\
(forall tps,
(length tps =? n) = true ->
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = (fst st)).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Realise st : ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop st ⊨ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Rel st.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop. TM_Correct. apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Realise. }
{ revert st. apply StateWhileInduction; intros; rename l into st.
destruct st as [ readSymbols i]; cbn in *.
destruct HLastStep as [HLastStepCons HLastStepNil].
cbn. split; [intros tps1 tp tps2 HL1 HL2 HCons HRead | intros tps HL HNil HRead]; TMSimp.
specialize HLastStepCons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HLastStepCons as [HLastStepCons HLastStepCons']; inv HLastStepCons'.
split; auto.
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. *)
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i'| ]; auto.
- destruct HLastStepCons as [ HLastStepCons HLastStepCons'].
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i' | ]; auto. congruence.
{ specialize HLastStepNil with (1 := HNil). destruct HLastStepNil as [H1 H2]. inv H2. split; auto. }
destruct st as [ readSymbols i]; cbn in *.
destruct HStar as [HStar_cons HStar_nil]. destruct HLastStep as [HLastStep_cons HLastStep_nil]. cbn in *.
cbn. split; [intros tps1 tp tps2 HL1 HL2 HCons HRead | intros tps HL HNil HRead].
specialize HStar_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HStar_cons as [HStar1 HStar2]. inv HStar2.
- destruct HStar_cons as [HStar1 HStar2].
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i' | ] eqn:E; auto. inv HStar2.
specialize HLastStep_cons with (3 := HStar1).
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2.
spec_assert HLastStep_cons.
{ simpl_list; cbn. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in E. lia. }
spec_assert HLastStep_cons.
{ simpl_list; cbn. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in E. lia. }
spec_assert HLastStep_cons as [HLastStep_cons ->].
{ cbn. apply insertKnownSymbol_correct; auto. }
cbn in *. rewrite <- app_assoc in HLastStep_cons. split; auto.
{ specialize HStar_nil with (1 := HNil) as [HStar1 HStar2]; inv HStar2. }
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil := ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil.
Fixpoint ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2 tp :=
match tps2 with
| nil => ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp
| tp' :: tps2' => 1 + ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp + ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2' tp'
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_T (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat (snd st)) = true /\
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true /\
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps1 /\
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2 tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Terminates st : projT1 (ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop st) ↓ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_T st.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop. TM_Correct.
- apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Realise.
- apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Terminates. }
revert st. apply StateWhileCoInduction. intros (readSymbols&i). intros. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_T in *. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_T in *.
destruct HT as [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HL1&HL2&HRead&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk)].
{ (* cons case *)
eexists. repeat split. left. eauto.
intros ymid tmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). clear HStep_nil. cbn in *. destruct ymid as [ (readSymbols'&i') | result ].
- (* continue case *)
specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
+ TMSimp. congruence.
+ destruct HStep_cons as (HStep_cons1&HStep_cons2). destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i'' | ] eqn:Ei; inv HStep_cons2; rename i'' into i'.
eexists. split. 2: apply Hk. left. exists (tps1 ++ [tp]), (tps2'), tp'. repeat split.
* simpl_list. cbn. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in Ei. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. lia.
* simpl_list. cbn. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in Ei. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. lia.
* apply insertKnownSymbol_correct. now apply Nat.eqb_eq. assumption.
* assumption.
* reflexivity.
- (* break case *)
specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
+ lia.
+ lia.
{ (* nil case *)
eexists. repeat split. right. eauto.
intros ymid tmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). clear HStep_cons. cbn in *. destruct ymid as [ (readSymbols'&i') | result ].
- (* continue case *) specialize HStep_nil with (1 := HNil) as (?&?). congruence.
- (* break case *) reflexivity.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols :=
match (finMin_opt n) with
| None => Return (Move Rmove) (Vector.const None n) (* Nothing to do, just move from the start to the nil symbol *)
| Some min =>
Move Rmove;; ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop (Vector.const None n, min)
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Rel : pRel sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall T,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (vector_to_list T) /\
yout = current_chars T.
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Realise : ReadCurrentSymbols ⊨ ReadCurrentSymbols_Rel.
clear pM F. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols.
destruct (finMin_opt n) as [min| ] eqn:E; swap 1 2.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros T HEncT. unfold contains_tapes in *. TMSimp.
clear_except E. apply finMin_opt_None in E as ->. destruct_tapes. cbn.
split; cbn; auto. hnf. reflexivity.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Realise. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros T HEncT. unfold contains_tapes in *. TMSimp.
rename H0 into HLoop_cons, H1 into HLoop_nil. clear HLoop_nil.
pose proof finMin_opt_Some E as (n'&E'). pose (T' := Vector.cast T E').
pose proof finMin_opt_Some_val E as E_val.
specialize (HLoop_cons nil (Vector.hd T') (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T'))). cbn in *.
rewrite E_val in HLoop_cons. subst. specialize HLoop_cons with (1 := eq_refl). spec_assert HLoop_cons.
{ rewrite vector_to_list_length. apply Nat.eqb_eq. reflexivity. } spec_assert HLoop_cons.
{ hnf. cbn. clear_all. destruct_tapes. cbn. f_equal. simpl_list. now rewrite vector_cast_refl. }
spec_assert HLoop_cons as [HLoop_cons1 ->] by (cbn; tauto).
rewrite vector_to_list_eta in HLoop_cons1. subst T'. rewrite vector_cast_refl in *. split; auto.
destruct (finSucc_opt min) as [minSucc | ] eqn:E2.
- pose proof finSucc_opt_Some' E2 as E2_val. rewrite E_val in E2_val.
now apply insertKnownSymbols_correct_cons.
- apply finSucc_opt_None' in E2.
apply Nat.succ_inj in E2. assert (n' = 0) as -> by lia. cbn.
compute [insertKnownSymbol]. destruct_fin min. cbn.
destruct_tapes. cbn. unfold current_chars. cbn. reflexivity.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_steps (n : nat) (T : tapes sig n) :=
match T with
| [| |] => ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil
| tp ::: T' => 2 + ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons (vector_to_list T') tp
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists T, tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_steps T <= k.
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Terminates : projT1 ReadCurrentSymbols ↓ ReadCurrentSymbols_T.
unfold ReadCurrentSymbols.
destruct (finMin_opt n) as [min| ] eqn:E.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. eapply ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Terminates. }
intros tin k (T&HEncT&Hk).
pose proof finMin_opt_Some E as (n'&E'). pose proof finMin_opt_Some_val E as E_val.
pose (T' := Vector.cast T E').
exists 1, (ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T')) (Vector.hd T')). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite <- Hk. clear_all. subst n T'. rewrite !vector_cast_refl. destruct_tapes. cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tmid [] HMove. cbn in HMove. hnf. left. exists (nil), (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T')), (Vector.hd T'). cbn. rewrite E_val. cbn. repeat split; auto.
- rewrite vector_to_list_length. apply Nat.eqb_eq. lia.
- apply knowsFirstSymbols_nil.
- rewrite HMove. hnf in HEncT. cbn in *. rewrite HEncT. clear_all. subst n T'. cbn. rewrite !vector_cast_refl.
destruct_tapes. cbn. hnf. f_equal. now rewrite !map_app, !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (T&HEnc&Hk). rewrite <- Hk. apply finMin_opt_None in E. clear_except E. subst. destruct_tapes. cbn. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil, ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil. lia.
End ReadCurrentSymbols.
(* Move from the nil symbol back to the start symbol *)
Section MoveToStart.
Definition MoveToStart_Rel : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atStart tout[@Fin0] tps).
Definition isStart : sigSim -> bool :=
fun s => match s with
| inl START => true
| _ => false
Definition MoveToStart : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
MoveToSymbol_L isStart id.
Lemma MoveToStart_Realise : MoveToStart ⊨ MoveToStart_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveToStart. TM_Correct. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps HNil. unfold atNil, atStart in *. TMSimp. clear_all.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- rewrite !map_id; cbv [id]. rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive.
change [inr (@sigList_nil (sigTape sig)); inl STOP]
with (List.map inr [ @sigList_nil (sigTape sig)] ++ [inl STOP]).
rewrite app_assoc, <- map_app. f_equal. f_equal.
apply encode_list_remove.
- intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. cbn. reflexivity.
Definition tape_size (tp : tape sig) : nat :=
match tp with
| niltape _ => 1
| rightof l ls => 3 + length ls
| leftof r rs => 3 + length rs
| midtape ls m rs => 3 + length ls + length rs
Fixpoint tapes_size (tps : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
match tps with
| nil => 1
| tp :: tps' => 1 + tape_size tp + tapes_size tps'
Lemma tape_size_length (tp : tape sig) :
tape_size tp = length (encode_tape tp).
Proof. destruct tp eqn:E; cbn; simpl_list; cbn; auto. all: try lia. simpl_list. cbn. lia. Qed.
Lemma tapes_size_length (tps : list (tape sig)) :
tapes_size tps = length (encode_list _ tps).
induction tps as | tp tsp.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. simpl_list. rewrite <- IHtsp. cbn. rewrite <- tape_size_length. lia.
Definition MoveToStart_steps (tps : list (tape sig)) :=
8 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps).
Definition MoveToStart_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ MoveToStart_steps tps <= k.
(* TODO: somewhere *)
Lemma removelast_length (X : Type) (xs : list X) :
length (removelast xs) = length xs - 1.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH].
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. destruct xs as [ | x' xs]; cbn in *.
+ reflexivity.
+ f_equal. rewrite IH. lia.
Lemma MoveToStart_Terminates : projT1 MoveToStart ↓ MoveToStart_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveToStart. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (tps&HNil&Hk). hnf in HNil. TMSimp. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; cbn; auto. simpl_list. cbn.
rewrite <- Hk. rewrite removelast_length. unfold MoveToStart_steps. lia.
Lemma atStart_contains (t : tape sigSim) (tps : list (tape sig)) (T : tapes sig n) :
length tps = n ->
atStart t tps ->
vector_to_list T = tps ->
t ≃ T.
clear pM F.
intros HL HStart HToList. unfold contains_tapes, atStart in *. subst.
f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. unfold encode_tapes. f_equal. auto.
End MoveToStart.
Section DoActions.
Variable (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n).
(* Abuse UNKNOWN as a special marker, to return to the place where we inserted the symbol with shifting *)
Definition isReturnMarker (s : sigSim) : bool :=
match s with
| inl UNKNOWN => true
| _ => false
(* The more complicated part is writing, because we may have to alocate more memory by shifting *)
Definition DoWrite_Rel (d : option move) (s : sig) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
tape_dir tp = d ->
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 (tape_write tp (Some s))).
Definition DoWrite (d : option move) (s : sig) : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match d with
| Some Lmove => (* leftof ~> shift left and change boundary symbol to LeftBlank false *)
Shift_L (fun _ => false) (inl UNKNOWN);;
MoveToSymbol isReturnMarker id;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s))) Lmove;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false))) Rmove
| Some Rmove => (* rightof ~> shift right and change boundary symbol to RightBlank false *)
Shift (fun _ => false) (inl UNKNOWN);;
MoveToSymbol_L isReturnMarker id;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s))) Rmove;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))) Lmove
| Some Nmove => (* midtape ~> just write the symbol *)
Write (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s)))
| None => (* midtape ~> we need to shift left and right and insert RightBlank false and LeftBlank false *)
Shift (fun _ => false) (inl UNKNOWN);;
MoveToSymbol_L isReturnMarker id;;
Shift_L (fun _ => false) (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s)));;
MoveToSymbol isReturnMarker id;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false))) Rmove;;
Move Rmove;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))) Lmove
Lemma DoWrite_Realise (d : option move) (s : sig) : DoWrite d s ⊨ DoWrite_Rel d s.
unfold DoWrite. destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ].
{ (* Some Lmove (leftof) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp. simpl_tape.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in HCons. TMSimp.
rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- hnf. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_id, rev_app_distr; cbn; cbv [id].
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite rev_involutive. reflexivity.
- rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive.
intros ? [ [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
{ (* Some Rmove (rightof) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp. simpl_tape.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in HCons. TMSimp.
rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- hnf. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_id, rev_app_distr; cbn. now rewrite rev_involutive.
- intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
{ (* Some Nmove (midtape) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape in HCons. TMSimp.
hnf. cbn. reflexivity.
{ (* None (niltape) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_niltape in HCons. TMSimp.
simpl_tape. rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto. cbn.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto; cbn.
rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive, !map_id. rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
* simpl_tape. rewrite !map_id. cbv [id]. cbn. rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn.
hnf. cbn. rewrite <- !map_rev. rewrite !rev_involutive. reflexivity.
* intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
+ intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
Definition DoWrite_steps (d : option move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) :=
match d with
| Some Lmove => 37 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1)
| Some Rmove => 37 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps2)
| Some Nmove => 1
| None => 73 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1) + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps2)
Definition DoWrite_T (d : option move) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, tape_dir tp = d /\ atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2 <= k.
Lemma DoWrite_Terminates (d : option move) (s : sig) : projT1 (DoWrite d s) ↓ DoWrite_T d.
unfold DoWrite. destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ].
{ (* d = Some Lmove (leftof) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in HCons. TMSimp.
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), (20 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)). repeat split.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list; cbn. rewrite removelast_length. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros tmid [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), 3. repeat split.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. rewrite removelast_length. cbn. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 1. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros _ _ _. reflexivity.
{ (* d = Some Rmove (rightof) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in HCons. TMSimp.
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), (20 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)). repeat split.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list; cbn. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros tmid [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), 3. repeat split.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 1. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros _ _ _. reflexivity.
{ (* d = Somme Nmove (midtape) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *. assumption.
{ (* d = None (niltapp) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir.
unfold atCons_current_niltape in HCons. TMSimp.
rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto. cbn.
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), (56 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1) + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list. cbn. lia. }
intros tmid [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), (39 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1)). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; cbn; auto. simpl_list. cbn. lia. }
intros tmid0 [] ->.
rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
2: { intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto. }
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), (22 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list. cbn. rewrite removelast_length. lia. }
intros tmid1 [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), (5). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. rewrite removelast_length. cbn. lia. }
(* constant time *)
intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 3. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros ? ? ?. exists 1, 1. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros _ _ _. reflexivity.
Definition DoMove_Rel (d : option move) (m : move) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
tape_dir tp = d ->
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 (tape_move tp m)).
Definition toggle_marked (s : sigTape sig) : sigTape sig :=
match s with
| UnmarkedSymbol s => MarkedSymbol s
| MarkedSymbol s => UnmarkedSymbol s
| LeftBlank b => LeftBlank (negb b)
| RightBlank b => RightBlank (negb b)
| NilBlank => NilBlank
Definition ToggleMarked_Rel : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall ls m rs,
tin[@Fin0] = midtape ls (inr (sigList_X m)) rs ->
tout[@Fin0] = midtape ls (inr (sigList_X (toggle_marked m))) rs).
Definition ToggleMarked : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
Switch ReadChar
(fun (s : option sigSim) =>
match s with
| Some (inr (sigList_X m)) => Write (inr (sigList_X (toggle_marked m)))
| _ => Nop
Lemma ToggleMarked_Sem : ToggleMarked ⊨c(3) ToggleMarked_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ToggleMarked. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4, 11: reflexivity. all: lia. }
{ intros tin ([], tout) H. intros ls m rs Hmidtape. TMCrush; TMSolve 1. }
(* this should take constant time *)
Definition DoMove (d : option move) (m : move) : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match d with
| Some Lmove => match m with
| Nmove => Nop
| Lmove => Nop
| Rmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Rmove;; ToggleMarked
| Some Rmove => match m with
| Nmove => Nop
| Rmove => Nop
| Lmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Lmove;; ToggleMarked
| Some Nmove => match m with
| Nmove => Nop
| Rmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Rmove;; ToggleMarked
| Lmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Lmove;; ToggleMarked
| None => Nop
Definition DoMove_steps := 9.
Lemma DoMove_Sem (d : option move) (m : move) : DoMove d m ⊨c(DoMove_steps) DoMove_Rel d m.
unfold DoMove_steps. unfold DoMove. destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ].
{ (* leftof *)
destruct m; cbn.
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_leftof, atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp; specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ (* rightof *)
destruct m; cbn.
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_rightof, atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp; specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ (* midtape *)
destruct m; cbn.
{ (* Lmove *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape, atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp.
destruct ls as [ | l' ls']; cbn in *.
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ (* Rmove *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp.
destruct rs as [ | r' rs']; cbn in *.
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ (* Nmove *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ (* niltape *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m' rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
now simpl_tape in *.
Arguments DoMove : simpl never.
(* First write, then move *)
Definition DoAction_Rel (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
tape_dir tp = d ->
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 (doAct tp a)).
Definition DoAction (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match (fst a) with
| Some s => DoWrite d s;; DoMove (Some Nmove) (snd a) (* after wrting, we have a midtape *)
| None => DoMove d (snd a)
Lemma DoAction_Realise (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : DoAction d a ⊨ DoAction_Rel d a.
unfold DoAction. destruct a as [[ w | ] m]; cbn.
{ (* Write w and move m *)
eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct. apply DoWrite_Realise. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply DoMove_Sem.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. TMSimp.
rename H into HWrite, H0 into HMove.
specialize HWrite with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HCons).
specialize (HMove tps1 tps2 (midtape (left tp) w (right tp))). cbn in *. auto.
{ (* Just move m *)
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply DoMove_Sem.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HCons). auto.
Definition DoAction_steps (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) :=
match (fst a) with
| Some s => 1 + DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2 + DoMove_steps
| None => DoMove_steps
Definition DoAction_T (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, tape_dir tp = d /\ atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ DoAction_steps d a tps1 tps2 <= k.
Lemma DoAction_Terminates (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : projT1 (DoAction d a) ↓ DoAction_T d a.
unfold DoAction. destruct a as [ [ w | ] m]; cbn in *.
{ (* Write and Move *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct.
- apply DoWrite_Realise.
- apply DoWrite_Terminates.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply DoMove_Sem. }
{ intros tin k. intros (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *. exists (DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2), DoMove_steps. repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. do 3 eexists. repeat split; eauto. }
{ (* Only Move *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply DoMove_Sem. }
{ intros tin k. intros (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *. assumption. }
Definition DoActions_Step_Rel (i : Fin.t n) : pRel sigSim (Fin.t n + unit) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
match tps2 with
| tp' :: tps2' =>
atCons tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tps2' tp' /\
match finSucc_opt i with
| Some i' => yout = inl i'
| None => False
| nil =>
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) /\
yout = inr tt
end) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = inr tt).
Definition opt_to_sum_unit (X : Type) (x : option X) : X + unit :=
match x with
| Some x => inl x
| None => inr tt
Definition DoActions_Step (i : Fin.t n) : pTM sigSim (Fin.t n + unit) 1 :=
If IsCons
(Switch GoToCurrent
(fun (d : option move) =>
Return (DoAction d (acts[@i]);; GoToNext) (opt_to_sum_unit (finSucc_opt i))))
(Return Nop (inr tt)).
Lemma DoActions_Step_Realise (i : Fin.t n) : DoActions_Step i ⊨ DoActions_Step_Rel i.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ apply If_Realise.
{ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ apply Switch_Realise.
- apply GoToCurrent_Realise.
- intros d. TM_Correct.
+ apply DoAction_Realise.
+ apply GoToNext_Realise. }
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H; split.
{ (* cons case *)
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons. TMSimp.
destruct H; TMSimp; swap 1 2.
{ specialize H with (1 := HCons) as (_&?). congruence. }
rename H into HIsCons, H0 into HGoToCurrent, H3 into HDoAct, H4 into HDoActs_Step.
specialize HIsCons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons&_).
specialize HGoToCurrent with (1 := HIsCons) as (HGoToCurrent1&->).
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2.
specialize HDoAct with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HGoToCurrent1).
specialize HDoActs_Step with (1 := HDoAct).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; (destruct ymid0; auto).
- split; auto. cbn in *.
unshelve epose proof @finSucc_opt_None n i _ as ->. lia. reflexivity.
- split; auto. cbn in *.
unshelve epose proof @finSucc_opt_Some n i _ as (i'&->). lia. reflexivity.
{ (* nil case *)
intros tps HNil.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ specialize H1 with (1 := HNil) as (_&?). congruence. }
now specialize H2 with (1 := HNil) as (HIsNil&_).
Definition DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp :=
3 + IsCons_steps + GoToCurrent_steps tp + DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2 + GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i]).
Definition DoActions_Step_steps_nil := 1 + IsCons_steps.
Definition DoActions_Step_T (i : Fin.t n) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true /\
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true /\
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ DoActions_Step_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma DoActions_Step_Terminates (i : Fin.t n) : projT1 (DoActions_Step i) ↓ DoActions_Step_T i.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoActions_Step. TM_Correct_step.
{ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ apply Switch_TerminatesIn. apply GoToCurrent_Realise. apply GoToCurrent_Terminates. intros i'.
TM_Correct. apply DoAction_Realise. apply DoAction_Terminates. apply GoToNext_Terminates. }
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin k [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HL1&HL2&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk) ].
{ (* cons case *) unfold DoActions_Step_steps_cons in Hk.
exists (IsCons_steps), (2 + GoToCurrent_steps tp + DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2 + GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i])). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (HIsCons_cons&_). specialize HIsCons_cons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons&->).
exists (GoToCurrent_steps tp), (1 + DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2 + GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i])). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. eauto. }
intros tmid0 ymid0 HGoToCurrent. cbn in HGoToCurrent. specialize HGoToCurrent with (1 := HIsCons) as (HGoToCurrent&->).
exists (DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2), (GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i])). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. eauto 6. }
intros tmid1 ymid1 HDoAction. cbn in HDoAction. specialize HDoAction with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HGoToCurrent).
{ hnf. eauto. }
{ (* nil case *) unfold DoActions_Step_steps_nil in Hk.
exists IsCons_steps, 0. repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (_&HIsCons_nil). specialize HIsCons_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HIsNil&->). reflexivity.
Definition DoActions_Loop : Fin.t n -> pTM sigSim unit 1 := StateWhile DoActions_Step.
Definition DoActions_Loop_Rel (i : Fin.t n) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts tps1) tps2 tp ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2))
) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps).
Lemma DoActions_Loop_Realise (i : Fin.t n) : DoActions_Loop i ⊨ DoActions_Loop_Rel i.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold DoActions_Loop. TM_Correct.
- apply DoActions_Step_Realise. }
revert i; apply StateWhileInduction; intros; rename l into i.
{ (* cons case *)
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons. TMSimp. rename H into HCaseCons, H0 into HCaseNil.
specialize HCaseCons with (3 := HCons).
do 2 spec_assert HCaseCons by now rewrite map_vect_list_length.
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps']; destruct HCaseCons as [HCaseCons1 HCaseCons2].
- apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2; cbn in *.
assert (S (fin_to_nat i) = n) by lia. clear HCaseCons2.
replace (map_vect_list (doAct (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) acts (tps1 ++ [tp])) with
(map_vect_list (doAct (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) acts tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]); auto.
symmetry. apply map_vect_list_app. lia.
- apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2; cbn in *.
assert (S (fin_to_nat i) < n) by lia.
apply finSucc_opt_Some in H as (i'&H). rewrite H in HCaseCons2. inv HCaseCons2.
{ intros tps HNil. TMSimp. now specialize H0 with (1 := HNil). }
{ (* nil case *)
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons. TMSimp.
rename H1 into HCaseCons1, H2 into HCaseNil1, H into HCaseCons2, H0 into HCaseNil2.
specialize HCaseCons1 with (3 := HCons).
do 2 spec_assert HCaseCons1 by now rewrite map_vect_list_length.
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2'].
- destruct HCaseCons1 as [ _ ? ]. inv H.
