(* * Step Machine of the Heap Machine Simulator *)
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ProgrammingTools LM_heap_def.
From Undecidability.TM.L Require Import Alphabets CaseCom LookupTM JumpTargetTM.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ListTM TM.Code.CaseList TM.Code.CasePair TM.Code.CaseSum.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Local Hint Resolve isVoid_isVoid_size : core.
(* Here we compose the Lookup and JumpTarget machines. *)
Section StepMachine.
Implicit Types H : Heap.
Implicit Types T V : list HClos.
Implicit Types a b c : HAdd.
Implicit Types g : HClos.
Implicit Types (P Q : Pro).
(* The machine operates on lists of closures and on a heap, so we need a closure-list alphabet and a heap alphabet. *)
Variable sigStep : finType.
Variable retr_closures_step : Retract (sigList sigHClos) sigStep.
Variable retr_heap_step : Retract sigHeap sigStep.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* Retracts *)
(* Closures *)
Local Definition retr_clos_step : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_closures_step _.
(* Closure addresses *)
Definition retr_pro_clos : Retract sigPro sigHClos := _.
Local Definition retr_pro_step : Retract sigPro sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_pro_clos.
Local Definition retr_tok_step : Retract sigCom sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_pro_step _.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_id _).
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_ad.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_Y _ _.
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_var.
(* Instance of the Lookup and JumpTarget machine *)
Local Definition Step_Lookup := Lookup retr_clos_step retr_heap_step.
(* Cons a closure to a closure list, if the programm of the closure is not empty, and reset the program but not the address of the closure *)
Definition TailRec_size (T : list HClos) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 3 :=
match P with
| nil => [| id; Reset_size P; id|]
| c :: P' => [| (*0*) Constr_cons_size (a,P); (*1*) Constr_pair_size a >> Reset_size (a,P); (*2*) id |]
Definition TailRec_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall T P a (s0 s1 s2 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_pro_step;s1) P ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s2) a ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;TailRec_size T P a @>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (TailRec_size T P a @>Fin1 s1) /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad; TailRec_size T P a @>Fin2 s2) a
Definition TailRec : pTM sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
If (IsNil sigCom_fin ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin1|])
(Reset _ @ [|Fin1|])
(Constr_pair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin2; Fin1|];;
Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin1|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|]).
Lemma TailRec_Realise : TailRec ⊨ TailRec_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold TailRec. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros T P a s0 s1 s2 HEncT HEncP HEncA.
unfold TailRec_size.
destruct H; TMSimp.
- modpon H. destruct P as [ | c P']; auto; modpon H. modpon H0. repeat split; auto.
- modpon H. destruct P as [ | c P']; auto; modpon H.
specialize (H0 a (c :: P')). modpon H0.
specialize (H2 T (a, c :: P')). modpon H2.
specialize H4 with (x := (a, c :: P')). modpon H4.
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments TailRec_size : simpl never.
Local Arguments tailRecursion : simpl never.
Definition TailRec_steps P a :=
match P with
| nil => 1 + IsNil_steps + Reset_steps nil
| t::P => 1 + IsNil_steps + 1 + Constr_pair_steps a + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a, t :: P)
Definition TailRec_T : tRel sigStep^+ 3 :=
fun tin k =>
exists T P a, tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
TailRec_steps P a <= k.
Lemma TailRec_Terminates : projT1 TailRec ↓ TailRec_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold TailRec. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (T&P&a&HEncT&HEncP&HEncA&Hk). unfold TailRec_steps in Hk.
destruct P as [ | t P]; cbn.
- exists (IsNil_steps), (Reset_steps nil). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid b (HIsNil&IsNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HIsNil. destruct b; auto; modpon HIsNil. eauto.
- exists (IsNil_steps), (1 + Constr_pair_steps a + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a, (t::P))).
repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid b (HIsNil&IsNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HIsNil. destruct b; auto; modpon HIsNil.
exists (Constr_pair_steps a), (1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a,t::P)). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. eexists; split. simpl_surject; contains_ext. reflexivity. }
intros tmid0_ () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp.
specialize (HPair a (t::P)); modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P)), (Reset_steps (a,t::P)). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1_ () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons T (a,t::P)). modpon HCons.
exists (a, t :: P). split; eauto.
(* Like TailRec, but doesn't check whether the program is empty, and resets a and Q *)
Definition ConsClos_size (T : list HClos) (Q : Pro) (a : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 3 :=
[| Constr_cons_size (a,Q); Reset_size a; Constr_pair_size a >> Reset_size (a, Q) |].
Definition ConsClos_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall T Q a (s0 s1 s2 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s1) a ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_pro_step;s2) Q ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin0 s0) (a, Q) :: T /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin1 s1) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin2 s2)
Definition ConsClos : pTM sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
Constr_pair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin1; Fin2|];;
Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|].
Lemma ConsClos_Realise : ConsClos ⊨ ConsClos_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ConsClos. TM_Correct.
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros T Q a s0 s1 s2 HEncT HEncA HEncQ.
specialize (H a Q). modpon H. (* Constr_pair *)
specialize (H0 T (a, Q)). modpon H0. (* Constr_cons *)
specialize H2 with (x := (a, Q)). modpon H2. (* Reset HClos *)
modpon H4. (* Reset HAdd *)
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments ConsClos_size : simpl never.
Definition ConsClos_steps Q a :=
3 + Constr_pair_steps a + Constr_cons_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a.
Definition ConsClos_T : tRel sigStep^+ 3 :=
fun tin k =>
exists T Q a,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_pro_step) Q /\
ConsClos_steps Q a <= k.
Lemma ConsClos_Terminates : projT1 ConsClos ↓ ConsClos_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ConsClos. TM_Correct.
intros tin k. intros (T&Q&a&HEncT&HEnca&HEncQ&Hk). unfold ConsClos_steps in Hk.
exists (Constr_pair_steps a), (1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,Q) + 1 + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists a. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp. modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (a,Q)), (1 + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists T, (a, Q). repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid0_ () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons T (a,Q)); modpon HCons.
exists (Reset_steps (a,Q)), (Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia; eauto.
intros tmid1_ () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. modpon HReset.
exists a. split; eauto.
Definition Step_lam_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 10 :=
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q, P') =>
(JumpTarget_size P @>> [|Fin3; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]) >>> (TailRec_size T P' a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>> (ConsClos_size V Q a @>> [|Fin1; Fin4; Fin6|])
| _ => default
Definition Step_lam_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 10 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 5),
let size := Step_lam_size T V H a P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isVoid_size tin[@FinR 5 i] sr[@i]) ->
match yout with
| true =>
exists (P' Q : Pro),
jumpTarget 0 [] P = Some (Q, P') /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P') T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) (a, Q) :: V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 7, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) (s3:::s4:::sr)[@i]))
| false => jumpTarget 0 [] P = None
Definition Step_lam : pTM sigStep^+ bool 10 :=
If (JumpTarget ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin3; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|])
(Return (TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
ConsClos @ [|Fin1; Fin4; Fin6|])
(Return Nop false).
Lemma Step_lam_Realise : Step_lam ⊨ Step_lam_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_lam. TM_Correct.
- apply JumpTarget_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply ConsClos_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sr HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HEncP HEncA HInt.
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ (* Then, i.e. jumpTarget 0 [] = Some (Q', P') *)
rename H into HJumpTarget, H1 into HTailRec, H3 into HConsClos.
modpon HJumpTarget.
instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn;simpl_surject;isVoid_mono.
destruct HJumpTarget as (P'&Q'&HJumpTarget); modpon HJumpTarget.
unfold Step_lam_size; rewrite HJumpTarget.
modpon HTailRec.
modpon HConsClos.
do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
specializeFin HJumpTarget2. clear HJumpTarget2.
cbn; TMSimp_goal. unfold id.
intros. simpl_surject.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp; cbn in *;auto.
{ (* Else, i.e. jumpTarget 0 [] = None *)
modpon H.
{ instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; auto. }
(* Steps depending on the result of JumpTarget *)
Definition Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a :=
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q', P') =>
1 + TailRec_steps P' a + ConsClos_steps Q' a
| None => 0
Definition Step_lam_steps P a := 1 + JumpTarget_steps P + Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a.
Definition Step_lam_T : tRel sigStep^+ 10 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isVoid tin[@FinR 5 i]) /\
Step_lam_steps P a <= k.
Lemma Step_lam_Terminates : projT1 Step_lam ↓ Step_lam_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_lam. TM_Correct.
- apply JumpTarget_Realise.
- apply JumpTarget_Terminates.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply ConsClos_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&a&P&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HInt&Hk).
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
unfold Step_lam_steps in Hk.
exists (JumpTarget_steps P), (Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn;simpl_surject;easy. }
intros tmid ymid (HJump&HJumpInj); TMSimp. modpon HJump.
instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_|]).
intros i. destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; TMSimp_goal; isVoid_mono.
destruct ymid.
destruct HJump as (P'&Q'&HJump); modpon HJump.
unfold Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget. rewrite HJump.
exists (TailRec_steps P' a), (ConsClos_steps Q' a). cbn; repeat split; try lia. hnf; cbn; eauto 7.
intros tmid0 () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
hnf; cbn. eauto 7.
{ lia. }
Definition Put_size (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 6 :=
(Length_size H @>> |Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|) >>>
(|pred| @>> |Fin4|) >>> (* nil *)
(|Constr_pair_size g >> pred| @>>|Fin2|) >>> (* pair and Some on tape 2 *)
[| (*0*) Length_size H @>Fin0 >> MoveValue_size_y (H++[Some(g,b)]) H;
(*1*) Reset_size g;
(*2*) Constr_pair_size g >> pred >> Reset_size (Some(g,b));
(*3*) Length_size H @>Fin1;
(*4*) Length_size H @>Fin2 >> pred >> Constr_cons_size (Some(g,b)) >> App'_size H >> MoveValue_size_x (H++[Some(g,b)]); (* nil and cons *)
(*5*) Length_size H @>Fin3
Definition Put_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 6 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 : nat),
let size := Put_size H g b in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) H ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_clos_step;s1) g ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s2) b ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin3] s3 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin4] s4 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin5] s5 ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size @>Fin0 s0) H ++ [Some (g,b)] /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size @>Fin1 s1) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (size @>Fin2 s2) /\
tout[@Fin3] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad; size @>Fin3 s3) length H /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin4] (size @>Fin4 s4) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin5] (size @>Fin5 s5)
Local Definition retr_nat_step_hent : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_nat_heap_entry.
Local Definition retr_clos_step_hent : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_clos_heap.
Local Definition retr_hent'_step : Retract sigHEntr' sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_hent'_heap.
Local Definition retr_hent_step : Retract sigHEntr sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_hent_heap.
Definition Put : pTM sigStep^+ unit 6 :=
Length retr_heap_step retr_nat_step_clos_ad @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|];;
Constr_nil HEntr ⇑ _ @ [|Fin4|];;
Translate retr_nat_step_clos_ad retr_nat_step_hent @ [|Fin2|];;
Translate retr_clos_step retr_clos_step_hent @ [|Fin1|];;
Constr_pair sigHClos_fin sigHAdd_fin ⇑ retr_hent'_step @ [|Fin1; Fin2|];;
Constr_Some sigHEntr'_fin ⇑ retr_hent_step @ [|Fin2|];;
Constr_cons sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin4; Fin2|];;
App' sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin4|];;
MoveValue _ @ [|Fin4; Fin0|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|].
Lemma Put_Realise : Put ⊨ Put_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Put. TM_Correct.
- apply Length_Computes with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Realise with (X := HEntr).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros heap g b s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 HEncHeap HEncG HEncB HRigh3 HRight4 HRight5.
TMSimp. (* This takes long *)
rename H into HLength; rename H0 into HNil; rename H2 into HTranslate;
rename H4 into HTranslate'; rename H6 into HPair; rename H8 into HSome; rename H10 into HCons;
rename H12 into HApp; rename H14 into HMove; rename H16 into HReset; rename H18 into HReset'.
modpon HLength.
(* { intros i; destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; auto. } *)
(* specialize (HLength1 Fin1) as HLength2; specialize (HLength1 Fin0). *)
modpon HNil.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HPair.
specialize (HSome (g, b)). modpon HSome. cbn in *.
specialize (HCons [] (Some (g, b))). modpon HCons.
modpon HApp.
modpon HMove.
specialize HReset with (x := (Some (g, b))). modpon HReset.
modpon HReset'.
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments Put_size : simpl never.
Definition Put_steps H g b :=
10 + Length_steps H + Constr_nil_steps + Translate_steps b + Translate_steps g + Constr_pair_steps g + Constr_Some_steps +
Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + App'_steps H + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g.
Definition Put_T : tRel sigStep ^+ 6 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_clos_step) g /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) b /\
isVoid tin[@Fin3] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin4] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin5] /\
Put_steps H g b <= k.
Lemma Put_Terminates : projT1 Put ↓ Put_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Put. TM_Correct.
- apply Length_Computes with (X := HEntr).
- apply Length_Terminates with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Realise with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Terminates with (X := HEntr).
intros tin k. intros (H&g&b&HEncH&HEncG&HEncB&HRight3&HRight4&HRight5&Hk). unfold Put_steps in Hk.
exists (Length_steps H),
(1 + Constr_nil_steps + 1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps +
1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) +
Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia. now hnf; cbn; eauto 10.
intros tmid_ () (HLength&HLengthInj); TMSimp. modpon HLength.
exists (Constr_nil_steps),
(1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps +
1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) +
Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid0_ () (HNil&HNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HNil. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps b),
(1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia. now hnf; cbn; eexists; split; eauto.
intros tmid1_ () (HTranslate&HTranslateInj); TMSimp. modpon HTranslate.
exists (Translate_steps g),
(1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia. now hnf; cbn; eauto.
intros tmid2_ () (HTranslate'&HTranslateInj'); TMSimp. modpon HTranslate'.
exists (Constr_pair_steps g),
(1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn; eexists; split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
intros tmid3_ () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp. modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_Some_steps),
(1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 +
Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid4_ () (HSome&HSomeInj); TMSimp. specialize (HSome (g,b)); modpon HSome.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b))),
(1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid5_ () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons [] (Some (g,b))); modpon HCons.
exists (App'_steps H), (1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid6_ () (HApp&HAppInj); TMSimp. modpon HApp.
exists (MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H), (1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid7_ () (HMove&HMoveInj); TMSimp. modpon HMove.
exists (Reset_steps (Some (g, b))), (Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (Some (g, b)). split; eauto. }
intros tmid8_ () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. specialize HReset with (x := (Some (g,b))); modpon HReset.
{ hnf; cbn. exists g. repeat split; eauto. }
(* This time I write the size function column-wise *)
Definition Step_app_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 11 :=
match V with
| g :: (b, Q) :: V' =>
([|CaseList_size0 g; CaseList_size1 g|] @>> [|Fin1;Fin5|]) >>>
([|CaseList_size0 (b,Q); CaseList_size1 (b,Q)|] @>> [|Fin1;Fin6|]) >>>
([|CasePair_size0 b; CasePair_size1 b|] @>> [|Fin6;Fin7|]) >>>
(TailRec_size T P a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>>
([|Reset_size a|] @>> [|Fin4|]) >>>
(Put_size H g b @>> [|Fin2; Fin5; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9; Fin10|]) >>>
(ConsClos_size (tailRecursion (a,P) T) Q (length H) @>> [|Fin0; Fin8; Fin6|])
| _ => default (* not specified *)
Definition Step_app_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 11 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 6),
let size := Step_app_size T V H a P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
(forall i : Fin.t 6, isVoid_size tin[@FinR 5 i] sr[@i]) ->
match yout, V with
| true, g :: (b, Q) :: V =>
let (c, H') := put H (Some (g, b)) in (* This simplifys immediatly by computation *)
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) (c, Q) :: tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H' /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size @>(FinR 3 i) (s3:::s4:::sr)[@i]))
| false, [] => True
| false, [_] => True
| _, _ => False
Definition Step_app : pTM sigStep^+ bool 11 :=
If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin5|])
(If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin6|])
(Return (CasePair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin6; Fin7|];;
TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin4|];;
Put @ [|Fin2; Fin5; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9; Fin10|];;
ConsClos @ [|Fin0; Fin8; Fin6|])
(Return Nop false))
(Return Nop false)
Arguments Step_app_size : simpl never.
