Andrej Dudenhefner (1)
(1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Related Work:
1 Giannini, Paola, and Simona Ronchi Della Rocca.
"Characterization of typings in polymorphic type discipline."
Proceedings Third Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society, 1988.
Require Import List Lia Relation_Definitions Relation_Operators Operators_Properties.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.syntax Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.unscoped.
Import UnscopedNotations.
From Undecidability.SystemF.Util Require Import Facts poly_type_facts pure_term_facts term_facts typing_facts iipc2_facts.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Arguments funcomp {X Y Z} _ _ / _.
Arguments fresh_in _ _ /.
(* ∀x.t contains_step tx:= s *)
Inductive contains_step : poly_type -> poly_type -> Prop :=
| contains_step_subst {s t} : contains_step (poly_abs t) (subst_poly_type (scons s poly_var) t).
Definition contains := clos_refl_trans poly_type contains_step.
system F type erased derivability predicate
cf. containment type assignment 1
Inductive pure_typing : environment -> pure_term -> poly_type -> Prop :=
| pure_typing_pure_var n {Gamma x t t'} :
nth_error (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) x = Some t ->
contains t t' ->
pure_typing Gamma (pure_var x) (many_poly_abs n t')
| pure_typing_pure_app n {Gamma M N s t t'} :
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M (poly_arr s t) ->
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) N s ->
contains t t' ->
pure_typing Gamma (pure_app M N) (many_poly_abs n t')
| pure_typing_pure_abs n {Gamma M s t} :
pure_typing (s :: map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) (Gamma)) M t ->
pure_typing Gamma (pure_abs M) (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t)).
Definition pure_typable Gamma M := exists t, pure_typing Gamma M t.
Arguments pure_typable : simpl never.
(* case analysis on the pure_typing predicate wrt. pure_term *)
Lemma pure_typingE {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
match M with
| pure_var x => exists n s t',
nth_error (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) x = Some s /\
contains s t' /\ t = many_poly_abs n t'
| pure_app M N => exists n s t' t'',
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M (poly_arr s t') /\
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) N s /\
contains t' t'' /\ t = many_poly_abs n t''
| pure_abs M => exists n s t',
pure_typing (s :: map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M t' /\
t = many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t')
case => *; [do 3 eexists | do 4 eexists | do 3 eexists]; by eauto.
(* case analysis on the pure_typing predicate wrt. pure_term in case t is not an abstraction *)
Lemma pure_typingE' {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
match M with
| pure_var x =>
match t with
| poly_var _ | poly_arr _ _ =>
exists s, nth_error Gamma x = Some s /\ contains s t
| poly_abs _ => True
| pure_app M N =>
match t with
| poly_var _ | poly_arr _ _ =>
exists s t', pure_typing Gamma M (poly_arr s t') /\ pure_typing Gamma N s /\ contains t' t
| poly_abs _ => True
| pure_abs M =>
match t with
| poly_var _ => False
| poly_arr s t => pure_typing (s :: Gamma) M t
| poly_abs _ => True
case: M.
- move=> > /pure_typingE [n] [?] [?] [+] []. case: t; last done.
all: (case: n; [rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id /=; subst | done]).
all: (move=> *; subst; eexists; constructor; by eassumption).
- move=> > /pure_typingE [n] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] []. case: t; last done.
all: (case: n; [rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id /=; subst | done]).
all: (move=> *; subst; (do 2 eexists); constructor; [| constructor]; by eassumption).
- move=> > /pure_typingE [n] [?] [?] []. case: t; last done.
all: (case: n; [rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id /=; subst | done]).
+ done.
+ move=> > ? [? ?]; by subst.
Lemma contains_stepI {s t t'}:
t' = subst_poly_type (s .: poly_var) t -> contains_step (poly_abs t) t'.
Proof. move=> ->. by apply: contains_step_subst. Qed.
Lemma contains_ren_poly_typeI ξ {s t} : contains s t -> contains (ren_poly_type ξ s) (ren_poly_type ξ t).
- move=> > [] > /=. apply: rt_step. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
have := contains_step_subst.
evar (s' : poly_type) => /(_ s'). evar (t' : poly_type) => /(_ t').
congr contains_step. subst t'. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
apply: ext_poly_type. subst s'. by case.
- move=> ?. by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> *. apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.
Lemma contains_subst_poly_typeI σ {s t} : contains s t -> contains (subst_poly_type σ s) (subst_poly_type σ t).
- move=> > [] > /=. apply: rt_step. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
have := contains_step_subst.
evar (s' : poly_type) => /(_ s'). evar (t' : poly_type) => /(_ t').
congr contains_step. subst t'. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
apply: ext_poly_type. subst s'. case; first done.
move=> ?. by rewrite /= poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
- move=> ?. by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> *. apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.
Lemma contains_ren_poly_type_addLR {n s t} : contains (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) s) t ->
contains s (ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n) t).
move=> /(contains_ren_poly_typeI (fun x => x - n)). congr contains.
rewrite poly_type_norm /= ren_poly_type_id'; by [|lia].
Lemma containsE {t t'} : contains t t' ->
match t with
| poly_var _ => t = t'
| poly_arr _ _ => t = t'
| poly_abs t => (poly_abs t) = t' \/ exists s, contains (subst_poly_type (scons s poly_var) t) t'
move=> /clos_rt_rt1n_iff. case.
- case: t; [done | done | by left].
- move=> > [] > /clos_rt_rt1n_iff ?. right. eexists. by eassumption.
(* contains respect subtypes *)
Lemma contains_sub {n s t t''} :
contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t)) t'' ->
exists n' s' t',
t'' = many_poly_abs n' (poly_arr s' t') /\
contains (many_poly_abs n s) (many_poly_abs n' s') /\
contains (many_poly_abs n t) (many_poly_abs n' t').
move Es1: (many_poly_abs n _) => s1 /clos_rt_rt1n_iff Hs1s2.
elim: Hs1s2 n s t Es1.
- move=> > <-. do 3 eexists. constructor; first done.
constructor; by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> > [] r > _ IH [|n] > /=; first done.
move=> [] /(congr1 (subst_poly_type (r .: poly_var))).
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /= => /IH [?] [?] [?] [->].
rewrite -?subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs => - [? ?].
do 3 eexists. constructor; first done.
constructor; (apply: rt_trans; [| by eassumption]); by apply /rt_step.
Lemma contains_sub' {n s t n' s' t'} :
contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t)) (many_poly_abs n' (poly_arr s' t')) ->
contains (many_poly_abs n s) (many_poly_abs n' s') /\
contains (many_poly_abs n t) (many_poly_abs n' t').
Proof. by move=> /contains_sub [?] [?] [?] [/many_poly_abs_eqE'] [<-] [<- <-]. Qed.
Lemma typing_contains {s t Gamma P} : contains s t -> typing Gamma P s ->
exists Q, erase P = erase Q /\ typing Gamma Q t.
move=> /clos_rt_rt1n_iff => H. elim: H P.
- move=> ? ? ?. by eexists.
- move=> ? ? ? [] s' ? _ IH P. by move=> /typing_ty_app => /(_ s') /IH.
Lemma pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI {Gamma x t} :
nth_error Gamma x = Some t -> pure_typing Gamma (pure_var x) t.
move=> Hx. apply: (pure_typing_pure_var 0); last by apply: rt_refl.
rewrite nth_error_map Hx /=. by rewrite ren_poly_type_id.
Lemma pure_typing_pure_app_simpleI {Gamma M N s t} :
pure_typing Gamma M (poly_arr s t) -> pure_typing Gamma N s -> pure_typing Gamma (pure_app M N) t.
move=> HM HN. apply: (pure_typing_pure_app 0 (s := s)); last by apply: rt_refl.
- by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
- by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
Lemma pure_typing_pure_abs_simpleI {Gamma M s t} :
pure_typing (s :: Gamma) M t -> pure_typing Gamma (pure_abs M) (poly_arr s t).
move=> HM. apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs 0). by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_absI {n Gamma M t} :
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M t ->
pure_typing Gamma M (many_poly_abs n t).
have Hnn' : forall Gamma n n',
(map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n')) (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma)) =
map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add (n + n'))) Gamma.
{ move=> *. rewrite ?map_map. apply: map_ext => ?.
rewrite poly_type_norm /=. apply: extRen_poly_type. by lia. }
case: M.
- move=> x /pure_typingE [n'] [?] [?] [+] [HC] ->.
rewrite Hnn' many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs => ?.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var (n + n')); by eassumption.
- move=> ? ? /pure_typingE [n'] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] [HC] ->.
rewrite ?Hnn' many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs => ? ?.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_app (n + n')); by eassumption.
- move=> ? /pure_typingE [n'] [?] [?] [+] ->.
rewrite ?Hnn' many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs => ?.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs (n + n')); by eassumption.
Lemma pure_typing_subst_poly_type {Gamma M t} σ : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
pure_typing (map (subst_poly_type σ) Gamma) M (subst_poly_type σ t).
pose σ' n σ := Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type σ.
have Hσ' : forall n t σ, subst_poly_type (σ' n σ) (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) t) =
ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) (subst_poly_type σ t).