- destruct HCaseCons1 as [ HCaseCons1 ? ]. destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i' | ] eqn:E; auto. inv H.
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2; cbn in *.
rewrite <- map_vect_list_app in HCaseCons1 by lia.
specialize HCaseCons2 with (3 := HCaseCons1).
spec_assert HCaseCons2.
{ apply Nat.eqb_eq. rewrite app_length. cbn.
enough (fin_to_nat i' = S (fin_to_nat i)) by lia.
now apply finSucc_opt_Some'. }
spec_assert HCaseCons2.
{ apply Nat.eqb_eq. rewrite app_length. cbn. lia. }
rewrite <- app_assoc in HCaseCons2. cbn in *. auto.
{ intros tps HNil. TMSimp. now specialize H2 with (1 := HNil). }
Definition DoActions_Loop_steps_nil := DoActions_Step_steps_nil.
Fixpoint DoActions_Loop_steps_cons (i : Fin.t n) tps1 tps2 tp :=
match tps2 with
| nil => DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 [] tp
| tp' :: tps2' =>
match finSucc_opt i with
| None => 0 (* can't happen *)
| Some i' =>
1 + DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp + DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i' (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tps2' tp'
Definition DoActions_Loop_T (i : Fin.t n) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true /\
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true /\
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ DoActions_Loop_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma DoActions_Loop_Terminates (i : Fin.t n) : projT1 (DoActions_Loop i) ↓ DoActions_Loop_T i.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoActions_Loop. TM_Correct.
- apply DoActions_Step_Realise.
- apply DoActions_Step_Terminates. }
revert i. apply StateWhileCoInduction; intros i; intros. destruct HT as [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HL1&HL2&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk) ].
{ (* cons case *)
exists (DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp). repeat split.
{ hnf. left. eauto 7. }
intros ymid mmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). destruct ymid as [ i' | [] ].
{ (* continue case *) specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HStep_cons as (?&?); congruence.
- destruct HStep_cons as [HStep_cons HStep_cons']. destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ iSucc | ] eqn:Ei; auto. inv HStep_cons'. rename iSucc into i'.
eexists. split; eauto.
{ hnf. left. exists (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]), tps2', tp'. simpl_list. cbn. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2.
apply finSucc_opt_Some' in Ei. repeat split; auto; apply Nat.eqb_eq; lia. }
{ (* false break case *) specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HStep_cons as (HStep_cons&_). auto.
- destruct HStep_cons as (?&?). destruct (finSucc_opt i); auto; congruence.
{ (* nil case *) exists (DoActions_Step_steps_nil). repeat split.
{ hnf. right. eauto. }
intros ymid tmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). destruct ymid as [ i' | ]; cbn in *.
- specialize HStep_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HStep_nil&HStep_nil'); inv HStep_nil'.
- specialize HStep_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HStep_nil&HStep_nil'); inv HStep_nil'. auto.
Definition DoActions_Rel : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall (tps : list (tape sig)),
(length tps =? n) = true ->
atStart tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (map_vect_list (@doAct _) acts tps)).
Definition DoActions : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match finMin_opt n with
| None => Move Rmove (* Nothing to do, just move from the start to the nil symbol *)
| Some i =>
Move Rmove;; (* Move from start to first cons *)
DoActions_Loop i
Lemma DoActions_Realise : DoActions ⊨ DoActions_Rel.
clear pM F.
unfold DoActions.
destruct (finMin_opt n) as [ i | ] eqn:E; swap 1 2.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps HL HStart. cbn in *. intros. TMSimp.
unfold atStart in HStart. TMSimp.
apply finMin_opt_None in E as ->.
destruct tps; cbn in *; inv HL.
hnf. cbn. reflexivity.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. apply DoActions_Loop_Realise. }
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps HL HStart. TMSimp.
rename H0 into HLoop_Nil, H1 into HLoop_Cons. clear HLoop_Cons.
pose proof finMin_opt_Some E as (n'&E').
apply finMin_opt_Some_val in E. subst.
destruct tps as [ | tp tps]; cbn in *. inv HL.
specialize (HLoop_Nil nil tps tp).
spec_assert HLoop_Nil by now rewrite E. spec_assert HLoop_Nil by auto. spec_assert HLoop_Nil.
{ cbn. unfold atStart in HStart. TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. now rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc. }
destruct_vector. cbn. auto.
Definition DoActions_steps (tps : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
match finMin_opt n with
| None => 1
| Some i =>
match tps with
| nil => 0 (* can't happen *)
| tp :: tps => 2 + DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i [] tps tp
Definition DoActions_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps, (length tps =? n) = true /\ atStart tin[@Fin0] tps /\ DoActions_steps tps <= k.
Lemma DoActions_Terminates : projT1 DoActions ↓ DoActions_T.
clear pM F.
unfold DoActions. unfold DoActions_T, DoActions_steps. destruct (finMin_opt n) as [ i | ] eqn:Ei.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. apply DoActions_Loop_Terminates. }
{ intros tin k. intros (tps&HL&HStart&Hk). hnf in HStart. TMSimp.
destruct tps as [ | tp tps]; cbn in *.
{ exfalso. clear acts Hk. destruct n; cbn in *; congruence. }
exists 1, (DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i [] tps tp). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid () H. hnf. left. TMSimp. exists nil, tps, tp. cbn. rewrite (finMin_opt_Some_val Ei). repeat split; auto.
hnf. now simpl_list.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct. now intros tin k (?&?&?&H). }
End DoActions.
Section Step.
Variable (q : state (projT1 pM)).
Definition Step_Rel : pRel sigSim (state (projT1 pM) + F) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T : tapes sig n),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T ->
if halt q
then tout[@Fin0] ≃ T /\ yout = inr (projT2 pM q)
let c := {| cstate := q; ctapes := T |} in
let (q', T') := step c in
tout[@Fin0] ≃ T' /\ yout = inl q'.
Definition Step : pTM sigSim (state (projT1 pM) + F) 1 :=
if halt q
then Return Nop (inr (projT2 pM q))
Switch ReadCurre
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Code.CodeTM Undecidability.TM.Code.ChangeAlphabet.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Compound.TMTac Undecidability.TM.Compound.MoveToSymbol.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Basic.Mono Undecidability.TM.Compound.Multi.
(* the above imports sidestep the import of ProgrammingTools below to avoid the dependency on Hoare *)
(*From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.*)
From Undecidability Require Import ArithPrelim.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Compound.Shift.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.VectorPrelim.
From Undecidability Require Import EncodeTapes TM.Util.VectorPrelim.
Require Import FunInd.
Local Set Printing Coercions.
(* Avoid using Vector.to_list, because it doesn't cbn good. Use vector_to_list instead. *)
Local Arguments Vector.to_list {A n} (!v).
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Lemma removelast_cons (X : Type) (xs : list X) (x : X) :
xs <> nil ->
removelast (x :: xs) = x :: removelast xs.
destruct xs as [ | x' xs']; cbn.
- congruence.
- intros _. auto.
(* TODO: ~> somewhere else *)
Lemma vector_to_list_inj (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs ys : Vector.t X n) :
vector_to_list xs = vector_to_list ys -> xs = ys.
revert ys. induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_vector. reflexivity.
- destruct_vector. cbn in *. inv H. f_equal. auto.
Section Fin.
Global Coercion fin_to_nat (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) : nat := proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat i).
Global Set Printing Coercions.
Lemma fin_to_nat_lt (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) : fin_to_nat i < n.
Proof. unfold fin_to_nat. destruct (Fin.to_nat i). cbn. auto. Qed.
Lemma fin_to_nat_O (n : nat) :
fin_to_nat (@Fin.F1 n) = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma fin_to_nat_S (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
fin_to_nat (Fin.FS i) = S (fin_to_nat i).
unfold fin_to_nat. destruct i as [ | n i].
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn in *. destruct (Fin.to_nat i) as [k ?]. cbn in *. reflexivity.
Lemma fin_is_0 (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S n)) :
fin_to_nat i = 0 -> i = Fin0.
intros H. pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ->]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in H. lia.
Lemma fin_is_1 (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S (S n))) :
fin_to_nat i = 1 -> i = Fin1.
intros H. pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ->]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in H. inv H. now apply fin_is_0 in H1 as ->.
Lemma fin_is_2 (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S (S (S n)))) :
fin_to_nat i = 1 -> i = Fin1.
intros H. pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ->]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in H. inv H. now apply fin_is_0 in H1 as ->.
Fixpoint finMax (n : nat) {struct n} : n <> 0 -> Fin.t n.
destruct n as [ | n'].
- abstract congruence.
- decide (n' = 0) as [ H | H]. (* destruct makes troubles here *)
+ intros _. apply Fin.F1.
+ intros _. apply Fin.FS. apply (finMax n'). auto.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Definition finMax' (n : nat) : Fin.t (S n).
apply finMax. apply Nat.neq_succ_0.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma finMax_ext (n : nat) (H1 H2 : n <> 0) : finMax H1 = finMax H2.
induction n as [ | n' IH].
- congruence.
- cbn. decide (n' = 0) as [H | H]; f_equal.
Lemma finMax_val (n : nat) (H : n <> 0) : fin_to_nat (finMax H) = n - 1.
unfold fin_to_nat. induction n as [ | n' IH ].
- congruence.
- cbn. decide (n' = 0) as [ -> | H']; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ replace (n' - 0) with n' by lia.
specialize IH with (H := H').
destruct (Fin.to_nat (finMax H')) as [k ?]; cbn in *. lia.
(* Arguments finMax (n) H : clear implicits. *)
(* Compute finMax (ltac:(congruence) : 1 <> 0). *)
(* Compute finMax (ltac:(congruence) : 10 <> 0). *)
(* Compute finMax' 99. *)
Definition finMin (n : nat) : n <> 0 -> Fin.t n.
refine (match n as n' return n' <> 0 -> Fin.t n' with
| 0 => fun H => False_rec _ _
| S n' => fun _ => Fin.F1
end); auto.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma finMin_O (n : nat) (H : S n <> 0) : finMin H = Fin.F1.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma finMin_ext (n : nat) (H1 H2 : n <> 0) : finMin H1 = finMin H2.
destruct n.
- congruence.
- auto.
Lemma finMin_val (n : nat) (H : n <> 0) : fin_to_nat (finMin H) = 0.
unfold fin_to_nat. destruct n as [ | n'].
- congruence.
- cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma finSucc_help (i : Fin.t 1) : i = Fin0.
Proof. now destruct_fin i. Qed.
Lemma finSucc_help' (n : nat) (i1 i2 : Fin.t n) :
Fin.FS i1 <> Fin.FS i2 -> i1 <> i2.
Proof. now intros H1 ->. Qed.
Fixpoint finSucc (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) {struct n} : forall (H : n <> 0), i <> finMax H -> Fin.t n.
destruct n as [ | n'].
- intros. abstract congruence.
- cbn. decide (n' = 0) as [ HDec | HDec]; cbn.
+ intros _ Hi. exfalso. apply Hi. subst. apply finSucc_help.
+ intros _.
revert n' i HDec. refine (@Fin.caseS (fun n' i => forall (HDec : n' <> 0), i <> Fin.FS (finMax HDec) -> Fin.t (S n')) _ _).
* intros. apply Fin.FS. apply finMin. apply HDec.
* intros. apply Fin.FS. eapply finSucc. eapply finSucc_help'. apply H.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Definition finSucc' (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S n)) (H : i <> finMax' n) : Fin.t (S n).
Proof. unshelve eapply finSucc with (i := i). apply Nat.neq_succ_0. apply H. Defined. (* because definition *)
(* Compute @finSucc 5 Fin0 _ _. *)
(* Compute finSucc' (_ : Fin4 <> finMax' 10). *)
Fixpoint finSucc_opt (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) {struct i} : option (Fin.t n).
destruct i.
- destruct n.
+ apply None.
+ apply Some. apply Fin.FS. apply Fin.F1.
- destruct n.
+ destruct_fin i.
+ destruct (finSucc_opt _ i) as [ rec | ].
* apply Some. apply Fin.FS. apply rec.
