Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Lia List.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.calculus concon.conservativity_constants
  unification.higher_order_unification unification.systemunification
Import ListNotations.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Hint Rewrite @consts_Lam @consts_AppL @consts_AppR : simplify.

(* ** Inhabiting Types *)
Section InhabitingTypes.

  Variable (X: Const).
  Implicit Types (s t: exp X) (Gamma Delta: ctx) (sigma tau: fin -> exp X).

  Definition inhab (x: fin) (A: type) := Lambda (arity A) (@var X (arity A + x)).

  Lemma inhab_ren delta x A: ren delta (inhab x A) = inhab (delta x) A.
    unfold inhab. asimpl. f_equal. f_equal.
    rewrite it_up_ren_ge; simplify; eauto.

  Lemma inhab_typing Delta x A:
    nth Delta x = Some (target A) -> Delta ⊢(1) inhab x A : A.
    intros H2. unfold inhab.
    destruct (type_decompose A) as (L & beta & ->); simplify in H2; cbn in H2.
    specialize (arity_decomposed L beta) as H3.
    rewrite H3. eapply Lambda_ordertyping; eauto.
    econstructor; cbn; eauto.
    rewrite nth_error_app2; simplify; eauto; lia.

  Lemma inhab_typing_inv Gamma x A:
    Gamma ⊢(1) inhab x A : A -> nth Gamma x = Some (target A).
    intros H; unfold inhab in H.
    eapply Lambda_ordertyping_inv in H as (L & B & ? & ? & ?); subst.
    inv H. rewrite <-H1 in H3.
    rewrite nth_error_app2 in H3; simplify in *; eauto.
    destruct B; cbn in H1; try lia. now rewrite H3.

  Lemma inhab_app Gamma Delta x A:
      Gamma ⊢(1) inhab x A : A -> Delta ++ Gamma ⊢(1) inhab (length Delta + x) A : A.
    intros H % inhab_typing_inv. eapply inhab_typing.
    rewrite nth_error_app2; simplify; eauto.

  Lemma inhab_typing' Gamma x A:
    nth Gamma x = Some A -> target' Gamma ⊢(1) inhab x A : A.
    intros H; eapply inhab_typing.
    unfold target'; erewrite map_nth_error; now eauto.

  Lemma consts_inhab x A: consts (inhab x A) === nil.
    unfold inhab; rewrite consts_Lam; reflexivity.

  Lemma normal_inhab x A: normal (inhab x A).
    unfold inhab. generalize (arity A + x) as k.
    induction (arity A); cbn; eauto using normal_lam_intro.

End InhabitingTypes.

#[export] Hint Resolve inhab_app inhab_typing inhab_typing' ord_target' : core.

(* ** Conservativity *)
Section Conservativity.
  Variable (X: Const).

  Section DowncastLemmas.

    Implicit Types (s t: exp X) (Gamma: ctx) (A: type).
    Variable (n: nat).
    Hypothesis (Leq: 1 <= n).

    Lemma downcast_variables Gamma s t Delta sigma:
      Delta sigma : Gamma -> sigma s sigma t ->
      exists Sigma tau, Sigma tau : Gamma /\ tau s tau t /\ ord' Sigma <= 1.
      pose (tau x := match nth Delta x with
                  | Some A => inhab X x A
                  | None => var x
      exists (target' Delta). exists (sigma >> subst_exp tau). split; [|split].
      - intros ???; eapply preservation_under_substitution; eauto.
        unfold tau; intros ?? EQ; rewrite EQ.
        eauto using ordertyping_soundness.
      - erewrite <-compSubstSubst_exp; eauto. symmetry.
        erewrite <-compSubstSubst_exp; eauto. symmetry.
        now rewrite H0.
      - eauto.

