From Undecidability Require Import ProgrammingTools Hoare.
From Undecidability Require Import CaseNat CaseList CaseSum. (* TM.Code.CaseSum contains Constr_Some and Constr_None. *)

Local Arguments skipn { A } !n !l.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

Local Arguments Encode_list : simpl never.
Local Arguments Encode_nat : simpl never.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

(* ** Other Implementation of nth_error *)

Section Nth'.

  (* In this implementation of nth_error, instead of encoding an option to the output tape, we use the finite parameter to indicate whether the result is Some or None. The advantage is that the client doesn't have to add the option to its alphabet. *)

  Variable (sig sigX : finType) (X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
  (* Hypothesis (defX: inhabitedC sigX). *)

  Variable (retr1 : Retract (sigList sigX) sig) (retr2 : Retract sigNat sig).
  Local Instance retr_X_list' : Retract sigX sig := ComposeRetract retr1 (Retract_sigList_X _).

  (* Check _ : codable sig (list X). *)
  (* Check _ : codable sig nat. *)

  Definition Nth'_Step_size {sigX X : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} (n : nat) (l : list X) : Vector.t (nat -> nat) 3 :=
    match n, l with
    | S n', x :: l' =>
      [| CaseList_size0 x; S; CaseList_size1 x >> Reset_size x|]
    | 0, x :: x' =>
      [|fun s0 => CaseList_size0 x s0; id; fun s2 => CaseList_size1 x s2|]
    | 0, nil => [|id; id; id|]
    | S n', nil => [|id; fun s1 => S s1; id|]

  Definition Nth'_Step : pTM sig^+ (option bool) 3 :=
    If (LiftTapes (ChangeAlphabet CaseNat _) [|Fin1|])
       (If (LiftTapes (ChangeAlphabet (CaseList sigX) _) [|Fin0; Fin2|]) (* n = S n' *)
           (Return (LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin2|]) None) (* l = x :: l'; continue *)
           (Return Nop (Some false))) (* l = nil; return false *)
       (Relabel (LiftTapes (ChangeAlphabet (CaseList sigX) _) [|Fin0; Fin2|]) Some) (* n = 0 *)

  Definition Nth'_Step_steps {sigX X : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} (l : list X) (n : nat) :=
    match n, l with
    | S n', x :: l' =>
      2 + CaseNat_steps + CaseList_steps_cons x + Reset_steps x
    | S n', nil =>
      2 + CaseNat_steps + CaseList_steps_nil
    | O, x :: l' =>
      1 + CaseNat_steps + CaseList_steps_cons x
    | O, nil =>
      1 + CaseNat_steps + CaseList_steps_nil

    Definition Nth'_Step_steps_CaseList (xs : list X) :=
      match xs with
      | x :: xs' => 1 + CaseList_steps_cons x + Reset_steps x
      | nil => 1 + CaseList_steps_nil

    Lemma Nth'_Step_SpecT_size (n : nat) (xs : list X) (ss : Vector.t nat 3) :
        (≃≃([],withSpace ([|Contains _ xs; Contains _ n; Void|]) ss))
        (Nth'_Step_steps xs n) Nth'_Step
        (fun yout =>
           ≃≃([yout = match xs,n with [],_ => Some false | _ , 0 => Some true | _,__ => None end ],
                    match xs,n with
                    | nil,_ => [|Contains _ xs; Contains _ (pred n); Void|]
                    | x::xs', S n' => [|Contains _ xs'; Contains _ n'; Void|]
                    | x::xs', 0 => [|Contains _ xs'; Contains _ 0; Contains _ x|]
                    end (appSize (Nth'_Step_size n xs) ss))).
      unfold Nth'_Step.
      eapply If_SpecTReg with (k1 := CaseNat_steps) (k2 := Nth'_Step_steps_CaseList xs) (k3 := CaseList_steps xs).
      - unfold_abbrev. hstep; cbn.
        hstep; cbn. (* or eapply ChangeAlphabet_SpecT_space_pre. *)
        hstep; cbn. cbn. tspec_ext.
      - cbn. hintros ?. destruct n as [ | n'];cbn. nia.
        + eapply If_SpecTReg.
          * hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. cbn. tspec_ext.
          * cbn. hintros H'.
            refine (_ : TripleT _ (match xs with x::xs => _ | _ => 0 end) _ _).
            destruct xs. easy. hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn.
            now apply Reset_SpecT_space. cbn. tspec_ext.
          * cbn. hintros H'.
            destruct xs. 2:easy.
            hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. cbn. tspec_ext.
          * cbn. intros ? ->. destruct xs; cbn in *; auto.
      - cbn. hintros ->. cbn.
        hstep; cbn.
        { hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. cbn. tspec_ext. }
        cbn. hintros yout ->. destruct xs as [ | x xs'];cbn.
        + tspec_ext.
        + tspec_ext.
      - cbn. unfold Nth'_Step_steps. intros b Hb. destruct b,xs,n;cbn;unfold CaseList_steps. all:lia.

