    Andrej Dudenhefner (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

  Reduction from:
    Left-uniform Two-Inequality Semi-unification (LU2SemiU)
    System F Typability (SysF_TYP)

  Related Work:
  1 Wells, Joe B. "Typability and Type-Checking in the Second-Order lambda-Calculus are Equivalent and Undecidable." 
      Proceedings Ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science. IEEE, 1994.

Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.syntax.
From Undecidability.SystemF.Util Require Import Facts poly_type_facts pure_term_facts term_facts typing_facts pure_typing_facts pure_typable_prenex.

Require Undecidability.SemiUnification.SemiU.
Module SU := SemiU.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Module Argument.
Section LU2SemiU_to_SysF_TYP.

Variables SUs SUt0 SUt1 : SU.term. (* semi-unification instance *)

(* construct polymorphic type from semi-unification term *)
Fixpoint SU_term_to_poly_type (s: SU.term) :=
  match s with
  | SU.atom n => poly_var n
  | SU.arr s t => poly_arr (SU_term_to_poly_type s) (SU_term_to_poly_type t)

Definition SUs' := SU_term_to_poly_type SUs.
Definition SUt0' := SU_term_to_poly_type SUt0.
Definition SUt1' := SU_term_to_poly_type SUt1.

Definition N_W := pure_abs (many_pure_app (pure_var 2) [pure_var 0; pure_var 0]).
(* x (\z.y z z) as given by Wells *)
Definition M_W : pure_term := many_pure_app (pure_var 0) [N_W].

Definition t_0_W := (poly_arr (poly_arr (poly_var 0) (poly_var 0)) (poly_var 1)).
Definition t_1_W := poly_arr (poly_arr SUt0' SUt0') (poly_arr (poly_arr SUt1' SUt1') (poly_arr SUs' SUs')).
Definition n_W : nat := locked (poly_var_bound t_1_W).
(* similar to Wells' construction
 ∀((α -> α) -> β) ;
 ∀ .. ∀ (t1 -> t1) -> (t2 -> t2) -> (s -> s) *)

Definition Gamma_W : list poly_type := [poly_abs (poly_abs t_0_W); many_poly_abs n_W t_1_W].

Lemma is_simple_SU_term_to_poly_type {s} : is_simple (SU_term_to_poly_type s) <-> True.
Proof. elim: s; [done | by move=> /= ? + ? + => -> ->]. Qed.

Lemma is_simple_t_1_W : is_simple t_1_W.
  by rewrite /t_1_W /= /SUt0' /SUt1' /SUs' ?is_simple_SU_term_to_poly_type.

Lemma closed_t_1_W : allfv_poly_type (gt n_W) t_1_W.
Proof. rewrite /n_W -lock. by apply: poly_var_boundP. Qed.

Lemma is_simple_t_0_W : is_simple t_0_W.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma closed_t_0_W : allfv_poly_type (gt 2) t_0_W.
Proof. move=> /=. by lia. Qed.

(* introduce assumption poly_abs (poly_abs t_0_W) *)
Definition HM_W1 := pure_typable_intro_prenex M_W t_0_W 2 is_simple_t_0_W closed_t_0_W.

(* introduce assumption many_poly_abs n_W t_1_W *)
Definition HM_W2 := pure_typable_intro_prenex (sval HM_W1) t_1_W n_W is_simple_t_1_W closed_t_1_W.

Lemma SysF_TYPI Gamma {M} : pure_typable Gamma M -> SysF_TYP M.
Proof. move=> [t] /pure_typing_iff_type_assignment ?. by exists Gamma, t. Qed.

Lemma prenex_Gamma_W :
  Forall (fun t => exists n s, t = many_poly_abs n s /\ is_simple s /\ allfv_poly_type (gt n) s) Gamma_W.
  apply /Forall_consP. constructor.
  { exists 2, t_0_W. constructor; [done | constructor; [done | by move=> /=; lia ]]. }
  apply /Forall_consP. constructor; last done.
  do 2 eexists. constructor; first by reflexivity.
  by constructor; [apply: is_simple_t_1_W | apply: closed_t_1_W ].

