Library Containers.OrderedType

Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
Require Export Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
Open Scope equiv_scope.

Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Generalizable All Variables.

Ordered Types

This file corresponds to OrderedType.v in the standard FSets/FMaps library. It contains a formalization of types equipped with a total and decidable order. Notations on ordered types are defined in scope compare_scope, delimited by key compare.
Delimit Scope compare_scope with compare.

Strict orders : the StrictOrder class

A strict order lt with respect to an equivalence relation eq on a type A is an antireflexive transitive relation, ie. it is a transitive relation that does not contain two congruent terms. We define the class StrictOrder A lt eq of such objects.
Class StrictOrder {A} lt eq {equiv : Equivalence eq} := {
  StrictOrder_Transitive :> Transitive lt;
  StrictOrder_Irreflexive : (x y : A), lt x y x =/= y
Definition lt_StrictOrder `{StrictOrder A lt_ eq_} := lt_.

If x and y belong to a strict order, we define the notations x >>> y and y <<< x.
Notation " x >>> y " := (lt_StrictOrder y x)
  (at level 70, no associativity, only parsing) : compare_scope.
Notation " x <<< y " := (lt_StrictOrder x y)
  (at level 70, no associativity) : compare_scope.
Open Scope compare_scope.

A couple of useful basic properties about strict orders.
Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit.
Section StrictOrderProps.
  Context `{StrictOrder A}.

  Property lt_antirefl : x, ¬x <<< x.
    intros; intro Hlt; apply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive x x Hlt); reflexivity.
  Property lt_not_eq : x y, x <<< y x =/= y.
    intros; apply StrictOrder_Irreflexive; auto.
  Property gt_not_eq : x y, x >>> y x =/= y.
    intros; intro abs; symmetry in abs; revert abs; apply lt_not_eq; auto.
  Property eq_not_lt : x y, x === y ¬ x <<< y.
    intros; intro abs; apply (lt_not_eq abs); auto.
  Property eq_not_gt : x y, x === y ¬ x >>> y.
    intros; intro abs; apply (gt_not_eq abs); auto.
  Property lt_not_gt : x y, x <<< y ~(x >>> y).
    intros; intro abs; refine (lt_not_eq _ _); shelve_unifiable.
    transitivity y; eauto. reflexivity.
End StrictOrderProps.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

Ordered types : the OrderedType class

OrderedType is the class of types that enjoy decidable comparison for a given setoid equality and strict order relation with respect to this equality. An instance of OrderedType for a type A must bring :
  • the equality relation eq
  • a proof that eq is an equivalence relation
  • the order relation lt
  • an instance of StrictOrder for lt and eq
  • a comparison function cmp : A A comparison
  • a proof that cmp really implements lt and eq
With respect to the original formalization in the FSets/FMaps library, the fundamental difference is that the comparison function is purely computational, whereas the return type of the compare function in FSets.OrderedType includes proofs. In that sense, this formalisation is more similar to FSets.OrderedTypeAlt. To define the specification that the function cmp must meet, unlike OrderedTypeAlt, we use the following inductive view compare_spec :
compare_spec describes what is the correct result for a comparison between two elements x and y ; in particular, a suitable comparison function is a function that is included in this relation.
Given these definitions, we can now define the OrderedType class.
Class OrderedType (A : Type) := {
  _eq : relation A;
  _lt : relation A;
  OT_Equivalence :> Equivalence _eq;
  OT_StrictOrder :> StrictOrder _lt _eq;
  _cmp : A A comparison;
  _compare_spec : x y, compare_spec _eq _lt x y (_cmp x y)

If x and y belong to an ordered type A, we can write compare x y to denote the comparison of x and y, as well as the special handy notation x =?= y.
Definition compare `{OrderedType A} := _cmp.
Notation " x =?= y " :=
  (compare (x :>) (y :>)) (no associativity, at level 70) : compare_scope.

