
Require Import CSet Le.

Require Import Plus Util AllInRel InRel Map MapUpdate MapDefined.
Require Import Val Var Envs IL NoParams Annotation SimI Fresh.
Require Import Liveness.Liveness Status InfiniteSubset InfinitePartition AppExpFree.
Require compcert.lib.Parmov.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Parallel Moves

This code is based on the ril-cv-12 repo and the validator part its initial version was developed by Tobias Tebbi.

Definition moves_source_set (p:Parmov.moves var) : set var
  := fold_right (fun p ss \ singleton (snd p) singleton (fst p)) p.

Definition moves_dest_set (p:Parmov.moves var) : set var
  := of_list (snd p).

Lemma moves_source_set_app mv1 mv2
  : moves_source_set (mv1 ++ mv2) [=]
                     moves_source_set mv1 moves_source_set mv2 \ moves_dest_set mv1.
  unfold moves_dest_set.
  general induction mv1; simpl.
  - cset_tac.
  - rewrite IHmv1. clear. cset_tac.

Lemma moves_source_set_incl p
  : moves_source_set p of_list (fst p).
  general induction p; simpl.
  - eauto with cset.
  - rewrite IHp; clear. cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_rev X `{OrderedType X} L
  : of_list (rev L) [=] of_list L.
  general induction L; simpl; eauto.
  rewrite of_list_app; simpl; rewrite IHL.

Instance eqdec_pospos
  :EqDec (positive × positive) eq.
hnf; intros.
decide (x === y). left. invc e. rewrite H, H0. reflexivity.
right; intro. invc H. eauto.

Instance eqdec_pos
  :EqDec (positive) eq.
hnf; intros.
decide (x === y); eauto.

Lemma fst_parmove x pm
  : of_list (fst Parmov.parmove positive var_dec (fun _ : positivex) pm) {x; of_list (fst pm)}.
  hnf; intros.
  eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. invc H1.
  eapply get_in in H0; eauto.
  eapply Parmov.parmove_srcs_initial_reg_or_temp in H0.
  destruct H0. eapply in_get in H; dcr.
  unfold Parmov.srcs in p. eapply get_in_of_list in p. cset_tac.
  eapply eqdec_pos.
  destruct H; subst. cset_tac.
  eapply eqdec_pos.

Lemma snd_parmove x pm
  : of_list (snd Parmov.parmove positive var_dec (fun _ : positivex) pm) {x; of_list (snd pm)}.
  hnf; intros.
  eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. invc H1.
  eapply get_in in H0; eauto.
  eapply Parmov.parmove_dests_initial_reg_or_temp in H0.
  destruct H0. eapply in_get in H; dcr.
  unfold Parmov.dests in p. eapply get_in_of_list in p. cset_tac.
  eapply eqdec_pos.
  destruct H; subst. cset_tac.
  eapply eqdec_pos.

Lemma combine_get A B (Z:list A) (Y:list B) n x y
  : get Z n x get Y n y get (combine Z Y) n (x,y).
  intros GET1 GET2.
  general induction GET1; try inv GET2; clear_trivial_eqs; simpl;
    eauto using get.

Lemma move_no_temp_notin m pmtmp
  : pmtmp of_list (fst m) of_list (snd m)
     Parmov.move_no_temp positive (fun _ : positivepmtmp) m.
  split; hnf; intros; hnf; intros.
  - split; hnf; intros.
    + eapply in_get in H0 as [? ?]; eauto.
      hnf; intros; subst.
      cset_tac'. eapply H0.
      eapply get_in_of_list.
      eapply map_get_eq; eauto. eauto with typeclass_instances.
    + eapply in_get in H0 as [? ?]; eauto.
      hnf; intros; subst.
      cset_tac'. eapply H1.
      eapply get_in_of_list.
      eapply map_get_eq; eauto. eauto with typeclass_instances.
  - cset_tac'.
    + edestruct of_list_get_first; eauto; dcr. invc H2.
      exploit (H (fst x0) (snd x0)).
      eapply get_in; eauto using combine_get; eauto.
      × eauto with typeclass_instances.
      × rewrite <- pair_eta; eauto.
      × dcr. eapply H2; eauto. eapply 1%positive.
    + edestruct of_list_get_first; eauto; dcr. invc H2.
      exploit (H (fst x0) (snd x0)).
      eapply get_in; eauto using combine_get; eauto.
      × eauto with typeclass_instances.
      × rewrite <- pair_eta; eauto.
      × dcr. eapply H4; eauto. eapply 1%positive.

Section ParmovSourceSet.
  Import Parmov.

  Definition st_source_set (st:state var) :=
    match st with
    | State mv1 mv2 mvsof_list (fst (mv1 ++ mv2)) \ moves_dest_set mvs moves_source_set (rev mvs)

  Tactic Notation "stsmpl" :=
    repeat (rewrite List.map_app || rewrite of_list_app
            || simpl || rewrite moves_source_set_app || unfold moves_dest_set || rewrite map_rev
            || rewrite of_list_rev).

  Lemma dtransition_source_set t st st'
    : dtransition var t st st'
      st_source_set st' st_source_set st.
    intros TR.
    general induction TR; simpl in *; eauto; stsmpl.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.

  Lemma dtransitions_source_set t st st'
    : dtransitions var t st st'
      st_source_set st' st_source_set st.
    intros TR.
    general induction TR; simpl in *; eauto using dtransition_source_set.
    - etransitivity; eauto.