Lemma Step_app_Realise : Step_app ⊨ Step_app_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_app. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply Put_Realise.
- apply ConsClos_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sr HEncT HEncV HEncH HEncP HEncA HInt.
TMSimp. rename H into HIf.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ (* Then of first CaseList, i.e. V = g :: V' *) rename H into HCaseList, H0 into HIf'.
specialize (HInt Fin0) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin1) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin2) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin3) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin4) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin5) as ?. clear HInt. cbn in *.
modpon HCaseList.
destruct V as [ | g V']; auto; modpon HCaseList.
destruct HIf'; TMSimp. (* This takes VERY long *)
rename H5 into HCaseList'; rename H7 into HCasePair; rename H9 into HTailRec;
rename H11 into HReset; rename H13 into HPut; rename H15 into HConsClos.
modpon HCaseList'. cbn in *.
destruct V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto. modpon HCaseList'.
specialize (HCasePair (b,Q)). modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
modpon HTailRec.
modpon HReset.
modpon HPut.
modpon HConsClos.
repeat split; auto.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
{ modpon H5. destruct V'; auto. }
{ specialize (HInt Fin0). modpon H. destruct V; auto. }
Arguments Step_app_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a :=
match V' with
| nil => 0 (* Nop *)
| (b, Q) :: V'' =>
4 + CasePair_steps b + TailRec_steps P a + Reset_steps a + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)
Definition Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a :=
match V with
| nil => 0 (* Nop *)
| g :: V' => 1 + CaseList_steps V' + Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a
Definition Step_app_steps V H a P := 1 + CaseList_steps V + Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a.
Definition Step_app_T : tRel sigStep^+ 11 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
(forall i : Fin.t 6, isVoid tin[@FinR 5 i]) /\
Step_app_steps V H a P <= k.
Lemma Step_app_Terminates : projT1 Step_app ↓ Step_app_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_app. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply Put_Realise.
- apply Put_Terminates.
- apply ConsClos_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&P&a&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_app_steps in Hk.
exists (CaseList_steps V), (Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ exists V. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. apply HInt. }
intros tmid_ bml1 (HCaseList&HCaseListInj); TMSimp.
specialize (HInt Fin0) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin1) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin2) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin3) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin4) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin5) as ?.
modpon HCaseList.
destruct bml1, V as [ | g V']; auto; modpon HCaseList.
unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList.
exists (CaseList_steps V'), (Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ exists V'. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1_ bml2 (HCaseList'&HCaseListInj'); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList'.
destruct bml2, V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto; modpon HCaseList'.
unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList'.
exists (CasePair_steps b), (1 + TailRec_steps P a + 1 + Reset_steps a + 1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (b, Q). repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid2_ () (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCasePair (b,Q)); modpon HCasePair.
exists (TailRec_steps P a), (1 + Reset_steps a + 1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid3_ () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
exists (Reset_steps a), (1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid4_ () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. modpon HReset.
exists (Put_steps H g b), (ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
intros tmid5_ () (HPut&HInjPut); TMSimp. modpon HPut.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
Definition Step_var_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 8 :=
match lookup H a n with
| Some g =>
(TailRec_size T P a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>>
(Lookup_size H a n @>> [|Fin2; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]) >>>
([|Constr_cons_size g; Reset_size g|] @>> [|Fin1; Fin6|])
| None => default
Definition Step_var_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 8 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 : nat),
let size := Step_var_size T V H a n P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
tin[@Fin5] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_var;s5) n ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin6] s6 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin7] s7 ->
match yout with
| true =>
exists (g : HClos),
lookup H a n = Some g /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) g :: V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size @>(FinR 3 i) [|s3;s4;s5;s6;s7|][@i]))
| false => lookup H a n = None
Definition Step_var : pTM sigStep^+ bool 8 :=
TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
If (Step_Lookup @ [|Fin2; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|])
(Return (Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin6|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin6|])
(Return Nop false).
Local Definition retr_closure_step : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_closures_step _.
Lemma Step_var_Realise : Step_var ⊨ Step_var_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_var. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply Lookup_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a n P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HEncP HEncA HEncN HRight6 HRight7.
unfold Step_var_size.
TMSimp. rename H into HTailRec, H0 into HIf.
modpon HTailRec.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HLookup, H1 into HCons, H3 into HReset.
modpon HLookup. destruct HLookup as (g&HLookup); modpon HLookup. rewrite HLookup.
modpon HCons. modpon HReset.
eexists; repeat split; eauto.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; cbn; rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
{ now modpon H. }
Local Arguments Step_var_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n :=
match lookup H a n with
| None => 0 (* Nop *)
| Some g => 1 + Constr_cons_steps g + Reset_steps g
Definition Step_var_steps P H a n := 2 + TailRec_steps P a + Lookup_steps H a n + Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n.
Definition Step_var_T : tRel sigStep^+ 8 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
tin[@Fin5] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_var) n /\
isVoid tin[@Fin6] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin7] /\
Step_var_steps P H a n <= k.
Lemma Step_var_Terminates : projT1 Step_var ↓ Step_var_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_var. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply Lookup_Realise.
- apply Lookup_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&a&n&P&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HEncN&HRight6&HRigth7&Hk). unfold Step_var_steps in Hk.
exists (TailRec_steps P a), (1 + Lookup_steps H a n + Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto. }
intros tmid_ () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
exists (Lookup_steps H a n), (Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto. }
intros tmid0_ ymid (HLookup&HLookupInj); TMSimp. modpon HLookup.
destruct ymid.
destruct HLookup as (g&HLookup); modpon HLookup.
unfold Step_var_steps_Lookup. rewrite HLookup.
exists (Constr_cons_steps g), (Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. modpon HCons.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
{ lia. }
(* I forgot that While takes a machine over option unit instead of bool. But that's no problem since we have Relabel. *)
Local Coercion bool2optunit := fun b : bool => if b then None else Some tt.
Definition Step : pTM sigStep^+ (option unit) 11 :=
(If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin3|])
(CasePair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin3; Fin4|];;
If (CaseList sigCom_fin ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin3; Fin5|])
(Switch (CaseCom ⇑ retr_tok_step @ [|Fin5|])
(fun t : option ACom =>
match t with
| Some lamAT =>
Step_lam @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]
| Some appAT =>
| Some retAT =>
Return Nop false
| None (* Variable *) =>
Step_var @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]
(Return Nop false))
(Return Nop false)
) bool2optunit.
Definition Step_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 11 :=
match T with
| (a, (t :: P)) :: T' =>
(* Common steps: destruct T (on tapes 0, 3, 4, 5) *)
([| (*0*) CaseList_size0 (a, (t::P));
(*3*) CaseList_size1 (a, (t::P)) >> CasePair_size0 a >> CaseList_size0 t;
(*4*) CasePair_size1 a;
(*5*) CaseList_size1 t >> CaseCom_size t |]
@>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|]) >>>
(match t with
| lamT => Step_lam_size T' V H a P @>> [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]
| appT => Step_app_size T' V H a P
| retT => default (* not specified *)
| varT n => Step_var_size T' V H a n P @>> [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]
| _ => Vector.const id _
Definition Step_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ (option unit) 11 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H: Heap) (s0 s1 s2 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 8),
let size := Step_size T V H in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tin[@FinR 3 i] (sr[@i])) ->
match yout with
| None =>
exists T' V' H',
step (T,V,H) (T',V',H') /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) T' /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V' /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H' /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) sr[@i]))
| Some tt =>
halt_state (T,V,H) /\
match T with
| nil =>
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) (@nil HClos) /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) sr[@i]))
| _ => True
Arguments Step_size : simpl never.