    Lemma downcast_constants_ordered m Gamma s t Delta sigma:
      1 <= m -> Delta ⊩(m) sigma : Gamma -> sigma s sigma t ->
      exists Sigma tau, Delta ++ Sigma ⊩(m) tau : Gamma /\ tau s tau t /\
      ord' Sigma <= 1 /\ (forall x c, c consts (tau x) -> c Consts [s; t]).
      intros L' T EQ.
      pose (C0 := Consts [s; t]).
      pose (C := Consts (map sigma (nats (length Gamma)))).
      pose (zeta c := match find c C0 with
                  | Some n => const c
                  | None =>
                    match find c C with
                    | Some x => inhab X (length Delta + x) (ctype X c)
                    | None => var 0
      exists (target' (map (ctype X) C)). exists (sigma >> subst_consts zeta). intuition.
      - intros ???. eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts.
        now eapply weakening_ordertyping_app, T.
        intros c H1. unfold zeta.
        destruct (find c C0); eauto.
        + econstructor; eapply typing_constants; eauto.
        + eapply Consts_consts
            with (S := (map sigma (nats (length Gamma)))) in H1 as H2.
          unfold C; eapply find_in in H2 as [y H2]. rewrite H2.
          eapply ordertyping_monotone, inhab_app, inhab_typing'; eauto.
          erewrite map_nth_error; eauto. now eapply find_Some.
          eapply in_map, lt_nats, nth_error_Some_lt; eauto.
      - rewrite !subst_const_comm_id. now rewrite EQ.
        all: eapply subst_consts_ident; intros x;
          rewrite Consts_consts with (S := [s; t]); intuition.
        all: now unfold zeta, C0; eapply find_in in H as [? ->].
      - eapply consts_in_subst_consts in H as [d []].
        unfold zeta in *. destruct find eqn: H1.
        + cbn in H0; intuition; subst.
          eapply find_Some, nth_error_In in H1; exact H1.
        + destruct (find d C) eqn: H2.
          all: rewrite ?consts_inhab in H0; cbn in H0; intuition.

    Lemma downcast_constants Gamma s t Delta sigma:
      Delta sigma : Gamma -> sigma s sigma t ->
      exists Sigma tau, Delta ++ Sigma tau : Gamma /\ tau s tau t /\
      ord' Sigma <= 1 /\ (forall x c, c consts (tau x) -> c Consts [s; t]).
    Proof using n Leq.
      intros [m H] % ordertypingSubst_complete EQ.
      eapply ordertypingSubst_monotone with (m0 := S m) in H; eauto.
      eapply downcast_constants_ordered in H as (Sigma & tau & ?); [|lia|eauto].
      exists Sigma; exists tau; intuition. eapply ordertypingSubst_soundness; eauto.

    Lemma ordertyping_from_basetyping Sigma u B:
      (forall c, c consts u -> ord (ctype X c) <= S n) ->
      Sigma u : B -> normal u -> ord B <= S n -> ord' Sigma <= n ->
      Sigma ⊢(n) u : B.
      induction 2; [eauto|eauto| |].
      - simplify; intros; econstructor; eapply IHtyping; intuition.
        eauto using normal_lam_elim. cbn; simplify; intuition.
      - intros; enough (ord A <= n).
        + econstructor; [eapply IHtyping1 | eapply IHtyping2].
          1, 5: intros; eapply H; cbn; intuition.
          1, 4: eauto using normal_app_r, normal_app_l.
          2, 4: eauto.
          1, 2: simplify; eauto; intuition.
        + eapply head_atom in H0; eauto; cbn in H0.
          destruct (head_decompose s) as [T].
          rewrite H3 in H0_.
          eapply AppR_typing_inv in H0_ as (? & ? & ?).
          enough (ord (Arr (rev x) (A B)) <= S n)
            as H6 by (simplify in H6; intuition).
          destruct (head s); cbn in H0; eauto.
          all: inv H5.
          eapply ord'_elements in H2; eauto.
          eapply H; cbn; simplify; cbn; intuition.

  Lemma ordertyping_weak_ordertyping Gamma Delta sigma (s t: exp X):
    (forall x A, nth Gamma x = Some A -> x vars s ++ vars t -> Delta ⊢(n) sigma x : A) -> sigma s sigma t ->
    (exists Sigma tau, Sigma ⊩(n) tau : Gamma /\ tau s tau t).
  Proof using Leq.
    intros T EQ.
    pose (tau x := if x el (vars s ++ vars t)
                then sigma x
                else match nth Gamma x with
                      | Some A => inhab X (length Delta + x) A
                      | None => var x
    exists (Delta ++ target' Gamma). exists tau. split.
    - intros x B H'. unfold tau. rewrite H'; destruct dec_in.
      eapply weakening_ordertyping_app, T; eauto.
      eapply ordertyping_monotone; eauto.
    - rewrite !(subst_extensional) with (sigma0 := tau) (tau0 := sigma); eauto.
      all: intros; unfold tau; destruct dec_in; eauto; simplify in *.
      all: exfalso; eauto.

