    Andrej Dudenhefner (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

  Reduction from:
    Diophantine Constraint Solvability (H10C_SAT)
    System F Inhabitation (SysF_INH)

  Related Work:
  1 Andrej Dudenhefner and Jakob Rehof. 
      "A Simpler Undecidability Proof for System F Inhabitation." 
      24th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2018). 
      Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2019.

Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.syntax.
From Undecidability.SystemF.Util Require Import Facts poly_type_facts term_facts typing_facts iipc2_facts sn_facts.

Require Import Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints.H10C.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Local Arguments nth_error_In {A l n x}.
Local Arguments In_nth_error {A l x}.
Local Arguments Forall_inv {A P a l}.
Local Arguments Forall_inv_tail {A P a l}.

(* Facts on types of shape ∀ .. ∀ s1 -> .. sn -> x where x is free *)
Module SafePolyType.
(* s1 -> .. sn -> x where n <= x *)
Local Fixpoint is_safe_poly_arr (n: nat) (t: poly_type) :=
  match t with
  | poly_var x => n <= x
  | poly_arr _ t => is_safe_poly_arr n t
  | poly_abs _ => False

(* ∀ .. ∀ s1 -> .. sn -> x where x is free *)
Fixpoint is_safe_poly_type (n: nat) (t: poly_type) :=
  if t is poly_abs t then is_safe_poly_type (1+n) t else is_safe_poly_arr n t.

(* ∀ .. ∀ s1 -> .. sn -> x where x is free *)
Definition safe_poly_type (n: nat) (ts: list poly_type) (x: nat) :=
  many_poly_abs n (many_poly_arr ts (poly_var (n + x))).

Lemma safe_poly_type_eqE {n n' ts ts' x x'} : safe_poly_type n ts x = safe_poly_type n' ts' x' ->
  n = n' /\ ts = ts' /\ x = x'.
  elim: n n' x x'.
  - move=> [|?]; last by case: ts.
    move=> x x'. elim: ts ts'.
    + case; last done. by move=> [].
    + move=> ? ? IH. case; first done.
      by move=> ? ? [] <- /IH [_] [<-] <-.
  - move=> n IH [|n']; first by case: (ts'). move=> x x' [].
    have -> : S (n + x) = n + (S x) by lia. have -> : S (n' + x') = n' + (S x') by lia.
    by move=> /IH [->] [->] [->].

Lemma is_safe_poly_arrE {i t} : is_safe_poly_arr i t ->
  exists (ts : list poly_type) (x : nat), t = (many_poly_arr ts (poly_var (i+x))).
  elim: t.
  - move=> /= x *. exists [], (x-i). congr poly_var. by lia.
  - move=> s _ ? IH /= /IH [ts] [x] ->. by exists (s :: ts), x.
  - done.

Lemma is_safe_poly_typeE {i t} : is_safe_poly_type i t ->
  exists (n : nat) (ts : list poly_type) (x : nat),
    t = many_poly_abs n (many_poly_arr ts (poly_var (n + (i + x)))).
  elim: t i.
  - move=> /= x i *. exists 0, [], (x-i). congr poly_var. by lia.
  - move=> s _ t _ ? /= /is_safe_poly_arrE [ts] [x] ->.
    by exists 0, (s :: ts), x.
  - move=> ? IH i /IH [n] [ts] [x] ->. exists (1+n), ts, x.
    move=> /=. do 4 f_equal. by lia.

Lemma typing_safe_poly_typeE {Gamma P n ss x As y} :
  typing Gamma P (many_poly_abs n (many_poly_arr ss (poly_var (n+x)))) ->
  typing Gamma (many_argument_app P As) (poly_var y) ->
  exists (ts : list poly_type) (Qs : list term),
    x = y /\
    As = (map argument_poly_type ts) ++ (map argument_term Qs) /\
    n = length ts /\
    length ss = length Qs.
  elim: n P ss x As.
  - move=> P ss x As /=. elim: ss P As.
    + move=> P [| [?|?] ?].
      * move=> /typing_functional H /H [] ->. by exists [], [].
      * move=> /= + /typing_many_argument_subterm [?] /typingE [?].
        by move=> /typing_functional H [/H].
      * move=> /= + /typing_many_argument_subterm [?] /typingE [?].
        by move=> /typing_functional H [_ /H].
    + move=> s ss IH P [| [Q|?] ?] /=.
      * by move=> /typing_functional H /H.
      * move=> + /copy [/IH {}IH].
        move=> + /typing_many_argument_subterm [?] /copy [/typingE [?]].
        move=> /typing_functional H [/H{H} [<-]] <- ? /IH.
        move=> [[| ? ?]] [Qs] [<-] [->] [?] ->; last done. by exists [], (Q :: Qs).
      * move=> + /typing_many_argument_subterm [?] /typingE [?].
        by move=> /typing_functional H [_ /H].
  - move=> n IH P ss x [|A As] /=.
    + by move=> /typing_functional H /H.
    + move: A => [? | s].
      * move=> + /typing_many_argument_subterm [?] /typingE [?].
        by move=> /typing_functional H [/H].
      * move=> /typing_ty_app => /(_ s). rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs subst_poly_type_many_poly_arr /=.
        have ->: S (n + x) = n + S x by lia. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type.
        move=> /IH {}IH /IH. move=> [ts] [Qs] [<-] [->] [->].
        rewrite map_length. move=> ->. by exists (s :: ts), Qs.

(* if one can type a normal form P by a type variable in a safe environment, then 
  the shape of P is many_app (many_ty_app (var y) ts) Qs *)

Lemma typing_is_safe_environment {Gamma P x} : normal_form P -> typing Gamma P (poly_var x) ->
  Forall (is_safe_poly_type 0) Gamma ->
  exists ss y ts Qs,
    P = many_app (many_ty_app (var y) ts) Qs /\
    nth_error Gamma y = Some (safe_poly_type (length ts) ss x) /\
    Forall2 (typing Gamma) Qs (map (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var (rev ts))) ss).
  case; [ | by move=> > _ /typingE [?] [] | by move=> > _ /typingE [?] []].
  move=> {}P /many_argument_appI [y] [As] [-> _].
  move=> /copy [/typing_many_argument_subterm [?]]. move=> /copy [/typingE].
  move=> + + + /Forall_forall H => /nth_error_In /H{H} /is_safe_poly_typeE.
  move=> [n] [ss] [z] -> Hy HyAs. exists ss, y.
  move: (Hy) (HyAs) => /typing_safe_poly_typeE H /H{H}.
  move=> [ts] [Qs] [?] [?] [? ?]. exists ts, Qs. subst x As.
  subst n. constructor; [|constructor].
  - by rewrite many_argument_app_app many_argument_app_map_argument_poly_type many_argument_app_map_argument_term.
  - by move: Hy => /typingE.
  - move: Hy => /typing_many_ty_appI => /(_ ts ltac:(lia)).
    move: HyAs. rewrite many_argument_app_app many_argument_app_map_argument_poly_type.
    move: (many_ty_app (var y) _) => {}P.
    rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_arr many_argument_app_map_argument_term.
    move=> /typing_many_app_arguments H /H. apply. by rewrite map_length.

Corollary iipc2_is_safe_environment {Gamma x} : iipc2 Gamma (poly_var x) -> Forall (is_safe_poly_type 0) Gamma ->
  exists ss ts,
    In (safe_poly_type (length ts) ss x) Gamma /\
    Forall (iipc2 Gamma) (map (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var (rev ts))) ss).
  move=> [P] /typing_normal_form [{}P] [/typing_is_safe_environment H] /H {}H /H.
  move=> [ss] [?] [ts] [?] [_] [/nth_error_In ?] /Forall2_typing_Forall_iipc2 ?.
  by exists ss, ts.