  Lemma parmove_src_set t mu
    : moves_source_set (parmove var var_dec t mu) of_list (fst mu).
    pose proof (parmove_aux_transitions _ var_dec t (State _ mu nil nil)).
    eapply dtransitions_source_set in H.
    simpl in ×. revert H; stsmpl.
    unfold parmove. cset_tac.

End ParmovSourceSet.

Section ParmovDestinationSet.
  Import Parmov.

  Definition st_dest_set x (st:state var) :=
    match st with
    | State mv1 mv2 mvsof_list (snd (mv1 ++ mv2 ++ mvs))
                                  \ (of_list (fst (mv1 ++ mv2 ++ mvs))
                                              singleton x)

  Tactic Notation "stsmpl" :=
    repeat (rewrite List.map_app || rewrite of_list_app || simpl).

  Lemma dtransition_dest_set x st st'
    : dtransition var (fun _x) st st'
      st_dest_set x st st_dest_set x st'.
    intros TR.
    general induction TR; simpl in *; eauto; stsmpl.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.
    - cset_tac.

  Lemma dtransitions_dest_set x st st'
    : dtransitions var (fun _x) st st'
      st_dest_set x st st_dest_set x st'.
    intros TR.
    general induction TR; simpl in *; eauto.
    - eapply dtransition_dest_set; eauto.
    - etransitivity; eauto.

  Lemma parmove_dest_set (x:var) mu
        (NOTIN:x of_list (snd mu))
    : of_list (snd mu) \ of_list (fst mu) moves_dest_set (parmove var var_dec (fun _x) mu).
    pose proof (parmove_aux_transitions _ var_dec (fun _x) (State _ mu nil nil)).
    eapply dtransitions_dest_set in H.
    simpl in ×. revert H; stsmpl.
    unfold parmove, moves_dest_set.
    rewrite map_rev. rewrite of_list_rev.

End ParmovDestinationSet.

Lemma eq_dec_comm X (x y:X)
  : { x = y } + { ¬ x = y }
     { y = x } + { ¬ y = x } .

Notation "f <||= p" := (@Parmov.exec_seq var var_dec _ p f) (at level 29, left associativity).

Lemma Parmov_update_eq M x y
  : Parmov.update var var_dec (؟ val) x y M = M [x <- y].
  unfold Parmov.update, update.
  eapply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality.
  intros. repeat cases; eauto.

Lemma exec_seq_agree G pm (E E':onv val)
      (AGR: agree_on eq (G moves_source_set pm) E E')
  : agree_on eq G (E <||= pm) (E' <||= pm).
  general induction pm; simpl in *; eauto.
  - eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
  - destruct a. rewrite !Parmov_update_eq.
    eapply IHpm. simpl in ×.
    eapply agree_on_update_same.
    eapply AGR; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.

Section GlueCode.
  Fixpoint list_to_stmt (p : list (var × var)) (s : stmt) {struct p} : stmt :=
    match p with
      | nils
      | (x, y) :: p'stmtLet y (Operation (var_to_op x)) (list_to_stmt p' s)

  Lemma list_to_stmt_correct (p:Parmov.moves var) s (M:onv val) K
        (Def:defined_on (moves_source_set p) M)
    : star2 I.step (K, M, list_to_stmt p s) nil
        (K, M <||= p, s).
    general induction p.
    - firstorder using star2.
    - destruct a as [x y]. simpl in ×.
      edestruct (Def x); eauto with cset.
      exploit (var_to_op_correct M x).
      eapply star2_silent.
      + constructor; eauto.
      + rewrite H.
        rewrite Parmov_update_eq.
        eapply IHp; eauto using defined_on_update_some,
                    defined_on_incl with cset.

  Lemma exec_par_eq p (E:onv val)
    : Parmov.exec_par var var_dec _ p E =
      E [ snd p <-- lookup_list E (fst p) ].
    general induction p; simpl; eauto.
    cases; subst; simpl.
    rewrite IHp. simpl.
    intros. eapply Parmov_update_eq.

  Lemma NoDup_is_mill m
    : NoDupA eq (snd m)
       Parmov.is_mill var m.
    intros ND. hnf. unfold Parmov.dests.
    general induction m; invt NoDupA; simpl;
      eauto using Coqlib.list_norepet.
    econstructor; eauto.
    intro; eapply H1.
    eapply In_InA; eauto.

  Lemma parmov_update_with_list D (m:Parmov.moves var) (M:onv val) x
        (ND:NoDupA eq (snd m))
        (NOTIN : x of_list (fst m) of_list (snd m))
    : agree_on eq (D \ singleton x)
               (M <||= Parmov.parmove var var_dec (fun _x) m)
               (M [ snd m <-- lookup_list M (fst m) ]).
    exploit (@Parmov.parmove_correctness var var_dec (fun _x) (option val) m).
    - rewrite <- move_no_temp_notin. eauto.
    - eapply NoDup_is_mill; eauto.
    - rewrite <- exec_par_eq.
      hnf; intros.
      rewrite <- H.
      + reflexivity.
      + hnf; cset_tac.

  Lemma list_to_stmt_noParams pm s
        (NP:noParams s)
    : noParams (list_to_stmt pm s).
    general induction pm; simpl;
      repeat let_pair_case_eq; simpl; eauto using noParams.

End GlueCode.

Fixpoint onlyVars (Y:args) : params :=
  match Y with
  | nilnil
  | (Var x)::Yx::onlyVars Y
  | _::YonlyVars Y

Lemma lookup_list_var_map (E:onv val) Y v
  : omap (op_eval E) (Var Y) = Some v
     lookup_list E Y = Some v.
  intros. general induction Y; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
  monad_inv H; simpl. f_equal; eauto.

