Library Containers.MapInterface

Require Export OrderedType SetoidList.
Require Import Morphisms.

Generalizable All Variables.

This file defines the interface of typeclass-based finite maps.

Definition Cmp {elt:Type} (cmp:elteltbool) e1 e2 := cmp e1 e2 = true.

FMaps : the interface of maps

We define the class FMap of structures that implement finite maps. An instance of FMaps for an ordered type key contains a constructor dict which for any type elt builds the type of maps associating keys to elts. It also contains all the operations that these structuress support : insertion, membership, etc. The specifications of these operations are in a different class (see below).
The operations provided are the same as in the standard FMaps library, plus two extra operations for more efficient multimaps : insert and adjust.
The last member of the class states that for any ordered type key and any type elt, dict key elt is itself an ordered type.
Class FMap `{OrderedType key} := {
the abstract type of maps
  dict : (elt : Type), Type;

The specification of all map operations is done with respect to the sole MapsTo predicate.
  MapsTo : {elt : Type},
    key elt dict elt Prop;

Map operations
  empty : (elt : Type), dict elt;
  is_empty : {elt : Type}, dict elt bool;
  mem : {elt : Type}, key dict elt bool;

  add : {elt : Type},
    key elt dict elt dict elt;
  find : {elt : Type},
    key dict elt option elt;
  remove : {elt : Type},
    key dict elt dict elt;

  equal : {elt : Type},
    (elt elt bool) dict elt dict elt bool;

  map : {elt elt' : Type},
    (elt elt') dict elt dict elt';
  mapi : {elt elt' : Type},
    (key elt elt') dict elt dict elt';
  map2 : {elt elt' elt'' : Type},
    (option elt option elt' option elt'')
    dict elt dict elt' dict elt'';
  fold : {elt : Type},
     {A : Type}, (key elt A A) dict elt A A;

  cardinal : {elt : Type}, dict elt nat;
  elements : {elt : Type},
    dict elt list (key×elt);

Extra map update operations using combining functions
  insert : {elt : Type},
    key elt (elt elt) dict elt dict elt;
  adjust : {elt : Type},
    key (elt elt) dict elt dict elt;

Maps are ordered types
  FMap_OrderedType :> `{OrderedType elt}, OrderedType (dict elt)
Implicit Arguments dict [[H] [FMap]].

Map notations (see below) are interpreted in scope map_scope, delimited with key scope. We bind it to the type map and to other operations defined in the interface.
Delimit Scope map_scope with map.
Bind Scope map_scope with dict.
Arguments Scope MapsTo [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope is_empty [type_scope _ _ type_scope map_scope].
Arguments Scope mem [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope add [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope find [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope remove [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope equal [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ map_scope map_scope].
Arguments Scope map [type_scope _ _ type_scope type_scope _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope mapi [type_scope _ _ type_scope type_scope _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope map2 [type_scope _ _ type_scope type_scope
  type_scope _ map_scope map_scope].
Arguments Scope fold [type_scope _ _ type_scope type_scope _ map_scope _].
Arguments Scope cardinal [type_scope _ _ type_scope map_scope].
Arguments Scope elements [type_scope _ _ type_scope map_scope].
Arguments Scope insert [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ _ _ map_scope].
Arguments Scope adjust [type_scope _ _ type_scope _ _ map_scope].

All projections should be made opaque for tactics using delta-conversion, otherwise the underlying instances may appear during proofs, which then causes several problems (notations not being used, unification failures...). This doesnt stop computation with compute or vm_compute though, which is exactly what we want.
There follow definitions of predicates about maps expressable in terms of MapsTo, and which are not provided by the FMap class.
Definition In `{FMap key} {elt : Type}
  (k:key)(m: dict key elt) : Prop := e:elt, MapsTo k e m.

Definition Empty `{FMap key} {elt : Type} m :=
   (a : key)(e:elt) , ¬ MapsTo a e m.

Definition eq_key `{FMap key} {elt} := @KeyOrderedType.eqk _ _ elt.
Definition eq_key_elt `{FMap key} {elt} := @KeyOrderedType.eqke _ _ elt.
Definition lt_key `{FMap key} {elt} := @KeyOrderedType.ltk _ _ elt.

Definition Equal `{FMap key} {elt : Type} (m m' : dict key elt) :=
   y, find y m = find y m'.
Definition Equiv `{FMap key} {elt : Type} (eq_elt:elteltProp)
  (m m' : dict key elt) :=
  ( k, In k m In k m')
  ( k e e', MapsTo k e m MapsTo k e' m' eq_elt e e').
Definition Equivb `{FMap key} {elt : Type}
  (cmp: elteltbool) := Equiv (Cmp cmp).