Opaque Step_app_size.
Lemma Step_Realise : Step ⊨ Step_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- apply Step_lam_Realise.
- apply Step_app_Realise.
- apply Step_var_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V Heap s0 s1 s2 sr HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HInt.
TMSimp. rename H0 into HIf.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ (* Then of CaseList, i.e. T = (a, P) :: T' *) rename H into HCaseList, H0 into HCasePair, H2 into HIf'.
do_n_times_fin 8 ltac:(fun i => let H := fresh "H" in specialize (HInt i) as H;cbn in H);clear HInt.
modpon HCaseList;[]. destruct T as [ | (a, P) T' ]; auto;[]. modpon HCaseList;[].
specialize (HCasePair (a, P)); modpon HCasePair;[].
destruct HIf'; TMSimp.
{ (* Then of second CaseList, i.e P = t :: P' *) rename H7 into HCaseList', H8 into HCaseCom, H10 into HCase.
modpon HCaseList'. destruct P as [ | t P']; auto; modpon HCaseList'.
modpon HCaseCom. rename ymid0 into c.
destruct c as [ [ | | ] | ]; auto; simpl_surject; cbn in *.
1-3:destruct HCaseCom as [HCaseCom <-].
{ (* retT *)
destruct HCase as (->&(?&[=])); cbn;subst. split; auto. hnf. intros s HStep. inv HStep.
{ (* lamT *)
rename HCase into HStepLam. modpon HStepLam; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
{ instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; cbn. all:eauto.
destruct ymid.
- cbn. destruct HStepLam as (jump_P&jump_Q&HStepLam); modpon HStepLam.
do 3 eexists. unfold Step_size;cbn. repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor. eauto.
+ generalize (HStepLam4 Fin0); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin1); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin2); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin3); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin4); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin5); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin6); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
specialize (HStepLam0 Fin10) as H'. cbn in H'. revert H'. intros -> . 2:now vector_not_in.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn; auto; try rewrite HStepLam0 by vector_not_in; TMSimp_goal; try rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
- cbn. split; auto. intros s' HStep. inv HStep. congruence.
{ (* appT *)
rename HCase into HStepApp. cbn in HStepApp.
cbv [put] in *. modpon HStepApp; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
{ instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_;_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal. all:cbn;eauto.
destruct ymid; cbn.
- destruct V as [ | g V']; auto.
destruct V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto. modpon HStepApp;[].
do 3 eexists. repeat split.
+abstract (vm_cast_no_check HStepApp).
+abstract (vm_cast_no_check HStepApp0).
+abstract (vm_cast_no_check HStepApp1).
+abstract (intros i; specialize (HStepApp2 i);cbv delta [Step_size]; cbn in *;unfold Step_size; destruct_fin i; cbn; assumption).
- split; auto. intros s' HStep. now inv HStep.
{ (* varT *)
destruct HCaseCom as (n&->&HCaseCom).
rename HCase into HStepVar. modpon HStepVar; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
destruct ymid; cbn.
- destruct HStepVar as (g&HStepVar); modpon HStepVar.
do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ generalize (HStepVar4 Fin0); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin1); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin2); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin3); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin4); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
simpl_not_in. destruct_fin i; cbn; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- split; auto. intros s' HStep. inv HStep. congruence.
{ (* Else of the second CaseList, i.e P = nil *)
modpon H7. destruct P; auto. split; auto. intros s HStep. now inv HStep.
{ (* Else of the first CaseList, i.e. T = nil *)
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
modpon H. destruct T; auto. modpon H. split; auto. intros s HStep. now inv HStep.
repeat split; eauto.
abstract (intros i; destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn in *; auto).
Global Arguments Step_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H :=
match t with
| varT n => Step_var_steps P' H a n
| appT => Step_app_steps V H a P'
| lamT => Step_lam_steps P' a
| retT => 0 (* Nop *)
Definition Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H :=
match P with
| nil => 0
| t :: P' => 1 + CaseCom_steps + Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H
Definition Step_steps_CaseList T V H :=
match T with
| nil => 0
| (a,P) :: T' => 2 + CasePair_steps a + CaseList_steps P + Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H
Definition Step_steps T V H :=
1 + CaseList_steps T + Step_steps_CaseList T V H.
Definition Step_T : tRel sigStep^+ 11 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H: Heap),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid tin[@FinR 3 i]) /\
Step_steps T V H <= k.
Lemma Step_Terminates : projT1 Step ↓ Step_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- apply Step_lam_Terminates.
- apply Step_app_Terminates.
- apply Step_var_Terminates.
intros tin k (T&V&H&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_steps in Hk.
exists (CaseList_steps T), (Step_steps_CaseList T V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. apply HInt. }
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
intros tmid bif (HCaseList&HCaseListInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList.
destruct bif, T as [ | (a,P) T']; cbn; auto; modpon HCaseList.
exists (CasePair_steps a), (1 + CaseList_steps P + Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (a, P); repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid0 () (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCasePair (a,P)). modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
exists (CaseList_steps P), (Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists P; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 bif (HCaseList'&HCaseListInj'); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList'.
destruct bif, P as [ | t P']; auto; modpon HCaseList'. cbn.
exists (CaseCom_steps), (Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid2 ymid (HCaseCom&HCaseComInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseCom.
destruct ymid as [ t' | ]. destruct HCaseCom as [? <-]. destruct t'. all:cbn; auto; simpl_surject.
- hnf; cbn. do 5 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- hnf; cbn. do 5 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- destruct HCaseCom as (?&->&?). hnf; cbn. do 6 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. simpl_surject. contains_ext.
End StepMachine.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ProgrammingTools LM_heap_def.
From Undecidability.TM.L Require Import Alphabets CaseCom LookupTM JumpTargetTM.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ListTM TM.Code.CaseList TM.Code.CasePair TM.Code.CaseSum.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Local Hint Resolve isVoid_isVoid_size : core.
(* Here we compose the Lookup and JumpTarget machines. *)
Section StepMachine.
Implicit Types H : Heap.
Implicit Types T V : list HClos.
Implicit Types a b c : HAdd.
Implicit Types g : HClos.
Implicit Types (P Q : Pro).
(* The machine operates on lists of closures and on a heap, so we need a closure-list alphabet and a heap alphabet. *)
Variable sigStep : finType.
Variable retr_closures_step : Retract (sigList sigHClos) sigStep.
Variable retr_heap_step : Retract sigHeap sigStep.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* Retracts *)
(* Closures *)
Local Definition retr_clos_step : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_closures_step _.
(* Closure addresses *)
Definition retr_pro_clos : Retract sigPro sigHClos := _.
Local Definition retr_pro_step : Retract sigPro sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_pro_clos.
Local Definition retr_tok_step : Retract sigCom sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_pro_step _.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_id _).
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_ad : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_ad.
Local Definition retr_nat_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigHClos := Retract_sigPair_Y _ _.
Local Definition retr_nat_step_clos_var : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_clos_step retr_nat_clos_var.
(* Instance of the Lookup and JumpTarget machine *)
Local Definition Step_Lookup := Lookup retr_clos_step retr_heap_step.
