From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Bijection. (* injective *)
From Undecidability Require Import Basic.Duo.
From Undecidability Require Import Code.CaseFin Code.CaseList Code.CasePair.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Univ.LookupAssociativeListTM.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
(* * Universal Turing Machine *)
Definition map_pair (X X' Y Y' : Type) (f : X -> X') (g : Y -> Y') : X*Y->X'*Y' :=
fun '(x,y) => (f x, g y).
Section Graph.
Variable (A : finType) (B : Type) (f : A -> B).
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition graph_of_fun : list (A*B) := map (fun x => (x, f x)) enum.
Lemma graph_of_fun_functional x y1 y2 :
In (x, y1) graph_of_fun -> In (x, y2) graph_of_fun -> y1 = y2.
Proof. unfold graph_of_fun. intros (?&?H1&H2) % in_map_iff (?&H3&H4) % in_map_iff. congruence. Qed.
Lemma graph_of_fun_In x :
In (x, f x) graph_of_fun.
Proof. unfold graph_of_fun. apply in_map_iff. exists x. split. reflexivity. apply count_in_equiv. rewrite enum_ok. lia. Qed.
Lemma graph_of_fun_In' p :
In p graph_of_fun ->
exists x, p = (x, f x).
destruct p as [a b].
intros H. assert ((a, f a) el graph_of_fun) by apply graph_of_fun_In.
pose proof graph_of_fun_functional H H0 as ->. eauto.
Lemma lookup_In (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (lst : list (X*Y)) x y :
(x, y) el lst ->
exists y', lookup x lst = Some y'.
induction lst as [ | p lst IH]; cbn in *.
- auto.
- intros [ -> | Hp].
+ decide (x=x); [ | tauto]. eauto.
+ specialize IH with (1 := Hp) as (y'&IH).
destruct p as [a b]. cbn. decide (x=a) as [ <- | HDec]; eauto.
Lemma lookup_In' (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (lst : list (X*Y)) x y :
lookup x lst = Some y ->
(x, y) el lst.
induction lst as [ | [a b] lst IH]; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- decide (x=a) as [ <- | HDec].
+ intros H. inv H. eauto.
+ intros H. specialize IH with (1 := H). auto.
Lemma graph_of_fun_lookup x :
lookup x graph_of_fun = Some (f x).
pose proof graph_of_fun_In x as H.
apply lookup_In in H as (y'&H).
enough (y' = f x) by congruence.
apply lookup_In' in H. eapply graph_of_fun_functional in H; eauto.
apply graph_of_fun_In.
End Graph.
(* map keys injectively and values arbitrarily *)
Lemma lookup_map (X X' : eqType) (Y Y' : Type) (lst : list (X*Y)) (f : X -> X') (g : Y -> Y') (x : X) (y : Y) :
injective f ->
lookup x lst = Some y ->
lookup (f x) (map (map_pair f g) lst) = Some (g y).
intros HInj. revert x y. induction lst as [ | p lst IH]; intros x y HEq; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- destruct p as [a b]. cbn in *. decide (f x = f a) as [ HDec | HDec].
+ apply HInj in HDec as ->. decide (a=a) as [_|?]; [ | tauto]. congruence.
+ decide (x=a) as [ -> | _]; [congruence | ]. now apply IH.
(* States are encoded as numbers *)
Notation sigState := (sigPair bool sigNat).
Lemma transition_graph_injective (sigM : finType) :
(Encode_pair (Encode_Finite (finType_CS (option sigM)))
(Encode_pair Encode_bool Encode_nat)).
apply Encode_pair_injective.
- apply Encode_Finite_injective.
- apply Encode_pair_injective.
+ apply Encode_bool_injective.
+ apply Encode_nat_injective.
Lemma doAct_map (sig tau : Type) (t : tape sig) (f : sig -> tau) (a : option sig * move) :
mapTape f (doAct t a) = doAct (mapTape f t) (map_opt f (fst a), snd a).
destruct a as [ [ w | ] [ | | ]]; destruct t; cbn; auto.
- destruct l; cbn; auto.
- destruct l0; cbn; auto.
- destruct l; cbn; auto.
- destruct l0; cbn; auto.
Section Univ.
(* Actually, we build a Universal Turing Machine for each alphabet sigM *)
Variable (sigM : finType).
Notation sigGraph := (sigList (sigPair (sigPair (option sigM) sigState) (sigPair (option sigM * move) sigState))).
(* The alphabet of Univ *)
Variable (sig : finType).
Variable (retr_sigGraph_sig : Retract sigGraph sig).
Variable (retr_sigTape_sig : Retract sigM sig).
(* Encoding of the current state number *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sigGraph : Retract sigNat sigGraph :=
Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ _))).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sig : Retract sigNat sig :=
ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the current state (= halt bit + number) *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentState_sigGraph : Retract sigState sigGraph :=
Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_id _))).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentState_sig : Retract sigState sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentState_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of final bit of the current state *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sigGraph : Retract bool sigGraph :=
Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_sigPair_X _ _))).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig : Retract bool sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the next state *)
Local Definition retr_sigNextState_sigGraph : Retract sigState sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_Y _ _).
