(* ** Multiplication *)
From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability Require Import Hoare.Hoare.
From Undecidability Require Import CaseNat.
Require Import ArithRing. (* for ring_simplify *)
Arguments mult : simpl never.
Arguments plus : simpl never.
(* *** Addition *)
Definition Add_Step : pTM sigNat^+ (option unit) 2 :=
If (CaseNat @ [|Fin1|])
(Return (Constr_S @ [|Fin0|]) None)
(Return Nop (Some tt)).
Definition Add_Step_steps : nat := 9.
Definition Add_Step_size (a b : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 2 :=
match b with
| 0 => [|id; id|]
| S b' => [|S; S|]
Lemma Add_Step_SpecT_space (a b : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 2) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b|]) ss))
(fun yout =>
≃≃([yout = if b then Some tt else None]
,withSpace [|Contains _ (match b with 0 => a | _ => S a end);Contains _ (pred b)|]
(appSize (Add_Step_size a b) ss))).
unfold Add_Step. eapply If_SpecT with (k3 := 0).
- hsteps_cbn.
- cbn. hintros ?. destruct b as [ | b']; cbn in *. easy. hsteps_cbn; cbn. tspec_ext.
- cbn. hintros ->. hsteps. cbn. tspec_ext.
- intros. destruct yout. (* reflexivity. unfold CaseNat_steps, Add_Step_steps. lia. *)
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold CaseNat_steps, Add_Step_steps. lia.
Definition Add_Loop : pTM sigNat^+ unit 2 := While Add_Step.
Definition Add_Loop_steps b := 9 + 10 * b.
Fixpoint Add_Loop_size (a b : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 2 :=
match b with
| O => Add_Step_size a b
| S b' => Add_Step_size a b >>> Add_Loop_size (S a) b'
Lemma Add_Loop_SpecT_size (a b : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 2) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b|]) ss))
(Add_Loop_steps b)
(fun _ => tspec
([], withSpace [|Contains _ (a+b); Contains _ 0|]
(appSize (Add_Loop_size a b) ss))).
(* We have to add the space vector to the abstract state *)
refine (While_SpecTReg (PRE := fun '(a,b,ss) => (_,_)) (INV := fun '(a,b,ss) y => (_,_))
(POST := fun '(a,b,ss) y => (_,_)) (f__loop := fun '(a,b,ss) => _) (f__step := fun '(a,b,ss) => _) _ _ ((a,b,ss)));
clear a b ss; intros ((x,y),ss).
- apply Add_Step_SpecT_space.
- cbn. split.
+intros []. split. 2:unfold Add_Step_steps, Add_Loop_steps;lia.
destruct y as [ | y']; cbn in *. 2:easy. tspec_ext. f_equal. nia.
+destruct y as [ | y']; cbn in *. easy. intros _.
eexists (S x, y', _); cbn. repeat split.
* tspec_ext.
* unfold Add_Step_steps, Add_Loop_steps. lia.
* tspec_ext. f_equal. nia.
Definition Add : pTM sigNat^+ unit 4 :=
LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin1; Fin2|];; (* copy n to a *)
LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin0; Fin3|];; (* copy m to b *)
LiftTapes Add_Loop [|Fin2; Fin3|];; (* Main loop *)
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin3|]. (* Reset b *)
Definition Add_steps m n := 98 + 12 * n + 22 * m.
Definition Add_space (a b : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 4 :=
[|(*0*) id; (*1*) id; (*2*) CopyValue_size b >> Add_Loop_size b a @>Fin0;
(*3*) CopyValue_size a >> (Add_Loop_size b a @>Fin1) >> Reset_size 0 |].
Lemma Add_SpecT_space (a b : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 4) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Add_steps a b)
(fun _ => ≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b; Contains _ (a+b); Void|])
(appSize (Add_space a b) ss))).
Proof. (* The tactic hstep takes also takes care of moving withSpace to the head symbol of each precondition *)
unfold Add.
hstep. hstep.
apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. cbn.
hstep. cbn. hstep. cbn. apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. hstep. cbn. apply Add_Loop_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space.
cbn. intros _. replace (b+a) with (a+b) by lia. auto.
reflexivity. reflexivity.
