Library Containers.SetList

Require Import OrderedTypeEx.
Require Import SetoidList.
Require Import Morphisms Program.Basics.

Generalizable All Variables.

This file corresponds to FSetList.v in the standard library and implements finite sets as ordered lists. The corresponding FSet and FSetSpecs instances are defined in the file SetListInstance.v.

Module SetList.
The type of sets of elements of type A is a list. It will be without duplicates, and ordered with respect to the comparison inferred by the typeclasses mechanism.
  Definition set (A : Type) `{OrderedType A} := list A.

  Section SetDefinitions.
    Variable elt : Type.
    Hypothesis (comparedec : OrderedType elt).

    Let t := (set elt).

    Definition empty : t := nil.
    Definition is_empty (s : t) : bool := if s then true else false.

    Fixpoint mem (x : elt) (s : t) {struct s} : bool :=
      match s with
        | nilfalse
        | y :: l
          match x =?= y with
            | Ltfalse
            | Eqtrue
            | Gtmem x l

    Fixpoint add (x : elt) (s : t) {struct s} : t :=
      match s with
        | nilx :: nil
        | y :: l
          match x =?= y with
            | Ltx :: s
            | Eqs
            | Gty :: add x l

    Definition singleton (x : elt) : t := x :: nil.

    Fixpoint remove (x : elt) (s : t) {struct s} : t :=
      match s with
        | nilnil
        | y :: l
          match x =?= y with
            | Lts
            | Eql
            | Gty :: remove x l

    Fixpoint union (s : t) : t t :=
      match s with
        | nilfun s's'
        | x :: l
          (fix union_aux (s' : t) : t :=
            match s' with
              | nils
              | x' :: l'
                match x =?= x' with
                  | Ltx :: union l s'
                  | Eqx :: union l l'
                  | Gtx' :: union_aux l'

    Fixpoint inter (s : t) : t t :=
      match s with
        | nilfun _nil
        | x :: l
          (fix inter_aux (s' : t) : t :=
            match s' with
              | nilnil
              | x' :: l'
                match x =?= x' with
                  | Ltinter l s'
                  | Eqx :: inter l l'
                  | Gtinter_aux l'

    Fixpoint diff (s : t) : t t :=
      match s with
        | nilfun _nil
        | x :: l
          (fix diff_aux (s' : t) : t :=
            match s' with
              | nils
              | x' :: l'
                match x =?= x' with
                  | Ltx :: diff l s'
                  | Eqdiff l l'
                  | Gtdiff_aux l'

    Fixpoint equal (s s' : t) : bool :=
      match s, s' with
        | nil, niltrue
        | x :: l, x' :: l'
          match x =?= x' with
            | Eqequal l l'
            | _false
        | _, _false

    Fixpoint subset (s s' : t) {struct s'} : bool :=
      match s, s' with
        | nil, _true
        | x :: l, x' :: l'
          match x =?= x' with
            | Ltfalse
            | Eqsubset l l'
            | Gtsubset s l'
        | _, _false

    Fixpoint fold {B : Type} (f : elt B B) (s : t) (i : B) : B :=
      match s with
        | nili
        | x :: lfold f l (f x i)

    Definition map_monotonic {B : Type} `{OrderedType B}
      (f : elt B) (s : t) : set B := f s.

    Fixpoint filter (f : elt bool) (s : t) {struct s} : t :=
      match s with
        | nilnil
        | x :: lif f x then x :: filter f l else filter f l

    Fixpoint for_all (f : elt bool) (s : t) {struct s} : bool :=
      match s with
        | niltrue
        | x :: lif f x then for_all f l else false

    Fixpoint exists_ (f : elt bool) (s : t) {struct s} : bool :=
      match s with
        | nilfalse
        | x :: lif f x then true else exists_ f l

    Fixpoint partition (f : elt bool) (s : t) {struct s} : t × t :=
      match s with
        | nil(nil, nil)
        | x :: l
          let (s1, s2) := partition f l in
            if f x then (x :: s1, s2) else (s1, x :: s2)

    Definition cardinal (s : t) : nat := length s.

    Definition elements (x : t) : list elt := x.

    Definition min_elt (s : t) : option elt :=
      match s with
        | nilNone
        | x :: _Some x

    Fixpoint max_elt (s : t) : option elt :=
      match s with
        | nilNone
        | x :: nilSome x
        | _ :: lmax_elt l

    Definition choose := min_elt.

    Notation In := (@InA elt _eq).
    Definition Equal s s' := a : elt, In a s In a s'.
    Definition Subset s s' := a : elt, In a s In a s'.
    Definition Empty s := a : elt, ¬ In a s.
    Definition For_all (P : elt Prop) s := x, In x s P x.
    Definition Exists (P : elt Prop) (s : t) := x, In x s P x.
  End SetDefinitions.

  Implicit Arguments empty [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments is_empty [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments mem [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments add [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments singleton [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments remove [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments union [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments inter [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments diff [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments equal [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments subset [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments map_monotonic [[elt] [comparedec] [B] [H]].
  Implicit Arguments fold [[elt] [comparedec] [B]].
  Implicit Arguments filter [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments for_all [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments exists_ [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments partition [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments cardinal [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments elements [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments min_elt [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments max_elt [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments choose [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments Equal [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments Subset [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments Empty [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments For_all [[elt] [comparedec]].
  Implicit Arguments Exists [[elt] [comparedec]].