Lemma onlyVars_length Y
      (AEF: (n : nat) (y : op), get Y n y isVar y)
  : onlyVars Y = Y.
  general induction Y; simpl; eauto.
  exploit AEF; eauto using get. inv H; simpl.
  rewrite IHY; eauto using get.

Lemma onlyVars_idem Y
  : onlyVars (Var Y) = Y.
  general induction Y; simpl; f_equal; eauto.

Hint Resolve onlyVars_length : len.

Definition repl (Z:params) x y := (fun zif [x === z] then y else z) Z.

Fixpoint parmove_elim_mem2mem (p:inf_partition var) (r:var) (pm:var × var) :=
  match pm with
  | (x,y)::pmif [part_2 p x part_2 p y] then (x,r)::(r,y)::parmove_elim_mem2mem p r pm
                else (x,y)::parmove_elim_mem2mem p r pm
  | nilnil

Lemma moves_source_set_elim_mem2mem p (r:var) pm
      (NOTIN: r of_list (fst pm) of_list (snd pm))
  : moves_source_set (parmove_elim_mem2mem p r pm) [=] moves_source_set pm.
  general induction pm; simpl; eauto.
  pose proof (moves_source_set_incl pm) as INCL.
  destruct a; simpl; cases; simpl in *; rewrite IHpm.
  - clear - NOTIN INCL; cset_tac.
  - clear - NOTIN; cset_tac.
  - clear - NOTIN INCL; cset_tac.
  - clear - NOTIN; cset_tac.

Lemma moves_dest_set_elim_mem2mem p (r:var) pm
  : moves_dest_set pm moves_dest_set (parmove_elim_mem2mem p r pm).
  unfold moves_dest_set.
  general induction pm; simpl; eauto.
  destruct a; simpl; cases; simpl in *; rewrite IHpm.
  - clear; cset_tac.
  - clear; cset_tac.

Fixpoint lower (p:inf_partition var) (preg:var) (DL:var × params) s (an:ann (set var))
  : stmt :=
  match s, an with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 lv ansstmtLet x e (lower p preg DL s ans)
    | stmtIf x s t, ann2 lv ans antstmtIf x (lower p preg DL s ans) (lower p preg DL t ant)
    | stmtApp l Y, ann0 lv
      let '(lv', Z) := nth_default (, nil) DL (counted l) in
      let x := least_fresh_P (part_2 p) (lv' lv) in
      let z := least_fresh_P (part_2 p) ({x; lv'} lv) in
      let r := least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (lv' lv) in
      if [ (r preg)%positive ] then
        let mvs := Parmov.parmove2 var var_dec (fun _x) (onlyVars Y) Z in
        let mvs' := parmove_elim_mem2mem p r mvs in
        list_to_stmt mvs' (stmtApp l nil)
        let r := least_fresh_P (part_1 p) lv in
        if [ (r preg)%positive ] then
          let mvs := Parmov.parmove2 var var_dec (fun _x) (onlyVars Y) (repl Z r z) in
          let mvs' := parmove_elim_mem2mem p r mvs in
          list_to_stmt (mvs'++(z,r)::nil) (stmtApp l nil)
          let r := proj1_sig (InfiniteSubset.inf_subset_least (part_1 p)) in
          let mvs := Parmov.parmove2 var var_dec (fun _x) (repl (onlyVars Y) r z) (repl Z r z) in
          let mvs' := parmove_elim_mem2mem p r mvs in
          list_to_stmt ((r,z)::mvs'++(z,r)::nil) (stmtApp l nil)
    | stmtReturn x, ann0 lvstmtReturn x
    | stmtFun F t, annF lv ans ant
      let DL' := pair (getAnn ans) (fst F) in
      let s' := zip (fun Zs alower p preg (DL' ++ DL) (snd Zs) a) F ans in
      let t' := lower p preg (DL' ++ DL) t ant in
      (stmtFun ((fun s(nil, s)) s') t')
    | _, _s

Inductive approx
  : inf_partition var var
    list (set var) list I.block list I.block var I.block I.block Prop :=
  approxI L L' DL Z s s' lv n p preg
  (al:ann (set var))
  (LS:live_sound Imperative (I.block_Z L) DL s al)
  (AL:(of_list Z) lv)
  (AEF:app_expfree s)
  (ND:NoDupA eq Z)
  (INCL:getAnn al \ of_list Z lv)
  (spm:lower p preg (zip pair DL (I.block_Z L)) s al = s')
  : approx p preg DL L L' lv (I.blockI Z s n) (I.blockI nil s' n).

Lemma omap_var_defined_on Za E vl
: omap (op_eval E) ( Var Za) = Some vl
   defined_on (of_list Za) E.
  intros. general induction Za; simpl.
  - hnf; intros. cset_tac.
  - simpl in ×.
    monad_inv H.
    exploit IHZa; eauto.
    hnf; intros. cset_tac.

Lemma fst_combine A B (L:list A) (L':list B) (Len:L=L')
  : fst combine L L' = L.
  general induction Len; simpl; f_equal; eauto.

Lemma snd_combine A B (L:list A) (L':list B) (Len:L=L')
  : snd combine L L' = L'.
  general induction Len; simpl; f_equal; eauto.

Lemma repl_not_in Z x y
  : x of_list Z repl Z x y = Z.
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; simpl in *; eauto.
  - invc COND. cset_tac.
  - f_equal. eapply IHZ; cset_tac.

