Require Import List.
Require Import Util Var Val Exp Envs Map CSet AutoIndTac IL.
Require Import Sim SimTactics Infra.Status Position ILN Sawtooth.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Instance block_type_I : BlockType (I.block) :=
    block_n := I.block_f;
    block_Z := I.block_Z

Fixpoint labIndices (symb: list var) (s:nstmt) : status stmt :=
  match s with
    | nstmtLet x e ssdo s' <- (labIndices symb s); Success (stmtLet x e s')
    | nstmtIf x s1 s2
      sdo s1' <- (labIndices symb s1);
      sdo s2' <- (labIndices symb s2);
      Success (stmtIf x s1' s2')
    | nstmtApp l Y
      sdo f <- option2status (pos symb l 0) "labIndices: Undeclared function" ; Success (stmtApp (LabI f) Y)
    | nstmtReturn xSuccess (stmtReturn x)
    | nstmtFun F s2
      let fl := (fst fst) F in
      sdo F' <- smap (fun (fZs:var×params×nstmt) ⇒ sdo s <- labIndices (fl ++ symb) (snd fZs);
                    Success (snd (fst fZs), s)) F;
      sdo s2' <- labIndices (fl++symb) s2;
      Success (stmtFun F' s2')

Lemma labIndices_freeVars ilin s L
: labIndices L ilin = Success s
   freeVars ilin = IL.freeVars s.
  revert_except ilin.
  sind ilin; destruct ilin; simpl in *; intros; monadS_inv H; simpl.
  - erewrite IH; eauto with cset.
  - erewrite IH; eauto.
    erewrite IH; eauto.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - erewrite IH; eauto.
    f_equal. f_equal.
    exploit smap_length; eauto.
    erewrite map_ext_get_eq; eauto with len.
    intros; inv_get.
    eapply smap_spec in EQ; eauto. destruct EQ; dcr.
    monadS_inv H3; get_functional; simpl in ×.
    erewrite IH; eauto.

Lemma pos_drop_eq symb (l:lab) x
: pos symb l 0 = Some x
   drop x symb = l::tl (drop x symb).
  general induction symb.
  unfold pos in H; fold pos in H.
  cases in H; simpl; eauto.
  - destruct x.
    + exfalso. exploit (pos_ge _ _ _ H); eauto. omega.
    + simpl. erewrite IHsymb; eauto.
      eapply (pos_sub 1); eauto.

Lemma pos_plus symb (f:lab) n i
: pos symb f 0 = Some (n + i)
   pos (drop n symb) f 0 = Some i.
  general induction n; simpl; eauto.
  destruct symb; simpl.
  + inv H.
  + eapply IHn; eauto. simpl in H; cases in H.
    × eapply (pos_sub 1); eauto.

Require Import Sawtooth.

Lemma mkBlocks_I_less
      : F' L F (n k : nat) (b : I.block),
          get (mapi_impl (I.mkBlock L F') k F) n b I.block_f b k + length F - 1.
  intros. general induction F; simpl in ×.
  - inv H; simpl in *; try omega.
  - inv H; simpl in *; try omega.
    eapply IHF in H4; eauto. omega.

Inductive lab_approx : list var list IL.I.block list I.block Prop :=
  Lai symb L' LB
    (LEQ: f f' Lb F i,
            get LB i (I.blockI Lb F f')
             get symb i f
             (*lab_approx (drop (i-f') symb) (drop (i-f') L')  (drop (i-f') LB)
              /\ *)
( f blk, Lb f = Some blk f of_list ( (fst fst) F)
                           j, pos (drop (i - f') symb) f 0 = Some j
                                 get (drop (i - f') LB) j blk)
               ( f i' k, pos (drop (i-f' + length F) symb) f k = Some i' blk, Lb f = Some blk)
               ( Z s, get F f' (f, Z, s))
               ( fn fb Z s, get F fn (fb,Z,s)
                              ( b n, n < fn get F n b fst (fst b) fb)
                               s', get (drop (i-f') L') fn
                                        (IL.I.blockI Z s' fn)
                                     labIndices (drop (i-f') symb) s
                                      = Success s'
                                     pos (drop (i-f') symb) fb 0 = Some fn)
               ( symb', drop (i-f') symb
                          = ( (fst fst) F ++ symb')%list)
               ( LB', drop (i-f') LB
                          = (mapi (I.mkBlock Lb F) F ++ LB')%list)
               i f'

    (ST:sawtooth LB)
 : lab_approx symb L' LB.

Lemma lab_approx_drop symb L' LB
: f f' Lb F i,
    get LB i (I.blockI Lb F f')
     get symb i f
     i f'
     lab_approx symb L' LB
     lab_approx (drop (i -f') symb) (drop (i -f') L') (drop (i -f') LB).
  econstructor; intros. repeat rewrite drop_drop.
  eapply get_drop in H3.
  eapply get_drop in H4.
  inv H2; exploit LEQ; eauto; dcr; clear LEQ.
  exploit (sawtooth_resetting ST _ H H3); eauto. simpl in ×.
  orewrite (i0 - f'0 + (i - f') = (i - f') + i0 - f'0).
  split; eauto. split; eauto.
  orewrite (i0 - f'0 + length F0 + (i - f') = i - f' + i0 - f'0 + length F0). eauto.
  split; eauto.
  split; eauto.
  inv H2; clear LEQ.
  eapply sawtooth_drop in H; eauto.