Local Definition retr_sigNextState_sig : Retract sigState sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigNextState_sigGraph.
(* Encoding the current symbol *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sigGraph : Retract (option sigM) sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_X _ _)).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sig: Retract (option sigM) sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of actions *)
Local Definition retr_act_sigGraph : Retract (option sigM * move) sigGraph := _.
Local Definition retr_act_sig : Retract (option sigM * move) sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_act_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the keys for Lookup (option sig * Q) *)
Local Definition retr_key_sigGraph : Retract _ sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_id _)).
Local Definition retr_key_sig : Retract _ sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_key_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the value for Lookup (option sig * Q) *)
Local Definition retr_value_sigGraph : Retract _ sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_id _)).
Local Definition retr_value_sig : Retract _ sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_value_sigGraph.
(* One tape is the working tape of the simulated machine. *)
Definition containsWorkingTape (t : tape sig^+) (tp : tape sigM) :=
t = mapTape (fun s => inr (Retr_f (Retract := retr_sigTape_sig) s)) tp.
Lemma containsWorkingTape_current t tp :
containsWorkingTape t tp ->
current t = map_opt (fun s => inr (Retr_f s)) (current tp).
Proof. intros ->. cbn. simpl_tape. auto. Qed.
Lemma containsWorkingTape_doAct (a : option sigM * move) t tp :
containsWorkingTape t tp ->
containsWorkingTape (doAct t (map_opt (fun s => inr (Retr_f s)) (fst a), snd a)) (doAct tp a).
Proof. intros ->. hnf. cbn. now rewrite doAct_map. Qed.
(* Simply read a symbol from the working tape *)
Definition ReadCurrent : pTM sig^+ (option sigM) 1 :=
CaseChar (fun c => match c with
| Some (inr c') =>
match Retr_g (Retract := retr_sigTape_sig) c' with
| Some s => Some s
| None => None
| _ => None
Definition ReadCurrent_Rel : pRel sig^+ (option sigM) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) => forall tp, containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp -> containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] tp /\ yout = current tp.
Lemma ReadCurrent_Sem : ReadCurrent ⊨c(1) ReadCurrent_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrent. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tp HContTp. TMSimp. split; auto. erewrite containsWorkingTape_current; eauto.
destruct (current tp); cbn; auto. now retract_adjoint. }
Local Instance Encode_optSigM : codable (option sigM) (option sigM) := Encode_Finite _.
(* Read the current symbol and write it to another tape *)
Definition ReadCurrent' : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
Switch (ReadCurrent @ [|Fin0|])
(fun c => WriteValue c ⇑ retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sig @ [|Fin1|]).
Definition ReadCurrent_size := pred >> pred.
Definition ReadCurrent'_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
fun tin tout =>
forall (tp : tape sigM) (s : nat),
containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin1] s ->
containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] tp /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sig; ReadCurrent_size s) current tp).
Definition ReadCurrent'_steps := 7.
Lemma ReadCurrent'_Sem : ReadCurrent' ⊨c(ReadCurrent'_steps) ReadCurrent'_Rel.
unfold ReadCurrent'_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrent'. apply Switch_RealiseIn. TM_Correct. apply ReadCurrent_Sem. intros c. TM_Correct.
instantiate (1 := WriteValue_steps 1). apply WriteValue_Sem. }
{ cbn. reflexivity. }
{ intros tin ([], tout) H. cbn. intros tp s HCont HRight1. TMSimp. modpon H. modpon H0. subst. split; auto.
contains_ext. unfold WriteValue_size, ReadCurrent_size. cbn. lia. }
Definition DoAction : option sigM * move -> pTM sig^+ unit 1 :=
fun '(m, w) => DoAct (map_opt (fun s => inr (Retr_f s)) m, w).
Definition DoAction_Rel (a : option sigM * move) : pRel sig^+ unit 1 :=
ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall tp, containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp -> containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] (doAct tp a)).
Lemma DoAction_Sem (a : option sigM * move) : DoAction a ⊨c(1) DoAction_Rel a.
destruct a as [w m]. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoAction. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tp HCont. TMSimp. apply containsWorkingTape_doAct with (a := (w,m)) in HCont. auto. }
(* Read an action and execute it *)
Definition DoAction' : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
Switch (CaseFin (FinType(EqType(option sigM * move))) ⇑ retr_act_sig @ [|Fin1|])
(fun a => DoAction a @ [|Fin0|]).
Local Instance Encode_action : codable (option sigM * move) (option sigM * move) := Encode_Finite _.
Definition DoAction_size (a : option sigM * move) (s : nat) := (Reset_size a s).
Definition DoAction'_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
(fun tin tout => forall (tp : tape sigM) (a : option sigM * move) (s : nat),
let size := DoAction_size a in
containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_act_sig; s) a ->
containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] (doAct tp a) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size s)).