Lemma repl_not_in' Z x y x'
  : x of_list Z x =/= y x of_list (repl Z x' y).
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; simpl in *; eauto.
  - invc COND. cset_tac.
  - exploit (IHZ x y); eauto. cset_tac. cset_tac.

Lemma repl_nodup Z x y
  : y of_list Z NoDupA eq Z NoDupA eq (repl Z x y).
  intros IN ND.
  general induction ND; simpl; repeat cases; simpl in *; eauto using NoDupA.
  - invc COND. econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite repl_not_in; cset_tac.
    + eapply IHND. cset_tac.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + exploit (@repl_not_in' l x y x0); eauto. cset_tac. cset_tac.
    + eapply IHND; eauto. cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_repl_incl Z x y
  : of_list (repl Z x y) {y; of_list Z}.
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; eauto.
  - cset_tac.
  - rewrite IHZ; cset_tac.
  - rewrite IHZ; cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_repl Z x y
  : of_list (repl Z x y) {y; of_list Z \ singleton x}.
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; eauto.
  - cset_tac.
  - rewrite IHZ; cset_tac.
  - rewrite IHZ; cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_repl_eq (Z:params) x y
      (IN: x of_list Z)
  : of_list (repl Z x y) [=] {y; of_list Z \ singleton x}.
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; simpl in *; eauto.
  - invc COND. decide (a of_list Z).
    + rewrite IHZ; cset_tac.
    + rewrite repl_not_in; eauto. cset_tac.
  - rewrite IHZ; cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_repl_no (Z:params) x y
      (NOTIN: x of_list Z) (NOTIN2: y of_list Z)
  : y of_list (repl Z x y).
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; simpl in *; eauto.
  - invc COND. cset_tac.
  - cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_repl_never (Z:params) (x y:var)
      (NEQ:x =/= y)
  : x of_list (repl Z x y).
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; simpl in *; eauto.
  - cset_tac.
  - invc COND. cset_tac.
  - cset_tac.

Lemma of_list_repl' Z x y
  : of_list Z \ singleton x of_list (repl Z x y).
  general induction Z; simpl; repeat cases; eauto.
  - rewrite <- IHZ; cset_tac.
  - rewrite <- IHZ; cset_tac.

Lemma repl_get_ne (Z:params) n (x y z:var)
  : get Z n z z =/= x get (repl Z x y) n z.
  intros GET. general induction GET; simpl; repeat cases; eauto using get.

Lemma repl_get_eq (Z:params) n (x y z:var)
  : get Z n x get (repl Z x y) n y.
  intros GET. general induction GET; simpl; repeat cases; eauto using get.

Lemma repl_get_inv (Z:params) n (x y z:var)
  : get (repl Z x y) n z z =/= y get Z n z.
  intros GET.
  general induction Z; simpl in *; repeat cases in GET; inv GET; eauto using get.

Lemma parmove_elim_mem2mem_agree G (p:inf_partition var) (reg:var) (E':onv val) pm
      (NOTIN:reg of_list (fst pm))
  : agree_on eq (G \ singleton reg)
             (E' <||= parmove_elim_mem2mem p reg pm)
             (E' <||= pm).
  general induction pm; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct a; cases; simpl; rewrite !Parmov_update_eq.
    + etransitivity.
      eapply IHpm. simpl in ×. cset_tac.
      lud; eauto.
      eapply exec_seq_agree.
      hnf; intros. lud.
      invc H3. exfalso.
      rewrite moves_source_set_incl in H. simpl in ×.
    + eapply IHpm. simpl in ×. cset_tac.

Smpl Add
     match goal with
     | [ H : get (repl ?Z ?x ?y) ?n ?z |- _ ] ⇒
       unfold repl in H
     end : inv_get.

Lemma repl_lookup_ne2 lstmp (Z:params) Y (E:onv val) (reg x:var) (Len:Z = Y)
      (NE1:x =/= reg) (NE2:x =/= lstmp) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Z)
  : (E [repl Z reg lstmp <-- Y]) x = (E [Z <-- Y]) x.
  decide (x of_list Z).
  - eapply of_list_get_first in i; dcr. invc H0.
    exploit (@update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first _ _ _ E x0 Z Y); dcr;
    eauto with len.
    exploit repl_get_ne; try eapply NE1; eauto.
    exploit (@update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first _ _ _ E x0 (repl Z reg lstmp) Y); dcr;
      eauto with len.
    × intros. inv_get; subst.
      repeat cases; eauto.
      eapply H2 in H5; eauto.
      intro. invc H0.
      eapply NOTIN. eauto using get_in_of_list.
    × inv_get.
      repeat cases; eauto.
  - rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
    rewrite of_list_repl_incl; eauto. cset_tac.

Lemma repl_lookup_ne lstmp (Z:params) Y (E:onv val) (reg x:var) (Len:Z = Y)
      (NE2:x =/= lstmp) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Z)
  : (E [repl Z reg lstmp <-- Y]) x = (E [Z <-- Y] [reg <- E reg]) x.
  - invc H1.
    rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
    eapply of_list_repl_never; eauto.
  - eapply repl_lookup_ne2; eauto.

Lemma repl_lookup_left lstmp (Z:params) reg Y (E:onv val)
      (Len:Z = Y) (ND:NoDupA eq Z) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Z)
      x (IN:x of_list Z)
  : (E [repl Z reg lstmp <-- Y]) x = (E [Z <-- Y] [reg <- E reg] [lstmp <- E [Z <-- Y] reg]) x.
  decide (x =/= lstmp).
  - rewrite repl_lookup_ne; eauto. lud.
  - lud; cset_tac.