Lemma last_poly_var_safe_poly_type {t n ss x} : t = safe_poly_type n ss x -> last_poly_var t = Some x.
  move=> ->. elim: n ss x.
  - move=> + x. by elim.
  - move=> n /= + ss x. have ->: S (n + x) = n + S x by lia. by move=> ->.

Lemma parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type {n ss x}:
  parameters_poly_arr (safe_poly_type n ss x) = if n is 0 then ss else [].
  case: n; last done.
  elim: ss; first done. by move=> /= ? ? ->.

Lemma safe_poly_typeP {n ss x} : is_safe_poly_type 0 (safe_poly_type n ss x).
  have ->: x = 0 + x by lia. move: (0) => k. elim: n k.
  - move=> k. elim: ss; [move=> /=; by lia | by move=> /= ? [|? ?]].
  - move=> n IH k /=. have ->: S (n + (k + x)) = n + ((S k) + x) by lia.
    by apply: IH.
End SafePolyType.

Module Argument.
Import SafePolyType.

Section H10C_SAT_to_SysF_INH.

Variable h10cs : list h10c. (* instance of the Diophantine constraint problem *)

Fixpoint variable_bound (h10cs : list h10c) : nat :=
  match h10cs with
  | [] => 0
  | (h10c_one x) :: h10cs => 1 + x + variable_bound h10cs
  | (h10c_plus x y z) :: h10cs => 1 + x + y + z + variable_bound h10cs
  | (h10c_mult x y z) :: h10cs => 1 + x + y + z + variable_bound h10cs

Definition δ := variable_bound h10cs. (* fresh variable offset *)

(* δ is an upper bound on Diophantine variables *)
Lemma δP :
  Forall (fun c =>
    match c with
    | (h10c_one x) => x < δ
    | (h10c_plus x y z) => x < δ /\ y < δ /\ z < δ
    | (h10c_mult x y z) => x < δ /\ y < δ /\ z < δ
    end) h10cs.
  rewrite /δ. elim: (h10cs); first by constructor.
  move=> c cs IH. constructor.
  - case: c => /= *; by lia.
  - apply: Forall_impl IH. move: c => + []; case => > /=; by lia.

(* constants as as defined in 1 *)
Definition tt := 0. (* ▴ *)
Definition ut := 1.
Definition st := 2.
Definition pt := 3.
Definition b1t := 4.
Definition b2t := 5.
Definition b3t := 6.
(* calligraphic C in paper *)
Definition GammaC := map poly_var (seq 0 7).
Arguments GammaC : simpl never.

Definition dt := 7. (* † *)

(* t → † where d is a offset to have free De-Bruijn indices *)
Definition to_d' d (t: poly_type) := poly_arr t (poly_var (d+dt)).
Definition to_d := to_d' 0.

(* universe encoding *)
Definition Ut' d t := many_poly_arr [poly_arr (to_d' d t) (poly_var (d+b1t)); poly_arr t (poly_var (d+b2t))] (poly_var (d+ut)).
Definition Ut := Ut' 0.

(* sum encoding *)
Definition St' d := fun '(t1, t2, t3) =>
  many_poly_arr [poly_arr (to_d' d t1) (poly_var (d+b1t)); poly_arr (to_d' d t2) (poly_var (d+b2t)); poly_arr (to_d' d t3) (poly_var (d+b3t))] (poly_var (d+st)).
Definition St := St' 0.

(* product encoding *)
Definition Pt' d := fun '(t1, t2, t3) =>
  many_poly_arr [poly_arr (to_d' d t1) (poly_var (d+b1t)); poly_arr (to_d' d t2) (poly_var (d+b2t)); poly_arr (to_d' d t3) (poly_var (d+b3t))] (poly_var (d+pt)).
Definition Pt := Pt' 0.

Definition zt' d := d + 10.
Definition zt := zt' 0. (* zero; 1+zt is one, 2+zt is two, ...*)

Definition t_u :=
  poly_abs (many_poly_arr [
    Ut' 1 (poly_var 0); (* forall x *)
    Ut' 1 (poly_var 0);
    Ut' 1 (poly_var 0);
    Ut' 1 (poly_var 0);
    poly_abs (many_poly_arr [ (* exists y *)
      Ut' 2 (poly_var 0); (* y is in universe *)
      St' 2 ((poly_var 1), (poly_var (1+ zt' 2)), (poly_var 0)); (* x + 1 = y *)
      St' 2 ((poly_var 0), (poly_var (0+ zt' 2)), (poly_var 0)); (* y + 0 = 0 *)
      Pt' 2 ((poly_var 0), (poly_var (0+ zt' 2)), (poly_var (0+ zt' 2))) (* y * 0 = 0*)
    ] (poly_var (2+tt)))
  ] (poly_var (1+tt))).

Definition t_s :=
  many_poly_abs 5 (many_poly_arr [
    poly_arr (St' 5 ((poly_var 0), (poly_var 3), (poly_var 4))) (poly_var (5+tt)); (* have a + d = e *)
    Ut' 5 (poly_var 0); Ut' 5 (poly_var 1); Ut' 5 (poly_var 2); Ut' 5 (poly_var 3); Ut' 5 (poly_var 4); (* for a b c d e such that *)
    St' 5 ((poly_var 0), (poly_var 1), (poly_var 2)); (* a + b = c *)
    St' 5 ((poly_var 1), (poly_var (1 + zt' 5)), (poly_var 3)); (* b + 1 = d *)
    St' 5 ((poly_var 2), (poly_var (1 + zt' 5)), (poly_var 4)) (* c + 1 = e *)
  ] (poly_var (5+tt))).

Definition t_p :=
  many_poly_abs 5 (many_poly_arr [
    poly_arr (Pt' 5 ((poly_var 0), (poly_var 3), (poly_var 4))) (poly_var (5+tt)); (* have a * d = e *)
    Ut' 5 (poly_var 0); Ut' 5 (poly_var 1); Ut' 5 (poly_var 2); Ut' 5 (poly_var 3); Ut' 5 (poly_var 4); (* for a b c d e such that *)
    Pt' 5 ((poly_var 0), (poly_var 1), (poly_var 2)); (* a * b = c *)
    St' 5 ((poly_var 1), (poly_var (1 + zt' 5)), (poly_var 3)); (* b + 1 = d *)
    St' 5 ((poly_var 2), (poly_var 0), (poly_var 4)) (* c + a = e *)
  ] (poly_var (5+tt))).

Definition h10c_poly_type (c: h10c) : poly_type :=
  match c with
  | (h10c_one x) => St' δ (poly_var x, poly_var (δ + zt), poly_var (δ+1+zt))
  | (h10c_plus x y z) => St' δ (poly_var x, poly_var y, poly_var z)
  | (h10c_mult x y z) => Pt' δ (poly_var x, poly_var y, poly_var z)

Definition t_cs :=
  many_poly_abs δ (many_poly_arr (map (fun x => Ut' δ (poly_var x)) (seq 0 δ) ++ map h10c_poly_type h10cs) (poly_var (δ + tt))).

Definition Gamma0 := [t_u; t_s; t_p; t_cs].

(* type environment describing the universe { 0 } *)
Definition GammaH := Gamma0 ++
  (map Ut (map (fun x => poly_var (x + zt)) [0; 1])) ++
  (map St [
    (poly_var zt, poly_var zt, poly_var zt);
    (poly_var (1+zt), poly_var zt, poly_var (1+zt));
    (poly_var zt, poly_var (1+zt), poly_var (1+zt))]) ++
  (map Pt [(poly_var zt, poly_var zt, poly_var zt); (poly_var (1+zt), poly_var zt, poly_var zt)]).

