
Require Import CSet Le Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.

Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map Indexwise.
Require Import CSet Val Var Envs IL Sim Annotation LabelsDefined DecSolve OptionR.

Require Import RenamedApart SetOperations Eqn Infra.Lattice WithTop ConstantPropagation.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

(* Constant Propagation *)

Inductive isEqCmp : op Prop :=
  IisEqCmp x c : isEqCmp (BinOp BinOpEq (Var x) (Con c)).

Instance isEqCmp_dec e : Computable (isEqCmp e).
  destruct e; try dec_solve.
  destruct e1, e2; decide (b = BinOpEq); subst; try dec_solve.

Definition getEqCmpVar (e:op) :=
  match e with
    | BinOp BinOpEq (Var x) (Con c) ⇒ x
    | _default_var

Definition getEqCmpCon (e:op) :=
  match e with
    | BinOp BinOpEq (Var x) (Con c) ⇒ c
    | _default_val

Definition aval2bool (v:aval) :=
  match v with
  | Some TopSome Top
  | Some (wTA v) ⇒ Some (wTA (val2bool v))
  | _None

Instance aval2bool_poLe
  : Proper (poLe ==> poLe) aval2bool.
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
  inv H; simpl; eauto.
  inv H0; simpl; eauto.
  - eapply int_eq_eq in H1; subst. reflexivity.
  - destruct x0; eauto.

Lemma oval2bool_some v b
: aval2bool v = Some (wTA b)
   v', v = (Some (wTA v')) val2bool v' = b.
  destruct v; try destruct w; simpl; intros; inv H; eauto.

Inductive cp_sound (AE:onv (withTop val)) :
                     list (params×list aval)
                      ann bool
                      Prop :=
| CPOpr (x:var) Cp (b:bool) r e s
  : cp_sound AE Cp s r
     (b exp_eval AE e = AE x)
     cp_sound AE Cp (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 b r)
| CPIf Cp e (b:bool) s1 s2 (r1 r2:ann bool)
       (Cond1:cp_sound AE Cp s1 r1)
       (Cond2:cp_sound AE Cp s2 r2)
  : cp_sound AE Cp (stmtIf e s1 s2) (ann2 b r1 r2)
| CPGoto l Y Cp Z aY (b bf:bool)
  : get Cp (counted l) (Z,aY)
     length Z = length Y
     (b PIR2 poLe ( (op_eval AE) Y) aY)
     cp_sound AE Cp (stmtApp l Y) (ann0 b)
| CPReturn Cp e b
  : cp_sound AE Cp (stmtReturn e) (ann0 b)
| CPLet Cp F t (b:bool) (rF:list (ann bool)) (r:ann bool) (rfLen:F=rF)
  : ( n Zs r,
        get F n Zs
        get rF n r
        cp_sound AE ( (fun Zs(fst Zs, lookup_list AE (fst Zs))) F ++ Cp) (snd Zs) r)
     cp_sound AE ( (fun Zs(fst Zs, lookup_list AE (fst Zs))) F ++ Cp) t r
     cp_sound AE Cp (stmtFun F t) (annF b rF r).

Definition indexwise_R1 {A} (P:AProp) LA :=
n a, get LA n a P a.

Definition indexwise_R1_dec {A} {P:AProp} LA (Rdec:( n a, get LA n a Computable (P a)))
      : Computable (indexwise_R1 P LA).
unfold Computable. revert LA Rdec. fix 1. intros LA Rdec.
destruct LA; try now left; isabsurd.
intros. destruct (Rdec 0 a).
- eauto using get.
- destruct (indexwise_R1_dec LA); clear indexwise_R1_dec; eauto using get.
  + left. hnf; intros. inv H; eauto.
  + right; intro HH. eapply n; hnf; intros; eapply HH; eauto using get.
- right; intro HH. eapply n; hnf; intros; eapply HH; eauto using get.

Instance cp_sound_dec AE ZL s r : Computable (cp_sound AE ZL s r).
  hnf. revert AE ZL r; sind s; intros; destruct s; destruct r; try dec_solve.
  - edestruct (IH s); eauto;
      decide (a exp_eval AE e = AE x); try dec_solve;
        try dec_solve.
  - edestruct (IH s2 ltac:(eauto) AE ZL); eauto; [| dec_solve];
      edestruct (IH s1 ltac:(eauto) AE ZL); eauto; [| dec_solve];
        decide (op_eval AE e = None);
        decide (aval2bool (op_eval AE e) = Some (wTA false));
        (decide (poLe (Some (wTA val_false)) (op_eval AE e)));
        decide (a); decide (getAnn r1); decide (getAnn r2); try dec_solve.
  - destruct (get_dec ZL (counted l)) as [[[]]|]; try dec_solve.
    decide (length l0 = length Y); try dec_solve.
    decide (a PIR2 poLe ( (op_eval AE) Y) l1);
      try dec_solve.
  - assert (SZ:size s < size (stmtFun F s)) by eauto.
    decide (F=sa); [|dec_solve].
    edestruct (IH s SZ AE ( (fun Zs(fst Zs, lookup_list AE (fst Zs))) F ++ ZL) r); [|dec_solve].
    exploit (@indexwise_R_dec _ _ (fun Zs rcp_sound AE ((fun Zs0 : params × stmt(fst Zs0,
        lookup_list AE (fst Zs0))) F ++ ZL) (snd Zs) r) F); eauto.
    intros. eapply IH; eauto. destruct H; dec_solve.

Definition cop2bool AE e := aval2bool (op_eval AE e).

Lemma op_eval_cop2bool_not_none AE e
  : op_eval AE e ⎣⎦
     cop2bool AE e ⎣⎦.
  unfold cop2bool, aval2bool; repeat cases; intros; eauto;
    try congruence.

Hint Resolve op_eval_cop2bool_not_none.

Lemma op_eval_aval2bool AE e
  : aval2bool (op_eval AE (UnOp UnOpToBool e)) = aval2bool (op_eval AE e).
  simpl; repeat cases; eauto.
  simpl. case_eq (val2bool a); simpl; intros; reflexivity.