
Require Import List CSet.
Require Import Util AllInRel IL EnvTy RenameApart Sim Status Annotation.
Require CMap.
Require Liveness TrueLiveness LivenessValidators ParallelMove ILN LivenessAnalysis.
Require Coherence Delocation DelocationAlgo DelocationValidator Allocation AllocationAlgo.
Require CopyPropagation DVE EAE Alpha.
Require ConstantPropagation ConstantPropagationAnalysis.

Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Require Import ExtrOcamlZBigInt.
Require Import ExtrOcamlNatInt.
Require Import String ExtrOcamlString.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section Compiler.

Hypothesis ssa_construction : stmtann (option (set var)) × ann (list var).
Hypothesis parallel_move : varlist varlist var → (list(list var × list var)).
Hypothesis first : (A:Type), A → ( Astatus (A × bool)) → status A.

Arguments first {A} _ _.

Definition livenessAnalysis :=
Analysis.fixpoint LivenessAnalysis.liveness_analysis first.

Definition constantPropagationAnalysis :=
Analysis.fixpoint ConstantPropagationAnalysis.constant_propagation_analysis first.

Definition additionalArguments s lv :=
  fst (DelocationAlgo.computeParameters nil nil nil s lv).

Class ToString (T:Type) := toString : Tstring.

Hypothesis OutputStream : Type.
Hypothesis print_string : OutputStreamstringOutputStream.

Hypothesis toString_nstmt : ILN.nstmtstring.
Instance ToString_nstmt : ToString ILN.nstmt := toString_nstmt.

Hypothesis toString_stmt : stmtstring.
Instance ToString_stmt : ToString stmt := toString_stmt.

Hypothesis toString_ann : A, (Astring) → ann Astring.
Instance ToString_ann {A} `{ToString A} : ToString (ann A) :=
  toString_ann (@toString A _).

Hypothesis toString_live : set varstring.
Instance ToString_live : ToString (set var) := toString_live.

Hypothesis toString_list : list varstring.
Instance ToString_list : ToString (list var) := toString_list.

Notation "S ´<<´ x ´<<´ y ´;´ s" := (let S := print_string S (x ++ "\n" ++ toString y ++ "\n\n") in s) (at level 1, left associativity).

Definition ensure_f P `{Computable P} (s: string) {A} (cont:status A) : status A :=
if [P] then cont else Error s.

Arguments ensure_f P [H] s {A} cont.

Notation "´ensure´ P s ; cont " := (ensure_f P s cont)
                                    (at level 20, P at level 0, s at level 0, cont at level 200, left associativity).

Definition toDeBruijn (ilin:ILN.nstmt) : status IL.stmt :=
  ILN.labIndices ilin nil.

Definition toILF (ili:IL.stmt) : status IL.stmt :=
  sdo lv <- livenessAnalysis ili;
  ensure (TrueLiveness.true_live_sound Liveness.FunctionalAndImperative nil ili lv getAnn lv freeVars ili) ("Liveness unsound (1)") ;
  let ilid := DVE.compile nil ili lv in
  let additional_params := additionalArguments ilid (DVE.compile_live ili lv ) in
  ensure (Delocation.trs nil nil ilid (DVE.compile_live ili lv ) additional_params)
         "Additional arguments insufficient";
    Success (Delocation.compile nil ilid additional_params).

Definition optimize (:stmt) : status stmt :=
  let s := rename_apart in
  sdo ALAE <- constantPropagationAnalysis s;
  match ALAE with
    | (AL, AEc)
      let AE := (fun xMapInterface.find x AEc) in
      ensure (ConstantPropagation.cp_sound AE nil s)
             "Constant propagation unsound";
      ensure ( x, x freeVars AE x = None)
             "Constant propagation makes no assumptions on free vars";
      let s := ConstantPropagation.constantPropagate AE s in
      sdo lv <- livenessAnalysis s;
      ensure (TrueLiveness.true_live_sound Liveness.Functional nil s lv) "Liveness unsound (2)";
      Success (DVE.compile nil s lv)

Definition fromILF (s:stmt) : status stmt :=
  let s_hoisted := EAE.compile s in
  let s_renamed_apart := rename_apart s_hoisted in
  let fv := freeVars s_renamed_apart in
  sdo lv <- livenessAnalysis s_renamed_apart;
    if [Liveness.live_sound Liveness.FunctionalAndImperative nil s_renamed_apart lv
         getAnn lv freeVars s_hoisted] then
       let fvl := to_list (getAnn lv) in
       let ϱ := CMap.update_with_list fvl fvl (@MapInterface.empty var _ _ _) in
       sdo ϱ´ <- AllocationAlgo.reg_assign Fresh.least_fresh s_renamed_apart lv ϱ;
       let s_allocated := rename (CMap.findt ϱ´ 0) s_renamed_apart in
       let s_lowered := ParallelMove.lower parallel_move
                                            (mapAnn (map (CMap.findt ϱ´ 0)) lv) in
       Error "Liveness unsound.".