Lemma repl_agree G lstmp (Z:params) reg Y (E:onv val)
      (Len:Z = Y) (ND:NoDupA eq Z) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Z)
  : agree_on eq G (E [repl Z reg lstmp <-- Y])
             (E [Z <-- Y] [ reg <- E reg ]
                [lstmp <- if [reg of_list Z ] then E [Z <-- Y] reg else E lstmp]).
  hnf; intros.
  decide (x of_list Z).
  - rewrite repl_lookup_left; eauto.
    lud; cases; eauto.
  - lud. invc H0; cases.
    + eapply of_list_get_first in COND; dcr; clear_trivial_eqs.
      exploit (@update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first _ _ _ E x Z Y); dcr;
        eauto with len.
      rewrite H5.
      exploit repl_get_eq; try eapply H4; eauto.
      exploit (@update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first _ _ _ E x (repl Z reg lstmp) Y); dcr;
        eauto with len.
      × intros. inv_get.
        repeat cases; eauto.
        eapply H3 in H6; eauto.
        intro. invc H1.
        eapply NOTIN. eauto using get_in_of_list.
      × inv_get.
        repeat cases; eauto.
    + rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
      eapply of_list_repl_no; eauto.
    + invc H3.
      rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
      eapply of_list_repl_never; eauto.
    + rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
      rewrite of_list_repl_incl; eauto. cset_tac.

Lemma parmov_repl_agree1 p lv (E:onv val) (pmtmp reg lstmp:var) (Y Z:params) (Len:Y=Z) (NEQ:reg =/= lstmp) (NEQ2:pmtmp =/= lstmp) (NEQ3:reg =/= pmtmp)
      (NDZ:NoDupA _eq Z) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Y of_list Z) (NOTIN2: pmtmp of_list Y of_list Z)
       (NOTIN3:reg of_list Y) (IN:reg of_list Z)
  : agree_on eq (lv \ {lstmp; singleton pmtmp})
             (E <||= Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _ : positivepmtmp) Y Z)
             (E <||= (parmove_elim_mem2mem
                        p reg
                        (Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _pmtmp) Y (repl Z reg lstmp))
                ++ (lstmp, reg) :: nil)).
  set (ZR:=repl Z reg lstmp) in ×.
  set (PM:=Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _ : positivepmtmp) Y (repl Z reg lstmp)) in ×.
  etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_incl.
    eapply parmov_update_with_list; eauto.
    + rewrite snd_combine; eauto with len.
    + rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto with len.
    + cset_tac.
  rewrite Parmov.exec_seq_app; simpl. rewrite !Parmov_update_eq.
  symmetry. etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
    eapply agree_on_incl.
    eapply parmove_elim_mem2mem_agree.
    unfold Parmov.parmove2.
    rewrite fst_parmove. rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len.
    cset_tac. cset_tac.
  etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
    eapply agree_on_incl.
    eapply parmov_update_with_list; eauto.
    + rewrite snd_combine; eauto with len.
      eapply repl_nodup; eauto. cset_tac.
    + rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto with len.
      subst ZR. rewrite !of_list_repl_incl. cset_tac.
    + cset_tac.
  rewrite !snd_combine, !fst_combine; eauto with len.
  erewrite parmove_elim_mem2mem_agree with (G:=singleton lstmp);
    [|unfold Parmov.parmove2; rewrite fst_parmove; try rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len;
  etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
    eapply repl_agree; eauto with len. cset_tac.
  unfold Parmov.parmove2.
  erewrite parmov_update_with_list; eauto;
      try rewrite snd_combine; try rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len.
  - subst ZR. erewrite (@repl_agree (singleton lstmp)); eauto with len; [|cset_tac].
    hnf; intros. cases; lud; invc e; eauto.
  - + eapply repl_nodup; eauto. cset_tac.
  - subst ZR. rewrite !of_list_repl_incl. cset_tac.
  - instantiate (1:=singleton lstmp). cset_tac.

Lemma lookup_list_repl (E: onv val) (lstmp reg:var) Y
      (NEQ:lstmp =/= reg) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Y)
  : lookup_list (E [lstmp <- E reg]) (repl Y reg lstmp) = lookup_list E Y.
  general induction Y; simpl in *; eauto.
  f_equal; eauto; try cset_tac.
  cases; lud; eauto. invc H; eauto.