(* Cons a closure to a closure list, if the programm of the closure is not empty, and reset the program but not the address of the closure *)
Definition TailRec_size (T : list HClos) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 3 :=
match P with
| nil => [| id; Reset_size P; id|]
| c :: P' => [| (*0*) Constr_cons_size (a,P); (*1*) Constr_pair_size a >> Reset_size (a,P); (*2*) id |]
Definition TailRec_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall T P a (s0 s1 s2 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_pro_step;s1) P ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s2) a ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;TailRec_size T P a @>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (TailRec_size T P a @>Fin1 s1) /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad; TailRec_size T P a @>Fin2 s2) a
Definition TailRec : pTM sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
If (IsNil sigCom_fin ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin1|])
(Reset _ @ [|Fin1|])
(Constr_pair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin2; Fin1|];;
Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin1|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|]).
Lemma TailRec_Realise : TailRec ⊨ TailRec_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold TailRec. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros T P a s0 s1 s2 HEncT HEncP HEncA.
unfold TailRec_size.
destruct H; TMSimp.
- modpon H. destruct P as [ | c P']; auto; modpon H. modpon H0. repeat split; auto.
- modpon H. destruct P as [ | c P']; auto; modpon H.
specialize (H0 a (c :: P')). modpon H0.
specialize (H2 T (a, c :: P')). modpon H2.
specialize H4 with (x := (a, c :: P')). modpon H4.
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments TailRec_size : simpl never.
Local Arguments tailRecursion : simpl never.
Definition TailRec_steps P a :=
match P with
| nil => 1 + IsNil_steps + Reset_steps nil
| t::P => 1 + IsNil_steps + 1 + Constr_pair_steps a + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a, t :: P)
Definition TailRec_T : tRel sigStep^+ 3 :=
fun tin k =>
exists T P a, tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
TailRec_steps P a <= k.
Lemma TailRec_Terminates : projT1 TailRec ↓ TailRec_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold TailRec. TM_Correct.
intros tin k (T&P&a&HEncT&HEncP&HEncA&Hk). unfold TailRec_steps in Hk.
destruct P as [ | t P]; cbn.
- exists (IsNil_steps), (Reset_steps nil). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid b (HIsNil&IsNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HIsNil. destruct b; auto; modpon HIsNil. eauto.
- exists (IsNil_steps), (1 + Constr_pair_steps a + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a, (t::P))).
repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid b (HIsNil&IsNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HIsNil. destruct b; auto; modpon HIsNil.
exists (Constr_pair_steps a), (1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P) + Reset_steps (a,t::P)). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. eexists; split. simpl_surject; contains_ext. reflexivity. }
intros tmid0_ () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp.
specialize (HPair a (t::P)); modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (a,t::P)), (Reset_steps (a,t::P)). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1_ () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons T (a,t::P)). modpon HCons.
exists (a, t :: P). split; eauto.
(* Like TailRec, but doesn't check whether the program is empty, and resets a and Q *)
Definition ConsClos_size (T : list HClos) (Q : Pro) (a : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 3 :=
[| Constr_cons_size (a,Q); Reset_size a; Constr_pair_size a >> Reset_size (a, Q) |].
Definition ConsClos_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall T Q a (s0 s1 s2 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s1) a ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_pro_step;s2) Q ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin0 s0) (a, Q) :: T /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin1 s1) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (ConsClos_size T Q a @>Fin2 s2)
Definition ConsClos : pTM sigStep^+ unit 3 :=
Constr_pair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin1; Fin2|];;
Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|].
Lemma ConsClos_Realise : ConsClos ⊨ ConsClos_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold ConsClos. TM_Correct.
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros T Q a s0 s1 s2 HEncT HEncA HEncQ.
specialize (H a Q). modpon H. (* Constr_pair *)
specialize (H0 T (a, Q)). modpon H0. (* Constr_cons *)
specialize H2 with (x := (a, Q)). modpon H2. (* Reset HClos *)
modpon H4. (* Reset HAdd *)
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments ConsClos_size : simpl never.
Definition ConsClos_steps Q a :=
3 + Constr_pair_steps a + Constr_cons_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a.
Definition ConsClos_T : tRel sigStep^+ 3 :=
fun tin k =>
exists T Q a,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_pro_step) Q /\
ConsClos_steps Q a <= k.
Lemma ConsClos_Terminates : projT1 ConsClos ↓ ConsClos_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold ConsClos. TM_Correct.
intros tin k. intros (T&Q&a&HEncT&HEnca&HEncQ&Hk). unfold ConsClos_steps in Hk.
exists (Constr_pair_steps a), (1 + Constr_cons_steps (a,Q) + 1 + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists a. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp. modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (a,Q)), (1 + Reset_steps (a,Q) + Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists T, (a, Q). repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid0_ () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons T (a,Q)); modpon HCons.
exists (Reset_steps (a,Q)), (Reset_steps a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia; eauto.
intros tmid1_ () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. modpon HReset.
exists a. split; eauto.
Definition Step_lam_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 10 :=
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q, P') =>
(JumpTarget_size P @>> [|Fin3; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]) >>> (TailRec_size T P' a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>> (ConsClos_size V Q a @>> [|Fin1; Fin4; Fin6|])
| _ => default
Definition Step_lam_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 10 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 5),
let size := Step_lam_size T V H a P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isVoid_size tin[@FinR 5 i] sr[@i]) ->
match yout with
| true =>
exists (P' Q : Pro),
jumpTarget 0 [] P = Some (Q, P') /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P') T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) (a, Q) :: V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 7, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) (s3:::s4:::sr)[@i]))
| false => jumpTarget 0 [] P = None
Definition Step_lam : pTM sigStep^+ bool 10 :=
If (JumpTarget ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin3; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|])
(Return (TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
ConsClos @ [|Fin1; Fin4; Fin6|])
(Return Nop false).
Lemma Step_lam_Realise : Step_lam ⊨ Step_lam_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_lam. TM_Correct.
- apply JumpTarget_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply ConsClos_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sr HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HEncP HEncA HInt.
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
destruct H; TMSimp.
{ (* Then, i.e. jumpTarget 0 [] = Some (Q', P') *)
rename H into HJumpTarget, H1 into HTailRec, H3 into HConsClos.
modpon HJumpTarget.
instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn;simpl_surject;isVoid_mono.
destruct HJumpTarget as (P'&Q'&HJumpTarget); modpon HJumpTarget.
unfold Step_lam_size; rewrite HJumpTarget.
modpon HTailRec.
modpon HConsClos.
do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
specializeFin HJumpTarget2. clear HJumpTarget2.
cbn; TMSimp_goal. unfold id.
intros. simpl_surject.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp; cbn in *;auto.
{ (* Else, i.e. jumpTarget 0 [] = None *)
modpon H.
{ instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; auto. }
(* Steps depending on the result of JumpTarget *)
Definition Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a :=
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q', P') =>
1 + TailRec_steps P' a + ConsClos_steps Q' a
| None => 0
Definition Step_lam_steps P a := 1 + JumpTarget_steps P + Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a.
Definition Step_lam_T : tRel sigStep^+ 10 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isVoid tin[@FinR 5 i]) /\
Step_lam_steps P a <= k.
Lemma Step_lam_Terminates : projT1 Step_lam ↓ Step_lam_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_lam. TM_Correct.
- apply JumpTarget_Realise.
- apply JumpTarget_Terminates.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply ConsClos_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&a&P&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HInt&Hk).
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
unfold Step_lam_steps in Hk.
exists (JumpTarget_steps P), (Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i;cbn;simpl_surject;easy. }
intros tmid ymid (HJump&HJumpInj); TMSimp. modpon HJump.
instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_|]).
intros i. destruct_fin i; cbn; simpl_surject; TMSimp_goal; isVoid_mono.
destruct ymid.
destruct HJump as (P'&Q'&HJump); modpon HJump.
unfold Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget. rewrite HJump.
exists (TailRec_steps P' a), (ConsClos_steps Q' a). cbn; repeat split; try lia. hnf; cbn; eauto 7.
intros tmid0 () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
hnf; cbn. eauto 7.