The following lemma is a convenient way to access the specification of the compare function. Its typical use is the following : if a comparison x =?= y appears in the Coq context, destruct (compare_dec x y) will create 3 branches for each result of the comparison, and add the correct hypothesis in each branch. It is almost as easy to work with as the original dependently-typed function.
Definition compare_dec `{H : OrderedType A} :
   x y, compare_spec equiv lt_StrictOrder x y (compare x y) :=
    @_compare_spec A H.

compare is made globally opaque so that case analysis can be done easily by destructing compare_dec _ _.
Global Opaque compare.

We define shortcut notations x == y, x << y and x >> y for purely computational equality and ordering tests, and their specification as well.
Definition is_compare `{OrderedType A} (x y : A) c :=
  match x =?= y, c with
    | Eq, Eq | Lt, Lt | Gt, Gttrue
    | _, _false
Notation " x == y " :=
  (is_compare x y Eq) (no associativity, at level 70) : compare_scope.
Notation " x << y " :=
  (is_compare x y Lt) (no associativity, at level 70) : compare_scope.
Notation " x >> y " :=
  (is_compare x y Gt) (no associativity, at level 70) : compare_scope.

Property compare_1 `{OrderedType A} : x y, x =?= y = Lt x <<< y.
  intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto; congruence.
Property compare_2 `{OrderedType A} : x y, x =?= y = Eq x === y.
  intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto; congruence.
Property compare_3 `{OrderedType A} : x y, x =?= y = Gt x >>> y.
  intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto; congruence.

Decidability lemmas for equality and orders, specified in a way similar to compare_spec.
Inductive decides {A} (R : relation A) (x y : A) : bool Prop :=
| decides_true : R x y decides R x y true
| decides_false : ~(R x y) decides R x y false.

Property eq_dec `{OrderedType A} :
   (x y : A), decides equiv x y (x==y).
  intros; unfold is_compare. destruct (compare_dec x y); constructor.
  apply lt_not_eq; auto.
  apply gt_not_eq; auto.
Property lt_dec `{OrderedType A} :
   x y, decides lt_StrictOrder x y (x<<y).
  intros; unfold is_compare. destruct (compare_dec x y); constructor.
  intro abs; apply (lt_not_eq abs); auto.
  apply lt_not_gt; auto.
Property gt_dec `{OrderedType A} :
   x y, decides lt_StrictOrder y x (x>>y).
  intros; unfold is_compare. destruct (compare_dec x y); constructor.
  apply lt_not_gt; auto.
  intro abs; apply (gt_not_eq abs); auto.

More lemmas about ordered types, in particular the fact that the order relations are morphisms for equality.
Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit.
Property eq_lt `{OrderedType A} :
   (x x' y : A), x === x' x <<< y x' <<< y.
  intros; destruct (compare_dec x' y); auto.
  contradiction (lt_not_eq H1); transitivity x'; auto.
  contradiction (lt_not_eq (x:=x) (y:=x')); auto; transitivity y; auto.
Corollary eq_lt2 `{OrderedType A} :
   (x x' y : A), x === x' x' <<< y x <<< y.
  intros; apply eq_lt with x'; auto; symmetry; auto.
Property eq_gt `{OrderedType A} :
   (x x' y : A), x === x' x >>> y x' >>> y.
  intros; destruct (compare_dec x' y); auto.
  contradiction (gt_not_eq (x:=x) (y:=x')); auto; transitivity y; auto.
  contradiction (gt_not_eq H1); transitivity x'; auto.
Instance lt_m `{OrderedType A} : Proper (_eq ==> _eq ==> iff) _lt.
  repeat intro; split; intro Hlt.
  apply (eq_lt (x:=x)); auto. apply (eq_gt (x:=x0)); auto.
  apply (eq_lt (x:=y)); try symmetry; auto.
  apply (eq_gt (x:=y0)); try symmetry; auto.

Instance lt_m' `{OrderedType A} : Proper (Equivalence.equiv ==> Equivalence.equiv ==> iff) _lt.
  eapply lt_m.