{ move=> >. rewrite ?poly_type_norm /σ' /=. apply: ext_poly_type.
move=> ?. by rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type. }
move=> H. elim: H σ.
- move=> n {}Gamma x > Hx + σ => /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ' n σ)) HC.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n); last by eassumption.
move: Hx. rewrite ?nth_error_map. case: (nth_error Gamma x); last done.
move=> ? [<-] /=. by rewrite Hσ'.
- move=> n > _ + _ + + σ => /(_ (σ' n σ)) + /(_ (σ' n σ)) + /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ' n σ)) ?.
rewrite ?map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ'. move=> ? ?.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: (pure_typing_pure_app n); rewrite ?map_map; by eassumption.
- move=> n > _ + σ => /(_ (σ' n σ)). rewrite /= map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ'. move=> ?.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=. apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs n).
rewrite ?map_map. by eassumption.
Lemma pure_typing_poly_absE {s Gamma M t} :
pure_typing Gamma M (poly_abs t) ->
pure_typing Gamma M (subst_poly_type (s .: poly_var) t).
pose σ n s := Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type (s .: poly_var).
have Hσ: forall n t s, subst_poly_type (σ n s) (ren_poly_type (Nat.add (S n)) t) =
ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) t.
{ move=> n >. rewrite ?poly_type_norm [RHS]ren_as_subst_poly_type /σ.
apply: ext_poly_type => y /=. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_ge; first by lia.
by have ->: S (n + y) - n = S y by lia. }
elim: M s Gamma t.
- move=> x s Gamma t /pure_typingE [[|n]] [tx] [?] [+] [+] /=.
+ move=> *. subst.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var 0); first by eassumption.
apply: rt_trans; [by eassumption | by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst].
+ move=> Hx /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ n s)) HC [?]. subst.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n); last by eassumption.
move: Hx. rewrite ?nth_error_map. case: (nth_error Gamma x); last done.
move=> ? /= [<-]. by rewrite Hσ.
- move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 s Gamma t /pure_typingE [[|n]] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] [].
+ move=> ? ? ? /= ?. subst.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_app 0); [by eassumption | by eassumption |].
apply: rt_trans; [by eassumption | by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst].
+ move=> /(pure_typing_subst_poly_type (σ n s)) /= + /(pure_typing_subst_poly_type (σ n s)) /= +.
rewrite ?map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ. move=> ? ?.
move=> /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ n s)) ? [->]. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_app n); by eassumption.
- move=> ? IH s Gamma t /pure_typingE [[|n]] [?] [?] []; first done.
move=> + [->]. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
move=> /(pure_typing_subst_poly_type (σ n s)) /=.
rewrite ?map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ. move=> ?.
by apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs n).
(* translation from typing to pure_typing *)
Theorem typing_to_pure_typing {Gamma P t} : typing Gamma P t -> pure_typing Gamma (erase P) t.
elim => *.
- by apply: pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI.
- apply: pure_typing_pure_app_simpleI; by eassumption.
- by apply: pure_typing_pure_abs_simpleI.
- by apply: pure_typing_poly_absE.
- by apply: (pure_typing_many_poly_absI (n := 1)).
(* translation from pure_typing to typing *)
Theorem pure_typing_to_typing {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t -> exists P, M = erase P /\ typing Gamma P t.
- move=> > /typing_var /typing_contains H /H {H} [?] /= [->] /typing_many_ty_absI ?.
eexists. constructor; last by eassumption. by rewrite erase_many_ty_abs.
- move=> > _ [P] [-> +] _ [Q] [-> +] => /typing_app H /H /typing_contains {}H /H.
move=> [?] /= [->] /typing_many_ty_absI ?.
eexists. constructor; last by eassumption. by rewrite erase_many_ty_abs.
- move=> > _ [?] [->] /typing_abs /typing_many_ty_absI ?.
eexists. constructor; last by eassumption. by rewrite erase_many_ty_abs.
Lemma pure_typing_contains {s t Gamma M} : contains s t -> pure_typing Gamma M s ->
pure_typing Gamma M t.
Proof. by move=> H /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /(typing_contains H) [?] [->] /typing_to_pure_typing. Qed.
Lemma pure_typing_ren_poly_type {Gamma M t} ξ : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type ξ) Gamma) M (ren_poly_type ξ t).
move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /(typing_ren_poly_type ξ) /typing_to_pure_typing.
congr pure_typing. by apply: erase_ren_term_id.
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_absE {n Gamma M t} :
pure_typing Gamma M (many_poly_abs n t) ->
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M t.
elim: n Gamma t.
- move=> > /=. by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
- move=> n IH Gamma t /=.
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type S) /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [?] /=.
move=> /typing_ty_app => /(_ (poly_var 0)). subst M.
rewrite ?poly_type_norm subst_poly_type_poly_var'; first by case.
move=> /typing_to_pure_typing /= /IH. congr pure_typing.
rewrite ?map_map. apply: map_ext => ?. rewrite ?poly_type_norm /=.
apply: extRen_poly_type. by lia.
(* constructs a ∀I (cf. λI) type expression *)
Fixpoint tidy (t: poly_type) :=
match t with
| poly_var _ => t
| poly_arr s t => poly_arr (tidy s) (tidy t)
| poly_abs t => if fresh_inb 0 t then ren_poly_type (scons 0 id) (tidy t) else (poly_abs (tidy t))
Lemma allfv_poly_type_tidy {P t} : allfv_poly_type P (tidy t) <-> allfv_poly_type P t.
elim: t P; [done | by move=> /= ? + ? + ? => -> -> |].
move=> ? IH ? /=.
case H: (fresh_inb _ _); last by apply: IH.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type IH.
apply: ext_allfv_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. move: H => /(fresh_inP).
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. by case.
Lemma tidy_ren_poly_type {ξ t} : tidy (ren_poly_type ξ t) = ren_poly_type ξ (tidy t).
elim: t ξ; [done | by move=> ? + ? + ? /= => -> -> |].
move=> ? IH ξ /=.
set b1 := (fresh_inb _ (ren_poly_type _ _)). move Hb2: (fresh_inb _ _) => b2.
have ->: b1 = b2.
{ apply /is_trueP. rewrite /b1 -Hb2 -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type.
apply: ext_allfv_poly_type. by case. }
case: b2 Hb2; last by rewrite /= IH.
rewrite IH ?poly_type_norm => /fresh_inP H.
apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H. by case.
Lemma tidy_subst_poly_type {σ t} : tidy (subst_poly_type σ t) = subst_poly_type (σ >> tidy) (tidy t).
elim: t σ; [done | by move=> ? + ? + ? /= => -> -> |].
move=> ? IH σ /=.
set b1 := (fresh_inb _ (subst_poly_type _ _)). move Hb2: (fresh_inb _ _) => b2.
have ->: b1 = b2.
{ apply /is_trueP. rewrite /b1 -Hb2 -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= allfv_poly_type_subst_poly_type.
apply: ext_allfv_poly_type. case; first done.
move=> ?. rewrite /= allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type /=. constructor; first done.
move=> _. by apply: allfv_poly_type_TrueI. }
case: b2 Hb2.
- rewrite IH ?poly_type_norm => /fresh_inP H.
apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H. case; first done.
move=> ? _ /=. by rewrite tidy_ren_poly_type ?poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id.
- move=> _ /=. rewrite IH /=. congr poly_abs. apply: ext_poly_type. case; first done.
move=> ?. by rewrite /= tidy_ren_poly_type.
Lemma contains_tidyI {t t'} : contains t t' -> contains (tidy t) (tidy t').
move=> /clos_rt_rt1n_iff. elim; first by move=> ?; apply: rt_refl.
move=> > [] s'' t'' _ IH /=. case H: (fresh_inb _ _).
- move: IH. rewrite tidy_subst_poly_type. congr contains.
rewrite ren_as_subst_poly_type. apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy. move: H => /fresh_inP.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. by case.
- apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption.
apply: rt_step. rewrite tidy_subst_poly_type.
have := contains_step_subst (s := tidy s'') (t := tidy t''). congr contains_step.
apply: ext_poly_type. by case.
(* introduces canonical type derivations (cf. Wells) *)
Lemma typing_tidyI {Gamma P t} : typing Gamma P t -> exists Q, erase P = erase Q /\ typing (map tidy Gamma) Q (tidy t).
elim: P Gamma t.
- move=> x Gamma t /typingE Hx. exists (var x). constructor; first done.
apply: typing_var. by rewrite nth_error_map Hx.
- move=> P IHP Q IHQ Gamma t /typingE [?] /= [/IHP [P'] [->] {}IHP /IHQ [Q'] [->] {}IHQ].
exists (app P' Q'). constructor; first done.
apply: typing_app; by eassumption.
- move=> s P IH Gamma t /typingE [?] /= [->] /IH [P'] [->] HP'.
exists (abs (tidy s) P'). constructor; first done.
by apply: typing_abs.
- move=> P IH s Gamma t /typingE [t'] /= [->] /IH [P'] [->].
move=> /typing_contains. apply.
by apply /contains_tidyI /rt_step /contains_step_subst.