{ lia. }
Definition Put_size (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 6 :=
(Length_size H @>> |Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|) >>>
(|pred| @>> |Fin4|) >>> (* nil *)
(|Constr_pair_size g >> pred| @>>|Fin2|) >>> (* pair and Some on tape 2 *)
[| (*0*) Length_size H @>Fin0 >> MoveValue_size_y (H++[Some(g,b)]) H;
(*1*) Reset_size g;
(*2*) Constr_pair_size g >> pred >> Reset_size (Some(g,b));
(*3*) Length_size H @>Fin1;
(*4*) Length_size H @>Fin2 >> pred >> Constr_cons_size (Some(g,b)) >> App'_size H >> MoveValue_size_x (H++[Some(g,b)]); (* nil and cons *)
(*5*) Length_size H @>Fin3
Definition Put_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ unit 6 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 : nat),
let size := Put_size H g b in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) H ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_clos_step;s1) g ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s2) b ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin3] s3 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin4] s4 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin5] s5 ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size @>Fin0 s0) H ++ [Some (g,b)] /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size @>Fin1 s1) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin2] (size @>Fin2 s2) /\
tout[@Fin3] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad; size @>Fin3 s3) length H /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin4] (size @>Fin4 s4) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin5] (size @>Fin5 s5)
Local Definition retr_nat_step_hent : Retract sigNat sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_nat_heap_entry.
Local Definition retr_clos_step_hent : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_clos_heap.
Local Definition retr_hent'_step : Retract sigHEntr' sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_hent'_heap.
Local Definition retr_hent_step : Retract sigHEntr sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_heap_step retr_hent_heap.
Definition Put : pTM sigStep^+ unit 6 :=
Length retr_heap_step retr_nat_step_clos_ad @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|];;
Constr_nil HEntr ⇑ _ @ [|Fin4|];;
Translate retr_nat_step_clos_ad retr_nat_step_hent @ [|Fin2|];;
Translate retr_clos_step retr_clos_step_hent @ [|Fin1|];;
Constr_pair sigHClos_fin sigHAdd_fin ⇑ retr_hent'_step @ [|Fin1; Fin2|];;
Constr_Some sigHEntr'_fin ⇑ retr_hent_step @ [|Fin2|];;
Constr_cons sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin4; Fin2|];;
App' sigHEntr_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin4|];;
MoveValue _ @ [|Fin4; Fin0|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin2|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin1|].
Lemma Put_Realise : Put ⊨ Put_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Put. TM_Correct.
- apply Length_Computes with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Realise with (X := HEntr).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros heap g b s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 HEncHeap HEncG HEncB HRigh3 HRight4 HRight5.
TMSimp. (* This takes long *)
rename H into HLength; rename H0 into HNil; rename H2 into HTranslate;
rename H4 into HTranslate'; rename H6 into HPair; rename H8 into HSome; rename H10 into HCons;
rename H12 into HApp; rename H14 into HMove; rename H16 into HReset; rename H18 into HReset'.
modpon HLength.
(* { intros i; destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; auto. } *)
(* specialize (HLength1 Fin1) as HLength2; specialize (HLength1 Fin0). *)
modpon HNil.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HPair.
specialize (HSome (g, b)). modpon HSome. cbn in *.
specialize (HCons [] (Some (g, b))). modpon HCons.
modpon HApp.
modpon HMove.
specialize HReset with (x := (Some (g, b))). modpon HReset.
modpon HReset'.
repeat split; auto.
Local Arguments Put_size : simpl never.
Definition Put_steps H g b :=
10 + Length_steps H + Constr_nil_steps + Translate_steps b + Translate_steps g + Constr_pair_steps g + Constr_Some_steps +
Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + App'_steps H + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g.
Definition Put_T : tRel sigStep ^+ 6 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_clos_step) g /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) b /\
isVoid tin[@Fin3] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin4] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin5] /\
Put_steps H g b <= k.
Lemma Put_Terminates : projT1 Put ↓ Put_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Put. TM_Correct.
- apply Length_Computes with (X := HEntr).
- apply Length_Terminates with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Realise with (X := HEntr).
- apply App'_Terminates with (X := HEntr).
intros tin k. intros (H&g&b&HEncH&HEncG&HEncB&HRight3&HRight4&HRight5&Hk). unfold Put_steps in Hk.
exists (Length_steps H),
(1 + Constr_nil_steps + 1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps +
1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) +
Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia. now hnf; cbn; eauto 10.
intros tmid_ () (HLength&HLengthInj); TMSimp. modpon HLength.
exists (Constr_nil_steps),
(1 + Translate_steps b + 1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps +
1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) +
Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid0_ () (HNil&HNilInj); TMSimp. modpon HNil. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps b),
(1 + Translate_steps g + 1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia. now hnf; cbn; eexists; split; eauto.
intros tmid1_ () (HTranslate&HTranslateInj); TMSimp. modpon HTranslate.
exists (Translate_steps g),
(1 + Constr_pair_steps g + 1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia. now hnf; cbn; eauto.
intros tmid2_ () (HTranslate'&HTranslateInj'); TMSimp. modpon HTranslate'.
exists (Constr_pair_steps g),
(1 + Constr_Some_steps + 1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) +
1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn; eexists; split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
intros tmid3_ () (HPair&HPairInj); TMSimp. modpon HPair.
exists (Constr_Some_steps),
(1 + Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b)) + 1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 +
Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid4_ () (HSome&HSomeInj); TMSimp. specialize (HSome (g,b)); modpon HSome.
exists (Constr_cons_steps (Some (g, b))),
(1 + App'_steps H + 1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid5_ () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCons [] (Some (g,b))); modpon HCons.
exists (App'_steps H), (1 + MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H + 1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid6_ () (HApp&HAppInj); TMSimp. modpon HApp.
exists (MoveValue_steps (H++[Some(g,b)]) H), (1 + Reset_steps (Some (g, b)) + Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid7_ () (HMove&HMoveInj); TMSimp. modpon HMove.
exists (Reset_steps (Some (g, b))), (Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (Some (g, b)). split; eauto. }
intros tmid8_ () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. specialize HReset with (x := (Some (g,b))); modpon HReset.
{ hnf; cbn. exists g. repeat split; eauto. }
(* This time I write the size function column-wise *)
Definition Step_app_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 11 :=
match V with
| g :: (b, Q) :: V' =>
([|CaseList_size0 g; CaseList_size1 g|] @>> [|Fin1;Fin5|]) >>>
([|CaseList_size0 (b,Q); CaseList_size1 (b,Q)|] @>> [|Fin1;Fin6|]) >>>
([|CasePair_size0 b; CasePair_size1 b|] @>> [|Fin6;Fin7|]) >>>
(TailRec_size T P a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>>
([|Reset_size a|] @>> [|Fin4|]) >>>
(Put_size H g b @>> [|Fin2; Fin5; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9; Fin10|]) >>>
(ConsClos_size (tailRecursion (a,P) T) Q (length H) @>> [|Fin0; Fin8; Fin6|])
| _ => default (* not specified *)
Definition Step_app_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 11 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 6),
let size := Step_app_size T V H a P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
(forall i : Fin.t 6, isVoid_size tin[@FinR 5 i] sr[@i]) ->
match yout, V with
| true, g :: (b, Q) :: V =>
let (c, H') := put H (Some (g, b)) in (* This simplifys immediatly by computation *)
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) (c, Q) :: tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H' /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size @>(FinR 3 i) (s3:::s4:::sr)[@i]))
| false, [] => True
| false, [_] => True
| _, _ => False
Definition Step_app : pTM sigStep^+ bool 11 :=
If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin5|])
(If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin6|])
(Return (CasePair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin6; Fin7|];;
TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin4|];;
Put @ [|Fin2; Fin5; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9; Fin10|];;
ConsClos @ [|Fin0; Fin8; Fin6|])
(Return Nop false))
(Return Nop false)
Arguments Step_app_size : simpl never.
Lemma Step_app_Realise : Step_app ⊨ Step_app_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_app. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply Put_Realise.
- apply ConsClos_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sr HEncT HEncV HEncH HEncP HEncA HInt.