Instance lt_StrictOrder_m `{OrderedType A} : Proper (_eq ==> _eq ==> iff) lt_StrictOrder.
  eapply lt_m.

Hint Resolve lt_m lt_m' lt_StrictOrder_m.

Instance le_m `{OrderedType A} : Proper (_eq ==> _eq ==> iff) (complement _lt).
  repeat intro; split; intro Hlt; unfold complement in ×.
  rewrite H1 in Hlt; rewrite H0 in Hlt; assumption.
  rewrite H0, H1; assumption.

Shortcut lemmas for the order tactic
Section OrderLemmas.
  Context `{OrderedType A}.
  Variables x y z : A.

  Corollary lt_eq : x <<< y y === z x <<< z.
    intros; rewrite <- H1; assumption.
  Corollary le_eq : ¬x <<< y y === z ¬x <<< z.
    intros; rewrite <- H1; assumption.
  Corollary eq_le : x === y ¬y <<< z ¬x <<< z.
    intros; rewrite H0; assumption.
  Corollary neq_eq : x =/= y y === z x =/= z.
    intros; rewrite <- H1; assumption.
  Corollary eq_neq : x === y y =/= z x =/= z.
    intros; rewrite H0; assumption.

  Property le_lt_trans : ¬ y <<< x y <<< z x <<< z.
    intros; destruct (compare_dec x z); auto.
    rewrite <- H2 in H1; contradiction.
    contradiction H0; transitivity z; auto.
  Property lt_le_trans : x <<< y ¬ z <<< y x <<< z.
    intros; destruct (compare_dec x z); auto.
    rewrite <- H2 in H1; contradiction.
    contradiction H1; transitivity x; auto.
  Property le_neq : ¬x <<< y x =/= y x >>> y.
    intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto; contradiction.

  Lemma elim_compare_eq : x === y x =?= y = Eq.
    intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto.
    contradiction (lt_not_eq H1 H0).
    contradiction (lt_not_eq H1 (symmetry H0)).
  Lemma elim_compare_lt : x <<< y x =?= y = Lt.
    intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto.
    contradiction (lt_not_eq H0 H1).
    contradiction (lt_not_gt H1 H0).
  Lemma elim_compare_gt : x >>> y x =?= y = Gt.
    intros; destruct (compare_dec x y); auto.
    contradiction (lt_not_gt H1 H0).
    contradiction (gt_not_eq H0 H1).
End OrderLemmas.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

The following is the adaptation of the original order tactic developed by P. Letouzey in the original library. It should prove exactly the same goals, with a slight decrease in performance due to the extra implicit instance parameters.
Ltac normalize_notations :=
  match goal with
 | H : ?R ?x ?y |- _
   progress ((change (x === y) in H) || (change (x <<< y) in H) ||
     (change (x >>> y) in H)); normalize_notations
 | H : ~(?R ?x ?y) |- _
   progress ((change (x =/= y) in H) || (change (¬ x <<< y) in H) ||
     (change (¬ y <<< x) in H)); normalize_notations
 | |- ?R ?x ?y
   progress (change (x === y) || change (x <<< y) || change (y <<< x))
 | |- ¬?R ?x ?y
   progress (change (x =/= y) || change (¬x <<< y) || change (¬y <<< x))
 | _idtac

Ltac abstraction := match goal with
 | H : False |- _elim H
 | H : ?x <<< ?x |- _elim (lt_antirefl H)
 | H : ?x =/= ?x |- _elim (H (reflexivity x))
 | H : ?x === ?x |- _clear H; abstraction
 | H : ¬?x <<< ?x |- _clear H; abstraction
 | |- ?x === ?xreflexivity
 | |- ?x <<< ?xelimtype False; abstraction
 | |- ¬ _intro; abstraction
 | H1: ¬?x <<< ?y, H2: ?x =/= ?y |- _
     generalize (le_neq H1 H2); clear H1 H2; intro; abstraction
 | H1: ¬?x <<< ?y, H2: ?y =/= ?x |- _
     symmetry in H2; generalize (le_neq H1 H2);
       clear H1 H2; intro; abstraction
 | H : ?x =/= ?y |- _revert H; abstraction
 | H : ¬?x <<< ?y |- _revert H; abstraction
 | H : ?x <<< ?y |- _revert H; abstraction
 | H : ?x === ?y |- _revert H; abstraction
 | _idtac

