Library Containers.MapFacts

Require Import Bool Structures.DecidableType Structures.DecidableTypeEx.
Require Import OrderedType.
Module Import K := KeyOrderedType.
Require Import MapInterface Morphisms.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Generalizable All Variables.

This file corresponds to FMapFacts.v in the standard library. There are additional specifications, for boolean functions in particular, in the InductiveSpec section at the end of the file.
Hint Extern 1 (Equivalence _) ⇒ constructor; congruence.

Notation Leibniz := (@eq _) (only parsing).

Facts about weak maps

Section WeakFacts.
  Context `{HF : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F}.
  Let t elt := Map[key, elt].
  Definition eqb x y := x == y.

  Lemma eq_bool_alt : b b', b=b' (b=true b'=true).
    destruct b; destruct b'; intuition.

  Lemma eq_option_alt : (elt:Type)(o o':option elt),
    o=o' ( e, o=Some e o'=Some e).
    split; intros.
    subst; split; auto.
    destruct o; destruct o'; try rewrite H; auto.
    symmetry; rewrite <- H; auto.

  Lemma MapsTo_fun : (elt:Type) m x (e e':elt),
    MapsTo x e m MapsTo x e' m e=e'.
    generalize (find_1 H) (find_1 H0); clear H H0.
    intros; rewrite H in H0; injection H0; auto.

Specifications written using equivalences

  Section IffSpec.
    Variable elt elt' elt'': Type.
    Implicit Type m: t elt.
    Implicit Type x y z: key.
    Implicit Type e: elt.

    Lemma In_iff : m x y, x === y (In x m In y m).
      unfold In.
      split; intros (e0,H0); e0.
      apply (MapsTo_1 H H0); auto.
      apply (MapsTo_1 (symmetry H) H0); auto.

    Lemma MapsTo_iff : m x y e, x === y
      (MapsTo x e m MapsTo y e m).
      split; apply MapsTo_1; auto.

    Lemma mem_in_iff : m x, In x m mem x m = true.
      split; [apply mem_1|apply mem_2].

    Lemma not_mem_in_iff : m x, ¬In x m mem x m = false.
      intros; rewrite mem_in_iff; destruct (mem x m); intuition.

    Lemma In_dec : m x, { In x m } + { ¬ In x m }.
      generalize (mem_in_iff m x).
      destruct (mem x m); [left|right]; intuition.

    Lemma find_mapsto_iff : m x e, MapsTo x e m find x m = Some e.
      split; [apply find_1|apply find_2].

    Lemma not_find_in_iff : m x, ¬In x m find x m = None.
      split; intros.
      rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e. rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff.
      split; intro H'; try discriminate. elim H; e; auto.
      intros (e,He); rewrite find_mapsto_iff,H in He; discriminate.

    Lemma in_find_iff : m x, In x m find x m None.
      intros; rewrite <- not_find_in_iff, mem_in_iff.
      destruct (mem x m); intuition.

    Lemma equal_iff : m m' cmp,
      Equivb cmp m m' equal cmp m m' = true.
      split; [apply equal_1|apply equal_2].

    Lemma empty_mapsto_iff :
       x e, MapsTo x e (empty elt) False.
      intuition; apply (empty_1 H).

    Lemma empty_in_iff : x, In x (empty elt) False.
      unfold In.
      split; [intros (e,H); rewrite empty_mapsto_iff in H|]; intuition.

    Lemma is_empty_iff : m, Empty m is_empty m = true.
      split; [apply is_empty_1|apply is_empty_2].

    Lemma add_mapsto_iff : m x y e e',
      MapsTo y e' (add x e m)
      (x === y e=e')
      (x =/= y MapsTo y e' m).
      destruct (eq_dec x y); [left|right].
      split; auto.
      symmetry; apply (MapsTo_fun (e':=e) H); auto with map.
      split; auto; apply add_3 with x e; auto.
      subst; auto with map.

    Lemma add_in_iff : m x y e, In y (add x e m) x === y In y m.
      unfold In; split.
      intros (e',H).
      destruct (eq_dec x y) as [E|E]; auto.
      right; e'; auto.
      apply (add_3 E H).
      destruct (eq_dec x y) as [E|E]; auto.
       e; apply add_1; auto.
      intros [H|(e',H)].
      destruct E; auto.
       e'; apply add_2; auto.

    Lemma add_neq_mapsto_iff : m x y e e',
      x =/= y (MapsTo y e' (add x e m) MapsTo y e' m).
      split; [apply add_3|apply add_2]; auto.

    Lemma add_neq_in_iff : m x y e,
      x =/= y (In y (add x e m) In y m).
      split; intros (e',H0); e'.
      apply (add_3 H H0).
      apply add_2; auto.

    Lemma remove_mapsto_iff : m x y e,
      MapsTo y e (remove x m) x =/= y MapsTo y e m.
      split; intros.
      assert (In y (remove x m)) by ( e; auto).
      intro H1; apply (remove_1 H1 H0).
      apply remove_3 with x; auto.
      apply remove_2; intuition.

    Lemma remove_in_iff :
       m x y, In y (remove x m) x =/= y In y m.
      unfold In; split.
      intros (e,H).
      assert (In y (remove x m)) by ( e; auto).
      intro H1; apply (remove_1 H1 H0).
       e; apply remove_3 with x; auto.
      intros (H,(e,H0)); e; apply remove_2; auto.

    Lemma remove_neq_mapsto_iff : m x y e,
      x =/= y (MapsTo y e (remove x m) MapsTo y e m).
      split; [apply remove_3|apply remove_2]; auto.

    Lemma remove_neq_in_iff : m x y,
      x =/= y (In y (remove x m) In y m).
      split; intros (e',H0); e'.
      apply (remove_3 H0).
      apply remove_2; auto.

    Lemma elements_mapsto_iff : m x e,
      MapsTo x e m InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m).
      split; [apply elements_1 | apply elements_2].

    Lemma elements_in_iff : m x,
      In x m e, InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m).
      unfold In; split; intros (e,H);
         e; [apply elements_1 | apply elements_2]; auto.

    Lemma map_mapsto_iff : m x b (f : elt elt'),
      MapsTo x b (map f m) a, b = f a MapsTo x a m.
      case_eq (find x m); intros.
      apply (MapsTo_fun (m:=map f m) (x:=x)); auto with map.
      apply find_2; auto with map.
      assert (In x (map f m)) by ( b; auto).
      destruct (map_2 H1) as (a,H2).
      rewrite (find_1 H2) in H; discriminate.
      intros (a,(H,H0)).
      subst b; auto with map.

    Lemma map_in_iff : m x (f : elt elt'),
      In x (map f m) In x m.
      split; intros; eauto with map.
      destruct H as (a,H).
       (f a); auto with map.

    Lemma mapi_in_iff : m x (f:keyeltelt'),
      In x (mapi f m) In x m.
      split; intros; eauto with map.
      destruct H as (a,H).
      destruct (mapi_1 f H) as (y,(H0,H1)).
       (f y a); auto.

Unfortunately, we don't have simple equivalences for mapi and MapsTo. The only correct one needs compatibility of f.
    Lemma mapi_inv : m x b (f : key elt elt'),
      MapsTo x b (mapi f m)
       a, y, y === x b = f y a MapsTo x a m.
      intros; case_eq (find x m); intros.
      destruct (@mapi_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ m x e f) as (y,(H1,H2)).
      apply find_2; auto with map.
       y; repeat split; auto with map.
      apply (MapsTo_fun (m:=mapi f m) (x:=x)); auto with map.
      assert (In x (mapi f m)) by ( b; auto).
      destruct (mapi_2 H1) as (a,H2).
      rewrite (find_1 H2) in H0; discriminate.

    Lemma mapi_1bis : m x e (f:keyeltelt'),
      ( x y e, x === y f x e = f y e)
      MapsTo x e m MapsTo x (f x e) (mapi f m).
      destruct (mapi_1 f H0) as (y,(H1,H2)).
      replace (f x e) with (f y e) by auto.

    Lemma mapi_mapsto_iff : m x b (f:keyeltelt'),
      ( x y e, x === y f x e = f y e)
      (MapsTo x b (mapi f m) a, b = f x a MapsTo x a m).
      destruct (mapi_inv H0) as (a,(y,(H1,(H2,H3)))).
       a; split; auto.
      subst b; auto.
      intros (a,(H0,H1)).
      subst b.
      apply mapi_1bis; auto.

Things are even worse for map2 : we don't try to state any equivalence, see instead boolean results below.

  End IffSpec.

Useful tactic for simplifying expressions like In y (add x e (remove z m))
  Ltac map_iff :=
    repeat (progress (
      rewrite add_mapsto_iff || rewrite add_in_iff ||
        rewrite remove_mapsto_iff || rewrite remove_in_iff ||
          rewrite empty_mapsto_iff || rewrite empty_in_iff ||
            rewrite map_mapsto_iff || rewrite map_in_iff ||
              rewrite mapi_in_iff)).

Specifications written using boolean predicates

  Section BoolSpec.
    Lemma mem_find_b :
       (elt:Type)(m:t elt)(x:key),
        mem x m = if find x m then true else false.
      generalize (find_mapsto_iff m x)(mem_in_iff m x); unfold In.
      destruct (find x m); destruct (mem x m); auto.
      rewrite <- H0; e; rewrite H; auto.
      destruct H0 as (e,H0).
      destruct (H e); intuition discriminate.

    Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type.
    Implicit Types m : t elt.
    Implicit Types x y z : key.
    Implicit Types e : elt.

    Lemma mem_b : m x y, x === y mem x m = mem y m.
      generalize (mem_in_iff m x) (mem_in_iff m y)(In_iff m H).
      destruct (mem x m); destruct (mem y m); intuition.

    Lemma find_o : m x y, x === y find x m = find y m.
      intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e. rewrite <- 2 find_mapsto_iff.
      apply MapsTo_iff; auto.

    Lemma empty_o : x, find x (empty elt) = None.
      intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e.
      rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff, empty_mapsto_iff; now intuition.

    Lemma empty_a : x, mem x (empty elt) = false.
      case_eq (mem x (empty elt)); intros; auto.
      generalize (mem_2 H).
      rewrite empty_in_iff; intuition.

    Lemma add_eq_o : m x y e,
      x === y find y (add x e m) = Some e.
      auto with map.

    Lemma add_neq_o : m x y e,
      x =/= y find y (add x e m) = find y m.
      intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e'. rewrite <- 2 find_mapsto_iff.
      apply add_neq_mapsto_iff; auto.
    Hint Resolve add_neq_o : map.

    Lemma add_o : m x y e,
      find y (add x e m) = if x == y then Some e else find y m.
      intros; destruct (eq_dec x y); auto with map.