  Definition map {A : Type} `{OrderedType A} {B : Type} `{OrderedType B}
    (f : A B) (s : set A) : set B :=
      fold (fun a sbadd (f a) sb) s empty.
  Implicit Arguments map [[A] [H] [B] [H0]].

Sets seen as a CompareDec (uses list_CompareDec, but in an opaque way)
  Definition set_eq `{OrderedType A} : relation (set A) := @list_eq A _eq.
  Definition set_Equivalence `{OrderedType A} : Equivalence set_eq
    := @list_Equivalence A _eq _.

  Definition set_lt `{OrderedType A} : relation (set A) := @list_lt A _lt _eq.
  Definition set_StrictOrder `{OrderedType A} : StrictOrder set_lt set_eq
    := @list_StrictOrder A _.

  Definition set_compare `{OrderedType A} : set A set A comparison
    := list_compare.
  Definition set_OrderedType `{OrderedType A} : OrderedType (set A) :=
    @list_OrderedType A _.
  Typeclasses Opaque set.

  Set Implicit Arguments.
  Unset Strict Implicit.
  Section SetSpecs.
    Variable A : Type.
    Hypothesis (comparedec : OrderedType A).

    Let elt := A.
    Let t := (set elt).

    Notation Sort := (@sort elt _lt).
    Notation Inf := (@lelistA elt _lt).
    Notation In := (@InA elt _eq).

    Hint Extern 2 (In ?x (?x::_)) ⇒ constructor; reflexivity.

    Section AboutSort.
      Lemma In_eq : l x y, x === y In x l In y l.
      Proof. apply InA_eqA; auto. Qed.
      Global Instance In_eq_m : Proper (_eq ==> (@eq (list A)) ==> iff) In.
        repeat intro; subst; split; apply In_eq; auto.

      Lemma ListIn_In : l x, List.In x l In x l.
      Proof. apply In_InA; auto. Qed.

      Lemma Inf_lt : l x y, x <<< y Inf y l Inf x l.
      Proof. apply InfA_ltA; auto. Qed.
      Global Instance Inf_lt_m :
        Proper (_lt --> (@eq (list A)) ==> impl) Inf.
        repeat intro; subst; apply Inf_lt with x; auto.

      Lemma Inf_eq : l x y, x === y Inf y l Inf x l.
      Proof. apply InfA_eqA; auto. Qed.
      Global Instance Inf_eq_m : Proper (_eq ++> (@eq (list A)) ==> iff) Inf.
        repeat intro; subst; split; apply Inf_eq; auto.

      Lemma Sort_Inf_In :
         {l x a}, Sort l Inf a l In x l a <<< x.
        apply SortA_InfA_InA; auto.
      Lemma ListIn_Inf :
         l x, ( y, List.In y l x <<< y) Inf x l.
      Proof. exact (@In_InfA A _lt). Qed.
      Lemma In_Inf : l x, ( y, In y l x <<< y) Inf x l.
      Proof. apply InA_InfA; auto. Qed.
      Lemma Inf_alt :
         l x, Sort l (Inf x l ( y, In y l x <<< y)).
        apply InfA_alt; auto.
    End AboutSort.

    Lemma mem_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x : elt), In x s mem x s = true.
      simple induction s; intros.
      inversion H.
      inversion_clear Hs.
      inversion_clear H0; simpl.
      rewrite (elim_compare_eq H3); trivial.
      rewrite elim_compare_gt; auto.
      apply (@Sort_Inf_In l); trivial.

    Lemma mem_2 : (s : t) (x : elt), mem x s = true In x s.
      simple induction s.
      intros; inversion H.
      intros a l Hrec x.
      destruct (compare_dec x a); intros; try discriminate; auto.

    Lemma add_Inf :
       (s : t) (x a : elt), Inf a s a <<< x Inf a (add x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition; inversion H0;
    Hint Resolve add_Inf.

    Lemma add_sort : (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x : elt), Sort (add x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition; inversion_clear Hs;

    Lemma add_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt), x === y In y (add x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); inversion_clear Hs; auto.
      constructor; transitivity x; auto.

    Lemma add_2 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt), In y s In y (add x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition.
      inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear H0; auto.

    Lemma add_3 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt),
        x =/= y In y (add x s) In y s.
      simple induction s.
      simpl; inversion_clear 3; auto; symmetry in H; contradiction.
      simpl; intros a l Hrec Hs x y; destruct (compare_dec x a); intros;
        inversion_clear H1; inversion_clear Hs; auto.
      symmetry in H0; contradiction.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with x; auto.

    Lemma remove_Inf :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x a : elt), Inf a s Inf a (remove x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition;
        inversion_clear H0; auto.
      inversion_clear Hs; apply Inf_lt with a; auto.
    Hint Resolve remove_Inf.

    Lemma remove_sort :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x : elt), Sort (remove x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition;
        inversion_clear Hs; auto.

    Lemma remove_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt), x === y ¬ In y (remove x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; red; intros; inversion H0.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition; inversion_clear Hs.
      inversion_clear H2.
      exact (lt_not_eq H1 (transitivity H0 H5)).
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H3 H4 H5).
      rewrite H0 in H1; apply lt_not_gt; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H3 H4 H2).
      rewrite H0 in H1; apply eq_not_gt; auto.
      inversion_clear H2.
      apply (gt_not_eq H1 (transitivity H0 H5)).
      apply (H H3 _ _ H0 H5).