  Lemma unification_downcast sigma Gamma s t Delta A:
    Delta sigma : Gamma -> Gamma ⊢(n) s : A -> Gamma ⊢(n) t : A -> sigma s sigma t ->
    exists Sigma tau, Sigma ⊩(n) tau : Gamma /\ tau s tau t.
  Proof using Leq.
    intros T T1 T2 H.
    pose (P x := x vars s ++ vars t).
    edestruct (downcast_variables) as (Sigma' & tau' & T' & H' & O');
      eauto; clear T H sigma Delta.
    edestruct (downcast_constants) as (Sigma'' & tau'' & T'' & H'' & O'' & C'');
      eauto; clear T' H' tau'.
    edestruct (normalise_subst) as (tau''' & R & H & T); eauto.
    eapply ordertyping_weak_ordertyping with (sigma := tau''').
    - intros. eapply ordertyping_from_basetyping.
      + intros ?; erewrite consts_subset_steps; eauto.
        intros H2 % C''; cbn in H2; simplify in H2.
        destruct H2; eapply typing_constants; [|eauto| |eauto]; eauto.
      + eauto.
      + domin H0; eauto.
      + simplify in H1; destruct H1; eapply vars_ordertyping_nth; eauto.
      + simplify; rewrite O', O''; cbn; eauto.
    - rewrite !subst_pointwise_equiv with (sigma := tau''') (tau := tau''); eauto.

  Lemma linearize_consts (S: list (exp X)):
    consts (linearize_terms S) === Consts S.
    unfold linearize_terms. cbn; simplify.
    split; unfold Consts; intros ? [x] % in_flat_map; eapply in_flat_map.
    all: intuition; try mapinj. eexists; intuition; eauto.
    now rewrite consts_ren in H1.
    exists (ren shift x); intuition. now rewrite consts_ren.

  Lemma unification_downcast_eqs sigma Delta (E: eqs X) Gamma L:
    (Gamma ⊢₊₊(n) E : L) ->
    (Delta sigma : Gamma) -> (sigma •₊ left_side E) ≡₊ (sigma •₊ right_side E) ->
    exists Sigma tau, Sigma ⊩(n) tau : Gamma /\ (tau •₊ left_side E) ≡₊ (tau •₊ right_side E).
  Proof using Leq.
    intros T1 T2 H.
    pose (P x := x Vars' E). pose (s := linearize_terms (left_side E)).
    pose (t := linearize_terms (right_side E)).
    edestruct (downcast_variables) with (s := s) (t := t) as (Sigma' & tau' & T' & H' & O'); eauto.
    1: unfold s, t; now rewrite !linearize_terms_subst, linearize_terms_equiv.
    clear T2 H sigma Delta.
    edestruct (downcast_constants) with (s := s) (t := t)
      as (Sigma'' & tau'' & T'' & H'' & O'' & C''); eauto; clear T' H' tau'.
    edestruct (normalise_subst) as (tau''' & R & H & T); eauto.
    edestruct ordertyping_weak_ordertyping with (s := s) (t := t) (sigma := tau''').
    - intros. eapply ordertyping_from_basetyping.
      + intros ?; erewrite consts_subset_steps; eauto.
        intros H2 % C''. cbn [Consts flat_map] in H2.
        simplify in H2. unfold s, t in H2.
        rewrite !linearize_consts in H2.
        destruct H2; eapply typing_Consts.
        eapply left_ordertyping; eauto. eauto.
        eapply right_ordertyping; eauto. eauto.
      + eauto.
      + domin H0; eauto.
      + simplify in H1. unfold s, t in H1; rewrite !linearize_vars in H1.
        destruct H1 as [H1|H1]; eapply Vars_listordertyping in H1.
        2, 4: eauto using left_ordertyping, right_ordertyping.
        all: destruct H1 as [? [H1 H2]]; rewrite H0 in H1;
          injection H1 as ->; eauto.
      + simplify; rewrite O', O''; cbn; eauto.
    - rewrite !subst_pointwise_equiv with (sigma := tau''') (tau := tau''); eauto.
    - destruct H0 as [tau]. exists x. exists tau. destruct H0; split; eauto.
      unfold s, t in H1; now rewrite <-linearize_terms_equiv, <-!linearize_terms_subst.

  End DowncastLemmas.

  Program Instance unification_monotone {n} (D: orduni n X): orduni (S n) X :=
    { Gamma₀ := Gamma₀; s₀ := s₀ ; t₀ := t₀; A₀ := A₀; }.

  Lemma unification_monotone_forward n (I: orduni n X):
    OU n X I -> OU (S n) X (unification_monotone I).
    intros (Delta & sigma & T & H). exists Delta; exists sigma. intuition.
    eapply ordertypingSubst_monotone; eauto.