Arguments Gamma0 : simpl never.
Arguments Ut' : simpl never.
Arguments St' : simpl never. Arguments St : simpl never.
Arguments Pt' : simpl never. Arguments Pt : simpl never.

(* t is equivalent in GammaC to n (up to zt translation) *)
Definition encodes_nat (t: poly_type) (n: nat) :=
  iipc2 GammaC (poly_arr (to_d (poly_var (n + zt))) (to_d t)) /\
  iipc2 GammaC (poly_arr (to_d t) (to_d (poly_var (n + zt)))).

Definition encodes_sum := fun '(t1, t2, t3) =>
  exists n1 n2 n3, encodes_nat t1 n1 /\ encodes_nat t2 n2 /\ encodes_nat t3 n3 /\ n1 + n2 = n3.

Definition encodes_prod := fun '(t1, t2, t3) =>
  exists n1 n2 n3, encodes_nat t1 n1 /\ encodes_nat t2 n2 /\ encodes_nat t3 n3 /\ n1 * n2 = n3.

Lemma is_safe_environment_Gamma0 : Forall (is_safe_poly_type 0) Gamma0.
  do 3 (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia).
  constructor; [by apply: safe_poly_typeP | done].

Lemma is_safe_environment_Ut {ts} : Forall (is_safe_poly_type 0) (map Ut ts).
Proof. apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_forall => ? _ /=. by lia. Qed.

Lemma is_safe_environment_St {tSs} : Forall (is_safe_poly_type 0) (map St tSs).
Proof. apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_forall => [[[? ?] ?]] _ /=. by lia. Qed.

Lemma is_safe_environment_Pt {tPs} : Forall (is_safe_poly_type 0) (map Pt tPs).
Proof. apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_forall => [[[? ?] ?]] _ /=. by lia. Qed.

(* Lemma 21 in 1 *)
Lemma iipc2_to_dE {x y: nat} : dt < x -> dt < y ->
  iipc2 GammaC (poly_arr (to_d (poly_var x)) (to_d (poly_var y))) ->
  x = y.
  move=> Hx Hy /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment.
  move=> [:HGamma]. rewrite [GammaC]lock. apply: unnest.
  { abstract: HGamma. rewrite -lock. by do ? (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia). }
  move=> [ss] [ts] /= []. move=> [| [|]].
  - move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type []. by lia.
  - have -> : to_d (poly_var x) = safe_poly_type 0 [poly_var x] dt by done.
    move=> /safe_poly_type_eqE [+] [<- _]. case: ts; last done.
    move=> _ /Forall_inv /iipc2_is_safe_environment => /(_ HGamma).
    move=> [ss'] [ts'] /= []. move=> [| [|]].
    + by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [] <-.
    + move=> /safe_poly_type_eqE. by lia.
    + rewrite -lock /GammaC in_map_iff => [[?]] [+].
      move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [->] /in_seq. move: Hx. rewrite /dt. by lia.
  - rewrite -lock /GammaC. move=> /in_map_iff [?] [].
    move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [->] /in_seq. move: Hx. rewrite /dt. by lia.

Lemma to_d_typingI s t Gamma : iipc2 Gamma (poly_arr (poly_arr s t) (poly_arr (to_d t) (to_d s))).
  eexists. apply /typing_abs /typing_abs /typing_abs /typing_app.
  - apply: (typing_var (x := 1)). by reflexivity.
  - apply: typing_app.
    + apply: (typing_var (x := 2)). by reflexivity.
    + apply: (typing_var (x := 0)). by reflexivity.

Lemma encodes_natI (n: nat) : encodes_nat (poly_var (n + zt)) n.
Proof. constructor; eexists; apply: typing_abs; by apply: (typing_var (x := 0)). Qed.

Lemma encodes_nat_transport {s t n n'} : iipc2 GammaC (poly_arr (to_d s) (to_d t)) ->
  encodes_nat s n -> encodes_nat t n' -> n = n'.
  move=> + [Hn _] [_ Hn'].
  move: Hn => /iipc2_poly_arr_comp H /H{H}.
  move: Hn' => + /iipc2_poly_arr_comp H => /H{H} /iipc2_to_dE.
  rewrite /dt /zt /zt'. by lia.

Lemma subst_poly_type_Ut' {ts t} : let σ := fold_right scons poly_var ts in
  subst_poly_type σ (Ut' (length ts) t) = Ut (subst_poly_type σ t).
Proof. by rewrite /= ?fold_right_length_ts. Qed.

Lemma subst_poly_type_St' {ts t1 t2 t3} : let σ := fold_right scons poly_var ts in
  subst_poly_type σ (St' (length ts) (t1, t2, t3)) = St (subst_poly_type σ t1, subst_poly_type σ t2, subst_poly_type σ t3).
Proof. by rewrite /= ?fold_right_length_ts. Qed.

Lemma subst_poly_type_Pt' {ts t1 t2 t3} : let σ := fold_right scons poly_var ts in
  subst_poly_type σ (Pt' (length ts) (t1, t2, t3)) = Pt (subst_poly_type σ t1, subst_poly_type σ t2, subst_poly_type σ t3).
Proof. by rewrite /= ?fold_right_length_ts. Qed.

Lemma last_poly_var_t_cs : last_poly_var t_cs = Some tt.
  rewrite /t_cs. move: (_ ++ _) => ss. move: (tt) => x.
  elim: (δ) x.
  - move=> x. by elim: ss.
  - move=> n + x /=. have ->: S (n + x) = n + S x by lia. by move=> ->.

Lemma generalize_Gamma0 {GammaU GammaS GammaP t} : iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ GammaU ++ GammaS ++ GammaP) t ->
  iipc2 ([poly_var tt] ++ GammaU ++ GammaS ++ GammaP) t.
  move: (GammaU ++ GammaS ++ GammaP) => ?. apply: iipc2_generalization.
  do 3 (constructor; first by (apply: last_poly_var_typingI; left)).
  constructor; first by (apply: last_poly_var_typingI; rewrite last_poly_var_t_cs; left).
  by apply /Forall_forall => ? ?; apply /iipc2_var_InI /in_app_r.

Lemma generalize_GammaU {Gamma GammaS GammaP tUs t} : iipc2 (Gamma ++ map Ut tUs ++ GammaS ++ GammaP) t ->
  iipc2 (Gamma ++ [poly_var ut] ++ GammaS ++ GammaP) t.
  move: (GammaS ++ GammaP) => GammaSP. apply: iipc2_generalization.
  apply /Forall_forall => ?.
  case /in_app_iff; first by (move=> ?; apply: iipc2_var_InI; rewrite ?in_app_iff; tauto).
  case /in_app_iff; last by (move=> ?; apply: iipc2_var_InI; rewrite ?in_app_iff; tauto).
  move=> /in_map_iff [?] [<- _]. apply /last_poly_var_typingI /in_app_r. by left.

Lemma generalize_GammaS {Gamma GammaU GammaP tSs t} : iipc2 (Gamma ++ GammaU ++ map St tSs ++ GammaP) t ->
  iipc2 (Gamma ++ GammaU ++ [poly_var st] ++ GammaP) t.
  apply: iipc2_generalization. apply /Forall_forall => ?.
  case /in_app_iff; first by (move=> ?; apply: iipc2_var_InI; rewrite ?in_app_iff; tauto).
  case /in_app_iff; first by (move=> ?; apply: iipc2_var_InI; rewrite ?in_app_iff; tauto).
  case /in_app_iff; last by (move=> ?; apply: iipc2_var_InI; rewrite ?in_app_iff; tauto).
  move=> /in_map_iff [[[? ?]?]] [<- _]. apply /last_poly_var_typingI /in_app_r /in_app_r. by left.