    Lemma remove_2 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt),
        x =/= y In y s In y (remove x s).
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition; inversion_clear Hs;
        inversion_clear H1; auto.
      destruct H0; transitivity a; auto.

    Lemma remove_3 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt), In y (remove x s) In y s.
      simple induction s.
      simpl; intuition.
      simpl; intros a l Hrec Hs x y; destruct (compare_dec x a); intuition.
      inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear H0; auto.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with x; auto.

    Lemma singleton_sort : x : elt, Sort (singleton x).
      unfold singleton; simpl; auto.

    Lemma singleton_1 : x y : elt, In y (singleton x) x === y.
      unfold singleton; simpl; intuition.
      inversion_clear H; auto; inversion H0.

    Lemma singleton_2 : x y : elt, x === y In y (singleton x).
      unfold singleton; simpl; auto.

    Ltac DoubleInd :=
      simple induction s;
        [ simpl; auto; try solve [ intros; inversion H ]
          | intros x l Hrec; simple induction s';
            [ simpl; auto; try solve [ intros; inversion H ]
              | intros x' l' Hrec' Hs Hs'; inversion Hs; inversion Hs'; subst;
                simpl ] ].

    Lemma union_Inf :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (a : elt),
        Inf a s Inf a s' Inf a (union s s').
      intros i His His'; inversion_clear His; inversion_clear His'.
      destruct (compare x x'); auto.
    Hint Resolve union_Inf.

    Lemma union_sort :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s'), Sort (union s s').
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition; constructor; auto.
      apply Inf_eq with x'; trivial; apply union_Inf; trivial;
        apply Inf_eq with x; auto.
      change (Inf x' (union (x :: l) l')); auto.

    Lemma union_1 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x (union s s') In x s In x s'.
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition;
        inversion_clear H0; intuition.
      elim (Hrec (x' :: l') H1 Hs' x0); intuition.
      elim (Hrec l' H1 H5 x0); intuition.
      elim (H3 x0); intuition.

    Lemma union_2 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x s In x (union s s').
      intros i Hi; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition;
        inversion_clear Hi; auto.

    Lemma union_3 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x s' In x (union s s').
      intros i Hi; destruct (compare_dec x x'); inversion_clear Hi; intuition.
      constructor; transitivity x'; auto.

    Lemma inter_Inf :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (a : elt),
        Inf a s Inf a s' Inf a (inter s s').
      intros i His His'; inversion His; inversion His'; subst.
      destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.
      apply Inf_lt with x; auto.
      apply H4; auto.
      apply Inf_lt with x'; auto.
    Hint Resolve inter_Inf.

    Lemma inter_sort :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s'), Sort (inter s s').
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); auto.
      constructor; auto.
      apply Inf_eq with x'; trivial;
        apply inter_Inf; trivial; apply Inf_eq with x; auto.

    Lemma inter_1 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x (inter s s') In x s.
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with (x'::l'); auto.
      inversion_clear H0; auto.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with l'; auto.

    Lemma inter_2 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x (inter s s') In x s'.
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition; inversion_clear H0.
      constructor 1; transitivity x; auto.
      constructor 2; auto.

    Lemma inter_3 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x s In x s' In x (inter s s').
      intros i His His'; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.

      inversion_clear His; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In Hs' (cons_leA _ _ _ _ H) His').
      intro abs; rewrite H0 in abs; contradiction (lt_antirefl abs).

      inversion_clear His; auto; inversion_clear His'; auto.
      constructor; transitivity x'; auto.

      change (In i (inter (x :: l) l')).
      inversion_clear His'; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In Hs (cons_leA _ _ _ _ H) His).
      intro abs; rewrite H0 in abs; contradiction (lt_antirefl abs).

    Lemma diff_Inf :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (a : elt),
        Inf a s Inf a s' Inf a (diff s s').
      intros i His His'; inversion His; inversion His'.
      destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.
      apply Hrec; trivial.
      apply Inf_lt with x; auto.
      apply Inf_lt with x'; auto.
      apply H11; trivial.
      apply Inf_lt with x'; auto.
    Hint Resolve diff_Inf.

    Lemma diff_sort :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s'), Sort (diff s s').
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); auto.

    Lemma diff_1 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x (diff s s') In x s.
      DoubleInd; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.
      inversion_clear H0; auto.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with (x'::l'); auto.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with l'; auto.

    Lemma diff_2 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x (diff s s') ¬ In x s'.
      intros; intro Abs; inversion Abs.
      destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.

      inversion_clear H0.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In Hs' (cons_leA _ _ _ _ H) H4).
      intro abs; exact (gt_not_eq abs H7).
      apply Hrec with (x'::l') x0; auto.

      inversion_clear H4.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H1 H2 (diff_1 H1 H5 H0)).
      apply eq_not_lt; transitivity x'; auto.
      apply Hrec with l' x0; auto.

      inversion_clear H4.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In Hs (cons_leA _ _ _ _ H) (diff_1 Hs H5 H0)).
      apply eq_not_lt; auto.
      apply H3 with x0; auto.

    Lemma diff_3 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s') (x : elt),
        In x s ¬ In x s' In x (diff s s').
      intros i His His'; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition;
        inversion_clear His; auto.
      elim His'; constructor; transitivity x; auto.

