(* * Heap Lookup *)

From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ProgrammingTools LM_heap_def.
From Undecidability.TM.L Require Import Alphabets.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ListTM TM.Code.CasePair TM.Code.CaseSum TM.Code.CaseNat Hoare.Hoare.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

Section Lookup.

  (* There is no need to save nH must be saved. We use the Nth' machine, because we don't want to introduce an additional sigOption sigHEnt to the alphabet. Nth' also doesn't save a (which is the parameter of Nth' here, not n). Lookup will overwrite and reset the variables a and n, but save H (which is saved by Nth'). *)

(* We could define Lookup over the alphabet sigHeap, however, in the step machine, we want to read a and n from a different closure alphabet (sigList sigHClos). a is read from an address of a closure and n from a variable of this closure, and the output closure will also be copied to this alphabet. *)

  Variable sigLookup : finType.

  Variable retr_clos_lookup : Retract sigHClos sigLookup.
  Variable retr_heap_lookup : Retract sigHeap sigLookup.

There are (more than) three possible ways how to encode nat on the Heap alphabet sigLookup:

- 1: as a heap address of a closure on the stack alphabet
- 2: as a variable of a command inside a closure of the closure input alphabet
- 3: as a "next" address of an heap entry

a is stored in the second way and n in the third way.

  (* No 1 *)
  Definition retr_nat_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigHClos :=
    Retract_sigPair_X _ _.
  Definition retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigLookup :=
    ComposeRetract retr_clos_lookup retr_nat_clos_ad.

  (* No 2 *)
  Definition retr_nat_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigHClos :=
    Retract_sigPair_Y _ _.
  Definition retr_nat_lookup_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigLookup :=
    ComposeRetract retr_clos_lookup retr_nat_clos_var.

  (* No 3 *)
  Definition retr_nat_heap_entry : Retract sigNat sigHeap :=
    Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigOption_X (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_id _))).
  Local Definition retr_nat_lookup_entry : Retract sigNat sigLookup :=
    ComposeRetract retr_heap_lookup retr_nat_heap_entry.

  (* Encoding of a closure on the heap alphabet *)
  Definition retr_clos_heap : Retract sigHClos sigHeap := _.
  Definition retr_clos_lookup_heap : Retract sigHClos sigLookup := ComposeRetract retr_heap_lookup retr_clos_heap.

  Definition retr_hent_heap : Retract sigHEntr sigHeap := _.
  Local Definition retr_hent_lookup : Retract sigHEntr sigLookup := ComposeRetract retr_heap_lookup retr_hent_heap.

  Definition retr_hent'_heap : Retract sigHEntr' sigHeap := _.
  Local Definition retr_hent'_lookup : Retract sigHEntr' sigLookup := ComposeRetract retr_heap_lookup retr_hent'_heap.

  t0: H
  t1: a
  t2: n
  t3: out
  t4: internal tape

  Definition Lookup_Step : pTM sigLookup^+ (option bool) 5 :=
    If (Nth' retr_heap_lookup retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin4; Fin3|])
       (If (CaseOption sigHEntr'_fin retr_hent_lookup @ [|Fin4|])
           (CasePair sigHClos_fin sigHAdd_fin retr_hent'_lookup @ [|Fin4; Fin3|];;
            If (CaseNat retr_nat_lookup_clos_var @ [|Fin2|])
               (Return (CopyValue _ @ [|Fin4; Fin1|];; (* n = S n' *)
                        Translate retr_nat_lookup_entry retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad @ [|Fin1|];;
                        Reset _ @ [|Fin4|];;
                        Reset _ @ [|Fin3 |])
                       None) (* continue *)
               (Return (Reset _ @ [|Fin4|];; (* n = 0 *)
                        Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
                        Translate retr_clos_lookup_heap retr_clos_lookup @ [|Fin3|])
                       (Some true))) (* return true *)
           (Return Nop (Some false))) (* return false *)
       (Return Nop (Some false)) (* return false *)

  Definition Lookup_Step_size (H : Heap) (a n : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 5 :=
    match nth_error H a with
    | Some (Some (g, b)) =>
      match n with
      | S n' =>
        [|(* 0 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin0;
          (* 1 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin1 >> CopyValue_size b;
          (* 2 *) S;
          (* 3 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin3 >> CasePair_size1 g >> Reset_size g;
          (* 4 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin2 >> CaseOption_size_Some >> CasePair_size0 g >> Reset_size b|]
      | 0 =>
        [|(* 0 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin0;
          (* 1 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin1;
          (* 2 *) Reset_size 0;
          (* 3 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin3 >> CasePair_size1 g;
          (* 4 *) Nth'_size H a @>Fin2 >> CaseOption_size_Some >> CasePair_size0 g >> Reset_size b|]
    | _ => default (* not specified *)

  Local Definition Lookup_Step_steps_CaseNat (n: nat) (e': HClos * HAdd) :=
    let (g,b) := (fst e', snd e') in
    match n with
    | S _ => 1 + CopyValue_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Reset_steps b + Reset_steps g
    | O => 1 + Reset_steps b + 1 + Reset_steps 0 + Translate_steps g

  Local Definition Lookup_Step_steps_CaseOption (n:nat) (e: HEntr) :=
    match e with
    | Some ((g, b) as e') => 1 + CasePair_steps g + 1 + CaseNat_steps + Lookup_Step_steps_CaseNat n e'
    | None => 0

  Local Definition Lookup_Step_steps_Nth' H a n :=
    match nth_error H a with
    | Some e => 1 + CaseOption_steps + Lookup_Step_steps_CaseOption n e
    | None => 0

  Definition Lookup_Step_steps (H: Heap) (a: HAdd) (n: nat) :=
    1 + Nth'_steps H a + Lookup_Step_steps_Nth' H a n.