(* if Gamma_W ⊢ M_W : poly_var 0 typechecks, then the semi-unification instance (SUs, SUt0, SUt1) is solvable *)
Section InverseTransport.
Local Arguments many_pure_app : simpl never.
Local Arguments map : simpl never.

Lemma map_ren_poly_type_Gamma_W {ξ}: map (ren_poly_type ξ) Gamma_W = Gamma_W.
  congr cons. congr cons. apply: ren_poly_type_closed_id.
  rewrite allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
  apply: allfv_poly_type_impl closed_t_1_W.
  move=> ? ?. rewrite iter_scons_lt; by [|lia].

(* decompose first layer of Wells' type checking term *)
Lemma decompose_M_W : pure_typable Gamma_W M_W ->
  exists s, pure_typing Gamma_W N_W (poly_arr s s).
  move=> [?] /pure_typingE /= [?] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] [_ ?].
  move=> /pure_typingE' [?] [[?]]. subst.
  move=> /(contains_poly_arrE (n := 2)) [?] [?] [? ?]. subst.
  rewrite map_ren_poly_type_Gamma_W => ?. eexists. by eassumption.

(* decompose second layer of Wells' type checking term *)
Lemma decompose_N_W {s} : pure_typing Gamma_W N_W (poly_arr s s) ->
  exists n σ,
    s = many_poly_abs n (subst_poly_type σ (poly_arr SUs' SUs')) /\
    pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) (s :: Gamma_W)) (pure_var 0) (subst_poly_type σ (poly_arr SUt0' SUt0')) /\
    pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) (s :: Gamma_W)) (pure_var 0) (subst_poly_type σ (poly_arr SUt1' SUt1')).
  move=> /pure_typingE' /=.
  move=> /pure_typingE /= [n1] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] [H1C ?].
  move=> /pure_typingE' [?] [?] [+] [+ H2C].
  move=> /pure_typingE' [?] [[?]] H3C. subst.
  move=> H1 H2.
  move: H3C. rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs /t_1_W /=.
  move=> /contains_poly_arrE [?] [?] [? ?]. subst.
  move: H2C => /containsE [? ?]. subst.
  move: H1C => /containsE ?. subst.
  do 2 eexists.
  constructor; first by rewrite ?poly_type_norm.
  constructor; [move: H1 | move: H2]; by rewrite ?poly_type_norm.

(* decompose third layer of Wells' type checking term *)
Lemma decompose_x_W {n σ Gamma s' t'} :
  let s := many_poly_abs n (subst_poly_type σ (poly_arr s' s')) in
  pure_typing ((ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) s) :: Gamma) (pure_var 0) (subst_poly_type σ (poly_arr t' t')) ->
  exists τ, subst_poly_type (funcomp (subst_poly_type τ) σ) s' = subst_poly_type σ t'.
  move=> /= /pure_typingE' /= [?] [[?]]. subst.
  rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
  move=> /contains_poly_arrE [?] [?] [-> _].
  rewrite ?poly_type_norm. by eexists.

(* construct semi-unification term from a polymorphic type pruning quantification *)
Fixpoint prune (s: poly_type) : SU.term :=
  match s with
  | poly_var x => SU.atom (1 + x)
  | poly_arr s t => SU.arr (prune s) (prune t)
  | poly_abs _ => SU.atom 0

Fact substitute_prune_ex τ t : exists ψ, SU.substitute ψ (prune t) = prune (subst_poly_type τ t).
  exists (fun n=> if n is S n then prunen) else SU.atom 0).
  elim: t; [done | by move=> ? + ? /= => -> -> | done ].