TMSimp. rename H into HIf.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ (* Then of first CaseList, i.e. V = g :: V' *) rename H into HCaseList, H0 into HIf'.
specialize (HInt Fin0) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin1) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin2) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin3) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin4) as ?. specialize (HInt Fin5) as ?. clear HInt. cbn in *.
modpon HCaseList.
destruct V as [ | g V']; auto; modpon HCaseList.
destruct HIf'; TMSimp. (* This takes VERY long *)
rename H5 into HCaseList'; rename H7 into HCasePair; rename H9 into HTailRec;
rename H11 into HReset; rename H13 into HPut; rename H15 into HConsClos.
modpon HCaseList'. cbn in *.
destruct V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto. modpon HCaseList'.
specialize (HCasePair (b,Q)). modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
modpon HTailRec.
modpon HReset.
modpon HPut.
modpon HConsClos.
repeat split; auto.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
{ modpon H5. destruct V'; auto. }
{ specialize (HInt Fin0). modpon H. destruct V; auto. }
Arguments Step_app_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a :=
match V' with
| nil => 0 (* Nop *)
| (b, Q) :: V'' =>
4 + CasePair_steps b + TailRec_steps P a + Reset_steps a + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)
Definition Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a :=
match V with
| nil => 0 (* Nop *)
| g :: V' => 1 + CaseList_steps V' + Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a
Definition Step_app_steps V H a P := 1 + CaseList_steps V + Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a.
Definition Step_app_T : tRel sigStep^+ 11 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
(forall i : Fin.t 6, isVoid tin[@FinR 5 i]) /\
Step_app_steps V H a P <= k.
Lemma Step_app_Terminates : projT1 Step_app ↓ Step_app_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_app. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply Put_Realise.
- apply Put_Terminates.
- apply ConsClos_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&P&a&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_app_steps in Hk.
exists (CaseList_steps V), (Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ exists V. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. apply HInt. }
intros tmid_ bml1 (HCaseList&HCaseListInj); TMSimp.
specialize (HInt Fin0) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin1) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin2) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin3) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin4) as ?.
specialize (HInt Fin5) as ?.
modpon HCaseList.
destruct bml1, V as [ | g V']; auto; modpon HCaseList.
unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList.
exists (CaseList_steps V'), (Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ exists V'. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1_ bml2 (HCaseList'&HCaseListInj'); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList'.
destruct bml2, V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto; modpon HCaseList'.
unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList'.
exists (CasePair_steps b), (1 + TailRec_steps P a + 1 + Reset_steps a + 1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (b, Q). repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid2_ () (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCasePair (b,Q)); modpon HCasePair.
exists (TailRec_steps P a), (1 + Reset_steps a + 1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid3_ () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
exists (Reset_steps a), (1 + Put_steps H g b + ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid4_ () (HReset&HResetInj); TMSimp. modpon HReset.
exists (Put_steps H g b), (ConsClos_steps Q (length H)).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
intros tmid5_ () (HPut&HInjPut); TMSimp. modpon HPut.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists. repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto; contains_ext. }
Definition Step_var_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 8 :=
match lookup H a n with
| Some g =>
(TailRec_size T P a @>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|]) >>>
(Lookup_size H a n @>> [|Fin2; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]) >>>
([|Constr_cons_size g; Reset_size g|] @>> [|Fin1; Fin6|])
| None => default
Definition Step_var_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ bool 8 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro) (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 : nat),
let size := Step_var_size T V H a n P in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step;s3) P ->
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad;s4) a ->
tin[@Fin5] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_var;s5) n ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin6] s6 -> isVoid_size tin[@Fin7] s7 ->
match yout with
| true =>
exists (g : HClos),
lookup H a n = Some g /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) tailRecursion (a, P) T /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) g :: V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 5, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size @>(FinR 3 i) [|s3;s4;s5;s6;s7|][@i]))
| false => lookup H a n = None
Definition Step_var : pTM sigStep^+ bool 8 :=
TailRec @ [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4|];;
If (Step_Lookup @ [|Fin2; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|])
(Return (Constr_cons sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin1; Fin6|];;
Reset _ @ [|Fin6|])
(Return Nop false).
Local Definition retr_closure_step : Retract sigHClos sigStep := ComposeRetract retr_closures_step _.
Lemma Step_var_Realise : Step_var ⊨ Step_var_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step_var. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply Lookup_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V heap a n P s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HEncP HEncA HEncN HRight6 HRight7.
unfold Step_var_size.
TMSimp. rename H into HTailRec, H0 into HIf.
modpon HTailRec.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ rename H into HLookup, H1 into HCons, H3 into HReset.
modpon HLookup. destruct HLookup as (g&HLookup); modpon HLookup. rewrite HLookup.
modpon HCons. modpon HReset.
eexists; repeat split; eauto.
- intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; cbn; rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
{ now modpon H. }
Local Arguments Step_var_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n :=
match lookup H a n with
| None => 0 (* Nop *)
| Some g => 1 + Constr_cons_steps g + Reset_steps g
Definition Step_var_steps P H a n := 2 + TailRec_steps P a + Lookup_steps H a n + Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n.
Definition Step_var_T : tRel sigStep^+ 8 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (P : Pro),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
tin[@Fin3] ≃(retr_pro_step) P /\
tin[@Fin4] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_ad) a /\
tin[@Fin5] ≃(retr_nat_step_clos_var) n /\
isVoid tin[@Fin6] /\ isVoid tin[@Fin7] /\
Step_var_steps P H a n <= k.
Lemma Step_var_Terminates : projT1 Step_var ↓ Step_var_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step_var. TM_Correct.
- apply TailRec_Realise.
- apply TailRec_Terminates.
- apply Lookup_Realise.
- apply Lookup_Terminates.
intros tin k. intros (T&V&H&a&n&P&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HEncP&HEncA&HEncN&HRight6&HRigth7&Hk). unfold Step_var_steps in Hk.
exists (TailRec_steps P a), (1 + Lookup_steps H a n + Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto. }
intros tmid_ () (HTailRec&HTailRecInj); TMSimp. modpon HTailRec.
exists (Lookup_steps H a n), (Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto. }
intros tmid0_ ymid (HLookup&HLookupInj); TMSimp. modpon HLookup.
destruct ymid.
destruct HLookup as (g&HLookup); modpon HLookup.
unfold Step_var_steps_Lookup. rewrite HLookup.
exists (Constr_cons_steps g), (Reset_steps g).
cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. do 2 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 () (HCons&HConsInj); TMSimp. modpon HCons.
{ hnf; cbn. do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
{ lia. }
(* I forgot that While takes a machine over option unit instead of bool. But that's no problem since we have Relabel. *)
Local Coercion bool2optunit := fun b : bool => if b then None else Some tt.
Definition Step : pTM sigStep^+ (option unit) 11 :=
(If (CaseList sigHClos_fin ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0; Fin3|])
(CasePair sigHAdd_fin sigPro_fin ⇑ retr_clos_step @ [|Fin3; Fin4|];;
If (CaseList sigCom_fin ⇑ retr_pro_step @ [|Fin3; Fin5|])
(Switch (CaseCom ⇑ retr_tok_step @ [|Fin5|])
(fun t : option ACom =>
match t with
| Some lamAT =>
Step_lam @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]
| Some appAT =>
| Some retAT =>
Return Nop false
| None (* Variable *) =>
Step_var @ [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]
(Return Nop false))
(Return Nop false)
) bool2optunit.