  Lemma unification_monotone_backward n (I: orduni n X):
    1 <= n -> OU (S n) X (unification_monotone I) -> OU n X I.
    intros Leq (Delta & sigma & T & H).
    unfold OU. eapply unification_downcast; eauto.
    intros ???; eapply ordertyping_soundness; eauto.

  Program Instance unification_conservative {n} (D: orduni n X): uni X :=
    { Gamma := Gamma₀; s := s₀ ; t := t₀; A := A₀; }.
  Next Obligation.
    eapply ordertyping_soundness; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    eapply ordertyping_soundness; eauto.

  Lemma unification_conservative_forward n (I: orduni n X):
    OU n X I -> U X (unification_conservative I).
    intros (Delta & sigma & T & H). exists Delta; exists sigma. intuition.
    eapply ordertypingSubst_soundness; eauto.

  Lemma unification_conservative_backward n (I: orduni n X):
    1 <= n -> U X (unification_conservative I) -> OU n X I.
    intros Leq (Delta & sigma & T & H).
    unfold OU. eapply unification_downcast; eauto.

  Program Instance SU_monotone {n} (I: ordsysuni X n): ordsysuni X (S n) :=
    { Gamma₀' := @Gamma₀' _ _ I; E₀' := @E₀' _ _ I ; L₀' := @L₀' _ _ I; }.
  Next Obligation.
    eapply eqs_ordertyping_step, @H₀'.

  Lemma SU_monotone_forward n (I: ordsysuni X n):
    SOU X n I -> SOU X (S n) (SU_monotone I).
    intros (Delta & sigma & T & H). exists Delta; exists sigma. intuition.
    eapply ordertypingSubst_monotone; eauto.

  Lemma SU_monotone_backward n (I: ordsysuni X n):
    1 <= n -> SOU X (S n) (SU_monotone I) -> SOU X n I.
    intros Leq (Delta & sigma & T & H).
    unfold OU.
    edestruct unification_downcast_eqs as (Sigma & tau & H1); eauto using equiv_pointwise_eqs, @H₀'.
    intros ???; eapply ordertyping_soundness; eauto.
    exists Sigma, tau; intuition; eauto using equiv_eqs_pointwise.

  Program Instance SU_conservative {n} (I: ordsysuni X n): sysuni X :=
    { Gammaᵤ' := @Gamma₀' _ _ I; Eᵤ' := @E₀' _ _ I ; Lᵤ' := @L₀' _ _ I; }.
  Next Obligation.
    eapply eqs_ordertyping_soundness, H₀'.

  Lemma SU_conservative_forward n (I: ordsysuni X n):
    SOU X n I -> SU X (SU_conservative I).
    intros (Delta & sigma & T & H). exists Delta; exists sigma. intuition.
    eapply ordertypingSubst_soundness; eauto.

  Lemma SU_conservative_backward n (I: ordsysuni X n):
    1 <= n -> SU X (SU_conservative I) -> SOU X n I.
    intros Leq (Delta & sigma & T & H).
    edestruct unification_downcast_eqs as (Sigma & tau & H1); eauto using equiv_pointwise_eqs, @H₀'.
    exists Sigma, tau; intuition; eauto using equiv_eqs_pointwise.

  Theorem unification_step n: 1 <= n -> OU n X OU (S n) X.
    intros H; exists unification_monotone; split;
      eauto using unification_monotone_forward, unification_monotone_backward.

  Theorem unification_steps n m: 1 <= n <= m -> OU n X OU m X.
    intros [H1 H2]; induction H2; eauto using unification_step, Arith.Le.le_trans.

  Theorem unification_conserve n: 1 <= n -> OU n X U X.
    intros H; exists unification_conservative; split;
      eauto using unification_conservative_forward, unification_conservative_backward.

  Theorem systemunification_step n: 1 <= n -> @SOU X n @SOU X (S n).
    intros H; exists SU_monotone; split;
      eauto using SU_monotone_forward, SU_monotone_backward.

  Theorem systemunification_steps n m: 1 <= n <= m -> @SOU X n @SOU X m.
    intros [H1 H2]; induction H2; eauto using systemunification_step, Arith.Le.le_trans.

  Theorem systemunification_conserve n: 1 <= n -> @SOU X n @SU X.
    intros H; exists SU_conservative; split;
      eauto using SU_conservative_forward, SU_conservative_backward.

End Conservativity.