Definition DoAction'_steps := 7.
Lemma DoAction'_Sem : DoAction' ⊨c(DoAction'_steps) DoAction'_Rel.
unfold DoAction'_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoAction'.
apply Switch_RealiseIn. TM_Correct.
intros a. TM_Correct. apply DoAction_Sem. }
{ cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tin ([], tout) H. cbn. intros tp [w m] s HCont HEncA. TMSimp.
unfold DoAction_size in *.
rename H into HCaseAct, H0 into HDoAct.
modpon HCaseAct. inv HCaseAct0. modpon HDoAct. auto.
Definition SetFinal (final : bool) : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
WriteValue final ⇑ retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig @ [|Fin1|];;
Constr_pair (FinType(EqType bool)) (FinType(EqType sigNat)) ⇑ retr_sigCurrentState_sig @ [|Fin1; Fin0|];;
ResetEmpty1 _ @ [|Fin1|].
Definition SetFinal_size : Vector.t (nat->nat) 2 :=
[| Constr_pair_size true; WriteValue_size true >> ResetEmpty1_size |].
Definition SetFinal_Rel (final : bool) : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall (q : nat) (s0 s1 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sig; s0) q ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin1] s1 ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(retr_sigCurrentState_sig; SetFinal_size@>Fin0 s0) (final, q) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (SetFinal_size@>Fin1 s1)).
Lemma SetFinal_Realise (final : bool) : SetFinal final ⊨ SetFinal_Rel final.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold SetFinal.
TM_Correct_step. TM_Correct_step. TM_Correct_step.
eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply WriteValue_Sem with (X := bool).
eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply ResetEmpty1_Sem with (cX := Encode_map Encode_bool retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig). }
intros tin ([], tout) H. cbn. intros q s0 s1 HEncQ HRight. TMSimp.
rename H into HWriteValue, H0 into HConstrPair, H2 into HReset.
modpon HWriteValue. unfold tape_contains in HWriteValue. modpon HConstrPair. modpon HReset. auto.
Definition SetFinal_steps := 2 + WriteValue_steps 1 + Constr_pair_steps true + ResetEmpty1_steps.
Definition SetFinal_T : tRel sig^+ 2 :=
fun tin k => exists (q:nat), tin[@Fin0] ≃(retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sig) q /\ isVoid tin[@Fin1] /\ SetFinal_steps <= k.
Lemma SetFinal_Terminates final : projT1 (SetFinal final) ↓ SetFinal_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold SetFinal. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply ResetEmpty1_Sem with (cX := Encode_map Encode_bool retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig). }
intros tin k (q&HEncQ&HRight&Hk). unfold SetFinal_steps in Hk.
exists (WriteValue_steps 1), (1 + Constr_pair_steps true + ResetEmpty1_steps). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tmid [] (HWrite&HWriteInj); TMSimp. modpon HWrite.
exists (Constr_pair_steps true), (ResetEmpty1_steps). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. cbn. eexists. split. simpl_surject. contains_ext. reflexivity. }
Definition containsState (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) :=
t ≃(retr_sigCurrentState_sig) (halt q, index q).
Definition containsState_size (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) (s : nat) :=
t ≃(retr_sigCurrentState_sig; s) (halt q, index q).
Lemma containsState_size_containsState t M (q : state M) s :
containsState_size t q s -> containsState t q.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Hint Resolve containsState_size_containsState : core.
Definition IsFinal_size (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) :=
| 0*) CasePair_size0 _ (halt q) >> SetFinal_size@>Fin0; 1*) CasePair_size1 _ (halt q) >> (S >> S) >> SetFinal_size@>Fin1|.
Definition IsFinal_size := CasePair_size1 (default : bool) >> (S >> S) >> SetFinal_size@>Fin1.
Definition IsFinal_Rel : pRel sig^+ bool 2 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) (s0 s1 : nat),
let size := IsFinal_size in
containsState_size tin[@Fin0] q s0 ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin1] s1 ->
containsState_size tout[@Fin0] q s0 /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size s1) /\
yout = halt q.
Definition IsFinal : pTM sig^+ bool 2 :=
CasePair (FinType(EqType bool)) (FinType(EqType sigNat)) ⇑ retr_sigCurrentState_sig @ [|Fin0; Fin1|];;
If (CaseFin (FinType(EqType bool)) ⇑ retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig @ [|Fin1|])
(Return (SetFinal true @ [|Fin0; Fin1|]) true)
(Return (SetFinal false @ [|Fin0; Fin1|]) false).
Lemma IsFinal_Realise : IsFinal ⊨ IsFinal_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold IsFinal. TM_Correct.
- apply SetFinal_Realise.
- apply SetFinal_Realise. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros M q s0 s1 HEncQ HRight. TMSimp. rename H into HCase, H0 into HIf.
unfold containsState_size in *.
modpon HCase. cbn in *.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
- modpon H. modpon H1. repeat split; auto. unfold containsState_size. contains_ext. congruence.
unfold Constr_pair_size, CasePair_size0. cbn. lia.