Ltac do_eq a b EQ := match goal with
 | |- ?x <<< ?y _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H;
      (generalize (eq_lt EQ H); clear H; intro H) ||
      (generalize (lt_eq H EQ); clear H; intro H) ||
      do_eq a b EQ
 | |- ¬?x <<< ?y _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H;
      (generalize (eq_le (symmetry EQ) H); clear H; intro H) ||
      (generalize (le_eq H EQ); clear H; intro H) ||
      do_eq a b EQ
 | |- ?x === ?y _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H;
      (generalize (transitivity (symmetry EQ) H); clear H; intro H) ||
      (generalize (transitivity H EQ); clear H; intro H) ||
      do_eq a b EQ
 | |- ?x =/= ?y _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H;
      (generalize (eq_neq (symmetry EQ) H); clear H; intro H) ||
      (generalize (neq_eq H EQ); clear H; intro H) ||
      do_eq a b EQ
 | |- a <<< ?yapply eq_lt with b; [exact (symmetry EQ)|]
 | |- ?y <<< aapply lt_eq with b; [|exact (symmetry EQ)]
 | |- a === ?ytransitivity b; [exact EQ|]
 | |- ?y === atransitivity b; [|exact (symmetry EQ)]
 | _idtac

Ltac propagate_eq := abstraction; match goal with
 | |- ?a === ?b _
     let EQ := fresh "EQ" in (intro EQ; do_eq a b EQ; clear EQ);
 | _idtac

Ltac do_lt x y LT := match goal with
 | |- x <<< y _intros _; do_lt x y LT
 | |- y <<< ?z _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H; generalize (transitivity LT H); intro); do_lt x y LT
 | |- ?z <<< x _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H; generalize (transitivity H LT); intro); do_lt x y LT
 | |- _ <<< _ _intro; do_lt x y LT

 | |- ¬y <<< x _intros _; do_lt x y LT
 | |- ¬x <<< ?z _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H; generalize (le_lt_trans H LT); intro); do_lt x y LT
 | |- ¬?z <<< y _let H := fresh "H" in
     (intro H; generalize (lt_le_trans LT H); intro); do_lt x y LT
 | |- ¬_ <<< _ _intro; do_lt x y LT
 | _idtac

Definition hide_lt `{StrictOrder A lt_ eq_} := lt_StrictOrder.

Ltac propagate_lt := abstraction; match goal with
 | |- ?x <<< ?y _
     let LT := fresh "LT" in
       (intro LT; do_lt x y LT; change (hide_lt x y) in LT);
 | _unfold hide_lt in ×

Ltac order :=

Ltac false_order := elimtype False; order.

Hint Extern 0 (_eq _ _) ⇒ reflexivity.
Hint Extern 0 (_ === _) ⇒ reflexivity.
Hint Extern 2 (_eq _ _) ⇒ symmetry; assumption.
Hint Extern 2 (_ === _) ⇒ symmetry; assumption.
Hint Extern 1 (Equivalence _) ⇒ apply OT_Equivalence.
Hint Extern 1 (StrictOrder _) ⇒ apply OT_StrictOrder.
Hint Extern 1 (RelationClasses.StrictOrder _) ⇒
constructor; repeat intro; order.

Hint Resolve eq_equivalence.