    Lemma add_eq_b : m x y e,
      x === y mem y (add x e m) = true.
      intros; rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite add_eq_o; auto.

    Lemma add_neq_b : m x y e,
      x =/= y mem y (add x e m) = mem y m.
      intros; do 2 rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite add_neq_o; auto.

    Lemma add_b : m x y e,
      mem y (add x e m) = (x == y) || mem y m.
      intros; do 2 rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite add_o; unfold eqb.
      destruct (eq_dec x y); simpl; auto.

    Lemma remove_eq_o : m x y,
      x === y find y (remove x m) = None.
      intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e.
      rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff, remove_mapsto_iff; now intuition.
    Hint Resolve remove_eq_o : map.

    Lemma remove_neq_o : m x y,
      x =/= y find y (remove x m) = find y m.
      intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e.
      rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff, remove_neq_mapsto_iff; now intuition.
    Hint Resolve remove_neq_o : map.

    Lemma remove_o : m x y,
      find y (remove x m) = if x == y then None else find y m.
      intros; destruct (eq_dec x y); auto with map.

    Lemma remove_eq_b : m x y,
      x === y mem y (remove x m) = false.
      intros; rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite remove_eq_o; auto.

    Lemma remove_neq_b : m x y,
      x =/= y mem y (remove x m) = mem y m.
      intros; do 2 rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite remove_neq_o; auto.

    Lemma remove_b : m x y,
      mem y (remove x m) = negb (x == y) && mem y m.
      intros; do 2 rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite remove_o; unfold eqb.
      destruct (eq_dec x y); auto.

    Definition option_map (A B:Type)(f:AB)(o:option A) : option B :=
      match o with
        | Some aSome (f a)
        | NoneNone

    Lemma map_o : m x (f:eltelt'),
      find x (map f m) = option_map f (find x m).
      generalize (find_mapsto_iff (map f m) x) (find_mapsto_iff m x)
        (fun bmap_mapsto_iff m x b f).
      destruct (find x (map f m)); destruct (find x m); simpl; auto; intros.
      rewrite <- H; rewrite H1; e0; rewrite H0; auto.
      destruct (H e) as [_ H2].
      rewrite H1 in H2.
      destruct H2 as (a,(_,H2)); auto.
      rewrite H0 in H2; discriminate.
      rewrite <- H; rewrite H1; e; rewrite H0; auto.

    Lemma map_b : m x (f:eltelt'),
      mem x (map f m) = mem x m.
      intros; do 2 rewrite mem_find_b; rewrite map_o.
      destruct (find x m); simpl; auto.

    Lemma mapi_b : m x (f:keyeltelt'),
      mem x (mapi f m) = mem x m.
      generalize (mem_in_iff (mapi f m) x) (mem_in_iff m x) (mapi_in_iff m x f).
      destruct (mem x (mapi f m)); destruct (mem x m); simpl; auto; intros.
      symmetry; rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H1; rewrite H; auto.
      rewrite <- H; rewrite H1; rewrite H0; auto.

    Lemma mapi_o : m x (f:keyeltelt'),
      ( x y e, x === y f x e = f y e)
      find x (mapi f m) = option_map (f x) (find x m).
      generalize (find_mapsto_iff (mapi f m) x) (find_mapsto_iff m x)
        (fun bmapi_mapsto_iff m x b H).
      destruct (find x (mapi f m)); destruct (find x m); simpl; auto; intros.
      rewrite <- H0; rewrite H2; e0; rewrite H1; auto.
      destruct (H0 e) as [_ H3].
      rewrite H2 in H3.
      destruct H3 as (a,(_,H3)); auto.
      rewrite H1 in H3; discriminate.
      rewrite <- H0; rewrite H2; e; rewrite H1; auto.

    Lemma map2_1bis : (m: t elt)(m': t elt') x
      (f:option eltoption elt'option elt''),
      f None None = None
      find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m').
      case_eq (find x m); intros.
      rewrite <- H0.
      apply map2_1; auto with map.
      left; e; auto with map.
      case_eq (find x m'); intros.
      rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H1.
      apply map2_1; auto.
      right; e; auto with map.
      rewrite H.
      case_eq (find x (map2 f m m')); intros; auto with map.
      assert (In x (map2 f m m')) by ( e; auto with map).
      destruct (map2_2 H3) as [(e0,H4)|(e0,H4)].
      rewrite (find_1 H4) in H0; discriminate.
      rewrite (find_1 H4) in H1; discriminate.

    Lemma eqb_dec : x y, {x === y} + {x =/= y}.
      intros x y; case_eq (compare x y); intro.
      left; apply compare_2; auto.
      right; apply lt_not_eq; apply compare_1; auto.
      right; apply gt_not_eq; apply compare_3; auto.

    Remark findA_rew : (l : list (key × elt)) x,
      findA (eqb x) l =
      findA (fun yif eqb_dec x y then true else false) l.
      intros; induction l; simpl.
      unfold eqb; destruct a; destruct (eq_dec x k);
        destruct (eqb_dec x k); auto; contradiction.

    Lemma elements_o : m x,
      find x m = findA (eqb x) (elements m).
      intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e.
      rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff, elements_mapsto_iff.
      rewrite findA_rew; apply findA_NoDupA.
      eapply OT_Equivalence.
      apply elements_3w.

    Lemma elements_b : m x,
      mem x m = existsb (fun px == fst p) (elements m).
      generalize (mem_in_iff m x)(elements_in_iff m x)
        (existsb_exists (fun px == fst p) (elements m)).
      destruct (mem x m); destruct
        (existsb (fun px == fst p) (elements m)); auto; intros.
      symmetry; rewrite H1.
      destruct H0 as (H0,_).
      destruct H0 as (e,He); [ intuition |].
      rewrite InA_alt in He.
      destruct He as ((y,e'),(Ha1,Ha2)).
      compute in Ha1; destruct Ha1; subst e'.
       (y,e); split; simpl; auto.
      unfold eqb; destruct (eq_dec x y); intuition.
      rewrite <- H; rewrite H0.
      destruct H1 as (H1,_).
      destruct H1 as ((y,e),(Ha1,Ha2)); [intuition|].
      simpl in Ha2.
      unfold eqb in *; destruct (eq_dec x y); auto; try discriminate.
       e; rewrite InA_alt.
       (y,e); intuition.

  End BoolSpec.

  Section Equalities.

    Variable elt:Type.
Another characterisation of Equal

    Lemma Equal_mapsto_iff : m1 m2 : t elt,
      Equal m1 m2 ( k e, MapsTo k e m1 MapsTo k e m2).
      intros m1 m2. split; [intros Heq k e|intros Hiff].
      rewrite 2 find_mapsto_iff, Heq. split; auto.
      intro k. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e.
      rewrite <- 2 find_mapsto_iff; auto.

Relations between Equal, Equiv and Equivb.

First, Equal is Equiv with Leibniz on elements.

    Lemma Equal_Equiv : (m m' : t elt),
      Equal m m' Equiv (@Logic.eq elt) m m'.
      intros. rewrite Equal_mapsto_iff. split; intros.
      split; intros (e,Hin); e; [rewrite <- H|rewrite H]; auto.
      intros; apply MapsTo_fun with m k; auto; rewrite H; auto.
      split; intros H'.
      destruct H.
      assert (Hin : In k m') by (rewrite <- H; e; auto).
      destruct Hin as (e',He').
      rewrite (H0 k e e'); auto.
      destruct H.
      assert (Hin : In k m) by (rewrite H; e; auto).
      destruct Hin as (e',He').
      rewrite <- (H0 k e' e); auto.

Equivb and Equiv and equivalent when eq_elt and cmp are related.

    Section Cmp.
      Variable eq_elt : elteltProp.
      Variable cmp : elteltbool.

      Definition compat_cmp :=
         e e', cmp e e' = true eq_elt e e'.

      Lemma Equiv_Equivb : compat_cmp
         m m', Equiv eq_elt m m' Equivb cmp m m'.
        unfold Equivb, Equiv, Cmp; intuition.
        red in H; rewrite H; eauto.
        red in H; rewrite <-H; eauto.
    End Cmp.

Composition of the two last results: relation between Equal and Equivb.

    Lemma Equal_Equivb : cmp,
      ( e e', cmp e e' = true e = e')
       (m m':t elt), Equal m m' Equivb cmp m m'.
      intros; rewrite Equal_Equiv.
      apply Equiv_Equivb; auto.

    Lemma Equal_Equivb_eqdec :
       eq_elt_dec : ( e e', { e = e' } + { e e' }),
        let cmp := fun e e'if eq_elt_dec e e' then true else false in
           (m m':t elt), Equal m m' Equivb cmp m m'.
      intros; apply Equal_Equivb.
      unfold cmp; clear cmp; intros.
      destruct eq_elt_dec; now intuition.

  End Equalities.

Equal is a setoid equality.

    Lemma Equal_refl : (elt:Type)(m : t elt), Equal m m.
  Proof. red; reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma Equal_sym : (elt:Type)(m m' : t elt),
    Equal m m' Equal m' m.
  Proof. unfold Equal; auto. Qed.

  Lemma Equal_trans : (elt:Type)(m m' m'' : t elt),
    Equal m m' Equal m' m'' Equal m m''.
  Proof. unfold Equal; congruence. Qed.

  Global Instance Equal_ST elt : Equivalence (Equal (elt:=elt)).
    constructor; red; [apply Equal_refl | apply Equal_sym | apply Equal_trans].

  Global Instance In_m elt : Proper (_eq ==> Equal ==> iff) (In (elt:=elt)).
    unfold Equal; intros k k' Hk m m' Hm.
    rewrite (In_iff m Hk), in_find_iff, in_find_iff, Hm; intuition.

  Global Instance Morphism_m elt :
    Proper (_eq ==> Leibniz ==> Equal ==> iff) (MapsTo (elt:=elt)).
    unfold Equal; intros k k' Hk e e' He m m' Hm.
    rewrite (MapsTo_iff m e Hk), find_mapsto_iff, find_mapsto_iff, Hm;
      subst; intuition.

  Global Instance Empty_m elt : Proper (Equal ==> iff) (@Empty _ _ _ elt).
    unfold Empty; intros m m' Hm; unfold not; split; intros.
    rewrite <-Hm in H0; eauto.
    rewrite Hm in H0; eauto.

  Global Instance is_empty_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Leibniz) (@is_empty _ _ _ elt).
    intros m m' Hm.
    rewrite eq_bool_alt, <-is_empty_iff, <-is_empty_iff, Hm; intuition.

  Global Instance mem_m :
    Proper (_eq ==> Equal ==> Leibniz) (@mem _ _ _ elt).
    intros elt k k' Hk m m' Hm.
    rewrite eq_bool_alt, <- mem_in_iff, <-mem_in_iff, Hk, Hm; intuition.