- modpon H. modpon H1. repeat split; auto. unfold containsState_size. contains_ext. congruence.
unfold Constr_pair_size, CasePair_size0. cbn. lia.
Definition IsFinal_steps (final : bool) := 2 + CasePair_steps (final) + CaseFin_steps + SetFinal_steps.
Definition IsFinal_T : tRel sig^+ 2 :=
fun tin k => exists (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M), containsState tin[@Fin0] q /\ isVoid tin[@Fin1] /\ IsFinal_steps (halt q) <= k.
Lemma IsFinal_Terminates : projT1 IsFinal ↓ IsFinal_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold IsFinal. TM_Correct.
- apply SetFinal_Terminates.
- apply SetFinal_Terminates. }
intros tin k (M&q&HEncQ&HRight&Hk). unfold IsFinal_steps in Hk.
exists (CasePair_steps (halt q)), (1 + CaseFin_steps + SetFinal_steps). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. cbn. eexists. split. simpl_surject. unfold containsState in HEncQ. eauto. cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tmid_ [] (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
{ unfold containsState in *. cbn in *. simpl_surject. contains_ext. }
exists (CaseFin_steps), (SetFinal_steps). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid0_ ymid0 (HCaseFin&HCaseFinInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseFin. subst.
destruct (halt q).
- hnf. cbn. eexists. repeat split. contains_ext. eauto. reflexivity.
- hnf. cbn. eexists. repeat split. contains_ext. eauto. reflexivity.
(* Alternative form for the transition function (for efficiency) *)
Definition graph_function (M : TM sigM 1) : option sigM * state M -> ((option sigM * move) * state M) :=
(fun '(s, q) =>
let (q', acts) := trans (q, [|s|]) in
let (w, m) := acts[@Fin0] in
((w, m), q')).
Definition trans_map_keys (M : TM sigM 1) :=
fun (key : option sigM * (state M)) =>
let (s,q) := key in
(s, (halt q, index q)).
Definition trans_map_values (M : TM sigM 1) :=
fun (value : (option sigM * move) * (state M)) =>
let (act, q') := value in
(act, (halt q', index q')).
Definition graph_of_TM (M : TM sigM 1) :
list ((option sigM * (bool * nat)) * ((option sigM * move) * (bool * nat))) :=
map (map_pair (trans_map_keys (M := M)) (trans_map_values (M := M)))
(graph_of_fun (@graph_function M)).
Local Instance Encode_graph : codable sigGraph (list ((option sigM * (bool * nat)) * ((option sigM * move) * (bool * nat)))) :=
(Encode_pair (Encode_pair (Encode_Finite _) (Encode_pair Encode_bool Encode_nat))
(Encode_pair (Encode_Finite _) (Encode_pair Encode_bool Encode_nat)))).
Lemma trans_map_keys_injective (M : TM sigM 1) : injective (trans_map_keys (M:=M)).
Proof. hnf. unfold trans_map_keys. intros (s1&q1) (s2&q2). intros H. inv H. f_equal. now apply injective_index in H3. Qed.
Lemma lookup_graph (M : TM sigM 1) (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) :
lookup (current tp, (halt q, index q)) (graph_of_TM M) =
let (q', acts) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
Some (acts[@Fin0], (halt q', index q')).
destruct (trans (q, [|current tp|])) as [q' acts] eqn:E.
unfold graph_of_TM.
change (current tp, (halt q, index q)) with ((trans_map_keys (M:=M)) (current tp, q)).
change (acts[@Fin0], (halt q', index q')) with ((trans_map_values (M:=M)) (acts[@Fin0], q')).
apply lookup_map with (f := trans_map_keys (M:=M)) (g := trans_map_values (M:=M)).
- apply trans_map_keys_injective.
- replace (acts[@Fin0], q') with ((graph_function (M:=M)) (current tp, q)).
+ apply graph_of_fun_lookup.
+ cbn. rewrite E. now destruct (acts[@Fin0]).
Definition containsTrans (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) :=
t ≃(retr_sigGraph_sig) (graph_of_TM M).
Definition containsTrans_size (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) (s : nat) :=
t ≃(retr_sigGraph_sig; s) (graph_of_TM M).
Lemma containsTrans_size_containsTrans t M s : containsTrans_size t M s -> containsTrans t M.
Proof. intros H. unfold containsTrans, containsTrans_size in *. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve containsTrans_size_containsTrans : core.
End Univ.
(* Print Assumptions Univ_Realise. *)
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Bijection. (* injective *)
From Undecidability Require Import Basic.Duo.
From Undecidability Require Import Code.CaseFin Code.CaseList Code.CasePair.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Univ.LookupAssociativeListTM.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
(* * Universal Turing Machine *)
Definition map_pair (X X' Y Y' : Type) (f : X -> X') (g : Y -> Y') : X*Y->X'*Y' :=
fun '(x,y) => (f x, g y).
Section Graph.
Variable (A : finType) (B : Type) (f : A -> B).