Fact substitute_prune {σ t} :
  SU.substitute (funcomp prune σ) t = prune (subst_poly_type σ (SU_term_to_poly_type t)).
Proof. elim: t; [done | by move=> ? + ? => /= -> -> ]. Qed.

(* construct semi-unification valuations from polymorphic substitutions *)
Lemma introduce_simple_substitutions {s t σ τ} :
  subst_poly_type (funcomp (subst_poly_type τ) σ) (SU_term_to_poly_type s) = subst_poly_type σ (SU_term_to_poly_type t) ->
  exists ψ, SU.substitute ψ (SU.substitute (funcomp prune σ) s) = SU.substitute (funcomp prune σ) t.
  move=> H. haveHψ] := substitute_prune_ex τ (subst_poly_type σ (SU_term_to_poly_type s)).
  exists ψ. by rewrite ?substitute_prune Hψ -H poly_type_norm.

End InverseTransport.

(* typability to semi-unification solution *)
Lemma inverse_transport : SysF_TYP (sval HM_W2) -> SU.LU2SemiU (SUs, SUt0, SUt1).
  move=> [Gamma] [t] /pure_typing_iff_type_assignment.
  move=> /pure_typing_tidyI /pure_typableI /(svalP HM_W2) /(svalP HM_W1).
  move=> [?] /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term id (Delta := map tidy Gamma_W)).
  apply: unnest; first done. rewrite ren_pure_term_id => /pure_typableI.
  move=> /(pure_typable_tidy_iff (Gamma1 := [])). apply: unnest; first by apply: prenex_Gamma_W.
  move=> /decompose_M_W [?] /decompose_N_W [?] [σ] [->].
  move=> [/decompose_x_W [?] + /decompose_x_W [?] +].
  move=> /introduce_simple_substitutions [ψ0 ?] /introduce_simple_substitutions [ψ1 ?].
  by exists (funcomp prune σ), ψ0, ψ1.

(* if the semi-unification instance (SUs, SUt0, SUt1) is solvable, then Gamma_W ⊢ M_W : poly_var 0 typechecks *)
Section Transport.

(* semi-unification solution *)
Variables φ ψ0 ψ1 : nat -> SU.term.
Variable Hφψ0 : SU.substitute ψ0 (SU.substitute φ SUs) = SU.substitute φ SUt0.
Variable Hφψ1 : SU.substitute ψ1 (SU.substitute φ SUs) = SU.substitute φ SUt1.

Definition t_x_W' := SU_term_to_poly_type (SU.substitute φ SUs).
Definition n_W' := locked (poly_var_bound (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W')).
Definition t_x_W : poly_type := many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W').

Definition t_x_0_W : poly_type := SU_term_to_poly_type (SU.substitute φ SUt0).
Definition t_x_1_W : poly_type := SU_term_to_poly_type (SU.substitute φ SUt1).

Definition ts_0_W : list poly_type := map (fun n => SU_term_to_poly_type (φ n)) (rev (seq 0 n_W)).
Definition ts_1_W : list poly_type := map (fun n => SU_term_to_poly_type (ψ0 n)) (rev (seq 0 n_W')).
Definition ts_2_W : list poly_type := map (fun n => SU_term_to_poly_type (ψ1 n)) (rev (seq 0 n_W')).

Definition x_1_W : term := many_ty_app (var 0) ts_1_W.
Definition x_2_W : term := many_ty_app (var 0) ts_2_W.
Definition Q_W : term := abs t_x_W (many_ty_abs n_W' (app (app (many_ty_app (var 2) ts_0_W) x_1_W) x_2_W)).
(* correctly annotated M_W, similar to Wells' construction *)
Definition P_W : term := app (ty_app (ty_app (var 0) (poly_var 0)) t_x_W) Q_W.

Fact poly_var_bound_SUt0'_n_W : poly_var_bound SUt0' < n_W.
Proof. rewrite /n_W /t_1_W /= -lock. by lia. Qed.