Opaque LivenessValidators.live_sound_dec.
Opaque DelocationValidator.trs_dec.

Lemma sim_trans {S1} `{StateType S1}
      (σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
  : sim σ1 σ2sim σ2 σ3sim σ1 σ3.
  intros. eapply sim´_sim.
  refine (sim´_trans (sim_sim´ H2) (sim_sim´ H3)).

Arguments sim_trans [S1] {H} σ1 [S2] {H0} σ2 [S3] {H1} σ3 _ _.

Lemma bisim_sim {S1} `{StateType S1}
      (σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
  : Bisim.bisim σ1 σ2Sim.sim σ1 σ2.
  revert σ1 σ2. cofix; intros.
  inv H1.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - econstructor 2; eauto.
    + intros. edestruct H6; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
    + intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
  - econstructor 4; eauto.

Lemma toDeBruijn_correct (ilin:ILN.nstmt) s (E:onv val)
 : toDeBruijn ilin = Success s
   → @sim _ ILN.statetype_I _ _
           (ILN.I.labenv_empty, E, ilin)
           (nil:list I.block, E, s).
  intros. unfold toDeBruijn in H. simpl in ×.
  eapply bisim_sim.
  eapply ILN.labIndicesSim_sim.
  econstructor; eauto; isabsurd. econstructor; isabsurd.

Lemma labIndices_freeVars ilin s L
: ILN.labIndices ilin L = Success s
  → ILN.freeVars ilin = freeVars s.
  intros. general induction ilin; simpl in *; monadS_inv H; simpl.
  - erewrite IHilin; eauto.
  - erewrite IHilin1, IHilin2; eauto.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - erewrite IHilin; eauto.
  - erewrite IHilin1, IHilin2; try eapply EQ, EQ1; eauto.

Lemma toILF_correct (ili:IL.stmt) s (E:onv val)
  : toILF ili = Success s
    → Delocation.defined_on (IL.freeVars ili) E
    → @sim _ statetype_I _ _ (nil, E, ili)
          (nil:list F.block, E, s).
  intros. unfold toILF in H. simpl in *; unfold ensure_f, additionalArguments in ×.
  monadS_inv H.
  repeat (destruct if in EQ0; [|isabsurd]).
  invc EQ0. dcr.
  - case_eq (DelocationAlgo.computeParameters nil nil nil
              (DVE.compile nil ili x) (DVE.compile_live ili x )); intros.
    assert (l = nil). {
    exploit (DelocationAlgo.computeParameters_length nil nil); eauto.
    eapply (@DVE.dve_live Liveness.FunctionalAndImperative nil); eauto. destruct l; simpl in *; congruence.
    exploit (@DVE.dve_live Liveness.FunctionalAndImperative nil); eauto.
    exploit Delocation.trs_srd; eauto using PIR2.
    exploit (@DelocationAlgo.computeParameters_live nil nil nil); eauto using PIR2.
    eapply sim_trans with (S2:=I.state). Focus 2.
    eapply bisim_sim. eapply Bisim.bisim_sym.
    rewrite H2 in X0.
    eapply Coherence.srdSim_sim; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto using AIR2. isabsurd. econstructor. reflexivity.
    simpl. rewrite H2 in t.
    eapply (@Delocation.live_sound_compile nil nil nil); eauto.
    eapply Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_I; eauto.
    eapply sim_trans with (S2:=I.state).
    Focus 2.
    eapply bisim_sim. eapply Delocation.trsR_sim.
    rewrite H2 in t.
    econstructor; eauto using AIR53. reflexivity.
    eapply (@Delocation.live_sound_compile nil); eauto.
    eapply Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_I; eauto.
    hnf; intros. rewrite DVE.compile_live_incl in H3. eapply H0; eauto.
    eapply H.
    eapply DVE.I.sim_DVE. reflexivity.
    eapply TrueLiveness.true_live_sound_overapproximation_I; eauto.