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition graph_of_fun : list (A*B) := map (fun x => (x, f x)) enum.
Lemma graph_of_fun_functional x y1 y2 :
In (x, y1) graph_of_fun -> In (x, y2) graph_of_fun -> y1 = y2.
Proof. unfold graph_of_fun. intros (?&?H1&H2) % in_map_iff (?&H3&H4) % in_map_iff. congruence. Qed.
Lemma graph_of_fun_In x :
In (x, f x) graph_of_fun.
Proof. unfold graph_of_fun. apply in_map_iff. exists x. split. reflexivity. apply count_in_equiv. rewrite enum_ok. lia. Qed.
Lemma graph_of_fun_In' p :
In p graph_of_fun ->
exists x, p = (x, f x).
destruct p as [a b].
intros H. assert ((a, f a) el graph_of_fun) by apply graph_of_fun_In.
pose proof graph_of_fun_functional H H0 as ->. eauto.
Lemma lookup_In (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (lst : list (X*Y)) x y :
(x, y) el lst ->
exists y', lookup x lst = Some y'.
induction lst as [ | p lst IH]; cbn in *.
- auto.
- intros [ -> | Hp].
+ decide (x=x); [ | tauto]. eauto.
+ specialize IH with (1 := Hp) as (y'&IH).
destruct p as [a b]. cbn. decide (x=a) as [ <- | HDec]; eauto.
Lemma lookup_In' (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (lst : list (X*Y)) x y :
lookup x lst = Some y ->
(x, y) el lst.
induction lst as [ | [a b] lst IH]; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- decide (x=a) as [ <- | HDec].
+ intros H. inv H. eauto.
+ intros H. specialize IH with (1 := H). auto.
Lemma graph_of_fun_lookup x :
lookup x graph_of_fun = Some (f x).
pose proof graph_of_fun_In x as H.
apply lookup_In in H as (y'&H).
enough (y' = f x) by congruence.
apply lookup_In' in H. eapply graph_of_fun_functional in H; eauto.
apply graph_of_fun_In.
End Graph.
(* map keys injectively and values arbitrarily *)
Lemma lookup_map (X X' : eqType) (Y Y' : Type) (lst : list (X*Y)) (f : X -> X') (g : Y -> Y') (x : X) (y : Y) :
injective f ->
lookup x lst = Some y ->
lookup (f x) (map (map_pair f g) lst) = Some (g y).
intros HInj. revert x y. induction lst as [ | p lst IH]; intros x y HEq; cbn in *.
- congruence.
- destruct p as [a b]. cbn in *. decide (f x = f a) as [ HDec | HDec].
+ apply HInj in HDec as ->. decide (a=a) as [_|?]; [ | tauto]. congruence.
+ decide (x=a) as [ -> | _]; [congruence | ]. now apply IH.
(* States are encoded as numbers *)
Notation sigState := (sigPair bool sigNat).
Lemma transition_graph_injective (sigM : finType) :
(Encode_pair (Encode_Finite (finType_CS (option sigM)))
(Encode_pair Encode_bool Encode_nat)).
apply Encode_pair_injective.
- apply Encode_Finite_injective.
- apply Encode_pair_injective.
+ apply Encode_bool_injective.
+ apply Encode_nat_injective.
Lemma doAct_map (sig tau : Type) (t : tape sig) (f : sig -> tau) (a : option sig * move) :
mapTape f (doAct t a) = doAct (mapTape f t) (map_opt f (fst a), snd a).
destruct a as [ [ w | ] [ | | ]]; destruct t; cbn; auto.
- destruct l; cbn; auto.
- destruct l0; cbn; auto.
- destruct l; cbn; auto.
- destruct l0; cbn; auto.
Section Univ.
(* Actually, we build a Universal Turing Machine for each alphabet sigM *)
Variable (sigM : finType).
Notation sigGraph := (sigList (sigPair (sigPair (option sigM) sigState) (sigPair (option sigM * move) sigState))).
(* The alphabet of Univ *)
Variable (sig : finType).
Variable (retr_sigGraph_sig : Retract sigGraph sig).
Variable (retr_sigTape_sig : Retract sigM sig).
(* Encoding of the current state number *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sigGraph : Retract sigNat sigGraph :=
Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ _))).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sig : Retract sigNat sig :=
ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the current state (= halt bit + number) *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentState_sigGraph : Retract sigState sigGraph :=
Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_id _))).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentState_sig : Retract sigState sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentState_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of final bit of the current state *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sigGraph : Retract bool sigGraph :=
Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_sigPair_X _ _))).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig : Retract bool sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the next state *)
Local Definition retr_sigNextState_sigGraph : Retract sigState sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_Y _ _).
Local Definition retr_sigNextState_sig : Retract sigState sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigNextState_sigGraph.
(* Encoding the current symbol *)
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sigGraph : Retract (option sigM) sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_sigPair_X _ _)).
Local Definition retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sig: Retract (option sigM) sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of actions *)
Local Definition retr_act_sigGraph : Retract (option sigM * move) sigGraph := _.