Lemma generalize_GammaP {Gamma GammaU GammaS tPs t} : iipc2 (Gamma ++ GammaU ++ GammaS ++ map Pt tPs ) t ->
  iipc2 (Gamma ++ GammaU ++ GammaS ++ [poly_var pt]) t.
  apply: iipc2_generalization. apply /Forall_forall => ?.
  do 3 (case /in_app_iff; first by (move=> ?; apply: iipc2_var_InI; rewrite ?in_app_iff; tauto)).
  move=> /in_map_iff [[[? ?]?]] [<- _]. apply /last_poly_var_typingI /in_app_r /in_app_r /in_app_r. by left.

Lemma subst_poly_type_h10c_poly_type {ts c} : let σ := (fold_right scons poly_var (rev ts)) in δ = length ts ->
  subst_poly_type σ (h10c_poly_type c) =
    match c with
    | (h10c_one x) => St (σ x, poly_var zt, poly_var (1+zt))
    | (h10c_plus x y z) => St (σ x, σ y, σ z)
    | (h10c_mult x y z) => Pt (σ x, σ y, σ z)
  move=> σ Hts. subst σ. case: c.
  - move=> x. rewrite /= Hts -rev_length ?fold_right_length_ts.
    have -> : length (rev ts) + 1 + zt = length (rev ts) + (1 + zt) by lia.
    by rewrite fold_right_length_ts.
  - move=> >. by rewrite /= Hts -rev_length ?fold_right_length_ts.
  - move=> >. by rewrite /= Hts -rev_length ?fold_right_length_ts.

Section InverseTransport.
(* Lemma 24 in 1 uniquely identifying congruence classes of types via atoms *)
Lemma iipc2_Ut_unique {xs tSs tPs t} :
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ map Ut (map (fun x : nat => poly_var (x + zt)) xs) ++ map St tSs ++ map Pt tPs) (Ut t) ->
  exists n, encodes_nat t n.
  move=> /generalize_Gamma0 /generalize_GammaS /generalize_GammaP.
  move=> /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment. apply: unnest.
    do 3 (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia).
    apply: Forall_appI; first by apply: is_safe_environment_Ut.
    by do 2 (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia).
  rewrite [[poly_var tt]]lock [[poly_var st]]lock [[poly_var pt]]lock.
  move=> [ss'] [ts'] [+ Hss] => /=. rewrite -lock /= in_app_iff in_map_iff /=.
  do 3 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type).
  case; first last.
  { unlock. do 2 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type). done. }
  move=> [tx]. rewrite in_map_iff. move=> [Hx] [x] [?] Hxxs. subst tx. exists x.
  move: Hx Hss => /(congr1 parameters_poly_arr). rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=.
  case: ts'; last done. move=> /= <-. rewrite ?app_comm_cons.
  move=> /Forall_consP [+ /Forall_consP [+ _]]. rewrite ?subst_poly_type_poly_var.
  unlock. move=> /generalize_GammaU H1 /generalize_GammaU H2. constructor.
  - (* derive GammaC ⊢ P1 : †x -> †t *)
    move: H1 => /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment. clear. apply: unnest.
    { by do ? (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia). }
    move=> [ss] [ts] /= [].
    do 2 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type).
    case; first last.
    { do 4 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type). done. }
    (* first argument derivation *)
    move=> /(congr1 parameters_poly_arr). rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=.
    case: ts; last done. move=> /= <-. move=> /Forall_inv [?] /typing_abs /iipc2I.
    rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var. apply: iipc2_generalization.
    by do 6 (constructor; first by (apply: last_poly_var_typingI; firstorder done)).
  - (* derive GammaC ⊢ P1 : †t -> †x *)
    have ? : x + zt <> b2t by (rewrite /dt /zt /zt' /b2t; lia).
    move: H2 => /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment. apply: unnest.
    { by do ? (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia). }
    move=> [ss] [ts] /= [].
    case; first by (move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type; case).
    case; first last.
    { do 5 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type). done. }
    (* second argument derivation *)
    move=> /(congr1 parameters_poly_arr). rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=.
    case: ts; last done. move=> /= <-. move=> /Forall_inv [?] /typing_abs /iipc2I. clear.
    rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var. move=> /iipc2_generalization => /(_ GammaC). apply: unnest.
    { by do 6 (constructor; first by (apply: last_poly_var_typingI; firstorder done)). }
    move=> [?] /(typing_app _) H. by have [? /H /iipc2I] := to_d_typingI (poly_var (x + zt)) t GammaC.

Lemma generalize_GammaC {s t t1 t2 t3}:
    (to_d s :: [poly_arr (to_d t3) (poly_var b3t);
        poly_arr (to_d t2) (poly_var b2t); poly_arr (to_d t1) (poly_var b1t); poly_var tt] ++
        [poly_var ut] ++ [poly_var st] ++ [poly_var pt]) (to_d t) ->
  iipc2 GammaC (poly_arr (to_d s) (to_d t)).
  move=> [?] /typing_abs /iipc2I /iipc2_generalization. apply.
  by do 7 (constructor; first by (apply: last_poly_var_typingI; firstorder done)).

Lemma encodes_nat_transport' {x s t1 t2 t3 n n1 n2 n3} :
    ([poly_arr (to_d t3) (poly_var b3t); poly_arr (to_d t2) (poly_var b2t); poly_arr (to_d t1) (poly_var b1t); poly_var tt] ++
     [poly_var ut] ++ [poly_var st] ++ [poly_var pt]) (poly_arr (to_d s) (poly_var x)) ->
  encodes_nat t1 n1 -> encodes_nat t2 n2 -> encodes_nat t3 n3 -> encodes_nat s n ->
  (x = b1t -> n = n1) /\ (x = b2t -> n = n2) /\ (x = b3t -> n = n3).
  have : (x <> b1t /\ x <> b2t /\ x <> b3t) \/ (x = b1t) \/ (x = b2t) \/ (x = b3t) by lia.
  case; first by lia. move=> Hx.
  move=> /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment. apply: unnest.
  { by do ? (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia). }
  move=> [ss] [ts] [+ Hss] => /=.
  case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [] ?; subst x.
    move=> /copy [/(congr1 parameters_poly_arr) + /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [{}Hx]].
    rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=. case: ts Hss; last done. move=> /= + ?. subst x ss.
    move=> /Forall_inv. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var.
    by move=> /generalize_GammaC /encodes_nat_transport H _ _ /H {}H /H{H} ->.
    move=> /copy [/(congr1 parameters_poly_arr) + /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [{}Hx]].
    rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=. case: ts Hss; last done. move=> /= + ?. subst x ss.
    move=> /Forall_inv. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var.
    by move=> /generalize_GammaC /encodes_nat_transport H _ /H {}H _ /H{H} ->.
    move=> /copy [/(congr1 parameters_poly_arr) + /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [{}Hx]].
    rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=. case: ts Hss; last done. move=> /= + ?. subst x ss.
    move=> /Forall_inv. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var.
    by move=> /generalize_GammaC /encodes_nat_transport H /H {}H _ _ /H{H} ->.
  by do 4 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type [] ?; subst x).