  Global Instance find_m elt :
    Proper (_eq ==> Equal ==> Leibniz) (@find _ _ _ elt).
    intros k k' Hk m m' Hm. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e.
    rewrite <- 2 find_mapsto_iff, Hk, Hm. split; auto.

  Global Instance add_m elt :
    Proper (_eq ==> Leibniz ==> Equal ==> Equal) (@add _ _ _ elt).
    intros k k' Hk e e' He m m' Hm y.
    rewrite add_o, add_o; destruct (eq_dec k y);
      destruct (eq_dec k' y); subst; auto; false_order.

  Global Instance remove_m elt :
    Proper (_eq ==> Equal ==> Equal) (@remove _ _ _ elt).
    intros k k' Hk m m' Hm y.
    rewrite remove_o, remove_o;
      destruct (eq_dec k y); destruct (eq_dec k' y); auto.
    elim H0; rewrite <-Hk; auto.
    elim H; rewrite Hk; auto.

  Global Instance map_m elt elt' :
    Proper (Leibniz ==> Equal ==> Equal) (@map _ _ _ elt elt').
    intros f f' Hf m m' Hm y; subst.
    rewrite map_o, map_o, Hm; auto.

  Notation not_find_mapsto_iff := not_find_in_iff.

End WeakFacts.

Additional Properties for weak maps

Results about fold, elements, induction principles...
Section MoreWeakFacts.
  Context `{HF : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F}.
  Let t elt := Map[key, elt].

  Section Elt.
    Variable elt:Type.

    Definition Add x (e:elt) m m' := y, find y m' = find y (add x e m).

    Notation eqke := (eqke (elt:=elt)).
    Notation eqk := (eqk (elt:=elt)).

Complements about InA, NoDupA and findA

    Lemma InA_eqke_eqk : (k1 k2 : key) e1 e2 l,
      k1 === k2 InA eqke (k1,e1) l InA eqk (k2,e2) l.
      intros k1 k2 e1 e2 l Hk. rewrite 2 InA_alt.
      intros ((k',e') & (Hk',He') & H); simpl in ×.
       (k',e'); split; auto.
      red; red; simpl; eauto.
      transitivity k1; auto; symmetry; auto.

    Lemma NoDupA_eqk_eqke : l, NoDupA eqk l NoDupA eqke l.
      induction 1; auto.

    Lemma find_NoDup :
       (l : list (key × elt)) a b,
        NoDupA eqk l
        (InA (fun p p'fst p === fst p' snd p = snd p') (a, b) l
          findA (eqb a) l = Some b).
      intros; rewrite findA_rew.
      unfold K.eqke; apply findA_NoDupA; auto.

    Lemma findA_rev : l k, NoDupA eqk l
      findA (eqb k) l = findA (eqb k) (rev l).
      case_eq (findA (eqb k) l).
      intros. symmetry.
      rewrite <- find_NoDup, InA_rev; eauto.
      rewrite find_NoDup; assumption.
      apply NoDupA_rev; auto; apply eqk_Equiv.
      case_eq (findA (eqb k) (rev l)); auto.
      intros e.
      rewrite <- find_NoDup, InA_rev; eauto using NoDupA_rev.
      rewrite find_NoDup; congruence.
      apply NoDupA_rev; auto; apply eqk_Equiv.


    Lemma elements_Empty : m:t elt, Empty m elements m = nil.
      unfold Empty.
      split; intros.
      assert ( a, ¬ List.In a (elements m)).
      red; intros.
      apply (H (fst a) (snd a)).
      rewrite elements_mapsto_iff.
      rewrite InA_alt; a; auto.
      destruct (elements m); auto.
      elim (H0 p); simpl; auto.
      red; intros.
      rewrite elements_mapsto_iff in H0.
      rewrite InA_alt in H0; destruct H0.
      rewrite H in H0; destruct H0 as (_,H0); inversion H0.

    Lemma elements_empty : elements (empty elt) = nil.
      rewrite <-elements_Empty; apply empty_1.

Conversions between maps and association lists.

    Definition of_list (l : list (key×elt)) :=
      List.fold_right (fun padd (fst p) (snd p)) (empty _) l.

    Definition to_list := elements (elt:=elt).

    Lemma of_list_1 : l k e,
      NoDupA eqk l
      (MapsTo k e (of_list l) InA eqke (k,e) l).
      induction l as [|(k',e') l IH]; simpl; intros k e Hnodup.
      rewrite empty_mapsto_iff, InA_nil; intuition.
      inversion_clear Hnodup as [| ? ? Hnotin Hnodup'].
      specialize (IH k e Hnodup'); clear Hnodup'.
      rewrite add_mapsto_iff, InA_cons, <- IH.
      unfold KeyOrderedType.eqke in ×.
      split; destruct 1 as [H|H]; try (intuition; fail).
      destruct (eq_dec k k'); [left|right]; split; auto.
      contradict Hnotin.
      apply InA_eqke_eqk with k e; intuition.
      symmetry; assumption.

    Lemma of_list_1b : l k,
      NoDupA eqk l
      find k (of_list l) = findA (eqb k) l.
      induction l as [|(k',e') l IH]; simpl; intros k Hnodup.
      apply empty_o.
      inversion_clear Hnodup as [| ? ? Hnotin Hnodup'].
      specialize (IH k Hnodup'); clear Hnodup'.
      rewrite add_o, IH.
      unfold eqb; destruct (eq_dec k k'); destruct (eq_dec k' k); auto;

    Lemma of_list_2 : l, NoDupA eqk l
      equivlistA eqke l (to_list (of_list l)).
      intros l Hnodup (k,e); unfold to_list.
      fold (eq_key_elt (elt:=elt)).
      rewrite <- elements_mapsto_iff, of_list_1; intuition.

    Lemma of_list_3 : s, Equal (of_list (to_list s)) s.
      intros s k.
      rewrite of_list_1b, elements_o; auto.
      apply elements_3w.


Induction principles about fold contributed by S. Lescuyer

In the following lemma, the step hypothesis is deliberately restricted to the precise map m we are considering.

    Lemma fold_rec :
       (A:Type)(P : t elt A Type)(f : key elt A A),
         (i:A)(m:t elt),
          ( m, Empty m P m i)
          ( k e a m' m'', MapsTo k e m ¬In k m'
            Add k e m' m'' P m' a P m'' (f k e a))
          P m (fold f m i).
      intros A P f i m Hempty Hstep.
      rewrite fold_1, <- fold_left_rev_right.
      set (ff:=fun (y : key × elt) (x : A) ⇒ f (fst y) (snd y) x).
      set (l:=rev (elements m)).
      assert (Hstep' : k e a m' m'', InA eqke (k,e) l ¬In k m'
        Add k e m' m'' P m' a P m'' (ff (k,e) a)).
      intros k e a m' m'' H ? ? ?; eapply Hstep; eauto.
      revert H; unfold l; rewrite InA_rev, elements_mapsto_iff; auto.
      assert (Hdup : NoDupA eqk l).
      unfold l. apply NoDupA_rev; auto.
      apply eqk_Equiv.
      apply elements_3w.
      assert (Hsame : k, find k m = findA (eqb k) l).
      intros k; unfold l; rewrite elements_o, findA_rev; auto.
      apply elements_3w.
      clearbody l. clearbody ff. clear Hstep f. revert m Hsame. induction l.
      intros m Hsame; simpl.
      apply Hempty. intros k e.
      rewrite find_mapsto_iff, Hsame; simpl; discriminate.
      intros m Hsame; destruct a as (k,e); simpl.
      apply Hstep' with (of_list l); auto.
      inversion_clear Hdup. contradict H. destruct H as (e',He').
      apply InA_eqke_eqk with k e'; auto.
      rewrite <- of_list_1; auto.
      intro k'. rewrite Hsame, add_o, of_list_1b. simpl.
      unfold eqb; destruct (eq_dec k' k); destruct (eq_dec k k');
        auto; false_order.
      inversion_clear Hdup; auto.
      apply IHl.
      intros; eapply Hstep'; eauto.
      inversion_clear Hdup; auto.
      intros; apply of_list_1b. inversion_clear Hdup; auto.

Same, with empty and add instead of Empty and Add. In this case, P must be compatible with equality of sets

    Theorem fold_rec_bis :
       (A:Type)(P : t elt A Type)(f : key elt A A),
         (i:A)(m:t elt),
          ( m m' a, Equal m m' P m a P m' a)
          (P (empty _) i)
          ( k e a m', MapsTo k e m ¬In k m'
            P m' a P (add k e m') (f k e a))
          P m (fold f m i).
      intros A P f i m Pmorphism Pempty Pstep.
      apply fold_rec; intros.
      apply Pmorphism with (empty _); auto. intro k. rewrite empty_o.
      case_eq (find k m0); auto; intros e'; rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff.
      intro H'; elim (H k e'); auto.
      apply Pmorphism with (add k e m'); try intro; auto.

    Lemma fold_rec_nodep :
       (A:Type)(P : A Type)(f : key elt A A)(i:A)(m:t elt),
        P i ( k e a, MapsTo k e m P a P (f k e a))
        P (fold f m i).
      intros; apply fold_rec_bis with (P:=fun _P); auto.

fold_rec_weak is a weaker principle than fold_rec_bis : the step hypothesis must here be applicable anywhere. At the same time, it looks more like an induction principle, and hence can be easier to use.

    Lemma fold_rec_weak :
       (A:Type)(P : t elt A Type)(f : key elt A A)(i:A),
        ( m m' a, Equal m m' P m a P m' a)
        P (empty _) i
        ( k e a m, ¬In k m P m a P (add k e m) (f k e a))
         m, P m (fold f m i).
      intros; apply fold_rec_bis; auto.

    Lemma fold_rel :
     (A B:Type)(R : A B Type)
     (f : key elt A A)(g : key elt B B)(i : A)(j : B)
     (m : t elt),
     R i j
     ( k e a b, MapsTo k e m R a b R (f k e a) (g k e b))
     R (fold f m i) (fold g m j).
      intros A B R f g i j m Rempty Rstep.
      do 2 rewrite fold_1, <- fold_left_rev_right.
      set (l:=rev (elements m)).
      assert (Rstep' : k e a b, InA eqke (k,e) l
        R a b R (f k e a) (g k e b)).
      intros; apply Rstep; auto;
        rewrite elements_mapsto_iff, <- InA_rev; auto.
      clearbody l; clear Rstep m.
      induction l; simpl; auto.

From the induction principle on fold, we can deduce some general induction principles on maps.

    Lemma map_induction :
       P : t elt Type,
        ( m, Empty m P m)
        ( m m', P m x e, ¬In x m Add x e m m' P m')
         m, P m.
      apply (@fold_rec _ (fun s _P s) (fun _ _ _tt) tt m); eauto.