- move=> P IH Gamma t /typingE [t'] /= [->] /IH [P'] [->] /=.
case Hb: (fresh_inb _ _).
+ move=> /(typing_ren_poly_type (0 .: id)) => H.
exists (ren_term (0 .: id) id P'). constructor; first by rewrite erase_ren_term_id.
congr typing: H. rewrite ?map_map. apply: map_ext => ?.
by rewrite tidy_ren_poly_type ?poly_type_norm /= ren_poly_type_id.
+ move=> H. exists (ty_abs P'). constructor; first done.
apply: typing_ty_abs. congr typing: H. rewrite ?map_map.
apply: map_ext => ?. by apply: tidy_ren_poly_type.
(* introduce pure canonical typings *)
Lemma pure_typing_tidyI {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t -> pure_typing (map tidy Gamma) M (tidy t).
by move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /typing_tidyI [?] [->] /typing_to_pure_typing.
Lemma tidy_tidy {t} : tidy (tidy t) = tidy t.
elim: t; [done | by move=> /= ? -> ? -> |].
move=> t /=. case Ht: (fresh_inb _ _).
- by rewrite ?tidy_ren_poly_type => ->.
- rewrite /=.
have -> : fresh_inb 0 (tidy t) = fresh_inb 0 t.
{ apply /is_trueP. by rewrite -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= allfv_poly_type_tidy. }
by rewrite Ht => ->.
Lemma tidy_many_poly_abs_tidy {n t} : tidy (many_poly_abs n (tidy t)) = tidy (many_poly_abs n t).
elim: n; first by rewrite tidy_tidy.
move=> n /= ->.
have ->: fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n (tidy t)) = fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n t).
{ apply /is_trueP. by rewrite -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= ?allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs allfv_poly_type_tidy. }
Lemma tidy_many_poly_abs_le {n t}:
allfv_poly_type (le n) t -> tidy (many_poly_abs n t) = ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n) (tidy t).
elim: n t.
- move=> t _ /=. rewrite ren_poly_type_id'; by [|lia].
- move=> n IH t /= Ht.
have ->: fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n t) = true.
{ apply /fresh_inP. rewrite /fresh_in allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Ht. move=> x ?. rewrite iter_scons_ge; by lia. }
rewrite IH.
{ apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Ht. by lia. }
rewrite poly_type_norm. apply: extRen_poly_type.
move=> x /=. case H: (x-n) => /=; by lia.
Lemma tidy_many_poly_abs {n s} :
{ n'ξ' | tidy (many_poly_abs n s) = many_poly_abs (n'ξ'.1) (tidy (ren_poly_type (n'ξ'.2) s)) }.
elim: n s.
- move=> s. exists (0, id). by rewrite ren_poly_type_id.
- move=> n IH s /=. case Hns: (fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n s)).
+ have := IH s. move=> [[n' ξ']] ->.
rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs -tidy_ren_poly_type ?poly_type_norm.
evar (n'': nat). evar (ξ'': nat -> nat).
exists (n'', ξ'') => /=. by subst n'' ξ''.
+ have := IH s. move=> [[n' ξ']] ->.
by exists ((1+n'), ξ').
(* note: hard to make more general because of cases like ∀x.x < ∀x.x < ∀xy.x *)
Lemma contains_many_poly_absE {n s1 t1 t} : contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s1 t1)) t ->
exists ts, length ts <= n /\
t = subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) (many_poly_abs (n - length ts) (poly_arr s1 t1)).
move=> /clos_rt_rtn1_iff. elim.
- exists [] => /=. constructor; first by lia.
by rewrite (ltac:(lia) : n - 0 = n) subst_poly_type_poly_var.
- move=> > [] r ? _ [ts] [?].
move Hn': (n - length ts) => n'. case: n' Hn'; first done.
move=> n' ? [->]. exists (r :: ts) => /=.
constructor; first by lia.
have ->: n - S (length ts) = n' by lia.
rewrite ?poly_type_norm. apply: ext_poly_type. case; first done.
move=> x /=. by rewrite ?poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
Lemma contains_poly_arrE {n s1 t1 s2 t2} : contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s1 t1)) (poly_arr s2 t2) ->
exists ts, n = length ts /\ (poly_arr s2 t2) = subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) (poly_arr s1 t1).
move=> /contains_many_poly_absE [ts] [?] H.
have Hnts : n - length ts = 0 by case: (n - length ts) H.
exists ts. constructor; [by lia | by rewrite H Hnts].
Lemma contains_poly_varE {t x} : contains t (poly_var x) ->
exists n y, t = many_poly_abs n (poly_var y).
have [n [t' [->]]] := many_poly_absI t. case: t'.
- move=> *. by do 2 eexists.
- move=> > _ /contains_many_poly_absE [ts] [_]. by case: (n - length ts).
- by move=> /=.
Lemma contains_many_poly_abs_free {n x t} :
contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_var (n + x))) t ->
exists i m, n = i + m /\ t = many_poly_abs m (poly_var (m+x)).
elim: n x t.
- move=> /= x ? /containsE <-. by exists 0, 0.
- move=> n IH x t /containsE /= [].
+ move=> <-. by exists 0, (1+n).
+ move=> [?]. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
have ->: S (n + x) = n + S x by lia. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type /=.
move=> /IH [i] [m] [-> ->]. by exists (1+i), m.
Lemma contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightI {ts t} :
contains (many_poly_abs (length ts) t) (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) t).
elim: ts t.
- move=> /= ?. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var. by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> r ts IH t. rewrite [length _]/=.
have ->: S (length ts) = (length ts) + 1 by lia.
rewrite -many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs /=.
have {}IH := IH (poly_abs t). apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption.
apply: rt_step => /=. have := contains_step_subst.
evar (s': poly_type) => /(_ s'). evar (t': poly_type) => /(_ t').
congr contains_step. subst t'.
rewrite ?poly_type_norm /=. apply: ext_poly_type.
case=> /=; first by subst s'.
move=> ?. by rewrite poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
Lemma contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightE {ts t t'} :
contains (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) t) t' ->
contains (many_poly_abs (length ts) t) t'.
move Hs: (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) t) => s /clos_rt_rtn1_iff Hst'.
elim: Hst' t ts Hs.
- move=> ? ? <-. by apply: contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightI.
- move=> > [] r ? _ IH t ts /IH {}IH.
apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption. by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst.
Lemma contains_many_poly_abs_closedI {n s σ} :
allfv_poly_type (gt n) s ->
contains (many_poly_abs n s) (subst_poly_type σ s).
move=> Hns. pose ts := (map σ (seq 0 n)).
have -> : n = length ts by rewrite /ts map_length seq_length.
apply: contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightE.
have ->: subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) s = subst_poly_type σ s.
apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns => x ?.
rewrite /ts fold_right_length_ts_lt; first by (rewrite map_length seq_length; lia).
rewrite [nth _ _ (poly_var 0)](nth_indep _ _ (σ 0)); first by (rewrite map_length seq_length; lia).
rewrite map_nth seq_nth; by [|lia].
by apply: rt_refl.
(* pure typing is preserved under renaming *)
Lemma pure_typing_ren_pure_term {Gamma Delta M t} (ξ : nat -> nat) :
pure_typing Gamma M t ->
(forall n s, nth_error Gamma n = Some s -> nth_error Delta (ξ n) = Some s) ->
pure_typing Delta (ren_pure_term ξ M) t.
move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [P] [->] /typing_ren_term H /H{H} /typing_to_pure_typing.
by rewrite erase_ren_term.
(* pure typing is preserved under renaming of occurring free variables *)
Lemma pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term {Gamma Delta M t} (ξ : nat -> nat) :
(allfv_pure_term (fun x => nth_error Gamma x = nth_error Delta (ξ x)) M) ->
pure_typing Gamma M t -> pure_typing Delta (ren_pure_term ξ M) t.
move=> + /pure_typing_to_typing [P] [?]. subst M.
move=> /allfv_pure_term_erase /typing_ren_allfv_term H /H /typing_to_pure_typing.
by rewrite erase_ren_term.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_abs_closed {s t n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) t ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) (many_poly_abs n t).
move=> Hs /pure_typingE [n1] [?] [?] [[?]] [HC ?]. subst.
rewrite many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs.
apply: pure_typing_pure_var; first by reflexivity.
congr contains: HC. apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type.
by apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hs.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_abs_contains_closed {s t t' n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
contains (many_poly_abs n t) t' ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) t ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) t'.
by move=> /pure_typing_many_poly_abs_closed H /pure_typing_contains HC /H => /(_ n) /HC.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_tidy_many_poly_abs_closed {s t n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) (tidy t) ->
pure_typing [tidy s] (pure_var 0) (tidy (many_poly_abs n t)).
move=> Hs Ht. rewrite -tidy_many_poly_abs_tidy -/(map tidy [s]).
apply: pure_typing_tidyI. by apply: pure_typing_many_poly_abs_closed.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_abs_contains_tidy_closed {s t t' n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
contains (many_poly_abs n t) t' ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) (tidy t) ->
pure_typing [tidy s] (pure_var 0) (tidy t').
move=> Hs /contains_tidyI HC /(pure_typing_tidy_many_poly_abs_closed Hs (n := n)) /pure_typing_contains. by apply.