(* Lemma 26(1) in 1 *)
Lemma iipc2_St_soundness {xs tSs tPs t1 t2 t3 n1 n2 n3} :
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ map Ut (map (fun x : nat => poly_var (x + zt)) xs) ++ map St tSs ++ map Pt tPs) (St (t1, t2, t3)) ->
  Forall encodes_sum tSs -> encodes_nat t1 n1 -> encodes_nat t2 n2 -> encodes_nat t3 n3 -> n1 + n2 = n3.
  move=> /generalize_Gamma0 /generalize_GammaU /generalize_GammaP.
  move=> + HtSs /= => /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment. apply: unnest.
    do 5 (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia).
    apply: Forall_appI; first by apply: is_safe_environment_St.
    by (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia).
  move=> [ss'] [ts'] [+ Hss] => /=.
  do 5 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type).
  move /in_app_iff.
  case; last by case; [move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type | done].
  move=> /in_map_iff [[[s1 s2] s3]] /= [/(congr1 parameters_poly_arr)].
  rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=.
  move=> Hss'. case: ts' Hss' Hss; last done.
  rewrite /length => <-. rewrite map_subst_poly_type_poly_var ?app_comm_cons.
  move=> /Forall_consP [/generalize_GammaS H1] /Forall_consP [/generalize_GammaS H2] /Forall_consP [/generalize_GammaS H3] _.
  move: HtSs => /Forall_forall => H /H{H} /= [n1'] [n2'] [n3'] [Hn1'] [Hn2'] [Hn3'] + Hn1 Hn2 Hn3.
  have := encodes_nat_transport' H1 Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 Hn1'.
  have := encodes_nat_transport' H2 Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 Hn2'.
  have := encodes_nat_transport' H3 Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 Hn3'.
  clear. rewrite /b1t /b2t /b3t. by lia.

(* Lemma 26(2) in 1 *)
Lemma iipc2_Pt_soundness {xs tSs tPs t1 t2 t3 n1 n2 n3} :
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ map Ut (map (fun x : nat => poly_var (x + zt)) xs) ++ map St tSs ++ map Pt tPs) (Pt (t1, t2, t3)) ->
  Forall encodes_prod tPs -> encodes_nat t1 n1 -> encodes_nat t2 n2 -> encodes_nat t3 n3 -> n1 * n2 = n3.
  move=> /generalize_Gamma0 /generalize_GammaU /generalize_GammaS.
  move=> + HtSs /= => /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_poly_arrE /iipc2_is_safe_environment. apply: unnest.
    do 6 (constructor; first by move=> /=; lia).
    by apply: is_safe_environment_Pt.
  move=> [ss'] [ts'] [+ Hss] => /=. rewrite in_map_iff.
  do 6 (case; first by move=> /last_poly_var_safe_poly_type).
  move=> [[[s1 s2] s3]] /= [/(congr1 parameters_poly_arr)]. rewrite parameters_poly_arr_safe_poly_type /=.
  move=> Hss'. case: ts' Hss' Hss; last done.
  rewrite /length => <-. under [map (subst_poly_type _) _]map_ext => ? do (rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var).
  rewrite map_id ?app_comm_cons.
  move=> /Forall_consP [/generalize_GammaP H1] /Forall_consP [/generalize_GammaP H2] /Forall_consP [/generalize_GammaP H3] _.
  move: HtSs => /Forall_forall => H /H{H} /= [n1'] [n2'] [n3'] [Hn1'] [Hn2'] [Hn3'] + Hn1 Hn2 Hn3.
  have := encodes_nat_transport' H1 Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 Hn1'.
  have := encodes_nat_transport' H2 Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 Hn2'.
  have := encodes_nat_transport' H3 Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 Hn3'.
  clear. rewrite /b1t /b2t /b3t. by lia.

(* Theorem 27 in 1, main soundness argument *)
Lemma construct_h10cs_solution {xs tSs tPs P}:
  normal_form P -> Forall encodes_sum tSs -> Forall encodes_prod tPs ->
  typing (Gamma0 ++ (map Ut (map (fun x => poly_var (x + zt)) xs)) ++ (map St tSs) ++ (map Pt tPs)) P (poly_var tt) -> H10C_SAT h10cs.
Proof using h10cs.

  elim /(measure_ind term_size): P xs tSs tPs => P IH xs tSs tPs + HtSs HtPs.
  move=> /copy [HP] /typing_is_safe_environment H /H{H}. apply: unnest.
    apply: Forall_appI; first by apply: is_safe_environment_Gamma0.
    apply: Forall_appI; first by apply: is_safe_environment_Ut.
    apply: Forall_appI; [by apply: is_safe_environment_St | by apply: is_safe_environment_Pt].
  move=> [ss] [?] [ts] [Qs] [?] [/nth_error_In]. subst P. case /in_app_iff.
  { (* main case *)
    case; [|case; [|case; [|case]]]; last done.
    - (* case t_u *)
      move: IH HP. case ts; first by case: ss.
      move=> s. case; last by case ss.
      move=> IH HQs [] /(congr1 parameters_poly_arr). rewrite ?parameters_many_poly_arr. move=> <- HQsss.
      move: (HQsss) => /Forall2_length_eq /=. move HQs': (Qs) => Qs'.
      move: Qs' HQs' => [|]; first done.
      move=> Q1 [|]; first done. move=> Q1' [|]; first done. move=> Q1'' [|]; first done. move=> Q1''' [|]; first done.
      move=> Q2 [|]; last done. move=> ? _. subst Qs.
      move: HQs => /normal_form_many_app [_ +]. do 4 (move=> /Forall_inv_tail). move=> /Forall_inv HQ2.
      move: HQsss => /Forall2_consE [/iipc2I HQ1] /Forall2_consE [_] /Forall2_consE [_] /Forall2_consE [_] /Forall2_consE [+ _].
      have [n Hsn] : exists n, encodes_nat s n by apply: iipc2_Ut_unique; eassumption.
      rewrite [poly_arr _ _]lock [Gamma0]lock /=.

      move: HQ2 => /typing_normal_form_poly_absE H /H{H} => /(_ (1+n+zt)) => [[Q2']].
      rewrite poly_type_norm. set f := (f in subst_poly_type f _).
      have Hf : forall x, f x = fold_right scons poly_var [poly_var (1 + n + zt); s] x.
        rewrite /f /funcomp. case; first done.
        case; last done. by rewrite ?poly_type_norm -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id.
      under ext_poly_type => ? do rewrite Hf. set σ := (fold_right _ _ _).
      rewrite -?lock [Gamma0]lock [Ut']lock [St']lock [Pt']lock /= -?lock [Gamma0]lock.
      rewrite subst_poly_type_Ut' ?subst_poly_type_St' ?subst_poly_type_Pt' /σ /=.
      move=> [+] [HQ2'].
      move=> /typing_normal_form_poly_arrE H /H{H} [Q2'2] [+] [?].
      move=> /typing_normal_form_poly_arrE H /H{H} [Q2'3] [+] [?].
      move=> /typing_normal_form_poly_arrE H /H{H} [Q2'4] [+] [?].
      move=> /typing_normal_form_poly_arrE H /H{H} [Q2'5] [HQ2'5] [?].