Definition Step_size (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 11 :=
match T with
| (a, (t :: P)) :: T' =>
(* Common steps: destruct T (on tapes 0, 3, 4, 5) *)
([| (*0*) CaseList_size0 (a, (t::P));
(*3*) CaseList_size1 (a, (t::P)) >> CasePair_size0 a >> CaseList_size0 t;
(*4*) CasePair_size1 a;
(*5*) CaseList_size1 t >> CaseCom_size t |]
@>> [|Fin0; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5|]) >>>
(match t with
| lamT => Step_lam_size T' V H a P @>> [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7; Fin8; Fin9|]
| appT => Step_app_size T' V H a P
| retT => default (* not specified *)
| varT n => Step_var_size T' V H a n P @>> [|Fin0; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3; Fin4; Fin5; Fin6; Fin7|]
| _ => Vector.const id _
Definition Step_Rel : pRel sigStep^+ (option unit) 11 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (T V : list HClos) (H: Heap) (s0 s1 s2 : nat) (sr : Vector.t nat 8),
let size := Step_size T V H in
tin[@Fin0] ≃(;s0) T ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(;s1) V ->
tin[@Fin2] ≃(;s2) H ->
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tin[@FinR 3 i] (sr[@i])) ->
match yout with
| None =>
exists T' V' H',
step (T,V,H) (T',V',H') /\
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) T' /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V' /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H' /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) sr[@i]))
| Some tt =>
halt_state (T,V,H) /\
match T with
| nil =>
tout[@Fin0] ≃(;size@>Fin0 s0) (@nil HClos) /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(;size@>Fin1 s1) V /\
tout[@Fin2] ≃(;size@>Fin2 s2) H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid_size tout[@FinR 3 i] (size@>(FinR 3 i) sr[@i]))
| _ => True
Arguments Step_size : simpl never.
Opaque Step_app_size.
Lemma Step_Realise : Step ⊨ Step_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Step. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- apply Step_lam_Realise.
- apply Step_app_Realise.
- apply Step_var_Realise.
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros T V Heap s0 s1 s2 sr HEncT HEncV HEncHeap HInt.
TMSimp. rename H0 into HIf.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
{ (* Then of CaseList, i.e. T = (a, P) :: T' *) rename H into HCaseList, H0 into HCasePair, H2 into HIf'.
do_n_times_fin 8 ltac:(fun i => let H := fresh "H" in specialize (HInt i) as H;cbn in H);clear HInt.
modpon HCaseList;[]. destruct T as [ | (a, P) T' ]; auto;[]. modpon HCaseList;[].
specialize (HCasePair (a, P)); modpon HCasePair;[].
destruct HIf'; TMSimp.
{ (* Then of second CaseList, i.e P = t :: P' *) rename H7 into HCaseList', H8 into HCaseCom, H10 into HCase.
modpon HCaseList'. destruct P as [ | t P']; auto; modpon HCaseList'.
modpon HCaseCom. rename ymid0 into c.
destruct c as [ [ | | ] | ]; auto; simpl_surject; cbn in *.
1-3:destruct HCaseCom as [HCaseCom <-].
{ (* retT *)
destruct HCase as (->&(?&[=])); cbn;subst. split; auto. hnf. intros s HStep. inv HStep.
{ (* lamT *)
rename HCase into HStepLam. modpon HStepLam; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
{ instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal; cbn. all:eauto.
destruct ymid.
- cbn. destruct HStepLam as (jump_P&jump_Q&HStepLam); modpon HStepLam.
do 3 eexists. unfold Step_size;cbn. repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor. eauto.
+ generalize (HStepLam4 Fin0); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin1); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin2); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin3); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin4); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin5); generalize (HStepLam4 Fin6); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
specialize (HStepLam0 Fin10) as H'. cbn in H'. revert H'. intros -> . 2:now vector_not_in.
destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn; auto; try rewrite HStepLam0 by vector_not_in; TMSimp_goal; try rewrite !vector_tl_nth; auto.
- cbn. split; auto. intros s' HStep. inv HStep. congruence.
{ (* appT *)
rename HCase into HStepApp. cbn in HStepApp.
cbv [put] in *. modpon HStepApp; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
{ instantiate (1 := [| _;_;_;_;_;_|]).
intros i; destruct_fin i; auto; TMSimp_goal. all:cbn;eauto.
destruct ymid; cbn.
- destruct V as [ | g V']; auto.
destruct V' as [ | (b, Q) V'']; auto. modpon HStepApp;[].
do 3 eexists. repeat split.
+abstract (vm_cast_no_check HStepApp).
+abstract (vm_cast_no_check HStepApp0).
+abstract (vm_cast_no_check HStepApp1).
+abstract (intros i; specialize (HStepApp2 i);cbv delta [Step_size]; cbn in *;unfold Step_size; destruct_fin i; cbn; assumption).
- split; auto. intros s' HStep. now inv HStep.
{ (* varT *)
destruct HCaseCom as (n&->&HCaseCom).
rename HCase into HStepVar. modpon HStepVar; TMSimp_goal; eauto; try contains_ext.
destruct ymid; cbn.
- destruct HStepVar as (g&HStepVar); modpon HStepVar.
do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ generalize (HStepVar4 Fin0); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin1); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin2); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin3); generalize (HStepVar4 Fin4); cbn; TMSimp_goal; intros.
simpl_not_in. destruct_fin i; cbn; auto; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- split; auto. intros s' HStep. inv HStep. congruence.
{ (* Else of the second CaseList, i.e P = nil *)
modpon H7. destruct P; auto. split; auto. intros s HStep. now inv HStep.
{ (* Else of the first CaseList, i.e. T = nil *)
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
modpon H. destruct T; auto. modpon H. split; auto. intros s HStep. now inv HStep.
repeat split; eauto.
abstract (intros i; destruct_fin i; TMSimp_goal; cbn in *; auto).
Global Arguments Step_size : simpl never.
Definition Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H :=
match t with
| varT n => Step_var_steps P' H a n
| appT => Step_app_steps V H a P'
| lamT => Step_lam_steps P' a
| retT => 0 (* Nop *)
Definition Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H :=
match P with
| nil => 0
| t :: P' => 1 + CaseCom_steps + Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H
Definition Step_steps_CaseList T V H :=
match T with
| nil => 0
| (a,P) :: T' => 2 + CasePair_steps a + CaseList_steps P + Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H
Definition Step_steps T V H :=
1 + CaseList_steps T + Step_steps_CaseList T V H.
Definition Step_T : tRel sigStep^+ 11 :=
fun tin k =>
exists (T V : list HClos) (H: Heap),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ T /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ V /\
tin[@Fin2] ≃ H /\
(forall i : Fin.t 8, isVoid tin[@FinR 3 i]) /\
Step_steps T V H <= k.
Lemma Step_Terminates : projT1 Step ↓ Step_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Step. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_Realise. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply CaseCom_Sem.
- apply Step_lam_Terminates.
- apply Step_app_Terminates.
- apply Step_var_Terminates.
intros tin k (T&V&H&HEncT&HEncV&HEncH&HInt&Hk). unfold Step_steps in Hk.
exists (CaseList_steps T), (Step_steps_CaseList T V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ do 1 eexists; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. apply HInt. }
specializeFin HInt. clear HInt.
intros tmid bif (HCaseList&HCaseListInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList.
destruct bif, T as [ | (a,P) T']; cbn; auto; modpon HCaseList.
exists (CasePair_steps a), (1 + CaseList_steps P + Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists (a, P); repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid0 () (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. specialize (HCasePair (a,P)). modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
exists (CaseList_steps P), (Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf; cbn. exists P; repeat split; simpl_surject; eauto. }
intros tmid1 bif (HCaseList'&HCaseListInj'); TMSimp. modpon HCaseList'.
destruct bif, P as [ | t P']; auto; modpon HCaseList'. cbn.
exists (CaseCom_steps), (Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H). cbn; repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid2 ymid (HCaseCom&HCaseComInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseCom.
destruct ymid as [ t' | ]. destruct HCaseCom as [? <-]. destruct t'. all:cbn; auto; simpl_surject.
- hnf; cbn. do 5 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- hnf; cbn. do 5 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; TMSimp_goal; auto.
- destruct HCaseCom as (?&->&?). hnf; cbn. do 6 eexists; repeat split; TMSimp_goal; eauto. simpl_surject. contains_ext.
End StepMachine.