    Andrej Dudenhefner (1)
    Yannick Forster (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.syntax Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.unscoped.
Import UnscopedNotations.
From Undecidability.SystemF.Util Require Import Facts poly_type_facts term_facts.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Arguments funcomp {X Y Z} _ _ / _.

(* Church-style System F Type Assignment Predicate *)
Inductive typing : environment -> term -> poly_type -> Prop :=
  | typing_var {Gamma x t} :
      nth_error Gamma x = Some t -> typing Gamma (var x) t
  | typing_app {Gamma P Q s t} :
      typing Gamma P (poly_arr s t) -> typing Gamma Q s -> typing Gamma (app P Q) t
  | typing_abs {Gamma P s t} :
      typing (s :: Gamma) P t -> typing Gamma (abs s P) (poly_arr s t)
  | typing_ty_app {Gamma P s t} :
      typing Gamma P (poly_abs s) -> typing Gamma (ty_app P t) (subst_poly_type (scons t poly_var) s)
  | typing_ty_abs {Gamma P s} :
      typing (map (ren_poly_type S) Gamma) P s -> typing Gamma (ty_abs P) (poly_abs s).

(* case analysis on the typing predicate wrt. term *)
Lemma typingE {Gamma P t} : typing Gamma P t ->
  match P with
  | var x => nth_error Gamma x = Some t
  | app P Q => exists s, typing Gamma P (poly_arr s t) /\ typing Gamma Q s
  | abs s P => exists t', t = poly_arr s t' /\ typing (s :: Gamma) P t'
  | ty_app P t' => exists s, t = (subst_poly_type (t' .: poly_var) s) /\ typing Gamma P (poly_abs s)
  | ty_abs P => exists s, t = (poly_abs s) /\ typing (map (ren_poly_type S) Gamma) P s
Proof. case; by eauto. Qed.

Lemma typing_subst_poly_type {Gamma P t} σ : typing Gamma P t ->
  typing (map (subst_poly_type σ) Gamma) (subst_term σ var P) (subst_poly_type σ t).
  elim: P Gamma t σ.
  - move=> > /typingE ? /=. apply: typing_var. by apply: map_nth_error.
  - move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /typingE [? [? ?]] /=. apply: typing_app; last by apply: IH2; eassumption.
    rewrite -/(subst_poly_type _ (poly_arr _ _)). by apply: IH1.
  - move=> s P IH > /typingE [?] [-> ?] /=. apply: typing_abs.
    rewrite -/(map _ (_ :: _)). rewrite ?term_norm. by apply: IH.
  - move=> P IH s Gamma t σ /typingE [t'] [-> /IH] /=.
    move=> /(_ σ) /typing_ty_app => /(_ (subst_poly_type σ s)).
    congr typing.
    rewrite ?poly_type_norm. apply: ext_poly_type => [[|x]]; first done.
    by rewrite /= ?poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
  - move=> P IH Gamma t σ /typingE [?] [-> /IH {}IH] /=. apply: typing_ty_abs.
    have := IH (poly_var 0 .: σ >> ren_poly_type S). congr typing. rewrite ?map_map.
    apply: map_ext. move=> ?. by rewrite ?poly_type_norm.

(* typing is preserved under type renamings *)
Lemma typing_ren_poly_type {Gamma P t} ξ : typing Gamma P t ->
  typing (map (ren_poly_type ξ) Gamma) (ren_term ξ id P) (ren_poly_type ξ t).
  move=> /(typing_subst_poly_type (ξ >> poly_var)). congr typing.
  - apply: map_ext => ?. by rewrite -[RHS]subst_poly_type_poly_var ?poly_type_norm.
  - by rewrite -[RHS]subst_term_poly_var_var ?term_norm.
  - by rewrite -[RHS]subst_poly_type_poly_var ?poly_type_norm.

(* assigned types are unique *)
Lemma typing_functional {Gamma P t t'} : typing Gamma P t -> typing Gamma P t' -> t = t'.
  elim: P Gamma t t'.
  - move=> > /typingE + /typingE. by congruence.
  - move=> P IHP Q IHQ > /typingE [?] [/IHP {}IHP /IHQ {}IHQ].
    move=> /typingE [?] [/IHP {}IHP /IHQ {}IHQ]. by congruence.
  - move=> > IH > /typingE [?] [-> /IH {}IH].
    move=> /typingE [?] [-> /IH]. by congruence.
  - move=> > IH > /typingE [?] [-> /IH {}IH].
    move=> /typingE [?] [-> /IH]. by congruence.
  - move=> > IH > /typingE [?] [-> /IH {}IH].
    move=> /typingE [?] [-> /IH]. by congruence.

Fact typing_many_argument_subterm {Gamma P As t} : typing Gamma (many_argument_app P As) t ->
  exists t', typing Gamma P t'.
  elim: As P t; first by (move=> *; eexists; eassumption).
  move=> [|] P As IH > /= /IH [?] /typingE; clear; by firstorder done.