Ltac single_step_ILN :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : agree_on _ ?E ?E', I : val2bool (?E ?x) = true |- step (_, ?E', nstmtIf ?x _ _) _ ] ⇒
    econstructor; eauto; rewrite <- H; eauto; cset_tac; intuition
  | [ H : agree_on _ ?E ?E', I : val2bool (?E ?x) = false |- step (_, ?E', nstmtIf ?x _ _) _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 3; eauto; rewrite <- H; eauto; cset_tac; intuition
  | [ H : val2bool _ = false |- @StateType.step _ ILN.statetype_I _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 4; try eassumption; try reflexivity
  | [ H : val2bool _ = true |- @StateType.step _ ILN.statetype_I _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 3; try eassumption; try reflexivity
  | [ H : step (?L, _ , nstmtApp ?l _) _, H': get ?L (labN ?l) _ |- _] ⇒
    econstructor; try eapply H'; eauto
  | [ |- @StateType.step _ _ (?L, _ , nstmtApp _ _) _ _] ⇒
    econstructor; eauto
  | [ |- @StateType.step _ _ (_, ?E, nstmtLet _ (Operation ?e) _) _ _] ⇒
    econstructor; eauto
  | [ |- @StateType.step _ _ (_, ?E, nstmtFun _ _) _ _] ⇒
    econstructor; eauto

Smpl Add single_step_ILN : single_step.

Inductive labIndicesSim : I.state IL.I.state Prop :=
  | labIndicesSimI (L:env (option I.block)) L' E s s' symb LB
    (EQ:labIndices symb s = Success s')
    (LA:lab_approx symb L' LB)
    (EX: f i k, pos symb f k = Some i blk, L f = Some blk)
    (BL: f blk, L f = Some blk j, pos symb f 0 = Some j
                                        get LB j blk)
    : labIndicesSim (L, E, s) (L', E, s').

Lemma labIndicesSim_sim σ1 σ2
  : labIndicesSim σ1 σ2 sim bot3 Bisim σ1 σ2.
  revert σ1 σ2. pcofix labIndicesSim_sim; intros.
  destruct H0; destruct s; simpl in *; try monadS_inv EQ.
  - destruct e.
    + case_eq (op_eval E e); intros.
      × pone_step. right. eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
      × pno_step.
    + case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); intros.
      × pextern_step.
        -- eexists (ExternI f l default_val); eexists; try (now (econstructor; eauto)).
        -- right. eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
        -- right. eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
      × pno_step.