Lemma parmov_repl_agree2 p lv (E:onv val) (pmtmp reg lstmp:var) (Y Z:params) (Len:Y=Z) (NEQ:reg =/= lstmp) (NEQ2:pmtmp =/= lstmp) (NEQ3:reg =/= pmtmp)
      (NDZ:NoDupA _eq Z) (NOTIN:lstmp of_list Y of_list Z) (NOTIN2: pmtmp of_list Y of_list Z)
  : agree_on eq (lv \ {lstmp; singleton pmtmp})
             (E <||= Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _ : positivepmtmp) Y Z)
             (E <||=
                ((reg, lstmp)
                   parmove_elim_mem2mem p reg
                   (Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _ : positivepmtmp) (repl Y reg lstmp)
                                    (repl Z reg lstmp)) ++ (lstmp, reg) :: nil)).
  simpl; rewrite Parmov.exec_seq_app; simpl.
  rewrite !Parmov_update_eq.
  set (ZR:=repl Z reg lstmp) in ×.
  set (YR:=repl Y reg lstmp) in ×.
  set (PM:=Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _ : positivepmtmp) (repl Y reg lstmp)
                           (repl Z reg lstmp)) in ×.
  etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_incl.
    eapply parmov_update_with_list; eauto.
    + rewrite snd_combine; eauto with len.
    + rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto with len.
    + cset_tac.
  symmetry. etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
    eapply parmove_elim_mem2mem_agree.
    unfold Parmov.parmove2.
    rewrite fst_parmove. rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len.
    subst YR. rewrite of_list_repl. cset_tac.
  etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
    eapply agree_on_incl.
    eapply parmov_update_with_list; eauto.
    + rewrite snd_combine; eauto with len.
      eapply repl_nodup; eauto. cset_tac.
    + rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto with len.
      subst ZR YR. rewrite !of_list_repl_incl. cset_tac.
    + cset_tac.
  rewrite !snd_combine, !fst_combine; eauto with len.
  erewrite parmove_elim_mem2mem_agree with (G:=singleton lstmp);
    [|unfold Parmov.parmove2; rewrite fst_parmove; try rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len;
      subst YR; rewrite of_list_repl; cset_tac
  etransitivity. {
    eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
    eapply repl_agree; eauto with len. cset_tac.
  unfold Parmov.parmove2.
  erewrite parmov_update_with_list; eauto;
    try rewrite snd_combine; try rewrite !fst_combine;
      try rewrite !snd_combine; eauto with len.
  - subst ZR.
    erewrite (@repl_agree (singleton lstmp)); eauto with len; [|cset_tac].
    hnf; intros; lud.
    + invc H3.
      cases; eauto.
      × subst YR. rewrite lookup_list_repl; eauto.
        eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
        clear; hnf; intros; cset_tac.
      × rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
    + cset_tac.
    + cset_tac.
    + decide (x of_list Z).
      × subst YR.
        rewrite lookup_list_repl; eauto; [|cset_tac].
        eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
        clear; hnf; intros; cset_tac.
      × rewrite !lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto. lud.
  - eapply repl_nodup; eauto. cset_tac.
  - subst ZR YR. rewrite !of_list_repl_incl. cset_tac.
  - instantiate (1:=singleton lstmp). cset_tac.

Local Arguments list_to_stmt : simpl never.
Local Arguments Parmov.exec_seq : simpl never.

