Require Import List Arith Lia Morphisms Setoid.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.calculus.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import
        unification.higher_order_unification unification.nth_order_unification
        concon.conservativity_constants concon.conservativity concon.constants.
Import ListNotations.

(* ** Goldfarb sharp *)

From Undecidability.HOU Require Import
   second_order.diophantine_equations second_order.goldfarb.reduction.

Definition gonly : Const :=
    const_type := option False;
    ctype := fun o => match o with
                  | None => alpha alpha alpha
                  | Some f => match f with end

Program Instance RE_ag_gonly : retract gonly ag :=
    I := fun _ => None;
    R := fun x => match x with None => Some None | _ => None end
Next Obligation.
  now destruct x as [[]|].

Lemma Goldfarb_remove:
  H10 OU 2 ag /\ OU 2 ag OU 2 gonly.
  split. eapply Goldfarb.
  eapply (@remove_constants_reduction ag gonly); eauto.
  intros [[]|]; cbn; eauto.
  intros [[[]|]|]; cbn; eauto.
  destruct eq_dec; intuition discriminate.

Lemma Goldfarb_sharp (C: Const) (re: retract gonly C):
  ctype C (I None) = alpha alpha alpha -> OU 2 gonly OU 2 C.
  intros. eapply unification_constants_monotone; eauto.
  intros [[]|]; cbn; eauto.

Definition cfree : Const :=
    const_type := False;
    ctype := fun f => match f with end

Program Instance RE_cfree X : retract cfree X :=
    I := fun f => match f with end;
    R := fun x => None

Lemma Goldfarb_Huet X:
  OU 2 gonly OU 3 gonly /\
  OU 3 gonly OU 3 cfree /\
  OU 3 cfree OU 3 X.
  repeat split.
  eapply unification_step; eauto.
  eapply remove_constants_reduction; eauto.
  intros []. intros [[]|]; cbn; eauto.
  eapply unification_constants_monotone; eauto.
  intros [].