Lemma typing_many_ty_appI {Gamma P n t ts} :
  length ts = n ->
  typing Gamma P (many_poly_abs n t) ->
  typing Gamma (many_ty_app P ts) (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var (rev ts)) t).
  elim: n Gamma P t ts.
  - move=> ? ? ? [|]; last done. move=> _ /=. congr typing. by rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var.
  - move=> n IH Gamma P t. elim /rev_ind; first done.
    move=> s ts'. rewrite app_length /many_poly_abs -iter_last -/(many_poly_abs _ _) /=.
    move=> ? ?. have /IH {}IH : length ts' = n by lia.
    move=> /IH {}IH. rewrite rev_unit many_ty_app_app /=.
    move: IH => /= => /typing_ty_app => /(_ s). congr typing.
    rewrite ?poly_type_norm. apply: ext_poly_type => [[|x]]; first done.
    by rewrite /= ?poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.

Lemma typing_ty_appI {Gamma P t s s'}:
  typing Gamma P (poly_abs s) -> t = (subst_poly_type (s' .: poly_var) s) -> typing Gamma (ty_app P s') t.
Proof. move=> + ->. by apply: typing_ty_app. Qed.

Lemma typing_many_ty_absI {n Gamma P t}:
  typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) P t ->
  typing Gamma (many_ty_abs n P) (many_poly_abs n t).
  elim: n Gamma P t.
  - move=> >. under map_ext => ? do rewrite /= ren_poly_type_id. by rewrite map_id.
  - move=> n IH > H /=. apply: typing_ty_abs. apply: IH.
    move: H. congr typing. rewrite map_map. apply: map_ext.
    move=> ?. rewrite ?poly_type_norm. apply: extRen_poly_type.
    move=> ?. rewrite /funcomp /=. by lia.

(* typing Gamma P t implies that every free term variable of P is typed in Gamma *)
Lemma typing_allfv_term_in_environment {Gamma P t} :
  typing Gamma P t ->
  allfv_term (fun x => exists s, nth_error Gamma x = Some s) P.
  elim => /=.
  - move=> > ->. by eexists.
  - done.
  - move=> > ?. apply: allfv_term_impl. by case.
  - done.
  - move=> > ?. apply: allfv_term_impl => ?.
    rewrite nth_error_map. case: (nth_error _ _); last by case.
    move=> *. by eexists.

(* only types of free variables oare relevant *)
Lemma typing_ren_allfv_term {ξ Gamma Gamma' P t} :
  (allfv_term (fun x => nth_error Gamma x = nth_error Gamma' (ξ x)) P) ->
  typing Gamma P t -> typing Gamma' (ren_term id ξ P) t.
  elim: P ξ Gamma Gamma' t.
  - move=> > /= + /typingE => -> ?. by apply: typing_var.
  - move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /= [/IH1 {}IH1 /IH2 {}IH2].
    move=> /typingE [?] [/IH1 ? /IH2 ?] /=. apply: typing_app; by eassumption.
  - move=> > IH > /= H /typingE [?] [->] /IH /= {}IH.
    rewrite ren_poly_type_id. apply: typing_abs. apply: IH.
    apply: allfv_term_impl H. by case.
  - move=> > IH > /IH {}IH. move=> /typingE [?] [->] /IH {}IH /=.
    rewrite ren_poly_type_id. by apply: typing_ty_app.
  - move=> > IH > /= H. move=> /typingE [?] [->] /IH {}IH /=.
    apply: typing_ty_abs. under extRen_term.
    + move=> ?. rewrite upRen_poly_type_poly_type_id. over.
    + move=> ?. rewrite /upRen_poly_type_term. over.
    + apply: IH. apply: allfv_term_impl H => ?. rewrite ?nth_error_map. by move=> ->.

(* copying, permuting, and adding new assumptions to the environment preserves derivations *)
Lemma typing_ren_term {ξ Gamma Delta P t} :
  (forall n s, nth_error Gamma n = Some s -> nth_error Delta (ξ n) = Some s) ->
  typing Gamma P t ->
  typing Delta (ren_term id ξ P) t.
  move=> H /copy [/typing_allfv_term_in_environment HP] /typing_ren_allfv_term.
  apply. by apply: allfv_term_impl HP => ? [?] /copy [/H] -> ->.

Lemma typing_ren_term' {ξ Gamma Delta P t} :
  (forall n, nth_error Gamma n = nth_error Delta (ξ n)) ->
  typing Gamma P t ->
  typing Delta (ren_term id ξ P) t.
Proof. move=> H /typing_ren_term. apply => ? ?. by rewrite H. Qed.

(* typing is preserved under substitutions *)
Lemma typing_subst_term {Gamma Delta P t} σ :
  typing Gamma P t ->
  (forall n s, nth_error Gamma n = Some s -> typing Delta (σ n) s) ->
  typing Delta (subst_term poly_var σ P) t.
  move=> H. elim: H σ Delta.
  - by move=> > + > H => /H.
  - move=> > ? IH1 ? IH2 > H /=.
    apply: typing_app; [by apply: IH1 | by apply: IH2].
  - move=> > ? IH > H /=. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var ?term_norm.
    apply: typing_abs. apply: IH => [[|n]] ?.
    + move=> /= [<-]. by apply: typing_var.
    + move=> /H /typing_ren_term. apply. by case.
  - move=> > _ IH > ? /=. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var.
    by apply /typing_ty_app /IH.
  - move=> {}Gamma > _ IH > H /=.
    under ext_term => [? | ?] do [rewrite up_poly_type_poly_type_poly_var |].
    apply /typing_ty_abs /IH => n' s'. rewrite nth_error_map.
    case Hn': (nth_error Gamma n'); last done.
    move: Hn' => /H {}H [<-]. by apply: typing_ren_poly_type.