Lemma correct (p:inf_partition var) (preg:var) Lv L L' s (E E':onv val) (al: ann (set var))
      (LS:live_sound Imperative (I.block_Z L) Lv s al)
      (AEF:app_expfree s)
      (LA:inRel (approx p preg) Lv L L')
      (EEQ:agree_on eq (getAnn al) E E')
      (DEF:defined_on (getAnn al) E) (PREG1: part_1 p preg)
  : sim bot3 SimExt (L,E,s) (L', E', lower p preg (zip pair Lv (I.block_Z L)) s al).
  revert_all. pcofix pmSim_sim; intros.
  inv LS; inv AEF; simpl in ×.
  - invt live_exp_sound.
    + eapply (sim_let_op il_statetype_I);
        eauto 20 using op_eval_live, agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl,
        defined_on_update_some, defined_on_incl.
    + eapply (sim_let_call il_statetype_I);
        eauto 10 using agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl,
        defined_on_update_some, defined_on_incl.
        erewrite <- omap_op_eval_live_agree; eauto. eapply agree_on_sym; eauto.
  - eapply (sim_cond il_statetype_I);
      eauto 20 using op_eval_live, agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl, defined_on_incl.
  - rewrite nth_default_eq. erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get; simpl.
    inv_get. simpl in ×.
    eapply op_eval_var in H5 as [Y' ?]; subst Y.
    rewrite onlyVars_idem in ×. len_simpl.
    case_eq (omap (op_eval E) (Var Y')); intros.
    + set (reg:=least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (blv lv)) in ×.
      set (reg2:=least_fresh_P (part_1 p) lv) in ×.
      set (lreg:=InfiniteSubset.inf_subset_least (part_1 p)) in ×.
      set (pmtmp := least_fresh_P (part_2 p) (blv lv)) in ×.
      set (lstmp := least_fresh_P (part_2 p) ({pmtmp; blv} lv)) in ×.
      assert (NEQ1:reg =/= lstmp). {
        subst reg lstmp.
        eapply (part_disj p (least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (blv lv))); eauto.
        eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
        rewrite H5.
        eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
      assert (NEQ5:reg =/= pmtmp). {
        subst reg pmtmp.
        eapply (part_disj p (least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (blv lv))); eauto.
        eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
        rewrite H5.
        eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
      assert (NEQ2: pmtmp =/= lstmp). {
        subst pmtmp lstmp. intro.
        eapply (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_2 p) ({least_fresh_P (part_2 p) (blv lv); blv} lv)).
        rewrite <- H5. clear. cset_tac.
      assert (NEQ3:proj1_sig lreg =/= lstmp). {
        subst lreg lstmp. destr_sig; dcr.
        intro. invc H7.
        eapply (part_disj p); eauto.
        eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
      assert (NEQ4:proj1_sig lreg =/= pmtmp). {
        subst lreg pmtmp. destr_sig; dcr.
        intro. invc H5. simpl in ×. dcr.
        eapply (part_disj p); eauto.
        eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
      assert (pmtmp of_list Y' blv). {
        eapply (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_2 p) (blv lv)).
        eapply Ops.freeVars_live_list in H3.
        rewrite <- of_list_freeVars_vars in H3. rewrite <- H3 at 2.
        setoid_rewrite union_comm at 2. eauto.
      assert (lstmp of_list Y' blv). {
        eapply (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_2 p) ({pmtmp; blv} lv)).
        eapply Ops.freeVars_live_list in H3.
        rewrite <- of_list_freeVars_vars in H3. rewrite <- H3 at 2.
        setoid_rewrite union_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite <- incl_add' at 2. eauto.
      assert (reg blv lv). {
        eapply (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_1 p) (blv lv)).
        change (reg blv lv). clear - H7 INCL AL. cset_tac.
      unfold Parmov.srcs, Parmov.dests in ×.
      exploit omap_op_eval_live_agree; try eassumption.
        eapply Ops.freeVars_live_list in H3.
        rewrite <- of_list_freeVars_vars in H3.
        repeat cases.
        - exploit (@list_to_stmt_correct
                     (parmove_elim_mem2mem p reg
                                           (Parmov.parmove2 _ var_dec (fun _pmtmp) Y' Z0))
                     (stmtApp l nil) E' L'). {
            unfold Parmov.parmove2.
            rewrite moves_source_set_elim_mem2mem.
            rewrite !parmove_src_set. rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len.
            eapply omap_var_defined_on; eauto.
            rewrite fst_parmove, snd_parmove, fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
            rewrite <- AL in H5, H6.
            clear - NEQ5 H3 H7 AL H1 INCL. cset_tac'.
          pfold. eapply SimSilent.
          × eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto with len. reflexivity.
          × eapply star2_plus2_plus2 with (A:=nil) (B:=nil); eauto.
            eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity.
          × right; eapply (pmSim_sim p preg); try eapply LA1; eauto; simpl.
            -- eapply (inRel_drop LA H4).
            -- assert (getAnn al blv) by eauto with cset.
               eapply agree_on_incl.
               symmetry. etransitivity. {
                 eapply parmove_elim_mem2mem_agree.
                 unfold Parmov.parmove2.
                 rewrite fst_parmove, fst_combine; eauto with len.
                 clear - NEQ5 H3 H7 AL H1 INCL. cset_tac'.
               eapply agree_on_incl.
               eapply (@parmov_update_with_list (getAnn al));
                 try rewrite eauto.
               ++ rewrite snd_combine; eauto.
               ++ assert (of_list Y' lv). {
                   rewrite <- H3.
                 rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
                 rewrite AL; eauto.
               ++ rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
                 rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.
                 erewrite <- lookup_list_var_map; eauto.
                 eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
                 eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. eauto with cset.
                 rewrite H10. clear - H5. cset_tac.
               ++ instantiate (1:=getAnn al).
                 clear - H10 H5. cset_tac.
               ++ clear - H7 H10. cset_tac.
            -- eapply defined_on_update_list; eauto with len.
               assert (getAnn al \ of_list Z0 lv). {
                 rewrite <- H1. rewrite <- INCL. clear. cset_tac.
               eauto using defined_on_incl.
        - assert (IN:reg2 of_list Z0). {
            edestruct (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_1 p) (lv)); dcr.
            edestruct (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_1 p) (blv lv)); dcr.
            subst reg reg2.
            set (reg:=least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (blv lv)) in ×.
            set (reg2:=least_fresh_P (part_1 p) lv) in ×.
            exploit (H14 reg2); eauto.
            eapply Pos.le_lt_trans; eauto.
            eapply Pos.lt_nle. eauto. rewrite filter_incl in H13; eauto.
            clear - H13 H9 AL H1. clearbody reg2. cset_tac'.
            decide (reg2 of_list Z0); eauto. cset_tac.
          assert (reg2NOTIN:reg2 of_list Y'). {
            edestruct (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_1 p) (lv)); dcr.
            rewrite H3. eauto.
          assert (reg1NEQ1:reg2 =/= lstmp). {
            subst reg2 lstmp.
            eapply (part_disj p (least_fresh_P (part_1 p) lv)); eauto.
            eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
            rewrite H9.
            eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