(* weaken an assumption wrt. derivability *)
Lemma pure_typing_weaken_closed {s s' Gamma1 Gamma2 M t} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) s' ->
pure_typing (Gamma1 ++ s' :: Gamma2) M t ->
pure_typing (Gamma1 ++ s :: Gamma2) M t.
move=> Hs Hss' /pure_typing_to_typing [P] [->].
elim: P Gamma1 Gamma2 s' t Hss'.
- move=> x Gamma1 Gamma2 s' t Hss' /typingE Hx.
have [?|[H'x|?]] : x < length Gamma1 \/ x - length Gamma1 = 1 + (x - length Gamma1 - 1) \/ length Gamma1 = x by lia.
+ apply: pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI. move: Hx. by rewrite ?nth_error_app1.
+ apply: pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI. move: Hx.
rewrite nth_error_app2; first by lia. rewrite nth_error_app2; [by lia | by rewrite H'x].
+ move: Hx. rewrite nth_error_app2; first by lia.
have H'x: x - length Gamma1 = 0 by lia. move: (H'x) => -> [<-].
move: Hss' => /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term (fun y => y + x)). apply.
rewrite /= nth_error_app2; first by lia. by rewrite H'x.
- move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /copy [/IH1 {}IH1 /IH2 {}IH2] /typingE [?] [/IH1 + /IH2 +].
by move=> /pure_typing_pure_app_simpleI H /H.
- move=> ? ? IH > /IH {}IH /typingE [?] [->]. rewrite -/((_ :: _) ++ _).
by move=> /IH /= /pure_typing_pure_abs_simpleI.
- move=> > IH > /IH {}IH /typingE [?] [->] /IH. apply: pure_typing_contains.
by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst.
- move=> > IH > Hss' /typingE [?] [->]. rewrite map_app /=.
move=> /IH. apply: unnest.
{ move: Hss' => /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type S). congr pure_typing => /=.
by rewrite ren_poly_type_closed_id. }
move=> {}IH. apply: (pure_typing_many_poly_absI (n := 1)).
congr pure_typing: IH. by rewrite map_app /= ren_poly_type_closed_id.
Lemma tidy_is_simple {t} : is_simple t -> tidy t = t.
Proof. elim: t; [done | by move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 /= [/IH1 -> /IH2 ->] | done]. Qed.
Lemma is_simple_ren_poly_type {ξ t} : is_simple (ren_poly_type ξ t) <-> is_simple t.
Proof. elim t; [done | by move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 /=; rewrite IH1 IH2 | done]. Qed.
Lemma pure_typing_tidyRL {s n} : is_simple s -> allfv_poly_type (gt n) s ->
pure_typing [many_poly_abs n s] (pure_var 0) (tidy (many_poly_abs n s)).
rewrite (svalP tidy_many_poly_abs).
move: (sval _) => [n' ξ'] /= Hs Hns.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n'); first done.
rewrite tidy_is_simple; first by rewrite is_simple_ren_poly_type.
rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
have -> : ren_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_ren (Nat.add n')) s = s.
rewrite -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id.
apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> ? ?. rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; by [|lia].
rewrite ren_as_subst_poly_type. by apply: contains_many_poly_abs_closedI.
Lemma pure_typing_tidyLR {s n} : is_simple s -> allfv_poly_type (gt n) s ->
pure_typing [tidy (many_poly_abs n s)] (pure_var 0) (many_poly_abs n s).
move=> Hs Hns.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n); first by reflexivity.
rewrite -tidy_ren_poly_type ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
have -> : ren_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_ren (Nat.add n)) s = s.
rewrite -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id.
apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> ? ?. rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; by [|lia].
rewrite -[s in contains _ s](tidy_is_simple Hs).
apply: contains_tidyI.
rewrite -[s in contains _ s]subst_poly_type_poly_var.
by apply: contains_many_poly_abs_closedI.
Lemma pure_typableI {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t -> pure_typable Gamma M.
Proof. move=> ?. by exists t. Qed.
Lemma pure_typableE {Gamma M} : pure_typable Gamma M ->
match M with
| pure_var x => if (nth_error Gamma x) is None then False else True
| pure_app M N => exists s t, pure_typing Gamma M (poly_arr s t) /\ pure_typing Gamma N s
| pure_abs M => exists s, pure_typable (s :: Gamma) M
move=> [t] [].
- move=> n {}Gamma x >. rewrite nth_error_map.
by case: (nth_error Gamma x).
- move=> n > /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n)) H1.
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n)) H2 _.
move: H1 H2. rewrite ?map_map. rewrite map_id'.
{ move=> ?. rewrite poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id' /=; by [|lia]. }
move=> ? ?. do 2 eexists. constructor; by eassumption.
- move=> n > /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n)) /=.
rewrite ?map_map map_id'.
{ move=> ?. rewrite poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id' /=; by [|lia]. }
move=> /pure_typableI ?. eexists. by eassumption.
Lemma pure_typable_tidyI {Gamma M} :
pure_typable Gamma M -> pure_typable (map tidy Gamma) M.
Proof. by move=> [?] /pure_typing_tidyI /pure_typableI. Qed.
Lemma pure_typable_tidy_iff {Gamma1 Gamma2 M} :
Forall (fun t => exists n s, t = many_poly_abs n s /\ is_simple s /\ allfv_poly_type (gt n) s) Gamma2 ->
pure_typable (Gamma1 ++ map tidy Gamma2) M <-> pure_typable (Gamma1 ++ Gamma2) M.
elim: Gamma2 Gamma1; first done.
move=> ? Gamma2 IH Gamma1 /Forall_consP [] [n] [s] [->] [Hs Hns] /IH {}IH.
constructor => /=.
- move=> [?] /pure_typing_weaken_closed => /(_ (many_poly_abs n s)).
apply: unnest.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> *. rewrite iter_scons_lt; by [|lia].
apply: unnest; first by apply: pure_typing_tidyRL.
rewrite -/([_] ++ map tidy Gamma2) -/([_] ++ Gamma2) ?app_assoc.
by move=> /pure_typableI /IH.
- move=> [?] /pure_typing_weaken_closed => /(_ (tidy (many_poly_abs n s))).
apply: unnest.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> *. rewrite iter_scons_lt; by [|lia].
apply: unnest; first by apply: pure_typing_tidyLR.
rewrite -/([_] ++ map tidy Gamma2) -/([_] ++ Gamma2) ?app_assoc.
by move=> /pure_typableI /IH.
Lemma pure_typable_many_pure_term_abs_allI M {Gamma} :
pure_typable Gamma M -> pure_typable [] (many_pure_term_abs (pure_var_bound M) M).
have := pure_var_boundP M. move: (pure_var_bound M) => n.
elim: Gamma n M.
- elim; first done.
move=> n IH M HnM [tM].
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term id (Delta := [poly_var 0])).
apply: unnest; first by case. rewrite ren_pure_term_id.
move=> /(pure_typing_pure_abs 0 (Gamma := [])) /pure_typableI /IH.
rewrite /many_pure_term_abs (ltac:(lia) : S n = n + 1) -iter_plus. apply.
move=> /=. apply: allfv_pure_term_impl HnM.
case; first done. move=> /=. by lia.
- move=> s Gamma IH [|n] M.
+ move=> HM [tM].
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term id (Delta := [])).
rewrite ren_pure_term_id. apply: unnest; first by apply: allfv_pure_term_impl HM; lia.
by move=> /pure_typableI.
+ move=> HnM [tM]. rewrite -[Gamma]map_ren_poly_type_id.
move=> /(pure_typing_pure_abs 0) /pure_typableI /IH.
rewrite /many_pure_term_abs (ltac:(lia) : S n = n + 1) -iter_plus. apply.
move=> /=. apply: allfv_pure_term_impl HnM.
case; first done. move=> /=. by lia.
Lemma pure_typing_iff_type_assignment {Gamma M t} :
pure_typing Gamma M t <-> type_assignment Gamma M t.
- by move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /typing_to_type_assignment.
- by move=> /typing_of_type_assignment [?] [->] /typing_to_pure_typing.
Andrej Dudenhefner (1)
(1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Related Work:
1 Giannini, Paola, and Simona Ronchi Della Rocca.
"Characterization of typings in polymorphic type discipline."
Proceedings Third Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society, 1988.
Require Import List Lia Relation_Definitions Relation_Operators Operators_Properties.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.syntax Undecidability.SystemF.Autosubst.unscoped.
Import UnscopedNotations.
From Undecidability.SystemF.Util Require Import Facts poly_type_facts pure_term_facts term_facts typing_facts iipc2_facts.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Arguments funcomp {X Y Z} _ _ / _.
Arguments fresh_in _ _ /.
(* ∀x.t contains_step tx:= s *)
Inductive contains_step : poly_type -> poly_type -> Prop :=
| contains_step_subst {s t} : contains_step (poly_abs t) (subst_poly_type (scons s poly_var) t).