      (* reorder environment *)
      move=> /(typing_weakening (Gamma' :=
        locked Gamma0 ++
        (map Ut (map (fun x => poly_var (x + zt)) (1+n :: xs))) ++
        (map St ((s, poly_var (1+zt), poly_var (1+n+zt)) :: (poly_var (1+n+zt), poly_var zt, poly_var (1+n+zt)) :: tSs)) ++
        (map Pt ((poly_var (1+n+zt), poly_var zt, poly_var zt) :: tPs)))).
      apply: unnest.
      { move=> ?. rewrite /= ?app_comm_cons ?in_app_iff /=. clear. by tauto. }
      unlock. move=> [?] /IH. apply.
      + rewrite term_size_ren_term /=.
        rewrite [_ Q1]term_size_pos [_ Q1']term_size_pos [_ Q1'']term_size_pos [_ Q1''']term_size_pos. by lia.
      + by apply: normal_form_ren_term.
      + constructor; [| constructor]; last done.
        * exists n, 1, (1+n). constructor; first done.
          do 2 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). by lia.
        * exists (1+n), 0, (1+n). do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). by lia.
      + constructor; last done.
        exists (1+n), 0, 0. do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). by lia.
    - (* case t_s *)
      rewrite /t_s. rewrite [Gamma0]lock. move=> /safe_poly_type_eqE [+ [<- _]]. move: ts HP IH.
      do 5 (move=> [|?]; first done). case; last done. set σ := fold_right scons poly_var _.
      move=> /normal_form_many_app [_ HQs] IH _.

      rewrite [Ut']lock [St']lock /= -[locked Ut']lock -[locked St']lock ?subst_poly_type_Ut' ?subst_poly_type_St' /= -lock.
      move=> /copy [/Forall2_typing_Forall_iipc2 /Forall_consP [_]].
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n5 ?]]. move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n4 ?]].
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n3 ?]]. move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n2 ?]].
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n1 ?]].
      have ? := encodes_natI 1.
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_St_soundness {}H]. have ?: n5 + n4 = n3 by apply: H; eassumption.
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_St_soundness {}H]. have ?: n4 + 1 = n2 by apply: H; eassumption.
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_St_soundness {}H]. have ?: n3 + 1 = n1 by apply: H; eassumption.
      move=> _ {H} /copy [/Forall2_length_eq]. move: Qs HQs IH.
      move=> [|Q9]; first done. move=> Qs /Forall_inv HQ9 IH _ /Forall2_consE [+ _].

      move: HQ9 => /typing_normal_form_poly_arrE H /H{H} [Q] [H1Q] [?]. set tS := (tS in St tS).
      move=> /(typing_weakening (Gamma' :=
        Gamma0 ++ (map Ut (map (fun x => poly_var (x + zt)) xs)) ++ (map St (tS :: tSs)) ++ (map Pt tPs))).
      apply: unnest.
      { move: (Gamma0) => ? ?. rewrite /= ?app_comm_cons ?in_app_iff /=. clear. by tauto. }
      move=> [?] /IH. apply.
      + rewrite term_size_ren_term /=. set P := (P in many_app P _).
        have := term_size_many_app_le P Qs. rewrite /P /=. by lia.
      + by apply: normal_form_ren_term.
      + constructor; last done. exists n5, n2, n1. do 3 (constructor; first done). by lia.
      + done.
    - (* case t_p *)
      rewrite /t_p. rewrite [Gamma0]lock. move=> /safe_poly_type_eqE [+ [<- _]]. move: ts HP IH.
      do 5 (move=> [|?]; first done). case; last done. set σ := fold_right scons poly_var _.
      move=> /normal_form_many_app [_ HQs] IH _.

      rewrite [Ut']lock [St']lock [Pt']lock /=
        -[locked Ut']lock -[locked St']lock -[locked Pt']lock
        ?subst_poly_type_Ut' ?subst_poly_type_St' ?subst_poly_type_Pt' /= -lock.
      move=> /copy [/Forall2_typing_Forall_iipc2 /Forall_consP [_]].
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n5 ?]]. move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n4 ?]].
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n3 ?]]. move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n2 ?]].
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Ut_unique [n1 ?]].
      have ? := encodes_natI 1.
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_Pt_soundness {}H]. have ?: n5 * n4 = n3 by apply: H; eassumption.
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_St_soundness {}H]. have ?: n4 + 1 = n2 by apply: H; eassumption.
      move=> /Forall_consP [/iipc2_St_soundness {}H]. have ?: n3 + n5 = n1 by apply: H; eassumption.
      move=> _ {H} /copy [/Forall2_length_eq]. move: Qs HQs IH.
      move=> [|Q9]; first done. move=> Qs /Forall_inv HQ9 IH _ /Forall2_consE [+ _].

      move: HQ9 => /typing_normal_form_poly_arrE H /H{H} [Q] [H1Q] [?]. set tP := (tP in Pt tP).
      move=> /(typing_weakening (Gamma' :=
        Gamma0 ++ (map Ut (map (fun x => poly_var (x + zt)) xs)) ++ (map St tSs) ++ (map Pt (tP :: tPs)))).
      apply: unnest.
      { move: (Gamma0) => ? ?. rewrite /= ?in_app_iff /=. clear. by tauto. }
      move=> [?] /IH. apply.
      + rewrite term_size_ren_term /=. set P := (P in many_app P _).
        have := term_size_many_app_le P Qs. rewrite /P /=. by lia.
      + by apply: normal_form_ren_term.
      + done.
      + constructor; last done. exists n5, n2, n1. do 3 (constructor; first done). by lia.
    - (* case t_cs *)
      move=> /safe_poly_type_eqE [Hts] [<-] _ /Forall2_typing_Forall_iipc2.
      rewrite map_app ?[map (subst_poly_type _) (map _ _)]map_map.
      under [map _ (seq _ _)]map_ext => x do rewrite Hts -rev_length subst_poly_type_Ut'.
      under [map _ h10cs]map_ext => c do (rewrite subst_poly_type_h10c_poly_type; first done).
      set σ := (fold_right _ _ (rev ts)). move=> /Forall_appP [ Hh10cs].
      have /list_choiceHφ] : Forall (fun i => exists n, encodes_nati) n) (seq 0 δ).
      { move: => /Forall_mapP. apply: Forall_impl => ?. by apply: iipc2_Ut_unique. }
      exists φ => c. move: Hh10cs δP Hφ => /Forall_mapP /Forall_forall H1 /Forall_forall H2 /Forall_forall Hφ.
      move=> /copy [/H1{H1} + /H2{H2}]. case: c.
      + move=> x /iipc2_St_soundness + ? /=. move=> /(_x) 0 1). have -> : φ x + 0 = φ x by lia.
        apply; [done | | by apply: encodes_natI | by apply: encodes_natI].
        apply /Hφ /in_seq. by lia.
      + move=> x y z /iipc2_St_soundness + ? /=. apply; first done.
        all: apply /Hφ /in_seq; by lia.
      + move=> x y z /iipc2_Pt_soundness + ? /=. apply; first done.
        all: apply /Hφ /in_seq; by lia.
  case /in_app_iff; first by move=> /in_map_iff [?] [/last_poly_var_safe_poly_type].
  case /in_app_iff; first by move=> /in_map_iff [[[? ?] ?]] [/last_poly_var_safe_poly_type].
  by move=> /in_map_iff [[[? ?] ?]] [/last_poly_var_safe_poly_type].
End InverseTransport.

(* inhabitation to Diophantine constraint solution *)
Lemma inverse_transport : SysF_INH (GammaH, poly_var tt) -> H10C_SAT h10cs.
  move=> [M] /typing_of_type_assignment [P] [_] {M}.
  move=> /typing_normal_form [{}P] [/construct_h10cs_solution] H /H{H}. apply.
  - constructor. { exists 0, 0, 0. do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). done. }
    constructor. { exists 1, 0, 1. do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). done. }
    constructor. { exists 0, 1, 1. do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). done. }
  - constructor. { exists 0, 0, 0. do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). done. }
    constructor. { exists 1, 0, 0. do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encodes_natI). done. }

Section Transport.

Variable φ : nat -> nat. (* solution of h10cs *)
Variable Hφ : forall c, In c h10cs -> h10c_sem c φ.

Fixpoint value_bound (cs: list h10c) : nat :=
  match cs with
  | [] => 0
  | (h10c_one x) :: cs => 1 + φ x + value_bound cs
  | (h10c_plus x y z) :: cs => 1 + φ x + φ y + φ z + value_bound cs
  | (h10c_mult x y z) :: cs => 1 + φ x + φ y + φ z + value_bound cs

(* number encoding *)
Definition poly_num n := poly_var (n+zt).