  Fixpoint Nth'_Loop_size {sigX X : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} (n : nat) (l : list X) {struct n} : Vector.t (nat -> nat) 3 :=
    match n, l with
    | S n', x :: l' => Nth'_Step_size n l >>> Nth'_Loop_size n' l'
    | _, _ => Nth'_Step_size n l

  Definition Nth'_Loop := While Nth'_Step.

  Fixpoint Nth'_Loop_steps {sigX X : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} (l : list X) (n : nat) { struct l } :=
    match n, l with
    | S n', x :: l' => S (Nth'_Step_steps l n) + Nth'_Loop_steps l' n' (* continue *)
    | S n', nil => Nth'_Step_steps l n (* return *)
    | O, x :: l' => Nth'_Step_steps l n (* return *)
    | O, nil => Nth'_Step_steps l n (* only CaseNat and If *)

    Lemma Nth'_Loop_SpecT_size (xs:list X) n (ss : Vector.t nat 3) :
      ≃≃([],withSpace ([|Contains _ xs; Contains _ n; Void|]) ss)
      (Nth'_Loop_steps xs n) Nth'_Loop
      (fun yout =>
         ≃≃([yout = match nth_error xs n with None => false | _ => true end],
              withSpace match nth_error xs n with
              | Some x => [|Contains _ (skipn (S n) xs); Contains _ (n - (S (length xs))); Contains _ x|]
              | None => [|Contains _ (skipn (S n) xs); Contains _ (n - (S (length xs))); Void|]
              (appSize (Nth'_Loop_size n xs) ss))).
      refine (While_SpecTReg (PRE := fun '(xs,n,ss) => (_,_)) (INV := fun '(xs,n,ss) y => (_,_)) (POST := fun '(xs,n,ss) y => _)
       (f__step := fun '(xs,n,ss) => _) (f__loop := fun '(xs,n,ss) => _) _ _((xs,n,ss)));
      clear xs n ss; intros ((xs,n),ss).
    { apply Nth'_Step_SpecT_size. }
    cbn. split.
    - intros b Hb. split.
      + destruct xs, n;inv Hb. all:cbn [nth_error]. all:tspec_ext. f_equal. cbn;nia.
      + unfold Nth'_Loop_steps. destruct xs,n;inv Hb. all:cbn;nia.
    - destruct xs as [ | ? xs'],n as [ | n']. all:intros [=].
      eexists (xs', n', _). repeat apply conj; cbn.

  (* We don't want to save, but reset, n. *)
  Definition Nth' : pTM sig^+ bool 4 :=
    LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin0; Fin3|];; (* Save l (on t0) to t3 *)
    If (LiftTapes (Nth'_Loop) [|Fin3; Fin1; Fin2|]) (* Execute the loop with the copy of l *)
       (Return (LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin3|];; (* Reset the copy of l *)
                LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin1|] (* Reset n *)
               ) true)
       (Return (LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin3|];; (* Reset the copy of l *)
                LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin1|] (* Reset n *)
               ) false)

  Definition Nth'_size {sigX X : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} (l : list X) (n : nat) :=
    [| id;
       (Nth'_Loop_size n l)[@Fin1] >> Reset_size (n - (S (length l)));
       (Nth'_Loop_size n l)[@Fin2];
       CopyValue_size l >> (Nth'_Loop_size n l)[@Fin0] >> Reset_size (skipn (S n) l)

  Definition Nth'_steps {sigX X : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} (l : list X) (n : nat) :=
    3 + CopyValue_steps l + Nth'_Loop_steps l n + Reset_steps (skipn (S n) l) + Reset_steps (n - S (length l)).