* apply None.
Defined. (* because definition *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 1 Fin0 = None. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 2 Fin0 = Some Fin1. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 2 Fin1 = None. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 3 Fin1 = Some Fin2. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 3 Fin0 = Some Fin1. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 8 Fin7 = None. *)
(* Compute eq_refl : @finSucc_opt 9 Fin7 = Some Fin8. *)
Lemma finSucc_opt_Some (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
S (fin_to_nat i) < n ->
exists i', finSucc_opt i = Some i'.
induction i; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct n. lia. eauto.
- destruct n; cbn. lia.
rewrite !fin_to_nat_S in *.
spec_assert IHi as (i'&IH) by lia. rewrite IH. eauto.
Lemma finSucc_opt_Some' (n : nat) (i i' : Fin.t n) :
finSucc_opt i = Some i' ->
fin_to_nat i' = S (fin_to_nat i).
revert i'. induction i; cbn; intros.
- destruct n; inv H. cbn. reflexivity.
- destruct n; cbn in *. destruct_fin i.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i'' | ] eqn:E; inv H.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S. rewrite IHi; auto.
now rewrite fin_to_nat_S.
Lemma finSucc_opt_None (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
S (fin_to_nat i) = n ->
finSucc_opt i = None.
induction i; intros; cbn in *.
- inv H. reflexivity.
- rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. inv H. spec_assert IHi by assumption.
destruct n; cbn. lia. rewrite IHi. reflexivity.
Lemma finSucc_opt_None' (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
finSucc_opt i = None ->
S (fin_to_nat i) = n.
induction i; cbn; intros.
- destruct n; now inv H.
- destruct n. destruct_fin i.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i' | ]; inv H.
now rewrite fin_to_nat_S, IHi.
Definition finMin_opt (n : nat) : option (Fin.t n).
destruct n.
- apply None.
- apply Some. apply Fin.F1.
Defined. (* because definition *)
Lemma finMin_opt_None (n : nat) :
finMin_opt n = None -> n = 0.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; congruence. Qed.
Lemma finMin_opt_Some (n : nat) i :
finMin_opt n = Some i -> exists n', n = S n'.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; intros H; inv H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma finMin_opt_Some_val (n : nat) i :
finMin_opt n = Some i -> fin_to_nat i = 0.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; intros H; inv H; auto. Qed.
Lemma finSucc_correct (n : nat) (i : Fin.t n) (H1 : n <> 0) (H2 : i <> finMax H1) :
fin_to_nat (finSucc H2) = S (fin_to_nat i).
revert i H1 H2. induction n as [ | n' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- decide (n' = 0) as [-> | HDec]; cbn.
+ exfalso. apply H2. apply finSucc_help.
+ pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | -> ]; cbn -[Fin.to_nat]; swap 1 2.
* change (S (proj1_sig (Fin.to_nat Fin0))) with 1.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S. f_equal. rewrite finMin_val. reflexivity.
* rewrite !fin_to_nat_S. f_equal. now rewrite IH.
End Fin.
Fixpoint map_vect_list (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (ls : list X) {struct ls} : list X :=
match ls with
| nil => nil
| x :: ls' =>
match vs with
| [| |] => ls
| y ::: vs' =>
f x y :: map_vect_list f vs' ls'
Lemma map_vect_list_length (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (ls : list X) :
length (map_vect_list f vs ls) = length ls.
revert n vs. induction ls as [ | x ls IH]; cbn; intros.
- reflexivity.
- destruct vs as [ | y n vs]; cbn; f_equal; auto.
Lemma map_vect_list_app (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (ls : list X)
(x : X) (i : Fin.t n) :
fin_to_nat i = length ls ->
map_vect_list f vs (ls ++ [x]) =
map_vect_list f vs ls ++ [f x vs[@i]].
revert n vs i. induction ls as [ | x' ls IH]; cbn; intros.
- destruct vs. destruct_fin i.
enough (i = Fin.F1) as -> by auto.
pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | ]; cbn in *; auto.
rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. lia.
- destruct vs as [ | v n vs]; cbn in *.
+ destruct_fin i.
+ f_equal.
pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | -> ]; cbn in *.
* rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. apply IH. lia.
* lia.
Lemma map_vect_list_eq (X Y : Type) (n1 : nat) (f : X -> Y -> X) (vs : Vector.t Y n1) (xs : Vector.t X n1) :
map_vect_list f vs (vector_to_list xs) = vector_to_list (Vector.map2 f xs vs).
revert xs. induction vs as [ | v n1 vs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_vector. cbn. reflexivity.
- pose proof destruct_vector_cons xs as (x'&xs'&->). cbn.
f_equal. auto.
Lemma destruct_tapes1 (sig : Type) (t : tapes sig 1) :
exists t', t = [| t' |].
Proof. destruct_tapes. eauto. Qed.
Section BookKeepingForRead.
Variable sig : Type.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Fixpoint knowsFirstSymbols {n' : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n') (tps : list (tape sig)) {struct readSymbols} : Prop :=
match readSymbols, tps with
| Vector.nil _, nil => True /\ True /\ True
| Vector.nil _, _::_ => True /\ True (* to much tapes *)
| x ::: readSymbols, nil => True (* list of tapes is too big, must not happen *)
| x ::: readSymbols', tp :: tps' =>
current tp = x /\ knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols' tps'
Lemma knowsFirstSymbols_nil {n : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) :
knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols nil.
destruct n.
- destruct_vector. cbn. tauto.
- destruct_vector. cbn. tauto.
Definition insertKnownSymbol {n : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) (s : option sig) : Vector.t (option sig) n :=
Vector.replace readSymbols i s.
Fixpoint insertKnownSymbols {n : nat} (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) (newSymbols : list (option sig)) :
Vector.t (option sig) n :=
match newSymbols with
| nil => readSymbols
| s :: newSymbols' =>
match finSucc_opt i with
| Some i' => insertKnownSymbols (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i s) i' newSymbols'
| None => insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i s
Lemma insertKnownSymbol_correct (n : nat) (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) tps tp :
length tps = fin_to_nat i ->
knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols tps ->
knowsFirstSymbols (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i (current tp)) (tps ++ [tp]).
revert i tps tp. induction readSymbols as [ | x n readSymbols IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_fin i.
- pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ ( i0 & -> ) | -> ]; cbn in *.
+ rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. destruct tps; cbn in *; inv H. destruct H0 as [H0 H0']. split; auto.
+ destruct tps; cbn in *; inv H. split; auto. apply knowsFirstSymbols_nil.
Lemma insertKnownSymbols_correct (n : nat) (readSymbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) (i : Fin.t n) tps1 tps2 :
length tps1 = fin_to_nat i ->
length tps1 + length tps2 = n ->
knowsFirstSymbols readSymbols tps1 ->
knowsFirstSymbols (insertKnownSymbols readSymbols i (map (@current _) tps2)) (tps1 ++ tps2).
revert n i tps1 readSymbols. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2 IH]; cbn; intros.
- now rewrite app_nil_r.
- subst.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i' | ] eqn:E.
+ pose proof finSucc_opt_Some' E as E'.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. apply IH; simpl_list; cbn. lia. lia.
apply insertKnownSymbol_correct; auto.
+ apply finSucc_opt_None' in E.
assert (| tps2 | = 0) by lia.
destruct tps2; cbn in *; inv H0.
apply insertKnownSymbol_correct; auto.
H : knowsFirstSymbols
(insertKnownSymbols (current tp ::: Vector.const None n) Fin0
(map (current (sig:=sig)) (tp :: vector_to_list T))) ( ++ tp :: vector_to_list T)
insertKnownSymbols (current tp ::: Vector.const None n) Fin0 (vector_to_list (current_chars T)) =
current_chars (tp ::: T)
Lemma knowsFirstSymbols_all n (tps : list (tape sig)) (symbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) :
length tps = n ->
knowsFirstSymbols symbols tps ->
vector_to_list symbols = map (@current _) tps.
revert tps. induction symbols; cbn; intros.
- destruct tps; cbn in *; auto.
- destruct tps; cbn in *; inv H. destruct H0 as [ <- ?]. f_equal. auto.
Lemma knowsFirstSymbols_all' n (T : tapes sig n) (symbols : Vector.t (option sig) n) :
knowsFirstSymbols symbols (vector_to_list T) ->
symbols = current_chars T.
induction T as [ | tp n T IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct_vector. reflexivity.
- destruct_vector. unfold current_chars. cbn in *. destruct H as [ <- H]. f_equal. auto.
Lemma insertKnownSymbols_correct_cons n (T : tapes sig (S n)) (min minSucc : Fin.t (S n)) :
fin_to_nat min = 0 ->
fin_to_nat minSucc = 1 ->
insertKnownSymbols (insertKnownSymbol (Vector.const None (S n)) min (current (Vector.hd T))) minSucc
(map (@current _) (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T))) =
current_chars T.
intros HMin_val HMinSucc_val.
unshelve epose proof @insertKnownSymbols_correct (S n) (Vector.const None (S n)) min nil (vector_to_list T) _ _ _.
- cbn. auto.
- cbn. apply vector_to_list_length.
- cbn. tauto.
- cbn in *. apply knowsFirstSymbols_all' in H. rewrite <- H.
assert (min = Fin.F1) as -> by now apply fin_is_0. cbn.
destruct n as [ | n'].
+ destruct_fin minSucc; auto. lia.
+ assert (minSucc = Fin.FS Fin.F1) as -> by now apply fin_is_1.
destruct_tapes. cbn. auto.
E_val : fin_to_nat min = 0
E2_val : fin_to_nat minSucc = 1
minSucc : Fin.t (S n')
insertKnownSymbols (insertKnownSymbol (Vector.const None (S n')) min (current (Vector.hd T))) minSucc
(map (current (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T))) =
current_chars T
End BookKeepingForRead.
Section ToSingleTape.
Variable (sig F : finType).
Variable n : nat.
(* Hypothesis (nNeq0 : n <> 0). (* This really makes no sense for 0 tapes. *) *)
Notation nMax := (finMax' n).
Local Arguments finMax' : simpl never.
Notation sigSim := (FinType(EqType(boundary + sigList (sigTape sig)))).
Implicit Types (T : tapes sig n).
Definition contains_tapes (t : tape sigSim) T :=
t = midtape nil (inl START) (map inr (encode_tapes T) ++ [inl STOP]).
Notation "t ≃ T" := (contains_tapes t T) (at level 70, no associativity).
Hypothesis pM : pTM sig F n.
(* Go to the current symbol of the selected tape *)
Section GoToCurrent.
Definition atStart (t : tape sigSim) (tps : list (tape sig)) : Prop :=
t = midtape nil (inl START) (map inr (encode_list _ tps) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) : Prop :=
t = midtape (map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_cons))
(map inr (map sigList_X (encode_tape tp)) ++ map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atNil (t : tape sigSim) (tps : list (tape sig)) : Prop :=
t = midtape (map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps))) ++ [inl START]) (inr (sigList_nil)) [inl STOP].
Definition atCons_current_niltape (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) : Prop :=
t = midtape
(inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X NilBlank))
(map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current_leftof (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (r : sig) (rs : list sig) :=
t = midtape
(inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank true)))
(inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r)) ::
map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) rs ++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false)) ::
map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current_midtape (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (ls : list sig) (m : sig) (rs : list sig) :=
t = midtape
(map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) ls ++ (* ls is reversed twice *)
inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol m)))
(map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) rs ++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false)) ::
map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current_rightof (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (l :sig) (ls : list sig) :=
t = midtape
(inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol l)) ::
map (fun s => inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol s))) ls ++ (* ls is reversed twice *)
inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: inr (sigList_cons) :: map inr (rev (removelast (encode_list _ tps1))) ++ [inl START])
(inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true)))
(map inr (encode_list _ tps2) ++ [inl STOP]).