unfold CopyValue_steps, Reset_steps, Add_Loop_steps, Add_steps. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
(* *** Multiplication *)
Definition Mult_Step : pTM sigNat^+ (option unit) 5 :=
If (LiftTapes CaseNat [|Fin0|])
(Return (
LiftTapes Add [|Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4|];; (* Add(n, c, c') *)
LiftTapes (MoveValue _) [|Fin3; Fin2|]
) (None)) (* continue *)
(Return Nop (Some tt)). (* break *)
Definition Mult_Step_steps m' n c :=
match m' with
| O => 6
| _ => 168 + 33 * c + 39 * n
Definition Mult_Step_space m' n c : Vector.t (nat->nat) 5 :=
match m' with
| 0 => [|id; id; id; id; id|]
| S m'' => [| (*0*) S;
(*1*) Add_space n c @> Fin0; (* = id *)
(*2*) (Add_space n c @> Fin1) >> MoveValue_size_y (n+c) c;
(*3*) (Add_space n c @> Fin2) >> MoveValue_size_x (n+c);
(*4*) (Add_space n c @>Fin3)
Lemma Mult_Step_SpecT_size m' n c ss :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m'; Contains _ n; Contains _ c; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Mult_Step_steps m' n c)
(fun yout =>
≃≃([yout = if m' then Some tt else None],
[|Contains _ (pred m'); Contains _ n; Contains _ ( if m' then c else (n + c)); Void; Void|] (appSize (Mult_Step_space m' n c) ss))).
eapply If_SpecTReg.
- hsteps.
- cbn. hintros H. destruct m' as [ | m'']. now contradiction H. cbn.
hsteps. apply Add_SpecT_space. cbn. hsteps. reflexivity. cbn. tspec_ext.
- cbn. hintros ->. hsteps. tspec_ext.
- cbn. destruct m'; intros []. 1,4:easy.
all:unfold Mult_Step_steps, MoveValue_steps, CaseNat_steps, Add_steps. 2:rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize.
Definition Mult_Loop := While Mult_Step.
Fixpoint Mult_Loop_steps m' n c :=
match m' with
| O => S (Mult_Step_steps m' n c)
| S m'' => S (Mult_Step_steps m' n c) + Mult_Loop_steps m'' n (n + c)
Fixpoint Mult_Loop_size m' n c :=
match m' with
| 0 => Mult_Step_space m' n c (* id;...;id *)
| S m'' => Mult_Step_space m' n c >>> Mult_Loop_size m'' n (n+c)
Lemma Mult_Loop_SpecT_size m' n c ss :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m'; Contains _ n; Contains _ c; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Mult_Loop_steps m' n c)
(fun _ => ≃≃([],withSpace
[|Contains _ 0; Contains _ n; Contains _ (m' * n + c); Void; Void|]
(appSize (Mult_Loop_size m' n c) ss))).
refine (While_SpecTReg (PRE := fun '(m',n,c,ss) => (_,_)) (INV := fun '(m',n,c,ss) y => (_,_)) (POST := fun '(m',n,c,ss) y => (_,_))
(f__loop := fun '(m,n,c,ss) => _) (f__step := fun '(m,n,c,ss) => _) _ _ ((m',n,c,ss)));
clear m' n c ss; intros (((m',n),c),ss).
- apply Mult_Step_SpecT_size.
- cbn. split.
+intros y Hy. destruct m'. 2:easy. split. 2:cbn;lia. tspec_ext.
+destruct m'. easy. intros _. eexists (_,_,_,_). repeat split.
*tspec_ext. f_equal. cbn. nia.
Definition Mult : pTM sigNat^+ unit 6 :=
LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin0; Fin5|];; (* m' := m *)
LiftTapes (Constr_O) [|Fin2|];; (* c := 0 *)
LiftTapes Mult_Loop [|Fin5; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4|];; (* Main loop *)
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin5|]. (* Reset m'=0 *)
Definition Mult_steps (m n : nat) : nat := 12 * m + Mult_Loop_steps m n 0 + 57.
Definition Mult_size (m n : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 6 :=
[|(*0*) id;
(*1*) Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin1;
(*2*) Constr_O_size >> Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin2;
(*3*) Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin3;
(*4*) Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin4;
(*5*) CopyValue_size m >> Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin0 >> Reset_size 0
Lemma Mult_SpecT_space (m n : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 6) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m; Contains _ n; Void; Void; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Mult_steps m n)
(fun _ => ≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m; Contains _ n; Contains _ (m * n); Void; Void; Void|])
(appSize (Mult_size m n) ss))).
unfold Mult.
hstep. hstep. cbn.
apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. hsteps.
cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. hstep. cbn. apply Mult_Loop_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros. hstep. cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space.
cbn. intros t. replace (m * n + 0) with (m * n) by lia. auto.
reflexivity. reflexivity.
unfold Mult_steps. ring_simplify. unfold CopyValue_steps, Constr_O_steps, Reset_steps. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. reflexivity.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability Require Import Hoare.Hoare.
From Undecidability Require Import CaseNat.