We also define a couple of notations for maps operations. New: notations other than 'MapA,B' must be explicitly imported from MapNotations since they can be incompatible with list notations.
Notation "'Map' '[' A ',' B ']'" :=
  (dict A B)(at level 0, no associativity).

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

FMapSpecs : finite maps' specification

We provide the specifications of map operations in a separate class FMapSpecs parameterized by an FMap instance. The specifications are the same as in the standard FMaps.FMapInterface.S module type.
Class FMapSpecs_MapsTo `(FMap key) := {
  MapsTo_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e,
    x === y MapsTo x e m MapsTo y e m
Class FMapSpecs_mem `(FMap key) := {
  mem_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x,
    In x m mem x m = true;
  mem_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x,
    mem x m = true In x m
Class FMapSpecs_empty `(FMap key) := {
  empty_1 : elt, Empty (empty elt)
Class FMapSpecs_is_empty `(FMap key) := {
  is_empty_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]),
    Empty m is_empty m = true;
  is_empty_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]),
    is_empty m = true Empty m
Class FMapSpecs_add `(FMap key) := {
  add_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e,
    x === y MapsTo y e (add x e m);
  add_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e e',
    x =/= y MapsTo y e m MapsTo y e (add x e' m);
  add_3 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e e',
    x =/= y MapsTo y e (add x e' m) MapsTo y e m
Class FMapSpecs_remove `(FMap key) := {
  remove_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y,
    x === y ¬ In y (remove x m);
  remove_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e,
    x =/= y MapsTo y e m MapsTo y e (remove x m);
  remove_3 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e,
    MapsTo y e (remove x m) MapsTo y e m
Class FMapSpecs_find `(FMap key) := {
  find_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x e,
    MapsTo x e m find x m = Some e;
  find_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x e,
    find x m = Some e MapsTo x e m
Class FMapSpecs_elements `(FMap key) := {
  elements_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x e,
    MapsTo x e m InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m);
  elements_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x e,
    InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) MapsTo x e m;
  elements_3 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]),
    sort lt_key (elements m);
  elements_3w : elt (m : Map[key,elt]),
    NoDupA eq_key (elements m)
Class FMapSpecs_cardinal `(FMap key) := {
  cardinal_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]),
    cardinal m = length (elements m)
Class FMapSpecs_fold `(FMap key) := {
  fold_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt])
    (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key elt A A),
    fold f m i = fold_left (fun a pf (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i
Class FMapSpecs_equal `(FMap key) := {
  equal_1 : elt
    (m m' : Map[key,elt]) (cmp : elt elt bool),
    Equivb cmp m m' equal cmp m m' = true;
  equal_2 : elt
    (m m' : Map[key,elt]) (cmp : elt elt bool),
    equal cmp m m' = true Equivb cmp m m'
Class FMapSpecs_map `(FMap key) := {
  map_1 : (elt elt':Type)(m: Map[key,elt])
    MapsTo x e m MapsTo x (f e) (map f m);
  map_2 : (elt elt':Type)(m: Map[key,elt])
    In x (map f m) In x m
Class FMapSpecs_mapi `(FMap key) := {
  mapi_1 : (elt elt':Type)(m: Map[key,elt])
    (x:key)(e:elt) (f:keyeltelt'), MapsTo x e m
     y, y === x MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m);
  mapi_2 : (elt elt':Type)(m: Map[key,elt])
    (x:key) (f:keyeltelt'), In x (mapi f m) In x m
Class FMapSpecs_map2 `(FMap key) := {
  map2_1 : (elt elt' elt'':Type)(m: Map[key,elt]) m'
    (x:key)(f:option eltoption elt'option elt''),
    In x m In x m'
    find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m');
  map2_2 : (elt elt' elt'':Type)(m: Map[key,elt]) m'
    (x:key)(f:option eltoption elt'option elt''),
    In x (map2 f m m') In x m In x m'
Class FMapSpecs_insert `(FMap key) := {
  insert_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e d f,
    x === y MapsTo y e m MapsTo y (f e) (insert x d f m);
  insert_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y d f,
    x === y ¬ In y m MapsTo y d (insert x d f m);
  insert_3 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e d f,
    x =/= y MapsTo y e m MapsTo y e (insert x d f m);
  insert_4 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e d f,
    x =/= y MapsTo y e (insert x d f m) MapsTo y e m
Class FMapSpecs_adjust `(FMap key) := {
  adjust_1 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e f,
    x === y MapsTo y e m MapsTo y (f e) (adjust x f m);
  adjust_2 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e f,
    x =/= y MapsTo y e m MapsTo y e (adjust x f m);
  adjust_3 : elt (m : Map[key,elt]) x y e f,
    x =/= y MapsTo y e (adjust x f m) MapsTo y e m