Definition atCons_current (t : tape sigSim) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :=
match tp with
| niltape _ => atCons_current_niltape t tps1 tps2
| leftof r rs => atCons_current_leftof t tps1 tps2 r rs
| midtape ls m rs => atCons_current_midtape t tps1 tps2 ls m rs
| rightof l ls => atCons_current_rightof t tps1 tps2 l ls
Definition tape_dir (t : tape sig) : option move :=
match t with
| niltape _ => None
| leftof _ _ => Some Lmove
| midtape _ _ _ => Some Nmove
| rightof _ _ => Some Rmove
Definition isMarked' (s : sigSim) : bool :=
match s with
| inr (sigList_X s) => isMarked s
| _ => false
Definition IsCons_Rel : pRel sigSim bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp,
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
yout = true) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = false).
Definition IsCons : pTM sigSim bool 1 :=
Switch ReadChar
(fun (s : option sigSim) =>
match s with
| Some (inr (sigList_cons)) => Return Nop true
| Some (inr (sigList_nil)) => Return Nop false
| _ => Return Nop default
Definition IsCons_steps := 2.
Lemma IsCons_Sem : IsCons ⊨c(IsCons_steps) IsCons_Rel.
unfold IsCons_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold IsCons. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4-5: reflexivity. all: reflexivity. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. split.
{ (* cons case *) intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons. unfold atCons in *. TMSimp. auto. }
{ (* nil case *) intros tps HNil. unfold atNil in *. TMSimp. auto. }
Definition GoToCurrent_Rel : pRel sigSim (option move) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
yout = tape_dir tp.
Definition GoToCurrent : pTM sigSim (option move) 1 :=
MoveToSymbol isMarked' id;;
Switch ReadChar
(fun (c : option sigSim) =>
match c with
| Some (inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true))) => Return Nop (Some Rmove)
| Some (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank true))) => Return Nop (Some Lmove)
| Some (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol _))) => Return Nop (Some Nmove)
| Some (inr (sigList_X NilBlank)) => Return Nop (None)
| _ => Return Nop None
Lemma GoToCurrent_Realise : GoToCurrent ⊨ GoToCurrent_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold GoToCurrent. TM_Correct. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons. unfold atCons in *. TMSimp.
rename H1 into H.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs]; cbn in *; TMSimp.
- (* tp = niltape *)
do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation in *; cbn in * ). TMSimp.
split; eauto. hnf. reflexivity.
- (* tp = leftof r rs *)
do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation in *; cbn in * ). TMSimp.
split; auto. hnf. cbn. f_equal. rewrite !List.map_map, !map_app, <- !app_assoc, !List.map_map. cbn. reflexivity.
- (* tp = rightof l ls *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l; RightBlank true])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l])))
++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true)) :: (map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]))
in H by (now simpl_list; cbn; rewrite <- !app_assoc).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape in H; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. split; auto. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite !map_id, !List.map_map. cbv [id].
rewrite !map_app; cbn. rewrite !List.map_map. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive, <- app_assoc. reflexivity.
+ rewrite !map_app, !List.map_map. cbn. intros ? [<- | [(?&<-&?)%in_map_iff | [<- | ?]] % in_app_iff ]; cbn; auto.
- (* tp = midtape ls m rs *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ MarkedSymbol m :: map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++ map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls))))
++ inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol m)) ::
(map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP])) in H.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape in H; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. split; auto. hnf.
rewrite !map_id, !List.map_map. cbv [id].
rewrite !map_app; cbn. rewrite !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc. rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive. f_equal.
+ rewrite !List.map_map. intros ? [ <- | (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff]; cbn; auto.
+ simpl_list. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. f_equal.
Definition GoToCurrent_steps' (tp : tape sig) :=
match tp with
| niltape _ => 8
| leftof r rs => 8
| rightof l ls => 16 + 4 * length ls
| midtape ls m rs => 16 + 4 * length ls
Definition GoToCurrent_steps (tp : tape sig) :=
GoToCurrent_steps' tp + 3.
Definition GoToCurrent_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ GoToCurrent_steps tp <= k.
Lemma GoToCurrent_Terminates : projT1 GoToCurrent ↓ GoToCurrent_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold GoToCurrent. TM_Correct. }
{ intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HCons&Hk). unfold GoToCurrent_steps in Hk.
exists (GoToCurrent_steps' tp), 2. cbn.
repeat split. 2: lia.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp.
- (* tp = niltape *) do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn in * ). reflexivity.
- (* tp = leftof r rs *) do 2 ( rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn in * ). reflexivity.
- (* tp = rightof l ls *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l; RightBlank true])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ [UnmarkedSymbol l])))
++ inr (sigList_X (RightBlank true)) :: (map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]))
by (now simpl_list; cbn; rewrite <- !app_assoc).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite Nat.mul_succ_r. cbn. lia.
- (* tp = midtape ls m rs *)
replace (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) ::
map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls) ++ MarkedSymbol m :: map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++ map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP]) with
((inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false)) :: map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol (rev ls))))
++ inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol m)) ::
(map inr (map sigList_X (map UnmarkedSymbol rs ++ [RightBlank false])) ++
map inr (encode_list (Encode_tape (eqType_X (type sig))) tps2) ++ [inl STOP])).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ simpl_list. cbn. lia.
+ simpl_list. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. f_equal.
{ intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 0. repeat split. lia. lia. intros ? ? (->&->). destruct *; reflexivity. }
End GoToCurrent.
Section GoToNext.
Definition GoToNext_Rel : pRel sigSim bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
match yout, tps2 with
| true, tp' :: tps2' =>
atCons tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp]) tps2' tp'
| false, nil =>
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp])
| _, _ => False
Definition isNilCons : sigSim -> bool :=
fun s => match s with
| inr sigList_nil => true
| inr sigList_cons => true
| _ => false
Definition GoToNext : pTM sigSim bool 1 :=
MoveToSymbol isNilCons id;; IsCons.
Lemma GoToNext_Realise : GoToNext ⊨ GoToNext_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold GoToNext. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
TMSimp. rename H1 into H.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp; rename H into HNil, H0 into HCons.
{ (* niltape *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [niltape _])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn). hnf.
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal. rewrite encode_list_app. rewrite removelast_app by apply encode_list_neq_nil.
cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. f_equal.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [niltape _]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn).
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
+ rewrite encode_list_app; cbn. rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
cbn. rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. f_equal.
+ rewrite !List.map_map. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc. now rewrite !List.map_map. }
{ (* leftof r rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [leftof r rs])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn in *; auto.
+ rewrite !map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite encode_list_app. cbn.
rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !removelast_app by congruence. rewrite !removelast_cons by congruence.
rewrite removelast_cons.
2: { intros H. symmetry in H. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
rewrite map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
+ intros ? [ <- | [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff ]; cbn; auto.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [leftof r rs]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn in *; auto.
+ rewrite !map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
* simpl_list. cbn. rewrite encode_list_app. cbn.
rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !removelast_app by congruence. rewrite !removelast_cons by congruence.
rewrite removelast_cons.
2: { intros H. symmetry in H. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
rewrite map_app, <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
* now simpl_list.
+ intros ? [ <- | [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff ]; cbn; auto.
{ (* rightof l ls *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [rightof l ls])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn).
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite map_app, !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc. cbn.
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn.
rewrite rev_app_distr; cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive. rewrite !List.map_map. reflexivity.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [rightof l ls]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn).
cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
+ rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite map_app, !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc. cbn.
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn.
rewrite rev_app_distr; cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app, <- !app_assoc.
rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive. rewrite !List.map_map. reflexivity.
+ now simpl_list.
{ (* midtape ls m rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- specialize (HNil (tps1 ++ [midtape ls m rs])). spec_assert HNil as [HNil ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite !map_app.
rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
repeat first [ progress cbn | rewrite rev_app_distr | rewrite map_app | rewrite <- app_assoc | rewrite rev_involutive | rewrite map_map ].
+ intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [<- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
- specialize (HCons (tps1 ++ [midtape ls m rs]) tps2' tp'). spec_assert HCons as [HCons ->]; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ cbn in *. TMSimp. rewrite map_id; cbv [id]. hnf. f_equal.
rewrite encode_list_app. cbn. rewrite !map_app.
* rewrite removelast_app by congruence.
rewrite !removelast_cons. 3: congruence.
2: { intros H; symmetry in H; now apply app_cons_not_nil in H. }
rewrite removelast_app by congruence. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
simpl_list. cbn. rewrite <- !app_assoc. cbn. rewrite !map_app. cbn. rewrite !map_rev.
repeat first [ progress cbn | rewrite rev_app_distr | rewrite map_app | rewrite <- app_assoc | rewrite rev_involutive | rewrite map_map ].
* now simpl_list.
+ intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [<- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
Definition GoToNext_steps' (t : tape sig) :=
match t with
| niltape _ => 8
| leftof r rs => 16 + 4 * length rs
| rightof r rs => 8
| midtape ls m rs => 16 + 4 * length rs
Definition GoToNext_steps (tp : tape sig) :=
GoToNext_steps' tp + 3.
Definition GoToNext_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ GoToNext_steps tp <= k.
Lemma GoToNext_Terminates : projT1 GoToNext ↓ GoToNext_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold GoToNext. TM_Correct. eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HCons&Hk). hnf in HCons. unfold GoToNext_steps in Hk.
exists (GoToNext_steps' tp), 2. repeat split. 2: lia. 2: intros _ _ _; reflexivity.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp.
{ (* tp = niltape *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
{ (* tp = leftof r rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite app_comm_cons with (a := inr (sigList_X (UnmarkedSymbol r))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
{ (* rightof l ls *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
- do 2 (rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation; cbn). reflexivity.
{ (* midtape ls m rs *)
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
- rewrite app_comm_cons' with (a := inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia.
End GoToNext.
(* Read the current symbols *)
Section ReadCurrentSymbols.
Local Arguments insertKnownSymbol : simpl never.
(* Local Arguments insertKnownSymbols : simpl never. *)
Definition ReadCurrent : pTM sigSim (option sig) 1 :=
Switch ReadChar
(fun (s : option sigSim) =>
match s with
| Some (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s))) => Return Nop (Some s)
| _ => Return Nop None
Definition ReadCurrent_Rel : pRel sigSim (option sig) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
yout = current tp.
Definition ReadCurrent_steps := 2.
Lemma ReadCurrent_Sem : ReadCurrent ⊨c(ReadCurrent_steps) ReadCurrent_Rel.
unfold ReadCurrent_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrent. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4,5: reflexivity. all: reflexivity. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HCons.
unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; hnf in HCons; TMSimp.
all: (split; hnf; auto).
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Rel (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n) :
pRel sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n + Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp ,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat (snd st)) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps1 ->
match tps2 with
| nil =>
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp]) /\
yout = inr (insertKnownSymbol (fst st) (snd st) (current tp))
| tp' :: tps2' =>
atCons tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [tp]) tps2' tp' /\
match finSucc_opt (snd st) with
| Some i' =>
yout = inl (insertKnownSymbol (fst st) (snd st) (current tp), i')
| None => False
end) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = inr (fst st)).
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step : forall (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n),
pTM sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n + Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun '(readSymbols, i) =>
If IsCons
Switch (ReadCurrent)
(fun (c : option sig) =>
Return (GoToNext)
(match finSucc_opt i with
| None =>
inr (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i c)
| Some i' =>
inl (insertKnownSymbol readSymbols i c, i')
(Return Nop (inr readSymbols)).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Realise : forall st, ReadCurrentSymbols_Step st ⊨ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Rel st.
intros (readSymbols,i). eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step. TM_Correct_step; [ | TM_Correct_step | TM_Correct].
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem.
- apply GoToCurrent_Realise.
- apply Switch_Realise.
+ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply ReadCurrent_Sem.
+ intros c. apply Return_Realise. apply GoToNext_Realise. }
intros tin (yout, tout). TMSimp. split.
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons HKnown.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ (* cons case *)
rename H into HIsCons_cons, H0 into HGotoCurrent, H1 into IsCons_nil, H2 into HReadCurrent, H4 into HGoToNext.
specialize HIsCons_cons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons_cons&_).
specialize HGotoCurrent with (1 := HIsCons_cons) as (HGotoCurrent&->).
specialize HReadCurrent with (1 := HGotoCurrent) as (HReadCurrent&->).
specialize HGoToNext with (1 := HReadCurrent).
destruct ymid1, tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; auto.