Require Import ArithRing. (* for ring_simplify *)
Arguments mult : simpl never.
Arguments plus : simpl never.
(* *** Addition *)
Definition Add_Step : pTM sigNat^+ (option unit) 2 :=
If (CaseNat @ [|Fin1|])
(Return (Constr_S @ [|Fin0|]) None)
(Return Nop (Some tt)).
Definition Add_Step_steps : nat := 9.
Definition Add_Step_size (a b : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 2 :=
match b with
| 0 => [|id; id|]
| S b' => [|S; S|]
Lemma Add_Step_SpecT_space (a b : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 2) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b|]) ss))
(fun yout =>
≃≃([yout = if b then Some tt else None]
,withSpace [|Contains _ (match b with 0 => a | _ => S a end);Contains _ (pred b)|]
(appSize (Add_Step_size a b) ss))).
unfold Add_Step. eapply If_SpecT with (k3 := 0).
- hsteps_cbn.
- cbn. hintros ?. destruct b as [ | b']; cbn in *. easy. hsteps_cbn; cbn. tspec_ext.
- cbn. hintros ->. hsteps. cbn. tspec_ext.
- intros. destruct yout. (* reflexivity. unfold CaseNat_steps, Add_Step_steps. lia. *)
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold CaseNat_steps, Add_Step_steps. lia.
Definition Add_Loop : pTM sigNat^+ unit 2 := While Add_Step.
Definition Add_Loop_steps b := 9 + 10 * b.
Fixpoint Add_Loop_size (a b : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 2 :=
match b with
| O => Add_Step_size a b
| S b' => Add_Step_size a b >>> Add_Loop_size (S a) b'
Lemma Add_Loop_SpecT_size (a b : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 2) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b|]) ss))
(Add_Loop_steps b)
(fun _ => tspec
([], withSpace [|Contains _ (a+b); Contains _ 0|]
(appSize (Add_Loop_size a b) ss))).
(* We have to add the space vector to the abstract state *)
refine (While_SpecTReg (PRE := fun '(a,b,ss) => (_,_)) (INV := fun '(a,b,ss) y => (_,_))
(POST := fun '(a,b,ss) y => (_,_)) (f__loop := fun '(a,b,ss) => _) (f__step := fun '(a,b,ss) => _) _ _ ((a,b,ss)));
clear a b ss; intros ((x,y),ss).
- apply Add_Step_SpecT_space.
- cbn. split.
+intros []. split. 2:unfold Add_Step_steps, Add_Loop_steps;lia.
destruct y as [ | y']; cbn in *. 2:easy. tspec_ext. f_equal. nia.
+destruct y as [ | y']; cbn in *. easy. intros _.
eexists (S x, y', _); cbn. repeat split.
* tspec_ext.
* unfold Add_Step_steps, Add_Loop_steps. lia.
* tspec_ext. f_equal. nia.
Definition Add : pTM sigNat^+ unit 4 :=
LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin1; Fin2|];; (* copy n to a *)
LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin0; Fin3|];; (* copy m to b *)
LiftTapes Add_Loop [|Fin2; Fin3|];; (* Main loop *)
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin3|]. (* Reset b *)
Definition Add_steps m n := 98 + 12 * n + 22 * m.
Definition Add_space (a b : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 4 :=
[|(*0*) id; (*1*) id; (*2*) CopyValue_size b >> Add_Loop_size b a @>Fin0;
(*3*) CopyValue_size a >> (Add_Loop_size b a @>Fin1) >> Reset_size 0 |].
Lemma Add_SpecT_space (a b : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 4) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Add_steps a b)
(fun _ => ≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ a; Contains _ b; Contains _ (a+b); Void|])
(appSize (Add_space a b) ss))).
Proof. (* The tactic hstep takes also takes care of moving withSpace to the head symbol of each precondition *)
unfold Add.
hstep. hstep.
apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. cbn.
hstep. cbn. hstep. cbn. apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. hstep. cbn. apply Add_Loop_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space.
cbn. intros _. replace (b+a) with (a+b) by lia. auto.
reflexivity. reflexivity.