Lemma typing_weakening {Gamma Gamma' P t} :
  incl Gamma Gamma' -> typing Gamma P t -> exists ξ, typing Gamma' (ren_term id ξ P) t.
  move=> /incl_nth_error [ξ] + /typing_ren_term' H => /H ?. eexists. by eassumption.

(* generation lemma for non-eta long s -> t derivations *)
Lemma typing_normal_form_poly_arrE {Gamma P s t}: normal_form P -> typing Gamma P (poly_arr s t) ->
  exists Q, normal_form Q /\ term_size Q <= term_size P + 2 /\ typing (s :: Gamma) Q t.
  - move=> {}P HP. move=> /(@typing_ren_term' S) => /(_ (s :: Gamma) ltac:(done)) H.
    exists (app (ren_term id S P) (var 0)). constructor; last constructor.
    + apply: normal_form_head_form.
      apply: head_form_app; [by apply: head_form_ren_term | by eauto using normal_form, head_form ].
    + rewrite /= term_size_ren_term. by lia.
    + apply: typing_app; [by eassumption | by apply: typing_var].
  - move=> > ? /typingE [?] [[-> ->]] ?. eexists.
    constructor; first by eassumption.
    move=> /=. constructor; [by lia | done].
  - by move=> ? ? /typingE [?] [].

(* generation lemma for non-eta long ∀t derivations that preserves Gamma *)
Lemma typing_normal_form_poly_absE {Gamma P t}: normal_form P -> typing Gamma P (poly_abs t) ->
  forall x, exists Q, normal_form Q /\ term_size Q <= term_size P + 2 /\ typing Gamma Q (ren_poly_type (x .: id) t).
  - move=> {}P ? HP x. exists (ty_app P (poly_var x)).
    constructor; first by eauto using normal_form, head_form.
    constructor; first by move=> /=; lia.
    move: HP => /typing_ty_app => /(_ (poly_var x)). congr typing.
    rewrite -[RHS]subst_poly_type_poly_var ?poly_type_norm.
    apply: ext_poly_type. by case.
  - by move=> > ? /typingE [?] [].
  - move=> {}P ? /typingE [?] [[<-]] + x.
    move=> /(typing_ren_poly_type (x .: id)) HP.
    exists (ren_term (x .: id) id P). constructor; first by apply: normal_form_ren_term.
    rewrite term_size_ren_term /=. constructor; first by lia.
    move: HP. congr typing. rewrite map_map -[RHS]map_id. apply: map_ext.
    move=> ?. by rewrite ?poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id'.

Lemma typing_many_app_arguments {Gamma P Qs t ss t'} :
  length Qs = length ss ->
  typing Gamma (many_app P Qs) t ->
  typing Gamma P (many_poly_arr ss t') ->
  Forall2 (typing Gamma) Qs ss.
  elim: Qs P t ss t'.
  - move=> ? ? [|] *; [by constructor | done].
  - move=> Q Qs IH P ? [|? ?] ?; first done.
    move=> [/IH {}IH] /= /copy [/IH {}IH].
    rewrite -many_argument_app_map_argument_term. move=> /typing_many_argument_subterm [?].
    move=> /copy [/typingE [?] [+ ?]].
    move=> /typing_functional H + /H{H} [? ?]. subst.
    move=> /IH ?. by constructor.

(* Church-style typing induces Curry-style typing *)
Theorem typing_to_type_assignment {Gamma P t} :
  typing Gamma P t -> type_assignment Gamma (erase P) t.
  - move=> *. by apply: type_assignment_var.
  - move=> * /=. apply: type_assignment_app; by eassumption.
  - move=> * /=. by apply: type_assignment_abs.
  - move=> * /=. by apply: type_assignment_inst.
  - move=> * /=. by apply: type_assignment_gen.

(* Curry-style typing induces Church-style typing *)
Theorem typing_of_type_assignment {Gamma M t} :
  type_assignment Gamma M t -> exists P, M = erase P /\ typing Gamma P t.
  - move=> ? x ? ?. exists (var x).
    constructor; [done | by apply: typing_var].
  - move=> > ? [P [? ?]] ? [Q [? ?]]. exists (app P Q). subst.
    constructor; [done | by apply: typing_app; eassumption].
  - move=> ? ? s ? ? [P [? ?]]. exists (abs s P). subst.
    constructor; [done | by apply: typing_abs].
  - move=> ? ? ? {}t ? [P [? ?]]. exists (ty_app P t). subst.
    constructor; [done | by apply: typing_ty_app].
  - move=> > ? [P [? ?]]. exists (ty_abs P). subst.
    constructor; [done | by apply: typing_ty_abs].