Local Definition retr_act_sig : Retract (option sigM * move) sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_act_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the keys for Lookup (option sig * Q) *)
Local Definition retr_key_sigGraph : Retract _ sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_X _ (Retract_id _)).
Local Definition retr_key_sig : Retract _ sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_key_sigGraph.
(* Encoding of the value for Lookup (option sig * Q) *)
Local Definition retr_value_sigGraph : Retract _ sigGraph := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_sigPair_Y _ (Retract_id _)).
Local Definition retr_value_sig : Retract _ sig := ComposeRetract retr_sigGraph_sig retr_value_sigGraph.
(* One tape is the working tape of the simulated machine. *)
Definition containsWorkingTape (t : tape sig^+) (tp : tape sigM) :=
t = mapTape (fun s => inr (Retr_f (Retract := retr_sigTape_sig) s)) tp.
Lemma containsWorkingTape_current t tp :
containsWorkingTape t tp ->
current t = map_opt (fun s => inr (Retr_f s)) (current tp).
Proof. intros ->. cbn. simpl_tape. auto. Qed.
Lemma containsWorkingTape_doAct (a : option sigM * move) t tp :
containsWorkingTape t tp ->
containsWorkingTape (doAct t (map_opt (fun s => inr (Retr_f s)) (fst a), snd a)) (doAct tp a).
Proof. intros ->. hnf. cbn. now rewrite doAct_map. Qed.
(* Simply read a symbol from the working tape *)
Definition ReadCurrent : pTM sig^+ (option sigM) 1 :=
CaseChar (fun c => match c with
| Some (inr c') =>
match Retr_g (Retract := retr_sigTape_sig) c' with
| Some s => Some s
| None => None
| _ => None
Definition ReadCurrent_Rel : pRel sig^+ (option sigM) 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) => forall tp, containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp -> containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] tp /\ yout = current tp.
Lemma ReadCurrent_Sem : ReadCurrent ⊨c(1) ReadCurrent_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrent. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros tp HContTp. TMSimp. split; auto. erewrite containsWorkingTape_current; eauto.
destruct (current tp); cbn; auto. now retract_adjoint. }
Local Instance Encode_optSigM : codable (option sigM) (option sigM) := Encode_Finite _.
(* Read the current symbol and write it to another tape *)
Definition ReadCurrent' : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
Switch (ReadCurrent @ [|Fin0|])
(fun c => WriteValue c ⇑ retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sig @ [|Fin1|]).
Definition ReadCurrent_size := pred >> pred.
Definition ReadCurrent'_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
fun tin tout =>
forall (tp : tape sigM) (s : nat),
containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin1] s ->
containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] tp /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃(retr_sigCurrentSymbol_sig; ReadCurrent_size s) current tp).
Definition ReadCurrent'_steps := 7.
Lemma ReadCurrent'_Sem : ReadCurrent' ⊨c(ReadCurrent'_steps) ReadCurrent'_Rel.
unfold ReadCurrent'_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ReadCurrent'. apply Switch_RealiseIn. TM_Correct. apply ReadCurrent_Sem. intros c. TM_Correct.
instantiate (1 := WriteValue_steps 1). apply WriteValue_Sem. }
{ cbn. reflexivity. }
{ intros tin ([], tout) H. cbn. intros tp s HCont HRight1. TMSimp. modpon H. modpon H0. subst. split; auto.
contains_ext. unfold WriteValue_size, ReadCurrent_size. cbn. lia. }
Definition DoAction : option sigM * move -> pTM sig^+ unit 1 :=
fun '(m, w) => DoAct (map_opt (fun s => inr (Retr_f s)) m, w).
Definition DoAction_Rel (a : option sigM * move) : pRel sig^+ unit 1 :=
ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall tp, containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp -> containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] (doAct tp a)).
Lemma DoAction_Sem (a : option sigM * move) : DoAction a ⊨c(1) DoAction_Rel a.
destruct a as [w m]. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoAction. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ intros tin ([], tout) H. intros tp HCont. TMSimp. apply containsWorkingTape_doAct with (a := (w,m)) in HCont. auto. }
(* Read an action and execute it *)
Definition DoAction' : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
Switch (CaseFin (FinType(EqType(option sigM * move))) ⇑ retr_act_sig @ [|Fin1|])
(fun a => DoAction a @ [|Fin0|]).
Local Instance Encode_action : codable (option sigM * move) (option sigM * move) := Encode_Finite _.
Definition DoAction_size (a : option sigM * move) (s : nat) := (Reset_size a s).
Definition DoAction'_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
(fun tin tout => forall (tp : tape sigM) (a : option sigM * move) (s : nat),
let size := DoAction_size a in
containsWorkingTape tin[@Fin0] tp ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃(retr_act_sig; s) a ->
containsWorkingTape tout[@Fin0] (doAct tp a) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size s)).
Definition DoAction'_steps := 7.