Fact poly_var_bound_SUt1'_n_W : poly_var_bound SUt1' < n_W.
Proof. rewrite /n_W /t_1_W /= -lock. by lia. Qed.

Fact poly_var_bound_SUs'_n_W : poly_var_bound SUs' < n_W.
Proof. rewrite /n_W /t_1_W /= -lock. by lia. Qed.

Lemma SU_term_to_poly_type_SU_substitute {ζ t} :
  subst_poly_type (fun x : nat => SU_term_to_poly_type (ζ x)) (SU_term_to_poly_type t) =
    SU_term_to_poly_type (SU.substitute ζ t).
Proof. elim: t; [done | by move=> /= ? -> ? ->]. Qed.

Lemma subst_poly_type_SU_term_to_poly_type {ζ n t} :
  poly_var_bound (SU_term_to_poly_type t) < n ->
    (fold_right scons poly_var (map (fun x => SU_term_to_poly_type (ζ x)) (seq 0 n)))
    (SU_term_to_poly_type t) =
  SU_term_to_poly_type (SU.substitute ζ t).
  move=> ?. rewrite subst_poly_type_map_seq; first by lia.
  by apply: SU_term_to_poly_type_SU_substitute.

Fact poly_arr_eq_eq {s t} : s = t -> poly_arr s s = poly_arr t t.
Proof. by move=> ->. Qed.

Lemma typing_x_1_W :
  (forall Gamma, typing (many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W') :: Gamma) x_1_W (poly_arr t_x_0_W t_x_0_W)).
Proof using Hφψ0.
  move=> Gamma. rewrite /x_1_W. evar (t: poly_type).
  have := @typing_var (many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W') :: Gamma) 0 t.
  subst t. move=> /(_ ltac:(reflexivity)) /typing_many_ty_appI => /(_ ts_1_W).
  apply: unnest. { by rewrite /ts_1_W map_length rev_length seq_length. }
  congr typing => /=. apply: poly_arr_eq_eq. rewrite /ts_1_W /t_x_W' /t_x_0_W -Hφψ0.
  rewrite -map_rev rev_involutive. apply: subst_poly_type_SU_term_to_poly_type.
  rewrite /n_W' /t_x_W' -lock /=. by lia.

Lemma typing_x_2_W :
  (forall Gamma, typing (many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W') :: Gamma) x_2_W (poly_arr t_x_1_W t_x_1_W)).
Proof using Hφψ1.
  move=> Gamma. rewrite /x_2_W. evar (t: poly_type).
  have := @typing_var (many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W') :: Gamma) 0 t.
  subst t. move=> /(_ ltac:(reflexivity)) => /typing_many_ty_appI => /(_ ts_2_W).
  apply: unnest. { by rewrite /ts_2_W map_length rev_length seq_length. }
  congr typing => /=. apply: poly_arr_eq_eq. rewrite /ts_2_W /t_x_W' /t_x_1_W -Hφψ1.
  rewrite -map_rev rev_involutive. apply: subst_poly_type_SU_term_to_poly_type.
  rewrite /n_W' /t_x_W' -lock /=. by lia.

