Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Bijection. (* injective *)
From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.CompareValue.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.CasePair TM.Code.CaseList.
From Undecidability.TM.Hoare Require Import Hoare HoareLegacy.

Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * Lookup an entry in an associative list *)

Section LookupAssociativeList.

  Variable (sigX sigY : finType).
  Variable (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).

  Notation sig := (sigList (sigPair sigX sigY)).

  Hypothesis (cX_injective : injective cX).

  Fixpoint lookup (x : X) (xs : list (X * Y)) {struct xs} : option Y :=
    match xs with
    | nil => None
    | (x', y) :: xs' => if Dec (x = x') then Some y else lookup x xs'

  Local Definition retr_sig_sigX : Retract sigX sig := _.
  Local Definition retr_sig_sigY : Retract sigY sig := _.

  Definition Lookup_Step : pTM sig^+ (option bool) 4 :=
    If (CaseList (FinType(EqType(sigPair sigX sigY))) @ [|Fin0; Fin2|] )
       (CasePair _ _ _ @ [|Fin2; Fin3|];;
        If (CompareValues _ retr_sig_sigX @ [|Fin1; Fin3|])
           (Return (MoveValue _ @ [|Fin2; Fin1|];; Reset _ @ [|Fin3|];; Reset _ @ [|Fin0|]) (Some true))
           (Return (Reset _ @ [|Fin3|];; Reset _ @ [|Fin2|]) None))
       (Return (ResetEmpty1 _ @ [|Fin0|]) (Some false)).

  Definition Lookup_Step_size {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (xs : list (X*Y)) (x:X) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 4 :=
    match xs with
    | (x', y) :: xs' =>
      if Dec (x=x')
      then [| (*0*) CaseList_size0 (x', y) >> Reset_size xs';
              (*1*) MoveValue_size_y y x; (* CompareValue doesn't use space *)
              (*2*) CaseList_size1 (x', y) >> CasePair_size0 x' >> MoveValue_size_x y;
              (*3*) CasePair_size1 x' >> Reset_size x' |]
      else [| (*0*) CaseList_size0 (x',y);
              (*1*) id; (* CompareValue doesn't use space *)
              (*2*) CaseList_size1 (x',y) >> CasePair_size0 x' >> Reset_size y;
              (*3*) CasePair_size1 x' >> Reset_size x' |]
    | nil => [| ResetEmpty1_size; id; id; id|]

  Definition Lookup_Step_steps_Compare {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (x x' : X) (y : Y) (xs : list (X*Y)) :=
    if Dec (x=x')
    then 2 + MoveValue_steps y x + Reset_steps x' + Reset_steps xs
    else 1 + Reset_steps x' + Reset_steps y.

  Definition Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) :=
    match xs with
    | nil => ResetEmpty1_steps
    | (x',y) :: xs' => 2 + CompareValues_steps x x' + CasePair_steps x' + Lookup_Step_steps_Compare x x' y xs'

  Definition Lookup_Step_steps {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) :=
    1 + CaseList_steps xs + Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList xs x.