    Lemma equal_1 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s'),
        Equal s s' equal s s' = true.
      simple induction s; unfold Equal.
      intro s'; case s'; auto.
      simpl; intuition.
      elim (H e); intros; assert (Z : In e nil);
        [apply H1; constructor; reflexivity | inversion Z].
      intros x l Hrec s'.
      case s'.
      intros; elim (H x); intros; assert (Z : In x nil);
        [apply H0; constructor; reflexivity | inversion Z].
      intros x' l' Hs Hs'; inversion Hs; inversion Hs'; subst.
      simpl; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intros; auto.

      elim (H0 x); intros.
      assert (Z : In x (x' :: l'));
        [apply H3; constructor; reflexivity | inversion_clear Z].
      contradiction (lt_not_eq H H7).
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H5 H6 H7); intro abs.
      contradiction (lt_not_gt abs H).

      apply Hrec; intuition; elim (H0 a); intros.
      assert (Z : In a (x' :: l')); auto; inversion_clear Z; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H1 H2 H3).
      rewrite H; intro abs; contradiction (gt_not_eq abs H8).
      assert (Z : In a (x :: l)); auto; inversion_clear Z; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H5 H6 H3).
      rewrite <- H; intro abs; contradiction (gt_not_eq abs H8).

      elim (H0 x'); intros.
      assert (Z : In x' (x :: l));
        [apply H4; constructor; reflexivity | inversion_clear Z].
      contradiction (gt_not_eq H (symmetry H7)).
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H1 H2 H7); intro abs.
      contradiction (lt_not_gt abs H).

    Lemma equal_2 : s s' : t, equal s s' = true Equal s s'.
      simple induction s; unfold Equal.
      intro s'; case s'; intros.
      simpl in H; discriminate H.
      intros x l Hrec s'.
      case s'.
      intros; simpl in H; discriminate.
      intros x' l'; simpl; destruct (compare_dec x x');
        intros; auto; try discriminate.
      elim (Hrec l' H0 a); intuition; inversion_clear H3; auto.
      constructor; transitivity x; auto.
      constructor; transitivity x'; auto.

    Lemma subset_1 :
       (s s' : t) (Hs : Sort s) (Hs' : Sort s'),
        Subset s s' subset s s' = true.
      intros s s'; generalize s' s; clear s s'.
      simple induction s'; unfold Subset.
      intro s; case s; auto.
      intros; elim (H e); intros; assert (Z : In e nil); auto; inversion Z.
      intros x' l' Hrec s; case s.
      simpl; auto.
      intros x l Hs Hs'; inversion Hs; inversion Hs'; subst.
      simpl; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intros; auto.

      assert (Z : In x (x' :: l')); auto; inversion_clear Z.
      contradiction (lt_not_eq H H3).
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H5 H6 H3).
      intro abs; contradiction (lt_not_gt H abs).

      apply Hrec; intuition.
      assert (Z : In a (x' :: l')); auto; inversion_clear Z; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H1 H2 H3).
      rewrite H; intro abs; contradiction (gt_not_eq abs H4).

      apply Hrec; intuition.
      assert (Z : In a (x' :: l')); auto; inversion_clear Z; auto.
      inversion_clear H3.
      contradiction (lt_antirefl (x:=a)); rewrite H4 at 1; rewrite H7; auto.
      generalize (Sort_Inf_In H1 H2 H7).
      rewrite H4; intro abs; contradiction (lt_not_gt H abs).

    Lemma subset_2 : s s' : t, subset s s' = true Subset s s'.
      intros s s'; generalize s' s; clear s s'.
      simple induction s'; unfold Subset.
      intro s; case s; auto.
      simpl; intros; discriminate H.
      intros x' l' Hrec s; case s.
      intros; inversion H0.
      intros x l; simpl; destruct (compare_dec x x'); intros; auto.
      inversion_clear H1.
      constructor; transitivity x; auto.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with l; auto.
      constructor 2; apply Hrec with (x::l); auto.

    Lemma empty_sort : Sort empty.
      unfold empty; constructor.

    Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
      unfold Empty, empty; intuition; inversion H.

    Lemma is_empty_1 : s : t, Empty s is_empty s = true.
      unfold Empty; intro s; case s; simpl; intuition.
      elim (H e); auto; constructor; reflexivity.

    Lemma is_empty_2 : s : t, is_empty s = true Empty s.
      unfold Empty; intro s; case s; simpl; intuition;
        inversion H0.

    Lemma elements_1 : (s : t) (x : elt), In x s In x (elements s).
      unfold elements; auto.

    Lemma elements_2 : (s : t) (x : elt), In x (elements s) In x s.
      unfold elements; auto.

    Lemma elements_3 : (s : t) (Hs : Sort s), Sort (elements s).
      unfold elements; auto.
    Lemma elements_3w : (s : t) (Hs : Sort s), NoDupA _eq (elements s).
      unfold elements; intros; apply SortA_NoDupA with _lt; auto.

    Lemma min_elt_1 : (s : t) (x : elt), min_elt s = Some x In x s.
      intro s; case s; simpl; intros; inversion H; auto.

    Lemma min_elt_2 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt),
        min_elt s = Some x In y s ¬ y <<< x.
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros; inversion H.
      intros a l; case l; intros; inversion H0; inversion_clear H1; subst.
      apply eq_not_lt; auto.
      inversion H2.
      apply eq_not_lt; auto.
      inversion_clear Hs.
      inversion_clear H3.
      generalize (H H1 e y (refl_equal (Some e)) H2).
      intros Hlt abs; apply Hlt; transitivity x; auto.