Definition contains := clos_refl_trans poly_type contains_step.
system F type erased derivability predicate
cf. containment type assignment 1
Inductive pure_typing : environment -> pure_term -> poly_type -> Prop :=
| pure_typing_pure_var n {Gamma x t t'} :
nth_error (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) x = Some t ->
contains t t' ->
pure_typing Gamma (pure_var x) (many_poly_abs n t')
| pure_typing_pure_app n {Gamma M N s t t'} :
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M (poly_arr s t) ->
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) N s ->
contains t t' ->
pure_typing Gamma (pure_app M N) (many_poly_abs n t')
| pure_typing_pure_abs n {Gamma M s t} :
pure_typing (s :: map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) (Gamma)) M t ->
pure_typing Gamma (pure_abs M) (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t)).
Definition pure_typable Gamma M := exists t, pure_typing Gamma M t.
Arguments pure_typable : simpl never.
(* case analysis on the pure_typing predicate wrt. pure_term *)
Lemma pure_typingE {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
match M with
| pure_var x => exists n s t',
nth_error (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) x = Some s /\
contains s t' /\ t = many_poly_abs n t'
| pure_app M N => exists n s t' t'',
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M (poly_arr s t') /\
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) N s /\
contains t' t'' /\ t = many_poly_abs n t''
| pure_abs M => exists n s t',
pure_typing (s :: map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M t' /\
t = many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t')
case => *; [do 3 eexists | do 4 eexists | do 3 eexists]; by eauto.
(* case analysis on the pure_typing predicate wrt. pure_term in case t is not an abstraction *)
Lemma pure_typingE' {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
match M with
| pure_var x =>
match t with
| poly_var _ | poly_arr _ _ =>
exists s, nth_error Gamma x = Some s /\ contains s t
| poly_abs _ => True
| pure_app M N =>
match t with
| poly_var _ | poly_arr _ _ =>
exists s t', pure_typing Gamma M (poly_arr s t') /\ pure_typing Gamma N s /\ contains t' t
| poly_abs _ => True
| pure_abs M =>
match t with
| poly_var _ => False
| poly_arr s t => pure_typing (s :: Gamma) M t
| poly_abs _ => True
case: M.
- move=> > /pure_typingE [n] [?] [?] [+] []. case: t; last done.
all: (case: n; [rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id /=; subst | done]).
all: (move=> *; subst; eexists; constructor; by eassumption).
- move=> > /pure_typingE [n] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] []. case: t; last done.
all: (case: n; [rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id /=; subst | done]).
all: (move=> *; subst; (do 2 eexists); constructor; [| constructor]; by eassumption).
- move=> > /pure_typingE [n] [?] [?] []. case: t; last done.
all: (case: n; [rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id /=; subst | done]).
+ done.
+ move=> > ? [? ?]; by subst.
Lemma contains_stepI {s t t'}:
t' = subst_poly_type (s .: poly_var) t -> contains_step (poly_abs t) t'.
Proof. move=> ->. by apply: contains_step_subst. Qed.
Lemma contains_ren_poly_typeI ξ {s t} : contains s t -> contains (ren_poly_type ξ s) (ren_poly_type ξ t).
- move=> > [] > /=. apply: rt_step. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
have := contains_step_subst.
evar (s' : poly_type) => /(_ s'). evar (t' : poly_type) => /(_ t').
congr contains_step. subst t'. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
apply: ext_poly_type. subst s'. by case.
- move=> ?. by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> *. apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.
Lemma contains_subst_poly_typeI σ {s t} : contains s t -> contains (subst_poly_type σ s) (subst_poly_type σ t).
- move=> > [] > /=. apply: rt_step. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
have := contains_step_subst.
evar (s' : poly_type) => /(_ s'). evar (t' : poly_type) => /(_ t').
congr contains_step. subst t'. rewrite poly_type_norm /=.
apply: ext_poly_type. subst s'. case; first done.
move=> ?. by rewrite /= poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
- move=> ?. by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> *. apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.
Lemma contains_ren_poly_type_addLR {n s t} : contains (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) s) t ->
contains s (ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n) t).
move=> /(contains_ren_poly_typeI (fun x => x - n)). congr contains.
rewrite poly_type_norm /= ren_poly_type_id'; by [|lia].
Lemma containsE {t t'} : contains t t' ->
match t with
| poly_var _ => t = t'
| poly_arr _ _ => t = t'
| poly_abs t => (poly_abs t) = t' \/ exists s, contains (subst_poly_type (scons s poly_var) t) t'
move=> /clos_rt_rt1n_iff. case.
- case: t; [done | done | by left].
- move=> > [] > /clos_rt_rt1n_iff ?. right. eexists. by eassumption.
(* contains respect subtypes *)
Lemma contains_sub {n s t t''} :
contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t)) t'' ->
exists n' s' t',
t'' = many_poly_abs n' (poly_arr s' t') /\
contains (many_poly_abs n s) (many_poly_abs n' s') /\
contains (many_poly_abs n t) (many_poly_abs n' t').
move Es1: (many_poly_abs n _) => s1 /clos_rt_rt1n_iff Hs1s2.
elim: Hs1s2 n s t Es1.
- move=> > <-. do 3 eexists. constructor; first done.
constructor; by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> > [] r > _ IH [|n] > /=; first done.
move=> [] /(congr1 (subst_poly_type (r .: poly_var))).
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /= => /IH [?] [?] [?] [->].
rewrite -?subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs => - [? ?].
do 3 eexists. constructor; first done.
constructor; (apply: rt_trans; [| by eassumption]); by apply /rt_step.
Lemma contains_sub' {n s t n' s' t'} :
contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s t)) (many_poly_abs n' (poly_arr s' t')) ->
contains (many_poly_abs n s) (many_poly_abs n' s') /\
contains (many_poly_abs n t) (many_poly_abs n' t').
Proof. by move=> /contains_sub [?] [?] [?] [/many_poly_abs_eqE'] [<-] [<- <-]. Qed.
Lemma typing_contains {s t Gamma P} : contains s t -> typing Gamma P s ->
exists Q, erase P = erase Q /\ typing Gamma Q t.
move=> /clos_rt_rt1n_iff => H. elim: H P.
- move=> ? ? ?. by eexists.
- move=> ? ? ? [] s' ? _ IH P. by move=> /typing_ty_app => /(_ s') /IH.
Lemma pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI {Gamma x t} :
nth_error Gamma x = Some t -> pure_typing Gamma (pure_var x) t.
move=> Hx. apply: (pure_typing_pure_var 0); last by apply: rt_refl.
rewrite nth_error_map Hx /=. by rewrite ren_poly_type_id.
Lemma pure_typing_pure_app_simpleI {Gamma M N s t} :
pure_typing Gamma M (poly_arr s t) -> pure_typing Gamma N s -> pure_typing Gamma (pure_app M N) t.
move=> HM HN. apply: (pure_typing_pure_app 0 (s := s)); last by apply: rt_refl.
- by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
- by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
Lemma pure_typing_pure_abs_simpleI {Gamma M s t} :
pure_typing (s :: Gamma) M t -> pure_typing Gamma (pure_abs M) (poly_arr s t).
move=> HM. apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs 0). by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_absI {n Gamma M t} :
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M t ->
pure_typing Gamma M (many_poly_abs n t).
have Hnn' : forall Gamma n n',
(map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n')) (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma)) =
map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add (n + n'))) Gamma.
{ move=> *. rewrite ?map_map. apply: map_ext => ?.
rewrite poly_type_norm /=. apply: extRen_poly_type. by lia. }
case: M.
- move=> x /pure_typingE [n'] [?] [?] [+] [HC] ->.
rewrite Hnn' many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs => ?.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var (n + n')); by eassumption.
- move=> ? ? /pure_typingE [n'] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] [HC] ->.
rewrite ?Hnn' many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs => ? ?.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_app (n + n')); by eassumption.
- move=> ? /pure_typingE [n'] [?] [?] [+] ->.
rewrite ?Hnn' many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs => ?.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs (n + n')); by eassumption.
Lemma pure_typing_subst_poly_type {Gamma M t} σ : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
pure_typing (map (subst_poly_type σ) Gamma) M (subst_poly_type σ t).
pose σ' n σ := Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type σ.
have Hσ' : forall n t σ, subst_poly_type (σ' n σ) (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) t) =
ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) (subst_poly_type σ t).
{ move=> >. rewrite ?poly_type_norm /σ' /=. apply: ext_poly_type.
move=> ?. by rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type. }
move=> H. elim: H σ.
- move=> n {}Gamma x > Hx + σ => /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ' n σ)) HC.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n); last by eassumption.
move: Hx. rewrite ?nth_error_map. case: (nth_error Gamma x); last done.
move=> ? [<-] /=. by rewrite Hσ'.
- move=> n > _ + _ + + σ => /(_ (σ' n σ)) + /(_ (σ' n σ)) + /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ' n σ)) ?.
rewrite ?map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ'. move=> ? ?.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: (pure_typing_pure_app n); rewrite ?map_map; by eassumption.
- move=> n > _ + σ => /(_ (σ' n σ)). rewrite /= map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ'. move=> ?.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=. apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs n).
rewrite ?map_map. by eassumption.