  Lemma Nth'_SpecT_size (xs : list X) (n : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 4) :
      (≃≃([],withSpace ([|Contains _ xs; Contains _ n; Void; Void|]) ss))
      (Nth'_steps xs n) Nth'
      (fun yout =>
    ≃≃([yout = match nth_error xs n with None => false | _ => true end],
      withSpace match nth_error xs n with
      | Some x => [|Contains _ xs; Void; Contains _ x;Void|]
      | None => [|Contains _ xs; Void; Void;Void|]
       (appSize (Nth'_size xs n) ss))).
    unfold Nth'.
    hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
    cbn. intros _. eapply If_SpecTReg; cbn.
    - hstep; cbn. eapply ConsequenceT_pre. apply Nth'_Loop_SpecT_size. tspec_ext. reflexivity.
    - cbn. destruct (nth_error xs n) as [ x | ]. all:hintros [=].
      hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := list X).
      cbn. intros []. eauto. hstep; cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := nat). reflexivity.
      cbn. intros _. cbn. tspec_ext.
    - cbn. destruct (nth_error xs n) as [ x | ]. all:hintros [=].
      hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := list X).
      cbn. intros []. eauto. hstep; cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := nat). reflexivity.
      cbn. intros _. tspec_ext.
    - cbn. destruct b;reflexivity.
    - unfold Nth'_steps. lia.

  Section Legacy.

    Definition Nth'_Rel : pRel sig^+ bool 4 :=
      fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
        forall (l : list X) (n : nat) s0 s1 s2 s3,
          tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) l ->
          tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) n ->
          isVoid_size tin[@Fin2] s2 ->
          isVoid_size tin[@Fin3] s3 ->
          match yout with
          | true =>
            exists (x : X),
            nth_error l n = Some x /\
            tout[@Fin0] ≃(;(Nth'_size l n)[@Fin0]s0) l /\
            isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] ((Nth'_size l n)[@Fin1]s1) /\
            tout[@Fin2] ≃(;(Nth'_size l n)[@Fin2]s2) x /\
            isVoid_size tout[@Fin3] ((Nth'_size l n)[@Fin3]s3)
          | false =>
            nth_error l n = None /\
            tout[@Fin0] ≃(;(Nth'_size l n)[@Fin0]s0) l /\
            isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] ((Nth'_size l n)[@Fin1]s1) /\
            isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] ((Nth'_size l n)[@Fin2]s2) /\
            isVoid_size tout[@Fin3] ((Nth'_size l n)[@Fin3]s3)

    Lemma Nth'_Realise : Nth' Nth'_Rel.
      repeat (eapply RealiseIntroAll;intro). eapply Realise_monotone.
      -eapply TripleT_Realise. eapply Nth'_SpecT_size with (ss:=[| _;_;_;_|]) (xs:=x) (n:=x0).
      -cbn. unfold Nth'_Rel. intros ? [] H **. modpon H.
      {unfold "≃≃",withSpace;cbn. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn. exact H3. all:eassumption. }
      repeat destruct _;unfold "≃≃",withSpace in H;cbn in H.
      all:destruct H as [Heq H].
      2,3:discriminate Heq.
      all:specializeFin H;eauto 6.

    Definition Nth'_T : tRel sig^+ 4 :=
      fun tin k => exists (l : list X) (n : nat),
          tin[@Fin0] l /\
          tin[@Fin1] n /\
          isVoid tin[@Fin2] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin3] /\
          Nth'_steps l n <= k.

    Lemma Nth'_Terminates : projT1 Nth' Nth'_T.
      repeat (eapply TerminatesInIntroEx;intro). eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
      -eapply TripleT_TerminatesIn. eapply TripleT_RemoveSpace,Nth'_SpecT_size.
      -intros ? k H **. modpon H.
      split. 2:eassumption.
      unfold "≃≃",withSpace;cbn. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn. all:assumption.
  End Legacy.

End Nth'.

Arguments Nth'_steps {sigX X cX} : simpl never.
Arguments Nth'_size {sigX X cX} : simpl never.