Class FMapSpecs `(F : FMap key) := {
  FFMapSpecs_MapsTo :> FMapSpecs_MapsTo F;
  FFMapSpecs_mem :> FMapSpecs_mem F;
  FFMapSpecs_empty :> FMapSpecs_empty F;
  FFMapSpecs_is_empty :> FMapSpecs_is_empty F;
  FFMapSpecs_add :> FMapSpecs_add F;
  FFMapSpecs_remove :> FMapSpecs_remove F;
  FFMapSpecs_find :> FMapSpecs_find F;
  FFMapSpecs_elements :> FMapSpecs_elements F;
  FFMapSpecs_cardinal :> FMapSpecs_cardinal F;
  FFMapSpecs_fold :> FMapSpecs_fold F;
  FFMapSpecs_equal :> FMapSpecs_equal F;
  FFMapSpecs_map :> FMapSpecs_map F;
  FFMapSpecs_mapi :> FMapSpecs_mapi F;
  FFMapSpecs_map2 :> FMapSpecs_map2 F;
  FFMapSpecs_insert :> FMapSpecs_insert F;
  FFMapSpecs_adjust :> FMapSpecs_adjust F

Extra Ordering : A SpecificOrderedType for maps where the equality is the point-wise equality on bindings. Data structures who implement this ordered type should provide the adequate instance of this class.
Section Equal.
  Variable container : Type.
  Variable key : Type.
  Variable elt : Type.
  Variable MapsTo : key elt container Prop.
  Definition Equal_kw (s s' : container) : Prop :=
     k v, MapsTo k v s MapsTo k v s'.
  Definition Equal_kw_Equivalence : Equivalence Equal_kw.
  Proof. constructor.
    constructor; auto.
    constructor; firstorder.
    constructor; unfold Equal_kw in ×.
    rewrite H, H0; auto.
    rewrite H, H0; auto.
End Equal.
Hint Unfold Equal_kw.
Class FMapSpecs_SpecificOrderedType `(F : FMap key) := {
  FMap_SpecificOrderedType :> `{OrderedType elt},
    SpecificOrderedType _ (Equal_kw (elt:=elt)
      (fun k v m v', v === v' MapsTo k v' m))

Definition zMapsTo_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @MapsTo_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_MapsTo _ _ _ H).
Definition zmem_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @mem_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_mem _ _ _ H).
Definition zis_empty_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @is_empty_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_is_empty _ _ _ H).
Definition zmap_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @map_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_map _ _ _ H).
Definition zmapi_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @mapi_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_mapi _ _ _ H).
Definition zadd_3 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @add_3 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_add _ _ _ H).
Definition zremove_3 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @remove_3 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_remove _ _ _ H).
Definition zfind_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @find_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_find _ _ _ H).
Definition zinsert_4 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @insert_4 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_insert _ _ _ H).
Definition zadjust_3 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @adjust_3 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_adjust _ _ _ H).
Definition zmem_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @mem_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_mem _ _ _ H).
Definition zis_empty_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @is_empty_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_is_empty _ _ _ H).
Definition zadd_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @add_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_add _ _ _ H).
Definition zadd_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @add_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_add _ _ _ H).
Definition zremove_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @remove_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_remove _ _ _ H).
Definition zremove_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @remove_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_remove _ _ _ H).
Definition zfind_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @find_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_find _ _ _ H).
Definition zelements_3 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @elements_3 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_elements _ _ _ H).
Definition zfold_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @fold_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_fold _ _ _ H).
Definition zmap_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @map_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_map _ _ _ H).
Definition zmapi_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @mapi_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_mapi _ _ _ H).
Definition zinsert_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @insert_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_insert _ _ _ H).
Definition zinsert_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @insert_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_insert _ _ _ H).
Definition zinsert_3 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @insert_3 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_insert _ _ _ H).
Definition zadjust_1 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @adjust_1 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_adjust _ _ _ H).
Definition zadjust_2 `{H : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F} :=
  @adjust_2 _ _ _ (@FFMapSpecs_adjust _ _ _ H).

Hint Immediate @zMapsTo_1 @zmem_2 @zis_empty_2
  @zmap_2 @zmapi_2 @zadd_3 @zremove_3 @zfind_2
  @zinsert_4 @zadjust_3
  : map.
Hint Resolve @zmem_1 @zis_empty_1 @zis_empty_2 @zadd_1 @zadd_2 @zremove_1
  @zremove_2 @zfind_1 @zfold_1 @zmap_1 @zmapi_1 @zmapi_2
  @zinsert_1 @zinsert_2 @zinsert_3 @zadjust_1 @zadjust_2
  : map.
Hint Unfold eq_key eq_key_elt lt_key.