  Lemma Lookup_Step_SpecT_space (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (ss : Vector.t nat 4) :
      (≃≃([],withSpace ([|Contains _ xs; Contains _ x; Void; Void|]) ss))
      (Lookup_Step_steps xs x)
      (fun yout =>
         ≃≃([match xs with
                  | [] => yout = Some false
                | (x',y)::xs' => yout = if Dec (x=x') then Some true else None
         end], withSpace
           (match xs with
            | nil => [|Void; Contains _ x; Void; Void|]
            | (x',y) :: xs' =>
              if Dec (x=x') then [|Void; Contains _ y; Void; Void|] else [|Contains _ xs'; Contains _ x; Void; Void|]
              (appSize (Lookup_Step_size xs x) ss))).
  Proof using cX_injective.
    unfold Lookup_Step. unfold Lookup_Step_size; cbn.
    eapply If_SpecTReg with (k1 := CaseList_steps xs) (k2 := Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList xs x) (k3 := Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList xs x).
    - hstep; cbn. apply CaseList_SpecT_size.
    - (* First "Then"; we have xs = (x',y) :: xs'. *)
      cbn. destruct xs as [ | (x', y) xs']. all:hintros [=].
      + (* CasePair *)
        hstep; cbn. hstep; cbn. now hstep; cbn. cbn. tspec_ext.
      + cbn. intros _.
        eapply If_SpecTReg with (k1 := CompareValues_steps x x') (k2 := Lookup_Step_steps_Compare x x' y xs') (k3 := Lookup_Step_steps_Compare x x' y xs').
        * hsteps_cbn; cbn. apply CompareValue_SpecT_size with (X := X). assumption. cbn. tspec_ext.
        * cbn. hintros ->. (* Second "Then"; we have x=x' *) decide (x'=x') as [Hx | ]. 2:easy.
          hstep. (* Return *) hstep. (* Seq *)
          -- (* MoveValue *) hstep; cbn. apply MoveValue_SpecT_size with (X := Y) (Y := X).
          -- cbn. intros _. hstep. (* Seq *)
             ++ (* Reset X *) hstep; cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := X).
             ++ (* Reset Y *) cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := list (X*Y)).
             ++ reflexivity.
          -- unfold Lookup_Step_steps_Compare. decide _. 2:easy. lia.
          -- cbn. intros _. tspec_ext.
        * cbn. hintros ?. (* "Else": We have x<>x' *) decide (x=x') as [ | Hx]. easy.
          hstep. hstep.
          -- hstep. cbn. eapply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := X).
          -- cbn. intros _. hstep. cbn. apply Reset_SpecT_space with (X := Y).
          -- unfold Lookup_Step_steps_Compare. dec_neg (x=x'). reflexivity.
          -- cbn. intros _. tspec_ext.
        * cbn. intros []. all:reflexivity.
      + cbn. lia.
    - cbn. hintros H'. (* The top-most "Else": We have xs=nil *) destruct xs as [ | ]. 2:easy.
      hstep. hstep; cbn. eapply ResetEmpty1_SpecT_space with (X := list (X*Y)). reflexivity. cbn. tspec_ext.
    - cbn. intros ? ->. destruct _;reflexivity.

  Definition Lookup_Loop := While Lookup_Step.

  Fixpoint Lookup_Loop_size {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 4 :=
    match xs with
    | nil => Lookup_Step_size xs x
    | (x',y) :: xs' =>
      if Dec(x=x')
      then Lookup_Step_size xs x
      else Lookup_Step_size xs x >>> Lookup_Loop_size xs' x

  Fixpoint Lookup_Loop_steps {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) { struct xs } :=
    match xs with
    | nil => Lookup_Step_steps xs x
    | (x',y) :: xs' => if Dec(x=x')
                      then Lookup_Step_steps xs x
                      else 1 + Lookup_Step_steps xs x + Lookup_Loop_steps x xs'

  Lemma Lookup_Loop_SpecT_space (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (ss : Vector.t nat 4) :
    (≃≃([],withSpace ([|Contains _ xs; Contains _ x; Void; Void|]) ss))
    (Lookup_Loop_steps x xs) Lookup_Loop
    (fun yout =>
        ([yout = match lookup x xs with Some _ => true | _ => false end], withSpace
            match lookup x xs with
            | Some y => [|Void; Contains _ y; Void; Void|]
            | None => [|Void; Contains _ x; Void; Void|]
            end (appSize (Lookup_Loop_size xs x) ss))).
  Proof using cX_injective.
  unfold Lookup_Loop.
  refine (While_SpecTReg
  (PRE := fun '(xs, x, ss) => (_,_)) (INV := fun '(xs, x, ss) y => (_,_)) (POST := fun '(xs, x, ss) y => (_,_))
  (f__step := fun '(xs,x,ss) => _) (f__loop := fun '(xs,x,ss) => _) _ _ ((xs,x,ss))); clear x xs ss; intros ((xs, x), ss).
  { apply Lookup_Step_SpecT_space. }
  cbn. split.
  - intros b Hb. set (sizeStep := Lookup_Step_size xs x);set (sizeLoop := Lookup_Loop_size xs x). destruct xs as [ | (x', y) xs'].
    + inv Hb. cbn. split. tspec_ext. reflexivity.
    + cbn - [sizeLoop sizeStep]. cbn in sizeStep,sizeLoop. decide (x=x'). 2:easy.
      inv Hb. split. 2:reflexivity. tspec_ext.
  -intros Hb. set (sizeStep := Lookup_Step_size xs x);set (sizeLoop := Lookup_Loop_size xs x).
   destruct xs as [ | []]. easy. cbn - [sizeLoop sizeStep]. cbn in *|-. decide _. easy.
    eexists (_, _, _); cbn - [sizeLoop sizeStep]. repeat apply conj.