    Lemma map_induction_bis :
       P : t elt Type,
        ( m m', Equal m m' P m P m')
        P (empty _)
        ( x e m, ¬In x m P m P (add x e m))
         m, P m.
      apply (@fold_rec_bis _ (fun s _P s) (fun _ _ _tt) tt m); eauto.

fold can be used to reconstruct the same initial set.
    Lemma fold_identity :
       m : t elt, Equal (fold add m (empty _)) m.
      apply fold_rec with (P:=fun m accEqual acc m); auto with map.
      intros m' Heq k'.
      rewrite empty_o.
      case_eq (find k' m'); auto; intros e'; rewrite <- find_mapsto_iff.
      intro; elim (Heq k' e'); auto.
      intros k e a m' m'' _ _ Hadd Heq k'.
      rewrite Hadd, 2 add_o, Heq; auto.

    Section Fold_More.

Additional properties of fold

When a function f is compatible and allows transpositions, we can compute fold f in any order.

      Variables (A:Type)(eqA:AAProp)(st:Equivalence eqA)(f:keyeltAA).

This is more convenient than a compat_op eqke .... In fact, every compat_op, compat_bool, etc, should become a Proper someday.
      Hypothesis Comp : Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>eqA==>eqA) f.

      Lemma fold_init :
         m i i', eqA i i' eqA (fold f m i) (fold f m i').
        intros. apply fold_rel with (R:=eqA); auto.
        intros. apply Comp; auto.

      Lemma fold_Empty :
         m i, Empty m eqA (fold f m i) i.
        intros. apply fold_rec_nodep with (P:=fun aeqA a i).
        intros. elim (H k e); auto.

As noticed by P. Casteran, asking for the general SetoidList.transpose here is too restrictive. Think for instance of f being M.add : in general, M.add k e (M.add k e' m) is not equivalent to M.add k e' (M.add k e m). Fortunately, we will never encounter this situation during a real fold, since the keys received by this fold are unique. Hence we can ask the transposition property to hold only for non-equal keys.
This idea could be push slightly further, by asking the transposition property to hold only for (non-equal) keys living in the map given to fold. Please contact us if you need such a version.
FSets could also benefit from a restricted transpose, but for this case the gain is unclear.

      Definition transpose_neqkey :=
         k k' e e' a, k =/= k'
          eqA (f k e (f k' e' a)) (f k' e' (f k e a)).

      Hypothesis Tra : transpose_neqkey.

      Lemma fold_commutes : i m k e, ¬In k m
        eqA (fold f m (f k e i)) (f k e (fold f m i)).
        intros i m k e Hnotin.
        apply fold_rel with (R:= fun a beqA a (f k e b)); auto.
        transitivity (f k0 e0 (f k e b)).
        apply Comp; auto.
        apply Tra; auto.
        intro abs.
        rewrite abs in H; contradict Hnotin; e0; auto.

      Hint Resolve NoDupA_eqk_eqke NoDupA_rev elements_3w : map.
      Lemma fold_Equal : m1 m2 i, Equal m1 m2
        eqA (fold f m1 i) (fold f m2 i).
        intros; do 2 rewrite fold_1; do 2 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
        assert (NoDupA eqk (rev (elements m1))) by
          (apply NoDupA_rev; [apply eqk_Equiv | apply elements_3w]).
        assert (NoDupA eqk (rev (elements m2))) by
          (apply NoDupA_rev; [apply eqk_Equiv | apply elements_3w]).
        apply fold_right_equivlistA_restr with (R:=complement eqk)(eqA:=eqke);
          auto with map.
        apply eqke_Equiv. auto.
        intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2) (Hk,He) a1 a2 Ha; simpl in *; apply Comp; auto.
        unfold complement, eq_key, eq_key_elt; repeat red. intuition eauto.
        intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2) (Hk,He) (k3,e3) (k4,e4) (Hk',He'); simpl in ×.
        unfold complement, KeyOrderedType.eqk; simpl; subst; intuition.
        apply H2; order. apply H2; order.
        intros (k,e) (k',e'); unfold eq_key; simpl; auto with ×.
        rewrite <- NoDupA_altdef; auto.
        intros (k,e).
        rewrite 2 InA_rev; try apply eqke_Equiv.
        change (InA eq_key_elt (k, e) (elements m1)
          InA eq_key_elt (k, e) (elements m2)).
        rewrite <- 2 elements_mapsto_iff, 2 find_mapsto_iff, H;
          auto with ×.

      Lemma fold_Add : m1 m2 k e i, ¬In k m1 Add k e m1 m2
        eqA (fold f m2 i) (f k e (fold f m1 i)).
        assert (eqke_refl : p, eqke p p).
        red; auto.
        assert (eqke_sym : p p', eqke p p' eqke p' p).
        intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2); unfold eq_key_elt; simpl; intuition.
        assert (eqke_trans : p p' p'',
          eqke p p' eqke p' p'' eqke p p'').
        intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2) (z1,z2); unfold K.eqke; simpl.
        intuition; subst; auto; transitivity y1; auto.
        intros; do 2 rewrite fold_1; do 2 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
        set (f':=fun y x0f (fst y) (snd y) x0) in ×.
        change (f k e (fold_right f' i (rev (elements m1))))
          with (f' (k,e) (fold_right f' i (rev (elements m1)))).
        apply fold_right_add_restr with
          (R:=complement eqk)(eqA:=eqke)(eqB:=eqA); auto.
        apply eqke_Equiv.
        intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2) (Hk,He) a1 a2 Ha; unfold f';
          simpl in ×. apply Comp; auto.
        unfold complement, eq_key, eq_key_elt; repeat red. intuition eauto.
        intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2) (Hk,He) (k3,e3) (k4,e4) (Hk',He'); simpl in ×.
        unfold complement, KeyOrderedType.eqk; simpl; subst; intuition.
        apply H1; order. apply H1; order.
        unfold f'; intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2); unfold eq_key; simpl; auto.
        apply NoDupA_rev; auto using eqke_Equiv;
          apply NoDupA_eqk_eqke; apply elements_3w.
        apply NoDupA_rev; auto using eqke_Equiv;
          apply NoDupA_eqk_eqke; apply elements_3w.
        rewrite <- NoDupA_altdef; auto.
        apply NoDupA_rev; auto using eqk_Equiv; apply elements_3w.
        rewrite InA_rev.
        contradict H.
        rewrite elements_mapsto_iff; auto.
        intros a.
        rewrite InA_cons; do 2 (rewrite InA_rev by apply eqke_Equiv);
          destruct a as (a,b); fold (eq_key_elt (elt:=elt));
            do 2 rewrite <- elements_mapsto_iff.
        do 2 rewrite find_mapsto_iff; unfold eq_key_elt; simpl.
        rewrite H0.
        rewrite add_o.
        destruct (eq_dec k a); intuition try congruence.
        inversion H2; auto.
        destruct H3; f_equal; auto.
        elim H.
         b; apply MapsTo_1 with a; auto with map.
        elim H1; destruct H3; auto.

      Lemma fold_add : m k e i, ¬In k m
        eqA (fold f (add k e m) i) (f k e (fold f m i)).
        intros. apply fold_Add; try red; auto.

    End Fold_More.


    Lemma cardinal_fold : m : t elt,
      cardinal m = fold (fun _ _S) m 0.
      intros; rewrite cardinal_1, fold_1.
      symmetry; apply fold_left_length; auto.

    Lemma cardinal_Empty : m : t elt,
      Empty m cardinal m = 0.
      rewrite cardinal_1, elements_Empty.
      destruct (elements m); intuition; discriminate.

    Lemma Equal_cardinal : m m' : t elt,
      Equal m m' cardinal m = cardinal m'.
      intros; do 2 rewrite cardinal_fold.
      apply fold_Equal with (eqA:=Leibniz); compute; auto.

    Lemma cardinal_1 : m : t elt, Empty m cardinal m = 0.
      intros; rewrite <- cardinal_Empty; auto.

    Lemma cardinal_2 :
       m m' x e, ¬ In x m Add x e m m' cardinal m' = S (cardinal m).
      intros; do 2 rewrite cardinal_fold.
      change S with ((fun _ _S) x e).
      apply fold_Add with (eqA:=Leibniz); compute; auto.

    Lemma cardinal_inv_1 : m : t elt,
      cardinal m = 0 Empty m.
      intros; rewrite cardinal_Empty; auto.
    Hint Resolve cardinal_inv_1 : map.

    Lemma cardinal_inv_2 :
       m n, cardinal m = S n
        { p : key×elt | MapsTo (fst p) (snd p) m }.
      intros; rewrite MapInterface.cardinal_1 in H.
      generalize (elements_mapsto_iff m).
      destruct (elements m); try discriminate.
       p; auto.
      rewrite H0; destruct p; simpl; auto.

    Lemma cardinal_inv_2b :
       m, cardinal m 0 { p : key×elt | MapsTo (fst p) (snd p) m }.
      generalize (@cardinal_inv_2 m); destruct @cardinal.
      elim H;auto.

Additional notions over maps

    Definition Disjoint (m m' : t elt) :=
       k, ~(In k m In k m').

    Definition Partition (m m1 m2 : t elt) :=
      Disjoint m1 m2
      ( k e, MapsTo k e m MapsTo k e m1 MapsTo k e m2).

Emulation of some functions lacking in the interface

    Definition filter (f : key elt bool)(m : t elt) :=
      fold (fun k e mif f k e then add k e m else m) m (empty _).

    Definition for_all (f : key elt bool)(m : t elt) :=
      fold (fun k e bif f k e then b else false) m true.

    Definition exists_ (f : key elt bool)(m : t elt) :=
      fold (fun k e bif f k e then true else b) m false.

    Definition partition (f : key elt bool)(m : t elt) :=
      (filter f m, filter (fun k enegb (f k e)) m).

update adds to m1 all the bindings of m2. It can be seen as an union operator which gives priority to its 2nd argument in case of binding conflit.

    Definition update (m1 m2 : t elt) := fold add m2 m1.

restrict keeps from m1 only the bindings whose key is in m2. It can be seen as an inter operator, with priority to its 1st argument in case of binding conflit.

    Definition restrict (m1 m2 : t elt) := filter (fun k _mem k m2) m1.

diff erases from m1 all bindings whose key is in m2.

    Definition diff (m1 m2 : t elt) := filter (fun k _negb (mem k m2)) m1.

    Section Specs.
      Variable f : key elt bool.
      Hypothesis Hf : Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>Leibniz) f.