{ (* tps = tp' :: tps' *) split; auto.
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i'| ] eqn:Ei.
- reflexivity.
- exfalso. apply finSucc_opt_None' in Ei. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. cbn in *. lia.
{ (* tps = nil *) split; auto.
enough (finSucc_opt i = None) as -> by reflexivity.
apply finSucc_opt_None.
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. cbn in *. lia.
{ (* wrong nil case *) specialize H with (1 := HCons) as (_&H); congruence. }
{ (* nil case *)
intros tps HNil.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ (* wrong cons case *) specialize H1 with (1 := HNil) as (_&H1); congruence. }
{ now specialize H2 with (1 := HNil) as (H0&_). }
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp :=
3 + IsCons_steps + GoToCurrent_steps tp + ReadCurrent_steps + GoToNext_steps tp.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil := 1 + IsCons_steps.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp, atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Terminates st : projT1 (ReadCurrentSymbols_Step st) ↓ ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_T.
destruct st as [readSymbols i]. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step. TM_Correct_step.
{ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ TM_Correct_step. apply GoToCurrent_Realise. apply GoToCurrent_Terminates.
apply Switch_TerminatesIn.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply ReadCurrent_Sem.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply ReadCurrent_Sem.
- intros st. apply Return_Terminates. apply GoToNext_Terminates. }
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin k. intros [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk) ].
{ (* cons case *) unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons in Hk.
exists (IsCons_steps), (2 + GoToCurrent_steps tp + ReadCurrent_steps + GoToNext_steps tp). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (HIsCons_cons&HIsCons_nil). specialize HIsCons_cons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons&->).
exists (GoToCurrent_steps tp), (1 + ReadCurrent_steps + GoToNext_steps tp). repeat split; try lia. hnf; eauto.
intros tmid0 ymid0 HGoToCurrent. cbn in HGoToCurrent. specialize HGoToCurrent with (1 := HIsCons) as (HGoToCurrent&->).
exists (ReadCurrent_steps), (GoToNext_steps tp). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid1 ymid1 HReadCurrent. cbn in HReadCurrent. specialize HReadCurrent with (1 := HGoToCurrent) as (HReadCurrent&->). hnf. eauto.
{ (* nil case *) unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil in Hk.
exists (IsCons_steps), 0. repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (HIsCons_cons&HIsCons_nil). specialize HIsCons_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HIsNil&->). reflexivity.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop := StateWhile ReadCurrentSymbols_Step.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Rel (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n) :
pRel sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tp tps2,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat (snd st)) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps1 ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2) /\
yout = insertKnownSymbols (fst st) (snd st) (current tp :: map (@current _) tps2)) /\
(forall tps,
(length tps =? n) = true ->
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = (fst st)).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Realise st : ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop st ⊨ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Rel st.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop. TM_Correct. apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Realise. }
{ revert st. apply StateWhileInduction; intros; rename l into st.
destruct st as [ readSymbols i]; cbn in *.
destruct HLastStep as [HLastStepCons HLastStepNil].
cbn. split; [intros tps1 tp tps2 HL1 HL2 HCons HRead | intros tps HL HNil HRead]; TMSimp.
specialize HLastStepCons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HLastStepCons as [HLastStepCons HLastStepCons']; inv HLastStepCons'.
split; auto.
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. *)
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i'| ]; auto.
- destruct HLastStepCons as [ HLastStepCons HLastStepCons'].
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i' | ]; auto. congruence.
{ specialize HLastStepNil with (1 := HNil). destruct HLastStepNil as [H1 H2]. inv H2. split; auto. }
destruct st as [ readSymbols i]; cbn in *.
destruct HStar as [HStar_cons HStar_nil]. destruct HLastStep as [HLastStep_cons HLastStep_nil]. cbn in *.
cbn. split; [intros tps1 tp tps2 HL1 HL2 HCons HRead | intros tps HL HNil HRead].
specialize HStar_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HStar_cons as [HStar1 HStar2]. inv HStar2.
- destruct HStar_cons as [HStar1 HStar2].
destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [i' | ] eqn:E; auto. inv HStar2.
specialize HLastStep_cons with (3 := HStar1).
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2.
spec_assert HLastStep_cons.
{ simpl_list; cbn. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in E. lia. }
spec_assert HLastStep_cons.
{ simpl_list; cbn. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in E. lia. }
spec_assert HLastStep_cons as [HLastStep_cons ->].
{ cbn. apply insertKnownSymbol_correct; auto. }
cbn in *. rewrite <- app_assoc in HLastStep_cons. split; auto.
{ specialize HStar_nil with (1 := HNil) as [HStar1 HStar2]; inv HStar2. }
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil := ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil.
Fixpoint ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2 tp :=
match tps2 with
| nil => ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp
| tp' :: tps2' => 1 + ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp + ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2' tp'
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_T (st : Vector.t (option sig) n * Fin.t n) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat (snd st)) = true /\
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true /\
knowsFirstSymbols (fst st) tps1 /\
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2 tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Terminates st : projT1 (ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop st) ↓ ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_T st.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop. TM_Correct.
- apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Realise.
- apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_Terminates. }
revert st. apply StateWhileCoInduction. intros (readSymbols&i). intros. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_T in *. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_T in *.
destruct HT as [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HL1&HL2&HRead&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk)].
{ (* cons case *)
eexists. repeat split. left. eauto.
intros ymid tmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). clear HStep_nil. cbn in *. destruct ymid as [ (readSymbols'&i') | result ].
- (* continue case *)
specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
+ TMSimp. congruence.
+ destruct HStep_cons as (HStep_cons1&HStep_cons2). destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i'' | ] eqn:Ei; inv HStep_cons2; rename i'' into i'.
eexists. split. 2: apply Hk. left. exists (tps1 ++ [tp]), (tps2'), tp'. repeat split.
* simpl_list. cbn. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in Ei. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. lia.
* simpl_list. cbn. apply finSucc_opt_Some' in Ei. apply Nat.eqb_eq. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2. lia.
* apply insertKnownSymbol_correct. now apply Nat.eqb_eq. assumption.
* assumption.
* reflexivity.
- (* break case *)
specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons) (4 := HRead).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
+ lia.
+ lia.
{ (* nil case *)
eexists. repeat split. right. eauto.
intros ymid tmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). clear HStep_cons. cbn in *. destruct ymid as [ (readSymbols'&i') | result ].
- (* continue case *) specialize HStep_nil with (1 := HNil) as (?&?). congruence.
- (* break case *) reflexivity.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols :=
match (finMin_opt n) with
| None => Return (Move Rmove) (Vector.const None n) (* Nothing to do, just move from the start to the nil symbol *)
| Some min =>
Move Rmove;; ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop (Vector.const None n, min)
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_Rel : pRel sigSim (Vector.t (option sig) n) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall T,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (vector_to_list T) /\
yout = current_chars T.
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Realise : ReadCurrentSymbols ⊨ ReadCurrentSymbols_Rel.
clear pM F. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols.
destruct (finMin_opt n) as [min| ] eqn:E; swap 1 2.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros T HEncT. unfold contains_tapes in *. TMSimp.
clear_except E. apply finMin_opt_None in E as ->. destruct_tapes. cbn.
split; cbn; auto. hnf. reflexivity.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. apply ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Realise. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros T HEncT. unfold contains_tapes in *. TMSimp.
rename H0 into HLoop_cons, H1 into HLoop_nil. clear HLoop_nil.
pose proof finMin_opt_Some E as (n'&E'). pose (T' := Vector.cast T E').
pose proof finMin_opt_Some_val E as E_val.
specialize (HLoop_cons nil (Vector.hd T') (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T'))). cbn in *.
rewrite E_val in HLoop_cons. subst. specialize HLoop_cons with (1 := eq_refl). spec_assert HLoop_cons.
{ rewrite vector_to_list_length. apply Nat.eqb_eq. reflexivity. } spec_assert HLoop_cons.
{ hnf. cbn. clear_all. destruct_tapes. cbn. f_equal. simpl_list. now rewrite vector_cast_refl. }
spec_assert HLoop_cons as [HLoop_cons1 ->] by (cbn; tauto).
rewrite vector_to_list_eta in HLoop_cons1. subst T'. rewrite vector_cast_refl in *. split; auto.
destruct (finSucc_opt min) as [minSucc | ] eqn:E2.
- pose proof finSucc_opt_Some' E2 as E2_val. rewrite E_val in E2_val.
now apply insertKnownSymbols_correct_cons.
- apply finSucc_opt_None' in E2.
apply Nat.succ_inj in E2. assert (n' = 0) as -> by lia. cbn.
compute [insertKnownSymbol]. destruct_fin min. cbn.
destruct_tapes. cbn. unfold current_chars. cbn. reflexivity.
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_steps (n : nat) (T : tapes sig n) :=
match T with
| [| |] => ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil
| tp ::: T' => 2 + ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons (vector_to_list T') tp
Definition ReadCurrentSymbols_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists T, tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\ ReadCurrentSymbols_steps T <= k.
Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Terminates : projT1 ReadCurrentSymbols ↓ ReadCurrentSymbols_T.
unfold ReadCurrentSymbols.
destruct (finMin_opt n) as [min| ] eqn:E.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. eapply ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_Terminates. }
intros tin k (T&HEncT&Hk).
pose proof finMin_opt_Some E as (n'&E'). pose proof finMin_opt_Some_val E as E_val.
pose (T' := Vector.cast T E').
exists 1, (ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T')) (Vector.hd T')). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite <- Hk. clear_all. subst n T'. rewrite !vector_cast_refl. destruct_tapes. cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tmid [] HMove. cbn in HMove. hnf. left. exists (nil), (vector_to_list (Vector.tl T')), (Vector.hd T'). cbn. rewrite E_val. cbn. repeat split; auto.
- rewrite vector_to_list_length. apply Nat.eqb_eq. lia.
- apply knowsFirstSymbols_nil.
- rewrite HMove. hnf in HEncT. cbn in *. rewrite HEncT. clear_all. subst n T'. cbn. rewrite !vector_cast_refl.
destruct_tapes. cbn. hnf. f_equal. now rewrite !map_app, !List.map_map, <- !app_assoc.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (T&HEnc&Hk). rewrite <- Hk. apply finMin_opt_None in E. clear_except E. subst. destruct_tapes. cbn. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_nil, ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_nil. lia.
End ReadCurrentSymbols.
(* Move from the nil symbol back to the start symbol *)
Section MoveToStart.
Definition MoveToStart_Rel : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atStart tout[@Fin0] tps).
Definition isStart : sigSim -> bool :=
fun s => match s with
| inl START => true
| _ => false
Definition MoveToStart : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
MoveToSymbol_L isStart id.
Lemma MoveToStart_Realise : MoveToStart ⊨ MoveToStart_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveToStart. TM_Correct. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tps HNil. unfold atNil, atStart in *. TMSimp. clear_all.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- rewrite !map_id; cbv [id]. rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive.
change [inr (@sigList_nil (sigTape sig)); inl STOP]
with (List.map inr [ @sigList_nil (sigTape sig)] ++ [inl STOP]).
rewrite app_assoc, <- map_app. f_equal. f_equal.
apply encode_list_remove.
- intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. cbn. reflexivity.
Definition tape_size (tp : tape sig) : nat :=
match tp with
| niltape _ => 1
| rightof l ls => 3 + length ls
| leftof r rs => 3 + length rs
| midtape ls m rs => 3 + length ls + length rs
Fixpoint tapes_size (tps : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
match tps with
| nil => 1
| tp :: tps' => 1 + tape_size tp + tapes_size tps'
Lemma tape_size_length (tp : tape sig) :
tape_size tp = length (encode_tape tp).
Proof. destruct tp eqn:E; cbn; simpl_list; cbn; auto. all: try lia. simpl_list. cbn. lia. Qed.