  - case_eq (op_eval E e); intros.
    case_eq (val2bool v); intros;
    pone_step; right; eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
  - eapply option2status_inv in EQ0.
    edestruct EX as [[Lb F f]]; eauto. intros.
    edestruct BL as [i [A B]]; eauto.
    inv LA. edestruct (pos_get_first _ _ _ EQ0); dcr; eauto.
    symmetry in H3; invc H3.
    assert (x = i) by congruence; subst; clear_dup.
    orewrite (i - 0 = i) in H1.
    edestruct LEQ as [C2 [C3 [[Z [s C4]] [C5 [C6 [C7 C8]]]]]]; eauto.
    decide (length Z = length Y).
    case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); intros.
    edestruct C5 as [s' [D1 [D2 D3]]]; eauto.
      edestruct C6.
      intros. eapply H5. instantiate (1:=i - f + n). omega.
      eapply get_drop. rewrite H3.
      eapply get_app. eapply (map_get_1 (fst fst) H6).
    + pone_step. try orewrite (l + 0 = l); simpl; eauto.
      inv_get. orewrite (i = i - f + f). eauto. simpl.
      eapply get_drop in D1; eauto.
      right. eapply labIndicesSim_sim.
      econstructor; eauto. simpl.
      × eapply lab_approx_drop; eauto.
      × intros.
        decide (f0 of_list ( (fst fst) F)).
        eapply update_with_list_lookup_in_list in i1. dcr.
        erewrite H7. simpl in ×. inv_map H4. eauto. eauto with len.
        erewrite (update_with_list_no_update _ _ _ n); eauto.
        destruct C6. rewrite H4 in H3.
        rewrite pos_app_not_in in H3.
        eapply C3. rewrite Plus.plus_comm. rewrite <- drop_drop. rewrite H4.
        erewrite <- map_length. erewrite drop_length_eq. eauto. eauto.
      × intros. destruct C6; subst. rewrite H4.
        decide (f0 of_list ( (fst fst) F)).
        edestruct (of_list_get_first _ i0) as [n]; eauto. dcr. hnf in H7. subst x0.
        rewrite pos_app_in; eauto.
        pose proof H8.
        eapply update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first in H8; dcr.
        erewrite H12 in H3. subst x0.
        eexists; split. eapply get_first_pos; eauto.
        rewrite H6. eapply get_app.
        inv_map H11; eauto.
        eauto with len.
        erewrite (update_with_list_no_update _ _ _ n) in H3; eauto.
        edestruct C2; eauto; dcr.
        rewrite H4 in H7. eexists; eauto.
    + intros. pno_step.
    + pno_step.
       rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. simpl in ×. repeat get_functional; subst. eauto.
       repeat get_functional; subst. eauto.
       edestruct C5; eauto; dcr. simpl in ×.
       intros. eapply H5. instantiate (1:=i - f + n0). omega.
       eapply get_drop. rewrite H3.
       eapply get_app. eapply (map_get_1 (fst fst) H6).
       eapply get_drop in H3. orewrite (i - f + f = i) in H3.
       get_functional; subst. simpl in ×. congruence.
  - pno_step.
  - pone_step. right. eapply labIndicesSim_sim. econstructor; eauto.
    instantiate (1:=(mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F ++ LB)).
    econstructor. intros.
    eapply get_app_cases in H. destruct H.
    × {
        inv_mapi H.
        exploit @get_length; eauto.
        eapply get_in_range_app in H0.
        orewrite (f' - f' = 0); simpl.
        - intros. edestruct BL; eauto; dcr.
          eexists (length F0 + x2); split.
          rewrite pos_app_not_in; eauto.
          rewrite map_length. eapply pos_add; eauto.
          eapply get_app_right.
          rewrite mapi_length. reflexivity. eauto.
        - split. intros. erewrite <- map_length in H3.
          rewrite drop_length_eq in H3.
          eapply EX; eauto.
          split; eauto. destruct x1 as [[? ?] ?].
          inv_map H0; unfold comp in *; simpl in ×.
          do 2 eexists; eauto.
          split; eauto.
          intros. eapply smap_spec in EQ0; eauto; dcr. destruct EQ0; dcr.
          monadS_inv H6. simpl in ×. eexists. repeat split; eauto.
          eapply get_app.
          eapply (mapi_get_1 0 (IL.I.mkBlock)) in H7. eauto.
          assert (get ( (fst fst) F0) fn fb).
          eapply (map_get_1 (fst fst) H3).
          rewrite pos_app_in.
          eapply get_first_pos; eauto.
          intros. inv_map H8. eapply H4; eauto.
          eapply get_in_of_list; eauto.
          split; eauto.
        - eauto with len.
    × dcr.
      assert (length ( (fst fst) F) = length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F)) by eauto with len.
      assert (length F = length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F)) by eauto with len.
      orewrite (i = length ( (fst fst) F) + (i - length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F))) in H0.
      eapply shift_get in H0.
      inv LA; exploit LEQ; eauto; dcr; clear LEQ.
      orewrite (i - f' = i - length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F) - f' + length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F)).
      repeat rewrite <- drop_drop. repeat rewrite drop_length_eq.

      setoid_rewrite <- H at 2.
      rewrite drop_length_eq. eauto.
      split; eauto.
      orewrite (i - length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F) - f' + length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F) +
         length F0 = i - length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F) - f' +
                     length F0 + length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F)).
      setoid_rewrite <- H at 2.
      rewrite <- drop_drop. rewrite drop_length_eq. eauto.
      split; eauto.
      rewrite <- drop_drop.
      eapply smap_length in EQ0.
      repeat rewrite mapi_length.
      repeat rewrite mapi_length in ×.
      repeat rewrite drop_drop.
      repeat rewrite drop_app_gen. repeat rewrite mapi_length. repeat rewrite map_length.
      assert (PLUSEQ: x y, x + y -y = x) by (intros; omega).
      rewrite EQ0. repeat rewrite PLUSEQ. split; eauto.
      split; eauto. split; eauto. omega.
      rewrite mapi_length; omega.
      rewrite map_length. omega.
      rewrite mapi_length; omega.
    × { inv LA. revert ST. clear_all.
        intros. econstructor; eauto.
        unfold mapi. generalize 0. generalize F at 1.
        general induction F; simpl; eauto.
        econstructor. eapply IHF. econstructor; simpl. reflexivity.
    × {
        decide (f of_list ( (fst fst) F)).
        - eapply update_with_list_lookup_in_list in i0. dcr.
          rewrite H2. simpl in ×. inv_map H0. eauto.
          eauto with len.
        - erewrite (update_with_list_no_update _ _ _ n); eauto.
           rewrite pos_app_not_in in H; eauto.
    × { intros.
        decide (f of_list ( (fst fst) F)).
        - edestruct (of_list_get_first _ i) as [n]; eauto. dcr. hnf in H1. subst x1.
          rewrite pos_app_in; eauto.
          pose proof H2.
          eapply update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first in H0; dcr.
          erewrite H5 in H. subst x1.
          erewrite get_first_pos; eauto.
          eexists; split; eauto.
          inv_map H3. eapply get_app; eauto.
          eauto with len.
        - erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H; eauto.
          edestruct BL; eauto; dcr.
          eexists; split; eauto using get_shift.
          repeat rewrite pos_app_not_in; eauto.
          assert (length ( (fst fst) F) = length (mapi (I.mkBlock L F) F))
                 by eauto with len.
          rewrite H0. eapply pos_add; eauto.