      Lemma filter_iff : m k e,
        MapsTo k e (filter f m) MapsTo k e m f k e = true.
        unfold filter.
        set (f':=fun k e mif f k e then add k e m else m).
        intro m. pattern m, (fold f' m (empty _)). apply fold_rec.

        intros m' Hm' k e. rewrite empty_mapsto_iff. intuition.
        elim (Hm' k e); auto.

        intros k e acc m1 m2 Hke Hn Hadd IH k' e'.
        change (Equal m2 (add k e m1)) in Hadd; rewrite Hadd.
        unfold f'; simpl.
        case_eq (f k e); intros Hfke; simpl;
          rewrite !add_mapsto_iff, IH; clear IH; intuition.
        rewrite <- Hfke; apply Hf; auto.
        destruct (eq_dec k k') as [Hk|Hk]; [left|right]; auto.
        elim Hn; e'; rewrite Hk; auto.
        assert (f k e = f k' e') by (apply Hf; auto). congruence.

      Lemma for_all_iff : m,
        for_all f m = true ( k e, MapsTo k e m f k e = true).
        unfold for_all.
        set (f':=fun k e bif f k e then b else false).
        intro m. pattern m, (fold f' m true). apply fold_rec.

        intros m' Hm'. split; auto. intros _ k e Hke. elim (Hm' k e); auto.

        intros k e b m1 m2 _ Hn Hadd IH. clear m.
        change (Equal m2 (add k e m1)) in Hadd.
        unfold f'; simpl. case_eq (f k e); intros Hfke.
        rewrite IH. clear IH. split; intros Hmapsto k' e' Hke'.
        rewrite Hadd, add_mapsto_iff in Hke'.
        destruct Hke' as [(?,?)|(?,?)]; auto.
        rewrite <- Hfke; apply Hf; auto.
        apply Hmapsto. rewrite Hadd, add_mapsto_iff; right; split; auto.
        intro abs; contradict Hn; e'; rewrite abs; auto.
        split; intros H; try discriminate.
        rewrite <- Hfke. apply H.
        rewrite Hadd, add_mapsto_iff; auto.

      Lemma exists_iff : m,
        exists_ f m = true
        ( p, MapsTo (fst p) (snd p) m f (fst p) (snd p) = true).
        unfold exists_.
        set (f':=fun k e bif f k e then true else b).
        intro m. pattern m, (fold f' m false). apply fold_rec.

        intros m' Hm'. split; try (intros; discriminate).
        intros ((k,e),(Hke,_)); simpl in ×. elim (Hm' k e); auto.

        intros k e b m1 m2 _ Hn Hadd IH. clear m.
        change (Equal m2 (add k e m1)) in Hadd.
        unfold f'; simpl. case_eq (f k e); intros Hfke.
        split; [intros _|auto].
         (k,e); simpl; split; auto.
        rewrite Hadd, add_mapsto_iff; auto.
        rewrite IH. clear IH. split; intros ((k',e'),(Hke1,Hke2)); simpl in ×.
         (k',e'); simpl; split; auto.
        rewrite Hadd, add_mapsto_iff; right; split; auto.
        intro abs; contradict Hn; e'; rewrite abs; auto.
        rewrite Hadd, add_mapsto_iff in Hke1. destruct Hke1 as [(?,?)|(?,?)].
        assert (f k' e' = f k e) by (apply Hf; auto). congruence.
         (k',e'); auto.

    End Specs.

    Lemma Disjoint_alt : m m',
      Disjoint m m'
      ( k e e', MapsTo k e m MapsTo k e' m' False).
      unfold Disjoint; split.
      intros H k v v' H1 H2.
      apply H with k; split.
       v; trivial.
       v'; trivial.
      intros H k ((v,Hv),(v',Hv')).
      eapply H; eauto.

    Section Partition.
      Variable f : key elt bool.
      Hypothesis Hf : Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>Leibniz) f.

      Lemma partition_iff_1 : m m1 k e,
        m1 = fst (partition f m)
        (MapsTo k e m1 MapsTo k e m f k e = true).
        unfold partition; simpl; intros. subst m1.
        apply filter_iff; auto.

      Lemma partition_iff_2 : m m2 k e,
        m2 = snd (partition f m)
        (MapsTo k e m2 MapsTo k e m f k e = false).
        unfold partition; simpl; intros. subst m2.
        rewrite filter_iff.
        split; intros (H,H'); split; auto.
        destruct (f k e); simpl in *; auto.
        rewrite H'; auto.
        repeat red; intros. f_equal. apply Hf; auto.

      Lemma partition_Partition : m m1 m2,
        partition f m = (m1,m2) Partition m m1 m2.
        intros. split.
        rewrite Disjoint_alt. intros k e e'.
        rewrite (@partition_iff_1 m m1), (@partition_iff_2 m m2)
          by (rewrite H; auto).
        intros (U,V) (W,Z). rewrite <- (MapsTo_fun U W) in Z; congruence.
        intros k e.
        rewrite (@partition_iff_1 m m1), (@partition_iff_2 m m2)
          by (rewrite H; auto).
        destruct (f k e); intuition.

    End Partition.

    Lemma Partition_In : m m1 m2 k,
      Partition m m1 m2 In k m {In k m1}+{In k m2}.
      intros m m1 m2 k Hm Hk.
      destruct (In_dec m1 k) as [H|H]; [left|right]; auto.
      destruct Hm as (Hm,Hm').
      destruct Hk as (e,He); rewrite Hm' in He; destruct He.
      elim H; e; auto.
       e; auto.

    Lemma Disjoint_sym : m1 m2, Disjoint m1 m2 Disjoint m2 m1.
      intros m1 m2 H k (H1,H2). elim (H k); auto.

    Lemma Partition_sym : m m1 m2,
      Partition m m1 m2 Partition m m2 m1.
      intros m m1 m2 (H,H'); split.
      apply Disjoint_sym; auto.
      intros; rewrite H'; intuition.

    Lemma Partition_Empty : m m1 m2, Partition m m1 m2
      (Empty m (Empty m1 Empty m2)).
      intros m m1 m2 (Hdisj,Heq). split.
      intro He.
      split; intros k e Hke; elim (He k e); rewrite Heq; auto.
      intros (He1,He2) k e Hke. rewrite Heq in Hke. destruct Hke.
      elim (He1 k e); auto.
      elim (He2 k e); auto.

    Lemma Partition_Add :
       m m' x e , ¬In x m Add x e m m'
         m1 m2, Partition m' m1 m2
           m3, (Add x e m3 m1 Partition m m3 m2
            Add x e m3 m2 Partition m m1 m3).
      unfold Partition. intros m m' x e Hn Hadd m1 m2 (Hdisj,Hor).
      assert (Heq : Equal m (remove x m')).
      change (Equal m' (add x e m)) in Hadd. rewrite Hadd.
      intro k. rewrite remove_o, add_o.
      destruct (eq_dec x k) as [He|Hne]; auto.
      rewrite <- He, <- not_find_in_iff; auto.
      assert (H : MapsTo x e m').
      change (Equal m' (add x e m)) in Hadd; rewrite Hadd.
      apply add_1; auto.
      rewrite Hor in H; destruct H.

       (remove x m1); left. split; [|split].
      change (Equal m1 (add x e (remove x m1))).
      intro k.
      rewrite add_o, remove_o.
      destruct (eq_dec x k) as [He|Hne]; auto.
      rewrite <- He; apply find_1; auto.
      intros k (H1,H2). elim (Hdisj k). split; auto.
      rewrite remove_in_iff in H1; destruct H1; auto.
      intros k' e'.
      rewrite Heq, 2 remove_mapsto_iff, Hor.
      intro abs; elim (Hdisj x); split; [ e| e']; auto.
      apply MapsTo_1 with k'; auto.

       (remove x m2); right. split; [|split].
      change (Equal m2 (add x e (remove x m2))).
      intro k.
      rewrite add_o, remove_o.
      destruct (eq_dec x k) as [He|Hne]; auto.
      rewrite <- He; apply find_1; auto.
      intros k (H1,H2). elim (Hdisj k). split; auto.
      rewrite remove_in_iff in H2; destruct H2; auto.
      intros k' e'.
      rewrite Heq, 2 remove_mapsto_iff, Hor.
      intro abs; elim (Hdisj x); split; [ e'| e]; auto.
      apply MapsTo_1 with k'; auto.

    Lemma Partition_fold :
       (A:Type)(eqA:AAProp)(st:Equivalence eqA)(f:keyeltAA),
        Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>eqA==>eqA) f
        transpose_neqkey eqA f
         m m1 m2 i,
          Partition m m1 m2
          eqA (fold f m i) (fold f m1 (fold f m2 i)).
      intros A eqA st f Comp Tra.
      induction m as [m Hm|m m' IH k e Hn Hadd] using map_induction.

      intros m1 m2 i Hp. rewrite (fold_Empty (eqA:=eqA)); auto.
      rewrite (Partition_Empty Hp) in Hm. destruct Hm.
      rewrite 2 (fold_Empty (eqA:=eqA)); auto. reflexivity.

      intros m1 m2 i Hp.
      destruct (Partition_Add Hn Hadd Hp) as (m3,[(Hadd',Hp')|(Hadd',Hp')]).
      assert (¬In k m3).
      contradict Hn. destruct Hn as (e',He').
      destruct Hp' as (Hp1,Hp2). e'. rewrite Hp2; auto.
      transitivity (f k e (fold f m i)).
      apply fold_Add with (eqA:=eqA); auto.
      transitivity (f k e (fold f m3 (fold f m2 i))).
      apply fold_Add with (eqA:=eqA); auto.
      apply Comp; auto.
      symmetry; apply IH; auto.
      assert (¬In k m3).
      contradict Hn. destruct Hn as (e',He').
      destruct Hp' as (Hp1,Hp2). e'. rewrite Hp2; auto.
      assert (¬In k m1).
      contradict Hn. destruct Hn as (e',He').
      destruct Hp' as (Hp1,Hp2). e'. rewrite Hp2; auto.
      transitivity (f k e (fold f m i)).
      apply fold_Add with (eqA:=eqA); auto.
      transitivity (f k e (fold f m1 (fold f m3 i))).
      apply Comp; auto using IH.
      transitivity (fold f m1 (f k e (fold f m3 i))).
      apply fold_commutes with (eqA:=eqA); auto.
      apply fold_init with (eqA:=eqA); auto.
      apply fold_Add with (eqA:=eqA); auto.

    Lemma Partition_cardinal : m m1 m2, Partition m m1 m2
      cardinal m = cardinal m1 + cardinal m2.
      rewrite (cardinal_fold m), (cardinal_fold m1).
      set (f:=fun (_:key)(_:elt)=>S).
      replace (fold f m 0) with (fold f m1 (fold f m2 0)).
      rewrite <- cardinal_fold.
      apply fold_rel with (R:=fun u vu = v + cardinal m2); simpl; auto.
      unfold _eq; simpl.
      symmetry; apply Partition_fold with (eqA:=@Logic.eq _); try red; auto.
      compute; auto.