          assert (reg1NEQ2:reg2 =/= pmtmp). {
            subst reg2 pmtmp.
            eapply (part_disj p (least_fresh_P (part_1 p) lv)); eauto.
            eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
            rewrite H9.
            eapply least_fresh_P_full_spec.
          exploit (@list_to_stmt_correct
                        p reg2
                        (Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _pmtmp) Y' (repl Z0 reg2 lstmp)) ++
                        (lstmp, reg2) :: nil)
                     (stmtApp l nil) E' L'). {
            unfold Parmov.parmove2.
            simpl. rewrite moves_source_set_app; simpl.
            rewrite !moves_source_set_elim_mem2mem.
            rewrite !parmove_src_set. simpl. rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len.
            eapply defined_on_incl.
            eapply defined_on_agree_eq; eauto.
            rewrite H3.
            rewrite <- moves_dest_set_elim_mem2mem.
            rewrite <- parmove_dest_set;
              try rewrite fst_combine; try rewrite snd_combine; eauto with len.
            rewrite of_list_repl_eq; eauto. clear - H3. cset_tac'.
            rewrite of_list_repl_eq; eauto. clear - NEQ2 H5 AL; cset_tac.
            - rewrite fst_parmove, snd_parmove, fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto with len.
              rewrite !of_list_repl.
              clear - reg2NOTIN reg1NEQ1 reg1NEQ2. cset_tac'.
           pfold. eapply SimSilent.
          × eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto with len. reflexivity.
          × eapply star2_plus2_plus2 with (A:=nil) (B:=nil); eauto.
            eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity.
          × right; eapply pmSim_sim; try eapply LA1; eauto; simpl.
            -- eapply (inRel_drop LA H4).
            -- assert (getAnn al blv) by eauto with cset.
               symmetry. etransitivity. {
                 eapply agree_on_incl.
                 eapply parmov_repl_agree1; eauto.
                 rewrite AL. eauto. rewrite AL; eauto.
                 instantiate (1:=blv).
                 rewrite H10. clear - H5 H6. cset_tac.
               eapply agree_on_incl.
               eapply (@parmov_update_with_list (getAnn al));
                 try rewrite eauto.
               ++ rewrite snd_combine; eauto.
               ++ assert (of_list Y' lv). {
                   rewrite <- H3.
                 rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
                 rewrite AL; eauto.
               ++ rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
                 rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.
                 erewrite <- lookup_list_var_map; eauto.
                 eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
                 eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. eauto with cset.
                 rewrite H10. clear - H5. cset_tac.
               ++ clear - H10 H5. cset_tac.
            -- eapply defined_on_update_list; eauto with len.
               assert (getAnn al \ of_list Z0 lv). {
                 rewrite <- H1. rewrite <- INCL. clear. cset_tac.
               eauto using defined_on_incl.
        - exploit (@list_to_stmt_correct
                     ((proj1_sig lreg, lstmp)
                        :: parmove_elim_mem2mem p (proj1_sig lreg)
                        (Parmov.parmove2 positive var_dec (fun _ : positivepmtmp)
                        (repl Y' (proj1_sig lreg) lstmp)
                        (repl Z0 (proj1_sig lreg) lstmp)) ++ (lstmp, proj1_sig lreg) :: nil)
                     (stmtApp l nil) E' L'). {
            unfold Parmov.parmove2.
            simpl. rewrite moves_source_set_app; simpl.
            rewrite !moves_source_set_elim_mem2mem.
            rewrite !parmove_src_set. simpl. rewrite fst_combine; eauto with len.
            edestruct (least_fresh_P_full_spec (part_1 p) (lv)); dcr.
            exploit (H11 (proj1_sig lreg)).
            - subst lreg. destr_sig. eauto.
            - subst lreg. destr_sig; dcr. simpl in *; dcr.
              exploit (H13 (least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (lv))); eauto.
              + destruct H14; eauto. invc H14. subst reg.
                set (reg:=least_fresh_P (part_1 p) (lv)) in ×.
                exfalso. eapply NOTCOND0.
                eapply Pos.lt_eq_cases. eapply H13. eauto.
            - rewrite of_list_repl_incl.
              eapply defined_on_incl.
              eapply defined_on_agree_eq; eauto.
              rewrite H3.
              subst reg.
              assert (IN:proj1_sig lreg lv). {
                rewrite filter_incl in H10; eauto.
              clear - IN. cset_tac.
            - rewrite fst_parmove, snd_parmove, fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto with len.
              rewrite !of_list_repl.
              clear - NEQ3 NEQ4. cset_tac.
          pfold. eapply SimSilent.
          × eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto with len. reflexivity.
          × eapply star2_plus2_plus2 with (A:=nil) (B:=nil); eauto.
            eapply plus2O. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. reflexivity.
          × right; eapply pmSim_sim; try eapply LA1; eauto; simpl.
            -- eapply (inRel_drop LA H4).
            -- assert (getAnn al blv) by eauto with cset.
               symmetry. etransitivity. {
                 eapply agree_on_incl.
                 eapply parmov_repl_agree2; eauto.
                 rewrite AL. eauto. rewrite AL; eauto.
                 instantiate (1:=blv).
                 rewrite H10. clear - H5 H6. cset_tac.
               eapply agree_on_incl.
               eapply (@parmov_update_with_list (getAnn al));
                 try rewrite eauto.
               ++ rewrite snd_combine; eauto.
               ++ assert (of_list Y' lv). {
                   rewrite <- H3. reflexivity.
                 rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
                 rewrite AL; eauto.
               ++ rewrite fst_combine, snd_combine; eauto.
                 rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.
                 erewrite <- lookup_list_var_map; eauto.
                 eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
                 eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. eauto with cset.
                 rewrite H10. clear - H5. cset_tac.
               ++ clear - H10 H5. cset_tac.
            -- eapply defined_on_update_list; eauto with len.
               assert (getAnn al \ of_list Z0 lv). {
                 rewrite <- H1. rewrite <- INCL. clear. cset_tac.
               eauto using defined_on_incl.
    + perr.
  - pno_step. simpl. eauto using op_eval_live.
  - pone_step. right.
    rewrite <- zip_app in *; eauto with len.
    assert (EQ:fst F ++ I.block_Z L = I.block_Z (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L)). {
      unfold mapi. generalize 0.
      clear. general induction F; simpl; f_equal; eauto.
    rewrite EQ in ×.
    eapply pmSim_sim; try eapply H; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply mutual_approx; eauto 20 using mkBlock_I_i with len.
    intros; inv_get.
    econstructor; eauto.
    + exploit H2; eauto.
    + eapply H2; eauto.
    + eauto using defined_on_incl; eauto.

Lemma pm_lower_noParams p ZL Lv s al preg
      (LS:live_sound Imperative ZL Lv s al)
  : noParams (lower p preg (zip pair Lv ZL) s al).
  general induction LS; simpl;
    repeat let_pair_case_eq; repeat simpl_pair_eqs; subst; eauto using noParams.
  - repeat cases; eauto using list_to_stmt_noParams, noParams.
  - econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl;
      try rewrite <- zip_app; eauto using noParams with len.