  Lemma Lookup_Step_SpecT_space H a n ss:
    ≃≃([],withSpace [| ≃(_) H ; ≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad) a;≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_var) n;Void;Void |] ss)
    (Lookup_Step_steps H a n) Lookup_Step
    (fun yout => ≃≃([yout = match nth_error (A:=HEntr) H a with Some (Some _ ) => match n with 0 => Some true | _ => None end | _ => Some false end]
       match nth_error (A:=HEntr) H a with
        Some (Some (g,b) ) =>
        match n with
        | 0 => [| ≃(_) H; Void;Void;≃(retr_clos_lookup) g;Void|]
        | S n' => [| ≃(_) H;≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad) b;≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_var) n';Void;Void|]
       | _ => SpecVTrue
       end (appSize (Lookup_Step_size H a n) ss))).
    unfold Lookup_Step. remember (Lookup_Step_size H a n) as F eqn:HF.
    eapply If_SpecTReg with (k2:= match nth_error H a with Some (Some (g,b)) => _ | Some _ => _ | None => _ end) (k3:=0).
    now hsteps_cbn.
    2:{ destruct nth_error. hintros [=]. cbn. hsteps_cbn. tspec_ext. }
      unfold Lookup_Step_size in HF.
      cbn. destruct nth_error as [ h | ];hintros [=];[].
      eapply If_SpecTReg with (k2:= match h with Some (g,b)=> _ | None => _ end) (k3:=0).
      { hsteps_cbn. cbn. tspec_ext. }
      2:{ cbn. destruct h; hintros [=]. hsteps_cbn. cbn. tspec_ext. }
      2:{ cbn. intros ? ->. destruct h as [[]| ]. 2:reflexivity. shelve. }
      cbn. destruct h as [[g b] | ];hintros [=];[].
      hstep. { hsteps_cbn. cbn. tspec_ext. }
      2:{cbn. unfold CasePair_steps. reflexivity. }
      intros ?. hstep. { hsteps_cbn. cbn. tspec_ext. }
      - cbn. hintros Hn. destruct n. easy.
        hsteps_cbn. cbn.
        { eapply ConsequenceT_pre. refine (Translate_SpecT_size _ _ _ _ [| _|]). 3:tspec_ext. reflexivity. }
        subst F. cbn. tspec_ext.
      - cbn. hintros ->.
        hsteps_cbn. cbn. { eapply ConsequenceT_pre. refine (Translate_SpecT_size _ _ _ _ [| _|]). 3:tspec_ext. reflexivity. }
        subst F. cbn; tspec_ext.
      - cbn. intros b0 Hb. refine (_ : _ <= match n with 0 => _ | _ => _ end).
        destruct b0, n. 1,4:exfalso;clear - Hb;lia. all:reflexivity.
    Unshelve. 5:reflexivity. 2,3:exact 0.
    cbn. intros ? ->. unfold Lookup_Step_steps,Lookup_Step_steps_Nth'. destruct nth_error as [[[[] ]| ]| ]. all:cbn. 2,3:nia. unfold CasePair_steps. destruct n; cbn. all:rewrite !Nat.add_assoc. all:reflexivity.

  Definition Lookup := While Lookup_Step.

  Fixpoint Lookup_size (H : Heap) (a n : nat) {struct n} : Vector.t (nat -> nat) 5 :=
    match nth_error H a with
    | Some (Some (g, b)) =>
      match n with
      | S n' => Lookup_Step_size H a n >>> Lookup_size H b n'
      | 0 => Lookup_Step_size H a n
    | _ => default (* not specified *)

  Lemma Lookup_size_eq (H : Heap) (a n : nat) :
    Lookup_size H a n =
    match nth_error H a with
    | Some (Some (g, b)) =>
      match n with
      | S n' => Lookup_Step_size H a n >>> Lookup_size H b n'
      | 0 => Lookup_Step_size H a n
    | _ => default (* not specified *)
  Proof. destruct n; auto. Qed.