    Lemma Partition_partition : m m1 m2, Partition m m1 m2
      let f := fun k (_:elt) ⇒ mem k m1 in
        Equal m1 (fst (partition f m)) Equal m2 (snd (partition f m)).
      intros m m1 m2 Hm f.
      assert (Hf : Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>Leibniz) f).
      intros k k' Hk e e' _; unfold f; rewrite Hk; auto.
      set (m1':= fst (partition f m)).
      set (m2':= snd (partition f m)).
      split; rewrite Equal_mapsto_iff; intros k e.
      rewrite (@partition_iff_1 f Hf m m1') by auto.
      unfold f.
      rewrite <- mem_in_iff.
      destruct Hm as (Hm,Hm').
      rewrite Hm'.
       e; auto.
      elim (Hm k); split; auto; e; auto.
      rewrite (@partition_iff_2 f Hf m m2') by auto.
      unfold f.
      rewrite <- not_mem_in_iff.
      destruct Hm as (Hm,Hm').
      rewrite Hm'.
      elim (Hm k); split; auto; e; auto.
      elim H1; e; auto.

    Lemma update_mapsto_iff : m m' k e,
      MapsTo k e (update m m')
      (MapsTo k e m' (MapsTo k e m ¬In k m')).
      unfold update.
      intros m m'.
      pattern m', (fold add m' m). apply fold_rec.

      intros m0 Hm0 k e.
      assert (¬In k m0) by (intros (e0,He0); apply (Hm0 k e0); auto).
      elim (Hm0 k e); auto.

      intros k e m0 m1 m2 _ Hn Hadd IH k' e'.
      change (Equal m2 (add k e m1)) in Hadd.
      rewrite Hadd, 2 add_mapsto_iff, IH, add_in_iff. clear IH. intuition.

    Lemma update_dec : m m' k e, MapsTo k e (update m m')
      { MapsTo k e m' } + { MapsTo k e m ¬In k m'}.
      intros m m' k e H. rewrite update_mapsto_iff in H.
      destruct (In_dec m' k) as [H'|H']; [left|right]; intuition.
      elim H'; e; auto.

    Lemma update_in_iff : m m' k,
      In k (update m m') In k m In k m'.
      intros m m' k. split.
      intros (e,H); rewrite update_mapsto_iff in H.
      destruct H; [right|left]; e; intuition.
      destruct (In_dec m' k) as [H|H].
      destruct H as (e,H). intros _; e.
      rewrite update_mapsto_iff; left; auto.
      destruct 1 as [H'|H']; [|elim H; auto].
      destruct H' as (e,H'). e.
      rewrite update_mapsto_iff; right; auto.

    Lemma diff_mapsto_iff : m m' k e,
      MapsTo k e (diff m m') MapsTo k e m ¬In k m'.
      intros m m' k e.
      unfold diff.
      rewrite filter_iff.
      rewrite mem_1 in H1; auto; discriminate.
      intros ? ? Hk _ _ _; rewrite Hk; auto.

    Lemma diff_in_iff : m m' k,
      In k (diff m m') In k m ¬In k m'.
      intros m m' k. split.
      intros (e,H); rewrite diff_mapsto_iff in H.
      destruct H; split; auto. e; auto.
      intros ((e,H),H'); e; rewrite diff_mapsto_iff; auto.

    Lemma restrict_mapsto_iff : m m' k e,
      MapsTo k e (restrict m m') MapsTo k e m In k m'.
      intros m m' k e.
      unfold restrict.
      rewrite filter_iff.
      intros ? ? Hk _ _ _; rewrite Hk; auto.

    Lemma restrict_in_iff : m m' k,
      In k (restrict m m') In k m In k m'.
      intros m m' k. split.
      intros (e,H); rewrite restrict_mapsto_iff in H.
      destruct H; split; auto. e; auto.
      intros ((e,H),H'); e; rewrite restrict_mapsto_iff; auto.

specialized versions analyzing only keys (resp. elements)

    Definition filter_dom (f : key bool) := filter (fun k _f k).
    Definition filter_range (f : elt bool) := filter (fun _f).
    Definition for_all_dom (f : key bool) := for_all (fun k _f k).
    Definition for_all_range (f : elt bool) := for_all (fun _f).
    Definition exists_dom (f : key bool) := exists_ (fun k _f k).
    Definition exists_range (f : elt bool) := exists_ (fun _f).
    Definition partition_dom (f : key bool) := partition (fun k _f k).
    Definition partition_range (f : elt bool) := partition (fun _f).

  End Elt.

  Global Instance cardinal_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Leibniz) (cardinal (elt:=elt)).
    intros m m' Hm; apply Equal_cardinal; auto.

  Global Instance Disjoint_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> iff) (Disjoint (elt:=elt)).
    intros m1 m1' Hm1 m2 m2' Hm2. unfold Disjoint. split; intros.
    rewrite <- Hm1, <- Hm2; auto.
    rewrite Hm1, Hm2; auto.

  Global Instance Partition_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> Equal ==> iff) (Partition (elt:=elt)).
    intros m1 m1' Hm1 m2 m2' Hm2 m3 m3' Hm3. unfold Partition.
    split; intros (H, H'); split; auto; intros.
    rewrite <- (Disjoint_m Hm2 Hm3); assumption.
    rewrite <- Hm1, <- Hm2, <- Hm3; auto.
    rewrite (Disjoint_m Hm2 Hm3); assumption.
    rewrite Hm1, Hm2, Hm3; auto.

  Global Instance update_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> Equal) (update (elt:=elt)).
    intros m1 m1' Hm1 m2 m2' Hm2.
    transitivity (update m1 m2'); unfold update.
    apply fold_Equal with (eqA:=Equal); auto.
    intros k k' Hk e e' He m m' Hm; rewrite Hk,He,Hm; red; auto.
    intros k k' e e' i Hneq x.
    rewrite !add_o.
    destruct (eq_dec k x); destruct (eq_dec k' x); auto; false_order.
    apply fold_init with (eqA:=Equal); auto.
    intros k k' Hk e e' He m m' Hm; rewrite Hk,He,Hm; red; auto.

  Global Instance restrict_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> Equal) (@restrict elt).
    intros m1 m1' Hm1 m2 m2' Hm2.
    transitivity (restrict m1 m2'); unfold restrict, filter.
    apply fold_rel with (R:=Equal); try red; auto.
    intros k e i i' H Hii' x.
    pattern (mem k m2); rewrite Hm2.     destruct (mem k m2'); rewrite Hii'; auto.
    apply fold_Equal with (eqA:=Equal); auto.
    intros k k' Hk e e' He m m' Hm; simpl in ×.
    pattern (mem k m2'); rewrite Hk.     destruct (mem k' m2'); rewrite ?Hk,?He,Hm; red; auto.
    intros k k' e e' i Hneq x.
    case_eq (mem k m2'); case_eq (mem k' m2'); intros; auto.
    rewrite !add_o.
    destruct (eq_dec k x); destruct (eq_dec k' x); auto; false_order.

  Global Instance diff_m elt :
    Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> Equal) (diff (elt:=elt)).
    intros m1 m1' Hm1 m2 m2' Hm2.
    transitivity (diff m1 m2'); unfold diff, filter.
    apply fold_rel with (R:=Equal); try red; auto.
    intros k e i i' H Hii' x.
    pattern (mem k m2); rewrite Hm2.     destruct (mem k m2'); simpl; rewrite Hii'; auto.
    apply fold_Equal with (eqA:=Equal); auto.
    intros k k' Hk e e' He m m' Hm; simpl in ×.
    pattern (mem k m2'); rewrite Hk.     destruct (mem k' m2'); simpl; rewrite ?Hk,?He,Hm; red; auto.
    intros k k' e e' i Hneq x.
    case_eq (mem k m2'); case_eq (mem k' m2'); intros; simpl; auto.
    rewrite !add_o.
    destruct (eq_dec k x); destruct (eq_dec k' x); auto; false_order.

End MoreWeakFacts.

Properties specific to maps with ordered keys

Section OrdProperties.
  Context `{HF : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F}.
  Let t elt := Map[key, elt].

  Section Elt.
    Variable elt:Type.

    Notation eqke := (eqke (elt:=elt)).
    Notation eqk := (eqk (elt:=elt)).
    Notation ltk := (ltk (elt:=elt)).
    Notation cardinal := (cardinal (elt:=elt)).
    Notation Equal := (Equal (elt:=elt)).
    Notation Add := (Add (elt:=elt)).

    Definition Above x (m:t elt) := y, In y m y <<< x.
    Definition Below x (m:t elt) := y, In y m x <<< y.

    Local Hint Extern 1 (Equivalence eqk) ⇒ apply eqk_Equiv.
    Local Hint Extern 1 (Equivalence eqke) ⇒ apply eqke_Equiv.
    Local Hint Extern 1 (RelationClasses.StrictOrder ltk) ⇒
      constructor; repeat intro; unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; order.
    Local Hint Extern 1 (Proper (eqk ==> eqk ==> iff) ltk) ⇒
      repeat intro; unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk, KeyOrderedType.eqk in *;
        intuition order.
    Local Hint Extern 1 (Proper (eqke ==> eqke ==> iff) ltk) ⇒
      repeat intro; unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk, KeyOrderedType.eqke in *;
        intuition order.

    Section Elements.

      Lemma sort_equivlistA_eqlistA : l l' : list (key×elt),
        sort ltk l sort ltk l' equivlistA eqke l l' eqlistA eqke l l'.
        apply SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA; auto.

      Ltac clean_eauto := unfold K.eqke, K.ltk; simpl;
        intuition; try solve [order].

      Definition gtb (p p':key×elt) :=
        match fst p =?= fst p' with Gttrue | _false end.
      Definition leb p := fun p'negb (gtb p p').

      Definition elements_lt p m := List.filter (gtb p) (elements m).
      Definition elements_ge p m := List.filter (leb p) (elements m).

      Lemma gtb_1 : p p', gtb p p' = true ltk p' p.
        intros (x,e) (y,e'); unfold gtb, K.ltk; simpl.
        destruct (compare_dec x y); intuition; try discriminate; order.

      Lemma leb_1 : p p', leb p p' = true ¬ltk p' p.
        intros (x,e) (y,e'); unfold leb, gtb, K.ltk; simpl.
        destruct (compare_dec x y); intuition; try discriminate; order.

      Lemma gtb_compat : p, Proper (eqke==>eq) (gtb p).
        red; intros (x,e) (a,e') (b,e'') H; red in H; simpl in *; destruct H.
        generalize (gtb_1 (x,e) (a,e'))(gtb_1 (x,e) (b,e''));
          destruct (gtb (x,e) (a,e')); destruct (gtb (x,e) (b,e'')); auto.
        unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; simpl in *; intros.
        symmetry; rewrite H2.
        apply eq_lt with a; auto.
        rewrite <- H1; auto.
        unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; simpl in *; intros.
        rewrite H1.
        apply eq_lt with b; auto.
        rewrite <- H2; auto.