Lemma tapes_size_length (tps : list (tape sig)) :
tapes_size tps = length (encode_list _ tps).
induction tps as | tp tsp.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. simpl_list. rewrite <- IHtsp. cbn. rewrite <- tape_size_length. lia.
Definition MoveToStart_steps (tps : list (tape sig)) :=
8 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps).
Definition MoveToStart_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ MoveToStart_steps tps <= k.
(* TODO: somewhere *)
Lemma removelast_length (X : Type) (xs : list X) :
length (removelast xs) = length xs - 1.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH].
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. destruct xs as [ | x' xs]; cbn in *.
+ reflexivity.
+ f_equal. rewrite IH. lia.
Lemma MoveToStart_Terminates : projT1 MoveToStart ↓ MoveToStart_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveToStart. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (tps&HNil&Hk). hnf in HNil. TMSimp. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; cbn; auto. simpl_list. cbn.
rewrite <- Hk. rewrite removelast_length. unfold MoveToStart_steps. lia.
Lemma atStart_contains (t : tape sigSim) (tps : list (tape sig)) (T : tapes sig n) :
length tps = n ->
atStart t tps ->
vector_to_list T = tps ->
t ≃ T.
clear pM F.
intros HL HStart HToList. unfold contains_tapes, atStart in *. subst.
f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. unfold encode_tapes. f_equal. auto.
End MoveToStart.
Section DoActions.
Variable (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n).
(* Abuse UNKNOWN as a special marker, to return to the place where we inserted the symbol with shifting *)
Definition isReturnMarker (s : sigSim) : bool :=
match s with
| inl UNKNOWN => true
| _ => false
(* The more complicated part is writing, because we may have to alocate more memory by shifting *)
Definition DoWrite_Rel (d : option move) (s : sig) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
tape_dir tp = d ->
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 (tape_write tp (Some s))).
Definition DoWrite (d : option move) (s : sig) : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match d with
| Some Lmove => (* leftof ~> shift left and change boundary symbol to LeftBlank false *)
Shift_L (fun _ => false) (inl UNKNOWN);;
MoveToSymbol isReturnMarker id;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s))) Lmove;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false))) Rmove
| Some Rmove => (* rightof ~> shift right and change boundary symbol to RightBlank false *)
Shift (fun _ => false) (inl UNKNOWN);;
MoveToSymbol_L isReturnMarker id;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s))) Rmove;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))) Lmove
| Some Nmove => (* midtape ~> just write the symbol *)
Write (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s)))
| None => (* midtape ~> we need to shift left and right and insert RightBlank false and LeftBlank false *)
Shift (fun _ => false) (inl UNKNOWN);;
MoveToSymbol_L isReturnMarker id;;
Shift_L (fun _ => false) (inr (sigList_X (MarkedSymbol s)));;
MoveToSymbol isReturnMarker id;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (LeftBlank false))) Rmove;;
Move Rmove;;
WriteMove (inr (sigList_X (RightBlank false))) Lmove
Lemma DoWrite_Realise (d : option move) (s : sig) : DoWrite d s ⊨ DoWrite_Rel d s.
unfold DoWrite. destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ].
{ (* Some Lmove (leftof) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp. simpl_tape.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in HCons. TMSimp.
rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- hnf. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_id, rev_app_distr; cbn; cbv [id].
rewrite rev_app_distr. cbn. rewrite rev_involutive. reflexivity.
- rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive.
intros ? [ [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
{ (* Some Rmove (rightof) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp. simpl_tape.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in HCons. TMSimp.
rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- hnf. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_id, rev_app_distr; cbn. now rewrite rev_involutive.
- intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
{ (* Some Nmove (midtape) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape in HCons. TMSimp.
hnf. cbn. reflexivity.
{ (* None (niltape) *) eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. unfold atCons_current in *. TMSimp.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_niltape in HCons. TMSimp.
simpl_tape. rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto. cbn.
rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
+ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto; cbn.
rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive, !map_id. rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
* simpl_tape. rewrite !map_id. cbv [id]. cbn. rewrite !rev_app_distr. cbn.
hnf. cbn. rewrite <- !map_rev. rewrite !rev_involutive. reflexivity.
* intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
+ intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto.
Definition DoWrite_steps (d : option move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) :=
match d with
| Some Lmove => 37 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1)
| Some Rmove => 37 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps2)
| Some Nmove => 1
| None => 73 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1) + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps2)
Definition DoWrite_T (d : option move) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, tape_dir tp = d /\ atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2 <= k.
Lemma DoWrite_Terminates (d : option move) (s : sig) : projT1 (DoWrite d s) ↓ DoWrite_T d.
unfold DoWrite. destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ].
{ (* d = Some Lmove (leftof) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in HCons. TMSimp.
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), (20 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)). repeat split.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list; cbn. rewrite removelast_length. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros tmid [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), 3. repeat split.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. rewrite removelast_length. cbn. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 1. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros _ _ _. reflexivity.
{ (* d = Some Rmove (rightof) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in HCons. TMSimp.
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), (20 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)). repeat split.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list; cbn. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros tmid [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), 3. repeat split.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. cbn. lia. }
{ lia. }
intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 1. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros _ _ _. reflexivity.
{ (* d = Somme Nmove (midtape) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *. assumption.
{ (* d = None (niltapp) *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir.
unfold atCons_current_niltape in HCons. TMSimp.
rewrite Shift_fun_correct_midtape; auto. cbn.
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), (56 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1) + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list. cbn. lia. }
intros tmid [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps2)), (39 + 8 * length (encode_list _ tps1)). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; cbn; auto. simpl_list. cbn. lia. }
intros tmid0 [] ->.
rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite app_comm_cons'. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
2: { intros ? [ (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff | [ <- | ] ] % in_app_iff; cbn; auto. }
exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), (22 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite Shift_steps_local. simpl_list. cbn. rewrite removelast_length. lia. }
intros tmid1 [] ->. exists (16 + 4 * length (encode_list _ tps1)), (5). repeat split; try lia.
{ rewrite app_comm_cons. rewrite Shift_L_fun_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; cbn; auto.
simpl_list. rewrite removelast_length. cbn. lia. }
(* constant time *)
intros ? [] ?. exists 1, 3. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros ? ? ?. exists 1, 1. repeat split. reflexivity. reflexivity. intros _ _ _. reflexivity.
Definition DoMove_Rel (d : option move) (m : move) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall tps1 tps2 tp,
tape_dir tp = d ->
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 (tape_move tp m)).
Definition toggle_marked (s : sigTape sig) : sigTape sig :=
match s with
| UnmarkedSymbol s => MarkedSymbol s
| MarkedSymbol s => UnmarkedSymbol s
| LeftBlank b => LeftBlank (negb b)
| RightBlank b => RightBlank (negb b)
| NilBlank => NilBlank
Definition ToggleMarked_Rel : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall ls m rs,
tin[@Fin0] = midtape ls (inr (sigList_X m)) rs ->
tout[@Fin0] = midtape ls (inr (sigList_X (toggle_marked m))) rs).
Definition ToggleMarked : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
Switch ReadChar
(fun (s : option sigSim) =>
match s with
| Some (inr (sigList_X m)) => Write (inr (sigList_X (toggle_marked m)))
| _ => Nop
Lemma ToggleMarked_Sem : ToggleMarked ⊨c(3) ToggleMarked_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ToggleMarked. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4, 11: reflexivity. all: lia. }
{ intros tin ([], tout) H. intros ls m rs Hmidtape. TMCrush; TMSolve 1. }
(* this should take constant time *)
Definition DoMove (d : option move) (m : move) : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match d with
| Some Lmove => match m with
| Nmove => Nop
| Lmove => Nop
| Rmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Rmove;; ToggleMarked
| Some Rmove => match m with
| Nmove => Nop
| Rmove => Nop
| Lmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Lmove;; ToggleMarked
| Some Nmove => match m with
| Nmove => Nop
| Rmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Rmove;; ToggleMarked
| Lmove => ToggleMarked;; Move Lmove;; ToggleMarked
| None => Nop
Definition DoMove_steps := 9.
Lemma DoMove_Sem (d : option move) (m : move) : DoMove d m ⊨c(DoMove_steps) DoMove_Rel d m.
unfold DoMove_steps. unfold DoMove. destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ].
{ (* leftof *)
destruct m; cbn.
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_leftof, atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp; specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_leftof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ (* rightof *)
destruct m; cbn.
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_rightof, atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp; specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_rightof in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ (* midtape *)
destruct m; cbn.
{ (* Lmove *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape, atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp.
destruct ls as [ | l' ls']; cbn in *.
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ (* Rmove *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl); TMSimp.
destruct rs as [ | r' rs']; cbn in *.
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ specialize H1 with (1 := eq_refl). TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. }
{ (* Nmove *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
unfold atCons_current_midtape in *. TMSimp. f_equal. }
{ (* niltape *)
eapply RealiseIn_monotone. TM_Correct; apply ToggleMarked_Sem. lia. intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons.
destruct tp as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m' rs ]; cbn in *; inv HDir; TMSimp.
now simpl_tape in *.
Arguments DoMove : simpl never.
(* First write, then move *)
Definition DoAction_Rel (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
tape_dir tp = d ->
atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
atCons_current tout[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 (doAct tp a)).
Definition DoAction (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match (fst a) with
| Some s => DoWrite d s;; DoMove (Some Nmove) (snd a) (* after wrting, we have a midtape *)
| None => DoMove d (snd a)
Lemma DoAction_Realise (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : DoAction d a ⊨ DoAction_Rel d a.
unfold DoAction. destruct a as [[ w | ] m]; cbn.
{ (* Write w and move m *)
eapply Realise_monotone. TM_Correct. apply DoWrite_Realise. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply DoMove_Sem.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. TMSimp.
rename H into HWrite, H0 into HMove.
specialize HWrite with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HCons).
specialize (HMove tps1 tps2 (midtape (left tp) w (right tp))). cbn in *. auto.
{ (* Just move m *)
eapply Realise_monotone. eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply DoMove_Sem.
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps1 tps2 tp HDir HCons. TMSimp.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HCons). auto.
Definition DoAction_steps (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) :=
match (fst a) with
| Some s => 1 + DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2 + DoMove_steps
| None => DoMove_steps
Definition DoAction_T (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps1 tps2 tp, tape_dir tp = d /\ atCons_current tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\ DoAction_steps d a tps1 tps2 <= k.
Lemma DoAction_Terminates (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) : projT1 (DoAction d a) ↓ DoAction_T d a.
unfold DoAction. destruct a as [ [ w | ] m]; cbn in *.
{ (* Write and Move *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct.
- apply DoWrite_Realise.
- apply DoWrite_Terminates.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply DoMove_Sem. }
{ intros tin k. intros (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *. exists (DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2), DoMove_steps. repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. do 3 eexists. repeat split; eauto. }
{ (* Only Move *) eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply DoMove_Sem. }
{ intros tin k. intros (tps1&tps2&tp&HDir&HCons&Hk). cbn in *. assumption. }
Definition DoActions_Step_Rel (i : Fin.t n) : pRel sigSim (Fin.t n + unit) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp ->
match tps2 with
| tp' :: tps2' =>
atCons tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tps2' tp' /\
match finSucc_opt i with
| Some i' => yout = inl i'
| None => False
| nil =>
atNil tout[@Fin0] (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) /\
yout = inr tt
end) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps /\
yout = inr tt).
Definition opt_to_sum_unit (X : Type) (x : option X) : X + unit :=
match x with
| Some x => inl x
| None => inr tt
Definition DoActions_Step (i : Fin.t n) : pTM sigSim (Fin.t n + unit) 1 :=
If IsCons
(Switch GoToCurrent
(fun (d : option move) =>
Return (DoAction d (acts[@i]);; GoToNext) (opt_to_sum_unit (finSucc_opt i))))
(Return Nop (inr tt)).
Lemma DoActions_Step_Realise (i : Fin.t n) : DoActions_Step i ⊨ DoActions_Step_Rel i.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ apply If_Realise.
{ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ apply Switch_Realise.
- apply GoToCurrent_Realise.
- intros d. TM_Correct.
+ apply DoAction_Realise.
+ apply GoToNext_Realise. }
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H; split.
{ (* cons case *)
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons. TMSimp.
destruct H; TMSimp; swap 1 2.
{ specialize H with (1 := HCons) as (_&?). congruence. }
rename H into HIsCons, H0 into HGoToCurrent, H3 into HDoAct, H4 into HDoActs_Step.
specialize HIsCons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons&_).
specialize HGoToCurrent with (1 := HIsCons) as (HGoToCurrent1&->).
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2.
specialize HDoAct with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HGoToCurrent1).
specialize HDoActs_Step with (1 := HDoAct).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; (destruct ymid0; auto).
- split; auto. cbn in *.
unshelve epose proof @finSucc_opt_None n i _ as ->. lia. reflexivity.
- split; auto. cbn in *.
unshelve epose proof @finSucc_opt_Some n i _ as (i'&->). lia. reflexivity.
{ (* nil case *)
intros tps HNil.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ specialize H1 with (1 := HNil) as (_&?). congruence. }
now specialize H2 with (1 := HNil) as (HIsNil&_).
Definition DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp :=
3 + IsCons_steps + GoToCurrent_steps tp + DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2 + GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i]).
Definition DoActions_Step_steps_nil := 1 + IsCons_steps.
Definition DoActions_Step_T (i : Fin.t n) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true /\
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true /\
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ DoActions_Step_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma DoActions_Step_Terminates (i : Fin.t n) : projT1 (DoActions_Step i) ↓ DoActions_Step_T i.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoActions_Step. TM_Correct_step.
{ eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply IsCons_Sem. }
{ apply Switch_TerminatesIn. apply GoToCurrent_Realise. apply GoToCurrent_Terminates. intros i'.
TM_Correct. apply DoAction_Realise. apply DoAction_Terminates. apply GoToNext_Terminates. }
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin k [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HL1&HL2&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk) ].
{ (* cons case *) unfold DoActions_Step_steps_cons in Hk.
exists (IsCons_steps), (2 + GoToCurrent_steps tp + DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2 + GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i])). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (HIsCons_cons&_). specialize HIsCons_cons with (1 := HCons) as (HIsCons&->).
exists (GoToCurrent_steps tp), (1 + DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2 + GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i])). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. eauto. }
intros tmid0 ymid0 HGoToCurrent. cbn in HGoToCurrent. specialize HGoToCurrent with (1 := HIsCons) as (HGoToCurrent&->).
exists (DoAction_steps (tape_dir tp) (acts[@i]) tps1 tps2), (GoToNext_steps (doAct tp acts[@i])). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. eauto 6. }
intros tmid1 ymid1 HDoAction. cbn in HDoAction. specialize HDoAction with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := HGoToCurrent).
{ hnf. eauto. }
{ (* nil case *) unfold DoActions_Step_steps_nil in Hk.
exists IsCons_steps, 0. repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid ymid (_&HIsCons_nil). specialize HIsCons_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HIsNil&->). reflexivity.
Definition DoActions_Loop : Fin.t n -> pTM sigSim unit 1 := StateWhile DoActions_Step.
Definition DoActions_Loop_Rel (i : Fin.t n) : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
(forall tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true ->
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true ->
atCons tin[@Fin0] (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts tps1) tps2 tp ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2))
) /\
(forall tps,
atNil tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] tps).
Lemma DoActions_Loop_Realise (i : Fin.t n) : DoActions_Loop i ⊨ DoActions_Loop_Rel i.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold DoActions_Loop. TM_Correct.
- apply DoActions_Step_Realise. }
revert i; apply StateWhileInduction; intros; rename l into i.
{ (* cons case *)
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons. TMSimp. rename H into HCaseCons, H0 into HCaseNil.
specialize HCaseCons with (3 := HCons).
do 2 spec_assert HCaseCons by now rewrite map_vect_list_length.
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps']; destruct HCaseCons as [HCaseCons1 HCaseCons2].
- apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2; cbn in *.
assert (S (fin_to_nat i) = n) by lia. clear HCaseCons2.
replace (map_vect_list (doAct (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) acts (tps1 ++ [tp])) with
(map_vect_list (doAct (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) acts tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]); auto.
symmetry. apply map_vect_list_app. lia.
- apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2; cbn in *.
assert (S (fin_to_nat i) < n) by lia.
apply finSucc_opt_Some in H as (i'&H). rewrite H in HCaseCons2. inv HCaseCons2.
{ intros tps HNil. TMSimp. now specialize H0 with (1 := HNil). }
{ (* nil case *)
intros tps1 tps2 tp HL1 HL2 HCons. TMSimp.
rename H1 into HCaseCons1, H2 into HCaseNil1, H into HCaseCons2, H0 into HCaseNil2.
specialize HCaseCons1 with (3 := HCons).
do 2 spec_assert HCaseCons1 by now rewrite map_vect_list_length.
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2'].
- destruct HCaseCons1 as [ _ ? ]. inv H.
- destruct HCaseCons1 as [ HCaseCons1 ? ]. destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ i' | ] eqn:E; auto. inv H.
apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1; apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2; cbn in *.
rewrite <- map_vect_list_app in HCaseCons1 by lia.
specialize HCaseCons2 with (3 := HCaseCons1).
spec_assert HCaseCons2.
{ apply Nat.eqb_eq. rewrite app_length. cbn.
enough (fin_to_nat i' = S (fin_to_nat i)) by lia.
now apply finSucc_opt_Some'. }
spec_assert HCaseCons2.
{ apply Nat.eqb_eq. rewrite app_length. cbn. lia. }
rewrite <- app_assoc in HCaseCons2. cbn in *. auto.
{ intros tps HNil. TMSimp. now specialize H2 with (1 := HNil). }
Definition DoActions_Loop_steps_nil := DoActions_Step_steps_nil.
Fixpoint DoActions_Loop_steps_cons (i : Fin.t n) tps1 tps2 tp :=
match tps2 with
| nil => DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 [] tp
| tp' :: tps2' =>
match finSucc_opt i with
| None => 0 (* can't happen *)
| Some i' =>
1 + DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp + DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i' (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tps2' tp'
Definition DoActions_Loop_T (i : Fin.t n) : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k =>
(exists tps1 tps2 tp,
(length tps1 =? fin_to_nat i) = true /\
(length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) =? n) = true /\
atCons tin[@Fin0] tps1 tps2 tp /\
DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp <= k) \/
(exists tps, atNil tin[@Fin0] tps /\ DoActions_Loop_steps_nil <= k).
Lemma DoActions_Loop_Terminates (i : Fin.t n) : projT1 (DoActions_Loop i) ↓ DoActions_Loop_T i.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoActions_Loop. TM_Correct.
- apply DoActions_Step_Realise.
- apply DoActions_Step_Terminates. }
revert i. apply StateWhileCoInduction; intros i; intros. destruct HT as [ (tps1&tps2&tp&HL1&HL2&HCons&Hk) | (tps&HNil&Hk) ].
{ (* cons case *)
exists (DoActions_Step_steps_cons i tps1 tps2 tp). repeat split.
{ hnf. left. eauto 7. }
intros ymid mmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). destruct ymid as [ i' | [] ].
{ (* continue case *) specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HStep_cons as (?&?); congruence.
- destruct HStep_cons as [HStep_cons HStep_cons']. destruct (finSucc_opt i) as [ iSucc | ] eqn:Ei; auto. inv HStep_cons'. rename iSucc into i'.
eexists. split; eauto.
{ hnf. left. exists (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]), tps2', tp'. simpl_list. cbn. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL1. apply Nat.eqb_eq in HL2.
apply finSucc_opt_Some' in Ei. repeat split; auto; apply Nat.eqb_eq; lia. }
{ (* false break case *) specialize HStep_cons with (1 := HL1) (2 := HL2) (3 := HCons).
destruct tps2 as [ | tp' tps2']; cbn in *.
- destruct HStep_cons as (HStep_cons&_). auto.
- destruct HStep_cons as (?&?). destruct (finSucc_opt i); auto; congruence.
{ (* nil case *) exists (DoActions_Step_steps_nil). repeat split.
{ hnf. right. eauto. }
intros ymid tmid (HStep_cons&HStep_nil). destruct ymid as [ i' | ]; cbn in *.
- specialize HStep_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HStep_nil&HStep_nil'); inv HStep_nil'.
- specialize HStep_nil with (1 := HNil) as (HStep_nil&HStep_nil'); inv HStep_nil'. auto.
Definition DoActions_Rel : pRel sigSim unit 1 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall (tps : list (tape sig)),
(length tps =? n) = true ->
atStart tin[@Fin0] tps ->
atNil tout[@Fin0] (map_vect_list (@doAct _) acts tps)).
Definition DoActions : pTM sigSim unit 1 :=
match finMin_opt n with
| None => Move Rmove (* Nothing to do, just move from the start to the nil symbol *)
| Some i =>
Move Rmove;; (* Move from start to first cons *)
DoActions_Loop i
Lemma DoActions_Realise : DoActions ⊨ DoActions_Rel.
clear pM F.
unfold DoActions.
destruct (finMin_opt n) as [ i | ] eqn:E; swap 1 2.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. }
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps HL HStart. cbn in *. intros. TMSimp.
unfold atStart in HStart. TMSimp.
apply finMin_opt_None in E as ->.
destruct tps; cbn in *; inv HL.
hnf. cbn. reflexivity.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. apply DoActions_Loop_Realise. }
intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tps HL HStart. TMSimp.
rename H0 into HLoop_Nil, H1 into HLoop_Cons. clear HLoop_Cons.
pose proof finMin_opt_Some E as (n'&E').
apply finMin_opt_Some_val in E. subst.
destruct tps as [ | tp tps]; cbn in *. inv HL.
specialize (HLoop_Nil nil tps tp).
spec_assert HLoop_Nil by now rewrite E. spec_assert HLoop_Nil by auto. spec_assert HLoop_Nil.
{ cbn. unfold atStart in HStart. TMSimp. hnf. f_equal. now rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc. }
destruct_vector. cbn. auto.
Definition DoActions_steps (tps : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
match finMin_opt n with
| None => 1
| Some i =>
match tps with
| nil => 0 (* can't happen *)
| tp :: tps => 2 + DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i [] tps tp
Definition DoActions_T : tRel sigSim 1 :=
fun tin k => exists tps, (length tps =? n) = true /\ atStart tin[@Fin0] tps /\ DoActions_steps tps <= k.
Lemma DoActions_Terminates : projT1 DoActions ↓ DoActions_T.
clear pM F.
unfold DoActions. unfold DoActions_T, DoActions_steps. destruct (finMin_opt n) as [ i | ] eqn:Ei.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. apply DoActions_Loop_Terminates. }
{ intros tin k. intros (tps&HL&HStart&Hk). hnf in HStart. TMSimp.
destruct tps as [ | tp tps]; cbn in *.
{ exfalso. clear acts Hk. destruct n; cbn in *; congruence. }
exists 1, (DoActions_Loop_steps_cons i [] tps tp). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid () H. hnf. left. TMSimp. exists nil, tps, tp. cbn. rewrite (finMin_opt_Some_val Ei). repeat split; auto.
hnf. now simpl_list.
{ eapply TerminatesIn_monotone. TM_Correct. now intros tin k (?&?&?&H). }
End DoActions.
Section Step.
Variable (q : state (projT1 pM)).
Definition Step_Rel : pRel sigSim (state (projT1 pM) + F) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T : tapes sig n),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T ->
if halt q
then tout[@Fin0] ≃ T /\ yout = inr (projT2 pM q)
let c := {| cstate := q; ctapes := T |} in
let (q', T') := step c in
tout[@Fin0] ≃ T' /\ yout = inl q'.
Definition Step : pTM sigSim (state (projT1 pM) + F) 1 :=
if halt q
then Return Nop (inr (projT2 pM q))
Switch ReadCurre