Lemma typing_Q_W :
  (forall Gamma, typing (many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W') :: Gamma) x_1_W (poly_arr t_x_0_W t_x_0_W)) ->
  (forall Gamma, typing (many_poly_abs n_W' (poly_arr t_x_W' t_x_W') :: Gamma) x_2_W (poly_arr t_x_1_W t_x_1_W)) ->
  typing Gamma_W Q_W (poly_arr t_x_W t_x_W).
  move=> H1 H2.
  apply /typing_abs /typing_many_ty_absI.
  apply: (typing_app (s := (poly_arr t_x_1_W t_x_1_W))); [apply: (typing_app (s := (poly_arr t_x_0_W t_x_0_W))) |].
  - evar (t : poly_type).
    have := @typing_var (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n_W')) (t_x_W :: Gamma_W)) 2 t.
    subst t. move=> /(_ ltac:(reflexivity)).
    rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
    move /typing_many_ty_appI => /(_ ts_0_W). apply: unnest.
    { by rewrite /ts_0_W map_length rev_length seq_length. }
    congr typing. rewrite /t_1_W /= -map_rev rev_involutive.
    congr poly_arr; [| congr poly_arr]; apply: poly_arr_eq_eq.
    + have := poly_var_bound_SUt0'_n_W. rewrite /t_x_0_W /SUt0' /ts_0_W.
      move=> ?. rewrite ren_poly_type_poly_var_bound; first by lia.
      by apply: subst_poly_type_SU_term_to_poly_type.
    + have := poly_var_bound_SUt1'_n_W. rewrite /t_x_1_W /SUt1' /ts_0_W.
      move=> ?. rewrite ren_poly_type_poly_var_bound; first by lia.
      by apply: subst_poly_type_SU_term_to_poly_type.
    + have := poly_var_bound_SUs'_n_W. rewrite /t_x_W' /SUs' /ts_0_W.
      move=> ?. rewrite ren_poly_type_poly_var_bound; first by lia.
      by apply: subst_poly_type_SU_term_to_poly_type.
  - rewrite /(map _ (_ :: _)) -/(map _ _). move: (map _ Gamma_W) => Gamma.
    rewrite /t_x_W ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs ren_poly_type_poly_var_bound;
      first by (rewrite /n_W' -lock /=; lia).
    by apply: H1.
  - rewrite /(map _ (_ :: _)) -/(map _ _). move: (map _ Gamma_W) => Gamma.
    rewrite /t_x_W ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs ren_poly_type_poly_var_bound;
      first by (rewrite /n_W' -lock /=; lia).
    by apply: H2.

Lemma erase_P_W : erase P_W = M_W.
  by rewrite /P_W /= erase_many_ty_abs /= /x_1_W /x_2_W ?erase_many_ty_app.

Lemma typing_P_W :
  typing Gamma_W Q_W (poly_arr t_x_W t_x_W) ->
  typing Gamma_W P_W (poly_var 0).
  rewrite /P_W. apply: typing_app.
  apply: typing_ty_appI; [apply: typing_ty_appI |]; [by apply: typing_var | done | done].

Lemma pure_typable_M_W :
  typing Gamma_W P_W (poly_var 0) ->
  pure_typable Gamma_W M_W.
  move=> /typing_to_pure_typing /pure_typableI. by rewrite erase_P_W.

End Transport.

(* semi-unification solution to typability *)
Lemma transport : SU.LU2SemiU (SUs, SUt0, SUt1) -> SysF_TYP (sval HM_W2).
  move=> [φ] [ψ0] [ψ1] [Hφψ0 HHφψ1]. apply: (SysF_TYPI (map tidy [])).
  apply /(svalP HM_W2) /(svalP HM_W1).
  have := iffRL (pure_typable_tidy_iff _ (Gamma1 := [])).
  move=> /(_ [many_poly_abs 2 t_0_W; many_poly_abs n_W t_1_W]).
  apply; first by apply: prenex_Gamma_W.
  apply: (pure_typable_M_W φ ψ0 ψ1).
  apply: typing_P_W.
  apply: typing_Q_W; [apply: typing_x_1_W | apply: typing_x_2_W]; by eassumption.

End LU2SemiU_to_SysF_TYP.
End Argument.

Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Import SemiU.

(* Left-uniform Two-Inequality Semi-unification many-one reduces to System F Typability *)
Theorem reduction : LU2SemiU SysF_TYP.
  exists (fun '(s, t0, t1) => (sval (Argument.HM_W2 s t0 t1))).
  move=> [[s t0] t1]. constructor.
  - exact: Argument.transport.
  - exact: Argument.inverse_transport.