Lemma fromILF_correct (s :stmt) E
  : fromILF s = Success
  → sim (nil:list F.block, E, s) (nil:list I.block, E, ).
  unfold fromILF; intros.
  monadS_inv H.
  destruct if in EQ0; dcr; isabsurd.
  monadS_inv EQ0; dcr.
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil:list F.block, E, rename_apart (EAE.compile s))).
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil:list F.block, E, EAE.compile s)).
  eapply bisim_sim. eapply EAE.sim_EAE.
  eapply bisim_sim.
  eapply (@Alpha.alphaSim_sim (nil, E, _) (nil, E, _)).
  econstructor; eauto using PIR2, Alpha.envCorr_idOn_refl.
  eapply Alpha.alpha_sym. eapply rename_apart_alpha.
  exploit rename_apart_renamedApart; eauto.
  exploit AllocationAlgo.reg_assign_correct; eauto using Fresh.least_fresh_spec.
  eapply injective_on_agree; [| eapply CMap.map_update_list_update_agree].
  hnf; intros.
  rewrite lookup_update_same in H3.
  rewrite H3. rewrite lookup_update_same. reflexivity.
  rewrite of_list_3; eauto.
  rewrite of_list_3; eauto. reflexivity.
  rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn. eauto.
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil:list F.block, E,
                               rename (CMap.findt x0 0)
             (rename_apart (EAE.compile s)))).
  eapply bisim_sim.
  eapply Alpha.alphaSim_sim. econstructor; eauto using PIR2.
  instantiate (1:=id).
  eapply Allocation.renamedApart_locally_inj_alpha; eauto.
  eapply Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_F; eauto.
  eapply AllocationAlgo.reg_assign_renamedApart_agree in EQ1; eauto using Fresh.least_fresh_spec.
  rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn in EQ1.
  rewrite <- CMap.map_update_list_update_agree in EQ1.
  hnf; intros. repeat rewrite <- EQ1; eauto;
  repeat rewrite lookup_update_same; eauto;
  rewrite of_list_3; eauto.
  hnf; intros. cbv in H2; subst. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
  eapply sim_trans with (S2:=I.state).
  eapply bisim_sim.
  eapply Coherence.srdSim_sim.
  econstructor; isabsurd. eapply Allocation.rename_renamedApart_srd; eauto.
  rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
  eapply I. econstructor. reflexivity.
  eapply (@Liveness.live_rename_sound _ nil); eauto.
  eapply Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_I; eauto.
  eapply (ParallelMove.pmSim_sim).
  econstructor; try now econstructor; eauto.
  eapply (@Liveness.live_rename_sound _ nil); eauto.
  eapply Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_I; eauto.

Lemma labelsDefined_rename_apart L s ϱ G
: LabelsDefined.labelsDefined s L
  → LabelsDefined.labelsDefined (snd (renameApart´ ϱ G s)) L.
  general induction H; simpl; repeat (let_pair_case_eq; simpl); try now econstructor; eauto; simpl_pair_eqs; instantiate; subst; eauto; subst.
  - subst. exploit IHlabelsDefined; eauto. econstructor. eapply X.
  - subst. econstructor.
    + eapply IHlabelsDefined1; eauto.
    + eapply IHlabelsDefined2; eauto.
  - subst. econstructor. eapply IHlabelsDefined; eauto.
  - subst. econstructor.
    + eapply IHlabelsDefined1; eauto.
    + eapply IHlabelsDefined2; eauto.

Lemma optimize_correct (E:onv val) s
: optimize s = Success
  → LabelsDefined.labelsDefined s 0
  → sim (nil:list F.block, E, s) (nil:list F.block, E, ).
  unfold optimize, ensure_f in ×.
  monadS_inv H. destruct x.
  repeat (destruct if in EQ0; [| isabsurd]).
  monadS_inv EQ0.
  repeat (destruct if in EQ2; [| isabsurd]).
  invc EQ2.

  eapply sim_trans with (S2:=F.state).
  eapply bisim_sim.
  eapply Alpha.alphaSim_sim. econstructor; eauto using rename_apart_alpha, PIR2.
  eapply Alpha.alpha_sym. eapply rename_apart_alpha. hnf; intros.
  cbv in H, H1. instantiate (1:=E). congruence.
  eapply sim_trans with (S2:=F.state).
  Focus 2.
  eapply DVE.sim_DVE; eauto. reflexivity.
  eapply sim´_sim.
  eapply ValueOpts.sim_vopt; eauto.
  Focus 2.
  eapply ConstantPropagation.cp_sound_eqn; eauto.
  eapply rename_apart_renamedApart. instantiate (1:=nil). simpl.
  eapply labelsDefined_rename_apart; eauto.
  intros; isabsurd.
  rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn.
  intros. hnf; intros.
  rewrite ConstantPropagation.cp_eqns_no_assumption in H. cset_tac; intuition. eassumption.
  eapply rename_apart_renamedApart.
  rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn.
  rewrite ConstantPropagation.cp_eqns_no_assumption. eapply incl_empty. eauto.
  hnf; intuition.

End Compiler.

Print Assumptions toILF_correct.
Print Assumptions fromILF_correct.
Print Assumptions optimize_correct.

Extraction Inline bind Option.bind toString.

Extraction "extraction/" toILF fromILF AllocationAlgo.reg_assign optimize toDeBruijn.