Lemma DoAction'_Sem : DoAction' ⊨c(DoAction'_steps) DoAction'_Rel.
unfold DoAction'_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold DoAction'.
apply Switch_RealiseIn. TM_Correct.
intros a. TM_Correct. apply DoAction_Sem. }
{ cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tin ([], tout) H. cbn. intros tp [w m] s HCont HEncA. TMSimp.
unfold DoAction_size in *.
rename H into HCaseAct, H0 into HDoAct.
modpon HCaseAct. inv HCaseAct0. modpon HDoAct. auto.
Definition SetFinal (final : bool) : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
WriteValue final ⇑ retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig @ [|Fin1|];;
Constr_pair (FinType(EqType bool)) (FinType(EqType sigNat)) ⇑ retr_sigCurrentState_sig @ [|Fin1; Fin0|];;
ResetEmpty1 _ @ [|Fin1|].
Definition SetFinal_size : Vector.t (nat->nat) 2 :=
[| Constr_pair_size true; WriteValue_size true >> ResetEmpty1_size |].
Definition SetFinal_Rel (final : bool) : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
(fun tin tout =>
forall (q : nat) (s0 s1 : nat),
tin[@Fin0] ≃(retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sig; s0) q ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin1] s1 ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(retr_sigCurrentState_sig; SetFinal_size@>Fin0 s0) (final, q) /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (SetFinal_size@>Fin1 s1)).
Lemma SetFinal_Realise (final : bool) : SetFinal final ⊨ SetFinal_Rel final.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold SetFinal.
TM_Correct_step. TM_Correct_step. TM_Correct_step.
eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply WriteValue_Sem with (X := bool).
eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply ResetEmpty1_Sem with (cX := Encode_map Encode_bool retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig). }
intros tin ([], tout) H. cbn. intros q s0 s1 HEncQ HRight. TMSimp.
rename H into HWriteValue, H0 into HConstrPair, H2 into HReset.
modpon HWriteValue. unfold tape_contains in HWriteValue. modpon HConstrPair. modpon HReset. auto.
Definition SetFinal_steps := 2 + WriteValue_steps 1 + Constr_pair_steps true + ResetEmpty1_steps.
Definition SetFinal_T : tRel sig^+ 2 :=
fun tin k => exists (q:nat), tin[@Fin0] ≃(retr_sigCurrentStateNumber_sig) q /\ isVoid tin[@Fin1] /\ SetFinal_steps <= k.
Lemma SetFinal_Terminates final : projT1 (SetFinal final) ↓ SetFinal_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold SetFinal. TM_Correct.
- eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn. apply ResetEmpty1_Sem with (cX := Encode_map Encode_bool retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig). }
intros tin k (q&HEncQ&HRight&Hk). unfold SetFinal_steps in Hk.
exists (WriteValue_steps 1), (1 + Constr_pair_steps true + ResetEmpty1_steps). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tmid [] (HWrite&HWriteInj); TMSimp. modpon HWrite.
exists (Constr_pair_steps true), (ResetEmpty1_steps). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. cbn. eexists. split. simpl_surject. contains_ext. reflexivity. }
Definition containsState (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) :=
t ≃(retr_sigCurrentState_sig) (halt q, index q).
Definition containsState_size (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) (s : nat) :=
t ≃(retr_sigCurrentState_sig; s) (halt q, index q).
Lemma containsState_size_containsState t M (q : state M) s :
containsState_size t q s -> containsState t q.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Hint Resolve containsState_size_containsState : core.
Definition IsFinal_size (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) :=
| 0*) CasePair_size0 _ (halt q) >> SetFinal_size@>Fin0; 1*) CasePair_size1 _ (halt q) >> (S >> S) >> SetFinal_size@>Fin1|.
Definition IsFinal_size := CasePair_size1 (default : bool) >> (S >> S) >> SetFinal_size@>Fin1.
Definition IsFinal_Rel : pRel sig^+ bool 2 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) (s0 s1 : nat),
let size := IsFinal_size in
containsState_size tin[@Fin0] q s0 ->
isVoid_size tin[@Fin1] s1 ->
containsState_size tout[@Fin0] q s0 /\
isVoid_size tout[@Fin1] (size s1) /\
yout = halt q.
Definition IsFinal : pTM sig^+ bool 2 :=
CasePair (FinType(EqType bool)) (FinType(EqType sigNat)) ⇑ retr_sigCurrentState_sig @ [|Fin0; Fin1|];;
If (CaseFin (FinType(EqType bool)) ⇑ retr_sigCurrentStateFinal_sig @ [|Fin1|])
(Return (SetFinal true @ [|Fin0; Fin1|]) true)
(Return (SetFinal false @ [|Fin0; Fin1|]) false).
Lemma IsFinal_Realise : IsFinal ⊨ IsFinal_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold IsFinal. TM_Correct.
- apply SetFinal_Realise.
- apply SetFinal_Realise. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros M q s0 s1 HEncQ HRight. TMSimp. rename H into HCase, H0 into HIf.
unfold containsState_size in *.
modpon HCase. cbn in *.
destruct HIf; TMSimp.