      Lemma leb_compat : p, Proper (eqke==>eq) (leb p).
        red; intros x a b H.
        unfold leb; f_equal; apply gtb_compat; auto.

      Hint Resolve gtb_compat leb_compat (elements_3 (elt:=elt)) : map.

      Lemma elements_split : p m,
        elements m = elements_lt p m ++ elements_ge p m.
        unfold elements_lt, elements_ge, leb; intros.
        apply filter_split with (eqA:=eqk) (ltA:=ltk); eauto with map.
        intros; destruct x; destruct y; destruct p.
        rewrite gtb_1 in H; unfold K.ltk in H; simpl in ×.
        unfold gtb, K.ltk in *; simpl in ×.
        destruct (compare_dec k1 k0); intuition; try discriminate; order.

      Fact eqke_eq_key_elt : eqke = eq_key_elt.
      Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
      Ltac rr := rewrite eqke_eq_key_elt in ×.

      Lemma elements_Add : m m' x e, ¬In x m Add x e m m'
        eqlistA eqke (elements m')
        (elements_lt (x,e) m ++ (x,e):: elements_ge (x,e) m).
        intros; unfold elements_lt, elements_ge.
        apply sort_equivlistA_eqlistA; auto with ×.
        apply (@SortA_app _ eqke); auto with ×.
        apply (@filter_sort _ eqke); auto with *; clean_eauto.
        constructor; auto with map.
        apply (@filter_sort _ eqke); auto with *; clean_eauto.
        rewrite (@InfA_alt _ eqke); auto with *; try (clean_eauto; fail).
        rewrite filter_InA in H1; auto with *; destruct H1.
        rewrite leb_1 in H2.
        destruct y; unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; simpl in ×.
        rr; rewrite <- elements_mapsto_iff in H1.
        assert (¬ x === k).
        contradict H.
         e0; apply MapsTo_1 with k; auto.
        apply (@filter_sort _ eqke); auto with *; clean_eauto.
        rewrite filter_InA in H1; auto with *; destruct H1.
        rewrite gtb_1 in H3.
        destruct y; destruct x0; unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; simpl in ×.
        inversion_clear H2.
        red in H4; simpl in *; destruct H4.
        rewrite filter_InA in H4; auto with *; destruct H4.
        rewrite leb_1 in H4.
        unfold KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; simpl in *; order.
        rr; red; intros a; destruct a.
        rewrite InA_app_iff, InA_cons, 2 filter_InA,
          <-2 elements_mapsto_iff, leb_1, gtb_1,
          find_mapsto_iff, (H0 k), <- find_mapsto_iff,
          add_mapsto_iff; try apply eqke_Equiv; auto with ×.
        unfold eq_key_elt, KeyOrderedType.eqke, KeyOrderedType.ltk; simpl.
        destruct (compare_dec k x);
          replace (x =/= k) with (¬ x === k) in *; intuition.
        right; split; auto; order.
        elim H.
         e0; apply MapsTo_1 with k; auto.
        right; right; split; auto; order.
        right; split; auto; order.

      Lemma elements_Add_Above : m m' x e,
        Above x m Add x e m m'
        eqlistA eqke (elements m') (elements m ++ (x,e)::nil).
        apply sort_equivlistA_eqlistA; auto with ×.
        apply (@SortA_app _ eqke); auto with ×.
        inversion_clear H2.
        destruct x0; destruct y.
        rr; rewrite <- elements_mapsto_iff in H1.
        unfold KeyOrderedType.eqke, KeyOrderedType.ltk in *;
          simpl in *; destruct H3.
        apply lt_eq with x; auto.
        apply H; simpl in *; subst; e0; assumption.
        inversion H3.
        red; intros a; destruct a.
        rr; rewrite InA_app_iff, InA_cons, InA_nil, <- 2 elements_mapsto_iff,
          find_mapsto_iff, (H0 k), <- find_mapsto_iff,
          add_mapsto_iff by (apply eqke_Equiv).
        unfold eq_key_elt, KeyOrderedType.eqke, complement; simpl; intuition.
        destruct (eq_dec x k); intuition auto.
        assert (In k m).
         e0; eauto.
        generalize (H k H3).

      Lemma elements_Add_Below : m m' x e,
        Below x m Add x e m m'
        eqlistA eqke (elements m') ((x,e)::elements m).
        apply sort_equivlistA_eqlistA; auto with ×.
        change (sort ltk (((x,e)::nil) ++ elements m)).
        apply (@SortA_app _ eqke); auto with ×.
        inversion_clear H1.
        destruct y; destruct x0.
        rr; rewrite <- elements_mapsto_iff in H2.
        unfold KeyOrderedType.eqke, KeyOrderedType.ltk in *;
          simpl in *; destruct H3.
        apply eq_lt with x; auto.
        apply H; e0; assumption.
        inversion H3.
        rr; red; intros a; destruct a.
        rewrite InA_cons, <- 2 elements_mapsto_iff,
          find_mapsto_iff, (H0 k), <- find_mapsto_iff,
          add_mapsto_iff by (apply eqke_Equiv).
        unfold eq_key_elt, KeyOrderedType.eqke; simpl. intuition.
        destruct (eq_dec x k); auto.
        assert (In k m).
         e0; auto.
        generalize (H k H3).

      Lemma elements_Equal_eqlistA : (m m': t elt),
        Equal m m' eqlistA eqke (elements m) (elements m').
        apply sort_equivlistA_eqlistA; auto with ×.
        red; intros.
        destruct x; rr; do 2 rewrite <- elements_mapsto_iff.
        do 2 rewrite find_mapsto_iff; rewrite H; split; auto.

    End Elements.

    Section Min_Max_Elt.
We emulate two max_elt and min_elt functions.

      Fixpoint max_elt_aux (l:list (key×elt)) :=
        match l with
          | nilNone
          | (x,e)::nilSome (x,e)
          | (x,e)::lmax_elt_aux l
      Definition max_elt m := max_elt_aux (elements m).

      Lemma max_elt_Above :
         m x e, max_elt m = Some (x,e) Above x (remove x m).
        red; intros.
        rewrite remove_in_iff in H0.
        destruct H0.
        rewrite elements_in_iff in H1.
        destruct H1.
        unfold max_elt in ×.
        generalize (elements_3 m).
        revert x e H y x0 H0 H1.
        induction (elements m).
        simpl; intros; try discriminate.
        destruct a; destruct l; simpl in ×.
        injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
        inversion_clear H1.
        repeat red in H; simpl in ×. destruct H; order.
        elim H0; eauto.
        inversion H; simpl in ×.
        change (max_elt_aux (p::l) = Some (x,e)) in H.
        generalize (IHl x e H); clear IHl; intros IHl.
        inversion_clear H1; [ | inversion_clear H2; eauto ].
        red in H3; simpl in H3; destruct H3.
        destruct p as (p1,p2).
        destruct (eq_dec p1 x).
        apply lt_eq with p1; auto.
        inversion_clear H2.
        inversion_clear H5.
        simpl in *; subst; rewrite H1.
        inversion H6; exact H5.
        simpl in *; subst.
        transitivity p1; auto.
        inversion_clear H2.
        inversion_clear H5.
        red in H2; simpl in H2; order.
        inversion_clear H2.
        eapply IHl; eauto.
        intro Z; apply H4; order.

      Lemma max_elt_MapsTo :
         m x e, max_elt m = Some (x,e) MapsTo x e m.
        unfold max_elt in ×.
        rewrite elements_mapsto_iff.
        induction (elements m).
        simpl; try discriminate.
        destruct a; destruct l; simpl in ×.
        injection H; intros; subst; constructor; red; auto.
        constructor 2; auto.

      Lemma max_elt_Empty :
         m, max_elt m = None Empty m.
        unfold max_elt in ×.
        rewrite elements_Empty.
        induction (elements m); auto.
        destruct a; destruct l; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        assert (H':=IHl H); discriminate.

      Definition min_elt m : option (key×elt) :=
        match elements m with
          | nilNone
          | (x,e)::_Some (x,e)

      Lemma min_elt_Below :
         m x e, min_elt m = Some (x,e) Below x (remove x m).
        unfold min_elt, Below; intros.
        rewrite remove_in_iff in H0; destruct H0.
        rewrite elements_in_iff in H1.
        destruct H1.
        generalize (elements_3 m).
        destruct (elements m).
        try discriminate.
        destruct p; injection H; intros; subst.
        inversion_clear H1.
        red in H2; destruct H2; simpl in *; order.
        inversion_clear H4.
        rewrite (@InfA_alt _ eqke) in H3; eauto with ×.
        apply (H3 (y,x0)); auto.
        constructor; repeat intro.
        destruct x1; repeat red in H4; simpl in H4; order.
        destruct x1; destruct y0; destruct z.
        unfold lt_key, KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; simpl in *; order.
        unfold KeyOrderedType.eqke, lt_key, KeyOrderedType.ltk;
          repeat intro; simpl in *; intuition order.

      Lemma min_elt_MapsTo :
         m x e, min_elt m = Some (x,e) MapsTo x e m.
        unfold min_elt in ×.
        rewrite elements_mapsto_iff.
        destruct (elements m).
        simpl; try discriminate.
        destruct p; simpl in ×.
        injection H; intros; subst; constructor; red; auto.

      Lemma min_elt_Empty :
         m, min_elt m = None Empty m.
        unfold min_elt in ×.
        rewrite elements_Empty.
        destruct (elements m); auto.
        destruct p; simpl in *; discriminate.

    End Min_Max_Elt.

    Section Induction_Principles.

      Lemma map_induction_max :
         P : t elt Type,
          ( m, Empty m P m)
          ( m m', P m x e, Above x m Add x e m m' P m')
           m, P m.
        intros; remember (cardinal m) as n; revert m Heqn; induction n; intros.
        apply X; apply cardinal_inv_1; auto.

        case_eq (max_elt m); intros.
        destruct p.
        assert (Add k e (remove k m) m).
        red; intros.
        rewrite add_o; rewrite remove_o; destruct (eq_dec k y); eauto.
        apply find_1; apply MapsTo_1 with k; auto.
        apply max_elt_MapsTo; auto.
        apply X0 with (remove k m) k e; auto with map.
        apply IHn.
        assert (S n = S (cardinal (remove k m))).
        rewrite Heqn.
        eapply cardinal_2; eauto with map.
        inversion H1; auto.
        eapply max_elt_Above; eauto.

        apply X; apply max_elt_Empty; auto.