  Definition Lookup : pTM sig^+ bool 5 :=
    CopyValue _ @ [|Fin0; Fin4|];; Lookup_Loop @ [|Fin4; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3|].

  Definition Lookup_size {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 5 :=
    ([|CopyValue_size xs|] @>> [|Fin4|]) >>>
    (Lookup_Loop_size xs x @>>[|Fin4; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3|]).

  Definition Lookup_Rel : pRel sig^+ bool 5 :=
    fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
      forall (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat),
        let size := Lookup_size xs x in
        tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) xs ->
        tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) x ->
        isVoid_size tin[@Fin2] s2 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin3] s3 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin4] s4 ->
        match yout, lookup x xs with
        | true, Some y =>
          tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) xs /\
          tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) y /\
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (size@>Fin2 s2) /\
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin3] (size@>Fin3 s3) /\
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin4] (size@>Fin4 s4)
        | false, None =>
          tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) xs /\
          tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) x /\
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (size@>Fin2 s2) /\
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin3] (size@>Fin3 s3) /\
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin4] (size@>Fin4 s4)
        | _, _ => False

  Definition Lookup_steps {sigX sigY : Type} {X : eqType} {Y : Type} {cX : codable sigX X} {cY : codable sigY Y} (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) :=
    1 + CopyValue_steps xs + Lookup_Loop_steps x xs.

    Lemma Lookup_SpecT_space (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X) (ss : Vector.t nat 5) :
      (≃≃([],withSpace ([|Contains _ xs; Contains _ x; Void; Void; Void|]) ss))
      (Lookup_steps x xs) Lookup
      (fun yout =>
           ([yout = match lookup x xs with Some y => true | _ => false end],
           [|Contains _ xs; (match lookup x xs with Some y => Contains _ y | _ => Contains _ x end); Void; Void; Void|]
           (appSize (Lookup_size xs x) ss))).
  Proof using cX_injective.
    unfold Lookup. hsteps_cbn; cbn.
    apply Lookup_Loop_SpecT_space.
    intros yout;cbn.
    hintros ->. destruct (lookup x xs); cbn. 1-2:now tspec_ext. reflexivity.

  (* Legacy Lemma *)
  Lemma Lookup_Realise : Lookup Lookup_Rel.
  Proof using cX_injective.
    repeat (eapply RealiseIntroAll;intro). eapply Realise_monotone.
    -eapply TripleT_Realise, (Lookup_SpecT_space x x0 [|x1;x2;x3;x4;x5|]).
    -intros ? [] H **. modpon H.
    {unfold "≃≃",withSpace;cbn. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn. all:assumption. }
    repeat destruct _;unfold "≃≃",withSpace in H;cbn in H;destruct H as [H' H].
    all:specializeFin H;tauto.

  Definition Lookup_T : tRel sig^+ 5 :=
    fun tin k =>
      exists (xs : list (X*Y)) (x : X),
        tin[@Fin0] xs /\
        tin[@Fin1] x /\
        isVoid tin[@Fin2] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin3] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin4] /\
        Lookup_steps x xs <= k.

  (* legacy Lemma *)
  Lemma Lookup_Terminates : projT1 Lookup Lookup_T.
  Proof using cX_injective.
    repeat (eapply TerminatesInIntroEx;intro). eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    -eapply TripleT_TerminatesIn. eapply TripleT_RemoveSpace,Lookup_SpecT_space.
    -intros ? k H **. modpon H.
    split. 2:eassumption.
    unfold "≃≃",withSpace;cbn. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn. all:assumption.

End LookupAssociativeList.

Arguments Lookup_steps {sigX sigY X Y cX cY} : simpl never.
Arguments Lookup_size {sigX sigY X Y cX cY} : simpl never.

Ltac hstep_LookupAssociativeList :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- TripleT ?P ?k (Lookup _ _) ?Q ] => eapply Lookup_SpecT_space