- modpon H. modpon H1. repeat split; auto. unfold containsState_size. contains_ext. congruence.
unfold Constr_pair_size, CasePair_size0. cbn. lia.
- modpon H. modpon H1. repeat split; auto. unfold containsState_size. contains_ext. congruence.
unfold Constr_pair_size, CasePair_size0. cbn. lia.
Definition IsFinal_steps (final : bool) := 2 + CasePair_steps (final) + CaseFin_steps + SetFinal_steps.
Definition IsFinal_T : tRel sig^+ 2 :=
fun tin k => exists (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M), containsState tin[@Fin0] q /\ isVoid tin[@Fin1] /\ IsFinal_steps (halt q) <= k.
Lemma IsFinal_Terminates : projT1 IsFinal ↓ IsFinal_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold IsFinal. TM_Correct.
- apply SetFinal_Terminates.
- apply SetFinal_Terminates. }
intros tin k (M&q&HEncQ&HRight&Hk). unfold IsFinal_steps in Hk.
exists (CasePair_steps (halt q)), (1 + CaseFin_steps + SetFinal_steps). repeat split; try lia.
{ hnf. cbn. eexists. split. simpl_surject. unfold containsState in HEncQ. eauto. cbn. reflexivity. }
intros tmid_ [] (HCasePair&HCasePairInj); TMSimp. modpon HCasePair. cbn in *.
{ unfold containsState in *. cbn in *. simpl_surject. contains_ext. }
exists (CaseFin_steps), (SetFinal_steps). repeat split; try lia.
intros tmid0_ ymid0 (HCaseFin&HCaseFinInj); TMSimp. modpon HCaseFin. subst.
destruct (halt q).
- hnf. cbn. eexists. repeat split. contains_ext. eauto. reflexivity.
- hnf. cbn. eexists. repeat split. contains_ext. eauto. reflexivity.
(* Alternative form for the transition function (for efficiency) *)
Definition graph_function (M : TM sigM 1) : option sigM * state M -> ((option sigM * move) * state M) :=
(fun '(s, q) =>
let (q', acts) := trans (q, [|s|]) in
let (w, m) := acts[@Fin0] in
((w, m), q')).
Definition trans_map_keys (M : TM sigM 1) :=
fun (key : option sigM * (state M)) =>
let (s,q) := key in
(s, (halt q, index q)).
Definition trans_map_values (M : TM sigM 1) :=
fun (value : (option sigM * move) * (state M)) =>
let (act, q') := value in
(act, (halt q', index q')).
Definition graph_of_TM (M : TM sigM 1) :
list ((option sigM * (bool * nat)) * ((option sigM * move) * (bool * nat))) :=
map (map_pair (trans_map_keys (M := M)) (trans_map_values (M := M)))
(graph_of_fun (@graph_function M)).
Local Instance Encode_graph : codable sigGraph (list ((option sigM * (bool * nat)) * ((option sigM * move) * (bool * nat)))) :=
(Encode_pair (Encode_pair (Encode_Finite _) (Encode_pair Encode_bool Encode_nat))
(Encode_pair (Encode_Finite _) (Encode_pair Encode_bool Encode_nat)))).
Lemma trans_map_keys_injective (M : TM sigM 1) : injective (trans_map_keys (M:=M)).
Proof. hnf. unfold trans_map_keys. intros (s1&q1) (s2&q2). intros H. inv H. f_equal. now apply injective_index in H3. Qed.
Lemma lookup_graph (M : TM sigM 1) (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) :
lookup (current tp, (halt q, index q)) (graph_of_TM M) =
let (q', acts) := trans (q, [|current tp|]) in
Some (acts[@Fin0], (halt q', index q')).
destruct (trans (q, [|current tp|])) as [q' acts] eqn:E.
unfold graph_of_TM.
change (current tp, (halt q, index q)) with ((trans_map_keys (M:=M)) (current tp, q)).
change (acts[@Fin0], (halt q', index q')) with ((trans_map_values (M:=M)) (acts[@Fin0], q')).
apply lookup_map with (f := trans_map_keys (M:=M)) (g := trans_map_values (M:=M)).
- apply trans_map_keys_injective.
- replace (acts[@Fin0], q') with ((graph_function (M:=M)) (current tp, q)).
+ apply graph_of_fun_lookup.
+ cbn. rewrite E. now destruct (acts[@Fin0]).
Definition containsTrans (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) :=
t ≃(retr_sigGraph_sig) (graph_of_TM M).
Definition containsTrans_size (t : tape sig^+) (M : TM sigM 1) (s : nat) :=
t ≃(retr_sigGraph_sig; s) (graph_of_TM M).
Lemma containsTrans_size_containsTrans t M s : containsTrans_size t M s -> containsTrans t M.
Proof. intros H. unfold containsTrans, containsTrans_size in *. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve containsTrans_size_containsTrans : core.
End Univ.
(* Print Assumptions Univ_Realise. *)