    Lemma min_elt_3 : s : t, min_elt s = None Empty s.
      unfold Empty; intro s; case s; simpl; intuition;
        inversion H; inversion H0.

    Lemma max_elt_1 : (s : t) (x : elt), max_elt s = Some x In x s.
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros; inversion H.
      intros x l; case l; simpl.
      inversion H0; auto.
      constructor 2; apply (H _ H0).

    Lemma max_elt_2 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x y : elt),
        max_elt s = Some x In y s ¬ x <<< y.
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros; inversion H.
      intros x l; case l; simpl.
      inversion H0; subst.
      inversion_clear H1.
      apply (gt_not_eq H2 H3).
      inversion H3.
      intros; inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear H3; inversion_clear H1.
      assert (In e (e::l0)) by auto.
      generalize (H H2 x0 e H0 H1).
      intros Hlt abs; apply Hlt; transitivity y; auto; rewrite H3; auto.
      exact (H H2 x0 y H0 H3).

    Lemma max_elt_3 : s : t, max_elt s = None Empty s.
      unfold Empty; simple induction s; simpl.
      red; intros; inversion H0.
      intros x l; case l; simpl; intros.
      inversion H0.
      elim (H H0 e); auto.

    Definition choose_1 :
       (s : t) (x : elt), choose s = Some x In x s := min_elt_1.

    Definition choose_2 : s : t, choose s = None Empty s := min_elt_3.

    Lemma choose_3: s s', Sort s Sort s' x x',
      choose s = Some x choose s' = Some x' Equal s s' x === x'.
      unfold choose, Equal; intros s s' Hs Hs' x x' Hx Hx' H.
      assert (¬x <<< x').
      apply min_elt_2 with s'; auto.
      rewrite <-H; auto using min_elt_1.
      assert (¬x' <<< x).
      apply min_elt_2 with s; auto.
      rewrite H; auto using min_elt_1.
      destruct (compare_dec x x'); intuition.

    Lemma fold_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (A : Type) (i : A) (f : elt A A),
        fold f s i = fold_left (fun a ef e a) (elements s) i.
      induction s.
      simpl; trivial.
      inversion_clear Hs.
      simpl; auto.

    Lemma cardinal_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s), cardinal s = length (elements s).

    Lemma filter_Inf :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x : elt) (f : elt bool),
        Inf x s Inf x (filter f s).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs a f Ha; inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear Ha.
      case (f x).
      constructor; auto.
      apply Hrec; auto.
      apply Inf_lt with x; auto.

    Lemma filter_sort :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (f : elt bool), Sort (filter f s).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs f; inversion_clear Hs.
      case (f x); auto.
      constructor; auto.
      apply filter_Inf; auto.

    Lemma filter_1 :
       (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt bool)
        `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f}, In x (filter f s) In x s.
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros; inversion H0.
      intros x l Hrec a f Hf.
      case (f x); simpl.
      inversion_clear 1.
      constructor; auto.
      constructor 2; apply (Hrec a f Hf); trivial.
      constructor 2; apply (Hrec a f Hf); trivial.

    Lemma filter_2 :
       (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt bool)
        `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        In x (filter f s) f x = true.
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros; inversion H0.
      intros x l Hrec a f Hf.
      generalize (Hf x); case (f x); simpl; auto.
      inversion_clear 2; auto.
      symmetry; auto.

    Lemma filter_3 :
       (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt bool)
        `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        In x s f x = true In x (filter f s).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros; inversion H0.
      intros x l Hrec a f Hf.
      generalize (Hf x); case (f x); simpl.
      inversion_clear 2; auto.
      inversion_clear 2; auto.
      rewrite <- (H a (symmetry H1)); intros; discriminate.

    Lemma for_all_1 :
       (s : t) (f : elt bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        For_all (fun xf x = true) s for_all f s = true.
      simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold For_all.
      intros x l Hrec f Hf.
      generalize (Hf x); case (f x); simpl.
      intros; rewrite (H x); auto; reflexivity.

    Lemma for_all_2 :
       (s : t) (f : elt bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        for_all f s = true For_all (fun xf x = true) s.
      simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold For_all.
      intros; inversion H1.
      intros x l Hrec f Hf.
      intros Z a; intros.
      assert (f x = true).
      generalize Z; case (f x); auto.
      rewrite H0 in Z; simpl in Z.
      inversion_clear H; auto.
      rewrite (Hf a x); auto.

    Lemma exists_1 :
       (s : t) (f : elt bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        Exists (fun xf x = true) s exists_ f s = true.
      simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold Exists.
      elim H0; intuition.
      inversion H2.
      intros x l Hrec f Hf.
      generalize (Hf x); case (f x); simpl.
      destruct 2 as [a (A1,A2)].
      inversion_clear A1.
      rewrite <- (H a (symmetry H0)) in A2; discriminate.
      apply Hrec; auto.
       a; auto.

    Lemma exists_2 :
       (s : t) (f : elt bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        exists_ f s = true Exists (fun xf x = true) s.
      simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold Exists.
      intros; discriminate.
      intros x l Hrec f Hf.
      case_eq (f x); intros.
       x; auto.
      destruct (Hrec f Hf H0) as [a (A1,A2)].
       a; auto.