Lemma pure_typing_poly_absE {s Gamma M t} :
pure_typing Gamma M (poly_abs t) ->
pure_typing Gamma M (subst_poly_type (s .: poly_var) t).
pose σ n s := Nat.iter n up_poly_type_poly_type (s .: poly_var).
have Hσ: forall n t s, subst_poly_type (σ n s) (ren_poly_type (Nat.add (S n)) t) =
ren_poly_type (Nat.add n) t.
{ move=> n >. rewrite ?poly_type_norm [RHS]ren_as_subst_poly_type /σ.
apply: ext_poly_type => y /=. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type_ge; first by lia.
by have ->: S (n + y) - n = S y by lia. }
elim: M s Gamma t.
- move=> x s Gamma t /pure_typingE [[|n]] [tx] [?] [+] [+] /=.
+ move=> *. subst.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var 0); first by eassumption.
apply: rt_trans; [by eassumption | by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst].
+ move=> Hx /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ n s)) HC [?]. subst.
rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n); last by eassumption.
move: Hx. rewrite ?nth_error_map. case: (nth_error Gamma x); last done.
move=> ? /= [<-]. by rewrite Hσ.
- move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 s Gamma t /pure_typingE [[|n]] [?] [?] [?] [+] [+] [].
+ move=> ? ? ? /= ?. subst.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_app 0); [by eassumption | by eassumption |].
apply: rt_trans; [by eassumption | by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst].
+ move=> /(pure_typing_subst_poly_type (σ n s)) /= + /(pure_typing_subst_poly_type (σ n s)) /= +.
rewrite ?map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ. move=> ? ?.
move=> /(contains_subst_poly_typeI (σ n s)) ? [->]. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_app n); by eassumption.
- move=> ? IH s Gamma t /pure_typingE [[|n]] [?] [?] []; first done.
move=> + [->]. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
move=> /(pure_typing_subst_poly_type (σ n s)) /=.
rewrite ?map_map. under map_ext => ? do rewrite Hσ. move=> ?.
by apply: (pure_typing_pure_abs n).
(* translation from typing to pure_typing *)
Theorem typing_to_pure_typing {Gamma P t} : typing Gamma P t -> pure_typing Gamma (erase P) t.
elim => *.
- by apply: pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI.
- apply: pure_typing_pure_app_simpleI; by eassumption.
- by apply: pure_typing_pure_abs_simpleI.
- by apply: pure_typing_poly_absE.
- by apply: (pure_typing_many_poly_absI (n := 1)).
(* translation from pure_typing to typing *)
Theorem pure_typing_to_typing {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t -> exists P, M = erase P /\ typing Gamma P t.
- move=> > /typing_var /typing_contains H /H {H} [?] /= [->] /typing_many_ty_absI ?.
eexists. constructor; last by eassumption. by rewrite erase_many_ty_abs.
- move=> > _ [P] [-> +] _ [Q] [-> +] => /typing_app H /H /typing_contains {}H /H.
move=> [?] /= [->] /typing_many_ty_absI ?.
eexists. constructor; last by eassumption. by rewrite erase_many_ty_abs.
- move=> > _ [?] [->] /typing_abs /typing_many_ty_absI ?.
eexists. constructor; last by eassumption. by rewrite erase_many_ty_abs.
Lemma pure_typing_contains {s t Gamma M} : contains s t -> pure_typing Gamma M s ->
pure_typing Gamma M t.
Proof. by move=> H /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /(typing_contains H) [?] [->] /typing_to_pure_typing. Qed.
Lemma pure_typing_ren_poly_type {Gamma M t} ξ : pure_typing Gamma M t ->
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type ξ) Gamma) M (ren_poly_type ξ t).
move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /(typing_ren_poly_type ξ) /typing_to_pure_typing.
congr pure_typing. by apply: erase_ren_term_id.
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_absE {n Gamma M t} :
pure_typing Gamma M (many_poly_abs n t) ->
pure_typing (map (ren_poly_type (Nat.add n)) Gamma) M t.
elim: n Gamma t.
- move=> > /=. by rewrite map_ren_poly_type_id.
- move=> n IH Gamma t /=.
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type S) /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [?] /=.
move=> /typing_ty_app => /(_ (poly_var 0)). subst M.
rewrite ?poly_type_norm subst_poly_type_poly_var'; first by case.
move=> /typing_to_pure_typing /= /IH. congr pure_typing.
rewrite ?map_map. apply: map_ext => ?. rewrite ?poly_type_norm /=.
apply: extRen_poly_type. by lia.
(* constructs a ∀I (cf. λI) type expression *)
Fixpoint tidy (t: poly_type) :=
match t with
| poly_var _ => t
| poly_arr s t => poly_arr (tidy s) (tidy t)
| poly_abs t => if fresh_inb 0 t then ren_poly_type (scons 0 id) (tidy t) else (poly_abs (tidy t))
Lemma allfv_poly_type_tidy {P t} : allfv_poly_type P (tidy t) <-> allfv_poly_type P t.
elim: t P; [done | by move=> /= ? + ? + ? => -> -> |].
move=> ? IH ? /=.
case H: (fresh_inb _ _); last by apply: IH.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type IH.
apply: ext_allfv_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. move: H => /(fresh_inP).
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. by case.
Lemma tidy_ren_poly_type {ξ t} : tidy (ren_poly_type ξ t) = ren_poly_type ξ (tidy t).
elim: t ξ; [done | by move=> ? + ? + ? /= => -> -> |].
move=> ? IH ξ /=.
set b1 := (fresh_inb _ (ren_poly_type _ _)). move Hb2: (fresh_inb _ _) => b2.
have ->: b1 = b2.
{ apply /is_trueP. rewrite /b1 -Hb2 -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type.
apply: ext_allfv_poly_type. by case. }
case: b2 Hb2; last by rewrite /= IH.
rewrite IH ?poly_type_norm => /fresh_inP H.
apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H. by case.
Lemma tidy_subst_poly_type {σ t} : tidy (subst_poly_type σ t) = subst_poly_type (σ >> tidy) (tidy t).
elim: t σ; [done | by move=> ? + ? + ? /= => -> -> |].
move=> ? IH σ /=.
set b1 := (fresh_inb _ (subst_poly_type _ _)). move Hb2: (fresh_inb _ _) => b2.
have ->: b1 = b2.
{ apply /is_trueP. rewrite /b1 -Hb2 -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= allfv_poly_type_subst_poly_type.
apply: ext_allfv_poly_type. case; first done.
move=> ?. rewrite /= allfv_poly_type_ren_poly_type /=. constructor; first done.
move=> _. by apply: allfv_poly_type_TrueI. }
case: b2 Hb2.
- rewrite IH ?poly_type_norm => /fresh_inP H.
apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl H. case; first done.
move=> ? _ /=. by rewrite tidy_ren_poly_type ?poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id.
- move=> _ /=. rewrite IH /=. congr poly_abs. apply: ext_poly_type. case; first done.
move=> ?. by rewrite /= tidy_ren_poly_type.
Lemma contains_tidyI {t t'} : contains t t' -> contains (tidy t) (tidy t').
move=> /clos_rt_rt1n_iff. elim; first by move=> ?; apply: rt_refl.
move=> > [] s'' t'' _ IH /=. case H: (fresh_inb _ _).
- move: IH. rewrite tidy_subst_poly_type. congr contains.
rewrite ren_as_subst_poly_type. apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy. move: H => /fresh_inP.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl. by case.
- apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption.
apply: rt_step. rewrite tidy_subst_poly_type.
have := contains_step_subst (s := tidy s'') (t := tidy t''). congr contains_step.
apply: ext_poly_type. by case.
(* introduces canonical type derivations (cf. Wells) *)
Lemma typing_tidyI {Gamma P t} : typing Gamma P t -> exists Q, erase P = erase Q /\ typing (map tidy Gamma) Q (tidy t).
elim: P Gamma t.
- move=> x Gamma t /typingE Hx. exists (var x). constructor; first done.
apply: typing_var. by rewrite nth_error_map Hx.
- move=> P IHP Q IHQ Gamma t /typingE [?] /= [/IHP [P'] [->] {}IHP /IHQ [Q'] [->] {}IHQ].
exists (app P' Q'). constructor; first done.
apply: typing_app; by eassumption.
- move=> s P IH Gamma t /typingE [?] /= [->] /IH [P'] [->] HP'.
exists (abs (tidy s) P'). constructor; first done.
by apply: typing_abs.
- move=> P IH s Gamma t /typingE [t'] /= [->] /IH [P'] [->].
move=> /typing_contains. apply.
by apply /contains_tidyI /rt_step /contains_step_subst.
- move=> P IH Gamma t /typingE [t'] /= [->] /IH [P'] [->] /=.
case Hb: (fresh_inb _ _).
+ move=> /(typing_ren_poly_type (0 .: id)) => H.
exists (ren_term (0 .: id) id P'). constructor; first by rewrite erase_ren_term_id.
congr typing: H. rewrite ?map_map. apply: map_ext => ?.
by rewrite tidy_ren_poly_type ?poly_type_norm /= ren_poly_type_id.