unfold CopyValue_steps, Reset_steps, Add_Loop_steps, Add_steps. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
(* *** Multiplication *)
Definition Mult_Step : pTM sigNat^+ (option unit) 5 :=
If (LiftTapes CaseNat [|Fin0|])
(Return (
LiftTapes Add [|Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4|];; (* Add(n, c, c') *)
LiftTapes (MoveValue _) [|Fin3; Fin2|]
) (None)) (* continue *)
(Return Nop (Some tt)). (* break *)
Definition Mult_Step_steps m' n c :=
match m' with
| O => 6
| _ => 168 + 33 * c + 39 * n
Definition Mult_Step_space m' n c : Vector.t (nat->nat) 5 :=
match m' with
| 0 => [|id; id; id; id; id|]
| S m'' => [| (*0*) S;
(*1*) Add_space n c @> Fin0; (* = id *)
(*2*) (Add_space n c @> Fin1) >> MoveValue_size_y (n+c) c;
(*3*) (Add_space n c @> Fin2) >> MoveValue_size_x (n+c);
(*4*) (Add_space n c @>Fin3)
Lemma Mult_Step_SpecT_size m' n c ss :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m'; Contains _ n; Contains _ c; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Mult_Step_steps m' n c)
(fun yout =>
≃≃([yout = if m' then Some tt else None],
[|Contains _ (pred m'); Contains _ n; Contains _ ( if m' then c else (n + c)); Void; Void|] (appSize (Mult_Step_space m' n c) ss))).
eapply If_SpecTReg.
- hsteps.
- cbn. hintros H. destruct m' as [ | m'']. now contradiction H. cbn.
hsteps. apply Add_SpecT_space. cbn. hsteps. reflexivity. cbn. tspec_ext.
- cbn. hintros ->. hsteps. tspec_ext.
- cbn. destruct m'; intros []. 1,4:easy.
all:unfold Mult_Step_steps, MoveValue_steps, CaseNat_steps, Add_steps. 2:rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize.
Definition Mult_Loop := While Mult_Step.
Fixpoint Mult_Loop_steps m' n c :=
match m' with
| O => S (Mult_Step_steps m' n c)
| S m'' => S (Mult_Step_steps m' n c) + Mult_Loop_steps m'' n (n + c)
Fixpoint Mult_Loop_size m' n c :=
match m' with
| 0 => Mult_Step_space m' n c (* id;...;id *)
| S m'' => Mult_Step_space m' n c >>> Mult_Loop_size m'' n (n+c)
Lemma Mult_Loop_SpecT_size m' n c ss :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m'; Contains _ n; Contains _ c; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Mult_Loop_steps m' n c)
(fun _ => ≃≃([],withSpace
[|Contains _ 0; Contains _ n; Contains _ (m' * n + c); Void; Void|]
(appSize (Mult_Loop_size m' n c) ss))).
refine (While_SpecTReg (PRE := fun '(m',n,c,ss) => (_,_)) (INV := fun '(m',n,c,ss) y => (_,_)) (POST := fun '(m',n,c,ss) y => (_,_))
(f__loop := fun '(m,n,c,ss) => _) (f__step := fun '(m,n,c,ss) => _) _ _ ((m',n,c,ss)));
clear m' n c ss; intros (((m',n),c),ss).
- apply Mult_Step_SpecT_size.
- cbn. split.
+intros y Hy. destruct m'. 2:easy. split. 2:cbn;lia. tspec_ext.
+destruct m'. easy. intros _. eexists (_,_,_,_). repeat split.
*tspec_ext. f_equal. cbn. nia.
Definition Mult : pTM sigNat^+ unit 6 :=
LiftTapes (CopyValue _) [|Fin0; Fin5|];; (* m' := m *)
LiftTapes (Constr_O) [|Fin2|];; (* c := 0 *)
LiftTapes Mult_Loop [|Fin5; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4|];; (* Main loop *)
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin5|]. (* Reset m'=0 *)
Definition Mult_steps (m n : nat) : nat := 12 * m + Mult_Loop_steps m n 0 + 57.
Definition Mult_size (m n : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 6 :=
[|(*0*) id;
(*1*) Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin1;
(*2*) Constr_O_size >> Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin2;
(*3*) Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin3;
(*4*) Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin4;
(*5*) CopyValue_size m >> Mult_Loop_size m n 0 @> Fin0 >> Reset_size 0
Lemma Mult_SpecT_space (m n : nat) (ss : Vector.t nat 6) :
(≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m; Contains _ n; Void; Void; Void; Void|]) ss))
(Mult_steps m n)
(fun _ => ≃≃([], withSpace ( [|Contains _ m; Contains _ n; Contains _ (m * n); Void; Void; Void|])
(appSize (Mult_size m n) ss))).
unfold Mult.
hstep. hstep. cbn.
apply CopyValue_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros _. hsteps.
cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. hstep. cbn. apply Mult_Loop_SpecT_size.
cbn. intros. hstep. cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space.
cbn. intros t. replace (m * n + 0) with (m * n) by lia. auto.
reflexivity. reflexivity.
unfold Mult_steps. ring_simplify. unfold CopyValue_steps, Constr_O_steps, Reset_steps. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. reflexivity.