    Lemma partition_Inf_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (f : elt bool) (x : elt),
        Inf x s Inf x (fst (partition f s)).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs f a Ha; inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear Ha.
      generalize (Hrec H f a).
      case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl.
      intros; apply H2; apply Inf_lt with x; auto.

    Lemma partition_Inf_2 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (f : elt bool) (x : elt),
        Inf x s Inf x (snd (partition f s)).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs f a Ha; inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear Ha.
      generalize (Hrec H f a).
      case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl.
      intros; apply H2; apply Inf_lt with x; auto.

    Lemma partition_sort_1 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (f : elt bool),
        Sort (fst (partition f s)).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs f; inversion_clear Hs.
      generalize (Hrec H f); generalize (partition_Inf_1 H f).
      case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl; auto.

    Lemma partition_sort_2 :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (f : elt bool),
        Sort (snd (partition f s)).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs f; inversion_clear Hs.
      generalize (Hrec H f); generalize (partition_Inf_2 H f).
      case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl; auto.

    Lemma partition_1 :
       (s : t) (f : elt bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        Equal (fst (partition f s)) (filter f s).
      simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold Equal.
      split; auto.
      intros x l Hrec f Hf.
      generalize (Hrec f Hf); clear Hrec.
      destruct partition as [s1 s2]; simpl; intros.
      case (f x); simpl; auto.
      split; inversion_clear 1; auto.
      constructor 2; generalize (proj1 (H a)); auto.
      constructor 2; generalize (proj2 (H a)); auto.

    Lemma partition_2 :
       (s : t) (f : elt bool) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f},
        Equal (snd (partition f s)) (filter (fun xnegb (f x)) s).
      simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold Equal.
      split; auto.
      intros x l Hrec f Hf.
      generalize (Hrec f Hf); clear Hrec.
      destruct partition as [s1 s2]; simpl; intros.
      case (f x); simpl; auto.
      split; inversion_clear 1; auto.
      constructor 2; generalize (proj1 (H a)); auto.
      constructor 2; generalize (proj2 (H a)); auto.

    Lemma map_monotonic_Inf `{OrderedType B} :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s) (x : elt)
        (f : elt B) `{Proper _ (_lt ==> _lt) f},
        Inf x s lelistA _lt (f x) (map_monotonic f s).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs a f Hf Ha; inversion_clear Hs; inversion_clear Ha.
      constructor; auto.

    Lemma map_monotonic_sort `{OrderedType B} :
       (s : t) (Hs : Sort s)
        (f : elt B) `{Proper _ (_lt ==> _lt) f},
        sort _lt (map_monotonic f s).
      simple induction s; simpl.
      intros x l Hrec Hs f Hf; inversion_clear Hs.
      constructor; auto.
      apply map_monotonic_Inf; auto.
  End SetSpecs.

  Definition In `{OrderedType A} (x : A) (s : set A) := InA _eq x s.
End SetList.

Module S := SetList.

Structure set (A : Type) `{OrderedType A}
  := Build_set {this :> list A; sorted : sort _lt this}.
Implicit Arguments this [[A] [H]].
Implicit Arguments Build_set [[A] [H] [this]].
Implicit Arguments sorted [[A] [H]].

Section SetDefinitions.
  Variable A : Type.
  Hypothesis (comparedec : OrderedType A).

  Let elt := A.
  Let t := set elt.

  Definition empty : t := Build_set (@S.empty_sort _ _).
  Definition is_empty (s : t) : bool := S.is_empty s.
  Definition mem (x : elt) (s : t) : bool := S.mem x s.
  Definition add (x : elt) (s : t) : t :=
    Build_set (S.add_sort (sorted s) x).
  Definition singleton (x : elt) : t :=
    Build_set (S.singleton_sort _ x).
  Definition remove (x : elt) (s : t) : t :=
    Build_set (S.remove_sort (sorted s) x).
  Definition union (s s' : t) : t :=
    Build_set (S.union_sort (sorted s) (sorted s')).
  Definition inter (s s' : t) : t :=
    Build_set (S.inter_sort (sorted s) (sorted s')).
  Definition diff (s s' : t) : t :=
    Build_set (S.diff_sort (sorted s) (sorted s')).

  Definition equal (s s' : t) : bool := S.equal s s'.
  Definition subset (s s' : t) : bool := S.subset s s'.

  Definition fold {B : Type} (f : elt B B) (s : t) : B B :=
    S.fold f s.
  Definition map_monotonic {B : Type} `{OrderedType B}
    (f : elt B) `{Mono : Proper _ (_lt ==> _lt) f} (s : t) : set B :=
      Build_set (S.map_monotonic_sort (sorted s)).

  Definition filter (f : elt bool) (s : t) : t :=
    Build_set (S.filter_sort (sorted s) f).
  Definition for_all (f : elt bool) (s : t) : bool := S.for_all f s.
  Definition exists_ (f : elt bool) (s : t) : bool := S.exists_ f s.
  Definition partition (f : elt bool) (s : t) : t × t :=
    let p := S.partition f s in
      (Build_set (this:=fst p) (S.partition_sort_1 (sorted s) f),
        Build_set (this:=snd p) (S.partition_sort_2 (sorted s) f)).

  Definition cardinal (s : t) : nat := S.cardinal s.
  Definition elements (x : t) : list elt := S.elements x.

  Definition min_elt (s : t) : option elt := S.min_elt s.
  Definition max_elt (s : t) : option elt := S.max_elt s.
  Definition choose := min_elt.
End SetDefinitions.