Specific Ordered types : OrderedType with specific equality

Sometimes, one wants to consider ordered types where the equality has to be Leibniz equality or any other specific equality. Because there is no 'with' construct for typeclasses, as there is for modules, we define another class for these types and show that such types also match OrderedType. An alternative would be to take the equality relation ouf of the OrderedType instance and add it as a parameter.
Class SpecificOrderedType
  (A : Type) (eqA : relation A) := {
  SOT_Equivalence :> Equivalence eqA ;
  SOT_lt : relation A;
  SOT_StrictOrder : StrictOrder SOT_lt eqA;
  SOT_cmp : A A comparison;
  SOT_compare_spec : x y, compare_spec eqA SOT_lt x y (SOT_cmp x y)
Instance SOT_as_OT `{SpecificOrderedType A} : OrderedType A := {
  _eq := eqA;
  OT_StrictOrder := SOT_StrictOrder;
  _compare_spec := SOT_compare_spec
Instance SOT_SO_to_SO `{SpecificOrderedType A eqA} : StrictOrder SOT_lt eqA | 4.
  intros; apply SOT_StrictOrder.

Usual Ordered types : OrderedType with Leibniz equality

A typical case is to require an instance of OrderedType where the equality is the Leibniz equality. We define the notation UsualOrderedType for that purpose.
Notation "'UsualOrderedType' A" :=
  (SpecificOrderedType A (@eq A))(at level 30).

Instance proper_eq_fun_eq X Y (f:XY) H
  : Proper ((@_eq X (@SOT_as_OT X (@eq X) H)) ==> eq) f.

Instance proper_eq_fun_eq' X Y (f:XY) H H'
  : Proper ((@_eq X (@SOT_as_OT X (@eq X) H)) ==> (@_eq Y (@SOT_as_OT Y (@eq Y) H'))) f.

Instance id_proper X `{OrderedType X}
  : Proper (_eq ==> _eq) (fun x : Xx).

Hint Resolve proper_eq_fun_eq proper_eq_fun_eq' id_proper.

Facts about setoid list membership

The remainer of this file correspond to the final section of the OrderedTypeFacts functor and the KeyOrderedType functor. They are used especially in SetList and MapList.
Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit.
Section ForNotations.
  Require Import SetoidList.
  Notation In:=(InA _eq).
  Notation Inf:=(lelistA _lt).
  Notation Sort:=(sort _lt).
  Notation NoDup:=(NoDupA _eq).

  Context `{Helt : OrderedType elt}.
  Implicit Types x y : elt.

  Lemma In_eq : l x y, x === y In x l In y l.
  Proof. apply InA_eqA; eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.

  Lemma ListIn_In : l x, List.In x l In x l.
  Proof. apply In_InA; eauto with typeclass_instances. Qed.

  Lemma Inf_lt : l x y, x <<< y Inf y l Inf x l.
    apply InfA_ltA; constructor; repeat intro; order.

  Lemma Inf_eq : l x y, x === y Inf y l Inf x l.
    apply InfA_eqA; eauto with typeclass_instances.

  Lemma Sort_Inf_In : l x a, Sort l Inf a l In x l a <<< x.
    apply SortA_InfA_InA; eauto with typeclass_instances.

  Lemma ListIn_Inf : l x, ( y, List.In y l x <<< y) Inf x l.
  Proof. exact (@In_InfA _ _lt). Qed.

  Lemma In_Inf : l x, ( y, In y l x <<< y) Inf x l.
    apply InA_InfA; eauto with typeclass_instances.

  Lemma Inf_alt :
     l x, Sort l (Inf x l ( y, In y l x <<< y)).
    apply InfA_alt; eauto with typeclass_instances.

  Lemma Sort_NoDup : l, Sort l NoDup l.
    apply SortA_NoDupA; eauto with typeclass_instances.
End ForNotations.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
Hint Resolve @ListIn_In @Sort_NoDup @Inf_lt.
Hint Immediate @In_eq @Inf_lt.

Module KeyOrderedType.
Section KeyOrderedType.
  Set Implicit Arguments.
  Unset Strict Implicit.