Definition GammaU n := map (fun i => Ut (poly_num i)) (seq 0 (1+n)).
Definition GammaS0 n := map (fun i => St (poly_num i, poly_num 0, poly_num i)) (seq 0 (1+n)).
Definition GammaS1 n := map (fun i => St (poly_num i, poly_num 1, poly_num (1+i))) (seq 0 n).
Definition GammaP0 n := map (fun i => Pt (poly_num i, poly_num 0, poly_num 0)) (seq 0 (1+n)).

Definition GammaUSP n := locked (GammaU (S n) ++ (GammaS0 (S n) ++ GammaS1 (S n)) ++ GammaP0 (S n)).

Definition h10cφ_poly_type (c: h10c) : poly_type :=
  match c with
  | (h10c_one x) => St (poly_num (φ x), poly_num 0, poly_num 1)
  | (h10c_plus x y z) => St (poly_num (φ x), poly_num (φ y), poly_num (φ z))
  | (h10c_mult x y z) => Pt (poly_num (φ x), poly_num (φ y), poly_num (φ z))

Definition Gammaφ := map h10cφ_poly_type h10cs.

Fact GammaUSn {n} : GammaU (S n) = GammaU n ++ [Ut (poly_num (1+n))].
Proof. by rewrite /GammaU (ltac:(lia) : 1 + S n = (S n) + 1) [seq _ (S n + 1)]seq_app map_app. Qed.

Fact GammaS0Sn {n} : GammaS0 (S n) = GammaS0 n ++ [St (poly_num (1+n), poly_num 0, poly_num (1+n))].
Proof. by rewrite /GammaS0 (ltac:(lia) : 1 + S n = (S n) + 1) [seq _ (S n + 1)]seq_app map_app. Qed.

Fact GammaS1Sn {n} : GammaS1 (S n) = GammaS1 n ++ [St (poly_num n, poly_num 1, poly_num (1+n))].
Proof. by rewrite (ltac:(lia) : S n = n + 1) /GammaS1 seq_app map_app. Qed.

Fact GammaP0Sn {n} : GammaP0 (S n) = GammaP0 n ++ [Pt (poly_num (1+n), poly_num 0, poly_num 0)].
Proof. by rewrite /GammaP0 (ltac:(lia) : 1 + S n = (S n) + 1) [seq _ (S n + 1)]seq_app map_app. Qed.

Local Arguments GammaU : simpl never.
Local Arguments GammaS0 : simpl never.
Local Arguments GammaS1 : simpl never.
Local Arguments GammaP0 : simpl never.

Lemma in_Ut_GammaUSP {i n} : i <= 1 + n -> In (Ut (poly_num i)) (GammaUSP n).
  move=> ?. rewrite /GammaUSP -lock /GammaU.
  apply /in_app_l /in_map_iff. exists i. constructor; [done | by apply /in_seq; lia].

Lemma in_St1_GammaUSP {i n} : i <= n -> In (St (poly_num i, poly_num 1, poly_num (1+i))) (GammaUSP n).
  move=> ?. rewrite /GammaUSP -lock /GammaS1. apply /in_app_r /in_app_l /in_app_r.
  apply /in_map_iff. exists i. constructor; [done | by apply /in_seq; lia].

Lemma introduce_Uts (n: nat) :
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n) (poly_var tt) ->
  iipc2 GammaH (poly_var tt).
  elim: n; first by rewrite /GammaUSP; unlock.
  move=> n + HSn. apply.
  apply: (iipc2_poly_varI 0 (ts := [poly_num (1+n)])); first by reflexivity.
  rewrite [Gamma0]lock /map subst_poly_type_Ut' [many_poly_arr]lock /=.
  move=> [:HUt0]. constructor.
  { abstract: HUt0. by apply /iipc2_var_InI /in_app_r /in_Ut_GammaUSP. }
  do 3 (constructor; first done). clear HUt0. constructor; last done.
  apply: (iipc2_poly_absI (S (S n) + zt)).
  - clear. have ->: S (S n) + zt = S (S zt) + n by lia. apply /Forall_appI.
      rewrite -lock. do 3 (constructor; first by apply /fresh_inP).
      constructor; last done.
      rewrite /t_cs /tt. apply /fresh_in_many_poly_absI /fresh_in_many_poly_arrI; last by lia.
      apply /Forall_appI.
      + apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_seqP => x ?. rewrite /fresh_in /= /dt /b1t /b2t /ut. by lia.
      + have := δP. move=> H. apply /Forall_mapP. apply: Forall_impl H.
        case=> > /=; rewrite /fresh_in /= /dt /b1t /b2t /b3t /ut /st /pt /zt /zt'; by lia.
    rewrite /GammaUSP -lock.
    apply /Forall_appI; [| apply /Forall_appI; [apply /Forall_appI |]];
      apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_seqP; firstorder (by [|move=> /=; lia]).
  - set σ := (σ in subst_poly_type σ _).
    have Hσ: forall x, σ x =
      (scons (poly_var 0) (scons (poly_var (S (S n) + zt)) (funcomp poly_var S))) x by move=> [|[|x]].
    under ext_poly_type => ? do rewrite Hσ.
    have ->: S (S n) + zt = S (S zt) + n by lia.
    unlock. by firstorder by [|lia].
  - rewrite poly_type_norm. set σ := (σ in subst_poly_type σ _).
    have Hσ: forall x, σ x = fold_right scons poly_var [poly_var (S (S n) + zt); poly_var (S n + zt)] x by move=> [|[|x]].
    under ext_poly_type => ? do rewrite Hσ.
    clear σ Hσ. set σ := (σ in subst_poly_type σ _).
    rewrite -[locked many_poly_arr]lock [Ut']lock [St']lock [Pt']lock /= -[locked Ut']lock -[locked St']lock -[locked Pt']lock
      ?subst_poly_type_Ut' ?subst_poly_type_St' ?subst_poly_type_Pt' /=.
    do 4 (apply: iipc2_poly_arrI). apply: iipc2_weakening HSn.
    clear. move=> t.
    rewrite /GammaUSP -?lock [Gamma0]lock GammaUSn GammaS0Sn GammaS1Sn GammaP0Sn.
    rewrite [GammaU]lock [GammaS0]lock [GammaS1]lock [GammaP0]lock /= ?in_app_iff /=. by tauto.

Lemma introduce_Sts (n n1 n2: nat) (Gamma: environment):
  n1 + n2 <= S n ->
  iipc2 (locked Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ (St (poly_num n1, poly_num n2, poly_num (n1+n2)) :: Gamma)) (poly_var tt) ->
  iipc2 (locked Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ Gamma) (poly_var tt).
  elim: n2 => [| n2 IH] ?.
  - apply: iipc2_weakening => t. rewrite ?in_app_iff /=.
    case; first by tauto. case; first by tauto. case; last by tauto.
    move=> <-. right. left. rewrite /GammaUSP -lock. apply /in_app_r /in_app_l /in_app_l.
    apply /in_map_iff. exists n1. have ->: n1 + 0 = n1 by lia.
    constructor; first done. apply /in_seq. by lia.
  - move=> H. apply: IH; first by lia. rewrite -[_ Gamma0]lock.
    apply: (iipc2_poly_varI 1 (ts :=
      [poly_num (n1 + (S n2)); poly_num (S n2); poly_num (n1 + n2); poly_num n2; poly_num n1])); first by reflexivity.
    rewrite [Gamma0]lock /map ?subst_poly_type_Ut' ?subst_poly_type_St'
      /(subst_poly_type _ (poly_arr _ _)) -/subst_poly_type subst_poly_type_St' /subst_poly_type /=.
    have HUSP t Gamma' : In t (GammaUSP n) -> iipc2 (locked Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ Gamma') t.
    { move=> ?. apply: iipc2_var_InI. by apply /in_app_r /in_app_l. }
      apply: iipc2_poly_arrI. apply: iipc2_weakening H => ?.
      rewrite /= ?app_comm_cons ?in_app_iff /=. clear. by tauto.
    do 5 (constructor; first by (apply: HUSP; apply: in_Ut_GammaUSP; by lia)).
    { apply: iipc2_var_InI. rewrite ?in_app_iff /=. by tauto. }
    constructor; first by (apply: HUSP; apply: in_St1_GammaUSP; by lia).
    constructor; last done.
    have ->: n1 + S n2 = S (n1 + n2) by lia. apply /HUSP /in_St1_GammaUSP. by lia.