Implicit Arguments empty [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments is_empty [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments mem [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments add [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments singleton [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments remove [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments union [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments inter [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments diff [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments equal [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments subset [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments map_monotonic [[A] [comparedec] [B] [H] [Mono]].
Implicit Arguments fold [[A] [comparedec] [B]].
Implicit Arguments filter [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments for_all [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments exists_ [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments partition [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments cardinal [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments elements [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments min_elt [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments max_elt [[A] [comparedec]].
Implicit Arguments choose [[A] [comparedec]].

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Section Spec.
  Variable A : Type.
  Hypothesis (comparedec : OrderedType A).

  Let elt := A.
  Let t := (set elt).

  Variable s s' s'': t.
  Variable x y : elt.

  Definition In (x : elt) (s : t) : Prop := InA _eq x s.(this).
  Definition Equal (s s':t) : Prop := a : elt, In a s In a s'.
  Definition Subset (s s':t) : Prop := a : elt, In a s In a s'.
  Definition Empty (s:t) : Prop := a : elt, ¬ In a s.
  Definition For_all (P : elt Prop)(s:t) : Prop := x, In x s P x.
  Definition Exists (P : elt Prop)(s:t) : Prop := x, In x s P x.

  Lemma In_1 : x === y In x s In y s.
  Proof. exact (fun H H'S.In_eq H H'). Qed.

  Lemma mem_1 : In x s mem x s = true.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.mem_1 s.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma mem_2 : mem x s = true In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.mem_2 H). Qed.

  Lemma equal_1 : Equal s s' equal s s' = true.
  Proof. exact (S.equal_1 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted)). Qed.
  Lemma equal_2 : equal s s' = true Equal s s'.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.equal_2 H). Qed.

  Lemma subset_1 : Subset s s' subset s s' = true.
  Proof. exact (S.subset_1 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted)). Qed.
  Lemma subset_2 : subset s s' = true Subset s s'.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.subset_2 H). Qed.

  Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty.
  Proof. eapply S.empty_1. Qed.

  Lemma is_empty_1 : Empty s is_empty s = true.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.is_empty_1 H). Qed.
  Lemma is_empty_2 : is_empty s = true Empty s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.is_empty_2 H). Qed.

  Lemma add_1 : x === y In y (add x s).
  Proof. exact (fun HS.add_1 s.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma add_2 : In y s In y (add x s).
  Proof. exact (fun HS.add_2 s.(sorted) x H). Qed.
  Lemma add_3 : x =/= y In y (add x s) In y s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.add_3 s.(sorted) H). Qed.

  Lemma remove_1 : x === y ¬ In y (remove x s).
  Proof. exact (fun HS.remove_1 s.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma remove_2 : x =/= y In y s In y (remove x s).
  Proof. exact (fun H H'S.remove_2 s.(sorted) H H'). Qed.
  Lemma remove_3 : In y (remove x s) In y s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.remove_3 s.(sorted) H). Qed.

  Lemma singleton_1 : In y (singleton x) x === y.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.singleton_1 H). Qed.
  Lemma singleton_2 : x === y In y (singleton x).
  Proof. exact (fun HS.singleton_2 H). Qed.

  Lemma union_1 : In x (union s s') In x s In x s'.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.union_1 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma union_2 : In x s In x (union s s').
  Proof. exact (fun HS.union_2 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma union_3 : In x s' In x (union s s').
  Proof. exact (fun HS.union_3 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.

  Lemma inter_1 : In x (inter s s') In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.inter_1 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma inter_2 : In x (inter s s') In x s'.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.inter_2 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma inter_3 : In x s In x s' In x (inter s s').
  Proof. exact (fun HS.inter_3 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.

  Lemma diff_1 : In x (diff s s') In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.diff_1 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma diff_2 : In x (diff s s') ¬ In x s'.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.diff_2 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma diff_3 : In x s ¬ In x s' In x (diff s s').
  Proof. exact (fun HS.diff_3 s.(sorted) s'.(sorted) H). Qed.

  Lemma fold_1 : (A : Type) (i : A) (f : elt A A),
    fold f s i = fold_left (fun a ef e a) (elements s) i.
  Proof. exact (S.fold_1 s.(sorted)). Qed.

  Lemma cardinal_1 : cardinal s = length (elements s).
  Proof. exact (S.cardinal_1 s.(sorted)). Qed.

  Section Filter.

    Variable f : elt bool.
    Lemma filter_1 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      In x (filter f s) In x s.
    Proof. intros; eapply S.filter_1 with (f := f); auto. Qed.
    Lemma filter_2 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      In x (filter f s) f x = true.
    Proof. intros; eapply S.filter_2 with (s := s); auto. Qed.
    Lemma filter_3 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      In x s f x = true In x (filter f s).
    Proof. apply S.filter_3; auto. Qed.

    Lemma for_all_1 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      For_all (fun xf x = true) s for_all f s = true.
    Proof. apply S.for_all_1; auto. Qed.
    Lemma for_all_2 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      for_all f s = true For_all (fun xf x = true) s.
    Proof. apply S.for_all_2; auto. Qed.

    Lemma exists_1 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      Exists (fun xf x = true) s exists_ f s = true.
    Proof. apply S.exists_1; auto. Qed.
    Lemma exists_2 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      exists_ f s = true Exists (fun xf x = true) s.
    Proof. apply S.exists_2; auto. Qed.