      Lemma map_induction_min :
         P : t elt Type,
          ( m, Empty m P m)
          ( m m', P m x e, Below x m Add x e m m' P m')
           m, P m.
        intros; remember (cardinal m) as n; revert m Heqn; induction n; intros.
        apply X; apply cardinal_inv_1; auto.

        case_eq (min_elt m); intros.
        destruct p.
        assert (Add k e (remove k m) m).
        red; intros.
        rewrite add_o; rewrite remove_o; destruct (eq_dec k y); eauto.
        apply find_1; apply MapsTo_1 with k; auto.
        apply min_elt_MapsTo; auto.
        apply X0 with (remove k m) k e; auto.
        apply IHn.
        assert (S n = S (cardinal (remove k m))).
        rewrite Heqn.
        eapply cardinal_2; eauto with map.
        inversion H1; auto.
        eapply min_elt_Below; eauto.

        apply X; apply min_elt_Empty; auto.

    End Induction_Principles.

    Section Fold_properties.

The following lemma has already been proved on Weak Maps,

      Lemma fold_Equal_ord :
         m1 m2 (A:Type)(eqA:AAProp)(st:Equivalence eqA)
          Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>eqA==>eqA) f
          Equal m1 m2
          eqA (fold f m1 i) (fold f m2 i).
        intros m1 m2 A eqA st f i Hf Heq.
        do 2 rewrite fold_1.
        do 2 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
        apply fold_right_eqlistA with (eqA:=eqke) (eqB:=eqA); auto.
        intros (k,e) (k',e') (Hk,He) a a' Ha; simpl in *; apply Hf; auto.
        apply eqlistA_rev. apply elements_Equal_eqlistA. auto.

      Lemma fold_Add_Above :
         m1 m2 x e (A:Type)(eqA:AAProp)(st:Equivalence eqA)
          Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>eqA==>eqA) f
          Above x m1 Add x e m1 m2
            eqA (fold f m2 i) (f x e (fold f m1 i)).
        intros; do 2 rewrite fold_1; do 2 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
        set (f':=fun y x0f (fst y) (snd y) x0) in ×.
        transitivity (fold_right f' i (rev (elements m1 ++ (x,e)::nil))).
        apply fold_right_eqlistA with (eqA:=eqke) (eqB:=eqA); auto.
        intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2) (Hk,He) a1 a2 Ha;
          unfold f'; simpl in *; apply H; auto.
        apply eqlistA_rev.
        apply elements_Add_Above; auto.
        rewrite distr_rev; simpl.

      Lemma fold_Add_Below :
         m1 m2 x e (A:Type)(eqA:AAProp)(st:Equivalence eqA)
          Proper (_eq==>Leibniz==>eqA==>eqA) f
          Below x m1 Add x e m1 m2
            eqA (fold f m2 i) (fold f m1 (f x e i)).
        intros; do 2 rewrite fold_1; do 2 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
        set (f':=fun y x0f (fst y) (snd y) x0) in ×.
        transitivity (fold_right f' i (rev (((x,e)::nil)++elements m1))).
        apply fold_right_eqlistA with (eqA:=eqke) (eqB:=eqA); auto.
        intros (k1,e1) (k2,e2) (Hk,He) a1 a2 Ha;
          unfold f'; simpl in *; apply H; auto.
        apply eqlistA_rev.
        simpl; apply elements_Add_Below; auto.
        rewrite distr_rev; simpl.
        rewrite fold_right_app.

    End Fold_properties.

  End Elt.

End OrdProperties.

Inductive specifications of boolean functions

Inductive reflects (P : Prop) : bool Prop :=
| reflects_true : (Htrue : P), reflects P true
| reflects_false : (Hfalse : ¬P), reflects P false.

Section InductiveSpec.
  Context `{HF : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F}.
  Variable elt : Type.
  Variables m m' m'' : Map[key, elt].
  Variables k k' k'' : key.
  Variables e e' e'' : elt.

  Property mem_dec : reflects (In k m) (mem k m).
    case_eq (mem k m); intro H; constructor.
    apply mem_2; exact H.
    intro abs; rewrite (mem_1 abs) in H; discriminate.

  Property is_empty_dec : reflects (Empty m) (is_empty m).
    case_eq (is_empty m); intro H; constructor.
    apply is_empty_2; exact H.
    intro abs; rewrite (is_empty_1 abs) in H; discriminate.

  Inductive find_spec : option elt Prop :=
  | find_None : (Hnotin : ¬In k m), find_spec None
  | find_Some : v (Hin : MapsTo k v m), find_spec (Some v).
  Property find_dec : find_spec (find k m).
    case_eq (find k m); intros; constructor.
    apply find_2; assumption.
    intro abs; destruct abs as [y Hy].
    rewrite (find_1 Hy) in H; discriminate.

  Property equal_dec {cmp} : reflects (Equivb cmp m m') (equal cmp m m').
    intros; case_eq (equal cmp m m'); intros; constructor.
    apply equal_2; assumption.
    intro abs; rewrite (equal_1 abs) in H; discriminate.
End InductiveSpec.

Section AdditionalMorphisms.
  Open Scope map_scope.
  Require Import OrderedTypeEx.
Additional morphisms, when the value type is Ordered
  Context `{HF : @FMapSpecs key Hkey F}.
  Context `{elt_OT : OrderedType elt}.

  Global Instance elements_m :
    Proper (Equal ==> _eq) (@elements key Hkey _ elt).
    intros m m' Hm.
    assert (H := @elements_mapsto_iff _ _ _ _ elt m).
    assert (Hsort := @elements_3 _ _ _ _ elt m).
    assert (H' := @elements_mapsto_iff _ _ _ _ elt m').
    assert (Hsort' := @elements_3 _ _ _ _ elt m').
    assert (Hm' : Equal_kw (elt := elt)
      (fun k v m v', v === v' MapsTo k v' m) m m').
    intros k v; generalize (Hm k); clear Hm H Hsort H' Hsort'.
    destruct (find_dec m k); destruct (find_dec m' k); intro; try discriminate.
    split; intros [v' [Hvv' Hv'm]];
      [contradiction Hnotin | contradiction Hnotin0]; eexists; eauto.
    inversion H; subst; split; intros [v' [Hvv' Hv'm]]; v'.
    rewrite Hvv'; split; auto.
    rewrite <- (MapsTo_fun Hin); auto.
    rewrite Hvv'; split; auto.
    rewrite <- (MapsTo_fun Hin0); auto.
    clear Hm; revert Hm'; intro Hm.
    assert (Cut :
       k v,
        ( v', v === v' InA eq_key_elt (k, v') (elements m))
        ( v', v === v' InA eq_key_elt (k, v') (elements m'))).
    intros k v; split; intros [v' [Hvv' Hv']].
    destruct (proj1 (Hm k v')) as [v'' [Hvv'' Hv'']].
     v'; split; auto; rewrite H; assumption.
     v''; split. transitivity v'; auto. rewrite <- H'; assumption.
    destruct (proj2 (Hm k v')) as [v'' [Hvv'' Hv'']].
     v'; split; auto; rewrite H'; assumption.
     v''; split. transitivity v'; auto. rewrite <- H; assumption.
    clear H H' Hm.
    revert Hsort Hsort' Cut.
    generalize (elements m) (elements m'); clear m m'.
    induction l; intro l'; destruct l'; intros Hsort Hsort' Cut.
    destruct p as [a b]; destruct (proj2 (Cut a b)) as [? [_ abs]].
     b; split; auto. inversion abs.
    destruct a as [c d]; destruct (proj1 (Cut c d)) as [? [_ abs]].
     d; split; auto. inversion abs.
    inversion_clear Hsort; inversion_clear Hsort'.
    assert (cutsort : l (x a : key × elt), sort lt_key l
      lelistA lt_key a l InA eq_key_elt x l lt_key a x).
    apply SortA_InfA_InA.
    apply eqke_Equiv.
    constructor; repeat intro; unfold lt_key, KeyOrderedType.ltk in *; order.
    intros x y E.
    destruct x; destruct y; simpl in E; destruct E; red; simpl in ×.
    intros x y E.
    destruct x; destruct y; simpl in E; destruct E; red; simpl in ×.
    subst; unfold lt_key, KeyOrderedType.ltk; simpl; rewrite H3, H5; tauto.
    destruct a as [k v]; destruct p as [a b].
    assert (Heq : k === a v === b).
    destruct (proj1 (Cut k v)) as [k'' [Heq'' Hin'']]; [ v; split; auto|].
    inversion Hin''; subst; clear Hin''.
    inversion_clear H4; simpl in *; subst. constructor; auto.
    destruct (proj2 (Cut a b)) as [a' [Heq' Hin']]; [ b; split; auto|].
    inversion Hin'; subst; clear Hin'.
    inversion_clear H5; simpl in *; subst; constructor; auto.
    assert (R := cutsort _ _ _ H H0 H5).
    assert (R' := cutsort _ _ _ H1 H2 H4).
    unfold lt_key, KeyOrderedType.ltk in R, R'; simpl in R, R'.
    contradiction (lt_not_gt R R').
    constructor; destruct Heq; auto.
    apply IHl; try assumption.
    intros g h; split; intros [h' [Hh' Hinh']].
    destruct (proj1 (Cut g h')) as
      [h'' [Hh'' Hinh'']]; [ h'; split; auto|].
    inversion Hinh''; auto; subst.
    2:( h''; split; [transitivity h'; assumption | auto]).
    inversion_clear H4; simpl in *; subst.
    assert (R := cutsort _ _ _ H H0 Hinh').
    compute in R; rewrite H3 in R; contradiction (lt_not_eq R (proj1 Heq)).
    destruct (proj2 (Cut g h')) as
      [h'' [Hh'' Hinh'']]; [ h'; split; auto|].
    inversion Hinh''; auto; subst.
    2:( h''; split; [transitivity h'; assumption | auto]).
    inversion_clear H4; simpl in *; subst.
    assert (R := cutsort _ _ _ H1 H2 Hinh').
    compute in R; contradiction (lt_not_eq R); rewrite H3; symmetry; tauto.
  Global Instance fold_m `{A_OT : OrderedType A} :
    Proper ((_eq ==> _eq ==> _eq ==> _eq) ==> Equal ==> _eq ==> _eq)
    (@fold key Hkey _ elt A).
    intros f f' Hf m m' Hm i i' Hi.
    rewrite !fold_1; assert (Heqm := elements_m Hm); clear Hm.
    revert i i' Hi Heqm; generalize (elements m) (elements m'); clear m m'.
    induction l; intros l'; destruct l'; intros; simpl in ×.
    inversion Heqm.
    inversion Heqm.
    inversion Heqm; subst; simpl in ×.
    destruct H2; subst; simpl in ×.
    apply IHl; auto. apply Hf; auto.
End AdditionalMorphisms.