  Variable key : Type.
  Hypothesis (key_OT : OrderedType key).
  Variable elt : Type.

  Definition eqk (p p':key×elt) := fst p === fst p'.
  Definition eqke (p p':key×elt) :=
    fst p === fst p' (snd p) = (snd p').
  Definition ltk (p p':key×elt) := fst p <<< fst p'.

  Local Instance eqk_Equiv : Equivalence eqk.
    constructor; repeat intro; unfold eqk in *; eauto. order.
  Local Instance eqke_Equiv : Equivalence eqke.
    constructor; repeat intro; unfold eqke in *; intuition; order.
  Local Instance ltk_SO : RelationClasses.StrictOrder ltk.
    constructor; repeat intro; unfold ltk in *; intuition order.
  Local Instance ltk_m : Proper (eqk ==> eqk ==> iff) ltk.
    repeat intro; unfold ltk, eqk in *; intuition order.
  Ltac teauto := eauto with typeclass_instances.

  Hint Unfold eqk eqke ltk.
  Hint Extern 2 (eqke ?a ?b) ⇒ split.

  Lemma eqke_eqk : x x', eqke x x' eqk x x'.
    unfold eqk, eqke; intuition.

  Lemma ltk_right_r : x k e e', ltk x (k,e) ltk x (k,e').
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma ltk_right_l : x k e e', ltk (k,e) x ltk (k,e') x.
  Proof. auto. Qed.
  Hint Immediate ltk_right_r ltk_right_l.

  Lemma eqk_refl : e, eqk e e.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma eqke_refl : e, eqke e e.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma eqk_sym : e e', eqk e e' eqk e' e.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma eqke_sym : e e', eqke e e' eqke e' e.
  Proof. unfold eqke; intuition. Qed.

  Lemma eqk_trans : e e' e'', eqk e e' eqk e' e'' eqk e e''.
    intros; unfold eqk in *; auto; transitivity (fst e'); auto.

  Lemma eqke_trans : e e' e'', eqke e e' eqke e' e'' eqke e e''.
    unfold eqke; intuition; [ order | congruence ].

  Lemma ltk_trans : e e' e'', ltk e e' ltk e' e'' ltk e e''.
    intros; unfold ltk in *; auto; transitivity (fst e'); auto.

  Lemma ltk_not_eqk : e e', ltk e e' ¬ eqk e e'.
    unfold eqk, ltk; auto; intros; eapply lt_not_eq; eauto.

  Lemma ltk_not_eqke : e e', ltk e e' ¬eqke e e'.
    unfold eqke, ltk; intuition; simpl in *; subst.
    exact (lt_not_eq H H1).

  Hint Resolve eqk_trans eqke_trans eqk_refl eqke_refl.
  Hint Resolve ltk_trans ltk_not_eqk ltk_not_eqke.
  Hint Immediate eqk_sym eqke_sym.

  Lemma eqk_not_ltk : x x', eqk x x' ¬ltk x x'.
    unfold eqk, ltk; simpl; auto.
    intros; apply eq_not_lt; auto.

  Lemma ltk_eqk : e e' e'', ltk e e' eqk e' e'' ltk e e''.
    intros; unfold ltk, eqk in *; auto; order.

  Lemma eqk_ltk : e e' e'', eqk e e' ltk e' e'' ltk e e''.
      intros (k,e) (k',e') (k'',e'').
      unfold ltk, eqk; simpl; eauto; order.
  Hint Resolve eqk_not_ltk.
  Hint Immediate ltk_eqk eqk_ltk.

  Lemma InA_eqke_eqk :
      x m, InA eqke x m InA eqk x m.
    unfold eqke; induction 1; intuition.
  Hint Resolve InA_eqke_eqk.

  Definition MapsTo (k:key)(e:elt):= InA eqke (k,e).
  Definition In k m := e:elt, MapsTo k e m.
  Notation Sort := (sort ltk).
  Notation Inf := (lelistA ltk).