  Definition Lookup_Rel : pRel sigLookup^+ bool 5 :=
    fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
      forall (H: Heap) (a n: nat) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat),
        let size := Lookup_size H a n in
        tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) H ->
        tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad ; s1) a ->
        tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_var; s2) n ->
        isVoid_size tin[@Fin3] s3 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin4] s4 ->
        match yout with
        | true =>
          exists g,
          lookup H a n = Some g /\
          tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size @>Fin0 s0) H /\ (* H is saved *)
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size @>Fin1 s1) /\ (* a is discarded *)
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (size @>Fin2 s2) /\ (* n is discarded *)
          tout[@Fin3] ≃(retr_clos_lookup; size @>Fin3 s3) g /\ (* result *)
          isVoid_size tout[@Fin4] (size @>Fin4 s4) (* internal tape *)
        | false =>
          lookup H a n = None (* Tapes are not specified *)

  Arguments Lookup_Step_size : simpl never.

  Fixpoint Lookup_steps (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) : nat :=
    match nth_error H a with
    | Some (Some (g, b)) =>
      match n with
      | 0 => Lookup_Step_steps H a n
      | S n' => 1 + Lookup_Step_steps H a n + Lookup_steps H b n'
    | _ => Lookup_Step_steps H a n

  Lemma Lookup_SpecT_space H a n ss:
    ≃≃([],withSpace [| ≃(_) H ; ≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad) a;≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_var) n;Void;Void |] ss)
    (Lookup_steps H a n) Lookup
    (fun yout => ≃≃([yout = match lookup H a n with Some _ => true | _ => false end]
    , withSpace match lookup H a n with Some g => [| ≃(_) H;Void;Void;≃(retr_clos_lookup) g; Void|] | _ => SpecVTrue end (appSize (Lookup_size H a n) ss))).
    refine (While_SpecTReg (PRE := fun '(a,n,ss) => (_,_))(INV := fun '(a,n,ss) y => ([y = match nth_error H a with
    | Some (Some _) => match n with | 0 => Some true | S _ => None end | _ => Some false end],_)) (POST := fun '(a,n,ss) y => (_,_))
       (f__step := fun '(a,n,ss) => Lookup_Step_steps H a n ) (f__loop := fun '(a,n,ss) => _ ) _ _ ((a,n,ss)));clear a n ss;intros [[a n] ss].
    { eapply ConsequenceT. eapply Lookup_Step_SpecT_space. 2:intros. 1,2:cbn - [appSize SpecVTrue]. 1,2:now tspec_ext. reflexivity. }
    all:cbn - [SpecVTrue appSize Lookup_size].
    remember (Lookup_size H a n) as F eqn:HF. remember (Lookup_steps H a n) as F' eqn:HF'. split.
    -destruct n;unfold Lookup_size in HF;unfold Lookup_steps in HF';fold Lookup_size in HF;fold Lookup_steps in HF'.
      +intros ? H'. cbn[lookup Lookup_Step_size]. destruct nth_error as [[[]| ]| ] eqn:Hnth. all:split;[ | subst F';reflexivity].
      all:revert H';intros [= ->]. now rewrite <- HF. 1-2:tspec_ext.
      +intros ? H'. cbn [lookup]. unfold Lookup_Step_steps. destruct nth_error as [[[]| ]| ] eqn:Hnth. easy.
        all:split;[ | subst F';reflexivity]. all:inv H'. all:tspec_ext.
    - destruct (nth_error H a) as [[[g' b]| ]| ] eqn:Hnth. 2-3:easy. destruct n as [ | n]. easy. intros _.
      cbn [lookup]. rewrite Hnth.
      unfold Lookup_size in HF;fold Lookup_size in HF. rewrite Hnth in HF.
      eexists (b,n,_). repeat apply conj.
      + subst F. cbn. tspec_ext.
      + admit. (* intros. subst F'. cbn. rewrite Hnth. reflexivity. *)
      +intros. subst F. reflexivity.

  (*legacy *)
  Lemma Lookup_Realise : Lookup Lookup_Rel.
    repeat (eapply RealiseIntroAll;intro). eapply Realise_monotone.
    -eapply TripleT_Realise. eapply Lookup_SpecT_space with (ss:=[| _;_;_;_;_|]).
    -cbn. intros ? [] H **. modpon H.
    {unfold "≃≃",withSpace;cbn. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn. all:eassumption. }
    repeat destruct _;unfold "≃≃",withSpace in H;cbn in H.
    all:destruct H as [Heq H].
    2,3:discriminate Heq. 2:easy.
    all:specializeFin H. eexists;repeat split; easy.

  Definition Lookup_T : tRel sigLookup^+ 5 :=
    fun tin k =>
      exists (H: Heap) (a n: nat),
        tin[@Fin0] H /\
        tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_ad) a /\
        tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_lookup_clos_var) n /\
        isVoid tin[@Fin3] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin4] /\
        Lookup_steps H a n <= k.

  Lemma Lookup_Terminates : projT1 Lookup Lookup_T.
    repeat (eapply TerminatesInIntroEx;intro). eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    -eapply TripleT_TerminatesIn. eapply TripleT_RemoveSpace,Lookup_SpecT_space.
    -intros ? k H **. modpon H.
    split. 2:eassumption.
    unfold "≃≃",withSpace;cbn. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn. all:assumption.

End Lookup.

Arguments Lookup_steps : simpl never.
Arguments Lookup_size : simpl never.