Lemma introduce_Pts (n n1 n2: nat) (Gamma: environment):
  n1 <= S n -> n2 <= S n -> n1 * n2 <= S n ->
  iipc2 (locked Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ (Pt (poly_num n1, poly_num n2, poly_num (n1*n2)) :: Gamma)) (poly_var tt) ->
  iipc2 (locked Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ Gamma) (poly_var tt).
  elim: n2 Gamma => [| n2 IH] Gamma ? ? ?.
  - apply: iipc2_weakening => t. rewrite ?in_app_iff /=.
    case; first by tauto. case; first by tauto. case; last by tauto.
    move=> <-. right. left. rewrite /GammaUSP -lock. apply /in_app_r /in_app_r.
    apply /in_map_iff. exists n1. have ->: n1 * 0 = 0 by lia.
    constructor; first done. apply /in_seq. by lia.
  - move=> H. apply: (introduce_Sts n (n1 * n2) n1); first by lia.
    apply: IH; [by lia | by lia | by lia |]. rewrite -[_ Gamma0]lock.
    apply: (iipc2_poly_varI 2 (ts :=
      [poly_num (n1 * (S n2)); poly_num (S n2); poly_num (n1 * n2); poly_num n2; poly_num n1])); first by reflexivity.
    rewrite [Gamma0]lock /map ?subst_poly_type_Ut' ?subst_poly_type_St' subst_poly_type_Pt'
      /(subst_poly_type _ (poly_arr _ _)) -/subst_poly_type subst_poly_type_Pt' /subst_poly_type /=.
    have HUSP t Gamma' : In t (GammaUSP n) -> iipc2 (locked Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ Gamma') t.
    { move=> ?. apply: iipc2_var_InI. by apply /in_app_r /in_app_l. }
      apply: iipc2_poly_arrI. apply: iipc2_weakening H => ?.
      rewrite /= ?app_comm_cons ?in_app_iff /=. clear. by tauto.
    do 5 (constructor; first by (apply: HUSP; apply: in_Ut_GammaUSP; by lia)).
    { apply: iipc2_var_InI. rewrite ?in_app_iff /=. by tauto. }
    constructor; first by (apply: HUSP; apply: in_St1_GammaUSP; by lia).
    constructor; last done.
    have ->: n1 * n2 + n1 = n1 * S n2 by lia. apply: iipc2_var_InI.
    rewrite ?in_app_iff /=. by tauto.

Definition ϵ := fold_right (Nat.add) 0 (map φ (seq 0 δ)). (* upper bound on relevant range of φ *)

Lemma ϵP (x: nat) : x < δ -> φ x <= ϵ.
  suff: Forall (fun x => φ x <= ϵ) (seq 0 δ).
  { move=> + ? => /Forall_forall. apply. apply /in_seq. by lia. }
  rewrite /ϵ. elim: (seq 0 δ); first by constructor.
  move=> {}x xs IH. constructor.
  - move=> /=. by lia.
  - apply: Forall_impl IH => ? /=. by lia.

Lemma introduce_φ (n: nat):
  ϵ <= S n ->
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n ++ Gammaφ) (poly_var tt) ->
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP n) (poly_var tt).
Proof using Hφ.
  move: (Hφ). have := δP. rewrite /Gammaφ [Gamma0]lock => + /Forall_forall + Hn.
  elim: (h10cs); first by rewrite app_nil_r.
  move=> [x | x y z | x y z] cs IH /Forall_consP [ /IH {}IH] /Forall_consP /= [Hφc /IH {}IH].
  - rewrite Hφc. by move=> /introduce_Sts => /(_ ltac:(lia)) /IH.
  - rewrite -Hφc. move=> /introduce_Sts H. apply /IH /H.
    have := ϵP z. by lia.
  - rewrite -Hφc. move=> /introduce_Pts H.
    apply /IH /H; [have := ϵP x | have := ϵP y | have := ϵP z]; by lia.

Lemma eliminate_φ:
  iipc2 (Gamma0 ++ GammaUSP (S ϵ) ++ Gammaφ) (poly_var tt).
  apply: (iipc2_poly_varI 3 (ts := rev (map (fun x => poly_num (φ x)) (seq 0 δ))));
    first by rewrite rev_length map_length seq_length.
  rewrite map_app rev_involutive. apply /Forall_appI.
  - apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_mapP /Forall_seqP => x Hx.
    set ts := (map _ _). have ->: δ = length ts by rewrite /ts map_length seq_length.
    rewrite subst_poly_type_Ut' /subst_poly_type /ts fold_right_map_seq; first by lia.
    apply /iipc2_var_InI /in_app_r /in_app_l /in_Ut_GammaUSP. have := ϵP x. by lia.
  - apply /Forall_mapP /Forall_mapP. rewrite /Gammaφ.
    clear. have := δP. elim: (h10cs); first done.
    move=> c cs IH. move=> /Forall_consP [Hc /IH {}IH]. constructor.
    + set ts := (map _ (seq _ _)). have : δ = length ts by rewrite /ts map_length seq_length.
      move: c Hc {IH} => []; rewrite /h10c_poly_type.
      * move=> x ?. have ->: δ + 1 + zt = δ + (1 + zt) by lia.
        rewrite subst_poly_type_St' /subst_poly_type ?fold_right_length_ts fold_right_map_seq; first by lia.
        apply /iipc2_var_InI /in_app_r /in_app_r. by left.
      * move=> x y z ?.
        rewrite subst_poly_type_St' /subst_poly_type. do 3 (rewrite fold_right_map_seq; first by lia).
        apply /iipc2_var_InI /in_app_r /in_app_r. by left.
      * move=> x y z ?.
        rewrite subst_poly_type_Pt' /subst_poly_type. do 3 (rewrite fold_right_map_seq; first by lia).
        apply /iipc2_var_InI /in_app_r /in_app_r. by left.
    + apply: Forall_impl IH => ?. apply: iipc2_weakening => ?.
      move: (Gamma0) (GammaUSP _) => ? ?. clear. rewrite ?in_app_iff /=. by tauto.
End Transport.

(* Diophantine constraint solution to inhabitation *)
Lemma transport : H10C_SAT h10cs -> SysF_INH (GammaH, poly_var tt).
  move=> [φ Hφ]. suff: iipc2 GammaH (poly_var tt).
  { move=> [?] /typing_to_type_assignment ?. eexists; by eassumption. }
  apply: (introduce_Uts (S (ϵ φ))).
  apply: (introduce_φ φ Hφ); first by lia.
  by apply: eliminate_φ.

End H10C_SAT_to_SysF_INH.
End Argument.

Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.

(* Diophantine Constraint Solvability many-one reduces to System F Inhabitation *)
Theorem reduction : H10C_SAT SysF_INH.
  exists (fun h10cs => (Argument.GammaH h10cs, poly_var Argument.tt)).
  move=> h10cs. constructor.
  - exact: Argument.transport.
  - exact: Argument.inverse_transport.