  Hint Unfold MapsTo In.

  Lemma In_alt : k l, In k l e, InA eqk (k,e) l.
     x; auto.
    induction H.
    destruct y.
     e; auto.
    destruct IHInA as [e H0].
     e; auto.

  Lemma MapsTo_eq : l x y e, x === y MapsTo x e l MapsTo y e l.
    intros; unfold MapsTo in *; apply InA_eqA with (x,e); teauto.

  Lemma In_eq : l x y, x === y In x l In y l.
    destruct 2 as (e,E); e; eapply MapsTo_eq; eauto.

  Lemma Inf_eq : l x x', eqk x x' Inf x' l Inf x l.
  Proof. apply InfA_eqA; teauto. Qed.

  Lemma Inf_lt : l x x', ltk x x' Inf x' l Inf x l.
  Proof. apply InfA_ltA; teauto. Qed.

  Hint Immediate Inf_eq.
  Hint Resolve Inf_lt.

  Lemma Sort_Inf_In :
       l p q, Sort l Inf q l InA eqk p l ltk q p.
    apply SortA_InfA_InA; teauto.

  Lemma Sort_Inf_NotIn :
       l k e, Sort l Inf (k,e) l ¬In k l.
    intros; red; intros.
    destruct H1 as [e' H2].
    elim (@ltk_not_eqk (k,e) (k,e')).
    eapply Sort_Inf_In; eauto.
    red; simpl; auto.

  Lemma Sort_NoDupA: l, Sort l NoDupA eqk l.
    apply SortA_NoDupA; teauto.

  Lemma Sort_In_cons_1 : e l e', Sort (e::l) InA eqk e' l ltk e e'.
   inversion 1; intros; eapply Sort_Inf_In; eauto.

  Lemma Sort_In_cons_2 : l e e', Sort (e::l) InA eqk e' (e::l)
      ltk e e' eqk e e'.
    inversion_clear 2; auto.
    left; apply Sort_In_cons_1 with l; auto.

  Lemma Sort_In_cons_3 :
     x l k e, Sort ((k,e)::l) In x l x =/= k.
    inversion_clear 1; red; intros.
    exact (Sort_Inf_NotIn H0 H1 (In_eq H2 H)).

  Lemma In_inv : k k' e l, In k ((k',e) :: l) k === k' In k l.
    inversion 1.
    inversion_clear H0; eauto.
    destruct H1; simpl in *; intuition.

  Lemma In_inv_2 : k k' e e' l,
      InA eqk (k, e) ((k', e') :: l) k =/= k' InA eqk (k, e) l.
   inversion_clear 1; unfold eqk in H0; simpl in H0; order.

  Lemma In_inv_3 : x x' l,
      InA eqke x (x' :: l) ¬eqk x x' InA eqke x l.
   inversion_clear 1; compute in H0; intuition.

End KeyOrderedType.
Hint Unfold eqk eqke ltk.
Hint Extern 2 (eqke ?a ?b) ⇒ split.
Hint Resolve eqk_trans eqke_trans eqk_refl eqke_refl.
Hint Resolve ltk_trans ltk_not_eqk ltk_not_eqke.
Hint Immediate eqk_sym eqke_sym.
Hint Resolve eqk_not_ltk.
Hint Immediate ltk_eqk eqk_ltk.
Hint Resolve InA_eqke_eqk.
Hint Unfold MapsTo In.
Hint Immediate Inf_eq.
Hint Resolve Inf_lt.
Hint Resolve Sort_Inf_NotIn.
Hint Resolve In_inv_2 In_inv_3.

Implicit Arguments eqk [[key] [elt] [key_OT]].
Implicit Arguments eqke [[key] [elt] [key_OT]].
Implicit Arguments ltk [[key] [elt] [key_OT]].
Implicit Arguments MapsTo [[key] [elt] [key_OT]].
Implicit Arguments In [[key] [elt] [key_OT]].
End KeyOrderedType.