+ move=> H. exists (ty_abs P'). constructor; first done.
apply: typing_ty_abs. congr typing: H. rewrite ?map_map.
apply: map_ext => ?. by apply: tidy_ren_poly_type.
(* introduce pure canonical typings *)
Lemma pure_typing_tidyI {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t -> pure_typing (map tidy Gamma) M (tidy t).
by move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /typing_tidyI [?] [->] /typing_to_pure_typing.
Lemma tidy_tidy {t} : tidy (tidy t) = tidy t.
elim: t; [done | by move=> /= ? -> ? -> |].
move=> t /=. case Ht: (fresh_inb _ _).
- by rewrite ?tidy_ren_poly_type => ->.
- rewrite /=.
have -> : fresh_inb 0 (tidy t) = fresh_inb 0 t.
{ apply /is_trueP. by rewrite -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= allfv_poly_type_tidy. }
by rewrite Ht => ->.
Lemma tidy_many_poly_abs_tidy {n t} : tidy (many_poly_abs n (tidy t)) = tidy (many_poly_abs n t).
elim: n; first by rewrite tidy_tidy.
move=> n /= ->.
have ->: fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n (tidy t)) = fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n t).
{ apply /is_trueP. by rewrite -?(rwP fresh_inP) /= ?allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs allfv_poly_type_tidy. }
Lemma tidy_many_poly_abs_le {n t}:
allfv_poly_type (le n) t -> tidy (many_poly_abs n t) = ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n) (tidy t).
elim: n t.
- move=> t _ /=. rewrite ren_poly_type_id'; by [|lia].
- move=> n IH t /= Ht.
have ->: fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n t) = true.
{ apply /fresh_inP. rewrite /fresh_in allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Ht. move=> x ?. rewrite iter_scons_ge; by lia. }
rewrite IH.
{ apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Ht. by lia. }
rewrite poly_type_norm. apply: extRen_poly_type.
move=> x /=. case H: (x-n) => /=; by lia.
Lemma tidy_many_poly_abs {n s} :
{ n'ξ' | tidy (many_poly_abs n s) = many_poly_abs (n'ξ'.1) (tidy (ren_poly_type (n'ξ'.2) s)) }.
elim: n s.
- move=> s. exists (0, id). by rewrite ren_poly_type_id.
- move=> n IH s /=. case Hns: (fresh_inb 0 (many_poly_abs n s)).
+ have := IH s. move=> [[n' ξ']] ->.
rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs -tidy_ren_poly_type ?poly_type_norm.
evar (n'': nat). evar (ξ'': nat -> nat).
exists (n'', ξ'') => /=. by subst n'' ξ''.
+ have := IH s. move=> [[n' ξ']] ->.
by exists ((1+n'), ξ').
(* note: hard to make more general because of cases like ∀x.x < ∀x.x < ∀xy.x *)
Lemma contains_many_poly_absE {n s1 t1 t} : contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s1 t1)) t ->
exists ts, length ts <= n /\
t = subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) (many_poly_abs (n - length ts) (poly_arr s1 t1)).
move=> /clos_rt_rtn1_iff. elim.
- exists [] => /=. constructor; first by lia.
by rewrite (ltac:(lia) : n - 0 = n) subst_poly_type_poly_var.
- move=> > [] r ? _ [ts] [?].
move Hn': (n - length ts) => n'. case: n' Hn'; first done.
move=> n' ? [->]. exists (r :: ts) => /=.
constructor; first by lia.
have ->: n - S (length ts) = n' by lia.
rewrite ?poly_type_norm. apply: ext_poly_type. case; first done.
move=> x /=. by rewrite ?poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
Lemma contains_poly_arrE {n s1 t1 s2 t2} : contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_arr s1 t1)) (poly_arr s2 t2) ->
exists ts, n = length ts /\ (poly_arr s2 t2) = subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) (poly_arr s1 t1).
move=> /contains_many_poly_absE [ts] [?] H.
have Hnts : n - length ts = 0 by case: (n - length ts) H.
exists ts. constructor; [by lia | by rewrite H Hnts].
Lemma contains_poly_varE {t x} : contains t (poly_var x) ->
exists n y, t = many_poly_abs n (poly_var y).
have [n [t' [->]]] := many_poly_absI t. case: t'.
- move=> *. by do 2 eexists.
- move=> > _ /contains_many_poly_absE [ts] [_]. by case: (n - length ts).
- by move=> /=.
Lemma contains_many_poly_abs_free {n x t} :
contains (many_poly_abs n (poly_var (n + x))) t ->
exists i m, n = i + m /\ t = many_poly_abs m (poly_var (m+x)).
elim: n x t.
- move=> /= x ? /containsE <-. by exists 0, 0.
- move=> n IH x t /containsE /= [].
+ move=> <-. by exists 0, (1+n).
+ move=> [?]. rewrite subst_poly_type_many_poly_abs /=.
have ->: S (n + x) = n + S x by lia. rewrite iter_up_poly_type_poly_type /=.
move=> /IH [i] [m] [-> ->]. by exists (1+i), m.
Lemma contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightI {ts t} :
contains (many_poly_abs (length ts) t) (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) t).
elim: ts t.
- move=> /= ?. rewrite subst_poly_type_poly_var. by apply: rt_refl.
- move=> r ts IH t. rewrite [length _]/=.
have ->: S (length ts) = (length ts) + 1 by lia.
rewrite -many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs /=.
have {}IH := IH (poly_abs t). apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption.
apply: rt_step => /=. have := contains_step_subst.
evar (s': poly_type) => /(_ s'). evar (t': poly_type) => /(_ t').
congr contains_step. subst t'.
rewrite ?poly_type_norm /=. apply: ext_poly_type.
case=> /=; first by subst s'.
move=> ?. by rewrite poly_type_norm /= subst_poly_type_poly_var.
Lemma contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightE {ts t t'} :
contains (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) t) t' ->
contains (many_poly_abs (length ts) t) t'.
move Hs: (subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) t) => s /clos_rt_rtn1_iff Hst'.
elim: Hst' t ts Hs.
- move=> ? ? <-. by apply: contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightI.
- move=> > [] r ? _ IH t ts /IH {}IH.
apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption. by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst.
Lemma contains_many_poly_abs_closedI {n s σ} :
allfv_poly_type (gt n) s ->
contains (many_poly_abs n s) (subst_poly_type σ s).
move=> Hns. pose ts := (map σ (seq 0 n)).
have -> : n = length ts by rewrite /ts map_length seq_length.
apply: contains_subst_poly_type_fold_rightE.
have ->: subst_poly_type (fold_right scons poly_var ts) s = subst_poly_type σ s.
apply: ext_subst_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns => x ?.
rewrite /ts fold_right_length_ts_lt; first by (rewrite map_length seq_length; lia).
rewrite [nth _ _ (poly_var 0)](nth_indep _ _ (σ 0)); first by (rewrite map_length seq_length; lia).
rewrite map_nth seq_nth; by [|lia].
by apply: rt_refl.
(* pure typing is preserved under renaming *)
Lemma pure_typing_ren_pure_term {Gamma Delta M t} (ξ : nat -> nat) :
pure_typing Gamma M t ->
(forall n s, nth_error Gamma n = Some s -> nth_error Delta (ξ n) = Some s) ->
pure_typing Delta (ren_pure_term ξ M) t.
move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [P] [->] /typing_ren_term H /H{H} /typing_to_pure_typing.
by rewrite erase_ren_term.
(* pure typing is preserved under renaming of occurring free variables *)
Lemma pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term {Gamma Delta M t} (ξ : nat -> nat) :
(allfv_pure_term (fun x => nth_error Gamma x = nth_error Delta (ξ x)) M) ->
pure_typing Gamma M t -> pure_typing Delta (ren_pure_term ξ M) t.
move=> + /pure_typing_to_typing [P] [?]. subst M.
move=> /allfv_pure_term_erase /typing_ren_allfv_term H /H /typing_to_pure_typing.
by rewrite erase_ren_term.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_abs_closed {s t n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) t ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) (many_poly_abs n t).
move=> Hs /pure_typingE [n1] [?] [?] [[?]] [HC ?]. subst.
rewrite many_poly_abs_many_poly_abs.
apply: pure_typing_pure_var; first by reflexivity.
congr contains: HC. apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type.
by apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hs.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_abs_contains_closed {s t t' n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
contains (many_poly_abs n t) t' ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) t ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) t'.
by move=> /pure_typing_many_poly_abs_closed H /pure_typing_contains HC /H => /(_ n) /HC.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_tidy_many_poly_abs_closed {s t n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) (tidy t) ->
pure_typing [tidy s] (pure_var 0) (tidy (many_poly_abs n t)).
move=> Hs Ht. rewrite -tidy_many_poly_abs_tidy -/(map tidy [s]).
apply: pure_typing_tidyI. by apply: pure_typing_many_poly_abs_closed.