    Lemma partition_1 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      Equal (fst (partition f s)) (filter f s).
    Proof. apply (@S.partition_1 _ _ s f); auto. Qed.
    Lemma partition_2 `{Proper _ (_eq ==> (@eq bool)) f} :
      Equal (snd (partition f s)) (filter (fun xnegb (f x)) s).
    Proof. apply (@S.partition_2 _ _ s f); auto. Qed.

  End Filter.

  Lemma elements_1 : In x s InA _eq x (elements s).
  Proof. exact (fun HS.elements_1 H). Qed.
  Lemma elements_2 : InA _eq x (elements s) In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.elements_2 H). Qed.
  Lemma elements_3 : sort _lt (elements s).
  Proof. exact (S.elements_3 s.(sorted)). Qed.
  Lemma elements_3w : NoDupA _eq (elements s).
  Proof. exact (S.elements_3w s.(sorted)). Qed.

  Lemma min_elt_1 : min_elt s = Some x In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.min_elt_1 H). Qed.
  Lemma min_elt_2 : min_elt s = Some x In y s ¬ y <<< x.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.min_elt_2 s.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma min_elt_3 : min_elt s = None Empty s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.min_elt_3 H). Qed.

  Lemma max_elt_1 : max_elt s = Some x In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.max_elt_1 H). Qed.
  Lemma max_elt_2 : max_elt s = Some x In y s ¬ x <<< y.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.max_elt_2 s.(sorted) H). Qed.
  Lemma max_elt_3 : max_elt s = None Empty s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.max_elt_3 H). Qed.

  Lemma choose_1 : choose s = Some x In x s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.choose_1 H). Qed.
  Lemma choose_2 : choose s = None Empty s.
  Proof. exact (fun HS.choose_2 H). Qed.
  Lemma choose_3 : choose s = Some x choose s' = Some y
    Equal s s' x === y.
  Proof. eapply S.choose_3; apply sorted. Qed.
End Spec.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

Require SetInterface.
Sets seen as an OrderedType with equality the pointwise equality Equal
Definition Equal_Equivalence `{OrderedType A} : Equivalence (@Equal A _) :=
  SetInterface.Equal_pw_Equivalence (set A) A (@In _ H).

Lemma Equal_set_eq `{HA : OrderedType A} :
   s s', Equal s s' S.set_eq s s'.
  intros [s Hs] [s' Hs']; simpl.
  unfold Equal, In; simpl; unfold SetList.set_eq.
  revert s' Hs Hs'; induction s; destruct s'; intros Hs Hs'; split; intro H.
  intro; split; intro abs; inversion abs.
  assert (abs : InA _eq a nil). rewrite H; constructor; auto. inversion abs.
  inversion H.
  assert (abs : InA _eq a nil). rewrite <-H; constructor; auto. inversion abs.
  inversion H.

  inversion Hs; inversion Hs'; subst.
  rewrite Inf_alt in H3 by auto; rewrite Inf_alt in H7 by auto.
  assert (Heq : a === a0).
  assert (Ha : InA _eq a (a0 :: s')). rewrite <- H; constructor; auto.
  assert (Ha' : InA _eq a0 (a :: s)). rewrite H; constructor; auto.
  inversion Ha; inversion Ha'; subst; auto.
  apply False_rec; apply (lt_not_gt (x:=a) (y:=a0)); auto.
  constructor; auto; rewrite <- IHs; auto.
  intro z; split; intro Hz.
  assert (Rz : InA _eq z (a0::s')). rewrite <- H; constructor 2; auto.
  inversion Rz; subst; auto;
    contradiction (lt_not_eq (H3 z Hz)); transitivity a0; auto.
  assert (Rz : InA _eq z (a::s)). rewrite H; constructor 2; auto.
  inversion Rz; subst; auto;
    contradiction (lt_not_eq (H7 z Hz)); transitivity a; auto.

  inversion H; subst; inversion Hs; inversion Hs'; subst.
  rewrite Inf_alt in H4 by auto; rewrite Inf_alt in H9 by auto.
  rewrite <- IHs in H5 by auto.
  intro z; split; intro Hz; inversion Hz; subst.
  constructor; transitivity a; auto.
  constructor 2; rewrite <- H5; auto.
  constructor; transitivity a0; auto.
  constructor 2; rewrite H5; auto.

Definition set_lt `{OrderedType A} : relation (set A) := S.set_lt.
Program Definition set_StrictOrder `{OrderedType A} :
  @StrictOrder _ set_lt (@Equal A _) Equal_Equivalence :=
  Build_StrictOrder _ _ _ _ _ _.
Next Obligation.
  intros x y z H1 H2. unfold set_lt, S.set_lt in ×.
  now transitivity y.
Next Obligation.
  change (¬Equal x y); rewrite Equal_set_eq.
  apply lt_not_eq; auto.

Definition set_compare `{OrderedType A} : set A set A comparison :=

Program Instance set_OrderedType `{OrderedType A} :
  SpecificOrderedType (set A) (@Equal A _) := {
    SOT_Equivalence := Equal_Equivalence;
    SOT_lt := set_lt;
    SOT_StrictOrder := set_StrictOrder;
    SOT_cmp := set_compare
Next Obligation.
  change (compare_spec (@Equal _ _) set_lt x y ((this x) =?= (this y))).
  destruct (compare_dec (this x) (this y)); constructor; auto.
  rewrite Equal_set_eq; auto.