(* transport pure typing along contains / many_poly_abs *)
Lemma pure_typing_many_poly_abs_contains_tidy_closed {s t t' n} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
contains (many_poly_abs n t) t' ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) (tidy t) ->
pure_typing [tidy s] (pure_var 0) (tidy t').
move=> Hs /contains_tidyI HC /(pure_typing_tidy_many_poly_abs_closed Hs (n := n)) /pure_typing_contains. by apply.
(* weaken an assumption wrt. derivability *)
Lemma pure_typing_weaken_closed {s s' Gamma1 Gamma2 M t} :
allfv_poly_type (fun=> False) s ->
pure_typing [s] (pure_var 0) s' ->
pure_typing (Gamma1 ++ s' :: Gamma2) M t ->
pure_typing (Gamma1 ++ s :: Gamma2) M t.
move=> Hs Hss' /pure_typing_to_typing [P] [->].
elim: P Gamma1 Gamma2 s' t Hss'.
- move=> x Gamma1 Gamma2 s' t Hss' /typingE Hx.
have [?|[H'x|?]] : x < length Gamma1 \/ x - length Gamma1 = 1 + (x - length Gamma1 - 1) \/ length Gamma1 = x by lia.
+ apply: pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI. move: Hx. by rewrite ?nth_error_app1.
+ apply: pure_typing_pure_var_simpleI. move: Hx.
rewrite nth_error_app2; first by lia. rewrite nth_error_app2; [by lia | by rewrite H'x].
+ move: Hx. rewrite nth_error_app2; first by lia.
have H'x: x - length Gamma1 = 0 by lia. move: (H'x) => -> [<-].
move: Hss' => /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term (fun y => y + x)). apply.
rewrite /= nth_error_app2; first by lia. by rewrite H'x.
- move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 > /copy [/IH1 {}IH1 /IH2 {}IH2] /typingE [?] [/IH1 + /IH2 +].
by move=> /pure_typing_pure_app_simpleI H /H.
- move=> ? ? IH > /IH {}IH /typingE [?] [->]. rewrite -/((_ :: _) ++ _).
by move=> /IH /= /pure_typing_pure_abs_simpleI.
- move=> > IH > /IH {}IH /typingE [?] [->] /IH. apply: pure_typing_contains.
by apply /rt_step /contains_step_subst.
- move=> > IH > Hss' /typingE [?] [->]. rewrite map_app /=.
move=> /IH. apply: unnest.
{ move: Hss' => /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type S). congr pure_typing => /=.
by rewrite ren_poly_type_closed_id. }
move=> {}IH. apply: (pure_typing_many_poly_absI (n := 1)).
congr pure_typing: IH. by rewrite map_app /= ren_poly_type_closed_id.
Lemma tidy_is_simple {t} : is_simple t -> tidy t = t.
Proof. elim: t; [done | by move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 /= [/IH1 -> /IH2 ->] | done]. Qed.
Lemma is_simple_ren_poly_type {ξ t} : is_simple (ren_poly_type ξ t) <-> is_simple t.
Proof. elim t; [done | by move=> ? IH1 ? IH2 /=; rewrite IH1 IH2 | done]. Qed.
Lemma pure_typing_tidyRL {s n} : is_simple s -> allfv_poly_type (gt n) s ->
pure_typing [many_poly_abs n s] (pure_var 0) (tidy (many_poly_abs n s)).
rewrite (svalP tidy_many_poly_abs).
move: (sval _) => [n' ξ'] /= Hs Hns.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n'); first done.
rewrite tidy_is_simple; first by rewrite is_simple_ren_poly_type.
rewrite ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
have -> : ren_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_ren (Nat.add n')) s = s.
rewrite -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id.
apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> ? ?. rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; by [|lia].
rewrite ren_as_subst_poly_type. by apply: contains_many_poly_abs_closedI.
Lemma pure_typing_tidyLR {s n} : is_simple s -> allfv_poly_type (gt n) s ->
pure_typing [tidy (many_poly_abs n s)] (pure_var 0) (many_poly_abs n s).
move=> Hs Hns.
apply: (pure_typing_pure_var n); first by reflexivity.
rewrite -tidy_ren_poly_type ren_poly_type_many_poly_abs.
have -> : ren_poly_type (Nat.iter n up_ren (Nat.add n)) s = s.
rewrite -[RHS]ren_poly_type_id.
apply: ext_ren_poly_type_allfv_poly_type. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> ? ?. rewrite iter_up_ren_lt; by [|lia].
rewrite -[s in contains _ s](tidy_is_simple Hs).
apply: contains_tidyI.
rewrite -[s in contains _ s]subst_poly_type_poly_var.
by apply: contains_many_poly_abs_closedI.
Lemma pure_typableI {Gamma M t} : pure_typing Gamma M t -> pure_typable Gamma M.
Proof. move=> ?. by exists t. Qed.
Lemma pure_typableE {Gamma M} : pure_typable Gamma M ->
match M with
| pure_var x => if (nth_error Gamma x) is None then False else True
| pure_app M N => exists s t, pure_typing Gamma M (poly_arr s t) /\ pure_typing Gamma N s
| pure_abs M => exists s, pure_typable (s :: Gamma) M
move=> [t] [].
- move=> n {}Gamma x >. rewrite nth_error_map.
by case: (nth_error Gamma x).
- move=> n > /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n)) H1.
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n)) H2 _.
move: H1 H2. rewrite ?map_map. rewrite map_id'.
{ move=> ?. rewrite poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id' /=; by [|lia]. }
move=> ? ?. do 2 eexists. constructor; by eassumption.
- move=> n > /(pure_typing_ren_poly_type (fun x => x - n)) /=.
rewrite ?map_map map_id'.
{ move=> ?. rewrite poly_type_norm ren_poly_type_id' /=; by [|lia]. }
move=> /pure_typableI ?. eexists. by eassumption.
Lemma pure_typable_tidyI {Gamma M} :
pure_typable Gamma M -> pure_typable (map tidy Gamma) M.
Proof. by move=> [?] /pure_typing_tidyI /pure_typableI. Qed.
Lemma pure_typable_tidy_iff {Gamma1 Gamma2 M} :
Forall (fun t => exists n s, t = many_poly_abs n s /\ is_simple s /\ allfv_poly_type (gt n) s) Gamma2 ->
pure_typable (Gamma1 ++ map tidy Gamma2) M <-> pure_typable (Gamma1 ++ Gamma2) M.
elim: Gamma2 Gamma1; first done.
move=> ? Gamma2 IH Gamma1 /Forall_consP [] [n] [s] [->] [Hs Hns] /IH {}IH.
constructor => /=.
- move=> [?] /pure_typing_weaken_closed => /(_ (many_poly_abs n s)).
apply: unnest.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> *. rewrite iter_scons_lt; by [|lia].
apply: unnest; first by apply: pure_typing_tidyRL.
rewrite -/([_] ++ map tidy Gamma2) -/([_] ++ Gamma2) ?app_assoc.
by move=> /pure_typableI /IH.
- move=> [?] /pure_typing_weaken_closed => /(_ (tidy (many_poly_abs n s))).
apply: unnest.
rewrite allfv_poly_type_tidy allfv_poly_type_many_poly_abs. apply: allfv_poly_type_impl Hns.
move=> *. rewrite iter_scons_lt; by [|lia].
apply: unnest; first by apply: pure_typing_tidyLR.
rewrite -/([_] ++ map tidy Gamma2) -/([_] ++ Gamma2) ?app_assoc.
by move=> /pure_typableI /IH.
Lemma pure_typable_many_pure_term_abs_allI M {Gamma} :
pure_typable Gamma M -> pure_typable [] (many_pure_term_abs (pure_var_bound M) M).
have := pure_var_boundP M. move: (pure_var_bound M) => n.
elim: Gamma n M.
- elim; first done.
move=> n IH M HnM [tM].
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term id (Delta := [poly_var 0])).
apply: unnest; first by case. rewrite ren_pure_term_id.
move=> /(pure_typing_pure_abs 0 (Gamma := [])) /pure_typableI /IH.
rewrite /many_pure_term_abs (ltac:(lia) : S n = n + 1) -iter_plus. apply.
move=> /=. apply: allfv_pure_term_impl HnM.
case; first done. move=> /=. by lia.
- move=> s Gamma IH [|n] M.
+ move=> HM [tM].
move=> /(pure_typing_ren_pure_term_allfv_pure_term id (Delta := [])).
rewrite ren_pure_term_id. apply: unnest; first by apply: allfv_pure_term_impl HM; lia.
by move=> /pure_typableI.
+ move=> HnM [tM]. rewrite -[Gamma]map_ren_poly_type_id.
move=> /(pure_typing_pure_abs 0) /pure_typableI /IH.
rewrite /many_pure_term_abs (ltac:(lia) : S n = n + 1) -iter_plus. apply.
move=> /=. apply: allfv_pure_term_impl HnM.
case; first done. move=> /=. by lia.
Lemma pure_typing_iff_type_assignment {Gamma M t} :
pure_typing Gamma M t <-> type_assignment Gamma M t.
- by move=> /pure_typing_to_typing [?] [->] /typing_to_type_assignment.
- by move=> /typing_of_type_assignment [?] [->] /typing_to_pure_typing.